Title | Source | Lead Paragraph | Word Count | Year | Race/Ethnicity in Title | Racism in Title |
Actualización sobre el coronavirus (COVID-19): La FDA autoriza la vacuna bivalente contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech como dosis de refuerzo par... |
PR Newswire Latam (Spanish)(3/14/2023) |
Actualización sobre el coronavirus (COVID-19): La FDA autoriza la vacuna bivalente contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech como dosis de refuerzo para... |
1071 |
2023 |
Adelphi Professor Damian Stanley Publishes Large Dataset Detailing the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic |
U-Wire(2/22/2023) |
Adelphi University ; Garden City, NY - newsBy |
476 |
2023 |
ADHS entrega vacunas y pruebas de COVID-19 a comunidades desatendidas |
Bajo El Sol (Yuma, AZ)(5/9/2023) |
Phoenix – Mientras los niveles de COVID-19 disminuyen, el Departamento de Servicios de Salud de Arizona continúa brindando pruebas, vacunas y otros... |
1150 |
2023 |
Adverse cutaneous reactions post Covid-19 vaccination-Case series from a tertiary care centre in Eastern India |
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists(3/31/2023) |
2512 |
2023 |
African and Middle Eastern communities over-represented in COVID-19 fines in Victoria, data shows |
ABC Premium News(6/27/2023) |
In short: Police data suggests people of African or Middle Eastern appearance got four times as many COVID fines for breaking public health rules as... |
2474 |
2023 |
African/Black American |
AHA News: Concerns Remain as COVID-19 Pandemic Weighs on Hispanic People in US |
Columbus Telegram (NE)(4/21/2023) |
FRIDAY, April 21, 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Hispanic population faced disproportionately high... |
957 |
2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx American |
AHA News: The COVID-19 Emergency Is Over, But the Need For Awareness Remains, Experts Say |
Cherokee Tribune (Canton, GA)(5/25/2023) |
THURSDAY, May 25, 2023 (American Heart Association News) -- The official word on COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization and the U.S.... |
1292 |
2023 |
Alameda Health System publica el AHS COVID-19 Memory Archive |
PR Newswire Latam (Spanish)(5/11/2023) |
El archivo presenta entrevistas orales breves a trabajadores de la salud que estuvieron en la primera línea de la COVID-19 en el condado de Alameda,... |
740 |
2023 |
Alerta por Covid-19: urgen a latinos a vacunarse ante incremento de contagios y hospitalizaciones |
La Opinion(8/15/2023) |
Estados Unidos está registrando un incremento de contagios de Covid-19, pero también hospitalizaciones y muertes, según reportes de los Centros para... |
590 |
2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx American |
Allegheny Health Network Researcher Broadens Understanding of COVID-19 (Impact of COVID-19 on Pregnancy Outcomes across Trimesters in the United St... |
Respiratory Therapeutics Daily News(11/14/2023) |
Allegheny Health Network Researcher Broadens Understanding of COVID-19 (Impact of COVID-19 on Pregnancy Outcomes across Trimesters in the United... |
402 |
2023 |
América Latina y el Caribe avanza en lucha contra el hambre, aún siente impacto del COVID-19: ONU |
Reuters (Spanish)(11/9/2023) |
Por Juana CasasSANTIAGO, 9 nov (Reuters) - América Latina y el Caribe ha avanzado en su lucha para erradicar el hambre en la región, pero sigue... |
397 |
2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx American |
American Cancer Society - Incidence Rates for Most Local and Regional Stage Cancers Declined During First Year of COVID-19, New Research Shows |
ENP Newswire(11/17/2023) |
ENPNEWSWIRE-(C)2023 ENPUBLISHINGRelease date- 16112023 - ATLANTA - A new report led by researchers at the American Cancer Society (ACS) shows, during... |
508 |
2023 |
American Heart Association: Concerns remain as COVID-19 pandemic weighs on Hispanic people in US |
Life Science News Feed(4/21/2023) |
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Hispanic population faced disproportionately high case numbers. Systemic disparities, including lack of... |
1310 |
2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx American |
American Heart Association: Consequences of COVID-19, in data - Large increase in deaths from cardiovascular diseases (CVD), especially among certa... |
Life Science News Feed(1/25/2023) |
American Heart Association: Consequences of COVID-19, in data - Large increase in deaths from cardiovascular diseases (CVD), especially among certain... |
2355 |
2023 |
American University Researchers Add New Data to Research in COVID-19 (The Implications of Health Disparities: A COVID-19 Risk Assessment of the His... |
Respiratory Therapeutics Daily News(2/6/2023) |
American University Researchers Add New Data to Research in COVID-19 (The Implications of Health Disparities: A COVID-19 Risk Assessment of the... |
488 |
2023 |
Analysis of data in the COVID-19 Neuro Databank-Biobank (R03 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) News(6/25/2023) |
Participating Organization(s)National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) |
6124 |
2023 |
Anthony Fauci Visits Campus, Discusses COVID-19 Policy, Preventing Future Pandemics |
U-Wire(4/1/2023) |
Georgetown University; Washington, DC - newsBy |
758 |
2023 |
States News Service(1/18/2023) |
WASHINGTON, DCThe following information was released by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI): |
1023 |
2023 |
Yes |
Arizona ocupa el primer lugar en EE. UU. en tasa de muertes por COVID-19 |
Bajo El Sol (Yuma, AZ)(4/11/2023) |
Phoenix– Arizona tuvo la tasa más alta de muertes por COVID-19 en el país durante tres años, según un análisis de investigación publicado en marzo en... |
503 |
2023 |
Arizona State University Researchers Publish New Studies and Findings in the Area of COVID-19 (Modes of COVID-19 Information and Vaccine Hesitancy ... |
Vaccine Daily(12/13/2023) |
Arizona State University Researchers Publish New Studies and Findings in the Area of COVID-19 (Modes of COVID-19 Information and Vaccine Hesitancy... |
490 |
2023 |
Assessment of Adverse events following Immunization of COVID – 19 vaccination in Health Care Workers (HCWs) of Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Govt. Medi... |
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology(1/31/2023) |
Assessment of Adverse events following Immunization of COVID – 19 vaccination in Health Care Workers (HCWs) of Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Govt. Medical... |
3453 |
2023 |
Assumption University Researcher Reveals New Findings on COVID-19 (A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on Covid-19 from The New York Time... |
TB & Outbreaks Daily News(11/7/2023) |
Assumption University Researcher Reveals New Findings on COVID-19 (A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on Covid-19 from The New York Times... |
334 |
2023 |
Athabasca University Researchers Have Provided New Study Findings on COVID-19 (Understanding Indigenous Learners' Experiences During the First and ... |
TB & Outbreaks Daily News(12/19/2023) |
Athabasca University Researchers Have Provided New Study Findings on COVID-19 (Understanding Indigenous Learners' Experiences During the First and... |
358 |
2023 |
Indigenous |
Augusta Eats: Pineapple Ink Tavern brings vibrant flavor of Cuban cuisine to downtown |
Augusta Chronicle, The (GA)(6/6/2023) |
Many people cling to the wouldn't it be nice" pipe dream of owning a restaurant |
553 |
2023 |
Augusta University Researchers Update Current Study Findings on COVID-19 (Racial residential segregation and COVID-19 vaccine uptake: an analysis o... |
Vaccine Daily(8/11/2023) |
Augusta University Researchers Update Current Study Findings on COVID-19 (Racial residential segregation and COVID-19 vaccine uptake: an analysis of... |
476 |
2023 |
B.C. to drop COVID-19 vaccine rule for public workers as it launches booster campaign |
AP Alerts(3/11/2023) |
VANCOUVER - British Columbia is rescinding its policy requiring provincial public servants to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and is planning a spring... |
756 |
2023 |
Banco Mundial: covid-19 pode resultar em geração perdida de jovens |
Itamaraju Noticias (Brazil) (Portuguese)(2/16/2023) |
\t\t\t\tA pandemia de covid-19 comprometeu o desenvolvimento de milhões de crianças e jovens nos países de baixa e média renda, divulgou hoje (16) o... |
775 |
2023 |
Best Messages for Vaccinating Kids Against COVID-19 ID'd for Hesitant Parents |
RT: For Decision Makers in Respiratory Care(5/9/2023) |
A study from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago found that parents with children who were not yet vaccinated against COVID-19 were... |
892 |
2023 |
Biden HHS spends $500K fighting COVID-19 social media 'disinformation' for Hispanics |
Gazette, The (Colorado Springs, CO)(6/15/2023) |
The Biden administration is steering hundreds of thousands of dollars to a university to thwart so-called COVID-19 misinformation" and..." |
983 |
2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx American |
Blood donations suggest 73 per cent of Canadians have had COVID-19 |
globeandmail.com (Toronto)(1/27/2023) |
Tests for COVID-19 antibodies in donated blood indicate that only around 60 per cent of seniors have contracted the virus, compared to 88 per cent of... |
572 |
2023 |
BLS: In Race From COVID-19, Who Wins? |
Targeted News Service (US)(11/28/2023) |
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 -- The U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics issued the following Monthly Labor Review article on Nov. 27, 2023:By... |
521 |
2023 |
Yes |
Bolivia a cuatro puntos del 100% de recuperados de COVID-19 |
Xinhua News Bulletin (Spanish)(1/28/2023) |
312 |
2023 |
Book reexamines scholarship, teaching in the era of COVID-19 |
Targeted News Service (US)(11/6/2023) |
ITHACA, New York, Nov. 6 -- Cornell University issued the following news:Lockdowns, cancellations, transitions to online learning: the COVID-19... |
233 |
2023 |
Boston College School of Social Work Researchers Have Provided New Data on COVID-19 (The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Older Latino Immigrants) |
TB & Outbreaks Daily News(5/22/2023) |
2023 MAY 22 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at TB & Outbreaks Daily News -- Research findings on COVID-19 are discussed in a new... |
328 |
2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx American |
Boston Medical Center Researchers Have Provided New Study Findings on COVID-19 ("Community members have more impact on their neighbors than celebri... |
Vaccine Daily(4/4/2023) |
Boston Medical Center Researchers Have Provided New Study Findings on COVID-19 (Community members have more impact on their neighbors than..." |
545 |
2023 |
Boston Medical Center: STI & HIV Screening Decreased While Positive Test Results Increased During COVID-19 |
Life Science News Feed(3/30/2023) |
New research from Boston Medical Center found that STI and HIV testing declined at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, while there was an increase in... |
669 |
2023 |
Boston University School of Public Health: Excess Mortality Estimates Show Increases in US Rural Mortality During Second Year of COVID-19 Pandemic |
Targeted News Service (US)(6/24/2023) |
BOSTON, Massachusetts, June 24 (TNSjou) -- Boston University School of Public Health issued the following news:* * * |
1251 |
2023 |
States News Service(2/9/2023) |
BOSTON, MAThe following information was released by the City of Boston: |
561 |
2023 |
Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases Occur In 7.5% Of Vaccinated Texas Participants, According To UTHealth Houston Survey |
Targeted News Service (US)(2/8/2023) |
HOUSTON, Texas, Feb. 8 (TNSjou) -- The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston issued the following news on Feb. 7, 2023:* * * |
697 |
2023 |
Brown University School of Public Health Reports Findings in COVID-19 (Infant Health Care Disruptions by Race and Ethnicity, Income, and Insurance ... |
Insurance Daily News(8/11/2023) |
Brown University School of Public Health Reports Findings in COVID-19 (Infant Health Care Disruptions by Race and Ethnicity, Income, and Insurance... |
484 |
2023 |
Yes |
California alcanza las 100,000 muertes por covid-19, más del 40% son de latinos |
La Opinion(2/24/2023) |
A tres años de que estallara la pandemia de covid-19, California alcanzó el 23 de febrero 100,187 muertes a causa de este virus mientras que el 42.2%... |
657 |
2023 |
Hispanic/Latinx American |
Called to Lead: A Qualitative Examination of the Experiences and Contributions of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists During the COVID-19 Pande... |
AANA Journal(4/1/2023) |
Called to Lead: A Qualitative Examination of the Experiences and Contributions of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists During the COVID-19 Pandemic... |
5519 |
2023 |
Canada : Government of Canada continues to monitor and invest in COVID-19 wastewater monitoring |
Mena Report(6/1/2023) |
On May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization determined the current COVID-19 situation no longer constitutes a Public Health Emergency of... |
650 |
2023 |
Canada : Government of Canada invests new funding for post COVID-19 condition, in line with recommendations from the Chief Science Advisors report |
Mena Report(3/11/2023) |
Long COVID Web pan-Canadian network to lead critical research on post COVID-19 condition; Cochrane Canada and GRADE centres at McMaster University to... |
919 |
2023 |
Canada : Provincial health officers, ministers statement about spring COVID-19 boosters |
Mena Report(3/15/2023) |
Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.s provincial health officer, and Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, have issued the following statement about spring COVID-19... |
405 |
2023 |
CAPAC Members Commemorate Second Anniversary of COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act Being Signed Into Law |
Targeted News Service (US)(5/20/2023) |
WASHINGTON, May 20 -- The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus issued the following news release on May 19, 2023:Members of the Congressional... |
1464 |
2023 |
Casinos and consulting? Pandemic spurs tribes to diversify |
Independent Online (UK)(2/26/2023) |
Hit hard by COVID-19 shutdowns, Native American tribes with casinos are taking a closer look at diversifying their portfolios to help keep their... |
1090 |
2023 |
Cause of Death by Race and Ethnicity in Minnesota Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2019-2020 |
TB & Outbreaks Daily News(3/27/2023) |
2023 MAR 27 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at TB & Outbreaks Daily News -- According to news reporting based on a preprint abstract,... |
246 |
2023 |
Yes |
CDC Foundation Launches Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign |
AP Alerts(9/14/2023) |
ATLANTA, Sept. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The CDC Foundation today announced a new national campaign Pregnant & Protected" to inform people planning to..." |
646 |
2023 |
CDC-Supported National Network of Farmworker-Serving Organizations to Mitigate COVID-19 |
American Journal of Public Health(2/1/2023) |
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has partnered with the National Center for Farmworker Health to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on US... |
1938 |
2023 |