AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Mario L. Barnes WE WILL TURN BACK?: ON WHY REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA v. BAKKE MAKES THE CASE FOR ADOPTING MORE RADICALLY RACE-CONSCIOUS ADMISSIONS POLICIES 52 U.C. Davis Law Review 2265 (June, 2019) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L32267 I. The Problems of Fact and Analysis in Justice Powell's Plurarity Opinion. 2273 A. Understanding the Bakke Case Through the Lens of Its Very Bad Facts. 2274 B. The Tie Between Very Bad Facts and Justice Powell's Unhinged Analysis. 2276 II. We Will Turn Back?: Bakke's Legacy as a Justification... 2019  
Yxta Maya Murray WHAT FEMA SHOULD DO AFTER PUERTO RICO: TOWARD CRITICAL ADMINISTRATIVE CONSTITUTIONALISM 72 Arkansas Law Review 165 (2019) The 200th anniversary of the 1819 Supreme Court decision McCulloch v. Maryland offers scholars a special opportunity to study the shortcomings of the federal The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as they were revealed by FEMA's failures in Puerto Rico during and after Hurricane Maria. Under Article I, Section 8 of the... 2019  
Ann M. Aviles , David O. Stovall WHEN "CLASS" EXPLANATIONS DON'T CUT IT: SPECTERS OF RACE, HOUSING INSTABILITY, AND EDUCATION POLICY 19 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 166 (Spring, 2019) Race also matters because of persistent racial inequality in society-- inequality that cannot be ignored and that has produced stark socioeconomic disparities .. And race matters for reasons that really are only skin deep, that cannot be discussed any other way, and that cannot be wished away. Race matters to a young man's view of society when he... 2019  
David Simson WHITENESS AS INNOCENCE 96 Denver Law Review 635 (Spring, 2019) Current antidiscrimination law is exceedingly hostile to the project of race-conscious remediation--the conscious use of race to mitigate America's persistent racial hierarchy. This Article argues that this broad hostility can be traced in significant part to what I call Whiteness as Innocence ideology. This ideology is a system of legal... 2019  
Spencer Bradley WHOSE MARKET IS IT ANYWAY? A PHILOSOPHY AND LAW CRITIQUE OF THE SUPREME COURT'S FREE-SPEECH ABSOLUTISM 123 Dickinson Law Review 517 (Winter, 2019) In the wake of Charlottesville, the rise of the alt-right, and campus controversies, the First Amendment has fallen into public scrutiny. Historically, the First Amendment's marketplace of ideas has been a driving source of American political identity; since Brandenburg v. Ohio, the First Amendment protects all speech from government interference... 2019  
Kenneth B. Nunn "ESSENTIALLY BLACK": LEGAL THEORY AND THE MORALITY OF CONSCIOUS RACIAL IDENTITY 97 Nebraska Law Review 287 (2018) In philosophy, essentialism involves the claim that everything that exists has a fundamental character or core set of features that makes it what it is. Although this idea developed out of Platonic notions of ideal forms, it has spread beyond philosophy into the social sciences and hard scientific disciplines like mathematics and biology. Since the... 2018  
Corey Stone 16 GOING ON 30: A CRITICISM OF IOWA'S "REVERSE WAIVER" STATUTE 21 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 459 (Winter, 2018) I. Introduction. 459 II. Background. 460 A. Constitutionality. 461 1. Solitary Confinement. 463 B. Superpredators and Race. 463 1. Concerning State-Level Data. 465 2. Iowa Comports with the National Trend. 466 3. The Link Between Racism and Juvenile Sentencing. 467 4. Implicit Bias and Juvenile Justice. 468 C. Effectiveness. 470 III. Analysis.... 2018  
Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin, Sam Houston State University, A VIEW OF RACISM 13 Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 53 (March, 2018) The election of Donald J. Trump as the forty-fifth president of the United States has reinvigorated the American left's interest in combating racism in a way not seen since perhaps the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Trump's campaign rhetoric full of dog whistles gave way to an administration constituted by troubling people enacting... 2018  
Monica Bell , Tanya K. Hernández , Solangel Maldonado , Rachelle Perkins , Chantal Thomas , Moderated by Olatunde Johnson , Introduction by Elise Lopez ADVOCACY IN IDEAS: LEGAL EDUCATION AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS 36 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 40 (2018) Elise Lopez [EL]: Thank you all for attending our conference. I want to thank the conference chairs and all of our Empowering Women of Color (EWOC) team for putting together this incredible event. I hope you all are, and continue to be, inspired as I have been throughout the day. We have one more amazing panel, entitled Advocacy in Ideas: Legal... 2018  
Elizabeth Mertz , Cynthia Grant Bowman BALANCED JUDICIAL REALISM IN THE SERVICE OF JUSTICE: JUDGE RICHARD D. CUDAHY 67 DePaul Law Review 655 (Summer, 2018) There is a quiet irony to be found in scholarly writings about the judiciary, which often center around high-profile jurists selected as the great judges. But there are great judges who do not receive or even want such widespread recognition, and who do not discuss their philosophy of judging--they simply focus on the job in front of them. Judges... 2018  
Emmanuel Mauleón BLACK TWICE: POLICING BLACK MUSLIM IDENTITIES 65 UCLA Law Review 1326 (June, 2018) In a political moment that includes various iterations of a Muslim Ban, and a resurgent mainstreaming of white nationalism, race and religion clearly remain hotly contested in American life. And yet, in much of the recent scholarship and public debate on these issues, the intersecting experiences of Black Muslims are often elided, if not entirely... 2018  
Ann Kennedy CHRONIC HARM 25 William and Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice 131 (Fall, 2018) Introduction I. Reproductive Justice and the Anti-archive II. Chronic Harm: Reproductive Justice and the Exploitation of Care Labor In this Article, I argue that critical race feminism provides a lens for dismantling the current system of U.S. laws that regulate labor and reproduction, a set of laws that are often represented as unrelated race- and... 2018  
Susan Ayres CLAUDIA RANKINE'S CITIZEN: DOCUMENTING AND PROTESTING AMERICA'S HALTING MARCH TOWARD RACIAL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY 9 Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review 213 (2018) Introduction. 214 I. Citizen as Protest Poetry in a Documentary and Epideictic Mode. 219 A. Documentary Poetry. 222 B. Epideictic Discourse--Does Poetry Matter?. 225 II. Racism and the Racial Imaginary: Microaggressions and Major Moments. 228 A. The Racial Imaginary. 229 B. Examples of Racism in Citizen--Call Out Racism When You See It. 237... 2018  
Kate Sablosky Elengold CLUSTERED BIAS 96 North Carolina Law Review 457 (January, 2018) Agencies, advocates, and courts regularly and repeatedly fail plaintiffs who have experienced intersectional discrimination based on more than one personal identity trait. Nearly thirty years after intersectionality theory was first introduced to legal scholarship, however, its insights have yet to be effectively integrated into antidiscrimination... 2018  
Twila L. Perry CONSCIOUS AND STRATEGIC REPRESENTATIONS OF RACE: PRINCE, MUSIC, BLACK LIVES, AND RACE SCHOLARSHIP 27 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 549 (Spring, 2018) Prince has often been described in the media as an artist who transcended barriers of race, gender and music genre. However, the context of race has received much less attention than the contexts of gender and music. Although discussions of Prince in the media have seldom focused on his racial identity as an African-American, an examination of... 2018  
Cheryl L. Wade CORPORATE COMPLIANCE THAT ADVANCES RACIAL DIVERSITY AND JUSTICE AND WHY BUSINESS DEREGULATION DOES NOT MATTER 49 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 611 (Spring, 2018) This Essay considers the problem of racial harassment and discrimination in the aftermath of the recent and more thorough discussion about gender inequality. It begins by explaining the inadequacies of the SEC Board Diversity Rules and Section 342. It then describes the reasons why, despite these inadequacies, more regulation relating to... 2018  
Steven L. Nelson, J.D., Ph.D. , University of Memphis COULD THE STATE TAKEOVER OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS CREATE A STATE-CREATED DANGER? THEORIZING AT THE INTERSECTION OF STATE TAKEOVER DISTRICTS, THE SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE, AND RACIAL OPPRESSION 27 National Black Law Journal 1 (2017-2018) Federal courts have consistently rejected plaintiffs' arguments that the government is liable when citizens suffer injuries at the hands of private third parties. In the context of education, there are few cases where federal courts have held that schools are liable for the injuries that students incur at the hands of private third parties. This... 2018  
Jason M. Shepard , Kathleen B. Culver CULTURE WARS ON CAMPUS: ACADEMIC FREEDOM, THE FIRST AMENDMENT, AND PARTISAN OUTRAGE IN POLARIZED TIMES 55 San Diego Law Review 87 (Winter, 2018) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 88 II. Classrooms Going Viral: A New Phenomenon. 92 A. OCC Case: From the Classroom to National News. 92 B. New Technologies and Unintended Consequences. 96 C. The Conservative Media's Outrage Machine. 100 III. Academic Freedom Law. 106 A. OCC Case: Legal Issues Presented. 106 B. Campus Polarization Over... 2018  
Kim E. Clark DEMARGINALIZING THE INTERSECTION OF SPIRITUALITY AND LAW: OPPOSITIONAL CULTURAL PRACTICE™ THEORY, SELF-TRANSCENDENCE, AND SOCIAL CHANGE 40 Western New England Law Review 225 (2018) This Article works toward a theory of self-transcendence that leads to social change. The Maslow self-transcendence hypothesis is reformulated. The old hypothesis, when applied to self-transcendence in humans, has two major problems: (1) it posits an erasure of the Self that was motivated to achieve the self-actualization state, i.e., the... 2018  
Bryant G. Garth , Joyce S. Sterling DIVERSITY, HIERARCHY, AND FIT IN LEGAL CAREERS: INSIGHTS FROM FIFTEEN YEARS OF QUALITATIVE INTERVIEWS 31 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 123 (Winter, 2018) This article focuses on change and continuity in how the legal profession provides opportunity for women and minorities. It begins by discussing a provocative photograph of diverse elite lawyers on the golf course as a symbol of the requirement to fit in the work settings of the legal profession. It is the first article based on three waves... 2018  
Susan K. Serrano ELEVATING THE PERSPECTIVES OF U.S. TERRITORIAL PEOPLES: WHY THE INSULAR CASES SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN LAW SCHOOL 21 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 395 (Winter, 2018) I. Introduction. 395 II. The Insular Cases in Socio-Historical Context. 402 A. Downes v. Bidwell and the Doctrine of Territorial Incorporation. 404 B. Balzac v. Porto Rico and the Aftermath of the Insular Cases. 409 C. Ongoing Impacts of the Doctrine of Territorial Incorporation. 411 III. The Insular Cases in the Law School Curriculum: An Overview.... 2018  
Randall O. Westbrook ELUSIVE QUEST: REFLECTING ON BELL AND BROWN 34 Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice 117 (Spring, 2018) This Comment seeks to examine and discuss the legacy of law professor Derrick A. Bell, Jr. and his unique approach to addressing issues of education, race and social justice. More specifically, this Comment will discuss the role his groundbreaking articles, essays, and books played in providing fresh and often controversial perspectives about legal... 2018  
Katie Kelly ENFORCING STEREOTYPES: THE SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECIES OF U.S. IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT 66 UCLA Law Review Discourse 36 (2018) U.S. immigration law was built on a foundation of systemic white supremacy. While a brief historical analysis of immigration laws in the United States illustrates a shift from explicitly racial to race-neutral language, the effects of the originally race-restrictive provisions in immigration law continue to be felt today. This Article illustrates... 2018  
Paul Butler EQUAL PROTECTION AND WHITE SUPREMACY 112 Northwestern University Law Review 1457 (2018) Abstract--The project of using social science to help win equal protection claims is doomed to fail if its premise is that the Supreme Court postMcCleskey just needs more or better evidence of racial discrimination. Everyone-- including the Justices of the Court--already knows that racial discrimination is endemic in the criminal justice system.... 2018  
Bennett Capers EVIDENCE WITHOUT RULES 94 Notre Dame Law Review 867 (December, 2018) Much of what we tell ourselves about the Rules of Evidence--that they serve as an all-seeing gatekeeper, checking evidence for relevance and trustworthiness, screening it for unfair prejudice--is simply wrong. In courtrooms every day, fact finders rely on evidence--for example, a style of dress, the presence of family members in the gallery, and... 2018  
Khiara M. Bridges EXCAVATING RACE-BASED DISADVANTAGE AMONG CLASS-PRIVILEGED PEOPLE OF COLOR 53 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 65 (Winter, 2018) The aim of this article is to begin to theorize the fraught space within which class-privileged racial minorities exist--the disadvantage within their privilege. The article posits that the invisibility of the racial subordination of wealthier people of color (that is, their marginalization on account of their race) is fertile soil for the... 2018  
Jonathan P. Feingold, Evelyn R. Carter EYES WIDE OPEN: WHAT SOCIAL SCIENCE CAN TELL US ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT'S USE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE 112 Northwestern University Law Review 1689 (2018) Abstract--The Northwestern University Law Review's 2017 Symposium asked whether McCleskey v. Kemp closed the door on social science's ability to meaningfully contribute to equal protection deliberations. This inquiry is understandable; McCleskey is widely understood to have rendered statistical racial disparities doctrinally irrelevant in the equal... 2018  
Jonathan P. Feingold, Evelyn R. Carter EYES WIDE OPEN: WHAT SOCIAL SCIENCE CAN TELL US ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT'S USE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE 112 Northwestern University Law Review Online 247 (April 4, 2018) Abstract--The Northwestern University Law Review's 2017 Symposium asked whether McCleskey v. Kemp closed the door on social science's ability to meaningfully contribute to equal protection deliberations. This inquiry is understandable; McCleskey is widely understood to have rendered statistical racial disparities doctrinally irrelevant in the equal... 2018  
Alexander M. Nourafshan FROM THE CLOSET TO THE BOARDROOM: REGULATING LGBT DIVERSITY ON CORPORATE BOARDS 81 Albany Law Review 439 (2017-2018) In recent years, corporations have touted a commitment to diversity, often investing considerable resources in diversity-related initiatives. While some companies have successfully diversified the workplace, companies have been uniformly unsuccessful diversifying at the board level. Corporate boards have remained disproportionately white, male,... 2018  
Margaret E. Montoya HLS 200: A LATINA'S STORY ABOUT THE BICENTENNIAL 21 Harvard Latinx Law Review 35 (Spring, 2018) Harvard Law School (HLS) celebrated its bicentennial on October 26 and 27, 2017, and filmed a documentary as part of the activities marking the 200-year history of the school. This essay memorializes the role that I, a Latina who has been linked to HLS since I applied for admission in the fall of 1971, played in some of the bicentennial events.... 2018  
Meera E. Deo, JD, PhD INTERSECTIONAL BARRIERS TO TENURE 51 U.C. Davis Law Review 997 (February, 2018) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 997 I. Contextual Approaches. 1000 A. Scholarly Investigations of Legal Academia. 1001 B. Theoretical Underpinnings. 1006 II. The Diversity in Legal Academia Project. 1009 III. Empirical Evidence of Intersectional Barriers to Tenure. 1011 A. Tenure Basics. 1011 B. Tenure Done Right. 1014 C. Challenges with the... 2018  
Robin Pomerenke INTERSECTIONAL RESISTANCE: A CASE STUDY ON CRIMMIGRATION AND LESSONS FOR ORGANIZING IN THE TRUMP ERA 29 Hastings Women's Law Journal 241 (Summer, 2018) Increasingly, the federal government has sought to utilize local law enforcement's proximity to and intimacy with local communities to detain and deport immigrants. The resultant growth of crimmigration--the simultaneous enforcement of immigration law and criminal law--has sparked a large-scale social movement in California over the last ten years.... 2018  
Jennifer Hendry , Melissa L. Tatum JUSTICE FOR NATIVE NATIONS: INSIGHTS FROM LEGAL PLURALISM 60 Arizona Law Review 91 (Spring, 2018) This Article makes the case that, despite being underused by U.S. scholars in the field of Indian and Indigenous peoples law, a legally pluralist approach can and does provide vital conceptual insights. Not only does legal pluralism supply an important framework through which to conceptualize and address existing power imbalances between Indian... 2018  
Katherine Y. Barnes , Elizabeth Mertz LAW SCHOOL CLIMATES: JOB SATISFACTION AMONG TENURED US LAW PROFESSORS 43 Law and Social Inquiry 441 (Spring, 2018) In this article, we combine quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate why post-tenure law professors of color and women professors within the US legal academy are differentially dissatisfied with their work lives. Previous social science research has indicated lingering difficulties for professionals from traditionally marginalized groups... 2018  
Richard Delgado LEGAL REALISM AND THE CONTROVERSY OVER CAMPUS SPEECH CODES 69 Case Western Reserve Law Review 275 (Winter 2018) Martin Luther King Jr. and Derrick Bell both urged all Americans, white as well as nonwhite, to speak respectfully and, if possible, lovingly to and about each other. Decades later, a vigorous debate has broken out over what we now call hate speech and whether society may, and should, prohibit it. Building on previous scholarship, we show that... 2018  
Purvi Shah , Center for Constitutional Rights , Ellen Yaroshefsky , Published in April 2013 by Bertha Social Justice Institute MOVEMENT LAWYERING READING GUIDE 47 Hofstra Law Review 99 (Fall, 2018) Angela Harris, Margaretta Lin & Jeff Selbin, From The Art of War to Being Peace: Mindfulness and Community Lawyering in a Neoliberal Age, 95 Calif. L. Rev. 2073 (2007). Assesses the value of mindfulness in legal practice. Mindfulness sets aside typical adversarial and zero-sum approaches and opens up new relationship-based possibilities in... 2018  
Angela P. Harris, University of California - Davis, School of Law (King Hall) ON MARGARET MONTOYA & JEROME CULP: AN APPRECIATION 16 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 677 (Spring, 2018) Because I, a mestiza, continually walk out of one culture and into another, because I am in all cultures at the same time, alma entre dos mundos, tres, cuatro, me zumba la cabeza con lo contradictorio, Estoy norteada par todas las voces que me hablan simultaneamente. Because I, a mestiza, continually walk out of one culture and into another,... 2018  
Alexi Nunn Freeman, Lindsey Webb POSITIVE DISRUPTION: ADDRESSING RACE IN A TIME OF SOCIAL CHANGE THROUGH A TEAM-TAUGHT, REFLECTION-BASED, OUTWARD-LOOKING LAW SCHOOL SEMINAR 21 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 121 (2018) Addressing race in the legal classroom has long been a potentially disruptive, even professionally hazardous, act. Despite multiple innovations in the legal curriculum, the decades-long discussion regarding racial inclusion in law schools has led us to the same, largely race-avoidant, place. Now, as we navigate a tumultuous period in which issues... 2018  
Jasmine B. Gonzales Rose RACIAL CHARACTER EVIDENCE IN POLICE KILLING CASES 2018 Wisconsin Law Review 369 (2018) The United States is facing a twofold crisis: police killings of people of color and unaccountability for these killings in the criminal justice system. In many instances, the officers' use of deadly force is captured on video and often appears clearly unjustified, but grand and petit juries still fail to indict and convict, leaving many baffled.... 2018  
Erin C. Lain RACIALIZED INTERACTIONS IN THE LAW SCHOOL CLASSROOM: PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES TO CREATING A SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 67 Journal of Legal Education 780 (Spring, 2018) In summer 2016 I served as the director of the CLEO summer institute. While racial violence was erupting in the country, I faced my own dilemma on how to deal with tension about race in the learning environment. When I brought forty-four CLEO students to the county courthouse to watch sentencing hearings, one student spoke out to the attorneys,... 2018  
Jane Murphy , Solangel Maldonado REPRODUCING GENDER AND RACE INEQUALITY IN THE BLAWGOSPHERE 41 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 239 (Winter, 2018) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 239 I. The Emergence of Blogging as Legal Scholarship. 240 II. Gender Disparities in Legal Blawgs. 246 III. Racial Disparities in Blawgs. 254 IV. Why Do Gender and Racial Disparities Matter?. 262 V. Creating an Inclusive Blogosphere. 264 Conclusion. 265 2018  
Benjamin Levin RETHINKING THE BOUNDARIES OF "CRIMINAL JUSTICE" 15 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 619 (Spring, 2018) The New Criminal Justice Thinking (Sharon Dolovich & Alexandra Natapoff eds., N.Y.U. Press 2017). [T]he criminal justice system is not a system at all, observed Lawrence Friedman in his 1993 history of punishment in the United States. Over twenty years later, John Pfaff concluded that [t]he criminal justice system in the United States . is... 2018  
Melvin J. Kelley IV RETUNING BELL: SEARCHING FOR FREEDOM'S RING AS WHITENESS RESURGES IN VALUE 34 Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice 131 (Spring, 2018) A review of U.S. history demonstrates that profound progress has been made in addressing racial injustices over the years. Yet the dream of equality still remains elusive for most people of color, as evidenced by persistent racial inequities across all measures, the rollback of civil rights victories, as well as the election of President Trump and... 2018  
Reginald Leamon Robinson SEARCHING FOR THE PARENTAL CAUSES OF THE SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE PROBLEM: A CRITICAL, CONCEPTUAL ESSAY 32 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 31 (Summer, 2018) I believe that we're all born good, uncorrupted and life itself does the corrupting. But, you know, someone like [these children] . [they] just [aren't] capable of something like this. In the extreme, moral poverty is the poverty of growing up surrounded by deviant, delinquent, and criminal adults in abusive, violence-ridden, fatherless, Godless,... 2018  
Kenneth W. Mack SECOND MODE INCLUSION CLAIMS IN THE LAW SCHOOLS 87 Fordham Law Review 1005 (December, 2018) In October 2015, a group of Harvard Law School (HLS) students calling themselves Royall Must Fall announced their presence on both Facebook and Twitter, declaring their solidarity with the Rhodes Must Fall movement --which had called for the removal of a statue of Cecil Rhodes at the University of Cape Town. While the immediate concern of the... 2018  
Lucille A. Jewel SILENCING DISCIPLINE IN LEGAL EDUCATION 49 University of Toledo Law Review 657 (Spring, 2018) THIS essay is about academic freedom in the context of two groups that are not often discussed together: critical outsider scholars and legal writing teachers. Storytelling is the common thread that connects these two groups. Both outsider scholars and legal skills teachers have special knowledge that enables them to deploy storytelling in a way... 2018  
Russell Powell SOCIAL JUSTICE AND ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE 17 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 1 (Summer, 2018) It is nearly impossible to read a newspaper or follow social media today without seeing references to social justice. However, whether it is used as a policy ideal or as a derisive moniker (social justice warrior or SJW), it is fairly clear that there is little consensus regarding the definition of the term or its substantive legal... 2018  
Bernard W. Bell STEPHEN PRESSER, LAW PROFESSORS: THREE CENTURIES OF SHAPING AMERICAN LAW, ST. PAUL, MINN.: WEST ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2017, PP. 502, $48.00 67 Journal of Legal Education 626 (Winter, 2018) In introducing his book, legal historian Stephen B. Presser places his work in the tradition of Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans (9). Perhaps Presser is being a bit immodest both as to his own work and the profession about which he writes. For readers less acquainted with the classics, Robert L. Heilbroner's The Worldly Philosophers:... 2018  
Jessica Dixon Weaver THE CHANGING TIDES OF ADOPTION: WHY MARRIAGE, RACE, AND FAMILY IDENTITY STILL MATTER 71 SMU Law Review 159 (Winter, 2018) C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION. 159 II. THE EVOLUTION OF ADOPTION. 164 A. Formal Adoption. 165 1. Legacy Adoption. 166 2. Exploitative Adoption. 166 3. Exclusive Adoption. 169 4. Inclusive Adoption. 170 B. Informal Adoption. 171 III. THE CHANGING TIDE OF FAMILIES. 171 IV. WHY MARRIAGE, RACE, AND FAMILY IDENTITY STILL MATTER. 172 2018  
Tiffany R. Simmons, J.D. THE EFFECTS OF THE WAR ON DRUGS ON BLACK WOMEN: FROM EARLY LEGISLATION TO INCARCERATION 26 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 719 (2018) I. Introduction. 719 II. Early Legislation of the War on Drugs. 722 III. Federal Sentencing Regulations and the Shift of Power from Judges to Prosecutors. 724 IV. Prosecutorial Discretion and Its Disproportionate Impact on Black Women. 726 V. The Executive Branch's Impact on the War on Drugs and Sentencing Disparities (1991 to 2017). 733 VI. The... 2018  
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