AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Vinay Harpalani AMBIGUITY, AMBIVALENCE, AND AWAKENING: A SOUTH ASIAN BECOMING "CRITICALLY" AWARE OF RACE IN AMERICA 11 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 71 (2009) Japanese Beetle! Japanese Beetle! It is the fall of 1979, and my earliest memories of kindergarten class are not so pleasant. Several young children are darting around me in circles, repeatedly yelling, Japanese Beetle! At a mere five years of age, I understood all too acutely that I was the object of relentless teasing, but I did not think... 2009  
Dan Subotnik ARE LAW SCHOOLS RACIST?--PART II 43 University of San Francisco Law Review 761 (Spring 2009) [I]n things racial we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards. . . . [W]e, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other enough about things racial. . . . [I]f we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of... 2009  
Ann Mallatt Killenbeck BAKKE, WITH TEETH?: THE IMPLICATIONS OF GRUTTER v. BOLLINGER IN AN OUTCOMES-BASED WORLD 36 Journal of College and University Law 1 (2009) I. The Diversity Rationale: From Intuition to Fact. 9 A. The Early Evolution of Affirmative Action and The Diversity Rationale. 10 B. The Embrace of Intuition-Based Analysis in Bakke. 15 C. Post-Bakke Reaction. 17 D. Diversity at the University of Michigan Pre-Grutter and Gratz. 20 E. The Shift to Fact-Based Analysis in Grutter and Gratz. 22 II.... 2009  
Freddy Funes BEYOND THE PLENARY POWER DOCTRINE: HOW CRITICAL RACE THEORY CAN HELP MOVE US PAST THE CHINESE EXCLUSION CASE 11 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 341 (Spring 2009) I. Introduction. 341 II. A Nation of (Mistreated) Immigrants. 343 A. A Short Sample of Immigration History. 343 1. The Chinese, California, and the Exclusion Act. 343 2. The Bracero Program and Labor Shortages. 347 B. The Plenary Power Doctrine: Fictional Sovereignty. 351 III. The Plenary Power Doctrine Fallacy. 354 A. Doctrinally Unsound. 355 B.... 2009  
  BIBLIOGRAPHY 10 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 583 (2009) 1. Race and the Law in Society 1.0 General Margalynne J. Armstrong & Stephanie M. Wildman, Teaching Race/Teaching Whiteness: Transforming Colorblindness to Color Insight, 86 N.C. L. Rev. 635 (2008). Professor Robert Ashford, Empowering People with the Right to Acquire Capital with the Earnings of Capital: A Binary Approach to the Economic... 2009  
  BOOK NOTES 34 Law and Social Inquiry 509 (Spring, 2009) L1-2CONTENTS Civil Liberties. 510 Human Rights. 510 Criminal Justice and Social Control. 510 Public Regulation. 511 Judicial Power and Decision Making. 512 Courts and Judges. 512 Famous Trials. 513 Legal Profession. 513 Constitutional Theory and History. 513 US Legal History. 514 Rule of Law. 514 Transformation of Legal Systems. 514 International... 2009  
Shani King CHALLENGING MONOHUMANISM: AN ARGUMENT FOR CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK ABOUT INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION 30 Michigan Journal of International Law 413 (Winter 2009) I. Intercountry Adoption: A Brief History. 419 II. Intercountry Adoption in Legal Scholarship and the Emergence of MonoHumanism. 426 A. Post-Colonialism and Intercountry Adoption. 426 B. Through the Post-Colonial Lens: Myths and Othering Processes in Law Review Articles on the Subject of Intercountry Adoption. 428 1. Narrative One: The Humanitarian... 2009  
Marc-Tizoc González CLUSTER INTRODUCTION: EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGY: COUNTER-DISCIPLINARITY IN THE CRITICAL EDUCATION TRADITION IN LATCRIT THEORY 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 107 (Fall/Winter 2009) Five essays constitute the Education and Pedagogy cluster of the LatCrit XIII symposium, published as a result of the proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Latina/o Critical Legal Theory (LatCrit) Conference, held in Seattle, Washington, in October 2008, which was thematically oriented around the notion of Representation and Republican... 2009  
Rhonda V. Magee COMPETING NARRATIVES, COMPETING JURISPRUDENCES: ARE LAW SCHOOLS RACIST? AND THE CASE FOR AN INTEGRAL CRITICAL APPROACH TO THINKING, TALKING, WRITING, AND TEACHING ABOUT RACE 43 University of San Francisco Law Review 777 (Spring 2009) SINCE YOU ARE READING THESE words --the second in a series of essays written by me and printed by this Law Review, the sixth in a series of articles including writings from the two other law professors in this colloquy--you deserve to know that as I write this by hand, and only minutes after getting out of bed, I have not properly composed myself.... 2009  
Nick J. Sciullo CONVERSATIONS WITH THE LAW: IRONY, HYPERBOLE, AND IDENTITY POLITICS OR SAKE PASE? WYCLEF JEAN, SHOTTAS, AND HAITIAN JACK: A HIP-HOP CREOLE FUSION OF RHETORICAL RESISTANCE TO THE LAW 34 Oklahoma City University Law Review 455 (Fall 2009) [O]ur music is more rebel music. We do music for society, for hum[y]nity, to help and to heal. -- Wyclef Jean This article sets out to prove why the law must be investigated in an interdisciplinary fashion which invites an intersection between law, popular culture, and identity politics. First, this article describes how Wyclef Jean, a hip-hop... 2009  
Bryan Adamson CRITICAL ERROR: COURTS' REFUSAL TO RECOGNIZE INTENTIONAL RACE DISCRIMINATION FINDINGS AS CONSTITUTIONAL FACTS 28 Yale Law and Policy Review 1 (Fall 2009) Introduction. 2 I. The (Rule 52(a)) Standard Contingencies. 9 A. The Law-Fact Dichotomy . 10 B. The Procedure-Substance Dichotomy . 17 II. Standards of Review. 19 A. Clear Error Review. 20 B. De Novo Review. 23 C. Independent Appellate Judgment as a Matter of Constitutional Obligation. 24 III. Rule 52(a) and Institutional Values. 29 A.... 2009  
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic CROSSOVER 33 American Indian Law Review 1 (2008-2009) Most of the contributors to this symposium-probably many of the readers, too-are either scholars of color or fellow travelers who write about indigenous or minority issues. Some are legal scholars who write about discrimination, sovereignty, treaty rights, and other issues affecting communities of color. Others are novelists or poets who write... 2009  
Harvey Gee CROSS-RACIAL EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATION, JURY INSTRUCTIONS, AND JUSTICE 11 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 70 (2009) The House and Senate are attempting to pass legislation to curb crime and ensure fairness to criminal offenders. Earlier this year, hearings were held to address disparities in sentencing and the feasibility of a five-year pilot program addressing racial and ethnic bias in the criminal justice system. Congress is also seeking to reauthorize the... 2009  
Augustine F. Romero, Ph.D. , Martin Sean Arce, ABD CULTURE AS A RESOURCE: CRITICALLY COMPASSIONATE INTELLECTUALISM AND ITS STRUGGLE AGAINST RACISM, FASCISM, AND INTELLECTUAL APARTHEID IN ARIZONA 31 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 179 (Fall 2009) Is diversity a problem or is it a resource? That is the question that we will answer in this paper. Over the last two and half years we have encountered many ultra-conservative elected officials at the state level who operate from the perspective that diversity is a problem that must eliminated through the a process of homogenizing the academic... 2009  
Michael J. Malinowski DEALING WITH THE REALITIES OF RACE AND ETHNICITY: A BIOETHICS-CENTERED ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF RACE-BASED GENETICS RESEARCH 45 Houston Law Review 1415 (Winter 2009) I. Introduction. 1417 II. Measuring the Genetic Reality of Race, Then and Now. 1425 A. Genetic Anthropology and Evolutionary Biology. 1426 B. The Social Scientists. 1427 C. The Surge in Population Genetics. 1429 III. The Ongoing Debate Over Race-Based Research. 1433 A. Opponents. 1433 B. Proponents. 1439 C. The Debate Applied: HapMap and BiDil.... 2009  
Susan D. Carle DEBUNKING THE MYTH OF CIVIL RIGHTS LIBERALISM: VISIONS OF RACIAL JUSTICE IN THE THOUGHT OF T. THOMAS FORTUNE, 1880-1890 77 Fordham Law Review 1479 (March, 2009) This essay addresses the development of American understandings of the various roles of lawyers in building democracy by focusing on legal reform efforts in the American civil rights movement. In recent years, the supposed achievements of that movement have come under attack as part of a critique of the ideology of legal liberalism. That critique... 2009  
Chauncee D. Smith DECONSTRUCTING THE PIPELINE: EVALUATING SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE EQUAL PROTECTION CASES THROUGH A STRUCTURAL RACISM FRAMEWORK 36 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1009 (November, 2009) A man working in a munitions factory explains that he is not killing; he's just trying to get out a product. The same goes for the man who crates bombs in that factory. He's just packaging a product. He's not trying to kill anyone. So it goes until we come to the pilot who flies the plane that drops the bomb. Killing anyone? Certainly not, he's... 2009  
James Forman, Jr. EXPORTING HARSHNESS: HOW THE WAR ON CRIME HELPED MAKE THE WAR ON TERROR POSSIBLE 33 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 331 (2009) During the Bush administration, opponents of the prosecution of the war on terror routinely denounced it as a betrayal of American values. The narrative went like this: the United States has a long-standing commitment to human rights and due process, reflected in its domestic criminal justice system's expansive protections, but after September 11,... 2009  
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic FOUR OBSERVATIONS ABOUT HATE SPEECH 44 Wake Forest Law Review 353 (Summer 2009) In August 2008, the Oregon Supreme Court reversed the conviction of a motorist who engaged in a shouting match with two women, one white, the other black, on a public highway. The automobile in which the two women were riding sported a rainbow decal on the rear bumper, which prompted the defendant, who was named Johnson, to believe that the two... 2009  
Robin West FROM CHOICE TO REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE: DE-CONSTITUTIONALIZING ABORTION RIGHTS 118 Yale Law Journal 1394 (May, 2009) The Essay argues that the right to abortion constitutionalized in Roe v. Wade is by some measure at odds with a capacious understanding of the demands of reproductive justice. No matter its rationale, the constitutional right to abortion is fundamentally a negative right that rhetorically keeps the state out of the domain of family life. As such,... 2009  
Ryan Patrick Alford HOW DO YOU TRIM THE SEAMLESS WEB? CONSIDERING THE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF PEDAGOGICAL ALTERATIONS 77 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1273 (Summer 2009) [I]f he be uninstructed in the elements and first principles upon which the rule of practice is founded, the least variation from established precedents will totally distract and bewilder him; ita lex scripta est is the utmost his knowledge will arrive at; he must never aspire to form, and seldom expect to comprehend any arguments drawn a priori... 2009  
Taylor Flynn INSTANT (GENDER) MESSAGING: EXPRESSION-BASED CHALLENGES TO STATE ENFORCEMENT OF GENDER NORMS 18 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 465 (Spring 2009) Statements of identity, without more, have long been a potent form of demand for inclusion and equal treatment. Consider the signs carried by workers, most of whom were African American, during the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike during which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. They read, quite simply, I AM A MAN. Or, consider the... 2009  
Justin Hansford JAILING A RAINBOW: THE MARCUS GARVEY CASE 1 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 325 (Fall, 2009) It may be true that Garvey fancied himself a Moses, if not a Messiah; that he deemed himself a man with a message to deliver, and believed that he needed ships for the deliverance of his people; but with this assumed, it remains true that if his gospel consisted in part of exhortations to buy worthless stock, accompanied by deceivingly false... 2009  
Anthony V. Alfieri JIM CROW ETHICS AND THE DEFENSE OF THE JENA SIX 94 Iowa Law Review 1651 (July, 2009) ABSTRACT: This Article is the second in a three-part series on the 2006 prosecution and defense of the Jena Six in LaSalle Parish, Louisiana. The series, in turn, is part of a larger, ongoing project investigating the role of race, lawyers, and ethics in the American criminal-justice system. The purpose of the project is to understand the... 2009  
Allen R. Kamp JURISPRUDENCE: A BEGINNER'S SIMPLE AND PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ADVANCED AND COMPLEX LEGAL THEORY 2 the crit: a Critical Studies Journal 62 (Spring, 2009) By now, if the first year curriculum, teaching method, and subject matter--the entire culture of the first year of law school--has achieved its desired goal, you should be in a state of total befuddlement. Why the legal academy has chosen this strategy, these tactics, and its ultimate goal is a good question, but I am not even going to attempt to... 2009  
Dean Spade KEYNOTE ADDRESS: TRANS LAW REFORM STRATEGIES, CO-OPTATION, AND THE POTENTIAL FOR TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE 30 Women's Rights Law Reporter 288 (Winter 2009) This symposium occurs in an interesting moment for the institutionalization or consolidation of the concept of transgender law. This semester, three symposia focused on trans law took place at three separate law schools, and an additional symposium on this topic is planned for Fall 2008. To my knowledge, no prior symposia focused exclusively on... 2009  
Keith Aoki , Kevin R. Johnson LATINOS AND THE LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS: THE NEED FOR FOCUS IN CRITICAL ANALYSIS 12 Harvard Latino Law Review 73 (Spring 2009) Latinos and the Law: Cases and Materials represents an important contribution to the scholarship on Latina/o civil rights. A crisp read, the casebook nicely builds on the excellent reader, The Latino/a Condition, edited by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, published a decade previously. The volume effectively pulls together basic materials... 2009  
Palma Joy Strand LAW AS STORY: A CIVIC CONCEPT OF LAW (WITH CONSTITUTIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS) 18 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 603 (Spring 2009) This Article introduces a civic concept of law, which emphasizes that law is grounded in citizens. This view of law is consonant with the powerful themes of broad civic contribution in the recent political campaign of Barack Obama, and it challenges approaches to law, such as originalism, that emphasize tight control. Just as everyone can... 2009  
Jonathan Todres LAW, OTHERNESS, AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING 49 Santa Clara Law Review 605 (2009) Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters. -- African Proverb A gross violation of human rights, slavery has been condemned globally and is viewed by most as a terrible relic of the past. Yet the incidence of human trafficking--a modern form of the slave trade --persists and, in fact, continues to grow.... 2009  
Peter Halewood LAYING DOWN THE LAW: POST-RACIALISM AND THE DE-RACINATION PROJECT 72 Albany Law Review 1047 (2009) During the run-up to the 2008 Presidential election, the following essay by Tim Wise was widely circulated on the web and by email. At least half a dozen friends emailed it to me: For those who still can't grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help. White... 2009  
Stephanie L. Plotin LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP, ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING, AND OPEN ACCESS: TRANSFORMATION OR STEADFAST STAGNATION? 101 Law Library Journal 31 (Winter, 2009) This article uses a social shaping of technology perspective, which studies the complex interactions between technology and the culture of a discipline, to investigate the evolution of legal scholarship in the digital age, and to determine how the open access movement has influenced various forms of legal scholarship, particularly law reviews,... 2009  
Nancy J. Knauer LGBT ELDER LAW: TOWARD EQUITY IN AGING 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 1 (Winter 2009) I. LGBT Elders. 8 A. The Numbers. 9 B. The Making of the Pre-Stonewall Generation. 16 1. History. 17 2. The Psychoanalytic Model of Homosexuality. 21 II. Ageism and Homophobia. 25 A. The Invisibility of LGBT Elders: The De-Sexualized Senior and the Hypersexual Homosexual. 26 B. Ageism within the LGBT Community. 29 1. Age Cohorts and Ageism within... 2009  
Denise Pacheco, Veronica Nelly Velez, University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies MAPS, MAPMAKING, AND CRITICAL PEDAGOGY: EXPLORING GIS AND MAPS AS A TEACHING TOOL FOR SOCIAL CHANGE 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 273 (Fall/Winter 2009) I was nervous standing in front of my family, over one hundred community members, and the Pasadena School Board. I checked and double-checked my computer, power point slides, and notes one last time. The GIS maps I had spent months creating were ready to go--but was I? I gazed out into the audience at each one of the parents, students, and... 2009  
Margaret Montoya , Christine Zuni Cruz , Interviewed by Gene Grant NARRATIVE BRAIDS: PERFORMING RACIAL LITERACY 33 American Indian Law Review 153 (2008-2009) I am from Oke Owingeh and Isleta Pueblo. My mother is from Oke Owingeh. I am a member of my father's Pueblo, the Pueblo of Isleta. - Professor Christine Zuni Cruz I was born in Las Vegas, New Mexico, to Ricardo Montoya and Virginia Alarid Montoya. One of the earliest memories from my school years is of my mother braiding my hair, making my... 2009  
Mitchell F. Crusto OBAMA'S MORAL CAPITALISM: RESUSCITATING THE AMERICAN DREAM 63 University of Miami Law Review 1011 (July, 2009) Fairness is a fundamental principle of American culture. Is it also a constitutional principle to redress economic oppression? Simply, does the U.S. Constitution protect its citizens from predatory lending practices? Will President Obama's call for empathy in constitutional jurisprudence protect America's middle and under-privileged classes from... 2009  
Ezra Rosser ON BECOMING "PROFESSOR": A SEMI-SERIOUS LOOK IN THE MIRROR 36 Florida State University Law Review 215 (Winter, 2009) Were this a typical law review article, I would begin by hinting-in less than three sentences-at a broad theory that would revolutionize the field reflected in the article. What I would actually be doing is attempting to use enough big words to disguise the fact that instead of being a presentation of a transformative idea, the only original... 2009  
Audrey G. McFarlane OPERATIVELY WHITE?: EXPLORING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RACE AND CLASS THROUGH THE PARADOX OF BLACK MIDDLE-CLASSNESS 72 Law and Contemporary Problems 163 (Fall 2009) Analytically race and class are theoretically distinct. Realistically in the US they are indistinguishable. [R]ace is . . . the modality in which class is lived . . . . No current discussion of race in the United States is complete without acknowledging the interaction of race and class. Both are overlapping categories of identity that lead to... 2009  
Frank Rudy Cooper OUR FIRST UNISEX PRESIDENT?: BLACK MASCULINITY AND OBAMA'S FEMININE SIDE 86 Denver University Law Review 633 (2009) People often talk about the significance of Barack Obama's status as our first black President. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, however, a newspaper columnist declared, If Bill Clinton was once considered America's first black president, Obama may one day be viewed as our first woman president. That statement epitomized a large media... 2009  
I. Bennett Capers POLICING, RACE, AND PLACE 44 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 43 (Winter 2009) Most Americans live in neighborhoods and communities segregated along racial lines, and take this segregation for granted. To the extent they view their communities as racially segregated at all, they assume that this segregation is largely the result of individual choice, socio-economic status, or perhaps a remnant of de jure segregation. The... 2009  
Sumi Cho POST-RACIALISM 94 Iowa Law Review 1589 (July, 2009) ABSTRACT: Rather than treat post-racialism as a political trend or social fact, this Article argues that post-racialism in its current iteration is a twenty-first century ideology that reflects a belief that due to racial progress the state need not engage in race-based decision-making or adopt race-based remedies, and that civil society should... 2009  
Frank Rudy Cooper RACE AND ESSENTIALISM IN GLORIA STEINEM 11 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 36 (2009) The book that I have referred to the most since law school is Katherine Bartlett and Roseanne Kennedys' anthology Feminist Legal Theory. The reason it holds that unique place on my bookshelf is that it contains the first copy I read of Angela Harris's essay Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory. My edition now has at least three layers of... 2009  
Kelly Sarabyn RACIAL AND SEXUAL PATERNALISM 19 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 553 (Summer 2009) Scholars construe the equal protection doctrine in the post-Civil Rights Era as evincing a struggle between the conservative Justices' anti-classification principle and the progressive Justices' anti-subordination principle. After a few indeterminate strikes for each side, the anti-classification principle largely won the battle. Rather than add to... 2009  
Aya Gruber RAPE, FEMINISM, AND THE WAR ON CRIME 84 Washington Law Review 581 (November, 2009) Abstract: Over the past several years, feminism has been increasingly associated with crime control and the incarceration of men. In apparent lock step with the movement of the American penal system, feminists have advocated a host of reforms to strengthen state power to punish gender-based crimes. In the rape context, this effort has produced... 2009  
Iris Halpern RAPE, INCEST, AND HARPER LEE'S TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD: ON ALABAMA'S LEGAL CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER AND SEXUALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF RACIAL SUBORDINATION 18 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 743 (2009) In 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird was published to significant popular acclaim: a reception that has proved enduring. Mockingbird remains one of the most widely circulated works in United States history. Curiously enough, however, the nonpareil American novel known for its condemnation of racism has proven itself a more venerable object in the heart... 2009  
Francisco Valdes REBELLIOUS KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION, ACADEMIC ACTIVISM, & OUTSIDER DEMOCRACY: FROM PRINCIPLES TO PRACTICES IN LATCRIT THEORY, 1995 TO 2008 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 131 (Fall/Winter 2009) This annual lecture, as the program schedule indicates, is designed to provide a sense of some notable principles and practices that underlie and animate LatCrit theory, praxis, and community as an expression of critical outsider jurisprudence, or OutCrit legal studies. Because the LatCrit community and body of work are multiply diverse,... 2009  
Audrey G. McFarlane REBUILDING THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE CITY: REGULATORY TAKING'S ANTI-SUBORDINATION INSIGHTS FOR EMINENT DOMAIN AND REDEVELOPMENT 42 Indiana Law Review 97 (2009) The eminent domain debate, steeped in the language of property rights, currently lacks language and conceptual space to address what is really at issue in today's cities: complex, fundamental disagreements between market and community about development. The core doctrinal issue presented by development is how can we acknowledge the subordination of... 2009  
Christina Yang REDEFINING AND RECLAIMING KOREAN ADOPTEE IDENTITY: GRASSROOTS INTERNET COMMUNITIES AND THE HAGUE CONVENTION ON PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND CO-OPERATION IN RESPECT OF INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION 16 Asian American Law Journal 131 (2009) My parents told me that summer of my arrival I would sing and talk in Korean. Of course they never knew what I was saying. They also told me that in those first weeks I would run up to the front door, throw my body up against it and cry and cry and say in Korean, Jip e ka le! My sister, born to my parents and age 9 at the time, thought it might... 2009  
Mario L. Barnes REFLECTION ON A DREAM WORLD: RACE, POST-RACE AND THE QUESTION OF MAKING IT OVER 11 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 6 (2009) We Dream A World A world I dream where black or white, Whatever race you be, Will share the bounties of the earth And every man is free Fifteen years ago, as a third-year law student, I published my book note in the inaugural issue of the African-American Law and Policy Report (ALPR). The note was inspired both by the book reviewed--Derrick Bell's,... 2009  
Jeannine Bell RESTRAINING THE HEARTLESS: RACIST SPEECH AND MINORITY RIGHTS 84 Indiana Law Journal 963 (Summer, 2009) It may be true that morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. The law may not change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless. In Spain on November 17, 2004, during a friendly soccer match between Spain and England, two Black players for the English team were subjected to monkey noises and racist slogans chanted by... 2009  
Harvey Gee REVIEW ESSAY: ASIAN AMERICANS, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, AND THE END OF THE MODEL MINORITY MYTH 19 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 149 (Fall 2009) The Myth of the Model Minority: Asian Americans Facing Racism by Rosalind S. Chou & Joe R. Feagin, Paradigm Publishers, Pp. 251 (2008) Race Law Stories, Foundation Press, Pp. 608 (eds. Rachel F. Moran & Devon W. Carbado 2008) Race issues are rarely spoken about in everyday conversation. In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black... 2009  
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