Jean Peters Baker A NEW GENERATION OF REFORM IN DRUG ENFORCEMENT IN KANSAS CITY 92 UMKC Law Review 603 (Spring, 2024) Jackson County, Missouri has been at the forefront of drug policy reform for decades, with the establishment of one of America's first Drug Courts in the early 1990s. This Article will delve into the impact of the county's shift in drug policy on the drug court model, both positive and negative, and where the county expects to go in the future. We... 2024
Matthew Chun ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR DRUG DISCOVERY: A NEW FRONTIER FOR PATENT LAW 104 Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 5 (January, 2024) The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is here and is changing healthcare as we know it. In the world of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, AI systems are increasingly being used to discover new drugs, with multiple AI-designed drugs already entering clinical trials. AI for drug discovery represents the convergence of software and life science... 2024
Misty L. Schlabaugh CONCEPCION v. UNITED STATES: COMPASSIONATE DRUG SENTENCING REFORM AGAINST A CRIMINAL LEGAL SYSTEM BUILT ON RACIALIZED SOCIAL CONTROL 101 Denver Law Review Forum 1 (15-Apr-24) The history of racial injustices in America is no secret and the persistence of systemic racism necessitates continued analysis and debate. This Comment discusses mass criminalization and incarceration, the War on Drugs, and how they have created a system of racialized social control. This Comment analyzes the racial biases and disparities that... 2024
Lily Sternberg CONFLICTS OF THE DCC: HOW THE U.S. GOVERNMENT CAN RESOLVE THE DCC CONFLICT AND USE STATE AND INTERNATIONAL CANNABIS INFRASTRUCTURE AS MODELS TO SMOOTH THE TRANSITION TO A NATIONAL MARIJUANA MARKET 20 Journal of Health & Biomedical Law 119 (2024) In the last ten years, there has been a significant increase in the acceptance of the use and consumption of marijuana in the United States. Currently, thirty-nine states have legalized marijuana in some form, with twenty-one states legalizing both medical and recreational cannabis. As cannabis is becoming legalized across the country, federal... 2024
Sean A. Hill II DRUG CRIMES: THE CASE FOR ABOLITION 21 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 177 (September, 2024) Nonwhite communities experience higher rates of arrest, prosecution, and incarceration than white communities for drug offenses, and these disparities have persisted even in the wake of decriminalization and legalization. Although a diverse array of political stakeholders increasingly agree that drug policies should be reformed, they are nearly... 2024
Meghan M. O'Neil, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Drug Enforcement and Policy Center, Moritz School of Law, The Ohio State University, Funding disclosure: National Science Foundation #2017068; National Institutes of Health# 1L32MD016612-01 DRUG SCREENINGS IN PRACTICE: NARRATIVES FROM PEOPLE ON PAROLE AND PROBATION 2024 Federal Sentencing Reporter 1908511 (1-Apr-24) Drug testing as a routine component of American supervision was not always commonplace, only becoming widely adopted in the early 1980s (Carmen and Sorensen 1989). This followed the acknowledgment of widespread drug use as a serious social problem, advances in technology that resulted in low-priced and accurate drug tests with a fast turnaround,... 2024
Aliza Cohen, Research Coordinator, Department of Research and Academic Engagement Drug Policy Alliance, Melissa Moore, Director, Civil Systems Reform Drug Policy Alliance DRUG WAR DRAGNET: SURVEILLANCE, CRIMINALIZATION, AND DRUG WAR LOGIC WITHIN AND BEYOND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION 2024 Federal Sentencing Reporter 1908506 (1-Apr-24) Since President Richard Nixon launched the contemporary war on drugs fifty years ago, decision-makers have responded to people who use drugs with punishment, racial profiling, and stigma, not compassion or evidence-based treatment. The punitive reflex has infected nearly every level of society, transforming what could be opportunities for support... 2024
Shanda N. Stepp DRUG-INDUCED HOMICIDE: A HARSH WEAPON IN THE WAR ON DRUGS 65 Boston College Law Review 2937 (November, 2024) Abstract: Drug-induced homicide laws are an increasingly used policy choice by lawmakers and prosecutors in combating the current opioid epidemic. A remnant of the War on Drugs, such laws conform to strict liability principles and have left many friends and family members charged with the murder of their friend or relative that died from an... 2024
Julia Williams FDA MODERNIZATION ACT 2.0: THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR ANIMAL TESTING IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT 30 Animal Law 139 (2024) Historical drug testing protocols utilized animal testing to determine whether drugs were safe and effective for use in humans. However, recognizing that testing drugs on other species is potentially dangerous for humans, troubled by failures, unnecessarily expensive, and time consuming, the FDA Modernization Act 2.0, passed in December 2022,... 2024
Doug Rendleman ILLEGAL CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS: A NEW STANDARD FOR PROSTITUTION AND MARIJUANA AGREEMENTS 81 Washington and Lee Law Review 711 (Spring, 2024) Agreements exchanging sex for money and those involving marijuana may encounter illegality defenses in court. Granting a legal remedy for breach of an agreement that exchanges seriously illegal consideration would lower the court's public standing and endanger its legitimacy. On the other hand, the spectacle of a buyer claiming its own illegality... 2024
Colleen Campbell INTERSECTIONALITY MATTERS IN FOOD AND DRUG LAW 95 University of Colorado Law Review 1 (Winter, 2024) Feminist scholars critique food and drug law as a site of gender bias and regulatory neglect. The historical exclusion of women from clinical trials by the FDA prioritized male bodies as the object of clinical research and therapies. Likewise, the FDA's prior restriction on access to contraceptive birth control illustrates how patriarchal and... 2024
Michael Vitiello PROPPING UP CALIFORNIA'S PROP 64: A MINI-WAR ON DRUGS? 21 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 409 (September, 2024) Many observers have declared California's experiment with legalizing recreational marijuana to be a failure. For example, the Los Angeles Times has published a series of articles highlighting the law's many failures, including encouraging corruption and incentivizing illegal marketeers. No doubt, many policy wonks or other participants in the... 2024
Scott Bloomberg , Alexandra Harriman , Shane Pennington RE/DESCHEDULING MARIJUANA THROUGH ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION 76 Oklahoma Law Review 517 (Spring, 2024) In October 2022, President Biden requested that the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General initiate a procedure to review how marijuana is scheduled under the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The announcement was historic. After more than fifty years of federal prohibition, decades of advocacy and litigation from... 2024
Kennedy Dickson RESIDENTS WELCOME: MARIJUANA REGULATION AND THE DORMANT COMMERCE CLAUSE 74 Case Western Reserve Law Review 651 (Spring, 2024) C1-2Contents Introduction. 651 I. Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine Overview. 654 II. Marijuana Regulation in the States. 660 III. Recent Dormant Commerce Clause Challenges to State Marijuana Laws. 666 IV. Suggestions for Intrastate Marijuana Market Protection. 674 A. Carve-Out Proposal to Limit Judicial Invalidation of State Laws. 674 1. Per Se... 2024
Jennifer D. Oliva , Taleed El-Sabawi THE "NEW" DRUG WAR 110 Virginia Law Review 1103 (September, 2024) American policymakers have long waged a costly, punitive, racist, and ineffective drug war that casts certain drug use as immoral and those who engage in it as deviant criminals. The War on Drugs has been defined by a myopic focus on controlling the supply of drugs that are labeled as dangerous and addictive. The decisions as to which drugs fall... 2024
Matthew P. Cavedon THE MARIJUANA INSURGENCY: FEDERALISM AND SOCIAL REFRAMING IN POLICY REFORM 47 Seattle University Law Review 1573 (Summer, 2024) After fifty years of federal prohibition, marijuana reform efforts have won political and legal success. These victories hold lessons for anyone seeking to resist federal law without being able to directly affect it. Victory can come from reframing an issue. For marijuana reform, social reframing--not formal legal analysis or material... 2024
Kathryn Larkin THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED BY: THE DECISION OF WHETHER TO BEND TO SOCIETAL CHANGE IN REVOCATION OF PRETRIAL RELEASE FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA USE 29 Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy 255 (2023-2024) Pretrial release, commonly referred to as bail, is the release of an individual from jail or prison pending trial. Conditional pre-trial release and detention is a complicated area in the American criminal justice system, causing tensions with the Eighth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, and the foundation of the United States' criminal justice... 2024
Keenan Hunt-Stone TRUTH OR DARE? RETHINKING SCHOOL DRUG EDUCATION IN AMERICA 104 Boston University Law Review 1479 (September, 2024) Anyone who went to school in the United States from the late '80s to early 2000s is likely familiar with the DARE program. For decades American schoolchildren across the nation sat through police-led lectures on how to just say no to drugs and alcohol. DARE capitalized on waves of federal funding to ensure DARE-trained police officers were in... 2024
Marie Boyd WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS? ADVANCING A CHILD-CENTERED APPROACH TO FOOD & DRUG LAW 76 Administrative Law Review 1 (Winter, 2024) This Article contends that food and drug law has fallen short in safeguarding and advancing children's health. The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) mission is to protect and promote public health, and children's health is an integral part of that. This Article uses the feminist legal method of asking the woman question to examine how food... 2024
Josh Plummer "HIGH" EXPECTATIONS FOR THE VETERAN'S MEDICAL MARIJUANA SAFE HARBOR ACT, BUT NOT HIGH ENOUGH 13 Wake Forest Law Review Online 14 (5/28/2023) Though the use of marijuana has been a very fiercely debated and divisive issue in the United States for nearly a century, the evolution of culture and developments in science have led to rapid shifts in public opinion about the use of marijuana for both recreational and medicinal purposes in recent years. Medical marijuana in particular has had a... 2023
Jackson Whetsel, Esq. (UN)CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY: HOW DRUG AND GUN LAWS CONSPIRE IN STAND YOUR GROUND STATES TO CREATE A DISARMED, SUBMISSIVE CLASS BASED ON RACE 53 University of Memphis Law Review 571 (Spring, 2023) Introduction. 572 I. Tennessee's Form of Constitutional Carry. 577 A. The Tennessee Law Creates an Exception to an Existing Prohibition. 578 B. The Tennessee Law Does Not Remove Any Existing Firearm Prohibitions. 580 C. The Tennessee Law Applies to The Intent to Go Armed. 584 II. How Did We Get Here? DC v. Heller and the Constitutional Basis... 2023
Claudia DeSalvo A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DRUG LAWS & POLICIES OF THE UNITED STATES & THE NETHERLANDS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE IMPACTS ON SAFE INJECTION SITES AND LIKE SERVICES 29 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 319 (Winter, 2023) I. Introduction. 319 II. Laws and Attitudes in the United States and the Netherlands. 324 A. The United States. 324 1. Overview. 324 2. Difference Between Federal and State Power. 325 3. Federal Law. 326 4. State Law. 328 5. Supervised Injection Sites. 330 B. The Netherlands. 330 1. Overview. 330 2. Drug Law. 332 3. Drug Consumption Rooms. 333 III.... 2023
Cailin Harrington AFTER FIFTY YEARS OF THE WAR ON DRUGS, THE NATION LOOKS WEST: WHY OREGON REQUIRED THE DRUG ADDICTION TREATMENT AND RECOVERY ACT AND WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM IT 53 Seton Hall Law Review 1005 (2023) Justice Louis Brandeis famously recognized that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country. With the passage of Ballot Measure 110 in November 2020, Oregon epitomized Justice Brandeis's sentiment by becoming the first state to... 2023
Vincent Jones CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT: HOW THE ONGOING WAR ON DRUGS AND DISCRIMNATION IN HEALTHCARE CREATED A VIABLE EIGHTH AMENDMENT CLAIM FOR BLACK INMATES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 33 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 537 (2023) C1-2Contents Introduction. 538 Part I: The War on Drugs and its Targeted Attack on the Black Community. 539 a. The Key Policies of the War. 542 b. Militarized Policing and Drug Raids. 543 c. The Power of Prosecutors and the Supreme Court. 545 d. The Difficulties of Life After Prison. 547 e. The War on Drugs is Ongoing. 548 Part II: The Impact of... 2023
Patrick Fouch DECRIMINALIZATION: A WAY OUT OF THE UNWINNABLE WAR ON DRUGS 22 Appalachian Journal of Law 1 (2023) Writing this from Appalachia, and having grown up in this community, I have seen how drugs affect every single part of our day-to-day life. Virtually every family has been affected by the drug epidemic. This epidemic, much like the coronavirus pandemic, is a worldwide issue. Different countries have taken a multitude of approaches in dealing with... 2023
Wayne A. Comstock DRUG COURTS: THE RISK OF AN INCREASED NUMBER OF DRUG-RELATED ARRESTS AND LONG JAIL SENTENCES 13 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 1 (Spring, 2023) ABSTRACT: In June 1971, President Richard Nixon declared a War on Drugs. As the War on Drugs continued throughout the 1980s, drug-related convictions increased, leading to overcrowding in prisons across the United States. Drug courts operate as an alternative to incarceration in which criminal defendants enter court mandated drug treatment... 2023
Dany Berbari DRUG DECRIMINALIZATION AND GUN CRIMINALIZATION: ASSESSING THE COMPATIBILITY OF THESE ASYMMETRICAL BELIEFS FROM A RACIAL JUSTICE LENS 38 Journal of Law & Politics 135 (Spring, 2023) Thomas Frampton, my first-year Criminal Law Professor, began a class on drugs and guns by stating, I want you all to vote on these two questions: (1) Do you support stricter drug laws? (2) Do you support stricter gun laws? Unsurprisingly, very few individuals in the class supported stricter drug laws, while an overwhelming majority backed... 2023
Taleed El-Sabawi , Jennifer J. Carroll , Morgan Godvin DRUG-INDUCED HOMICIDE LAWS AND FALSE BELIEFS ABOUT DRUG DISTRIBUTORS: THREE MYTHS THAT ARE LEAVING PROSECUTORS MISINFORMED 60 American Criminal Law Review 1381 (Fall, 2023) An increasing number of criminal legal system actors, including some prosecutors, have acknowledged that the so-called overdose crisis is a public health problem. Despite this narrative shift, some prosecutors are responding to local overdoses by charging persons who distribute drugs that are linked to a subsequent death with criminal killing.... 2023
Austin Powell EMPLOYMENT LAW--DAZED AND CONFUSED: ARKANSAS EMPLOYERS AND THE ARKANSAS MEDICAL MARIJUANA AMENDMENT OF 2016 45 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review 563 (Spring, 2023) Has the passage of the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016 (Amendment) dazed and confused Arkansas employers? Medical marijuana laws have changed the employment landscape. Employers who continue to manage and discipline marijuana users the same way they did as prior to the passage of medical marijuana laws could face repercussions. The... 2023
Marco S. Attisano, Susan Jacobsen FEDERAL DRUG CASE MANDATORY MINIMUMS: THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING (MAYBE) 25 No. 11 Lawyers Journal 7 (6/2/2023) On December 16 of last year, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland issued two memorandums; the first (the General Policies memorandum) provides federal prosecutors with guidelines for practices in charging, pleas, and sentencing, including guidelines on mandatory minimum offenses, and the second (the Additional Policies memorandum) limits when... 2023
M. Logan Blake GREENED OUT: IMPROVING VIRGINIA'S RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA LEGISLATION 17 Liberty University Law Review 237 (Spring, 2023) With the passage of the Cannabis Control Act in 2021, Virginia became the first southern state to legalize recreational marijuana. However, the operative language of the new possession statute, a person 21 years of age or older may lawfully possess on his person or in any public place not more than one ounce of marijuana, coupled with the lawful... 2023
Jose Garcia-Fuerte , William Garriott GREENING THE GREEN RUSH: HOW ADDRESSING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF CANNABIS LEGALIZATION CAN ENHANCE SOCIAL EQUITY AND REMEDIATE THE HARMS OF THE WAR ON DRUGS 53 Environmental Law 169 (Spring, 2023) The legalization of cannabis in the United States has focused on creating regulated, for-profit commercial markets modeled on alcohol to replace the prohibition regime that held sway for most of the 20th Century. Like the fabled gold rush of the 19th Century, this new market opportunity has been a magnet for entrepreneurs and prospectors of all... 2023
Jennifer J. Carroll, Bayla Ostrach, Taleed El-Sabawi HEALTH INEQUITIES AMONG PEOPLE WHO USE DRUGS IN A POST-DOBBS AMERICA: THE CASE FOR A SYNDEMIC ANALYSIS 51 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 549 (Fall, 2023) Keywords: Pregnancy, Substance Use, Overdose, Syndemics, Abortion Abstract: Punitive policy responses to substance use and to abortion care constitute direct attacks on personal liberty and bodily autonomy. In this article, we leverage the concept of syndemics to anticipate how the already synergistic stigmas against people who use drugs and... 2023
U.S. Attorney General MEMORANDUM TO ALL FEDERAL PROSECUTORS, ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT POLICIES REGARDING CHARGING, PLEAS, AND SENTENCING IN DRUG CASES 2023 Federal Sentencing Reporter 2613201 (2/1/2023) December 16, 2022 General Department policies regarding charging an offense, entering into a plea agreement, and making sentencing recommendations are set forth in General Department Policies Regarding Charging, Pleas, and Sentencing (2022) (hereinafter General Policies Memorandum). This memorandum provides additional, specific policies regarding... 2023
George F. K. Werner NORM COMMANDEERING AND THE TOBACCO TRUST 73 Duke Law Journal 157 (October, 2023) In the early 1870s, Durham became a major center of tobacco marketing. Farmers brought their crops to auction warehouses, which then sold them to the town's manufacturers. This was a process facilitated by a well-developed system of social norms. But the formation of the American Tobacco Company's tobacco trust in the 1890s threatened that... 2023
Steven W. Bender RACIAL JUSTICE AND MARIJUANA 59 California Western Law Review 223 (Spring, 2023) Current legalization approaches for recreational marijuana fall short of performing and delivering racial justice as measured by materiality and outcomes rather than promises of formal legal equality. As a small first step for unwinding the War on Drugs, this Article considers how legalizing recreational marijuana can help move law and society... 2023
Annie Jordan SEX, DRUGS, AND BALLOT MEASURES: AN ARGUMENT FOR MASSACHUSETTS TO FULLY DECRIMINALIZE PROSTITUTION 56 Suffolk University Law Review 145 (2023) Say that one of those women was a sex worker, then is that person meant to be shamed in their death? Would they have deserved it? The answer is no. On March 16, 2021, an armed shooter killed eight people at two massage businesses associated with prostitution. The shooter told law enforcement the victims were temptations to eliminate. These... 2023
Melanie McPhail , Tania Bubela , Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby V5A 1S6, Canada SHOULD CANADA ADOPT MANAGED ACCESS AGREEMENTS IN CANADA FOR EXPENSIVE DRUGS? 10 Journal of Law & the Biosciences 1 (January-June, 2023) Drugs are increasingly authorized based on less mature evidence, leaving payors faced with significant clinical and cost-effectiveness uncertainties. As a result, payors must often choose between reimbursing a drug that may not turn out to be cost-effective (or may even be unsafe) or delaying the reimbursement of a drug that is cost-effective and... 2023
Justin Danziger THE DRUG POLICY REFORM ACT: ANALYZING THE POTENTIAL FUTURE OF UNITED STATES FEDERAL DRUG POLICY 29 Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice 819 (Summer, 2023) C1-2Table of Contents INTRODUCTION. 819 I. BACKGROUND ON THE WAR ON DRUGS. 821 A. Introducing the Drug Policy Reform Act and Laying the Groundwork. 824 II. AN ANALYSIS OF THE DRUG POLICY REFORM ACT. 826 III. THE PROBLEM. 828 A. Addressing the Issue with the United States' Drug Policy. 828 B. The War on Drugs Masked as the War on Minority... 2023
Kathryn M. Capizzi THE HAZY EMPLOYMENT PROTECTIONS FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA USERS IN THE PENNSYLVANIA MEDICAL MARIJUANA ACT 26 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 425 (2023) INTRODUCTION. 426 I. ROLLING IT OUT: CONTEMPORARY FEDERAL AND STATE LEGISLATION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA. 428 A. Federal Legislative History Regulating Marijuana Use. 429 1. The Controlled Substances Act (CSA). 429 2. Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FDCA). 431 3. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 431 4. Supreme Court Precedent: Gonzales v.... 2023
Jay-Donavin Ved THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT OF 2022: ADDRESSING PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE 32 Annals of Health Law Advance Directive 131 (Spring, 2023) High prescription drug prices disproportionately impact low-income individuals, uninsured individuals, and people of color. Importantly, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes several provisions pertaining to lowering prescription drug costs for Medicare recipients and reducing drug spending by the federal government. In particular, this Act... 2023
Marisa Chamberland THE JUDICIAL WAR ON DRUGS: DECIDING WHETHER TO APPLY THE FEDERAL OR STATE DEFINITION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OFFENSES FOR CAREER OFFENDER SENTENCING ENHANCEMENTS 28 Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy 169 (2022-2023) [T]he individual convicted for an offence or crime considered morally wrong is convicted based on a series of hypotheses and probabilities and not necessarily because he or she is actually morally wrong. Today, drug-related offenses make up the majority of felony offenses in the United States. Approximately half of the incarcerated population in... 2023
Kathy Rong Zhou THE LAST BLACK TOBACCO UNION: LOCAL 208, SEGREGATED SENIORITY, AND THE INTEGRATING SOUTH 73 Duke Law Journal 209 (October, 2023) After federal reforms in the 1930s protected the right to organize, the Tobacco Workers International Union made quick work of mobilizing the American South. Its unions, though segregated, made strides. Yet Black unions' collective bargaining gains could not transcend one of the South's most oppressive employment practices: segregated systems for... 2023
Alexandra Lyons THE MARITIME DRUG LAW ENFORCEMENT ACT (MDLEA): ONE OF THE DEADLIEST WEAPONS IN AMERICA'S ARSENAL IN THE ONGOING WAR ON DRUGS 47 Tulane Maritime Law Journal 133 (Winter, 2023) I. Introduction. 134 II. Jurisdiction Under International Law. 137 A. Criminal Jurisdiction Under International Law. 137 B. Law of the Flag. 138 III. Expanding Jurisdiction on the High Seas. 140 A. The Enactment of the Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act. 140 B. The Enforcement of the Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act. 144 1. Lengthy Detention and... 2023
Lahny Silva THE TRAP CHRONICLES, VOL. 2: A CALL TO RECONSIDER "RISK" IN FEDERAL SUPERVISED RELEASE 82 Maryland Law Review 530 (2023) Introduction. 531 I. History - Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.. 536 A. The Start. 536 1. Passage of the Probation Act of 1925. 539 2. Development of the Federal Probation System. 541 B. The 1960s & 1970s. 544 1. Questioning the Effectiveness of Supervision. 545 2. The Court Weighs In. 547 C. The War. 549 1.... 2023
Tess A. Chaffee WE[ED] THE PEOPLE: HOW A BROADER INTERPRETATION OF THE ROHRABACHER-FARR AMENDMENT EFFECTUATES THE CHANGING SOCIAL POLICY SURROUNDING MEDICAL MARIJUANA 91 University of Cincinnati Law Review 856 (2023) Over the past hundred years, the status of marijuana has shifted from legal to illegal and back again. Although marijuana remains federally illegal under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, as of 2022, seventy-four percent of states have measures in place allowing medical marijuana use, and an additional twenty percent of states allow for low... 2023
George A. Couture , Washington, D.C. What Version of the Federal Controlled Substances Act Schedules Does ACCA's "Serious Drug Offense" Definition Incorporate? 51 No. 3 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 3 (11/27/2023) Petitioners Justin Brown and Eugene Jackson each pleaded guilty in separate proceedings to possessing a firearm following a felony conviction under 18 U.S.C. ยง 922(g). Brown plead in the Middle District of Pennsylvania, Jackson in the Southern District of Florida. Both were sentenced under the Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA), which imposes a... 2023
Ashley Mastro A MODEL PATH FOR DECRIMINALIZING SIMPLE POSSESSION OF ALL DRUGS 71 DePaul Law Review 875 (Summer, 2022) Every twenty-five seconds, someone in the United States is arrested for possessing a personal use amount of drugs. This comes at a great cost to the United States, approximating $47 billion annually. Criminalizing drugs creates a significant burden on the criminal justice system in terms of manpower, finances, and over-incarceration. The criminal... 2022
Sarah Thompson Schick, Kirsten Axelsen CONSIDERING MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FDA REGULATORY INCENTIVES TO ACHIEVE GREATER RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY IN PIVOTAL CLINICAL TRIALS FOR DRUG APPROVALS 77 Food & Drug Law Journal 246 (2022) When clinical trials for new drug approvals fail to adequately represent racial and ethnic groups, there is a lost opportunity to collect data on people who will be prescribed these medications. In this Paper, we consider data published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reflecting the current state of diversity in pivotal clinical trials,... 2022
Jaden W.R. Jackson CONTROVERSIAL CANNABIS: HOW PASSAGE OF THE M.O.R.E. ACT CAN REMEDY THE DISPARATE IMPACT OF MARIJUANA PROHIBITION 46 Seton Hall Legislative Journal 705 (2022) Since 1996, states have seen a surge in marijuana legislation. As of February 2022, eighteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized adult recreational marijuana use, while thirty-six states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. Although marijuana is a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA),... 2022
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