AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Katharine T. Bartlett FEMINIST LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP: A HISTORY THROUGH THE LENS OF THE CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 100 California Law Review 381 (April, 2012) This Essay describes the evolution of feminist legal scholarship, using six articles published by the California Law Review as exemplars. This short history provides a window on the most important contributions of feminist scholarship to understandings about gender and law. It explores alternative formulations of equality, and the competing... 2012  
Richard Delgado FOUR RESERVATIONS ON CIVIL RIGHTS REASONING BY ANALOGY: THE CASE OF LATINOS AND OTHER NONBLACK GROUPS 112 Columbia Law Review 1883 (November, 2012) The protection of civil rights in the United States encompasses remedies for at least five separate groups. Native Americans have suffered extermination, removal, denial of sovereignty, and destruction of culture; Latinos, conquest and the indignities of a racially discriminatory immigration system. Asian Americans suffered exclusion, wartime... 2012  
Donald F. Tibbs FROM BLACK POWER TO HIP HOP: DISCUSSING RACE, POLICING, AND THE FOURTH AMENDMENT THROUGH THE "WAR ON" PARADIGM 15 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 47 (Winter 2012) Checks out the message in its rough stylee, the real criminals are the C-O-P. KRS-One I'm not the other color so police think, they have the authority to kill a minority. N.W.A. Son do you know what I'm stopping you for? Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low, do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't know? Jay-Z Despite the... 2012  
Cedric Merlin Powell FROM LOUISVILLE TO LIDDELL: SCHOOLS, RHETORICAL NEUTRALITY, AND THE POST-RACIAL EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE 40 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 153 (2012) Introduction. 153 I. Rhetorical Neutrality, The Process Theory, and The Formalization of Brown. 160 A. Parents Involved, Inversion, and Neutrality. 168 B. The Emergence of Choice . 170 II. The Political Community. 171 III. Liberal Individualism and the Conceptual Fallacy of Neighborhood schools. 174 A. Kentucky Revised Statute § 159.070 and... 2012  
Pantea Javidan GLOBAL CLASS AND THE COMMERCIAL-SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN: TOWARD A MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNDERSTANDING 1 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 365 (July, 2012) This Essay draws together several focal points of the Third Annual National People of Color Conference in 2010, human trafficking, racial contexts, criminal law, immigration law and international law, while addressing the core theme of post-racialism and other posts. The purpose of this Essay is three-fold. First, it challenges the notion that we... 2012  
Cedric Merlin Powell IDENTITY, LIBERAL INDIVIDUALISM, AND THE NEUTRAL ALLURE OF POST-BLACKNESS 15 Green Bag 341 (Spring, 2012) Cultural critic Touré's book, Who's Afraid of Post Blackness?, advances a comprehensive and provocative critique of the essentialist, narrow, and exclusionary aspects of Black authenticity. He constructs a new Black nationalist liberal individualism that acknowledges the commonality of shared racial experience and culture, but emphasizes the... 2012  
Anthony Thompson IN REMEMBRANCE OF PROFESSOR DERRICK BELL 36 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 1 (2012) Derrick Bell was a man of action and vision. His litigation insights, his writing, and his approach to teaching were his weapons. His music, humor, and vision of social justice gave us strength and support. At his core, Derrick embodied social change--social change not simply for the sake of change, but social change to bring about a more just... 2012  
Sarah Krakoff INEXTRICABLY POLITICAL: RACE, MEMBERSHIP, AND TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY 87 Washington Law Review 1041 (December, 2012) Abstract: Courts address equal protection questions about the distinct legal treatment of American Indian tribes in the following dichotomous way: are classifications concerning American Indians racial or political? If the classification is political (i.e., based on federally recognized tribal status or membership in a federally recognized tribe)... 2012  
Shafiqa Ahmadi ISLAM AND HOMOSEXUALITY: RELIGIOUS DOGMA, COLONIAL RULE, AND THE QUEST FOR BELONGING 26 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 537 (Spring 2012) It is widely believed that homosexuality is forbidden in Islam. However, a distinction should be made between homosexual acts and homosexual persons. Under the laws of some Islamic countries, homosexual acts are considered a crime and are punishable by death or by isolation, if not actual criminal proceedings. Being a homosexual person and not... 2012  
Antony Anghie LATCRIT AND TWAIL 42 California Western International Law Journal 311 (Spring 2012) I am very honored to be here. This is the second LatCrit Conference I have attended, as I was also present at the 2005 conference in Puerto Rico. I was impressed by the energy, enthusiasm, and the rich and powerful presentations made by the speakers at the 2005 conference. This occasion is no different. I have already learned a great deal from the... 2012  
Rick Su LOCATING KEITH AOKI: SPACE, GEOGRAPHY, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW 45 U.C. Davis Law Review 1637 (June, 2012) Introduction. 1637 I. Spatial Beginnings. 1638 II. Exporting Space. 1642 III. Space at the Ground Level. 1646 Conclusion. 1652 Anyone reviewing Keith Aoki's scholarship is sure to remark on at least two things. The first is his immense scholarly productivity, which includes the publication of more than fifty articles and books in less than two... 2012  
Laura E. Gómez LOOKING FOR RACE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES 46 Law and Society Review 221 (June, 2012) It has been my honor to serve as president of the Law and Society Association (LSA) for the past two years, and I am delighted to deliver this address as my term closes and as I turn over the reins to president-elect Michael McCann. Let me begin my formal remarks today by acknowledging my mother, Eloyda Gonzales Gómez, and my son, Alejandro Gómez,... 2012  
Donna E. Young POST RACE POSTHASTE: TOWARDS AN ANALYTICAL CONVERGENCE OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY AND MARXISM 1 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 499 (July, 2012) Viewing United States antidiscrimination law through a Marxist lens helps to reveal weaknesses in the American approach to combating racism. Although Marxist theory is salient to the perpetual problem of American racism, it has been essentially ignored in the American approach. Consequently, Title VII jurisprudence has floundered in its lack of... 2012  
Bekah Mandell PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE: USING A HUMAN RIGHTS FRAMEWORK AND GRASSROOTS ORGANIZING TO BUILD A NATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT 1 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 402 (July, 2012) Derrick Bell's The Space Traders--a parable of the final fulfillment of the ruling class's dehumanizing and racist divide and conquer tactics was written long before the Tea Party emerged, but the story foreshadows its rise. In the story, the United States has squandered all its natural resources, irreparably degraded the environment, and faces a... 2012  
Justin Desautels-Stein RACE AS A LEGAL CONCEPT 2 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 1 (2012) Race is a legal concept, and like all legal concepts, it is a matrix of rules. Although the legal conception of race has shifted over time, up from slavery and to the present, one element in the matrix has remained the same: the background rules of race have always taken a view of racial identity as a natural aspect of human biology. To be sure,... 2012  
Andre L. Smith RACE, LAW, AND THE FREE MARKET: A CRITICAL LAW AND ECONOMICS CONCEPTION OF RACISM AS ASYMMETRICAL MARKET FAILURE 4 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 39 (Spring, 2012) It must have been freshman macroeconomics at DePaul University where I learned that a capitalist, laissez-faire economy allows the market rather than the government to set prices for goods and services, working as the invisible hand. I learned that meeting of the demand and supply curves tends to establish a price equilibrium. I was taught that a... 2012  
Hilal Elver RACIALIZING ISLAM BEFORE AND AFTER 9/11: FROM MELTING POT TO ISLAMOPHOBIA 21 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 119 (Spring 2012) I. Point of Departure. 119 II. Paving the Road for Racializing Islam: Pre-9/11 Era. 123 A. Muslim Community in the United States. 124 1. Immigrants. 125 2. Natives: African American Muslims. 128 B. Prejudices Against Muslims and Middle Easterners in the Pre-9/11 Era. 130 1. Discrimination Against Middle Easterners and Muslims in the Process of... 2012  
Brandon Paradise RACIALLY TRANSCENDENT DIVERSITY 50 University of Louisville Law Review 415 (2012) The racial progress symbolized by Barack Obama's election to the U.S. Presidency, together with what many characterize as an Obama campaign that had at its center a racially transcendent theme, has led to widespread discussion of whether America has entered a post-racial era. To date, much commentary among race and law scholars has focused on... 2012  
Stephanie M. Wildman , Margalynne Armstrong , Beverly Moran REVISITING THE WORK WE KNOW SO LITTLE ABOUT: RACE, WEALTH, PRIVILEGE, AND SOCIAL JUSTICE 2 UC Irvine Law Review 1011 (December, 2012) In his article, The Work We Know So Little About, Gerald López introduces Maria Elena, a housekeeper, mother, tutor, seamstress, and cook. He connects her daily life struggles to make ends meet, to care for her family, and to survive with the issue of social justice for all members of society. He underlines the gap between such clients and legal... 2012  
Nick J. Sciullo SOCIAL JUSTICE IN TURBULENT TIMES: CRITICAL RACE THEORY & OCCUPY WALL STREET 69 National Lawyers Guild Review 225 (Winter 2012) These are precarious times--a moment that demands our full attention as critical scholars, practitioners, activists, and students. While some political commentators say that leftist criticism and direct action are steadily becoming more common and visible, especially as it relates to law, critical thought and action remain strongly condemned by an... 2012  
Dan Subotnik THE DUKE RAPE CASE FIVE YEARS LATER: LESSONS FOR THE ACADEMY, THE MEDIA, AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 45 Akron Law Review 887 (2011-2012) If engagement is the first step in healing, then the second is pure unadulterated struggle. We will never achieve racial healing if we do not confront one another, take risks . say all the things we are not supposed to say in mixed company. Harlon Dalton If the Tawana Brawley case was the race/law media sensation of the 1980s, that distinction... 2012  
Ravi Malhotra THE LEGAL POLITICS OF HUBERT H. HARRISON: EXCAVATING A LOST LEGACY 1 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 382 (July, 2012) Politically, the Negro is the touchstone of the modern democratic idea. --Hubert Harrison, 1911 The history of African American struggle and advocacy is often divided between those who placed more emphasis on Black nationalism and Black pride such as Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X, and those advocates of racial justice, such as A. Philip Randolph... 2012  
Sora Y. Han The Long Shadow of Racial Profiling 1 British Journal of American Legal Studies 77 (Spring, 2012) [I]n the interpretations of Laws, whether Divine, or Humane, there is no end; Comments beget Comments, and Explications make new matter for Explications: And of limiting, distinguishing, varying the signification of these moral Words, there is no end . Many a Man, who was pretty well satisfied of the meaning of the Text of Scripture, or Clause in... 2012  
Kevin Brown THIS IS A TIME FOR HOPE AND CHANGE 87 Indiana Law Journal 431 (Winter, 2012) I have agreed to comment on the paper delivered by Professors Angela Onwuachi-Willig and Mario Barnes at a conference titled Labor and Employment Law Under the Obama Administration: A Time for Hope and Change? In his victory speech on the night of November 4, 2008, Barack Obama, the first black (African American, biracial?) President reaffirmed the... 2012  
John Tehranian TOWARDS A CRITICAL IP THEORY: COPYRIGHT, CONSECRATION, AND CONTROL 2012 Brigham Young University Law Review 1237 (2012) All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. -- George Orwell, Animal Farm Intellectual-property jurisprudence increasingly informs the way in which social order is maintained in the twenty-first century. By regulating cultural production and patrolling the dissemination of knowledge, copyright law mediates the exercise of... 2012  
Jeremiah Chin WHAT A LOAD OF HOPE: THE POST-RACIAL MIXTAPE 48 California Western Law Review 369 (Spring 2012) I get down for my grandfather who took my momma Made her sit in that seat where white folks ain't want us to eat At the tender age of six she was arrested for the sit-ins With that in my blood I was born to be different That's why I hear new music and I just don't be feeling itRacism's still alive they just be concealing it. As a hip-hop producer,... 2012  
Anthony Paul Farley WHEN THE STARS BEGIN TO FALL: INTRODUCTION TO CRITICAL RACE THEORY & MARXISM 1 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 226 (July, 2012) My Lord, what a morning My Lord, what a morning When the stars begin to fall. Slavery is not dead. Slavery is death. Slavery is white-over-black to white-over-black to white-over-black, and that continually. Whether white-over-black appears before us as slavery or as segregation or as neosegregation is not at all important. All three haunts,... 2012  
Christian Joerges, David M. Trubek, Peer Zumbansen "CRITICAL LEGAL THOUGHT: AN AMERICAN-GERMAN DEBATE" AN INTRODUCTION AT THE OCCASION OF ITS REPUBLICATION IN THE GERMAN LAW JOURNAL 25 YEARS LATER 12 German Law Journal 1 (January 1, 2011) Precisely 25 years ago, two of us, namely CJ and DT, initiated a conference project on American and German traditions of sociological jurisprudence and critique of law which was in fact realized in July 1986 in a somewhat romantic castle near Bremen where we had intense discussions which remained alive in the minds of the participants from both... 2011  
Kristen K. Robbins-Tiscione A CALL TO COMBINE RHETORICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE IN THE LEGAL WRITING CLASSROOM 50 Washburn Law Journal 319 (Winter 2011) [I]n the field of . . . legal instruction a knowledge of theories and techniques is of the greatest importance. The theory and practice of law have been separated in legal education to their detriment since the turn of the twentieth century. As history teaches us and even the 2007 Carnegie Report perhaps suggests, teaching practice without theory... 2011  
Steven W. Bender , Francisco Valdes AT AND BEYOND FIFTEEN: MAPPING LATCRIT THEORY, COMMUNITY, AND PRAXIS 1 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 177 (2011) Introduction. 178 I. Taking Stock: Latcrit at Fifteen. 181 A. Critical Roots: Latcrit Theory, Praxis, And Community, 1995-2010. 182 1. OutCrit Democracy in Theory and Practice: Values, Functions, Guideposts, and Postulates. 182 2. The LatCrit Record: Highlights and Shortfalls in Substance and Method. 191 a. Substantive Highlights: Lats Plus.... 2011  
Beth Ribet EMERGENT DISABILITY AND THE LIMITS OF EQUALITY: A CRITICAL READING OF THE UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 14 Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal 155 (2011) The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities marks a shift in international legal relationships to, and conceptions of, disability. The Convention is the first binding international instrument of its kind related to disability. Its premises differ from the earlier World Programme on Disability, and more closely integrate the... 2011  
SpearIt ENSLAVED BY WORDS: LEGALITIES & LIMITATIONS OF "POST-RACIAL" LANGUAGE 2011 Michigan State Law Review 705 (2011) Introduction. 706 I. The Temple of Taxonomy: Built on Sand. 708 A. Race & Color in the Language of Law. 710 1. Constitutions. 710 2. Statutes. 714 3. The U.S. Census. 720 B. Legal & Social Constructions of Whiteness. 726 II. Structural Racism. 729 A. The Politics of Naming. 730 1. Objectifying the Other. 732 2. Ritualizing Otherness. 734 B.... 2011  
Deleso Alford Washington EXAMINING THE "STICK" OF ACCREDITATION FOR MEDICAL SCHOOLS THROUGH REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE LENS: A TRANSFORMATIVE REMEDY FOR TEACHING THE TUSKEGEE SYPHILIS STUDY 26 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 153 (Fall 2011) False And What About The Women Of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study? The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was never really a study to find the answer or even an end to the disease of racist and race-based science that hides the truth from all mankind. It left out the women who wore race - with tight lips and heavy hearts, dresses often ironed and sometimes torn,... 2011  
Justin C. Aday FITTING SQUARE PEGS INTO ROUND HOLES: HOW RACE-BASED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN HIGHER EDUCATION ADMISSIONS IS AN INADEQUATE AND INEQUITABLE MEANS TO AN END 6 University of Massachusetts Roundtable Symposium Law Journal 125 (2011) We have all probably heard the old adage, It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. With this statement, we assume that because of the incompatibility of the shapes, the square peg cannot fit into the round hole. If this is the case, then how can the square peg fit into the round hole? There are three possibilities: make the hole... 2011  
Thomas P. Ziehnert FOOD DESERTS: IS THE LET'S MOVE CAMPAIGN AN OASIS FOR THE URBAN MINORITY COMMUNITY? 7 Modern American 22 (Fall, 2011) I work, sometimes three and four jobs, and I still get SNAP assistance. I finally got one job that has reduced my need for assistance from $450.00 a month to $60.00 a month. But the fact is, that when it comes to access[ing] quality, healthy food in my community on my income, it is still almost impossible. The barriers are staggering--whether it's... 2011  
Tanya Katerí Hernández HATE SPEECH AND THE LANGUAGE OF RACISM IN LATIN AMERICA: A LENS FOR RECONSIDERING GLOBAL HATE SPEECH RESTRICTIONS AND LEGISLATION MODELS 32 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 805 (Spring 2011) When she passes she calls my attention, but her hair, there's no way no. Her catinga [African] (body odor) almost caused me to faint. Look, I cannot stand her odor. Look, look, look at her hair! It looks like a scouring pad for cleaning pans. I already told her to wash herself. But she insisted and didn't want to listen to me. This smelly negra... 2011  
Frank Rudy Cooper HYPER-INCARCERATION AS A MULTIDIMENSIONAL ATTACK: REPLYING TO ANGELA HARRIS THROUGH THE WIRE 37 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 67 (2011) Angela Harris's article in this symposium makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of hyper-incarceration. She argues, quite persuasively, that the term gender violence should be understood broadly to include men's individual and structural violence against other men. She then considers what we ought to do about the incredible increase... 2011  
Steven W. Bender , Francisco Valdes LATCRIT XV SYMPOSIUM AFTERWORD--AT AND BEYOND FIFTEEN: MAPPING LATCRIT THEORY, COMMUNITY, AND PRAXIS 14 Harvard Latino Law Review 397 (Spring 2011) Introduction. 398 I. Taking Stock: LatCrit at Fifteen. 400 A. Critical Roots: LatCrit Theory, Praxis, and Community, 1995-2010. 401 1. OutCrit Democracy in Theory and Practice: Values, Functions, Guideposts, and Postulates. 401 2. The LatCrit Record: Highlights and Shortfalls in Substance and Method . 409 a. Substantive Highlights: Lats Plus... 2011  
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández , Marc-Tizoc González LATCRIT XV SYMPOSIUM FOREWORD: FIFTEEN YEARS OF RECONSTRUCTING THE WORLD 14 Harvard Latino Law Review 243 (Spring 2011) %21Eramos sólo jóvenes cuando el proyecto que ahora es LatCrit nació. While we were navigating the transitions from adolescence to adulthood with awkwardness, luck, and grace, a small band of activist scholars gathered on Cinco de Mayo in 1996 to discuss social and legal issues especially germane to Latinas/os, initiate the creation of a body of... 2011  
Bela August Walker MAKING ROOM IN THE PROPERTY CANON INTEGRATING SPACES: PROPERTY LAW AND RACE. BY ALFRED BROPHY, ALBERTO LOPEZ & KALI MURRAY. NEW YORK, NEW YORK: ASPEN PUBLISHERS, 2011. 368 PAGES. $40.00. 90 Texas Law Review 423 (December, 2011) Property is oft considered the province of the antediluvian, far situated from modern concerns, particularly issues of race and diversity. Even more so than other areas of legal academia, Property remains the province of dead white men. Courses and casebooks continue to hark back to Blackstone, the epitome of the antiquated. The thread of old... 2011  
Rachel Kahn Best, Lauren B. Edelman, Linda Hamilton Krieger, Scott R. Eliason MULTIPLE DISADVANTAGES: AN EMPIRICAL TEST OF INTERSECTIONALITY THEORY IN EEO LITIGATION 45 Law and Society Review 991 (December, 2011) A rich theoretical literature describes the disadvantages facing plaintiffs who suffer multiple, or intersecting, axes of discrimination. This article extends extant literature by distinguishing two forms of intersectionality: demographic intersectionality, in which overlapping demographic characteristics produce disadvantages that are more than... 2011  
andré douglas pond cummings POST RACIALISM? 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 601 (Summer 2011) The 2008 election of President Barack Obama represents a halcyon moment in U.S. history. President Obama's election begs a critical question: whether his nationwide landslide victory catapulted the United States, with its sordid racial past, into a truly post-racial place as many claim. While Obama's election was possible due to important changes... 2011  
andré douglas pond cummings RACIAL CODING AND THE FINANCIAL MARKET CRISIS 2011 Utah Law Review 141 (2011) The financial market crisis of 2008 has plagued the United States and countries around the world. The underlying causes of the 2008 collapse are numerous, intricate, and complex. Academic scholars, investigative reporters, and leading economists are now deconstructing the multiplicity of failures that enabled the breathtaking meltdown that nearly... 2011  
Craig Livermore RACIAL COMPLEXITY AND THE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT 26 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 67 (Fall 2011) The fact is that the comments that have been made and the issues that have surfaced over the last few weeks reflect the complexities of race in this country that we've never really worked through--a part of our union that we have yet to perfect. And if we walk away now, if we simply retreat into our respective corners, we will never be able to come... 2011  
Alfredo Mirandé RASCUACHE LAWYER: A PARADIGM OF ORDINARY LITIGATION 1 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 155 (2011) I. Introduction. 155 II. Rascuache Lawyering: Toward a Theory of Ordinary Litigation. 157 III. Rebellious Lawyering and Rascuache Lawyering. 162 IV. The Brown Buffalo and Rascuache Lawyering. 168 V. A Paradigm of Rascuache Lawyering. 170 VI. Conclusion. 175 2011  
Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, Davida Finger, Meetali Jain, JoNel Newman, Sarah Paoletti, Deborah M. Weissman, University of Miami School of Law, Human Rights Clinic, Loyola University N.O. College of Law, Community Justice Clinic, Faculty of Law, University o REDEFINING HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYERING THROUGH THE LENS OF CRITICAL THEORY: LESSONS FOR PEDAGOGY AND PRACTICE 18 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 337 (Symposium 2011) In recent years, human rights clinics have mushroomed across United States law schools, specializing in work ranging from direct representation of asylum seekers in U.S. courts, to international litigation, to project-based advocacy that includes fact-finding visits and production of reports documenting human rights violations throughout the world.... 2011  
Richard Delgado RODRIGO'S RECONSIDERATION: INTERSECTIONALITY AND THE FUTURE OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY 96 Iowa Law Review 1247 (May, 2011) I. Introduction: In Which Rodrigo Announces Himself in a Novel Manner. 1248 II. In Which Rodrigo Explains His New Thesis and the Meaning of His Message (Are You a Crit?). 1250 III. Rodrigo's Critique--How a Radical Movement Has Begun To Lose Its Way. 1254 A. Three Core Critical-Race-Theory Ideas. 1256 1. Narrative Jurisprudence. 1257 2.... 2011  
Darrell D. Jackson SANDER, THE MISMATCH THEORY, AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: CRITIQUING THE ABSENCE OF PRAXIS IN POLICY 89 Denver University Law Review 245 (2011) This Article provides an efficient synthesis of the research to date on a controversial topic, Professor Richard Sander's mismatch theory, and the traction it continues to gain through litigation and political posturing. It is also the point of embarkation on a forthcoming exploration of the appropriate place for African American law students.... 2011  
Andrea B. Korb SEPTA, PHILADELPHIA, AND TRANSPORTATION EQUITY IN AMERICA 3 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 119 (Spring, 2011) Transportation played a pivotal role in the history of racism and civil rights in America. Today, a spatial mismatch between housing and jobs, and continuing residential segregation between America's cities and suburbs, has put low-income minority populations living in urban communities and without access to cars at a marked disadvantage. As a... 2011  
Mary Helen McNeal SLOW DOWN, PEOPLE BREATHING : LAWYERING, CULTURE AND PLACE 18 Clinical Law Review 183 (Fall 2011) This article examines the role of culture in lawyering, evolving from my experience relocating from the East Coast to become Clinic Director at the University of Montana School of Law. When I moved to Missoula, Montana in 1996, I realized that life would be very different from my previous experience living predominately on the East Coast. However,... 2011  
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