LAWRENCE, TOOHIL 2019 PA H.B. 2455 (NS) 2019 Pennsylvania House Bill No. 2455, Pennsylvania Two Hundred Fourth General Assembly - 2019-2020 (VERSION: Adopted) (7/23/2020) An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, providing for COVID-19 emergency testing plan and reporting and for water and sewer authorities in cities of the second class. SENATE AMENDED PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 3639, 3693, 3697, 4009 PRINTER'S NO. 4059 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE BILL No. 2455 Session of 2020 INTRODUCED BY LAWRENCE AND TOOHIL, APRIL 27, 2020 AS AMENDED ON THIRD CONSIDERATION, IN SENATE, JUNE 30, 2020 AN ACT Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled An act providing for and; "; 175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, providing for COVID- 19 emergency testing plan and reporting and for water and sewer; D). (c) (D) Reporting requirements.-A health care provider ordering COVID- 19 testing shall report, as prescribed by the Department of Health, a patient's self-reported demographic data including age, sex, race and ethnicity. (d) (E) Expiration.-This section shall expire 60; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
JOZWIAK, MARSHALL, et. Al. 2019 PA H.B. 2544 (NS) 2019 Pennsylvania House Bill No. 2544, Pennsylvania Two Hundred Fourth General Assembly - 2019-2020 (5/26/2020) An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, providing for emergency COVID-19 provisions. PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 3819 PRINTER'S NO. 3849 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE BILL No. 2544 Session of 2020 INTRODUCED BY JOZWIAK, MARSHALL, MALONEY, FEE, KEEFER, SAPPEY, GAYDOS, RADER, TOMLINSON, READSHAW, HERSHEY, KULIK, TOPPER, NEILSON, HELM, O'NEAL, CALTAGIRONE, KORTZ, DUNBAR, SCHMITT, ROTHMAN AND SNYDER, MAY 21, 2020 AS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE ON STATE GOVERNMENT, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, AS AMENDED, MAY 26, 2020 AN ACT; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
House Committee on Appropriations 2019 VT H.B. 965 (NS) 2019 Vermont House Bill No. 965, Vermont 2019-2020 Legislative Session (VERSION: Adopted) (7/2/2020) An act relating to creating a National Guard provost marshal H.965 Introduced by Committee on Appropriations Date: Subject: Appropriations; health care; human services; Coronavirus Relief Fund Statement of purpose of bill as introduced: This bill proposes to appropriate $300 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund for health care- and human services-related expenses incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. An act relating to health care- and human services-related appropriations from the Coronavirus Relief Fund It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of; to health care- and human services-related appropriations from the Coronavirus Relief Fund VERSION: Adopted July 02, 2020 20200702 Version Date; services to populations most likely to experience adverse outcomes from COVID- 19 based on factors such as race or ethnicity, immigrant status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age; throughout the State of Vermont; and (2) is due to COVID- 19 because its proven disproportionate impact on people of color, which; transportation, and emergency relief, has exacerbated the impact of existing race-based disparities and implicit bias so severely that immediate action; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Dafna Michaelson Jenet, et. Al. 2020 CO H.B. 1411 (NS) 2020 Colorado House Bill No. 1411, Colorado Second Regular Session of the Seventy-Second General Assembly (6/22/2020) CONCERNING THE ALLOCATION OF MONEY THE STATE RECEIVED FROM THE FEDERAL CORONAVIRUS RELIEF FUND FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES An Act HOUSE BILL 20-1411 BY REPRESENTATIVE(S) Michaelson Jenet and Kraft-Tharp, Arndt, Bird, Buckner, Buentello, Caraveo, Coleman, Cutter, Duran, Esgar, Froelich, Garnett, Gray, Herod, Hooton, Jackson, Jaquez Lewis, Kipp, McCluskie, McLachlan, Mullica, Roberts, Singer, Sirota, Sullivan, Tipper, Titone, Valdez A., Valdez D., Weissman, Will, Woodrow, Young, Becker; also SENATOR(S) Pettersen and Fields, Bridges, Danielson, Fenberg, Foote, Ginal, Gonzales, Hansen, ; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Dafna Michaelson Jenet, et. Al. 2020 CO H.B. 1411 (NS) 2020 Colorado House Bill No. 1411, Colorado Second Regular Session of the Seventy-Second General Assembly (6/8/2020) CONCERNING THE ALLOCATION OF MONEY THE STATE RECEIVED FROM THE FEDERAL CORONAVIRUS RELIEF FUND FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES Second Regular Session Seventy-second General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO ENGROSSED This Version Includes All Amendments Adopted on Second Reading in the House of Introduction LLS NO. 20-1304.01 Shelby Ross x4510 HOUSE BILL 20-1411 HOUSE SPONSORSHIP Michaelson Jenet and Kraft-Tharp, SENATE SPONSORSHIP Pettersen, House Committees Senate Committees State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Appropriations A BILL FOR AN ACT CONCERNING THE ALLOCATION OF MONEY THE STATE; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Kyle Mullica, Robert Rodriguez 2020 CO S.B. 216 (NS) 2020 Colorado Senate Bill No. 216, Colorado Second Regular Session of the Seventy-Second General Assembly (6/2/2020) CONCERNING THE CREATION OF PRESUMPTIONS RELATED TO AN ESSENTIAL WORKER WHO CONTRACTS COVID-19 FOR PURPOSES RELATED TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION Second Regular Session Seventy-second General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO INTRODUCED LLS NO. 20-1245.01 Yelana Love x2295 SENATE BILL 20-216 SENATE SPONSORSHIP Rodriguez, Danielson, Gonzales, Pettersen HOUSE SPONSORSHIP Mullica, Senate Committees House Committees Finance A BILL FOR AN ACT CONCERNING THE CREATION OF PRESUMPTIONS RELATED TO AN ESSENTIAL WORKER WHO CONTRACTS COVID-19 FOR PURPOSES RELATED TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION. Bill Summary (Note:; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 IL REG TEXT 559605 (NS) (7/10/2020) The intent of this Executive Order is to safely and conscientiously resume and expand activities that were paused or limited as COVID-19 cases rose exponentially and threatened to overwhelm our healthcare system; ; 2020 20200710 Office of the Governor Executive Order 2020-43 ( COVID- 19 Executive Order No. 41) The intent of this Executive Order; resume and expand activities that were paused or limited as COVID- 19 cases rose exponentially and threatened to overwhelm our healthcare system; exponential growth and record high numbers of cases; and, WHEREAS , COVID- 19 has claimed the lives of and continues to impact the health of Black and Hispanic Illinoisans at a disproportionately high rate magnifying significant health disparities; 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 Il Reg Text 571816 (Ns) (4-Dec-20) (12/4/2020) The intent of this Executive Order is to institute strict public health measures that are known to slow the spread of COVID-19 in order to stop the exponential growth of the virus throughout the State. We cannot risk overwhelming our healthcare system, and we must prioritize the health and lives of all Illinoisans, especially the most vulnerable among us. For that reason, this Executive Order aims to limit gatherings and encourages people to stay home to the greatest extent possible. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
  2020 LA H.R. 61 (NS) 2020 Louisiana House Resolution No. 61, Louisiana 2020 Regular Session (6/1/2020) A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to study the matter of racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates in this state and to report findings of the study to the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Louisiana. 2020 Regular Session HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 61 BY REPRESENTATIVES DUPLESSIS, BRASS, BRYANT, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, WILFORD CARTER, COX, FREEMAN, GAINES, GREEN, HUGHES, JAMES, TRAVIS JOHNSON, JONES, JORDAN, LANDRY, LARVADAIN, LYONS, MARCELLE, DUSTIN MILLER, MOORE, NEWELL, PHELPS, PIERRE, SELDERS, AND WILLARD A RESOLUTION To urge and request; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Royce Duplessis 2020 LA H.R. 61 (NS) 2020 Louisiana House Resolution No. 61, Louisiana 2020 Regular Session (5/29/2020) A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to study the matter of racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates in this state and to report findings of the study to the House of Representatives of the Legislature of Louisiana. 2020 Regular Session HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 61 BY REPRESENTATIVES DUPLESSIS, LANDRY, FREEMAN, HUGHES, NEWELL, AND WILLARD HEALTH: Urges and requests the La. Department of Health to study and report on the matter of racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates in this state A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Troy Carter 2020 LA S.R. 74 (NS) 2020 Louisiana Senate Resolution No. 74, Louisiana 2020 Regular Session (6/1/2020) A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to study the matter of racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates in this state and to report findings of the study to the Senate of the Legislature of Louisiana. 2020 Regular Session SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 74 BY SENATORS CARTER, BARROW, BOUDREAUX, BOUIE, FIELDS, HARRIS, JACKSON, PETERSON, PRICE AND TARVER HEALTH SERVICES. Urges and requests the Louisiana Department of Health to study and report on the matter of racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates in this state. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 LA S.R. 74 (NS) 2020 Louisiana Senate Resolution No. 74, Louisiana 2020 Regular Session (6/1/2020) A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to study the matter of racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates in this state and to report findings of the study to the Senate of the Legislature of Louisiana. 2020 Regular Session SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 74 BY SENATORS CARTER, BARROW, BOUDREAUX, BOUIE, FIELDS, HARRIS, JACKSON, PETERSON, PRICE AND TARVER A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to study the matter of racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates in this state and to report findings of the study to the Senate of the Legislature; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Regina Ashford Barrow 2020 LA S.R. 76 (NS) 2020 Louisiana Senate Resolution No. 76, Louisiana 2020 Regular Session (6/1/2020) A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to collect data regarding the age, race, and gender of Louisiana residents who are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic or any future public health emergency. 2020 Regular Session SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 76 BY SENATOR BARROW HEALTH SERVICES. Urges and requests the Louisiana Department of Health to collect data regarding the age, race, and gender of Louisiana residents who are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic or any future public health emergency. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 LA S.R. 76 (NS) 2020 Louisiana Senate Resolution No. 76, Louisiana 2020 Regular Session (6/1/2020) A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to collect data regarding the age, race, and gender of Louisiana residents who are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic or any future public health emergency. 2020 Regular Session SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 76 BY SENATOR BARROW A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Health to collect data regarding the age, race, and gender of Louisiana residents who are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic or any future public health emergency. WHEREAS, a novel coronavirus named coronavirus disease 2019" 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 ME REG TEXT 563757 (NS) (8/26/2020) On August 14, the Maine State Harness Racing Commission adopted an emergency amendment to ch. 7 section 7.2.G, which waives the requirement for a horse to requalify if they make a break on the next race after a qualifying race. This emergency amendment will remain in effect for 90 days beginning August 17, 2020. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
  2020 NC REG TEXT 558767 (NS) (7/1/2020) IT IS ORDERED: Section 1. The Andrea Harris Social, Economic, Environmental, and Health Equity Task Force: A. Establishment and Purpose: The Andrea Harris Social, Economic, Environmental, and Health Equity Task Force (Task Force") is hereby established. The mission of the Task Force is to create economic stability, eliminate health disparities 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 NC REG TEXT 561614 (NS) (8/3/2020) IT IS ORDERED: Section I. Extension and Amendment of Phase 2 Order. Executive Order No. 141 shall remain in effect, as amended below, until 5:00 pm on July 17, 2020. The effective date provision of Executive Order No. 141 is amended to have that order continue in effect through the above-listed time and date. Section II. New Requirements to Wear Face Coverings. Executive Order No. 141 is amended to add the following section. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
Wimberly, Benjie E., et. Al. 2020 NJ A.B. 3943 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 3943, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (4/9/2020) Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. ASSEMBLY, No. 3943 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 9, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblyman BENJIE E. WIMBERLY District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning COVID-19 demographic data. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. a. The Commissioner of Health shall require hospitals licensed pursuant to Title 26 of the Revised Statutes to report to the Department of Health; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina, et. Al. 2020 NJ A.B. 3953 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 3953, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (4/13/2020) Requires hospitals to report coronavirus disease 2019 demographic data. ASSEMBLY, No. 3953 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 13, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman VERLINA REYNOLDS-JACKSON District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer) SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to report coronavirus disease 2019 demographic data. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning COVID-19 demographic data. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. a. The Commissioner of Health shall require hospitals licensed pursuant to P.L.1971, c.136 (C.26:2H-1; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Sumter, Shavonda E., 2020 NJ A.B. 4004 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4004, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (10/8/2020) Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities.* Second Reprint ASSEMBLY, No. 4004 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 4, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman SHAVONDA E. SUMTER District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Assemblywoman ANGELICA M. JIMENEZ District 32 (Bergen and Hudson) Assemblywoman LINDA S. CARTER District 22 (Middlesex, Somerset and Union) Co-Sponsored by: Assemblymen Caputo, Wimberly, Assemblywoman Jasey, Assemblyman Chiaravalloti, Assemblywoman Reynolds-Jackson, Assemblyman McKeon, Assemblywomen Lopez, ... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted )
Sumter, Shavonda E., Jimenez, 2020 NJ A.B. 4004 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4004, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (10/29/2020) Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities.* Third Reprint ASSEMBLY, No. 4004 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 4, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman SHAVONDA E. SUMTER District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Assemblywoman ANGELICA M. JIMENEZ District 32 (Bergen and Hudson) Assemblywoman LINDA S. CARTER District 22 (Middlesex, Somerset and Union) Co-Sponsored by: Assemblymen Caputo, Wimberly, Assemblywoman Jasey, Assemblyman Chiaravalloti, Assemblywoman Reynolds-Jackson, Assemblyman McKeon, Assemblywomen Lopez, Swain, ... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Sumter, Shavonda E. et. Al. 2020 NJ A.B. 4004 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4004, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/4/2020) Establishes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. ASSEMBLY, No. 4004 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 4, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman SHAVONDA E. SUMTER District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Establishes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act establishing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Sumter, Shavonda E. et. Al 2020 NJ A.B. 4004 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4004, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (6/22/2020) Establishes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. First Reprint ASSEMBLY, No. 4004 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 4, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman SHAVONDA E. SUMTER District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Assemblywoman ANGELICA M. JIMENEZ District 32 (Bergen and Hudson) Co-Sponsored by: Assemblyman Caputo SYNOPSIS Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As reported by the Assembly Health Committee on June 22, 2020, with; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie, et. Al. 2020 NJ A.B. 4039 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4039, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/7/2020) Establishes loan redemption program for health care professionals who provide health care services or health care-related administrative services at approved sites during COVID-19 pandemic. ASSEMBLY, No. 4039 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman VALERIE VAINIERI HUTTLE District 37 (Bergen) SYNOPSIS Establishes loan redemption program for health care professionals who provide health care services or health care-related administrative services at approved sites during COVID-19 pandemic. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie, et. Al. 2020 NJ A.B. 4137 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4137, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/11/2020) Requires hospitals to collect and report data on gender identity and sexual orientation in relation to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). ASSEMBLY, No. 4137 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 11, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman VALERIE VAINIERI HUTTLE District 37 (Bergen) SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to collect and report data on gender identity and sexual orientation in relation to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning hospitals and amending P.L.2020, c.28. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Sumter, Shavonda E., et. Al. 2020 NJ A.B. 4292 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4292, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (6/22/2020) Establishes New Jersey Racial Equity Rapid Response Team. ASSEMBLY, No. 4292 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED JUNE 22, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman SHAVONDA E. SUMTER District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Establishes New Jersey Racial Equity Rapid Response Team. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning racial and ethnic minorities and the coronavirus disease 2019. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. a. As used in this section: Health care professional" means a person licensed to practice a health care; " 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Sumter, Shavonda E. et. al 2020 NJ A.B. 4293 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 4293, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (6/22/2020) Requires State agencies to perform racial and ethnic health care impact assessments for proposed rules related to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of COVID-19. ASSEMBLY, No. 4293 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED JUNE 22, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman SHAVONDA E. SUMTER District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Requires State agencies to perform racial and ethnic health care impact assessments for proposed rules related to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of COVID-19. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning racial and ethnic impact; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 Nj A.b. 5126 (Ns) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 5126, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (10-Dec-20) (12/10/2020) Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency. ASSEMBLY, No. 5126 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED DECEMBER 10, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman ANGELA V. MCKNIGHT District 31 (Hudson) Assemblywoman PAMELA R. LAMPITT District 6 (Burlington and Camden) Assemblywoman VALERIE VAINIERI HUTTLE District 37 (Bergen) SYNOPSIS Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency. CURRENT... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Karabinchak, Robert J., et. Al. 2020 NJ A.J.R. 160 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Joint Resolution No. 160, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (3/23/2020) Supports Chinese and Asian American communities and international partners during coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic. ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION No. 160 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MARCH 23, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblyman ROBERT J. KARABINCHAK District 18 (Middlesex) SYNOPSIS Supports Chinese and other Asian American communities and international partners during coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. A Joint Resolution supporting Chinese and other Asian American communities and international partners during the coronavirus disease; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 NJ A.J.R. 165 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Joint Resolution No. 165, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/28/2020) Establishes New Jersey COVID-19 Pandemic Racial Disparity Task Force." ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION No. 165 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 28 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie, Co-Sponsor(s): 2020 NJ A.R. 153 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Resolution No. 153, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/1/2020) Denounces racism in the wake of COVID-19. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION No. 153 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 1, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman VALERIE VAINIERI HUTTLE District 37 (Bergen) SYNOPSIS Denounces racism in the wake of COVID-19. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Assembly Resolution denouncing racism and any form of bias crime in New Jersey resulting from the coronavirus. Whereas, The 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was first reported in the city of Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019; and Whereas, The spread of COVID-19 has led to increased; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
McKnight, Angela V., et. Al. 2020 NJ A.R. 175 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Resolution No. 175, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (VERSION: Introduced) (7/16/2020) Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION No. 175 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED JULY 16, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman ANGELA V. MCKNIGHT District 31 (Hudson) SYNOPSIS Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Assembly Resolution declaring racism a public health crisis in the State of New Jersey. Whereas, The United States has historically and systemically disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and religious groups across the country, creating deep-seated problems that persist today, ; Legislature - First Annual Session NEW JERSEY RESOLUTION TEXT TITLE: Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. VERSION: Introduced July; Health Association have all formally declared that, along with the coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID- 19), racism is a public health; leading health organizations to study the public health effects of racism, physical and verbal violence between law enforcement officers and black; issue, . . . and called upon the Centers; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 Nj Reg Text 571938 (Ns) (7-Dec-20) (12/7/2020) NOW, THEREFORE, I, PHILIP D. MURPHY, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT: 1. The statutory minimum number of live race dates required by N.J.S.A. 5:5-156 is hereby waived for the 2020 calendar year. 2. This Order is not intended to, and does not confer any legal rights upon the permit holders whose activities are regulated by the New Jersey Racing Commission and shall not be used as a basis for legal challenges to regulations, rules, approvals, permits, licenses or other... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
Rice, Ronald L., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2357 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2357, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (4/22/2020) Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. SENATE, No. 2357 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 9, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator RONALD L. RICE District 28 (Essex) Senator NIA H. GILL District 34 (Essex and Passaic) Senator KRISTIN M. CORRADO District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic) Assemblyman BENJIE E. WIMBERLY District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Assemblywoman VERLINA REYNOLDS-JACKSON District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer) Assemblywoman NANCY J. PINKIN District 18 (Middlesex) Co-Sponsored by: Senators Turner, Bateman, Cardinale, Doherty, Singleton, ; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Rice, Ronald L., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2357 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2357, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (4/9/2020) Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. SENATE, No. 2357 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 9, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator RONALD L. RICE District 28 (Essex) Senator NIA H. GILL District 34 (Essex and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning COVID-19 demographic data. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. a. The Commissioner of Health shall require hospitals licensed pursuant to Title 26 of the Revised Statutes to report; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Kean, Thomas H., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2378 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2378, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/4/2020) Establishes loan redemption program for health care professionals who provide health care services or health care-related administrative services at approved sites during COVID-19 pandemic. SENATE, No. 2378 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 4, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator THOMAS H. KEAN, JR. District 21 (Morris, Somerset and Union) SYNOPSIS Establishes loan redemption program for health care professionals who provide health care services or health care-related administrative services at approved sites during COVID-19 pandemic. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Cunningham, Sandra B. 2020 NJ S.B. 2410 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2410, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (10/8/2020) Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities.* First Reprint SENATE, No. 2410 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator SANDRA B. CUNNINGHAM District 31 (Hudson) SYNOPSIS Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As reported by the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee on October 8, 2020, with amendments. An Act establishing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted )
Cunningham, Sandra B., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2410 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2410, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (10/29/2020) Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities.* Second Reprint SENATE, No. 2410 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator SANDRA B. CUNNINGHAM District 31 (Hudson) Senator NELLIE POU District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Co-Sponsored by: Senator Singer SYNOPSIS Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As amended by the Senate on October 29, 2020. An Act establishing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Weinberg, Loretta, et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2459 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2459, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/11/2020) Requires hospitals to collect and report data on gender identity and sexual orientation in relation to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SENATE, No. 2459 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 11, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator LORETTA WEINBERG District 37 (Bergen) Co-Sponsored by: Senator Greenstein SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to collect and report data on gender identity and sexual orientation in relation to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning hospitals and amending P.L.2020, c.28. Be It Enacted by the Senate and; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Ruiz, M. Teresa, et. Al. 2020 Nj S.b. 3214 (Ns) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3214, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (7-Dec-20) (12/7/2020) Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency. SENATE, No. 3214 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED DECEMBER 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator M. TERESA RUIZ District 29 (Essex) Co-Sponsored by: Senators A.M.Bucco and Singleton SYNOPSIS Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning public schooling during the COVID-19... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 Nm Reg Text 549993 (Ns) (12/29/2020) (12/29/2020) All laboratories and submitters submitting the required reports of the notifiable condition, including COVID-19, to the Department of Health pursuant to 7.4.3. l 3(A) NMAC must submit all such reports electronically by HL7 messaging or other format specified by the Department of Health, and shall include in such reports all information currently required to be submitted, which includes (1) the disease or condition being reported; (2) patient's name, date of birth/age, gender, race/ ethnicity, address, patient telephone numbers, and occupation; (3) physician or licensed healthcare professional... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 NY REG TEXT 552500 (NS) (9/30/2020) To provide flexibility for certain regulatory requirements in response to the COVID-19 crisis. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 NY REG TEXT 556041 (NS) (9/2/2020) To enhance harness racing in New York and promote a reasonable return for government. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
KOTEK 2020 OR H.B. 4212 (NS) 2020 Oregon House Bill No. 4212, Oregon Eightieth Legislative Assembly - 2020 First Special Session (6/30/2020) Relating to strategies to protect Oregonians from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; and declaring an emergency. 80th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-2020 Special Session Enrolled House Bill 4212 Sponsored by Representative KOTEK; Representatives KENY-GUYER, LEIF, NERON, NOSSE, PRUSAK, REARDON, SCHOUTEN, SOLLMAN, WILLIAMS (at the request of Joint Committee on the First Special Session of 2020) CHAPTER ; AN ACT Relating to strategies to protect Oregonians from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; creating new provisions; amending ORS; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 OR REG TEXT 566402 (NS) (9/30/2020) The catalyst for the update is House Bill 4212, section 40-43, passed by the Oregon Legislature in the First Special Session of 2020. HB 4212 requires OHA to adopt rules requiring a health provider to collect encounter data for COVID-19 related services on race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written language, English proficiency, interpreter needs and disability status in accordance with the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161. However, the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161 were in need of updating, and in order to not disrupt the implementation of HB... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 OR REG TEXT 566405 (NS) (9/30/2020) Standardized data collection methodology will improve the ability of the OHA, ODHS, providers, and decision makers to recognize, address, target and eliminate inequities experienced by distinct racial, cultural, and linguistic communities, and by people with disabilities. The requirements of HB 4212 require health care providers, including hospitals and other health care facilities, to collect REALD data for all COVID-19 encounters, and to report those data to OHA through methods described in the rule. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 or Reg Text 573052 (Ns) (23-Dec-20) (12/23/2020) HB 4212 (Oregon Laws 2020, chapter 12), sections 40-43, as passed by the Oregon Legislature during the First Special Session of 2020 in June 2020, requires health care providers, including hospitals and other health care facilities, to collect REALD data for all COVID-19 encounters, and to report those data to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) through methods described in the rule. REALD data is race 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
  2020 or Reg Text 573068 (Ns) (23-Dec-20) (12/23/2020) The catalyst for the update is House Bill 4212, section 40-43, passed by the Oregon Legislature in the First Special Session of 2020. HB 4212 requires OHA to adopt rules requiring a health provider to collect encounter data for COVID-19 related services on race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written language, English proficiency, interpreter needs and disability status in accordance with the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161. However, the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161 were in need of updating, and in order to not disrupt the implementation of HB... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
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