AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Kenneth L. Karst ; INTEGRATION SUCCESS STORY 69 Southern California Law Review 1781 (July, 1996) Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge, edited by Richard Delgado. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Pp. xvi, 592. $59.95 cloth, $22.95 paper. The Rodrigo Chronicles, by Richard Delgado. New York and London: New York University Press. Pp. xv, 275. $27.95. Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement, edited by Kimberle... 1996 Yes
Francisco Valdes LATINA/O ETHNICITIES, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, AND POST-IDENTITY POLITICS IN POSTMODERN LEGAL CULTURE: FROM PRACTICES TO POSSIBILITIES 9 La Raza Law Journal 1 (Spring, 1996) During the past decade or so the birth and growth of Critical Race Theory has enlivened and transformed critical legal scholarship. Not only has Critical Race Theory animated and advanced the law's discourse on race matters, it also has helped to diversify this discourse: Critical Race Theory has ensured (for the first time in American history)... 1996 Yes
Bonnie Kae Grover LEFT-RIGHT CRITIQUES OF THE AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM: RESETTING THE SOCIAL AGENDA 3 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 371 (Spring, 1996) The Rodrigo Chronicles: Conversations about America and Race. By Richard Delgado. New York: New York University Press. 1995. Pp. 340. $27.95, cloth. Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge. Edited by Richard Delgado. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 1995. Pp. 560. $59.95, cloth; $22.95, paper. Constitutional Cultures: The Mentality and... 1996 Yes
Thomas F. Cotter LEGAL PRAGMATISM AND THE LAW AND ECONOMICS MOVEMENT 84 Georgetown Law Journal 2071 (June, 1996) Over the past decade, a number of legal scholars have come to identify themselves with a movement sometimes referred to as legal pragmatism or practical legal studies. Although the legal pragmatists are a diverse lot in many respects--embracing a wide variety of ideologies from neotraditionalism to feminism to critical race theory--they share a... 1996 Yes
Yxta Maya Murray MERIT-TEACHING 23 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 1073 (Summer 1996) C1-3Table of Contents I. The Feminist and Critical Race Critique of Standards. 1076 II. Aristotelian Constructions of Merit, or Virtue'. 1081 III. The Stories. 1091 A. Past Discrimination. 1091 1. Empathy. 1095 2. Praxis and Dignity. 1098 B. The Role Model. 1100 1. Example. 1103 2. Skill. 1103 3. Commitment. 1104 C. Diversity. 1104 IV. Conclusion.... 1996 Yes
Nicholas J. Johnson PLENARY POWER AND CONSTITUTIONAL OUTCASTS: FEDERAL POWER, CRITICAL RACE THEORY, AND THE SECOND, NINTH, AND TENTH AMENDMENTS 57 Ohio State Law Journal 1555 (1996) C1-2Contents I. Introduction. 1556 II. Rights Power Dissonance in a Plenary Power Environment. 1560 III. Trashing for Insight. 1568 A. The Outcast Provisions: A Shared Dependency on Substantive Power Boundaries. 1569 1. The Tenth Amendment. 1571 2. The Ninth Amendment. 1575 3. The Second Amendment. 1580 4. Reflections on the Outcasts. 1584 B.... 1996 Yes
Anthony V. Alfieri RACE-ING LEGAL ETHICS 96 Columbia Law Review 800 (April, 1996) Last year I began work on a long-term project studying the historical intersection of race, lawyers, and ethics in the context of the American criminal justice system. Informed by the jurisprudential movement of Critical Race Theory (CRT), the project investigates the rhetoric of race or race-talk in criminal defense advocacy and ethics dealing... 1996 Yes
Kevin R. Johnson RACIAL RESTRICTIONS ON NATURALIZATION: THE RECURRING INTERSECTION OF RACE AND GENDER IN IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP LAW 11 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 142 (1996) Critical race theory reflects the perception that conventional legal scholarship fails to satisfactorily address the complexities of race and the law in the United States. Similarly, the ascent of feminist theory stems in large part from lingering gender discrimination in this country. Until a number of minority women recently began studying the... 1996 Yes
Joseph Erasto Jaramillo TOWARD TRANSFORMATIVE CRITICAL RACE THEORY: CREATING COMMUNICATION ACROSS CLASS DIVISIONS 2 Hispanic Law Journal 15 (1996) I. Introduction. 16 II. Defining Privilege. 18 III. The Creation of the Gap. 21 IV. Differences Between the Experiences of Privileged and Underprivileged People of Color. 25 A. Different Perspectives on the Los Angeles Riots. 26 1. The View From Afar. 26 2. The View From Within. 27 B. The Propensity for CRT to Build Bridges Across the Class Gap. 31... 1996 Yes
Leonard M. Baynes WHO IS BLACK ENOUGH FOR YOU THE STORIES OF ONE BLACK MAN AND HIS FAMILY'S PURSUIT OF THE AMERICAN DREAM 11 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 97 (Fall, 1996) Mr. Mitchell was a West Indian, and I didn't like him. I didn't like any West Indians. They couldn't talk, they were stingy and most of them were as mean as could be. I like Butch, but I didn't believe that he was a real West Indian. Many critical race scholars have discussed identity issues from their position at the intersection of race,... 1996 Yes
Barbara J. Flagg CHANGING THE RULES: SOME PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS ON DOCTRINAL REFORM, INDETERMINACY, AND WHITENESS 2 African-American Law and Policy Report 250 (Fall, 1995) In each of the past three years I have published a law review article proposing a fundamental change in some aspect of race discrimination doctrine. These articles are congruent with some aspects of Critical Race Theory, in that they describe existing doctrine as deeply (though perhaps unconsciously) racist, they adopt radical racial redistribution... 1995 Yes
Ruben J. Garcia CRITICAL RACE THEORY AND PROPOSITION 187: THE RACIAL POLITICS OF IMMIGRATION LAW 17 Chicano-Latino Law Review 118 (Fall 1995) In mid-1993, a group of concerned California residents were fed up. They were tired of the illegal aliens whom they blamed for sapping the state's resources. These aliens were everywhere: crowding their children out of public schools, crowding welfare offices, and crowding the emergency rooms of hospitals. To attack these problems, these angry... 1995 Yes
Raneta J. Lawson CRITICAL RACE THEORY AS PRAXIS: A VIEW FROM OUTSIDE THE OUTSIDE 38 Howard Law Journal 353 (Spring 1995) Me: Grandmama, I'm writing about critical race theory as praxis. Grandmama: I once knew a gal who had that praxis real bad . . . nothin' the doctors could do for her. You be careful. Me: Thanks Grandmama, I will. As my thoughts turn to critical race theory as praxis, in addition to the imaginary exchange I might have with my grandmother, I am... 1995 Yes
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic CRITICAL RACE THEORY: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1993, A YEAR OF TRANSITION 66 University of Colorado Law Review 159 (1995) A little more than one year ago, we published Critical Race Theory: An Annotated Bibliography. In it, we (1) traced the history and development of the Critical Race Theory (CRT) movement; (2) identified ten themes within that movement's corpus that seemed to us central and characteristic; and (3) annotated over 200 of the most important Critical... 1995 Yes
Daniel A. Farber , Suzanna Sherry IS THE RADICAL CRITIQUE OF MERIT ANTI-SEMITIC? 83 California Law Review 853 (May, 1995) Conventional concepts of merit are under attack by some Critical Legal Scholars, Critical Race Theorists, and radical feminists. These critics contend that merit is only a social construct designed to maintain the power of dominant groups. This Article challenges the reductionist view that merit has no meaning except as a tool for those in power... 1995 Yes
Susan Bisom-Rapp OF MOTIVES AND MALENESS: A CRITICAL VIEW OF MIXED MOTIVE DOCTRINE IN TITLE VII SEX DISCRIMINATION CASES 1995 Utah Law Review 1029 (1995) How then did it work out, all this? How did one judge people, think of them? How did one add up this and that and conclude that it was liking one felt, or disliking? And to those words, what meaning attached after all? Virginia Woolf Over the last decade critical legal scholars, including feminist and critical race theorists, have mounted a... 1995 Yes
Martha R. Mahoney SEGREGATION, WHITENESS, AND TRANSFORMATION 143 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1659 (May, 1995) Residential segregation is both cause and product in the processes that shape the construction of race in America. The concept of race has no natural truth, no core content or meaning other than those meanings created in a social system of white privilege and racist domination. Recent work in critical race theory helps understand residential... 1995 Yes
Robert L. Hayman, Jr. THE COLOR OF TRADITION: CRITICAL RACE THEORY AND POSTMODERN CONSTITUTIONAL TRADITIONALISM 30 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 57 (Winter, 1995) Back beyond the world and swept by these wild white faces of the awful dead, why will this Soul of the White Folk, this modern Prometheus, hang bound by his own binding, tethered by a labor of the past? I hear his mighty cry reverberating through the world, I am white! Well and good, O Prometheus, divine thief! The world is wide enough for two... 1995 Yes
Eleanor Marie Brown THE TOWER OF BABEL: BRIDGING THE DIVIDE BETWEEN CRITICAL RACE THEORY AND "MAINSTREAM" CIVIL RIGHTS SCHOLARSHIP 105 Yale Law Journal 513 (November 1, 1995) Poor Black people tell stories. I hear their stories daily. I have heard them in the words of a cousin who came dangerously close to losing a daughter to gang warfare. I have heard them in the words of an inmate as he explained just how a Black man from the projects had ended up on death row. I have heard them in the words of a client at the Yale... 1995 Yes
Derrick A. Bell WHO'S AFRAID OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY? 1995 University of Illinois Law Review 893 (1995) In this essay, originally delivered as a David C. Baum Memorial Lecture on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights at the University of Illinois College of Law, Professor Bell begins by discussing the recent debate surrounding The Bell Curve, and utilizing the tools of critical race theory, he offers an alternative explanation as to why the book's authors... 1995 Yes
Carlos J. Nan ADDING SALT TO THE WOUND: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND CRITICAL RACE THEORY 12 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 553 (June, 1994) Using quotas instead of quality to select people for jobs and promotions rewards the dumb, lazy, and unambitious at the expense of the smart, talented, and ambitious. I can't turn around without hearing about some civil rights advance! White people seem to think the black man ought to be shouting hallelujah! Four hundred years the white man has... 1994 Yes
Angelo N. Ancheta COMMUNITY LAWYERING 1 Asian Law Journal 189 (May, 1994) Give us something we can use. For those of us engaged in the practice of law for social change, this is a familiar admonition directed at scholars who have developed theories on the transformation of law and the legal system. Critical legal studies, feminist legal theory, and critical race theory -schools of thought that challenge the assumptions... 1994 Yes
Susan Bisom-Rapp CONTEXTUALIZING THE DEBATE: HOW FEMINIST AND CRITICAL RACE SCHOLARSHIP CAN INFORM THE TEACHING OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW 44 Journal of Legal Education 366 (September, 1994) The past ten years have seen the creation of a rich body of literature--both critical and prescriptive--addressing how feminist and critical race theory can inform law school curriculum and pedagogy. Critiques of traditional first-year casebooks have been developed. Articles suggesting ways of presenting substantive material have been written.... 1994 Yes
Roy L. Brooks , Mary Jo Newborn CRITICAL RACE THEORY AND CLASSICAL-LIBERAL CIVIL RIGHTS SCHOLARSHIP: A DISTINCTION WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE? 82 California Law Review 787 (July 1, 1994) We need to admit up front to our collective disadvantage in making multiculturalism a focus of this book. We are three bland middle class white men whose academic careers have focused on mainstream doctrine and the application of positive political theory to public law issues. Though one of us (Farber) is a Jew and one of us (Eskridge) is a gay... 1994 Yes
Roy L. Brooks CRITICAL RACE THEORY: A PROPOSED STRUCTURE AND APPLICATION TO FEDERAL PLEADING 11 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 85 (Spring, 1994) Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a collection of critical stances against the existing legal order from a race-based point of view. Specifically, it focuses on the various ways in which the received tradition in law adversely affects people of color not as individuals but as a group. Thus, CRT attempts to analyze law and legal traditions through the... 1994 Yes
Arthur Austin DECONSTRUCTION: THE ROAD TO A DERRIDIAN CUL-DE-SAC WHERE "THERE IS NO THERE THERE" AND "THERE IS NO ABOUT ABOUT FOR ANYTHING TO BE ABOUT" 12 Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal 181 (1994) With aggressive determination, a coalition of feminists, critical race theorists, and critical legal studies people is committed to identifying and exposing the various tactics that the legal system and legal education purportedly use to maintain control over minorities, women, and other outsiders. The most effective technique, at least in arousing... 1994 Yes
Alex M. Johnson, Jr. DEFENDING THE USE OF NARRATIVE AND GIVING CONTENT TO THE VOICE OF COLOR: REJECTING THE IMPOSITION OF PROCESS THEORY IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP 79 Iowa Law Review 803 (May, 1994) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction 803 I. The Farber/Sherry Typology. 809 A. Summary of Traditional Articles. 811 B. Summary of Critical Race Theory. 812 C. Summary of Narrative. 812 II. An Explanation of Evaluative Standards. 814 A. Validity. 815 B. Quality Standards. 818 III. A Call for the Use of Neutral Principles in Legal Scholarship. 822... 1994 Yes
Angela P. Harris FOREWORD: THE JURISPRUDENCE OF RECONSTRUCTION 82 California Law Review 741 (July 1, 1994) For me, Critical Race Theory (CRT) began in July of 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory at St. Benedict's Center, Madison, Wisconsin. CRT looked like a promise: a theory that would link the methods of Critical Legal Studies (CLS) with the political commitments of traditional civil rights scholarship in a way that would both... 1994 Yes
Jeffrey R. Costello THE ANATOMY OF ANTILIBERALISM. BY STEPHEN HOLMES . CAMBRIDGE: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1993. PP. XVI, 330. $29.95. 92 Michigan Law Review 1547 (May, 1994) Stephen Holmes has recently published an engaging and stimulating, though finally unsatisfying, book. At a time when modern liberalism is being assailed seemingly from all sides -- by fundamentalist Christians, conservative libertarians, critical race and feminist legal scholars, and communitarian political scholars -- Holmes endeavors in The... 1994 Yes
Ana Garza THE VOICE OF COLOR AND ITS VALUE IN LEGAL STORYTELLING 1 Hispanic Law Journal 105 (1994) C1-4TABLE OF CONTENTS L1-4 I. L2-3,T3Introduction 106. L1-4 II. L2-3,T3Evolution of Legal Storytelling: From Critical Legal Studies to Critical Race Theory 108. L1-4 III. L2-3,T3The Voice Of Color 111. L1-4 IV. L2-3,T3The Value of a Voice of Color 115. A. Identifying Bias. 116 B. Recording and Examining Minority Views. 118 C. Displacing... 1994 Yes
Robert S. Chang TOWARD AN ASIAN AMERICAN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP: CRITICAL RACE THEORY, POST-STRUCTURALISM, AND NARRATIVE SPACE 1 Asian Law Journal 1 (May, 1994) Prelude Introduction: Mapping the Terrain I. The Need for an Asian American Legal Scholarship A. That Was Then, This Is Now: Variations on a Theme 1. Violence Against Asian Americans 2. Nativistic Racism B. The Model Minority Myth C. The Inadequacy of the Current Racial Paradigm 1. Traditional Civil Rights Work 2. Critical Race Scholarships II.... 1994 Yes
Reviewed by Jeremiah S. Gutman WORDS THAT WOUND: CRITICAL RACE THEORY, ASSAULTIVE SPEECH, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT, BY MARI J. MATSUDA, CHARLES R. LAWRENCE III, RICHARD DELGADO, AND KIMBERLE WILLIAMS CRENSHAW; WESTVIEW PRESS, 1993. 136 PAGES, $46.50 (HARDCOVER), $15.95 (PAPERBACK). 41 Federal Bar News & Journal 240 (March/April, 1994) Of course, there are words that wound. Each of us has feelings and pride, not least of which is pride of authorship. As my words come to the attention of the authors, they may, therefore, suffer some trauma. Just as I found what Matsuda, Lawrence, Delgado, and Crenshaw had to say provocative, they may be provoked by what I have to say. The... 1994 Yes
Angelo N. Ancheta COMMUNITY LAWYERING 81 California Law Review 1363 (October, 1993) Give us something we can use. For those of us engaged in the practice of law for social change, this is a familiar admonition directed at scholars who have developed theories on the transformation of law and the legal system. Critical legal studies, feminist legal theory, and critical race theory schools of thought that challenge the assumptions... 1993 Yes
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic CRITICAL RACE THEORY: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 79 Virginia Law Review 461 (March, 1993) CRITICAL Race Theory (CRT) took start in the mid-1970s with the realization that the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s had stalled and that many of its gains, in fact, were being rolled back. Many of us believed that new tactics and theories were needed to understand and come to grips with the complex interplay among race, racism, and American... 1993 Yes
Jules L. Coleman , Brian Leiter DETERMINACY, OBJECTIVITY, AND AUTHORITY 142 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 549 (Fall, 1993) Since the 1970s, analytic jurisprudence has been under attack from what has come to be known as the Critical Legal Studies (CLS) movement. CLS has been joined in this attack by proponents of Feminist Jurisprudence, and, most recently, by proponents of Critical Race Theory. When the battle lines are drawn in this way, the importance of the... 1993 Yes
Amii Larkin Barnard THE APPLICATION OF CRITICAL RACE FEMINISM TO THE ANTI-LYNCHING MOVEMENT: BLACK WOMEN'S FIGHT AGAINST RACE AND GENDER IDEOLOGY, 1892-1920 3 UCLA Women's Law Journal 1 (Spring, 1993) At the turn of the twentieth century, two intersecting ideologies controlled the consciousness of Americans: White Supremacy and True Womanhood. These cultural beliefs prescribed roles for people according to their race and gender, establishing expectations for proper conduct. Together, these beliefs created a climate for lynch ideology to... 1993 Yes
Richard Delgado THE INWARD TURN IN OUTSIDER JURISPRUDENCE 34 William and Mary Law Review 741 (Spring, 1993) Over the past few years, several areas of outsider jurisprudence have developed rapidly. Radical feminism has transformed the way we view gender and inequality while achieving concrete reforms in such areas as the workplace, reproductive liberty, and regulation of pornography. A newer movement, Critical Race Theory (CRT), has attracted... 1993 Yes
Robert S. Chang TOWARD AN ASIAN AMERICAN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP: CRITICAL RACE THEORY, POST-STRUCTURALISM, AND NARRATIVE SPACE 81 California Law Review 1241 (October, 1993) Prelude. 1243 Introduction: Mapping the Terrain. 1247 I. The Need for an Asian American Legal Scholarship. 1251 A. That Was Then, This Is Now: Variations on a Theme. 1251 1. Violence Against Asian Americans. 1252 2. Nativistic Racism. 1255 B. The Model Minority Myth. 1258 C. The Inadequacy of the Current Racial Paradigm. 1265 1. Traditional Civil... 1993 Yes
  WORDS THAT WOUND: CRITICAL RACE THEORY, ASSAULTIVE SPEECH, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT. BY MARI J. MATSUDA, CHARLES R. LAWRENCE III, RICHARD DELGADO & KIMBERLE W. CRENSHAW. bOULDER, COLO.: WESTVIEW PRESS. 1993. PP. VIII, 160. $49.00 (CLOTH), $15.95 (PAPER). 107 Harvard Law Review 505 (December, 1993) In this compilation of essays, four legal academics, people of color, and liberationist teachers consider regulation of racist speech in America. Though markedly different in their approaches to this particularly thorny issue, the four authors build a powerful undercurrent through several commonalities. All four authors advocate an... 1993 Yes
Phyllis Goldfarb BEYOND CUT FLOWERS: DEVELOPING A CLINICAL PERSPECTIVE ON CRITICAL LEGAL THEORY 43 Hastings Law Journal 717 (April, 1992) The critical theory project, as propounded by the critical legal studies (cls) movement, resembles in certain respects the clinical education project as some clinical educators describe and practice it. Although proponents of other alternative legal theories, most notably critical race theorists and feminist legal theorists, have engaged the... 1992 Yes
Gary Peller NOTES TOWARD A POSTMODERN NATIONALISM 1992 University of Illinois Law Review 1095 (1992) The emergence of a critical race theory genre in legal scholarship is intertwined with parallel and analogous developments in other academic fields, as well as with recent transformations of the American cultural arena, developments often labelled as multiculturalism or the diversity movement. These events are linked around a rejection of... 1992 Yes
Matthew W. Finkin REFLECTIONS ON LABOR LAW SCHOLARSHIP AND ITS DISCONTENTS: THE REVERIES OF MONSIEUR VEROG 46 University of Miami Law Review 1101 (May, 1992) I. Introduction. 1101 II. Traditional Legal Scholarship. 1102 A. The Critique. 1107 B. Solving Legal Problems. 1111 III. Non-Traditional Legal Writing. 1117 A. Law and Economics. 1118 B. Critical Legal Studies. 1122 C. Feminism. 1126 D. Critical Race Theory. 1136 E. Voice and Storytelling. 1138 IV. The age demanded'. 1143 V. The age... 1992 Yes
Anthony E. Cook THE SPIRITUAL MOVEMENT TOWARDS JUSTICE 1992 University of Illinois Law Review 1007 (1992) Critical Race Theory is the latest addition to the postrealist smorgasbord of jurisprudence. As its number of advocates, adherents and admirers grows, it is slowly moving from the appetizer to the entree section of jurisprudential offerings in many law schools. Eagerly consumed and digested by some, it is quickly rejected by others who prefer the... 1992 Yes
Richard Delgado BREWER'S PLEA: CRITICAL THOUGHTS ON COMMON CAUSE 44 Vanderbilt Law Review 1 (January, 1991) A. Overview of Critical Race Studies 1. Program 2. Methods B. Possibilities of Reconciliation 1. Nature of the Impasse: Two Colloquies a. Merit b. Context 2. A Way Out of the Impasse? Brewer's Call for Storytelling As most legal readers know, members of the Critical Race Studies (CRS) school and mainstream civil rights scholars have been carrying... 1991 Yes
Gerald Torres CRITICAL RACE THEORY: THE DECLINE OF THE UNIVERSALIST IDEAL AND THE HOPE OF PLURAL JUSTICE -- SOME OBSERVATIONS AND QUESTIONS OF AN EMERGING PHENOMENON 75 Minnesota Law Review 993 (February, 1991) [C]onsider what effects, which might conceivably have practical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have. Then, our conception of these effects is the whole of our conception of the object. No particular results then, so far, but only an attitude of orientation, is what the pragmatic method means. The attitude of looking away from... 1991 Yes
Charles W. Collier CULTURAL CRITIQUE AND LEGAL CHANGE 43 Florida Law Review 463 (July, 1991) In Emerging Centrist Liberalism, Mark Kelman locates postwar centrist legal discourse within a universe of competing and evolving political traditions. After considering the legal process school, law and economics, and Critical Legal Studies, Kelman concludes that [u] ltimately . . . I suspect that . . . the Critical Race Theorists and feminists... 1991 Yes
Joan Chalmers Williams DISSOLVING THE SAMENESS/DIFFERENCE DEBATE: A POST-MODERN PATH BEYOND ESSENTIALISM IN FEMINIST AND CRITICAL RACE THEORY 1991 Duke Law Journal 296 (April, 1991) [The negro] is too radically different from the white man in his mental and emotional structure ever to be more than a spurious and uneasy imitation of him, if he persists in following this direction. His soul contains riches which can come to fruition only if he retains intact the full spate of his emotional awareness, and uses unswervingly the... 1991 Yes
Alex M. Johnson, Jr. THE NEW VOICE OF COLOR 100 Yale Law Journal 2007 (May, 1991) INTRODUCTION 2008 I. BACKGROUND: THE ARGUMENT OVER EXISTENCE 2012 A. The Debate 2012 B. The Hierarchical Majoritarian Variation of Voice 2015 C. Limiting the Concept of Voice: A Contextual Approach 2018 II. A COMPARATIVE APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING OUR DIFFERENCES 2020 A. Critical Feminist Theory and Critical Race Theory: A Comparative Approach 2022... 1991 Yes
Robin D. Barnes RACE CONSCIOUSNESS: THE THEMATIC CONTENT OF RACIAL DISTINCTIVENESS IN CRITICAL RACE SCHOLARSHIP 103 Harvard Law Review 1864 (June, 1990) Holmesian jurisprudence explains how distinct minority legal perspectives might be created. They are created in the same way that most legal perspectives are created: by culture, by values, and by community experiences and expectations. . . . To say that minority groups . . . have distinct perspectives or positions on legal matters that touch their... 1990 Yes
Linda C. McClain, Co-editor, Journal of Law and Religion; Robert Kent Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law, Email: "DO NOT EVER REFER TO MY LORD JESUS CHRIST WITH PRONOUNS": CONSIDERING CONTROVERSIES OVER RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF GENDER IDENTITY 38 Journal of Law and Religion 1 (January, 2023) There are no pronouns in the Bible. --Lavern Spicer, Republican congressional candidate Do not ever refer to my Lord Jesus Christ with pronouns. --Lavern Spicer, Republican congressional candidate. In the by-now familiar framing religious freedom versus LGBT+ rights, perhaps the most visible conflicts today in the United States, and elsewhere,... 2023  
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