AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Frank Rudy Cooper MASCULINITIES, POST-RACIALISM AND THE GATES CONTROVERSY: THE FALSE EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN OFFICER AND CIVILIAN 11 Nevada Law Journal 1 (Fall 2010) Suppose you read in the newspaper that a police officer responded to a report of a potential break-in and that he subsequently arrested the homeowner. Would those be enough facts to explain why the arrest occurred? No? Let us assume the reporter added the following facts: The officer arrived at the home and found a person inside. The officer asked... 2010  
Neil Gotanda NEW DIRECTIONS IN ASIAN AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE 17 Asian American Law Journal 5 (2010) Preface. 6 I. Introduction. 7 An Explanation of Terms: Narratives and Stereotypes. 10 II. Locating Asian American Jurisprudence in Legal Scholarship. 11 A. Asian American Identity. 11 1. Identification and Identity Projects. 12 2. Three Asian American Identity Projects. 14 B. Interrogation of Legal Materials. 17 1. Three Asian American Historical... 2010  
Andre Smith, Carlton Waterhouse NO REPARATION WITHOUT TAXATION: APPLYING THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE TO THE CONCEPT OF REPARATIONS FOR SLAVERY AND SEGREGATION 7 Pittsburgh Tax Review 159 (Spring, 2010) Carlton: Andre, if you don't mind terribly, I'd like your opinion on the relationship between taxes and the concept of reparations generally and reparations to Blacks for slavery and segregation specifically. As you know, I have done considerable research and writing on the subject of reparations for slavery and segregation. Most scholarship... 2010  
The Introductory Comments of Francisco Valdes OF STATE, MARKET AND JUSTICE: LATCRITICAL CHALLENGES TO THEORY, PRAXIS AND POLICY 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 563 (2010) Anticipating the election of the first non-white male to the United States Presidency in November 2008, the organizers of the Fourteenth Annual LatCrit Conference (LatCrit XIV) selected a theme designed to invite timely critical thinking about the opportunities and pitfalls of that eventuality. Noting the biographical narrative of the nation's... 2010  
Ronald Turner ON PARENTS INVOLVED AND THE PROBLEMATIC PRAISE OF JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS 37 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 225 (Winter 2010) In The Seattle and Louisville School Cases: There is No Other Way, a recent comment on the United States Supreme Court's decision in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III focuses, among other things, on Justice Clarence Thomas's concurrence in that case. Describing, endorsing, and... 2010  
Kim Shayo Buchanan OUR PRISONS, OURSELVES: RACE, GENDER AND THE RULE OF LAW 29 Yale Law and Policy Review 1 (Fall 2010) Introduction. 2 I. The Prison Rape Narrative. 12 II. Real Men vs. Sissies: The Heterosexual Defense. 23 A. The Legal Response to Sexual Abuse in Prison. 23 1. Underenforcement. 25 2. Be a man. Stand up and fight. . 29 3. You're gay. You must have liked it. . 32 B. Dominance and Sexuality: Making Men. 37 1. Masculinities and the Social Meaning... 2010  
Kamille Wolff OUT OF MANY, ONE PEOPLE; E PLURIBUS UNUM: AN ANALYSIS OF SELF-IDENTITY IN THE CONTEXT OF RACE, ETHNICITY, AND CULTURE 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 747 (2010) I. Introduction. 748 II. Self-Identity and Ethnicity. 750 A. Self-Identity Viewed Through the Immigrant Lens. 750 B. Self-Identity and Nationality. 752 C. Self-Identity in the Shape of Ethnic Consciousness. 756 III. Self-Identity and Culture. 764 A. Music as Cultural Expression. 764 1. Reggae and Reggaetón. 764 2. The Hip Hop Movement. 768 IV.... 2010  
Cynthia Lee PACKAGE BOMBS, FOOTLOCKERS, AND LAPTOPS: WHAT THE DISAPPEARING CONTAINER DOCTRINE CAN TELL US ABOUT THE FOURTH AMENDMENT 100 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1403 (Fall 2010) In the 1970s, the Court announced in a series of cases that police officers with probable cause to believe contraband or evidence of a crime is within a container must obtain a warrant from a neutral, detached judicial officer before searching that container. In requiring a search warrant, the Container Doctrine put portable containers on an almost... 2010  
Mary Kathryn Nagle PARENTS INVOLVED AND THE MYTH OF THE COLORBLIND CONSTITUTION 26 Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice 211 (Spring 2010) There is no caste here. Our constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law. - Justice John Marshall Harlan [At that time of] the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 [,] . . . any education of Negroes was forbidden by law in some states.... 2010  
Martha Chamallas PAST AS PROLOGUE: OLD AND NEW FEMINISMS 17 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 157 (2010) I. The Big Three Feminisms: Continuing Effects 159 II. The New Three Feminisms: ComplexityMeets Law 165 III. The Future of Feminist Legal Theory:Two Safe Predictions 172 2010  
Angela Mae Kupenda , Letitia Simmons Johnson , Ramona Seabron-Williams POLITICAL INVISIBILITY OF BLACK WOMEN: STILL SUSPECT BUT NO SUSPECT CLASS 50 Washburn Law Journal 109 (Fall 2010) All paradises, all utopias are designed by who is not there, by the people who are not allowed in. Black women have been doubly victimized by scholarly neglect and racist assumptions. Belonging as they do to two groups which have traditionally been treated as inferiors by American society--Blacks and women--they have been doubly invisible. History... 2010  
Valorie K. Vojdik POLITICS OF THE HEADSCARF IN TURKEY: MASCULINITIES, FEMINISM, AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF COLLECTIVE IDENTITIES 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 661 (Summer 2010) Introduction. 661 I. The ECHR and Turkish Constitutional Court: Covering as Islamic Fundamentalism and Threat to Secularist Democracy. 666 II. Beyond a Rights-Based Analysis: Masculinities Theory and the Headscarf Debate. 672 A. Masculinities Theory and National Identity. 672 B. Masculinities and the Headscarf Debate in Turkey. 675 III. Turkish... 2010  
Anthony V. Alfieri POST-RACIALISM IN THE INNER CITY: STRUCTURE AND CULTURE IN LAWYERING 98 Georgetown Law Journal 921 (April, 2010) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction L3922 I. The Historic Black Church Project: School-to-Jail in Miami. 927 II. Critical Pedagogies and Practices. 931 a. the structure and culture of difference. 931 b. difference-based teaching strategies. 936 III. Black and Poor in the Inner City. 941 a. concentrated poverty. 941 b. inner-city black men. 944... 2010  
K. Scott Wong POSTSCRIPT TO "THE OPENING OF THE LAW IN THE PURSUIT OF ASIAN AMERICAN HISTORY" 13 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 371 (Winter 2010) It was a delightful surprise the evening I received an e-mail from Bob Chang asking if I would be interested in publishing that essay you wrote in tribute to Neil about twelve years ago. Given my lack of legal training, writing that essay was a bit of a stretch. I was not surprised when the editors of The Asian Law Journal originally rejected the... 2010  
Catherine Lee, John D. Skrentny RACE CATEGORIZATION AND THE REGULATION OF BUSINESS AND SCIENCE 44 Law and Society Review 617 (September/December, 2010) Despite the lack of consensus regarding the meaning or significance of race or ethnicity amongst scientists and the lay public, there are legal requirements and guidelines that dictate the collection of racial and ethnic data across a range of institutions. Legal regulations are typically created through a political process and then face varying... 2010  
George A. Martinez RACE, AMERICAN LAW AND THE STATE OF NATURE 112 West Virginia Law Review 799 (Spring, 2010) L1-2Abstract L3799 I. Introduction. 800 II. State of Nature Theory: Hobbes and Spinoza. 802 A. Hobbes. 803 B. Spinoza. 805 III. Racial Minorities in the State of Nature. 806 A. African-Americans and the State of Nature. 806 B. Native Americans and the State of Nature. 811 C. Mexican-Americans and Lack of Constraint. 815 D. Immigration and Plenary... 2010  
Mario L. Barnes RACIAL PARADOX IN A LAW AND SOCIETY ODYSSEY 44 Law and Society Review 469 (September/December, 2010) It is tedious to tell again tales already plainly told. (Homer, The Odyssey) I read with significant anticipation Professor Richard Lempert's 2009 Presidential Address. For a number of reasons--personal and professional-- portions of the speech had great appeal to me. As a scholar of color who locates his intellectual home within the law and... 2010  
Elise C. Boddie RACIAL TERRITORIALITY 58 UCLA Law Review 401 (December, 2010) Law treats race as a characteristic of individuals. Applying insights from social science, this Article argues that places can also have a racial identity and meaning based on socially engrained racial biases regarding the people who inhabit, frequent, or are associated with particular places and racialized cultural norms of spatial belonging and... 2010  
Camille A. Nelson RACIALIZING DISABILITY, DISABLING RACE: POLICING RACE AND MENTAL STATUS 15 Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law 1 (Spring 2010) A police officer is privileged to use the amount of force that the officer reasonably believes is necessary to overcome resistance to his lawful authority, but no more. That school officials and/or police officers working with school officials would use pepper-spray and handcuffs to restrain a thirteen year old mentally disabled child is... 2010  
Ronald Jay Coleman , Lucy Panza REACTIONS 2 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 49 (Spring, 2010) Beth Caldwell's Latinas' Experiences in Relation to Gangs rightly identifies the lack of participation in traditional social institutions and the resulting internalized disempowerment as root causes of gang participation among Latinas. However, in my opinion the author goes too far when she suggests that this lack of participation and... 2010  
Hannah Alejandro REACTIONS 2 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 81 (Spring, 2010) Grace Brainard's article, Disrupting Implicit Biases in the Workplace: Rethinking Affirmative Action in the Wake of Ricci v. DeStefano, argues that psychological research about implicit biases against African Americans strongly suggests that racebased hiring is necessary to break cycles of racial inequality in the workplace. Brainard criticizes the... 2010  
Rose Cuison Villazor REDISCOVERING OYAMA V. CALIFORNIA: AT THE INTERSECTION OF PROPERTY, RACE, AND CITIZENSHIP 87 Washington University Law Review 979 (2010) Oyama v. California was a landmark case in the history of civil rights. Decided in January 1948, Oyama held unconstitutional a provision of California's Alien Land Law, which allowed the state to take an escheat action on property given to U.S. citizens that had been purchased by their parents who were not eligible to become citizens. At the time,... 2010  
Jessica Knouse RESTRUCTURING THE LABOR MARKET TO DEMOCRATIZE THE PUBLIC FORUM 39 Stetson Law Review 715 (Spring 2010) We lead our lives within a variety of institutions--including the labor market, public forum, and family--that exert different and often conflicting influences on our identities. The labor market, defined as all exchanges of work for wages, encourages us to accept existing hierarchies and mainstream ideologies, while the public forum functions best... 2010  
Laura K. Klein RIGHTS CLASH: HOW CONFLICTS BETWEEN GAY RIGHTS AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS CHALLENGE THE LEGAL SYSTEM 98 Georgetown Law Journal 505 (January, 2010) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L3506 I. The Use of Rights Rhetoric in the Christian Legal Society's Litigation Strategy. 509 II. Rights Clash and the Zero-Sum Game. 512 a. the zero-sum game: high stakes disputes. 513 b. choosing a winner. 514 1. Gay Rights Trump Religious Rights. 514 2. Religious Rights Trump Gay Rights. 516 III.... 2010  
Robert S. Chang ROCK CLIMBING WITH THE GOTANDAS 13 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 321 (Winter 2010) I began writing this introduction twelve years ago. I had organized in the Asian Law Journal--now the Asian American Law Journal--a symposium engaging Professor Neil Gotanda's work. I was to write the guest editor's introduction. I ended up never finishing the piece because I got into a fight with the student editors of the journal over their... 2010  
Richard Delgado RODRIGO'S PORTENT: CALIFORNIA AND THE COMING NEOCOLONIAL ORDER 87 Washington University Law Review 1293 (2010) Lean your head back for a moment, Professor, my barber had just requested. I did so, anticipating the rush of soothing warm water that would mark the beginning of my monthly shampoo and haircut when a familiar voice caused me to jerk erect. Rodrigo! I exclaimed at the sight of my lanky, young friend standing next to my chair, a wide grin on his... 2010  
Gerald Torres SEX LEX: CREATING A DISCOURSE 46 Tulsa Law Review 45 (Fall 2010) And so greatly can necessity prevail . . . that it made us risk going in this manner and placing ourselves in a sea so treacherous How do you draw a map to a place you have never been? The destination might be a place you have heard of or could imagine, but the map has to offer you a way forward. It has to describe a path, a direction, not simply a... 2010  
The Introductory Comments of Elvia R. Arriola SHAKING OUT THE WELCOME MAT FOR AN ENDURING LATCRIT SOCIAL MOVEMENT 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 711 (2010) I have come away with some favorites in this cluster of essays, many of which spoke to my heart and not just my head. Not able to attend the 14 annual LatCrit Conference, I am privileged to comment on these essays, which include the writings of young scholars who were at their first ever LatCrit conference. The theme of the conference, Outsiders on... 2010  
Kristin Kalsem, Verna L. Williams SOCIAL JUSTICE FEMINISM 18 UCLA Women's Law Journal 131 (Fall 2010) I. Introduction. 132 II. Words and the Meanings They Carry: What Is Social Justice Feminism?. 139 A. Keywords. 139 B. Feminism. 140 1. Feminist Movements in the Early Twentieth Century. 141 2. Feminist Movements in the 1970s and Beyond. 145 C. Social Justice. 147 D. Social Justice Feminism. 151 1. Social Justice Feminists in the Early Twentieth... 2010  
Maneesha Deckha TEACHING POSTHUMANIST ETHICS IN LAW SCHOOL: THE RACE, CULTURE, AND GENDER DIMENSIONS OF STUDENT RESISTANCE 16 Animal Law 287 (2010) This Essay challenges laws' hegemonic humanist boundaries by analyzing the challenges involved in mainstreaming posthumanist subjects into the legal curricula. Posthumanist subjects in legal education are perceived as marginal and unworthy of serious discussion and scholarship. The author identifies the problems that can arise in introducing... 2010  
Lucy Panza THE (UN)HOLY TRINITY: UNCONSCIONABLE CONTRACTS BETWEEN LATINAS AND THE FAMILY, RELIGION, AND THE STATE 2 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 299 (Fall, 2010) Cecilia is a 44-year old Mexican immigrant living in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of the District of Columbia. She entered the United States illegally with her husband, Ernesto, in 2001 while she was pregnant with her first son, Antonio. He was born shortly after they settled in D.C. Ever since she and Ernesto arrived, Cecilia has been working... 2010  
Joel Marrero THE EFFICIENCY OF FAIRNESS: A LAW AND ECONOMICS ANALYSIS OF THE BAKKE-GRUTTER DIVERSITY RATIONALE 29 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 69 (2010) On one side of the post-affirmative action debate is the Center for Individual Rights (CIR), an organization that strives to end all forms of race-conscious remedies on the stock argument that such policies unfairly penalize whites for past acts of discrimination and encourages minorities to rely, not on merit or labor, but on a redistributive... 2010  
Barbara A. Schwabauer THE EMMETT TILL UNSOLVED CIVIL RIGHTS CRIME ACT: THE COLD CASE OF RACISM IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 71 Ohio State Law Journal 653 (2010) A recent episode of the popular television show Cold Case depicted the 1964 murder of a northern, white, middle-class housewife by a Klansman-in-training, who wanted to stop her work with the Freedom Schools of Mississippi during the civil rights movement. True to the underlying premise of the show, the case went unsolved until more than forty... 2010  
Pedro A. Malavet THE INCONVENIENCE OF A "CONSTITUTION [THAT] FOLLOWS THE FLAG . BUT DOESN'T QUITE CATCH UP WITH IT": FROM DOWNES v. BIDWELL TO BOUMEDIENE v. BUSH 80 Mississippi Law Journal 181 (Fall, 2010) L1-2Introduction R3182. I. Boumediene v. Bush: The Insular Cases in the Twenty-First Century. 184 II. Social, Historical, and Legal Context: Our Islands and Their People. 196 III. Puerto Rico in 1901: Self-Government and Spanish Citizenship that Did Not Last Long. 198 IV. The United States in 1901: In The Afterglow of the Spanish-American War. 204... 2010  
I. Bennett Capers THE UNINTENTIONAL RAPIST 87 Washington University Law Review 1345 (2010) I am a rapist. Not by choice. But when I look in the mirror and see what others see, I know there's no hiding it. I am a rapist. No, I have never followed a woman to her car at night, pulled a knife on her, and forced her to put out or be killed. Nor have I tackled an early morning jogger in the park, putting one hand over her mouth before she... 2010  
Deborah Dinner THE UNIVERSAL CHILDCARE DEBATE: RIGHTS MOBILIZATION, SOCIAL POLICY, AND THE DYNAMICS OF FEMINIST ACTIVISM, 1966-1974 28 Law and History Review 577 (August, 2010) Beginning in the late 1960s, diverse strands of the modern women's movement-- liberal, radical, and African American feminists--envisioned childcare as a right. In movement tracts, organizational newsletters, and underground journals, feminists theorized women and children's rights to universal childcare, the state's obligation to provide funding... 2010  
Miranda Perry Fleischer THEORIZING THE CHARITABLE TAX SUBSIDIES: THE ROLE OF DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE 87 Washington University Law Review 505 (2010) Distributive justice plays a starring role in many fundamental tax policy debates, from the marginal rate structure to the choice of base to the propriety of wealth transfer taxes. In contrast, current tax scholarship on the charitable tax subsidies generally either ignores or explicitly disavows distributive justice concerns. Instead, it focuses... 2010  
Nisha Agarwal, Jocelyn Simonson THINKING LIKE A PUBLIC INTEREST LAWYER: THEORY, PRACTICE, AND PEDAGOGY 34 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 455 (2010) Law schools must cultivate in future public interest lawyers the combination of intellectual, emotional, and normative thinking required for the complex world of practice. This article presents one such method for teaching critical public interest lawyering: the integration of social theory and public interest practice developed by the Harvard Law... 2010  
Matt Chayt THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AFTER BERKELMAN: SEEKING A NEW DEBATE ABOUT ABILITY GROUPING 37 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 617 (Spring 2010) Tracking and ability grouping are controversial educational strategies that have garnered substantial attention from social scientists, lawyers, and others. They emerged in the early twentieth century as outgrowths of a consensus that they would facilitate a future workforce enhanced by more focused preparation for particular fields or tasks.... 2010  
Sonia K. Katyal TRADEMARK INTERSECTIONALITY 57 UCLA Law Review 1601 (August, 2010) Even though most scholars and judges treat intellectual property law as a predominantly content-neutral phenomenon, trademark law contains a statutory provision, section 2(a), that provides for the cancellation of marks that are disparaging, immoral, or scandalous. This provision has raised intrinsically powerful constitutional concerns,... 2010  
David Israel Wasserman TRADING SEX, MARKING BODIES: PORNOGRAPHIC TRADEMARKS AND THE LANHAM ACT 23 National Black Law Journal 121 (2010) In late 2007, reports of the racially motivated rape, torture, and false imprisonment of Megan Williams hit local and national news circuits. Williams, a black woman, accompanied a friend named Christa to what Williams thought was a party in Logan County, West Virginia. Upon arrival to their destination, which turned out to be a mobile home and... 2010  
Stephanie L. Phillips TRYING A NEW WAY: BARACK OBAMA'S TOLERANCE OF INTOLERANCE 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 803 (2010) This thought-piece concerns Barack Obama's choices for the three highest-profile ministers during his inauguration weekend, namely Gene Robinson, the deeply spiritual, openly-gay, white Episcopal bishop; Rick Warren, the conservative, anti-gay, white mega-church pastor; and Joseph Lowery, the black civil rights icon and supporter of gay rights. As... 2010  
Athena D. Mutua VALUING DIFFERENCE, EXERCISING CARE IN OZ: THE SHAGGY MAN'S WELCOME 20 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 215 (Fall 2010) One cannot say that the people of Oz valued difference or valued the diversity of its people, because in Oz, difference and diversity simply were; difference and diversity simply existed. It might be more accurate to say that the people in the fairy land of Oz had a practice of difference in which different people or beings of all sorts were simply... 2010  
Rachel F. Moran WHAT COUNTS AS KNOWLEDGE? A REFLECTION ON RACE, SOCIAL SCIENCE, AND THE LAW 44 Law and Society Review 515 (September/December, 2010) In the years since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down Brown v. Board of Education (1954), most discussions of the case have focused on whether it was effective in promoting lasting equality of opportunity in the public schools. Although this profoundly important question dominates retrospectives on Brown, another unresolved controversy relates to... 2010  
Rob Trousdale WHITE PRIVILEGE AND THE CASE-DIALOGUE METHOD 1 William Mitchell Law Raza Journal 28 (Spring 2010) C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 42 II. A History of the Case-Dialogue Method 31 III. The False Presumption of the Case-Dialogue Method 34 IV. The Power and Privileges of Whiteness 36 V. The Case-Dialogue Method's Perpetuation of White Privilege 39 VI. A Different Way to Learn the Law 42 2010  
Brandi Leigh Jones WHOSE CHOICE? EXPLORING THE NEED FOR GREATER CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN THE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS MOVEMENT 32 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 1 (Fall 2010) The flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent. The thing about reproduction is that, more than anything else, it tells you how a society values people. Alicia is a twenty-three year old mother of one living in rural North Carolina. She makes minimum wage working at a gas station for... 2010  
Alia Malek "DYING WITH THE WRONG NAME:" THE ROLE OF LAW IN RACIALIZING AND ERASING ARABS IN AMERICA 1 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 211 (Fall, 2009) And what is it to acknowledge the laws but to stoop down and trace their shadows upon the earth? If Arabs did not exist in every American's consciousness before the events of September 11, 2001--whether as a part of America's melting pot society and history or as a group of people generally from the Middle East --after the tragedy, they surely... 2009  
Yxta Maya Murray A JURISPRUDENCE OF NONVIOLENCE 9 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 65 (Fall-Winter, 2009) Is there a way we could theorize about law that would make the world a less violent place? In the 1980s, cultural, or different voice, feminist legal theory seemed poised to take up the mantles of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King by incorporating nonviolent values into society and the law. Based on the work of psychologist Carol Gilligan,... 2009  
Marc-Tizoc González , Yanira Reyes-Gil , Belkys Torres , Charles R. Venator-Santiago AFTERWORD: CHANGE AND CONTINUITY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LATCRIT TASKFORCE RECOMMENDATIONS 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 303 (Fall/Winter 2009) For the past thirteen years, the LatCrit community has gathered annually to produce knowledge and promote praxis focused on the transformation of subordinate society. In doing so, the LatCrit experiment in critical outsider jurisprudence is both ordinary and unique. Our efforts are ordinary in that many, if not most, genres of critical outsider... 2009  
Anthony V. Alfieri AGAINST PRACTICE 107 Michigan Law Review 1073 (April, 2009) Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law. By William M. Sullivan, Anne Colby, Judith Welsh Wegner, Lloyd Bond & Lee S. Shulman. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2007. Pp. x, 225. $40. [T]he challenge of professional preparation for the law [is] linking the interests of educators with the needs of practitioners and the members... 2009  
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