AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Kathleen R. Sandy THE DISCRIMINATION INHERENT IN AMERICA'S DRUG WAR: HIDDEN RACISM REVEALED BY EXAMINING THE HYSTERIA OVER CRACK 54 Alabama Law Review 665 (Winter 2003) A significant, but decreasing, percentage of Americans believe the War on Drugs is justified, believing that the benefits outweigh the costs. If you are one of these people, consider the following: The United States spends approximately $1 billion a year to drug test approximately twenty million workers. Companies are finding out that fatigue and... 2003  
Richard Michael Fischl THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CRITIQUE 57 University of Miami Law Review 475 (April, 2003) A decade and a half ago, I experienced my proverbial fifteen minutes of fame when Some Realism About Critical Legal Studies appeared in these pages. That certainly wasn't the plan. In much the same sense that all politics is local, all legal scholarship is surely local as well, and in its conception Some Realism was as local as could be. Written... 2003  
Larry Catá Backer THE FÜHRER PRINCIPLE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW: INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY AND COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT 21 Penn State International Law Review 509 (Spring 2003) I offer here an extended Nietzschean joke: the necessity of error in the constitution of individual authority and communal power. Communities--the nation-state, religious communities, terrorist organizations--are arranged through a cultivation of error: mistaking causes for effects, assuming a false causality, creating an imagined causality, and... 2003  
Adrien Katherine Wing , Tyler Murray Smith THE NEW AFRICAN UNION AND WOMEN'S RIGHTS 13 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 33 (Spring 2003) I. Introduction. 34 II. African Women's Rights Issues. 36 A. Customary Law. 38 B. Religious Law. 41 C. Domestic Violence. 42 D. Female Genital Surgery. 43 E. Reproductive Rights. 44 F. HIV/AIDS. 45 G. Slavery. 46 H. Education. 47 I. Economic Disparity. 48 J. Refugees. 51 K. Political Participation. 52 L. Spirit Injury. 53 III. The Legacy of the... 2003  
Peter Goodrich THE OMEN IN NOMEN: AN EXEMPLARY DICTIONARY OF LEGAL NAMES 24 Cardozo Law Review 1309 (March 1, 2003) The realization of the significance of legal names dawns slowly and somewhat incidentally. When first studying common law, it seemed a curiosity that the fifteenth century author and judge who wrote the foundational three volume treatise on the intricacies of property law, Tenures, was named Littleton, and that the name meant small enclosure or... 2003  
Sarah M. Buel THE PEDAGOGY OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LAW: SITUATING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WORK IN LAW SCHOOLS, ADDING THE LENSES OF RACE AND CLASS 11 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 309 (2003) Introduction. 310 I. The Pedagogy of Domestic Violence Law. 313 A. Inspiring Law Students to be Champions in Eradicating Domestic Violence. 313 B. Addressing Philosophical, Ethical and Political Domestic Violence Matters. 317 C. Ensuring Thorough Integration of Race and Class Issues. 318 D. Assimilating Domestic Violence Law into Existing Courses.... 2003  
Jon Hanson , David Yosifon THE SITUATION: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SITUATIONAL CHARACTER, CRITICAL REALISM, POWER ECONOMICS, AND DEEP CAPTURE 152 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 129 (November, 2003) What social psychology has given to an understanding of human nature is the discovery that forces larger than ourselves determine our mental life and our actions--that chief among these forces . . . [is] the power of the social situation. --Mahzarin R. Banaji Perceptions are real . . . . They color what we see . . . what we believe . . . how we... 2003  
Kevin R. Johnson THE STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS: THE NEED FOR, AND IMPEDIMENTS TO, POLITICAL COALITIONS AMONG AND WITHIN MINORITY GROUPS 63 Louisiana Law Review 759 (Spring, 2003) The ominous title of this conference-Is Civil Rights Law Dead?-is in no small part a sign of the times. The last few years have seen dire setbacks in civil rights law, including but not limited to attacks on affirmative action, passage of restrictionist immigration legislation and welfare reform, imposition of limits on civil rights litigation,... 2003  
Rhonda V. Magee Andrews THE THIRD RECONSTRUCTION: AN ALTERNATIVE TO RACE CONSCIOUSNESS AND COLORBLINDNESS IN POST-SLAVERY AMERICA 54 Alabama Law Review 483 (Winter 2003) We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. --United States... 2003  
Paisley Currah THE TRANSGENDER RIGHTS IMAGINARY 4 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 705 (Spring, 2003) When I give talks in academic venues on transgender civil rights, including transsexual marriage litigation, discrimination cases brought by transgender plaintiffs, and attempts to get states,to issue identity documents that accurately reflect the reassigned gender of transsexual men and women, the question I'm often asked is, Yes, but . doesn't... 2003  
Sara Osborne THESE ARE NOT OUR RULES: A PUBLIC INTEREST AND WOMEN ORIENTED LAW SCHOOL TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF WOMEN BOTH WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE LEGAL PROFESSION 46 Howard Law Journal 549 (Spring 2003) - Ani DiFranco After years of advocacy efforts and political battles, two new atypical public law schools opened their doors for the 2002-2003 academic year. First, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) reintroduced its black law school ye 2003  
Garrick B. Pursley THINKING DIVERSITY, RETHINKING RACE: TOWARD A TRANSFORMATIVE CONCEPT OF DIVERSITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION 82 Texas Law Review 153 (November 1, 2003) Since the United States Supreme Court's landmark decision in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, the legal status of affirmative action in higher education admissions programs has been infused with controversy. The United States Circuit Courts of Appeals rendered conflicting judgments regarding the constitutional legitimacy of... 2003  
David Boyle UNSAVORY WHITE OMISSIONS? A REVIEW OF UNCIVIL WARS 105 West Virginia Law Review 655 (Spring 2003) Introduction. 656 I. A Summary of Uncivil Wars. 661 II. Horowitz's Self-Victimology: The Whine This Time. 671 III. Horowitz's Incivility in Uncivil Wars. 676 IV. Reasons Against Reparations in Horowitz's Advertisement and Uncivil Wars. 682 A. The Advertisement. 682 1. There Is No Single Group Responsible for the Crime Of Slavery. 682 2. There... 2003  
Larry Catá Backer USING LAW AGAINST ITSELF: BUSH V. GORE APPLIED IN THE COURTS 55 Rutgers Law Review 1109 (Summer 2003) The decisions in Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board (Bush I) and Bush v. Gore (Bush II) evidence the extent to which it now appears unremarkable for courts to play a role in even the most basic political issues. While the doctrinal value of the Bush decisions is certainly important, the Bush decisions are far more valuable for their... 2003  
Devon W. Carbado , Mitu Gulati WHAT EXACTLY IS RACIAL DIVERSITY? 91 California Law Review 1149 (July, 2003) Andrea Guerrero's Silence at Boalt Hall: The Dismantling of Affirmative Action (Silence at Boalt Hall) is the story of the rise and fall of affirmative action at Boalt Hall, the law school of the University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall or Boalt). According to Guerrero, her book is neither a general history of affirmative action nor... 2003  
W. Bradley Wendel "CERTAIN FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS": A DIALECTIC ON NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE LIBERTY IN HATE-SPEECH CASES 65-SPG Law and Contemporary Problems 33 (Spring 2002) The following conversation between a civil libertarian and a new-left First Amendment theorist occurred as part of the ABA's conference on the present and future of the Bill of Rights. The discussion was precipitated by the case of Matthew Hale, a white supremacist who--to put it mildly--likes to attract media attention. He set himself up as the... 2002  
Robert S. Chang "FORGET THE ALAMO": RACE COURSES AS A STRUGGLE OVER HISTORY AND COLLECTIVE MEMORY 13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 113 (Fall 2002) As a child, I learned in school about the Alamo and of the courageous men who fought to their death against the overwhelming forces of the Mexican Army. My classmates and I were told that their defeat became a rallying cry for Texans who sought independence from Mexican rule. The Texans were likened to the founding fathers of our nation who sought... 2002  
Joan Sangster "SHE IS HOSTILE TO OUR WAYS": FIRST NATIONS GIRLS SENTENCED TO THE ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 1933-1960 20 Law and History Review 59 (Spring, 2002) When industrial schools were initially proposed in late nineteenth-century Canada, they were perceived to be a common solution for the neglected and delinquent working-class boy of the urban slums and for the Aboriginal boy in need of similar education, discipline, and moral and vocational training. This undertaking briefly encapsulated the twinned... 2002  
Devon W. Carbado (E)RACING THE FOURTH AMENDMENT 100 Michigan Law Review 946 (March, 2002) Prologue: Notes of a Naturalized Son (or how I Became a Black American). 947 I. Introduction. 964 II. Race and the Free to Leave Test. 974 A. Introduction. 974 B. A Racial Re-Reading of Florida v. Bostick. 975 1. The Racial Facts. 975 2. Racial Vulnerability to Police Encounters. 976 C. A Racial Re-Reading of INS v. Delgado. 990 1. The Racial... 2002  
Camille A. Nelson (EN)RAGED OR (EN)GAGED: THE IMPLICATIONS OF RACIAL CONTEXT TO THE CANADIAN PROVOCATION DEFENCE 35 University of Richmond Law Review 1007 (January, 2002) Ice hockey is Canada's national pastime, much like baseball is for many Americans. This fact makes the case of Regina v. Smithers all the more interesting. On February 18, 1973, a league hockey game was played between two teams comprised of teenaged young men. The leading player on one team--the deceased Barrie Cobby--was sixteen or seventeen years... 2002  
David Fontana A CASE FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY CONSTITUTIONAL CANON: SCHNEIDERMAN v. UNITED STATES 35 Connecticut Law Review 35 (Fall, 2002) Hidden in the basements of American law libraries and in the Westlaw and Lexis databases is a generally ignored 1943 case, Schneiderman v. United States. Schneiderman is a case of substantial importance and interest that has belonged in the constitutional canon for some time. In Schneiderman, the Supreme Court of the United States blocked the... 2002  
Maria Grahn-Farley A CHILD PERSPECTIVE ON THE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM 6 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 297 (Fall 2002) I. Introduction II. The Master Norm III. The Move Away from the Master Norm IV. An Anti-essentialist Method V. What makes it a Child Perspective? VI. The Juvenile Justice System VII. The Child in Adult Confinement A. Rape B. Slavery VIII. Protection Against Torture IX. The Right to Rehabilitation and Reintegration X. Race as a Factor XI. A Child... 2002  
Shin Imai A COUNTER-PEDAGOGY FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE: CORE SKILLS FOR COMMUNITY-BASED LAWYERING 9 Clinical Law Review 195 (Fall 2002) An important component of lawyering for social justice is working in communities. In addition to conventional skills, such as legal analysis and litigation, community-based lawyers need skills not taught in the mainstream curriculum. This article describes a counter-pedagogy for teaching students three core skills for community lawyering: how to... 2002  
Kathryn R. Urbonya A FOURTH AMENDMENT "SEARCH" IN THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY: POSTMODERN PERSPECTIVES 72 Mississippi Law Journal 447 (Fall 2002) I. Postmodernism Themes. 458 II. Court's Constructions of a Fourth Amendment Search. 475 A. Constructing the Fourth Amendment with a Property Foundation. 478 B. Reconfiguring the Fourth Amendment's Foundation: Protecting Society's Interest in Privacy. 487 III. The Relationship between Privacy and Emerging Technology After Katz. 493 A. Sui... 2002  
Harvey Gee A REVIEW OF FRANK WU'S RENEGOTIATING AMERICA'S MULTI-COLORED LINES 5 New York City Law Review 203 (Fall 2002) During the mid-1990s, affirmative action and immigration were the most controversial political issues of the day. The fact that both subjects concerned race was perhaps part of the reason for this great fervor. As many Americans reevaluated civil rights policy, especially affirmative action, remarkably, there was virtually no discussion of the... 2002  
John Lawrence Hill A THEORY OF MERIT 1 Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy 15 (Winter 2002) L1-3Introduction Part I: The Three Functions of a Concept of Merit. 19 a. moral merit. 20 b. performative merit. 23 c. qualificational merit. 23 Part II: The Possibility of Meritocratic Justification. 25 a. three philosophical problems. 25 1. The Problem of Psychological Egoism. 26 2. Distinguishing Innate From Earned Talents and Capacities. 27 3.... 2002  
Tom Stacy ACTS, OMISSIONS, AND THE NECESSITY OF KILLING INNOCENTS 29 American Journal of Criminal Law 481 (Summer 2002) I. Introduction. 481 II. Lifeboats, Caves, and Conjoined Twins. 484 A. The Lifeboat. 486 B. The Cave. 491 C. The Conjoined Twins. 495 D. Avoiding Evasion. 499 III. Necessity Killing, Moral Theory, and Legal Interpretation. 499 A. Utilitarian Considerations. 501 1. Affirmative Case for Necessity Killing. 501 2. Slippery Slope Objections. 502 a.... 2002  
Gary Blasi ADVOCACY AGAINST THE STEREOTYPE: LESSONS FROM COGNITIVE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 49 UCLA Law Review 1241 (June, 2002) Recent research in cognitive social psychology and social cognitive neuroscience has powerful implications for lawyers and other advocates in situations where stereotypes are at work. The science suggests that there are, indeed, few advocacy situations where stereotypes are not at work. Legal scholars have attempted to bring some of this science to... 2002  
Mark R. Brown AFFIRMATIVE INACTION: STORIES FROM A SMALL SOUTHERN SCHOOL 75 Temple Law Review 201 (Summer 2002) Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. - Abraham Lincoln The Fifth Circuit held in Hopwood v. Texas that an applicant's race or ethnicity cannot be used to support student diversity at a public college or university. Whether designed to enhance diversity or to redress past discrimination, affirmative action is, according to the Fifth Circuit,... 2002  
Barbara Stark AFTER/WORD(S): 'VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN DIGNITY' AND POSTMODERN INTERNATIONAL LAW 27 Yale Journal of International Law 315 (Summer 2002) I. Introduction. 316 II. PIL's Assumptions About the Nature of International Law. 323 A. Incredulity Toward Metanarratives. 324 1. The Dark Side of the Enlightenment. 324 2. A Postmodernism of Resistance. 326 3. The Limits of Theory. 328 B. The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. 332 C. Fragmetation. 336 1. Lex Lata--The Law As It Is. 337 III.... 2002  
Ruthann Robson ASSIMILATION, MARRIAGE, AND LESBIAN LIBERATION 75 Temple Law Review 709 (Winter 2002) I. Introduction. 710 II. Assimilation and Legal Culture. 712 A. The Dominant and Idealized Group. 715 B. The Coercive Nature of Assimilation. 717 C. The Constitutional Interests of Equality. 719 D. Both Assimilation and Anti-Assimilation Can Be Repressive. 722 E. Segregation and Separatism. 725 F. The Disagreement Within Communities. 727 III.... 2002  
Jeffery M. Brown BLACK INTERNATIONALISM: EMBRACING AN ECONOMIC PARADIGM 23 Michigan Journal of International Law 807 (Summer 2002) Introduction. 807 I. Black Internationalism and the Challenges of Globalization. 819 A. Defining Internationalism. 821 B. Black Internationalism: A Conceptual Overview. 823 II. Historical Expressions of Black Internationalism. 827 A. Assessing the Free South African Movement. 828 B. Bananas, Trade, and the Limitations of Pan-Africanism. 832 C. The... 2002  
Kari L. Karsjens BOU TIQUE EGG DONATIONS: A NEW FORM OF RACISM AND PATRIARCHY 5 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 57 (Summer 2002) Megan is a 25-year-old female in generally good health. She is a second year law student at Stanford. She is the first woman in her family who has not married and had children by age 25. She does not know if she wants children in the future, but she does know she has a long and successful legal career ahead of her. She has a clerkship position, but... 2002  
Spencer Overton BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL: RACE, EXCLUSION, AND CAMPAIGN FINANCE 80 Texas Law Review 987 (April, 2002) Legal academics who call for campaign finance reform--let us call them Reformers--have overlooked the significance of race, and as a result their critiques of constitutional jurisprudence and reform proposals remain woefully incomplete. Studies reveal that people of color comprise approx-imately thirty percent of the nation's population, but... 2002  
Mary Becker CARE AND FEMINISTS 17 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 57 (Spring 2002) I. Introduction. 58 II. Franke's Postmodern Objections to Care. 64 A. Linking Reproduction to Dependency and Sex to Danger. 65 B. The Repronormativity of Motherhood. 67 C. The Maternalization of Women's Identity. 71 D. Commodification Anxiety. 71 E. Child Raising as The Creation of a Public Good. 73 F. Unfairness to Taxpayers Who Are Not... 2002  
Jeremy Paul CHANGING THE SUBJECT: COGNITIVE THEORY AND THE TEACHING OF LAW 67 Brooklyn Law Review 987 (Summer 2002) For those of us teaching legal theory to American law students at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Steven Winter's book, A Clearing in the Forest, Law, Life, and Mind, has arrived just in time. It offers a path (to use one of Professor Winter's journey metaphors) out of our oldest and least fruitful debates. Consider the following... 2002  
Jane E. Larson CLASS, ECONOMICS, AND SOCIAL RIGHTS 54 Rutgers Law Review 831 (Summer 2002) This cluster explores the themes of LatCrit through the lens of class broadly conceived. Class as these authors invoke the concept, connotes both material inequality and deprivation of individuals, and societal systems of economic domination. With one exception, the essays examine the ways class constitutes the social world, ranging from the... 2002  
Phoebe A. Haddon COALESCING WITH SALT: A TASTE FOR INCLUSION 11 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 321 (Spring 2002) Most of the time you feel threatened to the core and if you don't, you're not really doing no coalescing. Bernice Johnson Reagon During the late nineties, the Society of American Law Teachers, known to legal educators as SALT, undertook to build a governing board and membership whose composition reflected its commitment to diversity and... 2002  
Antony Anghie COLONIALISM AND THE BIRTH OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: SOVEREIGNTY, ECONOMY, AND THE MANDATE SYSTEM OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS 34 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 513 (Spring 2002) All sovereign states are equal. Colonies, by definition, lack sovereignty. But the transformation of colonial territories into sovereign, independent states enabled these territories, which previously had been excluded from the realm of international law, to enter the international system with all the powers and attributes of sovereignty and as... 2002  
Marion Crain COLORBLIND UNIONISM 49 UCLA Law Review 1313 (June, 2002) Labor unions have historically been one of the most significant political forces urging progressive wealth redistribution. The AFL-CIO has conceived of income inequality in colorblind terms, as a social injustice around which racially and ethnically diverse workers can be organized. Professor Crain argues that the AFL-CIO's unionism has been... 2002  
Anthony V. Alfieri COMMUNITY PROSECUTORS 90 California Law Review 1465 (October, 2002) This Essay addresses the ethic of community in criminal prosecution. Long echoed in the rhetoric of criminal justice, the ethic continues to gain greater resonance through the expanding advocacy practice of community prosecution. Engrafted from the community-policing and community-court movements of the last decade, and invigorated by... 2002  
Dana Page D.C.F.D.: AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER--AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT. 24 Women's Rights Law Reporter 9 (Fall/Winter 2002) Current interpretation of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) is based in formal equality where pregnant women are compared to similarly situated disabled people for employment purposes. Employers are not required to accommodate pregnant women in any way in which they do not accommodate other disabled employees. Employers are required, on the... 2002  
Larry Catá Backer DEFINING, MEASURING, AND JUDGING SCHOLARLY PRODUCTIVITY: WORKING TOWARD A RIGOROUS AND FLEXIBLE APPROACH 52 Journal of Legal Education 317 (September, 2002) The purpose of this essay is to explore, briefly and preliminarily, the possibilities for a realistic working definition of scholarship within a law school. The springboard for that exploration was a series of discussions at my home institution, the law school of Pennsylvania State University. We approached the issue of scholarship in a context in... 2002  
  DUELING FATES: SHOULD THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL REGIME ACCEPT A COLLECTIVE OR INDIVIDUAL PARADIGM TO PROTECT WOMEN'S RIGHTS? 24 Michigan Journal of International Law 347 (Fall 2002) University of Michigan Law School Room 250 Hutchins Hall Saturday, April 6, 2002 STEPHANIE BROWNING: Good morning. My name is Stephanie Browning; I'm the Editor in Chief of the Michigan Journal of International Law. On behalf of the Journal, I am pleased to welcome you to the Dueling Fates Symposium. Our next day and a half together promises to be... 2002  
Marjorie A. Silver EMOTIONAL COMPETENCE, MULTICULTURAL LAWYERING AND RACE 3 Florida Coastal Law Journal 219 (Spring, 2002) This is difficult work, and it is difficult for white people to discuss. It hurts emotionally for us white folks to be personally challenged on issues of race . . . and in this work, one gets challenged a lot - but that hurt cannot be even a fraction of the psychic pain of those who must face racism, sexism, and homophobia on a daily basis. So I... 2002  
Christian Sundquist EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, AND MERITOCRACY IN EDUCATION: REINFORCING STRUCTURES OF PRIVILEGE AND INEQUALITY 9 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 227 (Winter, 2002) Deep in the South Side of Chicago, in a set of black communities lovingly and infamously referred to as the wild, wild 100s, I spent my childhood never fully understanding how being poor and black would affect future opportunities and success. Though accustomed to receiving my allowance in food stamps, wearing secondhand clothes a few sizes too... 2002  
Anthony V. Alfieri ETHICS, RACE, AND REFORM 54 Stanford Law Review 1389 (June, 2002) Deborah Rhode is a highly acclaimed scholar and a distinguished public servant. Prolific in both academic scholarship and popular commentary, she is the author of numerous books, articles, and essays on the law and the legal profession. In an important convergence of her roles as a scholar and a public intellectual, Rhode recently returned to the... 2002  
Richard Delgado EXPLAINING THE RISE AND FALL OF AFRICAN AMERICAN FORTUNES-INTEREST CONVERGENCE AND CIVIL RIGHTS GAINS 37 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 369 (Summer, 2002) In 1958, an Alabama court sentenced Jimmy Wilson, a black handyman, to death for the crime of stealing less than two dollars in change. When the world press trumpeted the story, an embarrassed Secretary of State John Foster Dulles intervened and helped overturn Wilson's sentence. A new book by University of Southern California Law Center legal... 2002  
Catherine Albiston , Tonya Brito , Jane E. Larson FEMINISM IN RELATION 17 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 1 (Spring 2002) Why does a gender hierarchy persist in the face of declarations of gender equality before the law? This is the question with which the Interdisciplinary Feminism Project began in organizing Feminist Theories of Relation in the Shadow of the Law: An Interdisciplinary Critical Dialogue on Theory. The day-long event brought together feminist scholars... 2002  
Harold A. Mcdougall FOR CRITICAL RACE PRACTITIONERS: RACE, RACISM AND AMERICAN LAW (4TH ED.) BY DERRICK A. BELL, JR. 46 Howard Law Journal 1 (Fall 2002) Blacks need to acknowledge the permanence of their subordinate status [permitting them to avoid] unrealistic strategies [and adopt more promising ones] that can bring personal fulfillment and, on occasion, even triumph.-- Derrick Bell Reflecting on what I read in Chapters One and Two [of Race, Racism and American Law] stirs an intense dislike for... 2002  
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