AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Kate Greene LITERACY AND RACIAL JUSTICE: THE POLITICS OF LEARNING AFTER BROWN v. BOARD OF EDUCATION BY CATHERINE PRENDERGAST. 2003. CARBONDALE: SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PRESS. 205 PAGES. 0-8093-2525-X (PAPERBACK) 34 Journal of Law and Education 493 (July, 2005) Last year marked the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legally ended segregated public schooling in the United States. Unlike the fanfare surrounding the 200th anniversary of the Constitution in 1987, this anniversary slipped by almost unnoticed by the U.S. public; perhaps that is because there... 2005  
Mari Matsuda LOVE, CHANGE 17 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 185 (2005) Catharine MacKinnon once chose the title Not A Moral Issue, to separate obscenity claims from subordination claims in her response to pornography. MacKinnon's reminder: it's about power, is my starting point, in what for me IS a moral issue. This is morality: to include all as human and entitled to the deepest love and care. This is the... 2005  
Reginald C. Oh MAPPING A MATERIALIST LATCRIT DISCOURSE ON RACISM 52 Cleveland State Law Review 243 (2005) I. The Narrative Construction of Social Reality. 243 A. The Fictionality of Emplotted Legal Narratives. 245 II. Examining Space and Spatiality to Deconstruct Coherent Emplotted Legal Narratives. 246 III. Analyzing the Spatiality of Racism in Richmond v. Croson. 248 IV. Revisiting the Narrative Construction of Material Reality. 252 2005  
Aya Gruber NAVIGATING DIVERSE IDENTITIES: BUILDING COALITIONS THROUGH REDISTRIBUTION OF ACADEMIC CAPITAL--AN EXERCISE IN PRAXIS 35 Seton Hall Law Review 1201 (2005) I have experienced two philosophically epiphanic moments in my adult life. The first occurred during a solitary traversing of the mountains in the Guanxi province of China, and the second occurred at LatCrit IX. What I mean by epiphany is less a collection of thoughts than a singular feeling. Much like the Joycean artist, I felt at these moments an... 2005  
Jagdish J. Bijlani NEITHER HERE NOR THERE: CREATING A LEGALLY AND POLITICALLY DISTINCT SOUTH ASIAN RACIAL IDENTITY 16 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 53 (Fall 2005) At about 9:20 p.m. on Monday, May 19, 2003, Avtar Singh Cheira, a 52-year-old Phoenix, Arizona, truck driver and Sikh immigrant from India was shot twice in the legs. Cheira had been waiting to be picked up by his family when the men who shot him with bullets from a small caliber gun drove by in a red pickup truck. The Sikh immigrant had lived in... 2005  
Dana L. Gold NEW STRATEGIES FOR JUSTICE: LINKING CORPORATE LAW WITH PROGRESSIVE SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AN INTRODUCTION 4 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 225 (Fall/Winter 2005) The large corporation has become the dominant institution of our time. Increasingly, academics, lawyers, and activists dedicated to preventing injustice in its many formsrace discrimination, gender inequality, environmental degradation, health and safety risks, extreme wealth disparities, and threats to political and workplace democracyare... 2005  
Imani Perry OCCUPYING THE UNIVERSAL, EMBODYING THE SUBJECT 17 Law and Literature 97 (Spring, 2005) Abstract. This article introduces a theory of jurisprudential critique that has developed in African American letters. The author describes this form of critique as sympathetic occupation--a means of using the idea of the universal subject alongside racial subjectivity in order to transform the reader's interpretation of the law with respect to... 2005  
Liyah Kaprice Brown OFFICER OR OVERSEER?: WHY POLICE DESEGREGATION FAILS AS AN ADEQUATE SOLUTION TO RACIST, OPPRESSIVE, AND VIOLENT POLICING IN BLACK COMMUNITIES 29 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 757 (2005) On January 23, 2004, Timothy Stansbury, Jr., a nineteen-year-old Black man, earned his GED. He planned to attend community college and start a family with his girlfriend. Hours later, Timothy met two of his friends and together they traveled to another friend's party. The three young men took a shortcut across the rooftop of Timothy's building... 2005  
Pedro A. Malavet OUTSIDER CITIZENSHIPS AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL BORDERS: THE POWER AND DANGER OF NOT BELONGING 52 Cleveland State Law Review 321 (2005) I. Introduction. 321 II. The Power of Not Belonging: Outsider Citizenships and Multidimensional Borders. 321 III. The Danger of Not Belonging: The Seduction of Inventing Originality. 328 IV. Conclusion: The Growing, if Perhaps Neglected, Contribution of LatCrit Scholarship. 333 2005  
Nancy K. Ota PAPER DAUGHTERS 12 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 41 (Fall, 2005) Race relations in the United States are rooted in the history of slavery, which is predominantly though not exclusively a history of white slave owners and black slaves. Discussion of the history of American race relations inevitably focuses on the Black/White Paradigm epitomized first by slavery, the Civil War and then emancipation, the... 2005  
  PART THREE: SYNOPSES OF ARTICLES, ESSAYS, BOOKS, AND BOOK CHAPTERS 12 Clinical Law Review 101 (Fall 2005) AALS, Submission of the Association of American Law Schools to the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana Concerning the Review of the Supreme Court's Student Practice Rule, 4 Clin. L. Rev. 539 (1998).* This is a condensed version of a submission to the Louisiana Supreme Court by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) in opposition to... 2005  
  PART TWO: LIST OF ARTICLES, ESSAYS, BOOKS, AND BOOK CHAPTERS 12 Clinical Law Review 7 (Fall 2005) I. Clinical Legal Education A. History Amsterdam, Anthony G., Clinical Legal Education - A 21st Century Perspective. Barnhizer, David, The University Ideal and Clinical Legal Education. Barry, Margaret Martin, Jon C. Dubin & Peter A. Joy, Clinical Education For This Millennium: The Third Wave. Bastress, Robert M. & Joseph D. Harbaugh, Taking the... 2005  
Ángel R. Oquendo PEDRO A. MALAVET, AMERICA'S COLONY: THE POLITICAL AND CULTURAL CONFLICT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICO. NEW YORK: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2004. PP. IX + 242 55 Journal of Legal Education 416 (September, 2005) When Gabriel García Márquez visited Puerto Rico, someone asked him why he had never written about the island. The Colombian Nobel Prize winning novelist smiled and paused for a second before responding. If I told the truth about Puerto Rico, he explained, everyone would say I was making it up. Indeed, the Puerto Rican experience is in many ways... 2005  
Mark Golub PLESSY AS "PASSING": JUDICIAL RESPONSES TO AMBIGUOUSLY RACED BODIES IN PLESSY v. FERGUSON 39 Law and Society Review 563 (September, 2005) The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) is infamous for its doctrine of separate but equal, which gave constitutional legitimacy to Jim Crow segregation laws. What is less-known about the case is that the appellant Homer Plessy was, by all appearances, a white man. In the language of the Court, his one-eighth African blood was... 2005  
Robert E. Suggs POISONING THE WELL: LAW & ECONOMICS AND RACIAL INEQUALITY 57 Hastings Law Journal 255 (December 1, 2005) The standard Law and Economics analysis of racial discrimination has stunted African-American thinking about race. This consequence flows not from the cogency of its analysis, but rather from the conclusion reached by early Law and Economics advocates, when desegregation had just begun, that antidiscrimination laws were wasteful and unnecessary.... 2005  
Carol M. Rose PROPERTY IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES? 114 Yale Law Journal 991 (March, 2005) Who Owns Native Culture? By Michael F. Brown. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003. Pp. 315. $29.95. Public Lands and Political Meaning: Ranchers, the Government, and the Property Between Them. By Karen R. Merrill. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. Pp. 274. $50.00. Introduction. 992 I. Indigenous Heritage: The Shortcomings of... 2005  
Jennifer Hochschild RACE AND CLASS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 11 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 99 (Fall 2005) As a discipline, political science tends to have a split personality on the issue of whether the driving force behind political action is material or ideational. Put too crudely, White scholars tend to focus on structural conditions as the cause of group identity and action, whereas scholars of color tend to focus on group identity and conflict in... 2005  
Anita Tijerina Revilla RAZA WOMYN ENGAGED IN LOVE AND REVOLUTION: CHICANA/LATINA STUDENT ACTIVISTS CREATING SAFE SPACES WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY 52 Cleveland State Law Review 155 (2005) I. Introduction. 155 II. Methods. 156 III. Theoretical Perspectives. 158 A. Marginalization. 159 B. Revolution. 162 C. Love. 164 IV. Testimonio. 164 V. Conclusion. 171 2005  
Anita Tijerina Revilla RAZA WOMYN MUJERSTORIA 50 Villanova Law Review 799 (2005) Raza Women was born out of a struggle. The struggle was for equal rights and recognition for the women who were members of a Chicano/Chicana group at UCLA but who did not receive the same rights and benefits as the male members. Instead of continuing to be pushed aside and having their specific Chicana issues ignored, in 1981, these women created... 2005  
Claudia E. Haupt REGULATING HATE SPEECH--DAMNED IF YOU DO AND DAMNED IF YOU DON'T: LESSONS LEARNED FROM COMPARING THE GERMAN AND U.S. APPROACHES 23 Boston University International Law Journal 299 (Fall 2005) I. The Issue. 300 A. The Comparative Perspective on Hate Speech - Quo Vadis?. 300 B. Comparative Analysis. 301 C. The Argument. 303 II. The Problem of Hate Speech - If There Is One. 303 A. The Subject of Inquiry. 304 B. United States. 304 1. The Case for Regulation. 306 2. The Traditionalists' Reply. 310 C. Germany. 312 III. The Value of Speech:... 2005  
Ronald L. Mize, Jr. REPARATIONS FOR MEXICAN BRACEROS? LESSONS LEARNED FROM JAPANESE AND AFRICAN AMERICAN ATTEMPTS AT REDRESS 52 Cleveland State Law Review 273 (2005) I. Reparation Attempts for Japanese-American Internment and African-American Slavery. 274 A. Japanese Internment. 275 B. African-American Slavery. 277 II. Binational Relations and the U.S.-Mexico Bracero Program. 283 III. The Invisible Workers: Re-Membering the Bracero Program. 287 IV. Reparations Campaigns and Attempts at Bracero Redress. 291 2005  
Laura I Appleman REPORTS OF BATSON'S DEATH HAVE BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED: HOW THE BATSON DOCTRINE ENFORCES A NORMATIVE FRAMEWORK OF LEGAL ETHICS 78 Temple Law Review 607 (Fall 2005) Despite the peremptory challenge's venerable common law antecedents, lately there has been a movement in the criminal justice system to abolish this ancient workhorse. Jurists, practitioners, and legal scholars have begun to clamor for the outright prohibition of this jury selection tool, a movement that essentially began with the introduction of... 2005  
Mary Romero REVISITING OUTCRITS WITH A SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION 50 Villanova Law Review 925 (2005) IN his book The Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills acknowledged the overwhelming sense of feeling trapped and the tendency to focus on individual change, responsibility and personal transformations. Mills's development of the sociological imagination addressed the duty that sociologists had in making the links between personal problems and... 2005  
Mira T. Ohm SEX 24/7: WHAT'S THE HARM IN BROADCAST INDECENCY? 26 Women's Rights Law Reporter 167 (Spring-Summer 2005) According to the rationale of the landmark case Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation, it is in society's interest to protect children from indecent materials. The deliberate repeated use of vulgar, offensive, and shocking language, describing sexual and excretory functions in a patently offensive manner, broadcast at a time when... 2005  
Annalisa A. Jabaily SHIPS PASSING IN THE NIGHT: MAPPING THE TRADE ROUTES BETWEEN THE WAR ON DRUGS AND THE WAR ON TERROR 15 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 1 (Fall 2005) I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong. No Vietcong has ever called me a nigger. -Muhammed Ali It sounds like the beginning of a racist joke: What do an African American and an Arab American have in common? Many jokes, including racist ones, begin by comparing two seemingly incomparable things (or races). This particular question, however,... 2005  
Richard Delgado SI SE PUEDE, BUT WHO GETS THE GRAVY? 11 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 9 (Fall 2005) INTRODUCTION: CRITICAL RAP THEORY. 9 I. Symmetry. 11 II. The Right Gathers Force. 14 III. What to Do. 16 A. Teaching. 17 B. Activist Scholarship. 17 C. Legal Profession. 18 D. Consider Other Sources of Ideas and Theories. 19 CONCLUSION. 20 2005  
Harvey Gee SOME THOUGHTS AND TRUTHS ABOUT IMMIGRATION MYTHS: THE "HUDDLED MASSES" MYTH: IMMIGRATION AND CIVIL RIGHTS 39 Valparaiso University Law Review 939 (Summer, 2005) As an avid reader of Kevin R. Johnson's previous legal writings about race and immigration, I was extremely pleased to find his most recent book, The Huddled Masses Myth: Immigration and Civil Rights (Huddled Masses) resting on the shelf in the law books section of the San Diego Border's bookstore. Johnson, a prolific writer, is a member of the... 2005  
Gil Gott THE DEVIL WE KNOW: RACIAL SUBORDINATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY LAW 50 Villanova Law Review 1073 (2005) SINCE September 11, Muslims, Arabs and South Asians in the United States have had to contend with disparate and abusive treatment, both within civil society and at the hands of state actors including security, law enforcement and prison officials. It would seem a horrible exaggeration to say that post-September 11 has been a period of open season... 2005  
Emily M.S. Houh THE DOCTRINE OF GOOD FAITH IN CONTRACT LAW: A (NEARLY) EMPTY VESSEL? 2005 Utah Law Review 1 (2005) Does good faith matter anymore in American contract law? The Restatement (Second) of Contracts provides that [e]very contract imposes upon each party a duty of good faith and fair dealing in its performance and its enforcement. The Uniform Commercial Code, adopted by every state except Louisiana, defines good faith as honesty in fact and the... 2005  
Kevin R. Johnson THE FORGOTTEN "REPATRIATION" OF PERSONS OF MEXICAN ANCESTRY AND LESSONS FOR THE "WAR ON TERROR" 26 Pace Law Review 1 (Fall 2005) My remarks, titled The Forgotten Repatriation of Persons of Mexican Ancestry and Lessons for the War on Terror, begin with a forgotten historical incident that spanned a decade and end with the time in which we live. I refer to the forgotten repatriation because many Americans have not heard of the forced removal of approximately one... 2005  
Laura Spitz THE GIFT OF ENRON: AN OPPORTUNITY TO TALK ABOUT CAPITALISM, EQUALITY, GLOBALIZATION, AND THE PROMISE OF A NORTH-AMERICAN CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS 66 Ohio State Law Journal 315 (2005) In this Article, Enron-using the word in its largest symbolic sense-is positioned as a promising opening in the debate about economic globalization and the regulation of advanced capitalism in North America. As a contribution to that debate, the author suggests that there are two aspects of advanced capitalism which call for supranational response... 2005  
Denise Ferreira da Silva THE GLOBAL MATRIX AND THE PREDICAMENT OF 'POSTMODERNISMS': AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CRITIQUE OF KULTURKAMPF 35 Seton Hall Law Review 1281 (2005) Let's go ahead, set up our dichotomies and choose our colors. Now read the text: what matters is what the options already prescribe, the meaning of being before or after the /, the possible and potential truths a particular position enables and/or precludes? Explicitly or implicitly, the authors in this cluster address this question when each... 2005  
Darren Lenard Hutchinson THE MAJORITARIAN DIFFICULTY: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, SODOMY, AND SUPREME COURT POLITICS 23 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 1 (Winter 2005) Conventional academic literature portrays the Supreme Court as a countermajoritarian body. Alexander Bickel's research on judicial review provides the most classic explication of judicial countermajoritarianism. Judicial review conflicts with democracy because it permits unelected judges to invalidate actions taken by representative branches of... 2005  
Bruce P. Frohnen THE ONE AND THE MANY: INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, CORPORATE RIGHTS AND THE DIVERSITY OF GROUPS 107 West Virginia Law Review 789 (Spring 2005) I. Introduction. 789 II. Individualism in Contemporary Rights Discourse. 790 III. Rediscovering the Group. 801 IV. The Medieval Roots of Individual and Group Rights. 806 V. Boroughs, Corporations and the English Charter Tradition. 812 VI. Due Process and the Borough. 817 VII. Early Modern Developments. 821 VIII. Municipal Rights in America. 823... 2005  
Dorothy A. Brown THE TAX TREATMENT OF CHILDREN: SEPARATE BUT UNEQUAL 54 Emory Law Journal 755 (Spring 2005) Introduction. 757 I. Tax Benefits for Families with Children. 765 A. Earned Income Tax Credit. 765 1. Who Is Eligible?. 765 2. EITC Calculations: How Much?. 770 3. Government Scrutiny and the EITC. 773 B. Child Tax Credit. 782 1. Who Is Eligible?. 782 2. CTC Calculations: How Much?. 788 C. Comparison of the EITC and the CTC. 788 D. Separate but... 2005  
Kimberly Jade Norwood THE VIRULENCE OF BLACKTHINK™ AND HOW ITS THREAT OF OSTRACISM SHACKLES THOSE DEEMED NOT BLACK ENOUGH 93 Kentucky Law Journal 143 (2004-2005) Nowadays, if you know the color of somebody's skin, you know what the person values (or should value), what causes the person supports (or should support), and how he or she thinks (or should think). Skin color, it seems, is a perfectly acceptable proxy for lots of others things-but principally for holding, or being willing to espouse, the right... 2005  
Susan D. Carle THEORIZING AGENCY 55 American University Law Review 307 (December, 2005) Introduction. 308 I. Approaches to the Self in Contemporary Legal Theory. 318 A. Liberal Individualism. 320 B. Post-structuralism and the Renunciation of the Subject. 326 1. The self or subject as a fiction. 327 2. The post-modern subject in legal theory. 332 a. Pierre Schlag. 332 b. Neo-pragmatists Stanley Fish and Richard Rorty. 335 c. Judith... 2005  
Adrienne D. Davis THREE JEROMES: A TRIBUTE TO PROFESSOR JEROME MCCRISTAL CULP, JR. 50 Villanova Law Review 777 (2005) DRIVING to Philadelphia from North Carolina for this conference, I was emotionally wrung out by the thought of these remarks. This was a terrible semester for us in North Carolina, losing two guiding lights in distinct yet complementary constellations in our profession, Professors Jerome Culp and Marilyn Yarbrough. Yet, as I drove, reflecting on... 2005  
Laura T. Kessler TRANSGRESSIVE CAREGIVING 33 Florida State University Law Review 1 (Fall, 2005) Family caregiving can be a form of political resistance or expression, especially when done by people ordinarily denied the privilege of family privacy by the state. Feminist and queer legal theorists have, for the most part, overlooked this aspect of caregiving, regarding unpaid family labor as a source of gender-based oppression or as an... 2005  
David Barnhizer TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP? 33 Hofstra Law Review 1203 (Summer 2005) I. Introduction. 1205 II. Law, Legal Truth and Legal Scholars. 1207 III. An Example of the Degradation of Truth and Truth-Seeking. 1218 IV. Postmodernism and Truth-Value . 1224 V. The Degradation of the Ideals of Truth and Truth-Seeking. 1231 VI. Conclusion: Resisting the Degradation of the Ideal. 1237 2005  
Mary Romero, Marwah Serag VIOLATION OF LATINO CIVIL RIGHTS RESULTING FROM INS AND LOCAL POLICE'S USE OF RACE, CULTURE AND CLASS PROFILING: THE CASE OF THE CHANDLER ROUNDUP IN ARIZONA 52 Cleveland State Law Review 75 (2005) I. Overview of the Chandler Roundup. 81 II. Urban Policing Practices and Constructing Citizenship. 83 III. Micro and Macroaggressions and Immigration Law Enforcement. 85 IV. Citizenship Socialization and Immigration Control. 91 V. Conclusion. 95 2005  
Angela P. Harris VULTURES IN EAGLES' CLOTHING: CONSPIRACY AND RACIAL FANTASY IN POPULIST LEGAL THOUGHT 10 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 269 (Spring 2005) INTRODUCTION. 270 I. Legal Populism Described. 273 A. Taxes and Money. 277 1. Federal Reserve Notes Are Not Legal Tender. 279 2. Wages Are Not Income. 279 3. The Sixteenth Amendment Was Never Properly Ratified. 280 4. The Tax System Is Unlawful Because It Violates Individual Constitutional Rights. 281 5. Paying Income Taxes is Voluntary. 281 B. Of... 2005  
Lynne Henderson WALKING A GANTLET: NIELSEN'S LICENSE TO HARASS 20 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 269 (2005) An African American person walks along a street almost anywhere. A white stranger snarls nigger, as s/he passes. A woman walks down the street and hears, Come sit on my face bitch. Hey bitch, I said come sit on my face! HEY BITCH, I MEAN YOU . . . . A young African American man walking with three friends encounters this guy who says, Oh, one... 2005  
Margaret Chon , Donna E. Arzt WALKING WHILE MUSLIM 68-SPG Law and Contemporary Problems 215 (Spring 2005) So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself--nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. The only thing we have is fear. In the post-9/11 era, what exactly is meant by race? Race is composed significantly of a religious dimension that... 2005  
Richard Delgado WHAT IF BROWN v. BOARD OF EDUCATION WAS A HATE-SPEECH CASE? 1 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 271 (April, 2005) In 1982, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review published the first article specifically on hate speech. Entitled Words that Wound: A Tort Action for Racial Insults, Epithets, and Name-Calling, the article identified a number of harms associated with racial vituperation, showed that courts were already beginning to afford relief under such... 2005  
Rachel F. Moran WHATEVER HAPPENED TO RACISM? 79 Saint John's Law Review 899 (Fall 2005) In the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s, most Americans thought they knew what racism meant. Racism was a belief that non-Whites were inferior and that Whites should avoid social contact with them. During the heyday of the civil rights movement, racial segregation became the target for historic judicial intervention, unprecedented congressional... 2005  
Eric K. Yamamoto WHITE (HOUSE) LIES: WHY THE PUBLIC MUST COMPEL THE COURTS TO HOLD THE PRESIDENT ACCOUNTABLE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY ABUSES 68-SPG Law and Contemporary Problems 285 (Spring 2005) History teaches us how easily the spectre of a threat to national security may be used to justify a wide variety of repressive government actions. A blind acceptance by the courts of the government's insistence on the need for secrecy, without notice to others, without argument, and without a statement of reasons would impermissibly compromise... 2005  
John O. Calmore WHITENESS AS AUDITION AND BLACKNESS AS PERFORMANCE: STATUS PROTEST FROM THE MARGIN 18 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 99 (2005) Most talk by whites about equal opportunity seems to me now to be about equal opportunity to try to get into a position of dominance while denying that systems of dominance exist. -- Peggy McIntosh If race is something about which we dare not speak in polite social company, the same cannot be said of the viewing of race. How, or whether, blacks are... 2005  
John O. Calmore "CHASING THE WIND": PURSUING SOCIAL JUSTICE, OVERCOMING LEGAL MIS-EDUCATION, AND ENGAGING IN PROFESSIONAL RE-SOCIALIZATION 37 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1167 (Spring 2004) We believe that a subtle process of professionalization occurs during law school without being addressed or even acknowledged. This learning by inadvertence means that the participants often fail to consider fundamental questions about the identity they are assuming, and its relation to their values. In simple terms, a fully-socialized individual... 2004  
Mylinh Uy "TAX AND RACE: THE IMPACT ON ASIAN AMERICANS" 11 Asian Law Journal 117 (May, 2004) Articles about tax law often begin by invoking Benjamin Franklin's famous phrase: In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes. As the Internal Revenue Code (hereinafter Code) increases in complexity, the certainty of taxes seems more and more illusory. For many taxpayers, taxes are more unpredictable than certain. Continued changes add... 2004  
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