Karabinchak, Robert J., et. Al. 2020 NJ A.J.R. 160 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Joint Resolution No. 160, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (3/23/2020) Supports Chinese and Asian American communities and international partners during coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic. ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION No. 160 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MARCH 23, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblyman ROBERT J. KARABINCHAK District 18 (Middlesex) SYNOPSIS Supports Chinese and other Asian American communities and international partners during coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. A Joint Resolution supporting Chinese and other Asian American communities and international partners during the coronavirus disease; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 NJ A.J.R. 165 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Joint Resolution No. 165, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/28/2020) Establishes New Jersey COVID-19 Pandemic Racial Disparity Task Force." ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION No. 165 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 28 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie, Co-Sponsor(s): 2020 NJ A.R. 153 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Resolution No. 153, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/1/2020) Denounces racism in the wake of COVID-19. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION No. 153 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 1, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman VALERIE VAINIERI HUTTLE District 37 (Bergen) SYNOPSIS Denounces racism in the wake of COVID-19. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Assembly Resolution denouncing racism and any form of bias crime in New Jersey resulting from the coronavirus. Whereas, The 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was first reported in the city of Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019; and Whereas, The spread of COVID-19 has led to increased; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
McKnight, Angela V., et. Al. 2020 NJ A.R. 175 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Assembly Resolution No. 175, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (VERSION: Introduced) (7/16/2020) Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION No. 175 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED JULY 16, 2020 Sponsored by: Assemblywoman ANGELA V. MCKNIGHT District 31 (Hudson) SYNOPSIS Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Assembly Resolution declaring racism a public health crisis in the State of New Jersey. Whereas, The United States has historically and systemically disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and religious groups across the country, creating deep-seated problems that persist today, ; Legislature - First Annual Session NEW JERSEY RESOLUTION TEXT TITLE: Declares racism a public health crisis in New Jersey. VERSION: Introduced July; Health Association have all formally declared that, along with the coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID- 19), racism is a public health; leading health organizations to study the public health effects of racism, physical and verbal violence between law enforcement officers and black; issue, . . . and called upon the Centers; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 Nj Reg Text 571938 (Ns) (7-Dec-20) (12/7/2020) NOW, THEREFORE, I, PHILIP D. MURPHY, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT: 1. The statutory minimum number of live race dates required by N.J.S.A. 5:5-156 is hereby waived for the 2020 calendar year. 2. This Order is not intended to, and does not confer any legal rights upon the permit holders whose activities are regulated by the New Jersey Racing Commission and shall not be used as a basis for legal challenges to regulations, rules, approvals, permits, licenses or other... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
Rice, Ronald L., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2357 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2357, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (4/22/2020) Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. SENATE, No. 2357 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 9, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator RONALD L. RICE District 28 (Essex) Senator NIA H. GILL District 34 (Essex and Passaic) Senator KRISTIN M. CORRADO District 40 (Bergen, Essex, Morris and Passaic) Assemblyman BENJIE E. WIMBERLY District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Assemblywoman VERLINA REYNOLDS-JACKSON District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer) Assemblywoman NANCY J. PINKIN District 18 (Middlesex) Co-Sponsored by: Senators Turner, Bateman, Cardinale, Doherty, Singleton, ; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Rice, Ronald L., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2357 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2357, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (4/9/2020) Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. SENATE, No. 2357 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 9, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator RONALD L. RICE District 28 (Essex) Senator NIA H. GILL District 34 (Essex and Passaic) SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to report COVID-19 demographic data. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning COVID-19 demographic data. Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. a. The Commissioner of Health shall require hospitals licensed pursuant to Title 26 of the Revised Statutes to report; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Kean, Thomas H., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2378 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2378, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/4/2020) Establishes loan redemption program for health care professionals who provide health care services or health care-related administrative services at approved sites during COVID-19 pandemic. SENATE, No. 2378 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 4, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator THOMAS H. KEAN, JR. District 21 (Morris, Somerset and Union) SYNOPSIS Establishes loan redemption program for health care professionals who provide health care services or health care-related administrative services at approved sites during COVID-19 pandemic. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Cunningham, Sandra B. 2020 NJ S.B. 2410 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2410, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (10/8/2020) Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities.* First Reprint SENATE, No. 2410 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator SANDRA B. CUNNINGHAM District 31 (Hudson) SYNOPSIS Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As reported by the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee on October 8, 2020, with amendments. An Act establishing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted )
Cunningham, Sandra B., et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2410 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2410, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (10/29/2020) Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities.* Second Reprint SENATE, No. 2410 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator SANDRA B. CUNNINGHAM District 31 (Hudson) Senator NELLIE POU District 35 (Bergen and Passaic) Co-Sponsored by: Senator Singer SYNOPSIS Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As amended by the Senate on October 29, 2020. An Act establishing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Weinberg, Loretta, et. Al. 2020 NJ S.B. 2459 (NS) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 2459, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (5/11/2020) Requires hospitals to collect and report data on gender identity and sexual orientation in relation to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SENATE, No. 2459 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED MAY 11, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator LORETTA WEINBERG District 37 (Bergen) Co-Sponsored by: Senator Greenstein SYNOPSIS Requires hospitals to collect and report data on gender identity and sexual orientation in relation to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning hospitals and amending P.L.2020, c.28. Be It Enacted by the Senate and; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Ruiz, M. Teresa, et. Al. 2020 Nj S.b. 3214 (Ns) 2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 3214, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (7-Dec-20) (12/7/2020) Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency. SENATE, No. 3214 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 219th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED DECEMBER 7, 2020 Sponsored by: Senator M. TERESA RUIZ District 29 (Essex) Co-Sponsored by: Senators A.M.Bucco and Singleton SYNOPSIS Requires Commissioner of Education to prepare learning loss report and report on public school operations during COVID-19 public health emergency. CURRENT VERSION OF TEXT As introduced. An Act concerning public schooling during the COVID-19... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 Nm Reg Text 549993 (Ns) (12/29/2020) (12/29/2020) All laboratories and submitters submitting the required reports of the notifiable condition, including COVID-19, to the Department of Health pursuant to 7.4.3. l 3(A) NMAC must submit all such reports electronically by HL7 messaging or other format specified by the Department of Health, and shall include in such reports all information currently required to be submitted, which includes (1) the disease or condition being reported; (2) patient's name, date of birth/age, gender, race/ ethnicity, address, patient telephone numbers, and occupation; (3) physician or licensed healthcare professional... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 NY REG TEXT 552500 (NS) (9/30/2020) To provide flexibility for certain regulatory requirements in response to the COVID-19 crisis. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 NY REG TEXT 556041 (NS) (9/2/2020) To enhance harness racing in New York and promote a reasonable return for government. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
KOTEK 2020 OR H.B. 4212 (NS) 2020 Oregon House Bill No. 4212, Oregon Eightieth Legislative Assembly - 2020 First Special Session (6/30/2020) Relating to strategies to protect Oregonians from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; and declaring an emergency. 80th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-2020 Special Session Enrolled House Bill 4212 Sponsored by Representative KOTEK; Representatives KENY-GUYER, LEIF, NERON, NOSSE, PRUSAK, REARDON, SCHOUTEN, SOLLMAN, WILLIAMS (at the request of Joint Committee on the First Special Session of 2020) CHAPTER ; AN ACT Relating to strategies to protect Oregonians from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; creating new provisions; amending ORS; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 OR REG TEXT 566402 (NS) (9/30/2020) The catalyst for the update is House Bill 4212, section 40-43, passed by the Oregon Legislature in the First Special Session of 2020. HB 4212 requires OHA to adopt rules requiring a health provider to collect encounter data for COVID-19 related services on race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written language, English proficiency, interpreter needs and disability status in accordance with the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161. However, the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161 were in need of updating, and in order to not disrupt the implementation of HB... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 OR REG TEXT 566405 (NS) (9/30/2020) Standardized data collection methodology will improve the ability of the OHA, ODHS, providers, and decision makers to recognize, address, target and eliminate inequities experienced by distinct racial, cultural, and linguistic communities, and by people with disabilities. The requirements of HB 4212 require health care providers, including hospitals and other health care facilities, to collect REALD data for all COVID-19 encounters, and to report those data to OHA through methods described in the rule. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  2020 or Reg Text 573052 (Ns) (23-Dec-20) (12/23/2020) HB 4212 (Oregon Laws 2020, chapter 12), sections 40-43, as passed by the Oregon Legislature during the First Special Session of 2020 in June 2020, requires health care providers, including hospitals and other health care facilities, to collect REALD data for all COVID-19 encounters, and to report those data to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) through methods described in the rule. REALD data is race 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
  2020 or Reg Text 573068 (Ns) (23-Dec-20) (12/23/2020) The catalyst for the update is House Bill 4212, section 40-43, passed by the Oregon Legislature in the First Special Session of 2020. HB 4212 requires OHA to adopt rules requiring a health provider to collect encounter data for COVID-19 related services on race, ethnicity, preferred spoken and written language, English proficiency, interpreter needs and disability status in accordance with the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161. However, the standards adopted by the authority under ORS 413.161 were in need of updating, and in order to not disrupt the implementation of HB... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
  2020 Va H.b. 2333 (Ns) 2020 Virginia House Bill No. 2333, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (Lamont Bagby, VERSION: Amended/Substituted) (7/13/1905) Facilitate the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine; emergency. HOUSE BILL NO. 2333 AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE (Proposed by the House Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions on January 26, 2021) (Patrons Prior to Substitute-Delegates Bagby and Byron [HB 2328]) Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. § 1. As used in this act, eligible health care provider" means any of the following who 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 Va H.b. 2333 (Ns) 2020 Virginia House Bill No. 2333, Virginia 2021 Regular Session (Lamont Bagby, VERSION: Amended/Substituted) (7/13/1905) Facilitate the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine; emergency. HOUSE BILL NO. 2333 AMENDMENT IN THE NATURE OF A SUBSTITUTE (Proposed by the Senate Committee on Education and Health on January 28, 2021 (Patrons Prior to Substitute-Delegates Bagby and Byron [HB 2328]) Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. § 1. As used in this act, eligible health care provider" means any of the following who 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Dave A. LaRock 2020 VA H.J.R. 5002 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Joint Resolution No. 5002, Virginia 2020 First Special Session (VERSION: Introduced) (8/18/2020) Hydroxychloroquine; use for COVID-19 treatment. Encourages that hydroxychloroquine should be made available for treating COVID-19. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 5002 Offered August 18, 2020 Prefiled August 14, 2020 ----- Patrons- LaRock, Cole, M.L. and Walker; Senator: Ruff ----- Committee Referral Pending ----- WHEREAS, Virginia is immersed in a public health crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in significant loss of life; and WHEREAS, during the COVID-19 pandemic, certain policies in Virginia and other states have led, unfortunately, to preventable; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Adopted)
Lashrecse D. Aird 2020 VA H.R. 570 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Resolution No. 570, Virginia 2020 First Special Session (VERSION: Introduced) (8/25/2020) Racism; public health crisis. Recognizes that racism is a public health crisis in Virginia. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 570 Offered August 25, 2020 ----- Patron- Aird ----- Committee Referral Pending ----- WHEREAS, as the site where the first enslaved African people arrived in what is now the United States, the epicenter of the American slave trade, and the former capital of the Confederacy, Virginia has a long and embedded history of racism, particularly against African Americans; and WHEREAS, the American Public Health Association defines racism" as a social system with; "; 570, Virginia 2020 First Special Session VIRGINIA RESOLUTION TEXT TITLE: Racism; public health crisis. VERSION: Introduced August 25, 2020 20200825 Version; than the rest of the United States population; and WHEREAS, racial health disparities have been on display during the COVID- 19 pandemic, with African Americans more likely to be hospitalized by the virus and more; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Hala S. Ayala 2020 VA H.R. 582 (NS) 2020 Virginia House Resolution No. 582, Virginia 2020 First Special Session (8/28/2020) Racism; public health crisis. Recognizes that racism is a public health crisis in Virginia. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 582 Offered August 28, 2020 ----- ----- WHEREAS, as the site where the first enslaved African people arrived in what is now the United States, the epicenter of the American slave trade, and the former capital of the Confederacy, Virginia has a long and embedded history of racism, particularly against African Americans; and WHEREAS, the American Public Health Association defines racism" as a social system with multiple complex dimensions. . . including internalized or; "; 582, Virginia 2020 First Special Session VIRGINIA RESOLUTION TEXT TITLE: Racism; public health crisis. VERSION: Introduced August 28, 2020 20200828 Version; than the rest of the United States population; and WHEREAS, racial health disparities have been on display during the COVID- 19 pandemic, with African Americans more likely to be hospitalized by the virus and more; 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
Siobhan S. Dunnavant 2020 VA S.B. 5090 (NS) 2020 Virginia Senate Bill No. 5090, Virginia 2020 First Special Session (10/21/2020) Commissioner of Health; publication of information related to COVID-19; COVID-19 indicators. Requires that for the duration of the emergency declared by the Governor in response to COVID-19, the Commissioner of Health shall make available to the public on a website maintained by the Department of Health information about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, by week and by health district, including (i) the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19; (ii) the number of confirmed cases by age group and by race and ethnicity; and (iii) the percentage of cases that are known... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  2020 Wa Reg Text 562840 (Ns) (16-Dec-20) (12/16/2020) The Washington state board of health has adopted a second emergency rule to continue to designate COVID-19 as a notifiable condition and extends reporting requirements for health care providers, health care facilities, laboratories, and local health jurisdictions to report race, ethnicity, and other demographic data for cases of COVID-19. The rule establishes what testing and demographic data need to be reported as well as the timing and mechanism of reporting. The rule allows for certain waivers by a local health officer. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted )
Pan, et. Al. 2021 ca S.b. 17 (Ns) 2021 California Senate Bill No. 17, California 2021-2022 Regular Session (12/7/2020) (VERSION: Introduced) (12/7/2020) An act relating to public health. SENATE BILL No. 17 Introduced by Senator Pan (Principal coauthors: Assembly Members Arambula and Chiu) (Coauthor: Senator Durazo) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Robert Rivas and Weber) December 7, 2020 An act relating to public health. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 17, as introduced, Pan. Public health crisis: racism. Existing law establishes an Office of Health Equity in the State Department of Public Health for purposes of aligning state resources, decisionmaking, and programs to accomplish certain goals related to health equity and protecting... 2020 Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)
  333-018-0011. Race, Ethnicity, Language and Disability COVID-19 Data Reporting OAR 333-018-0011 (10/10/2020) Oregon Administrative Rules Compilation|**|Chapter 333. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division|**| Division 18. Disease Reporting 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  85 FR 27341-01 (5/1/2020) The Coast Guard is proposing to establish a temporary special local regulation for all navigable waters of the Ohio River from mile marker (MM) 597.0-605. This action is necessary to provide for the safety of life on these navigable waters near Louisville, KY, during a steamboat race. Entry into, transiting through, or anchoring within this regulated area is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Sector Ohio Valley (COTP) or a designated representative. We invite your comments on this proposed rulemaking. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  85 FR 27550-01 (5/1/2020) This interim final rule with comment period (IFC) gives individuals and entities that provide services to Medicare, Medicaid, Basic Health Program, and Exchange beneficiaries needed flexibilities to respond effectively to the serious public health threats posed by the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Recognizing the critical importance of expanding COVID-19 testing, we are amending several Medicare policies on an interim basis to cover FDA-authorized COVID-19 serology tests, to allow any healthcare professional authorized to do so under State law to order COVID-19 diagnostic; 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  85 FR 49965-01 (8/17/2020) The U.S. Department of Education (Department) waives the requirements in the Education Department General Administrative Regulations that generally prohibit project periods exceeding five years and project period extensions involving the obligation of additional Federal funds. The waiver and extension enable 29 American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) projects under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 84.250K to receive funding for an additional period, not beyond September 30, 2021. 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  85 FR 52921-01 (8/27/2020) The U.S. Department of Education (Department) waives the requirements in the Education Department General Administrative Regulations that generally prohibit project periods exceeding five years and project period extensions involving the obligation of additional Federal funds. The waivers and extensions enable the current grantees under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers 84.250Z and 84.315C to receive funding for an additional budget period, not to exceed September 30, 2021; ; Final Waivers and Extensions of the Project Periods for the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services Training and Technical Assistance Center and the; Vocational Rehabilitation Training Institute for the Preparation of Personnel in American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services Thursday, August 27, 2020 AGENCY: Office of; 19 pandemic began to be felt in the United States. American Indian reservations experienced and continue to experience a high rate of COVID- 19 infections and have limited medical resources to treat those infected; 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
  85 FR 60041 (9/14/2020) During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrate the countless contributions of more than 60 million Hispanic Americans to our culture and society. Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in the United States today, and generations of Hispanic Americans have consistently helped make our country strong and prosperous. They contribute to our Nation beyond description. Hispanic Americans embody the best of our American values, including commitment to faith, family, and country. They serve in our military and protect us as members of law enforcement. In fact, Hispanic Americans make... 2020 Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)
Melody Finnemore A Most Unusual Year 81-DEC Oregon State Bar Bulletin 16 (December, 2020) (12/1/2020) When Gov. Kate Brown issued a stay-at-home order in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March, Oregon's legal community quickly figured out new ways to continue serving clients and keep the justice system running. It also established free resources to help people struggling to file unemployment claims and obtain federal stimulus funding, and to... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Keegan M. Gute A Potentially Hazardous Resolution: What Are the Legal Consequences of a Coronavirus Vaccine? 21 Western Michigan University Cooley Journal of Practical and Clinical Law 21 (2020) (2020) I. A GLOBAL PHENOMENON MORPHS OUR WAY OF LIFE. 69 II. LEADERS TAKE NECESSARY STEPS, BUT AT WHAT COST?. 70 III. HOPES FOR NORMALCY LIE IN A VACCINE. 71 A. Let's redefine complicated. 71 B. So, coronavirus . isn't new?. 71 C. Where will a United States vaccine come from?. 72 D. This rush it to the market craze. 73 IV. WHERE TORT LAW COMES INTO PLAY.... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Zandy Dudiak ACBA ELECTION 2020 RESULTS: NEW OFFICERS ADAPT AGENDAS TO REFLECT REALITIES OF COVID-19, RACIAL PROTESTS 22 Lawyers Journal 3 (7/3/2020) (7/3/2020) When Joseph Williams interviewed with ACBA's nominating committee in March, he thought he had a sense of what he might prioritize as president-elect. Williams, a partner at Pollock Begg, decided to seek the Bar Association's second-highest position as a way to pay forward everything the ACBA has given him, from mentoring as he came out of law; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Adam A. Marshall , Gunita Singh Access to Public Records and the Role of the News Media in Providing Information about Covid-19 11 Journal of National Security Law & Policy 199 (2020) (12/1/2020) Introduction. 199 I. How Open Government Laws in the United States Have Been Affected by the Pandemic. 201 A. The Federal Freedom of Information Act. 201 B. State and Local Public Records and Open Meetings Laws. 203 1. Public Records. 203 2. Open Meetings. 206 3. Looking Ahead. 206 II. Hipaa, Public Records, and the News Media During COVID-19. 207... 2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Steven Harras, CQ Roll Call Acting Cfpb Director Uejio Vows Tougher Enforcement, Focus on Racial Equity (1/29/2021) (2020) The acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said his agency will focus on relief for people facing economic hardship from the COVID-19 pandemic and racial equity with stepped-up enforcement actions. 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call Amazon to Face Questions on Racial Equity, Worker Rights at 2021 Meeting CQ Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance Briefing (24-Dec-20) (12/24/2020)   2020 Law Review Articles and Secondary Sources
Rebecca L. Berkebile AN INSIDE VIEW OF THE EEOC, NYSDHR AND NYCCHR IN THE WAKE OF THE CORONAVIRUS NEW NORMAL (POWERPOINT) 20200527P NYCBAR 1, City Bar Center for Continuing Legal Education (5/27/2020) What types of claims are coming in during this pandemic? How has work-from-home changed how your agency intakes claims, mediates claims, investigates claims and makes determinations? Training and outreach - have there been special efforts or different efforts? Agency guidance - has your agency come out with any guidance specific to this... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Dan Oswald, CEO, Simplify Compliance Another Potential Covid-19 Casualty: Workplace Collaboration 31 No. California Employment Law Letter 7 (12/7/2020) (12/7/2020) The year 2020 has been a challenging one for our nation and the world. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States has faced heightened racial tensions and a deep political divide culminating in a contested presidential election. Emotions have been running high, and fear seems to rule the day. Through it all, our workplaces... 2020 Law Reviews and Other Secondary Sources
Kerrie R. Heslin, et. Al. Anticipating and preparing for COVID-19-related employment litigation 27 No. 07 Westlaw Journal Class Action 17 (8/23/2020) Although certain health and financial ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic appear to be improving, the litigation-related fallout is just beginning. The pandemic has triggered a significant rise in unemployment, with over 20 million Americans currently out of work a statistic that historically correlates to increased litigation. It also has; Expert Analysis Westlaw Journal Class Action Anticipating and preparing for COVID- 19-related employment litigation By Kerrie R. Heslin, Esq., Ryan S; increased risk for employment discrimination claims. These include claims for race and national origin discrimination or harassment resulting from xenophobia and; or perceived disability discrimination against employees requesting or returning from COVID- 19 related leave. Since many employers are also reducing their workforces; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kerrie R. Heslin, et. Al. Anticipating and preparing for COVID-19-related employment litigation 41 No. 02 Westlaw Journal Environmental 11 (8/8/2020) Although certain health and financial ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic appear to be improving, the litigation-related fallout is just beginning. The pandemic has triggered a significant rise in unemployment, with over 20 million Americans currently out of work a statistic that historically correlates to increased litigation. It also has; 2020 Expert Analysis Westlaw Journal Environmental Anticipating and preparing for COVID- 19-related employment litigation By Kerrie R. Heslin, Esq., Ryan S; increased risk for employment discrimination claims. These include claims for race and national origin discrimination or harassment resulting from xenophobia and; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Kerrie R. Heslin, et. Al. Anticipating and preparing for COVID-19-related employment litigation Practitioner Insights Commentaries (7/2/2020) As the world grapples with its exposure to the coronavirus, employers are contemplating a different kind of exposure: legal risk. Nukk-Freeman & Cerra attorneys Kerrie R. Heslin, Ryan S. Carlson and Robin H. Rome discuss employment law considerations including both routine and novel legal claim bases as employers examine their best practices; 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Nick Wicker Anti-smoking groups sue federal regulators for inactivity on menthol cigarettes 28 No. 03 Westlaw Journal Health Law 09 (7/15/2020) Two anti-smoking consumer groups claim that multiple government bodies failed to ban menthol cigarettes despite direction from Congress, disproportionately affecting Black Americans and making them more susceptible to COVID-19. In a complaint filed June 17 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, the African American; smoking groups sue federal regulators for inactivity on menthol cigarettes African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council v. HHS By Nick Wicker Copyright; to ban menthol cigarettes despite direction from Congress, disproportionately affecting Black Americans and making them more susceptible to COVID- 19. African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council et al. v. U.S; in the U.S. use menthol cigarettes. This menthol use puts Black Americans in special danger, the complaint says, given their typically higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, lung issues and now COVID- 19. The suit names as defendants the U.S. Department of Health; resulted in exacerbated heart and lung conditions that have made African Americans more susceptible to the novel coronavirus outbreak. By continuing to delay 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Publisher's Editorial Staff Appendix 38-D. EEOC Guidance: What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws Corporate Counsel's Guide to Legal Aspects of Employee Handbooks and Policies 38-D (10/22/2020) All EEOC materials related to COVID-19 are collected at The EEOC enforces workplace anti-discrimination laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act (which include the requirement for reasonable accommodation and non-discrimination based on disability, and rules about employer... 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
Laura Weiss, CQ Roll Call As companies condemn racism, investors want measurable actions to fight it CQ Roll Call Washington Corporate Governance Briefing (6/17/2020) As corporations respond to the Black Lives Matter movement and profess their opposition to racism, investors and advocates are pushing company executives to make detailed plans for systemic change that can be measured to hold them accountable. 2020 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources
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