AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
J. Angelo Corlett , Robert Francescotti FOUNDATIONS OF A THEORY OF HATE SPEECH 48 Wayne Law Review 1071 (Fall, 2002) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the... 2002  
Douglas E. Litowitz FRANZ KAFKA'S OUTSIDER JURISPRUDENCE 27 Law and Social Inquiry 103 (Winter 2002) Kafka was the rage, proclaimed literary critic Anatole Broyard (1993) in his memoir of Greenwich Village during the 1950s. But perhaps Broyard was mistaken to speak in the past tense, considering that Kafka is more popular than ever. Over the last decade, an international collection of scholars has produced new translations of Kafka's writings... 2002  
Michael Selmi GETTING BEYOND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: THINKING ABOUT RACIAL INEQUALITY IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY 55 Stanford Law Review 1013 (December, 2002) The Miner's Canary: Enlisting Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy. By Lani Guinier & Gerald Torres. Harvard University Press 2002. 302 pp. The Anatomy of Racial Inequality. By Glenn C. Loury. Harvard University Press 2001. 169 pp. Introduction. 1013 I. Glenn Loury on Stereotpying and Stigma. 1016 II. Guinier and Torres: Political Race and... 2002  
William C. Kidder , Jay Rosner HOW THE SAT CREATES "BUILT-IN HEADWINDS": AN EDUCATIONAL AND LEGAL ANALYSIS OF DISPARATE IMPACT 43 Santa Clara Law Review 131 (2002) With the end of affirmative action, it is more apparent than ever that the old-time preferences for folks who are privileged by race and class have never died. -- Charles R. Lawrence III I. Introduction. 133 A. The SAT and Affirmative Action. 135 B. Does the SAT Accentuate or Reflect Racial and Ethnic Differences?. 141 II. Methodology and Result.... 2002  
Francisco Valdes IDENTITY MANEUVERS IN LAW AND SOCIETY: VIGNETTES OF A EURO-AMERICAN HETEROPATRIARCHY 71 UMKC Law Review 377 (Winter 2002) With this incisive article on subordination and symbiosis, Professor Nancy Ehrenreich expands the intellectual and political arsenal of conceptual tools to combat multidimensional forms and systems of subordination. Focusing on the interconnection of and among forms of subordination, Professor Ehrenreich urges at the outset that, (r)ecognition... 2002  
Nancy Levit INTRODUCTION: THEORIZING THE CONNECTIONS AMONG SYSTEMS OF SUBORDINATION 71 UMKC Law Review 227 (Winter 2002) Identity theory is a relative newcomer to jurisprudence. In part as a theoretical legacy of the civil rights movement--and in part as a reaction to its retrenchment --early critical legal theorists focused on facets of personal identity, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, and class. The first anti-subordination writings simply tried to... 2002  
Guadalupe T. Luna LATCRIT VI, AMERICA LATINA AND JURISPRUDENTIAL ASSOCIATIONS 54 Rutgers Law Review 803 (Summer 2002) During the past few years, a group of innovative thinkers and scholarly investigations have sought to introduce a more precise legal engagement into the realm of race relations. The LatCrit journey, an important example of intellectual inquiry, surfaced in formalized settings only five years prior. As an offset, LatCrit theorists not only advance,... 2002  
Ediberto Román LATCRIT VI, OUTSIDER JURISPRUDENCE AND LOOKING BEYOND IMAGINED BORDERS 54 Rutgers Law Review 1155 (Summer 2002) The white man . . . desires the world and wants it for himself alone. He considers himself predestined to rule the world. He has made it useful to himself. But there are values which do not submit to his rule. -Frantz Fanon If God were black my friend, everything would change, it would be our race, my friend, which would have the power. The... 2002  
Kellye Y. Testy LINKING PROGRESSIVE CORPORATE LAW WITH PROGRESSIVE SOCIAL MOVEMENTS 76 Tulane Law Review 1227 (June, 2002) In Linking Progressive Corporate Law with Progressive Social Movements, Professor Testy critically assesses what has been termed a new corporate social responsibility project. After noting the hegemony of shareholder primacy in corporate law, she critiques four major counter-hegemonic discourses: team production theory, corporate social... 2002  
Leroy D. Clark MOVEMENTS IN CRISIS: EMPLOYEE-OWNED BUSINESSES--A STRATEGY FOR COALITION BETWEEN UNIONS AND CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS 46 Howard Law Journal 49 (Fall 2002) Our country has seen two great movements for justice: one led by labor unions to protect workers, and the other led by civil rights organizations to end racial segregation and discrimination. The two movements have had much in common in terms of the tasks that they confronted and the tactics used. Both built organizations based on a growing... 2002  
Tanya Katerí Hernández MULTIRACIAL MATRIX: THE ROLE OF RACE IDEOLOGY IN THE ENFORCEMENT OF ANTIDISCRIMINATION LAWS, A UNITED STATES-LATIN AMERICA COMPARISON 87 Cornell Law Review 1093 (July, 2002) This Article examines the role of race ideology in the enforcement of antidiscrimination laws. Professor Hernández demonstrates the ways in which the U.S. race ideology is slowly starting to resemble the race ideology of much of Latin America. The evolving U.S. race ideology is a multiracial matrix made up of four precepts: (1) racial mixture and... 2002  
Benjamin Fleury-Steiner NARRATIVES OF THE DEATH SENTENCE: TOWARD A THEORY OF LEGAL NARRATIVITY 36 Law and Society Review 549 (2002) This article investigates how the consciousness of ordinary citizens enlisted as jurors in death penalty trials is racialized. The study draws on post-trial interviews with some 66 white and black jurors who served on 24 capital trials in which either a white or black defendant received the death sentence. Findings among white jurors reveal a... 2002  
Ruben J. Garcia NEW VOICES AT WORK: RACE AND GENDER IDENTITY CAUCUSES IN THE U.S. LABOR MOVEMENT 54 Hastings Law Journal 79 (November, 2002) Introduction. 81 I. A Brief History of Minority Voice in the Labor Movement--The Historical and Contextual Need for Identity Caucuses in Unions. 92 A. Racism, Sexism, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in the Labor Movement. 92 B. Black Caucuses, 1964-1975. 94 C. Rank-and-File Protest Outside the Auto Industry. 97 D. Chicano/Chicana Insurgency. 100 E.... 2002  
Suzanne B. Goldberg ON MAKING ANTI-ESSENTIALIST AND SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONIST ARGUMENTS IN COURT 81 Oregon Law Review 629 (Fall 2002) One of my most intense disagreements with another lawyer during nearly a decade of lesbian and gay rights litigation concerned social constructionism. The lawyer (a law professor, if truth be told) wanted to argue in an amicus brief to the United States Supreme Court that sexual orientation, like race, was a social constructed category. He reasoned... 2002  
Khiara M. Bridges ON THE COMMODIFICATION OF THE BLACK FEMALE BODY: THE CRITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE ALIENABILITY OF FETAL TISSUE 102 Columbia Law Review 123 (January, 2002) Recent scientific experimentation has revealed that fetal tissue yielded from abortions has remarkable therapeutic value. This Note posits that the demand for fetal tissue likely will expand to the point where the current supply no longer satisfies it. Therefore, in order to obtain tissue from women who would not otherwise donate their abortuses,... 2002  
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol OUT OF THE SHADOWS: TRAVERSING THE IMAGINARY OF SAMENESS, DIFFERENCE, AND RELATIONALISM - A HUMAN RIGHTS PROPOSAL 17 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 111 (Spring 2002) Throughout history different visions of men and women have evolved; from Aristotle to Aquinas, they have been deemed to exist in separate spheres. These different images are deeply embedded in our psychology. They define our expectations about appropriate behavior of and locations for men and women in law and civil society. One author captures... 2002  
Thorne Clark PROTECTION FROM PROTECTION: SECTION 1983 AND THE ADA'S IMPLICATIONS FOR DEVISING A RACE-CONSCIOUS POLICE MISCONDUCT STATUTE 150 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1585 (May, 2002) In the dome the prisoner waited . . . shackled to inertia by a great chain of years. -- Henry Dumas, black-American author slain bya police officer in a case of mistaken identity Henry Dumas was no prophet; he merely illustrated what was and is readily apparent to those inclined or forced to consider the extent and the impact of racism in daily... 2002  
Laura E. Gómez RACE MATTERED: RACIAL FORMATION AND THE POLITICS OF CRIME IN TERRITORIAL NEW MEXICO 49 UCLA Law Review 1395 (June, 2002) In this Article, Professor Gómez elaborates on Michael Omi and Howard Winant's theory of racial formation. First, she provides an empirical application of the theory to a particular legal context: criminal litigation in late-nineteenth-century New Mexico. Second, while Omi and Winant emphasize the theory's fit with mid- and late-twentieth-century... 2002  
Rachel F. Moran RACE, REPRESENTATION, AND REMEMBERING 49 UCLA Law Review 1513 (June, 2002) Both law and history have played important roles in consolidating the identity of the modern nation-state. Although each discipline relies on similar fact-finding techniques, the two fields diverged as historians pursued grand narratives and legal scholars sought a rationalized and perfected system of laws. Today, the intellectual traditions in... 2002  
Cheryl L. Wade RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DIRECTORIAL DUTY OF CARE AND CORPORATE DISCLOSURE 63 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 389 (Winter, 2002) Two corporate employers paid settlements of seismic proportions to minority employees alleging race discrimination in recent years. In 1996, Texaco settled a class action alleging race discrimination for $176 million, and in 2000, Coca-Cola settled race discrimination litigation for $192.5 million. The terms of both settlements required the... 2002  
Spencer Overton RACIAL DISPARITIES AND THE POLITICAL FUNCTION OF PROPERTY 49 UCLA Law Review 1553 (June, 2002) Race theorists note that racial discrimination has shaped the existing distribution of economic resources, and use this observation to justify reparations, to defend affirmative action, and to call for other legal changes that would improve the socioeconomic status of people of color. This Article takes the theorists' observation further. Property... 2002  
Robert Westley REPARATIONS AND SYMBIOSIS: RECLAIMING THE REMEDIAL FOCUS 71 UMKC Law Review 419 (Winter 2002) The metaphors that a society uses to describe injustice matter to the extent that they inform remedial responses to the unjust, motivate political resistance, and construct identity narratives for actors caught up in the web of social relations. Racism is a powerful metaphor of injustice that crosses multiple social boundaries. Sexism is another... 2002  
Pedro A. Malavet REPARATIONS THEORY AND POSTCOLONIAL PUERTO RICO: SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS 13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 387 (Fall 2002) Introduction: Why Are You Here?. 387 I. Rotating Centers in the Reparations Discourse: The Sensitive Matter of Race. 393 II. Reparations Theory Through a LatCrit Lens. 399 A. The Legislation-Litigation Paradox for Reparations. 399 B. Constructing a LatCritical Meaning for Reparations. 404 C. Re/Creating Citizenship for Oppressed Groups Through... 2002  
Maria Grahn-Farley RESPONSIBLE SELVES: WOMEN IN THE NORDIC LEGAL CULTURES. (KEVÄT NOUSIAINEN, ASA GUNNARSSON, KARIN LUNDSTRÖM, & JOHANNA NIEMI-KIESILÄINEN EDS.). BURLINGTON, VERMONT: ASHGATE DARTMOUTH, 2001. IX + 373. 24 Michigan Journal of International Law 169 (Fall 2002) A ghost is haunting Europe today, the ghost of fascism. The European elections have been haunted by fascist political success. Fascism in Europe is as alive today as it was in the 1930s. Neo-nazi and fascist activities haunt Europe and threaten its future. The recent French presidential election is but one example of the ghost of fascism haunting... 2002  
Cheryl Lynn Wofford Hill RESTATING INTERNATIONAL JURISPRUDENCE IN INCLUSIVE TERMS: LANGUAGE AS METHOD IN CREATING A HOSPITABLE WORLDVIEW 27 Oklahoma City University Law Review 297 (Spring 2002) L1-3Introduction L1-3I. Worldviews L2-3A. The Masculine Worldview as Patriarchy 1. Understanding Patriarchy from a Hospitable Perspective 2. The Language of Patriarchy a. Masculine Norms and Bias b. The Self and the Other 3. Masculine Jurisprudence: Traditional Categorization L2-3B. An Inclusive Worldview as Feminism 1. Understanding Feminism from... 2002  
Steven W. Bender , Keith Aoki SEEKIN' THE CAUSE: SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENTS AND LATCRIT COMMUNITY 81 Oregon Law Review 595 (Fall 2002) These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wounds of a frail world, new systems of justice and equality are being born. The shirtless and barefoot people of the land are rising up as never before. The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. We in... 2002  
Susan W. Tiefenbrun SEX SELLS BUT DRUGS DON'T TALK: TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN SEX WORKERS AND AN ECONOMIC SOLUTION 24 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 161 (Spring 2002) Sex trafficking is a lucrative international business, second only in profits to the drug and weapons trade. More than 2,000,000 women around the world are bought and sold each year for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and 50,000 of these women are trafficked into the United States in a modern-day form of slavery called non-consensual sex work.... 2002  
Deborah Zalesne SEXUAL HARASSMENT LAW IN THE UNITED STATES AND SOUTH AFRICA: FACILITATING THE TRANSITION FROM LEGAL STANDARDS TO SOCIAL NORMS 25 Harvard Women's Law Journal 143 (Spring, 2002) I. L2-5,T5Attempts at Legislating Personal Relationships in the Workplace: Sexual Harassment Legislation in South Africa and the United States 151 A. L3-5,T5South African Sexual Harassment Law: Low Priority Status 151 1. L4-5,T5The Root of the Problem 151 2. L4-5,T5Fixing the Problem: Legal Reform 156 a. The Law Before 1998: History of Sexual... 2002  
William N. Eskridge, Jr SOME EFFECTS OF IDENTITY-BASED SOCIAL MOVEMENTS ON CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY 100 Michigan Law Review 2062 (August, 2002) I. Constitutional Arguments and Strategies Deployed by Three Twentieth Century Identity-Based Social Movements. 2069 A. The Civil Rights Movement. 2072 1. The Politics of Protection, 1913-40. 2073 2. The Politics of Recognition and Some Remediation, 1940-72. 2082 3. The Politics of Remediation and the New Politics of Preservation, 1972-Present.... 2002  
Pierre Schlag THE AESTHETICS OF AMERICAN LAW 115 Harvard Law Review 1047 (February, 2002) I. The Aesthetic of the Grid. 1055 A. Grids. 1055 B. Drawing the Line. 1055 C. Applying the Law. 1058 D. Policing the Law. 1059 E. Seduction. 1059 F. Alienation. 1061 G. Classification Mania. 1062 H. Legal Change. 1065 I. Restraint Anxiety. 1066 II. The Energy Aesthetic. 1070 A. Moving Transformations. 1070 B. Law Is on a Mission. 1071 C. Let's... 2002  
Kevin R. Johnson THE END OF "CIVIL RIGHTS" AS WE KNOW IT?: IMMIGRATION AND CIVIL RIGHTS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM 49 UCLA Law Review 1481 (June, 2002) This Article considers how emerging critical scholarship contributes to our understanding of the civil rights implications of immigration law and its enforcement. It further analyzes how immigration generates, and will continue to generate, new civil rights controversies in the United States for the foreseeable future. The nation has only begun to... 2002  
Victor M. Hwang THE HMONG CAMPAIGN FOR JUSTICE: A PRACTITIONER'S PERSPECTIVE 9 Asian Law Journal 83 (May, 2002) In the post-civil rights era, a chasm has evolved between progressive race scholars and civil rights practitioners with respect to preserving the civil rights of communities of color. Focusing on the Hmong campaign against welfare reform, the author argues that political and rebellious lawyering can bypass the disjuncture between practitioners and... 2002  
Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas THE LATINA/O AND APIA VOTE POST-2000: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO MOVE BEYOND "BLACK AND WHITE" POLITICS? 81 Oregon Law Review 783 (Winter 2002) LatCrit 2002 took place at an auspicious political juncture, a year and a half after the fateful Bush v. Gore decision, which broke a virtual electoral tie in favor of the Republican presidential candidate, and six months prior to the 2002 November midterm elections, in which Republicans swept into power in both houses of Congress, breaking... 2002  
John O. Calmore THE LAW AND CULTURE-SHIFT: RACE AND THE WARREN COURT LEGACY 59 Washington and Lee Law Review 1095 (Fall, 2002) I. L2-3,T3Introduction 1096. II. L2-3,T3Race Law: The View from Culture 1104. III. L2-3,T3City of Memphis v. Greene: The Legal Construction of Unwanted Traffic 1112. IV. L2-3,T3The Expanding Regulation of Unwanted Traffic: Vignettes Beyond the Bench 1120. A. Public Accommodations at the Adam's Mark Hotel Chain. 1122 B. Dubuque, Iowa, and the... 2002  
Duncan Kennedy THE LIMITED EQUITY COOP AS A VEHICLE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN A RACE AND CLASS DIVIDED SOCIETY 46 Howard Law Journal 85 (Fall 2002) The limited equity cooperative is a form of housing tenure in which shareholder residents manage their buildings, within limits imposed by a charter, and have the right to get back what they have paid for their shares plus an allowance for improvements, if and when they decide to leave. The limited equity cooperative (hereinafter LEC) is neither... 2002  
Adrien Katherine Wing , Mark Richard Johnson THE PROMISE OF A POST-GENOCIDE CONSTITUTION: HEALING RWANDAN SPIRIT INJURIES 7 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 247 (Spring 2002) I. INTRODUCTION. 249 II. A Historical Background. 253 A. Pre-Colonial Accounts of Rwandan History and the Struggle to Define the Conflict. 253 B. The Colonial Period. 258 1. The Traditional Account's Reliance on Ethnicity Alone. 258 2. The Social Construction of Race: Colonial Racialization of the Tutsi. 259 3. The End of Colonialism. 260 C. The... 2002  
John Hayakawa Török THE STORY OF "TOWARDS ASIAN AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE" AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR LATINAS/OS IN AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS 13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 271 (Fall 2002) History is important. You choose who you are by choosing which tradition you belong to. Aung San Suu Kyi seeks to call attention to what she sees as the best aspects of the national and cultural heritage and to identify herself with them. Such profound knowledge and such a deep sense of identity are an irresistible force in the political struggle.... 2002  
Theresa Glennon THE STUART ROME LECTURE KNOCKING AGAINST THE ROCKS: EVALUATING INSTITUTIONAL PRACTICES AND THE AFRICAN AMERICAN BOY 5 Journal of Health Care Law and Policy 10 (2002) A Frisky Child Knocks His Face Against the Rocks. The media portrays young black men as dangerous, hostile and out of control. While many African American boys do succeed, statistics about black youth reveal serious achievement gaps between them and their Caucasian counterparts in school and high rates of arrest and referral to juvenile court.... 2002  
Frank Rudy Cooper THE UN-BALANCED FOURTH AMENDMENT: A CULTURAL STUDY OF THE DRUG WAR, RACIAL PROFILING AND ARVIZU 47 Villanova Law Review 851 (2002) THE drug war is the United States' attempt to eradicate illegal drug use by means of investigation and punishment of drug users and drug suppliers. In its current form, the drug war emanates from then newly elected President Ronald Reagan's declaration of a war on drugs. This Article seeks to elucidate how law enforcement interests aimed... 2002  
José E. Alvarez THE WTO AS LINKAGE MACHINE 96 American Journal of International Law 146 (January, 2002) The contributors to this symposium, both principal authors and commentators, ably demonstrate that there are indeed overarching constructs linking the subdisciplines of international law. All of the writers here assume that linkage issues arise for the World Trade Organization, as they have with respect to a number of other intergovernmental... 2002  
Beverly I. Moran TRAPPED BY A PARADOX: SPECULATIONS ON WHY FEMALE LAW PROFESSORS FIND IT HARD TO FIT INTO LAW SCHOOL CULTURES 11 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 283 (Spring 2002) In October of 1999, the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) hosted a workshop for female law professors, entitled Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued. The point of the workshop was to bring women together from across the country to discuss a common problem: no matter how good it looks from the outside, many women find law teaching... 2002  
Marion Crain WHITEWASHED LABOR LAW, SKINWALKING UNIONS 23 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 211 (2002) I. Introduction. 212 II. Class Solidarity Means White Solidarity: Race-Neutral Organizing. 216 A. Slavery's Legacy. 217 B. White Privilege. 219 C. Colorblind Organizing Ideology. 221 III. An Alternative Ideology: Civil Rights Unionism. 223 A. Struggles for Racial/Economic Justice. 224 B. Immigrant Organizing. 228 IV. Colorblind Organizing... 2002  
William Brewbaker WHO CARES? WHY BOTHER?: WHAT JEFF POWELL AND MARK TUSHNET HAVE TO SAY TO EACH OTHER 55 Oklahoma Law Review 533 (Fall, 2002) In 1993, H. Jefferson Powell wrote a book entitled The Moral Tradition of American Constitutionalism. Powell's book offers, among other things, a Christian theological perspective on the conceptual and moral quagmire into which the American constitutional tradition has worked itself. Mark Tushnet eventually reviewed the book for the Journal... 2002  
Lorraine Schmall WOMEN AND PENSION REFORM: ECONOMIC INSECURITY AND OLD AGE 35 John Marshall Law Review 673 (Summer 2002) One measure of economic security is participation in a pension plan. Despite all the talk about Social Security insolvency and fears of aged poverty, over the last fifteen years, the private supplemental pension coverage rates have remained fairly stable; just short of 50% for all workers. However, alleging that one-half of all American employees... 2002  
  WOMEN'S ANNOTATED LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 8 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 313 (2002) Abortion. 313 Adoption & Visitation Rights. 314 Battered Women & Domestic Violence. 317 Breastfeeding. 320 Children's Rights. 320 Education. 322 Gay Rights. 324 Human Rights. 326 Internet. 329 Juvenile Delinquency. 330 Matrimonial. 331 Miscellaneous. 333 Prostitution. 336 Rape & Sexual Assault. 337 Reproductive Rights. 339 2002  
Roberta Rosenthal Kwall "AUTHOR-STORIES:" NARRATIVE'S IMPLICATIONS FOR MORAL RIGHTS AND COPYRIGHT'S JOINT AUTHORSHIP DOCTRINE 75 Southern California Law Review 1 (November, 2001) INTRODUCTION. 2 I. THE OPERATION OF NARRATIVE AND ITS POTENTIAL FOR ILLUMINATING THE VOICE OF THE AUTHOR. 8 A. The Mechanics of Legal Narrative. 9 B. Narrative's Potential for Illuminating the Author's Voice in Copyright Law. 14 II. NARRATIVE'S IMPLICATIONS FOR MORAL RIGHTS IN THE UNITED STATES. 22 A. Moral Rights and the Creation Process. 22 B.... 2001  
Laura M. Padilla "BUT YOU'RE NOT A DIRTY MEXICAN":INTERNALIZED OPPRESSION, LATINOS & LAW 7 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 59 (Fall 2001) I. Introduction. 61 II. Internalized Oppression and Racism. 65 A. Working Definitions of Internalized Oppression and Racism. 65 B. Internalized Racism and Latinos. 67 III. Latinos' Internalized Oppression as Revealed in the Law. 73 A. Proposition 187. 74 B. Proposition 209. 81 C. Proposition 227. 85 D. Cordova v. Vaughn Municipal School District.... 2001  
Walter R. Allen, Ph.D., and Daniel Solorzano, Ph.D. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, EDUCATIONAL EQUITY AND CAMPUS RACIAL CLIMATE: A CASE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAW SCHOOL 12 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 237 (2001) I. Purpose and Organization of Study. 238 A. Campus Racial Climate. 239 II. Prelude to Law School: Campus Racial Climate and the Undergraduate Experience. 240 A. Focus Group Findings: Undergraduate Feeders to the University of Michigan Law School. 242 1. Research Procedures and Participants. 242 2. Results. 244 B. Undergraduate Survey Findings. 268... 2001  
Ryan Fortson AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, THE BELL CURVE, ANDLAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS 24 Seattle University Law Review 1087 (Spring 2001) Affirmative action is now, as it has been since it began, a hot button issue in American politics. There is a pervading sense in the country that affirmative action is no longer necessary, that opportunities for minorities have become equalized or at least are not worth the cost of depriving deserving individuals of jobs based on their... 2001  
Cassandra Jones Havard AFRICAN-AMERICAN FARMERS AND FAIR LENDING: RACIALIZING RURAL ECONOMIC SPACE 12 Stanford Law and Policy Review 333 (Spring 2001) In the context of small farm policy, two core democratic principles-- federalism and neutrality--are ultimately flawed as applied. [T]he rules and the law may be color-blind, [but] people are not. -J. L. Chestnut, Plaintiffs' Attorney Pigford v. Glickman. The relationship of the federal government to the economic development of the minority-owned... 2001  
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