Shigenori Matsui PANDEMIC: COVID-19 AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY 38 Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 139, Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law (2021); (Publication Name: Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law) (Spring, 2021) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 140 II. The New Coronavirus and Japan. 142 A. The New Coronavirus and Its Outbreak. 142 B. COVID-19 and Japan. 146 III. Contagious Disease Prevention System. 151 A. Infectious Disease Prevention Act. 151 IV. Immigration Control and Quarantine System. 156 A. Immigration Control System. 156 B. Quarantine System.... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Marika Dias PARADOX AND POSSIBILITY: MOVEMENT LAWYERING DURING THE COVID-19 HOUSING CRISIS 24 CUNY Law Review 173 (Summer, 2021) Introduction. 173 I. The Housing Movement Rising. 177 II. Really? You Want to Evict People During a Pandemic? Keeping the Eviction Mills Closed. 182 III. Cancel Rent--A Time for Bold Demands. 191 IV. Not One Cent on the Rent: A Mass Rent Strike. 200 V. Closing out--Building our power to Fight and Win. 207 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Najarian Peters PARALLEL PANDEMICS: THE AMERICAN PROBLEM OF ANTI-ENFORCEMENT, RATIONAL DISTRUST, AND COVID-19 52 Seton Hall Law Review 371 (2021) There is nothing new under the sun, but there are new suns. -Octavia E. Butler In the United States of America, we have had moments when we seemed to know what our ailments were, and we named some of them accurately and honestly. Some of our laws once sought to remedy the rot at the branch and at the root, beginning with the Civil War Amendments... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Zoë Haggerty PATENTABILITY OF COVID-19 VACCINES 2021 Boston College Intellectual Property & Technology Forum 1 (August 23, 2021) In many ways, the COVID-19 crisis has disproportionately affected the most vulnerable and underprivileged members of society. National lockdowns, halted economies, and overburdened hospital systems have significantly exacerbated the obstacles faced by those already financially insecure. In light of these unique and widespread challenges,... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jeffrey H. Brochin, J.D. Pharmaceutical News: States Are Diverging from Cdc Guidance on Covid-19 Vaccination Priorities Wolters Kluwer Health Law Daily (1/13/2021) Access to Covid-19 vaccines during the first three months of the roll-out may depend to a great deal on geography. States are developing their own COVID-19 vaccine distribution policies, unique from CDC guidance and from each other, resulting in a vaccine roll-out labyrinth across the country, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) study on...; Search Snippet: ...Story PHARMACEUTICAL NEWS: STATES ARE DIVERGING FROM CDC GUIDANCE ON COVID- 19 VACCINATION PRIORITIES January 13, 2021 By Jeffrey H. Brochin, J.D... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jeffrey H. Brochin, J.D. Pharmaceutical News: States Are Diverging from Cdc Guidance on Covid-19 Vaccination Priorities Wolters Kluwer Health Law Daily(1/13/2021) (1/13/2021) Access to Covid-19 vaccines during the first three months of the roll-out may depend to a great deal on geography. States are developing their own COVID-19 vaccine distribution policies, unique from CDC guidance and from each other, resulting in a vaccine roll-out labyrinth across the country, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) study on... 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Manaire T. Vaughn PRACTICING WITH GRACE 78-APR Bench & B. Minn. 26, Bench and Bar of Minnesota (April, 2021); (Publication Name: Bench and Bar of Minnesota) (April, 2021) To truly understand the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, we must look at all covid-related legal issues with a systemic lens and be open to creative problem solving. It's hard to think of an area in which this is more emphatically true than with respect to the impending tsunami of eviction filings once federal and local moratoria are rescinded.... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Benjamin P. Cooper PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS ON ACCESS TO JUSTICE IN THE AGE OF COVID-19 56 Gonzaga Law Review 227 (2020/2021) C1-3Table of contents L1-2Introduction . L3227 I. The Justice Gap. 228 II. The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Justice Gap. 232 A. The Bad News. 232 B. Silver Linings. 234 C. Remaining Obstacles and Challenges. 238 L1-2Conclusion . L3241 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  PRESS BRIEFING BY WHITE HOUSE COVID-19 RESPONSE TEAM AND PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS (October 20, 2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  PRESS BRIEFING BY WHITE HOUSE COVID-19 RESPONSE TEAM AND PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS (September 28, 2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  PRESS BRIEFING BY WHITE HOUSE COVID-19 RESPONSE TEAM AND PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS No Citation Available (4/14/2021) (4/12/2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Mary Crossley PRISONS, NURSING HOMES, AND MEDICAID: A COVID-19 CASE STUDY IN HEALTH INJUSTICE 30 Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences 101 (Summer, 2021) As the coronavirus closed down the United States economy in March 2020, it did not take long for predictions to emerge claiming that COVID-19 would disproportionately affect Black communities. Only weeks into the shutdown, Dr. Uché Blackstock, a health equity expert, began sounding the alarm, stating in an interview [w]hen it hits the fan, we're... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
R. Chantz Richens PRIVACY IN A PANDEMIC: AN EXAMINATION OF THE UNITED STATES' RESPONSE TO COVID-19 ANALYZING PRIVACY RIGHTS AFFORDED TO CHILDREN UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW 28 Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution 244 (2021) Among legal disciplines and focus areas that have emerged and evolved in the twenty-first century, the concept of child law has been at the forefront. An examination of the historical, psychological, sociological, and political insights into childhood show the metaphorical explosion of research devoted to understanding children and childhood within... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
L. S. Tellier Proof as to exclusion of or discrimination against eligible class or race in respect to jury in criminal case 1 American Law Reports ALR2d 1291 (The ALR databases are made current by the weekly addition of relevant new cases.) It is recognized that an intentional, planned, and deliberate exclusion of, or discrimination against, members of a particular political or economic group, religious faith, race, or sex, by officers in charge of the selection and summoning of jurors, is in contravention of the constitutional right to jury trial and of the due process" and "equal..." 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Chesa Boudin PROSECUTORS, POWER, AND JUSTICE: BUILDING AN ANTI-RACIST PROSECUTORIAL SYSTEM 73 Rutgers University Law Review 1325 (Summer, 2021) Well thank you for that really warm introduction. Good afternoon, everyone--I guess it's afternoon, whichever time zone we're all in. I'm really pleased to be here, not physically here, but here with you at the Rutgers University Law Review Symposium. It's always a pleasure to speak alongside, and to work in partnership with, my colleague across... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Katie Raitz PUBLIC HEALTH AND RACIAL INEQUALITY: WHY THE OPPORTUNITY ZONE PROGRAM FAILS LOW-INCOME COMMUNITIES AND COSTS LIVES 12 UC Irvine Law Review 315 (November, 2021) The rich man's dog gets more in the way of vaccination, medicine and medical care than do the workers upon whom the rich man's wealth is built. Poor health outcomes are linked to long-standing wealth disparities for people of color in the United States. Wealth inequality has gotten worse over the past decades, despite attempts to improve it. The... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Lynnise E. Phillips Pantin RACE AND EQUITY IN THE AGE OF UNICORNS 72 Hastings Law Journal 1453 (May, 2021) This Article critically examines startup culture and its legal predicates. The Article analyzes innovation culture as a whole and uses the downfall of Theranos to illustrate the deficiencies in Silicon Valley culture, centering on race and class. The Article demonstrates that the rise and fall of the unicorn startup Theranos and its founder,... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  RACE AND ETHNICITY DATA FOR MEDICAID BENEFICIARIES - DECEMBER 2021 Health Care Compliance Reporter 6278736 (2021) Complete and consistent race and ethnicity data for Medicaid beneficiaries are critical to identifying and addressing health disparities. As the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted disparities among racial and ethnic groups, the availability and quality of data on race and ethnicity warrants a closer look in order to accurately and appropriately... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Craig Konnoth RACE AND MEDICAL DOUBLE-BINDS 121 Columbia Law Review Forum 135 (October 8, 2021) Race and medicine scholarship is beset by a conundrum. On one hand, some racial justice scholars and advocates frame the harms that racial minorities experience through a medical lens. Poverty and homelessness are social determinants of health that medical frameworks should account for. Racism itself is a public health threat. On the other hand,... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Steven A. Ramirez RACE IN AMERICA 2021: A TIME TO EMBRACE BEAUHARNAIS v. ILLINOIS? 52 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 1001 (Summer, 2021) Hate crimes and racially motivated violence spiked in the United States over the past few years. Our foreign adversaries seek to inflame racial divisions in our nation and turn American against American. This now forms a major threat to our national security and domestic tranquility. Indeed, in light of the attempted insurrection of January 6,... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Thalia González RACE, SCHOOL POLICING, AND PUBLIC HEALTH 73 Stanford Law Review Online 180 (June, 2021) The ever-growing list of names of Black victims who have died at the hands of police has emboldened a new public narrative that frames police violence--and other more commonplace, though less lethal, disparate policing practices--as a public health crisis rooted in this country's history of racism and anti-Blackness. This public narrative... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Francis T. Cullen, Leah C. Butler, Amanda Graham RACIAL ATTITUDES AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY 50 Crime and Justice 163 (2021) Empirical research on public policy preferences must attend to Whites' animus toward Blacks. For a quarter-century, studies have consistently found that Kinder and Sanders's four-item measure of racial resentment is a robust predictor of almost every social and criminal justice policy opinion. Racial animus increases Whites' opposition to social... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Yuvraj Joshi RACIAL TRANSITION 98 Washington University Law Review 1181 (2021) The United States is a nation in transition, struggling to surmount its racist past. This transitional imperative underpins American race jurisprudence, yet the transitional bases of decisions are rarely acknowledged and sometimes even denied. This Article uncovers two main ways that the Supreme Court has sought racial transition. While Civil... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Vinay Harpalani RACIAL TRIANGULATION, INTEREST-CONVERGENCE, AND THE DOUBLE-CONSCIOUSNESS OF ASIAN AMERICANS 37 Georgia State University Law Review 1361 (Summer, 2021) This Essay integrates Professor Claire Jean Kim's racial triangulation framework, Professor Derrick Bell's interest-convergence theory, and W.E.B. Du Bois's notion of double-consciousness, all to examine the racial positioning of Asian Americans and the dilemmas we face as a result. To do so, this Essay considers the history of Asian immigration to... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Charlie Martel RACISM AND BIGOTRY AS GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT 45 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 197 (2021) Building on years of anti-racist organizing and advocacy, millions of Americans took to the streets to protest racism and demand racial justice in mid-2020. Much of the protest was directed at President Donald Trump--a president whose words and actions were racially polarizing and who deliberately incited racist hostility. This president was also... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Charlene Galarneau , Ruqaiijah Yearby RACISM, HEALTH EQUITY, AND CRISIS STANDARDS OF CARE IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 14 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 211 (2021) Long-standing and deeply embedded institutional racism, notably anti-Black racism in U.S. health care, has provided a solid footing for the health inequities by race evident in the COVID-19 pandemic. Inequities in susceptibility, exposure, infection, hospitalization, and treatment reflect and reinforce this racism and cause incalculable and... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Victor C. Romero RACISM, INCORPORATED: RAMOS v. LOUISIANA AND JOGGING WHILE BLACK 30 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 101 (Fall, 2020/2021) There is more to the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in Ramos v. Louisiana than its holding requiring unanimous state jury verdicts via the incorporation doctrine. The underlying debate among the Justices in Ramos about the salience of race in the law is a window into the current cultural moment. After identifying the racial debate underlying... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  READOUT OF OVAL OFFICE MEETING WITH CONGRESSIONAL HISPANIC CAUCUS LEADERSHIP No Citation Available (4/28/2021) (4/20/2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  READOUT OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT'S MEETING WITH LATINO LEADERS (August 3, 2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  READOUT OF VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE WITH LATINO ELECTED OFFICIALS (September 24, 2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
John Taschner RECAPTURING DEMOCRACY: COVID-19 AND THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 48 Hastings Const. L.Q. 461, Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly (Spring, 2021); (Publication Name: Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly) (Spring, 2021) There is a way to reach out [across partisan divide] and not be a sap. There is a way of consistently offering the possibility of cooperation. - Barack Obama America is in the business of selling and maintaining democracy around the world. Through aid, provision, humanitarian relief, guidance, and forcible action if need be, the United States... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Jasmine E. Harris RECKONING WITH RACE AND DISABILITY 130 Yale Law Journal Forum 916 (June 30, 2021) Our national reckoning with race and inequality must include disability. Race and disability have a complicated but interconnected history. Yet discussions of our most salient sociopolitical issues such as police violence, prison abolition, healthcare, poverty, and education continue to treat race and disability as distinct, largely... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Erika George , Jena Martin , Tara Van Ho RECKONING: A DIALOGUE ABOUT RACISM, ANTIRACISTS, AND BUSINESS & HUMAN RIGHTS 30 Wash. Int'l L.J. 171, Washington International Law Journal (March, 2021); (Publication Name: Washington International Law Journal) (March, 2021) Video of George Floyd's death sparked global demonstrations and prompted individuals, communities and institutions to grapple with their own roles in embedding and perpetuating racist structures. The raison d'être of Business and Human Rights (BHR) is to tackle structural corporate impediments to the universal realization of human rights.... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Dr. Ying Chen REGULATING CYBER RACISM IN THE UNITED STATES: LEGAL AND NON-LEGAL RESPONSES FROM A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE 38 Wisconsin International Law Journal 477 (Summer, 2021) The global outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 unleashed virulent xenophobia and a tide of racial hatred. There have been increasing reports of racist hostility in the digital environment. Former President Trump's racist remarks on social media platforms allowed these divides to resurface in the United States. Racial hostility in the virtual world has... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Philip Lee REJECTING HONORARY WHITENESS: ASIAN AMERICANS AND THE ATTACK ON RACE-CONSCIOUS ADMISSIONS 70 Emory Law Journal 1475 (2021) Since the 1960s, Asian Americans have been labeled by the dominant society as the model minority. This status is commonly juxtaposed against so-called problem minorities such as African Americans and Latinx Americans. In theory, the model minority narrative serves as living proof that racial barriers to social and economic development no longer... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Alisha Desai, Kelley Durham, Stephanie C. Burke, Amanda NeMoyer, Kirk Heilbrun , Drexel University RELEASING INDIVIDUALS FROM INCARCERATION DURING COVID-19: PANDEMIC-RELATED CHALLENGES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROMOTING SUCCESSFUL REENTRY 27 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 242 (May, 2021) The emergence and rapid growth of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly impacted the U.S. criminal justice system as federal and state governments consider allowing the early release of select currently incarcerated individuals to mitigate the pandemic's spread. As a result, the number of incarcerated individuals... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Brook E. Gotberg RELUCTANT TO RESTRUCTURE: SMALL BUSINESSES, THE SBRA, AND COVID-19 95 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 389 (Fall, 2021) The global pandemic sparked by the proliferation of the COVID-19 virus created an economic crisis of an unprecedented nature in the United States, particularly among small businesses. Many of these small businesses were required by law or circumstances to temporarily close, limit hours or capacity, and/or invest in expensive measures intended to... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Remarks by President Biden at Signing of an Executive Order on Racial Equity White House (1/26/2021) Search Snippet: ...BY PRESIDENT BIDEN AT SIGNING OF AN EXECUTIVE ORDER ON RACIAL EQUITY January 26, 2021 State Dining Room 2:06 P.M... 2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
  Remarks by President Biden at Signing of an Executive Order on Racial Equity (1/26/2021) (White House) (1/26/2021)   2021 Administrative Decisions & Guidance
Alicia L. Bannon, Douglas Keith REMOTE COURT: PRINCIPLES FOR VIRTUAL PROCEEDINGS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND BEYOND 115 Northwestern University Law Review 1875 (2021) Across the country, courts at every level have relied on remote technology to adapt the justice system to a once-a-century global pandemic. This Essay describes and assesses this unprecedented journey into virtual justice, paying particular attention to eviction proceedings. While many judges have touted remote court as a revolutionary... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Seema Mohapatra, JD, MPH REPRODUCTIVE INJUSTICE AND COVID-19 50 Stetson L. Rev. 389, Stetson Law Review (Spring, 2021); (Publication Name: Stetson Law Review) (Spring, 2021) In the midst of a global pandemic and horrifying examples of police injustice in the summer of 2020, the Supreme Court added to the pain by delivering several blows to reproductive justice. Although June Medical v. Russo was a technical victory, the dissenting and concurring opinions, written by five men, made clear that the majority of the Court... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Anne Kat Alexander RESIDENTIAL EVICTION AND PUBLIC HOUSING: COVID-19 AND BEYOND 18 Indiana Health Law Review 243 (2021) This Article provides an account and analysis of the eviction-reducing public health measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, adding to the urgent and growing body of research that seeks both to capture a description of the current situation and press for best practices to be implemented more widely. I gave the panel... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Elizabeth Edwards , David Machledt , Jennifer Lav RETAINING MEDICAID COVID-19 CHANGES TO SUPPORT COMMUNITY LIVING 14 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 391 (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities in institutional settings, like nursing facilities, has garnered significant attention. But people receiving comparable services in the community have also been affected significantly. States used several emergency authorities in efforts to facilitate access to and stabilize these Medicaid home and... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Miriam F. Weismann, Cheryl Holder RUTHLESS UTILITARIANISM? COVID-19 STATE TRIAGE PROTOCOLS MAY SUBJECT PATIENTS TO RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND PROVIDERS TO LEGAL LIABILITY 47 American Journal of Law & Medicine 264 (2021) Key Words: coronavirus; discrimination; rationing; facially neutral standards; triage protocols; crisis standards of care As the coronavirus pandemic intensified, many communities in the United States experienced shortages of ventilators, intensive care beds, and other medical supplies and treatments. Currently, there is no single national response... 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
  Second Amended Complaint (First Supplement) (Administrative Procedure Act Case) (May 21, 2021) 1. Plaintiffs African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC), Action on Smoking on Health (ASH), American Medical Association (AMA), and National Medical Association... 2021 Trial Court Documents
Jordain Carney Senate Braces for Chaotic Session as Democrats Pursue Coronavirus Bill The Hill (2/4/2021) (2/4/2021) Senators are preparing for a chaotic, potentially all-night session as Democrats race to lay the groundwork for passing coronavirus relief legislation. 2021 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Mary Ellen McIntire, CQ Roll Call Senate Finance Committee to Focus on Covid-19, Drug Prices, Wyden Says CQ Roll Call Insurance Briefing (1/14/2021) Incoming Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said responding to the COVID-19 pandemic will be the panel's first priority this year, but he also expects to consider legislation related to a range of other health issues.; Search Snippet: ...Senate Finance Committee to focus on COVID- 19, drug prices, Wyden says January 14, 2021 Incoming Finance Committee...; Search Snippet: Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by 2021 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
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