AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Robert S. Chang RICHARD DELGADO AND THE POLITICS OF CITATION 11 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 28 (2009) Twenty-five years ago, Professor Richard Delgado published The Imperial Scholar. The article asserted that a group of white scholars dominated the field of civil rights scholarship to the exclusion of minority scholars. It created a firestorm of sorts with what one critic called a serious charge of invidious racism on the part of respected legal... 2009  
David Gillborn RISK-FREE RACISM: WHITENESS AND SO-CALLED "FREE SPEECH" 44 Wake Forest Law Review 535 (Summer 2009) This Article examines the costs of so-called free speech in relation to race, particularly with reference to debates about a supposed link between race and intelligence/educability. Drawing on an analysis of media coverage in the United Kingdom, I show how Whiteness (a regime of beliefs and attitudes that embodies the interests and assumptions of... 2009  
Anthony Paul Farley SHATTERED: AFTERWORD FOR DEFINING RACE, A JOINT SYMPOSIUM OF THE ALBANY LAW REVIEW AND THE ALBANY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY© 72 Albany Law Review 1053 (2009) What happened shattered whatever it was that we once were. Slavery happened. We are the fragments of that happening. And it is still happening. We the fragments are citizens of the undiscovered country. We the fragments, striving for a lost union, continually burst apart. Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations makes no mention of what happened. We will... 2009  
Rhonda V. Magee SLAVERY AS IMMIGRATION? 44 University of San Francisco Law Review 273 (Fall 2009) As an African-American woman and legal scholar, I have long been troubled by the absence of sustained discourse within the legal academy on the legacies of American chattel slavery and its multifaceted impact on contemporary U.S. law and policy. Since entering the academy, I have puzzled, mostly in silence, over the continued absence of scholarship... 2009  
Alyssa A. DiRusso TESTACY AND INTESTACY: THE DYNAMICS OF WILLS AND DEMOGRAPHIC STATUS 23 Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal 36 (2009) Intestacy is perhaps the final divide between the Haves and the Have-Nots. When we die, the law gives each of us one last chance to use its force to carry out our wishes with respect to what we own. Those who fail to create an individualized estate plan become subject to the rules of intestacy laws, which provide a scheme of distribution in default... 2009  
Deleso Alford Washington THE ANATOMY OF A "PANTSUIT": PERFORMANCE, PROXY AND PRESENCE FOR WOMEN OF COLOR IN LEGAL EDUCATION 30 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 605 (Spring 2009) I am a Good Sister! I have earthed many students with my wisdom and spiritual insight I have run a good race with mental strength and physical might; all while lecturing, during both day and night I am nothing but the Truth! I am a Good Sister! I have withstood historical lies told about me; My light so bright, those who were blind could not help... 2009  
Andrés L. Carrillo THE COSTS OF SUCCESS: MEXICAN AMERICAN IDENTITY PERFORMANCE WITHIN CULTURALLY CODED CLASSROOMS AND EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT 18 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 641 (Fall 2009) Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men--the balance-wheel of the social machinery. Mexican Americans have fast become the largest segment of students enrolled in California's public education system. From 1981 to 2001, the percentage of Latino students enrolled in public schools... 2009  
Lorenzo Bowman, Tonette Rocco, Elizabeth Peterson THE EXCLUSION OF RACE FROM MANDATED CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: A CRITICAL RACE THEORY ANALYSIS 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 229 (Fall/Winter 2009) Forty states mandate continuing legal education (CLE) for practicing lawyers in their jurisdictions. Lawyers who fail to meet the mandated CLE requirements of their jurisdictions are often subject to suspension and, ultimately, disbarment. Given the penalty for noncompliance, almost all practicing lawyers in these jurisdictions take CLE... 2009  
Kevin R. Johnson THE INTERSECTION OF RACE AND CLASS IN U.S. IMMIGRATION LAW AND ENFORCEMENT 72 Law and Contemporary Problems 1 (Fall 2009) Since its emergence in the 1960s and 1970s, ethnic- (including white) studies scholarship has analyzed race and class as intertwined and interrelated. An inherently conservative discipline, law is notoriously resistant to scholarly change. As a result, legal scholarship often lags behind the cutting edge of other disciplines. Not surprisingly, only... 2009  
Alice M. Thomas THE RACIAL WEALTH DIVIDE THROUGH THE EYES OF THE YOUNGER FAMILY: UNDOING AMERICA'S LEGACY OF WEALTH INEQUALITY IN SEARCH OF THE ELUSIVE AMERICAN DREAM UTILIZING A SANKOFA MODEL OF TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE 5 Florida A & M University Law Review 1 (Fall 2009) I. Introduction. 2 II. Contextual Background & Historical Perspective. 15 III. The Problem - Entrenched Racial Inequality Amplified through the Multiracial Wealth Divide. 24 A. The Nature and Magnitude of the Problem. 24 B. Lifting the Veil on the Past: The History of the Wealth Divide. 29 1. In General. 29 2. Native Americans. 31 3. African... 2009  
Russell Powell THEOLOGY IN PUBLIC REASON AND LEGAL DISCOURSE: A CASE FOR THE PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR 15 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 327 (Spring, 2009) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 329 II. The Role of Theology in Public Discourse. 334 III. The Preferential Option for the Poor. 338 A. Core Principles of Catholic Social Thought. 339 B. Origins of the Preferential Option. 340 1. Scriptural Bases. 341 2. Tradition through the Second Vatican Council. 343 3. Latin American Bishops and the... 2009  
Ruben J. Garcia TOWARD FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE FOR THE PROTECTION OF LOW-WAGE WORKERS: THE "WORKERS' RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS" DEBATE IN THE OBAMA ERA 1 University of Chicago Legal Forum 421 (2009) As President Obama's administration begins this year, labor and employment policy is one of the areas that will likely change. This change will take the form of a legislative agenda that either offers new worker protections or reverses past decisions that have a negative effect on workers' rights. One of the first examples of change is the... 2009  
Hope Lewis TRANSNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF RACE IN AMERICA 72 Albany Law Review 999 (2009) -Out of many, one people. Jamaica, the nation from which my parents and grandmothers migrated to the United States, includes a motto on its national coat of arms that is at once inspiring and yet disturbingly ironic: Out of many . . . one people. The embl 2009  
Mitchell F. Crusto UNCONSCIOUS CLASSISM: ENTITY EQUALITY FOR SOLE PROPRIETORS 11 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 215 (January, 2009) I. Unconscious Classism and Elevating the Entity Rights of Sole Proprietors. 218 A. Sole Proprietor's View of the Firm. 218 B. The Lens of Unconscious Classism and Critical Class Theory. 222 C. Overview of the Article. 224 II. Sole Proprietorship Law Is Ripe for Review Because the Law and the Solitary Alter Ego View Treat the Sole Proprietorship as... 2009  
Liz Hollingworth UNINTENDED EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT 12 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 311 (Winter 2009) The rules and regulations of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB or the Act) have not reduced the gap in student academic achievement as much as Congress originally intended. The great promise of NCLB is that, once held accountable, schools will finally focus on the education of low-achieving students, thus reducing the gap in student academic... 2009  
Penelope E. Andrews WHO'S AFRAID OF POLYGAMY? EXPLORING THE BOUNDARIES OF FAMILY, EQUALITY AND CUSTOM IN SOUTH AFRICA 11 Journal of Law and Family Studies 303 (2009) Introduction. 303 I. Competing Narratives of Liberation: African Nationalism and Feminism. 306 II. The Constitution and Traditional Law. 311 III. The Constitution and Gender Equality. 314 IV. The Constitutional Court and Gender Equality. 316 V. Gender Equality and Polygamy. 320 VI. Polygamy and the Recognition of Customary Marriages. 325 VII.... 2009  
Penelope E. Andrews WHO'S AFRAID OF POLYGAMY? EXPLORING THE BOUNDARIES OF FAMILY, EQUALITY AND CUSTOM IN SOUTH AFRICA 2009 Utah Law Review 351 (2009) Introduction. 351 I. Competing Narratives of Liberation: African Nationalism and Feminism. 354 II. The Constitution and Traditional Law. 359 III. The Constitution and Gender Equality. 362 IV. The Constitutional Court and Gender Equality. 364 V. Gender Equality and Polygamy. 368 VI. Polygamy and the Recognition of Customary Marriages. 373 VII.... 2009  
Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb WRITING AT THE MASTER'S TABLE: REFLECTIONS ON THEFT, CRIMINALITY, AND OTHERNESS IN THE LEGAL WRITING PROFESSION 2 Drexel Law Review 41 (Fall 2009) The alert came over the university email one Friday afternoon. There had been a rash of burglaries in the vicinity of the university where I was employed as a legal writing professor. The culprits? Two finely dressed thirty-something women, and a white male in his mid-fifties. These well-heeled bandits gained entrance into various buildings and... 2009  
K.J. Greene "COPYNORMS," BLACK CULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND THE DEBATE OVER AFRICAN-AMERICAN REPARATIONS 25 Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal 1179 (2008) I. African-American Creativity, Invention and innovation in historical context. 1182 A. Racial Subordniation in the Intellectual Property Context. 1183 B. Invisibility of Black Cultural Production in the Intellectual Property Context. 1184 C. The Centrality of African-American Cultural Production to U.S. Culture and Law. 1185 D. Black Creativity in... 2008  
Margaret E. Montoya , Francisco Valdes "LATINAS/OS" AND LATINA/O LEGAL STUDIES: A CRITICAL AND SELF-CRITICAL REVIEW OF LATCRIT THEORY AND LEGAL MODELS OF KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION 4 FIU Law Review 187 (Fall, 2008) I. Introduction. 188 A. The Promise and the Danger: Latinas/os as a Demographic Surge. 189 B. Within the Legal Academy: The Emergence of Latina/o Legal Studies (LatCrit). 192 C. Meaning and Location: The Emergence of LatCrit as a Coalitional Antisubordination Knowledge-Production Project. 194 II. Knowledge Production Models: A Brief Overview.... 2008  
Margaret E. Montoya , Francisco Valdes "LATINAS/OS" AND THE POLITICS OF KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION: LATCRIT SCHOLARSHIP AND ACADEMIC ACTIVISM AS SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTION 83 Indiana Law Journal 1197 (Fall, 2008) For at least a decade now, drums have beat and trumpets blared heralding the arrival of Latinas/os onto the national policy-and-politics stage of the United States. Pundits have declared seismic political possibilities following from this demographic surge while the 2000 Census confirmed that numerical growth among Latina/o-identified... 2008  
Gregory S. Parks , Shayne E. Jones "NIGGER": A CRITICAL RACE REALIST ANALYSIS OF THE N-WORD WITHIN HATE CRIMES LAW 98 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1305 (Summer 2008) A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes Although the slang epithet nigger may once have been in common usage . . . [it] has become particularly abusive and insulting . .... 2008  
Cynthia Der A CHINESE AMERICAN SEAT AT THE TABLE: EXAMINING RACE IN THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 42 University of San Francisco Law Review 1077 (Spring 2008) RACE HAS ALWAYS BEEN a complicated issue in the K-12 education policy arena. While administrators and policy makers debate topics such as standardized testing, budgets and funding, curriculum development, and achievement gaps, issues concerning race are often forgotten. When race was discussed in the past, much of the discussion focused on the... 2008  
Kevin R. Johnson A HANDICAPPED, NOT "SLEEPING," GIANT: THE DEVASTATING IMPACT OF THE INITIATIVE PROCESS ON LATINA/O AND IMMIGRANT COMMUNITIES 96 California Law Review 1259 (October, 2008) Despite being questioned on many grounds, direct democracy remains popular in many states. Calls for reform of the initiative process abound. Consider a few frequently expressed concerns about initiative lawmaking. Some critics contend that direct democracy benefits well-financed interest groups--often derided as special interests--that are able... 2008  
Valerie J. Phillips A PLURALISTIC APPROACH TO OPPRESSION AND LATINO TERRA NULLIUS 20 Saint Thomas Law Review 691 (Spring 2008) We are nations of givers dealing with nations of takers. Anonymous The real battle will be between westernized, assimilated elites within all nations, and those who refuse to assimilate. Hanna Petros I. Introduction. 691 II. Back Alley Abortions. 694 III. Cyber-Love and Getting to Praxis. 700 IV. Everything is up for Discussion . 701 This... 2008  
Mark C. Modak-Truran A PROCESS THEORY OF NATURAL LAW AND THE RULE OF LAW IN CHINA 26 Penn State International Law Review 607 (Winter 2008) Exporting the Rule of Law has been a strong focus of American, British, and European foreign policy since the end of World War II. The post-war constitutions of Germany and Japan followed Western notions of constitutional democracy and the rule of law. The end of the Cold War resulted in many former Eastern-bloc communist countries implementing... 2008  
Brian J. Foley APPLIED LEGAL STORYTELLING, POLITICS, AND FACTUAL REALISM 14 Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute 17 (2008) The first Applied Legal Storytelling conference, Once upon a Legal Time: Developing the Skills of Storytelling in Law, was held in London on July 18-20, 2007. The almost ninety attendees hailed from eleven different countries. Our Programme asked Why This Conference? and answered, The Applied Legal Storytelling conference was imagined and... 2008  
Toby Moore ASSAULT ON "FORT LIBERALISM:" VOTING RIGHTS ENFORCEMENT--AND VOTING RIGHTS ENFORCERS--UNDER THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION 1 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 115 (2008) In late 2006, the Bush Administration fired seven United States Attorneys, some after they appeared to resist pursuing voter fraud cases. The resulting controversy focused new attention on the administration's prior enforcement of minority voting rights. Former Department of Justice attorneys, journalists, and congressional oversight committees... 2008  
Carrie Griffin Basas BACK ROOMS, BOARD ROOMS--REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION AND RESISTANCE UNDER THE ADA 29 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 59 (2008) Reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are at the center of the integration of people with disabilities into mainstream work environments. Responses on the part of employers, however, have couched many feasible accommodations as excessive, burdensome, and costly. Employers resist hiring people with disabilities... 2008  
R.A. Lenhardt BEYOND ANALOGY: PEREZ V. SHARP, ANTIMISCEGENATION LAW, AND THE FIGHT FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE 96 California Law Review 839 (August, 2008) Conversations about the constitutionality of prohibitions on marriage for same-sex couples invariably reduce to the question of whether a meaningful analogy can be drawn between restrictions on same-sex marriage and antimiscegenation laws. In an effort to refocus this debate, this article considers the California Supreme Court's 1948 decision in... 2008  
Mark C. Modak-Truran BEYOND THEOCRACY AND SECULARISM (PART I): TOWARD A NEW PARADIGM FOR LAW AND RELIGION 27 Mississippi College Law Review 159 (2007-2008) [O]ne of the things a scientific community acquires with a paradigm is a criterion for choosing problems that, while the paradigm is taken for granted, can be assumed to have solutions. To a great extent these are the only problems that the community will admit as scientific or encourage its members to undertake. Other problems, including many that... 2008  
Veronica Nelly Velez CHALLENGING LIES LATCRIT STYLE: A CRITICAL RACE REFLECTION OF AN ALLY TO LATINA/O IMMIGRANT PARENT LEADERS 4 FIU Law Review 119 (Fall, 2008) I was nervous as I looked over my notes, preparing to share some preliminary research about Rose Unified's current schooling dilemmas. As I tried to release some of the tension I felt, I realized that in many ways the information I was about to present, and the forum organized to share it that evening with teachers, school district officials, civic... 2008  
Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez CLUSTER II: TRACING THE CRITICAL EDUCATION TRADITION IN LATCRIT THEORY, PRAXIS & COMMUNITY 4 FIU Law Review 85 (Fall, 2008) I. Introduction. 85 II. LatCrit's Critical Education Tradition. 87 A. Scholars of Education Law and Policy. 92 B. Law Professors Interested in Critical Legal Pedagogy. 95 C. CRT/LatCrit in Education. 97 III. Conclusion. 99 Four Essays constitute the Critical Education cluster of the LatCrit XII symposium, the publication of some of the... 2008  
Angela Onwuachi-Willig , Emily Houh , Mary Campbell CRACKING THE EGG: WHICH CAME FIRST--STIGMA OR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION? 96 California Law Review 1299 (October, 2008) This Article examines the strength of arguments concerning the causal connection between racial stigma and affirmative action. In so doing, this Article reports and analyzes the results of a survey on internal stigma (feelings of dependency, inadequacy, or guilt) and external stigma (the burden of others' resentment or doubt about one's... 2008  
Kirstin T. Eidenbach CRITICAL LEGAL STUDIES AND THE LAWLESS FRONTIER 1 the crit: a Critical Studies Journal 96 (Spring, 2008) I first began thinking about the continuing academic relevance of critical movements after several legal academics assured me that the critical approach was at best passé, at worst dead. It was some time until I realized these commentators were the very people who struggled against critical legal studies' repeated attacks and deconstruction of... 2008  
Tristin K. Green DISCOMFORT AT WORK: WORKPLACE ASSIMILATION DEMANDS AND THE CONTACT HYPOTHESIS 86 North Carolina Law Review 379 (January, 2008) Recent research on the contact hypothesis--the idea that intergroup contact can reduce prejudice--reveals that permitting identification with socially salient categories like race and gender is more likely to translate into reduced prejudice than attempting to eliminate or eclipse entirely those categories. This research has important implications... 2008  
Mitchell F. Crusto ENSLAVED CONSTITUTION: OBSTRUCTING THE FREEDOM TO TRAVEL 70 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 233 (Winter 2008) Does the Constitution protect a citizen's intra-state travel (within a state) from unjustified state prohibition? To date, the Supreme Court has not ruled directly on the issue, and many federal courts believe that the right to intra-state travel is not constitutionally protected. This Article explores the constitutional right of intra-state travel... 2008  
Mario L. Barnes , F. Greg Bowman ENTERING UNPRECEDENTED TERRAIN: CHARTING A METHOD TO REDUCE MADNESS IN POST-9/11 POWER AND RIGHTS CONFLICTS 62 University of Miami Law Review 365 (January, 2008) This project was originally conceived at what we believed to be a unique moment in our nation's history: After September 11, in what we perceived as a period of temporary emergency, we were confronted with a series of governmental actions--primarily executive in nature--that resulted in citizens and noncitizens, persons within the United States and... 2008  
Christine J. Hung FOR THOSE WHO HAD NO VOICE: THE MULTIFACETED FIGHT FOR REDRESS BY AND FOR THE "COMFORT WOMEN" 15 Asian American Law Journal 177 (May, 2008) These days I hum a song, Katusa, putting my own words to the tune: I am so miserable; return my youth to me; apologize . . . . You dragged us off against our own will. You trod on us. Apologize . . . --Lee Yong-soo, former Korean comfort woman, testifying in the U.S. House of Representatives in February 2007 For the Asian women who were... 2008  
Charles R.P. Pouncy FOREWORD: LATCRIT XII--THE CRITICAL LOCALITY AND THE PROCESSES OF COMMUNITY 20 Saint Thomas Law Review 387 (Spring 2008) I. Introduction. 387 II. The Critical Locality and LatCrit Literature. 388 III. The Symposium Clusters. 393 IV. Cluster I--Immigration and Cosmopolitanism. 394 V. Cluster II: Economics Interpersonal, Structural and Political. 402 VI. Cluster III: Regions and Cultures. 417 VII. Cluster IV: Critical Politics and Jurisprudence. 424 VIII. Cluster V:... 2008  
Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic FOREWORD: LATINOS AND THE LAW SYMPOSIUM 83 Indiana Law Journal 1141 (Fall, 2008) To: Ourselves Cc: Interested Readers Re: Our Plans and New Year's Resolutions for Future Scholarship on Latinos The reason for the carbon copy to interested readers is that we have learned, as we have gone through life, that other people may be highly resistant to advice-you really should do this-but highly receptive to gossip-I'm getting ready... 2008  
Angela P. Harris FROM COLOR LINE TO COLOR CHART?: RACISM AND COLORISM IN THE NEW CENTURY 10 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 52 (2008) When my sister graduated from college in the mid-1980s with a degree in musical theater she moved to Chicago with her new husband in search of work in television commercials and the performing arts. To her frustration and dismay, however, despite her good looks, acting ability, and musical talent, she was rejected in audition after audition.... 2008  
  FROM PROPOSITION 209 TO PROPOSAL 2: EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF ANTI-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION VOTER INITIATIVES 13 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 461 (Spring 2008) PRIYA BASKARAN: Good morning. Thank you all for braving the winter weather to be with us here today. My name is Priya Baskaran, and I'm one of the symposium coordinators. I would like to welcome you on behalf of the entire Journal of Race & Law to our Symposium today. We have a lot of wonderful panels and speakers, so I won't keep you from them too... 2008  
Brian J. Bilford HARPER'S BAZAAR: THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS AND HATE SPEECH IN SCHOOLS 4 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 447 (October, 2008) Introduction. 447 I. Hate Speech and the Marketplace of Ideas . 449 II. The District Court: Hate Speech as Disruptive . 452 A. The Facts. 452 B. The Opinion. 453 C. The Problem: Selective Censorship, Viewpoint Discrimination, and R.A.V.. 454 D. Potential Counterarguments. 455 III. The Ninth Circuit: Hate Speech Violates the Rights of Minority... 2008  
Julie Seaman HATE SPEECH AND IDENTITY POLITICS: A SITUATIONALIST PROPOSAL 36 Florida State University Law Review 99 (Fall, 2008) The scholarly debate over campus hate speech codes is most often characterized as a clash of absolutes, a conflict between two irreconcilable moral and political visions. On one side are the so-called free speech absolutists, who reject hate speech restrictions on campuses and elsewhere based on their incompatibility with fundamental precepts of... 2008  
Kekailoa Perry , Jon Kamakawiwoole Osorio HONORING THE LAW AND RESTORING A NATION 31 University of Hawaii Law Review 331 (Winter 2008) Professor Van Dyke's book is one of those unusual literary works that has all of the elements of good scholarship-solid research, a clear focus, rational and credible theory as well as a compassionate approach to a significant issue for the indigenous people of Hawai'i-and still ends up being a pretty fair disappointment. While acknowledging that... 2008  
Marissa Harris INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF A NAPPY-HEADED HO: A PROPOSAL FOR FCC REGULATION OF BROADCAST HATE SPEECH 1 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 189 (2008) My first acquaintance with racism came from the disapproving eyes of my mother as they lingered on my unruly, misshapen mass of kinky curls. I do not think that my mother despaired of my existence, or thought that I was doomed to inferiority. Her frustration and impatience with my natural hair, however, are my earliest memories entertaining the... 2008  
Elizabeth F. Emens INTEGRATING ACCOMMODATION 156 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 839 (April, 2008) Courts and agencies interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) generally assume that workplace accommodations benefit individual employees with disabilities and impose costs on employers and, at times, coworkers. This belief reflects a failure to recognize a key feature of ADA accommodations: their benefits to third parties. Numerous... 2008  
K.J. Greene INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AT THE INTERSECTION OF RACE AND GENDER: LADY SINGS THE BLUES 16 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 365 (2008) I. The Emergence of Race in Legal Analysis. 367 A. Intellectual Property, Innovation and African-Americans. 368 B. Blacks and Copyright Law. 370 C. Blacks and Trademark Law. 374 II. The Emerging Feminist Critique of Intellecual Property. 378 A. African-American Women and IP. 380 III. Traditional Knowledge/Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual... 2008  
Athena D. Mutua INTRODUCING CLASSCRITS: FROM CLASS BLINDNESS TO A CRITICAL LEGAL ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITY 56 Buffalo Law Review 859 (December, 2008) In 2007, two workshops at the University at Buffalo launched a project bringing together legal scholars interested in exploring the relationship between law and economic inequality. The essays in this collection grew out of the workshops and represent the project's first attempts to think about law and economic inequality, a problem that is growing... 2008  
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