Jefferson M. Fish RETHINKING OUR DRUG POLICY 28 Fordham Urban Law Journal 9 (October, 2000) The time has come--some would say it is long overdue--for a comprehensive reexamination of our drug policy. We need to clarify our goals, examine our strategies, evaluate their consequences, both desirable and undesirable, and consider alternatives. Because drug policy affects so many areas of life, and because so many disciplines have important... 2000
Roseanne Scotti THE 'ALMOST OVERWHELMING TEMPTATION': THE HEGEMONY OF DRUG WAR DISCOURSE IN RECENT FEDERAL COURT DECISIONS INVOLVING FOURTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS 10 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 139 (Fall 2000) In Willis v. Anderson Community School Corporation, the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled that a school district had not shown a compelling need that would justify invasive searches of students by drug testing. The Willis court stated: At the outset of our inquiry into the [district's] need, we must confess to the almost overwhelming... 2000
Tung Yin THE PROBATIVE VALUES AND PITFALLS OF DRUG COURIER PROFILES AS PROBABILISTIC EVIDENCE 5 Texas Forum on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 141 (Summer & Fall 2000) Suppose that Jones arrives at the Los Angeles airport in a taxicab. He pays entirely in cash for a one-way ticket to Detroit, from where he arrived earlier in the day. He does not check any luggage, opting to carry two shoulder bags with him. Before he boards the plane, Drug Enforcement Agency operatives detain him for an investigative stop,... 2000
Timothy Edwards THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COMPULSORY DRUG TREATMENT IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: THE WISCONSIN EXPERIMENT 2000 Wisconsin Law Review 283 (2000) I. Introduction. 284 II. Drug Treatment and the Criminal Justice System. 290 A. Identifying the Problem: Clinical Versus Penological Approaches. 290 1. Classification: The Clinical Approach. 293 a. Symptoms: The Clinical Approach. 294 b. Etiology: Clinical Constructs. 296 i. The Family. 297 ii. Environment298 iii. Co-Morbidity: The Dual Disorder.... 2000
Karen D. Zivi WHO IS THE GUILTY PARTY? RIGHTS, MOTHERHOOD, AND THE PROBLEM OF PRENATAL DRUG EXPOSURE 34 Law and Society Review 237 (2000) In 1987, California prosecutors used the state's child support statute to charge Pamela Rae Stewart with criminal neglect for using drugs while she was pregnant. With this prosecution Stewart became the first woman in the United States charged with the crime of exposing her fetus to drugs (Gomez 1997; Roberts 1997). In 1989, Florida prosecutors... 2000
  WINNING THE WAR ON DRUGS: A "SECOND CHANCE" FOR NONVIOLENT DRUG OFFENDERS 113 Harvard Law Review 1485 (April, 2000) Since the mid-1980s, the United States has undertaken an extensive effort to incarcerate drug offenders using congressionally prescribed sentencing guidelines and mandatory minimums. These so-called War on Drugs measures, which also include three-strikes laws and lengthy first-time drug offender sentences, have fundamentally changed the... 2000
Laura M. Rojas CALIFORNIA'S COMPASSIONATE USE ACT AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S MEDICAL MARIJUANA POLICY: CAN CALIFORNIA PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND MARIJUANA TO THEIR PATIENTS WITHOUT SUBJECTING THEMSELVES TO SANCTIONS? 30 McGeorge Law Review 1373 (Summer, 1999) In November 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. This statute specifies that a physician may recommend the use of marijuana for the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.... 1999
Christine M. Bulger IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD? RACE AND CLASS DISCRIMINATION IN PRENATAL DRUG USE PROSECUTIONS 19 Boston College Third World Law Journal 709 (Spring, 1999) PRIVATE CHOICES, PUBLIC CONSEQUENCES: REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND THE NEW ETHICS OF CONCEPTION, PREGNANCY, AND FAMILY. By lynda Beck Fenwick. New York: Dutton. 1998. Pp. 390. Conflicts of opinion abound in regard to the moral and ethical questions posed by today's rapid advances in reproductive technology. These issues include deciding whether or... 1999
Lynn M. Paltrow PREGNANT DRUG USERS, FETAL PERSONS, AND THE THREAT TO ROE V. WADE 62 Albany Law Review 999 (1999) On the twenty-fifth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it is safe to say that there has been a concerted effort to overturn that decision and to outlaw all abortions. The most widely-recognized efforts to restrict abortion have come from legislative initiatives to restrict or outlaw abortion and from violent attacks against women who seek health care from... 1999
Therese Powers RACE FOR PERFECTION: CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND ENHANCEMENT DRUGS 13 Journal of Law and Health 141 (1998-1999) I. Introduction. 141 II. Overview of Ritalin and Human Growth Hormone. 142 A. Ritalin. 142 B. Human Growth Hormone. 145 C. Competing Interests in Administering Ritalin & HGH. 146 III. Children's Rights. 150 A. Generally. 150 B. Children's Rights vs. Parental Rights. 152 C. Civil Commitment. 154 D. Abortion. 155 E. Religion. 158 F. Non-Religious... 1999
Joanna Raby RECLAIMING OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A PROPOSAL FOR SCHOOL-WIDE DRUG TESTING 21 Cardozo Law Review 999 (December, 1999) Substance abuse among schoolchildren in the United States has reached epidemic levels. Within public schools, substance abuse has led to an increase in disciplinary problems and has interfered significantly with the ability of teachers and administrators to carry out their educational mandates. In the face of this drug-related disciplinary crisis,... 1999
Gary A. Pulsinelli THE ORPHAN DRUG ACT: WHAT'S RIGHT WITH IT 15 Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal 299 (May, 1999) I. Introduction. 300 II. The Orphan Drug Act. 302 A. Background. 303 B. Chronology. 305 1. The 1983 Act. 305 2. The 1984 Amendments. 307 3. The 1985 Amendments. 308 4. The 1988 Amendments. 308 5. The 1993 Regulations. 309 C. Orphan Drug Act Provisions. 310 1. Protocol Assistance. 310 2. Marketing Exclusivity. 310 3. Open Protocols. 311 4. Orphan... 1999
Danny David THREE PATHS TO JUSTICE: NEW APPROACHES TO MINORITY-INSTITUTED TOBACCO LITIGATION 15 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 185 (Spring, 1999) When you get the dragon out of his cave on to the plain and in the daylight, you can count his teeth and claws, and see just what is his strength. But to get him out is only the first step. The next is either to kill him, or to tame him . Having finally lured the once-elusive American tobacco industry into the daylight, plaintiffs in several... 1999
David J. Malcolm TOBACCO, GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH, AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS: AN EMINENT PANDEMIC OR JUST ANOTHER LEGAL PRODUCT? 28 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 1 (Winter 1999) I. Introduction. 2 II. Tobacco and Health. 7 III. Public Education and Awareness. 12 IV. Tobacco's Effect upon Children. 16 A. Influences upon the Child. 16 B. Support from International Law. 19 V. Substance Control. 23 A. A Medical Basis. 23 B. An Argument for an International Legal Basis. 24 VI. Economic Issues. 26 A. Economics. 26 B.... 1999
Nicholas deB. Katzenbach A RATIONAL DISCUSSION OF CURRENT DRUG LAWS 25 Fordham Urban Law Journal 443 (Spring 1998) I do not want to be characterized here as an expert because I think the experts are here as members of the panel. I am really just speaking as a lawyer, as a citizen, and as somebody who is concerned about these problems. Thirty years ago this month the President's Crime Commission came out with a rather extensive report. I had the honor to chair... 1998
Robert Nash Parker , Randi S. Cartmill ALCOHOL AND HOMICIDE IN THE UNITED STATES 1934-1995--OR ONE REASON WHY U.S. RATES OF VIOLENCE MAY BE GOING DOWN 88 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1369 (Summer, 1998) In the last few years, a great deal of attention has been devoted to the apparent decline in rates of homicide and other kinds of violence in the United States. Commentators debate whether rates of violence are actually declining, and what are the reasons for this apparent decline. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility that one... 1998
Kathleen M. Paralusz ASHES TO ASHES: WHY FDA REGULATION OF TOBACCO ADVERTISING MAY MARK THE END OF THE ROAD FOR THE MARLBORO MAN 24 American Journal of Law & Medicine 89 (1998) Despite education campaigns about the health hazards associated with smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco, teenage use of tobacco products has reached epidemic proportions. Recent studies indicate that adolescent smoking is on the rise, and that children are beginning to smoke at progressively earlier ages. Nearly 3,000 young people start... 1998
Kevin F. Ryan CLINGING TO FAILURE: THE RISE AND CONTINUED LIFE OF U.S. DRUG POLICY 32 Law and Society Review 221 (1998) Why do public policies persist in the face of failure? How do certain approaches to public problems gain such a dominance over our patterns of thinking that their lack of success only implies the need for more of the same? Why does the policymaking process become so preoccupied with a narrow range of alternatives, so blinded by a narrow range of... 1998
Corinne A. Carey CRAFTING A CHALLENGE TO THE PRACTICE OF DRUG TESTING WELFARE RECIPIENTS: FEDERAL WELFARE REFORM AND STATE RESPONSE AS THE MOST RECENT CHAPTER IN THE WAR ON DRUGS 46 Buffalo Law Review 281 (WINTER 1998) Autonomy is the death knell of authority, and authority knows it: hence the ceaseless warfare of authority against the exercise, both real and symbolic, of autonomy-that is, against suicide, against masturbation, against self-medication . . . Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are... 1998
Irene Dey DRUG COURIER PROFILES: AN INFRINGEMENT ON FOURTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS 28 University of Baltimore Law Forum 3 (Summer, 1998) Drug courier profiles were developed in the early 1970s as part of an effort to reduce the flow of drugs into the United States. The profiles gained wide use by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) at airports and, due to their success, gained much popularity with state and local law enforcement agencies. Although there is no national drug courier... 1998
DOUGLAS A. BERMAN, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University College of Law EDITOR'S OBSERVATIONS Federal Sentencing Reporter (February 1, 1998) As the guidelines enter their second decade, the evolution of federal sentencing policy and practice is now as important, if not more important, than the decisions made by Congress and the Sentencing Commission when the guidelines were first enacted. Two matters that have evolved into long-term controversies the disparate penalties for crack and... 1998
John F. Galliher , David P. Keys , Michael Elsner LINDESMITH V. ANSLINGER: AN EARLY GOVERNMENT VICTORY IN THE FAILED WAR ON DRUGS 88 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 661 (Winter 1998) The late Alfred Lindesmith was an Indiana University sociology professor who was a long-time advocate of medical treatment of addiction. We demonstrate below how the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) attempted to intimidate Lindesmith, stifle his research, and interfere with his publication of articles counter to FBN policies. In addition, we argue... 1998
Jaime A. Wilsker ONE-HALF PHEN IN THE MORNING/ ONE FEN BEFORE DINNER: A PROPOSAL FOR FDA REGULATION OF OFF-LABEL USES OF DRUGS 6 Journal of Law & Policy 795 (1998) When a nearly untested drug combination enters the obesity market in a country where people are willing to try almost anything that promises to help them shed pounds, you have a potential disaster on your hands. Desperation leads people to the miracle bottle for a quick fix weight loss drug like fen-phen. It's not just being able to wear shorts... 1998
William J. Stuntz RACE, CLASS, AND DRUGS 98 Columbia Law Review 1795 (November, 1998) Urban crack markets have received more police attention than markets for cocaine powder, and crack buyers and sellers have received harsher punishments than powder buyers and sellers. Crack defendants are largely black; powder defendants are not. Some say this divide is simply racist. Others say the system actually helps black communities by... 1998
Richard C. Boldt REHABILITATIVE PUNISHMENT AND THE DRUG TREATMENT COURT MOVEMENT 76 Washington University Law Quarterly 1205 (Winter, 1998) Introduction. 1206 I. Twentieth Century Rehabilitative Penal Practice in the United States. 1218 A. The Development and Repudiation of the Rehabilitative Ideal. 1219 B. The Practical Critique. 1223 1. The Problems of Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Prognosis. 1224 2. The Problems of Indeterminacy and Discretion. 1230 C. The Theoretical Perspective of... 1998
Vernellia R. Randall SMOKING, THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY, AND THE PROPOSED NATIONAL TOBACCO SETTLEMENT 29 University of Toledo Law Review 677 (Summer, 1998) Dedicated to the Memory of Ernest Randall 1916-1995 My great-grandfather, Manlis Randle, lived to be ninety-four years old; my grandfather, Tom Randall, the youngest child of slaves, lived to be ninety-seven years old. My father, an educated black man of the twentieth century, lived only to seventy-nine. He died of cancer after smoking cigarettes... 1998
Tracey L. Meares SOCIAL ORGANIZATION AND DRUG LAW ENFORCEMENT 35 American Criminal Law Review 191 (Winter 1998) I. Introduction. 191 II. Community Social Organization Theory and the Current Drug-Law Enforcement Regime. 194 A. A Theory of Community Social Organization. 194 B. Tough Sentences and Social Organization Improvement?. 198 C. Tough Sentences and Social Organization Disruption?. 205 D. Stigma, Linked Fate, and Multiple Roles: The Current Drug-Law... 1998
Patricia A. Davidson TALES FROM THE TOBACCO WARS: INDUSTRY ADVERTISING TARGETS TEENAGE GIRLS 13 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 1 (Spring 1998) Startling statistics on youth smoking prompted the Surgeon General to label smoking a pediatric epidemic in her 1994 report. Relying on this data and new evidence that the tobacco industry intended their tobacco products to affect the structure and function of the body, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asserted jurisdiction over tobacco... 1998
Joni Hersch TEEN SMOKING BEHAVIOR AND THE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 47 Duke Law Journal 1143 (April, 1998) Professor Hersch argues that most state regulations aimed at fighting teen smoking have had little or no effect. She provides evidence that despite widespread age restrictions on purchasing tobacco, most teens do not consider it difficult for minors to purchase tobacco products within their community. She also presents evidence demonstrating a... 1998
Honorable Jack B. Weinstein , Mae C. Quinn TERRY, RACE, AND JUDICIAL INTEGRITY: THE COURT AND SUPPRESSION DURING THE WAR ON DRUGS 72 Saint John's Law Review 1323 (Summer-Fall 1998) Thirty years ago the Supreme Court announced the stop and frisk rule that has become so much a part of modern criminal jurisprudence. Since then, commentators argue, the liberal and lenient Terry v. Ohio standard has been utilized to justify race-based stops by many law enforcement officers. In responding to Professor Tracey Maclin's concerns... 1998
Richard Curtis THE IMPROBABLE TRANSFORMATION OF INNER-CITY NEIGHBORHOODS: CRIME, VIOLENCE, DRUGS, AND YOUTH IN THE 1990S 88 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1233 (Summer, 1998) The reduction of crime was startling because it contradicted two powerful assumptions about life in the United States. The first was that cities were becoming progressively more dangerous places to live. In this formulation, not only were Americans more at risk for becoming victims of violent crime, they were also more likely to become perpetrators... 1998
Robin A. Longaker WARNING: YOUR TOBACCO SPONSORSHIP MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO OUR NATION'S HEALTH 5 Villanova Sports and Entertainment Law Journal 165 (1998) I'll tell you why I like the cigarette business. It costs a penny to make. Sell it for a dollar. It's addictive. And there's fantastic brand loyalty. Events such as Nascar's Winston Cup, World Cup Soccer, Cigarette boat races, America's Cup, Wimbledon and the Superbowl display an array of athletic achievement and are known world wide.... 1998
Scott D. Matthews WILL NASCAR HAVE TO PUT ON THE BRAKES?: THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE FDA'S BAN ON BRAND-NAME TOBACCO SPONSORSHIP IN MOTOR SPORTS 31 Indiana Law Review 219 (1998) They come in their motor homes and pick-up trucks, the working class and the wealthy alike. Some come with coolers full of beer. Some come in tee shirts sporting their hero. Some come with no shirts at all. But they all come for the same reason-to see cars blaze around a race track at nearly two-hundred miles per hour; to see their favorite driver... 1998
David H. Angeli A "SECOND LOOK" AT CRACK COCAINE SENTENCING POLICIES: ONE MORE TRY FOR FEDERAL EQUAL PROTECTION 34 American Criminal Law Review 1211 (Spring, 1997) I. L2-3,T3Introduction 1211 II. L2-3,T3The Totality of Relevant Facts': A Reexamination of History, Policy Objectives, and Foreseeable Disparate Impact 1217 A. Foreseeability of Disparate Impact. 1218 B. The Racial Fears Historically Embodied in Federal Drug Laws.. 1221 C. Events Leading to the Passage of Cocaine Sentencing Provisions. 1223 D.... 1997
Gregory D. Bassuk ADVERTISING RIGHTS AND INDUSTRY FIGHTS: A CONSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS OF TOBACCO ADVERTISING RESTRICTIONS IN A FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE SETTLEMENT OF TOBACCO INDUSTRY LITIGATION 85 Georgetown Law Journal 715 (February, 1997) A sweeping legislative proposal that would bar lawsuits against the tobacco industry for the next fifteen years and immunize cigarette manufacturers from regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been quietly circulating on Capitol Hill. For years, tobacco industry leaders, lawmakers, and antismoking groups have considered how to... 1997
Tracey L. Meares CHARTING RACE AND CLASS DIFFERENCES IN ATTITUDES TOWARD DRUG LEGALIZATION AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: LESSONS FOR FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAW 1 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 137 (1997) America's drug problem manifests itself in many ways. Illegal drugs are linked to high crime levels, high imprisonment rates, and wasted lives. The harms associated with drugs and drug law enforcement disproportionately affect African Americans. Increasingly the answer to the drug problem is presented in terms of a debate between the supporters of... 1997
Cristian M. Stevens CRITICISM OF CRACK COCAINE SENTENCES IS NOT WHAT IT IS CRACKED UP TO BE: A CASE OF FIRST IMPRESSION WITHIN THE ONGOING CRACK VS. COCAINE DEBATE 62 Missouri Law Review 869 (Fall 1997) In United States v. Jackson, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit held that the sentencing provisions of 21 U.S.C. S 841 are unambiguous, and declined to apply the rule of lenity to reduce the defendant's sentence. Although the narrow issue of the alleged ambiguity of the sentencing provisions was an issue of first impression,... 1997
Mark Parts DISEASE PREVENTION AS DRUG POLICY: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON THE CASE FOR LEGAL ACCESS TO STERILE SYRINGES AS A MEANS OF REDUCING DRUG-RELATED HARM 24 Fordham Urban Law Journal 475 (Spring 1997) Invention of the modern hypodermic syringe in the mid-1800s is generally attributed to Dr. Alexander Wood of Edinburgh. By the employment of this instrument and the injection of morphine and other derivatives of opium under the skin, it was thought that the so-called opium appetite would not be stimulated, as it was by oral administration. Heroin... 1997
Julie S. Thomerson DRUG SENTENCING 74 Denver University Law Review 435 (1997) Most of the recent controversy regarding drug sentencing arises from inconsistencies between statutory minimums and the relatively new Sentencing Guidelines (Guidelines) promulgated by the Federal Sentencing Commission. Where the two conflict, courts have exercised judicial discretion to determine the appropriate standard. This has created... 1997
Andrew N. Sacher INEQUITIES OF THE DRUG WAR: LEGISLATIVE DISCRIMINATION ON THE COCAINE BATTLEFIELD 19 Cardozo Law Review 1149 (December, 1997) There are no living communities which do not have some notions of justice, beyond their historic laws, by which they seek to gauge the justice of their legislative enactments. America's War on Drugs commenced in 1982. Congress subsequently created the United States Sentencing Commission through the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 with the express... 1997
Donald W. Garner , Richard J. Whitney PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM JOE CAMEL AND HIS FRIENDS: A NEW FIRST AMENDMENT AND FEDERAL PREEMPTION ANALYSIS OF TOBACCO BILLBOARD REGULATION 46 Emory Law Journal 479 (Spring 1997) Since the following Article was completed, a Supreme Court decision and a proposed comprehensive settlement of tobacco liability have given its central thesis added force and importance. First, the U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari to the alcohol and billboard companies that sought review of the Fourth Circuit's opinions in Anheuser-Busch, Inc.... 1997
Bradford J. Patrick SNUFFING OUT THE FIRST AMENDMENT: THE FDA REGULATION OF TOBACCO COMPANY ADVERTISING AND SPORTS SPONSORSHIPS UNDER THE FEDERAL FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT. 8 Marquette Sports Law Journal 139 (Fall 1997) Cigarette smoking did not become a large part of society in America until around 1910, when the Camel brand, the first blended tobacco cigarette, was introduced by R.J. Reynolds. After peaking in the mid-1950s, consumption of all forms of tobacco has continued to drop. In 1955, the National Cancer Institute conducted the first large-scale... 1997
Joseph L. Gastwirth , Tapan K. Nayak STATISTICAL ASPECTS OF CASES CONCERNING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN DRUG SENTENCING: STEPHENS v. STATE AND U.S. v. ARMSTRONG 87 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 583 (Winter 1997) Statistical evidence has been accepted in a wide variety of legal cases, including trademark confusion, product liability, and jury and employment discrimination. Recently, statistics introduced on behalf of defendants who have challenged the fairness of sentencing practices have been poorly received by courts, as compared to their acceptability in... 1997
Wayne L. Mowery, Jr. STEPPING UP THE WAR ON DRUGS: PROSECUTION AND ENHANCED SENTENCES FOR CONSPIRACIES TO POSSESS OR DISTRIBUTE DRUGS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL SCHOOLYARD STATUTES 101 Dickinson Law Review 703 (Summer 1997) Drug abuse cuts across all cultural, racial, and economic lines and impairs millions of Americans. Drug use is inextricably linked to crime and violence, and contributes to the breakdown of our families, the abuse of children and adults, the spread of the AIDS virus, school dropouts and the declining quality of education, homelessness, urban decay,... 1997
Juan R. Torruella THE "WAR ON DRUGS": ONE JUDGE'S ATTEMPT AT A RATIONAL DISCUSSION 14 Yale Journal on Regulation 235 (Winter 1997) (E)ver since (Columbus mistook his discovery for the islands off Asia), the American continent has existed between dream and reality, in a divorce between the good society that we desire and the imperfect society in which we really live. --Mexican author Carlos Fuentes, former ambassador to the United States and the United Nations Introduction Our... 1997
Mark J. Kadish THE DRUG COURIER PROFILE: IN PLANES, TRAINS, AND AUTOMOBILES; AND NOW IN THE JURY BOX 46 American University Law Review 747 (February, 1997) Introduction. 748 I. Drug Courier Profile and the Fourth Amendment. 753 II. Beyond the Fourth Amendment: Drug Courier Profile Evidence in the Courtroom. 760 A. The Majority: Profile Evidence is Inadmissible as Substantive Evidence of Guilt. 761 B. Exceptions for Admissibility of Drug Courier Profile Evidence . 762 1. Rebuttal evidence. 763 2.... 1997
Lawrence O. Gostin THE EPIDEMICS OF INJECTING DRUG USE AND BLOOD-BORNE DISEASE: A PUBLIC HEALTH PERSPECTIVE 31 Valparaiso University Law Review 669 (Spring, 1997) The twin epidemics of injecting drug use and blood-borne disease threaten both public health and social structure. The drug-related health problems of the estimated 1.5 million injecting drug users (IDUs) in the United States range from blood-borne infections to physical deterioration and death. The most comprehensive longitudinal study among IDUs... 1997
Joe R. Hinojosa THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION'S FINAL RULE ON TOBACCO ADVERTISING IS ALL BUTT FINAL: COMMERCIAL SPEECH DOCTRINE WILL BE TESTED ONCE MORE UNDER A STRICTER CENTRAL HUDSON ANALYSIS IN THE AFTERMATH OF 44 LIQUORMART, INC. v. RHODE ISLAND 28 Saint Mary's Law Journal 729 (1997) I. Introduction. 730 II. The FDA's Role in Protecting the American Public. 738 A. Restrictive Medical Devices and the FDA's Regulation of Tobacco. 738 B. Snuffing out Tobacco's Grip on American Children. 740 III. Jurisprudential History of Commercial Speech. 747 A. Summary of the Commercial Speech Doctrine. 747 B. The Central Hudson Test. 751 C. 44... 1997
Nkechi Taifa BEYOND INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM: "THE GENOCIDAL IMPACT OF EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE & JUDICIAL DECISION–MAKING IN THE CRACK COCAINE FIASCO" 10–OCT NBA National Bar Association Magazine 13 (September/October, 1996) During heated debate on the floor of the House of Representatives on the crack cocaine issue last year, Representative Maxine Waters conveyed comments of frustration from her constituents disparaging the prevalence of crack cocaine in their communities: Ms. Waters, why do they not get the big drug dealers?, she quoted them as asking. What is... 1996
William Spade, Jr. BEYOND THE 100:1 RATIO: TOWARDS A RATIONAL COCAINE SENTENCING POLICY 38 Arizona Law Review 1233 (Winter, 1996) It may profit us very little to win the war on drugs if in the process we lose our soul. In the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, Congress directed the United States Sentencing Commission (Sentencing Commission or Commission) to study federal sentencing policy as it relates to possession and distribution of all forms of... 1996
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