Kalyn Heyen DRUG COURT DISCRIMINATION: DISCRETIONARY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA IMPEDES THE LEGISLATIVE GOAL TO PROVIDE EQUAL AND EFFECTIVE ACCESS TO TREATMENT ASSISTANCE 43 Cardozo Law Review 2509 (August, 2022) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 2510 I. Background. 2513 A. The United States's Initial Approach to Substance Use Disorder. 2513 B. The Utilization of United States Drug Courts in Response. 2515 1. The Functioning of United States Drug Courts. 2515 2. An Illustration of the Drug Court Process. 2517 3. Eligibility Criteria. 2519 C. The Reality... 2022
Michael R. Ulrich E-RACING TOBACCO & NICOTINE-RELATED HEALTH DISPARITIES 77 Food & Drug Law Journal 219 (2022) In the past, tobacco companies used targeted advertising to integrate menthol cigarettes and addict the Black community, generating tobacco-related health disparities. As Juul has come under attack, they have utilized the tobacco playbook to protect itself and deflect criticism by donating to a historically Black medical school and recruiting... 2022
Michele I. Naples ESTIMATING THE SAVINGS FROM DECRIMINALIZING DRUG CONSUMPTION: THE CASE OF NEW JERSEY 19 Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 353 (Spring, 2022) Decriminalizing drugs means ending the Drug War against users, and permits reallocating its resources to public health and community restoration. While Oregon recently passed decriminalization, New Jersey has taken a piecemeal approach for twenty-five years. This study assesses that history, the shape of the prison-industrial complex born of the... 2022
Daniel A. Kracov EUGENICS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF U.S. FOOD AND DRUG LAW 77 Food & Drug Law Journal 135 (2022) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its core statutory authorities have a complex and storied history. Historians and lawyers recounting the agency's early development--which roughly spanned from the debates culminating in the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 to the enactment of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938--typically cite... 2022
Douglas A. Berman , Alex Fraga HOW STATE REFORMS HAVE MELLOWED FEDERAL ENFORCEMENT OF MARIJUANA PROHIBITION 49 Fordham Urban Law Journal 675 (March, 2022) Introduction. 675 I. A Short History of Intersecting Federal and State Marijuana Prohibitions and Reforms. 677 II. Modern Federal Marijuana Enforcement and Sentencing. 683 A. The Decline in Federal Marijuana Sentences. 685 B. The Impact and Import of Many Fewer Federal Marijuana Sentences. 686 C. Changes in Rates of Convictions. 687 D. Changes in... 2022
Scott Bloomberg , Robert A. Mikos LEGALIZATION WITHOUT DISRUPTION: WHY CONGRESS SHOULD LET STATES RESTRICT INTERSTATE COMMERCE IN MARIJUANA 49 Pepperdine Law Review 839 (2022) Over the past twenty-five years, states have developed elaborate regulatory systems to govern lawful marijuana markets. In designing these systems, states have assumed that the Dormant Commerce Clause (DCC) does not apply; Congress, after all, has banned all commerce in marijuana. However, the states' reprieve from the doctrine may soon come to an... 2022
Julie M. Whitson MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION: CHILD-CENTERED CONSIDERATIONS IN TEXAS FAMILY LAW MATTERS 53 Saint Mary's Law Journal 883 (2022) I. Introduction. 885 II. Background of Marijuana & History of the Law in the U.S. and Texas. 886 III. Overview of Child Custody Considerations in Texas. 890 IV. What is Currently Legal in Texas. 892 A. CBD Products May Play a Role in Texas Family Law Cases. 898 V. Future Legalization in Texas. 903 A. A Child-Centered View of Texas's Proposed... 2022
David Angelatos MISINFORMATION ABOUT MARIJUANA: COMMERCIALIZATION, CONSOLIDATION, AND THE NEW FIRST AMENDMENT 71 American University Law Review 2157 (August, 2022) From Reefer Madness to This Is Your Brain on Drugs, Americans have lived through decades of anti-cannabis propaganda. Legalization is poised to turn this information environment on its head, unleashing a torrent of corporate-funded, pro-cannabis misinformation that regulators cannot prevent or dispel. This appears to be a problem caused by the... 2022
Jennifer Lee Barrow RECIDIVISM REFORMATION: ELIMINATING DRUG PREDICATES 135 Harvard Law Review Forum 418 (20-May-22) The Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) imposes a minimum fifteen-year sentence for violating 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) after three violent felony or serious drug offense convictions. The ACCA disproportionately impacts people of color and imposes significant costs on the federal judiciary and the criminal justice system overall. This Essay contributes... 2022
Tessa Ptucha RE-DIRECTING THE 50-YEAR-LONG WAR ON DRUGS IN THE UNITED STATES: SAFE INJECTION SITES AS THE NECESSARY WEAPONS 50 Hofstra Law Review 929 (Summer, 2022) Just north of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, locals from the town of Kensington watched their quaint community transform into the epicenter of the opioid crisis in less than forty years. Since 2007, more people report using the non-prescription opioid, heroin, each year in the United States--with an all-time high of 948,000 (reported) opioid users... 2022
André Douglas Pond Cummings , Steven A. Ramirez ROADMAP FOR ANTI-RACISM: FIRST UNWIND THE WAR ON DRUGS NOW 96 Tulane Law Review 469 (February, 2022) I. Introduction. 469 II. A Short History of the War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration. 475 III. The Devastation Suffered in Communities of Color. 486 A. Direct Economic Costs of the War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration. 487 B. Government Expenditures. 488 C. Economic and Psychological Costs on Families of Color. 490 D. Indirect Costs of the War on... 2022
Evelyn L.A. Jackson SAFE INJECTION FACILITIES: RECONSIDERING AMERICAN DRUG POLICY 63 Boston College Law Review 1467 (April, 2022) Abstract: On January 12, 2021, in United States v. Safehouse, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that supervised injection facilities-- sites where medical professionals monitor injection drug use--violate the Crack House Statute. The legality of supervised injection facilities was a matter of first impression at the circuit... 2022
Sarah Brady Siff TARGETED MARIJUANA LAW ENFORCEMENT IN LOS ANGELES, 1914-1959 49 Fordham Urban Law Journal 643 (March, 2022) Introduction. 643 I. Anti-Mexican Aims of the First Marijuana Ban. 644 II. Marijuana Was a Whole Different Thing Back Then. 648 III. From Bad to Worse: Racialized Enforcement and New Policing Strategies. 654 IV. Cultural Conquest: Targeting the Hip and Famous. 658 V. Escalation of Unconstitutional Enforcement. 667 Conclusion: Confronting the Legacy... 2022
André Douglas Pond Cummings , Steven A. Ramirez THE ILLINOIS CANNABIS SOCIAL-EQUITY PROGRAM: TOWARD A SOCIALLY JUST PEACE IN THE WAR ON DRUGS? 53 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 793 (Summer, 2022) Laudably, when Illinois legalized the recreational use of cannabis, it also sought to repair the damage wrought by the War on Drugs (WOD) through its social-equity initiatives. That harm included excessive and disproportionate incarceration in communities of color, over-policing within those communities, and all of the social and economic harms... 2022
Lauren Williams , Samuel D. Hodge, Jr. THE IMPLICATIONS OF LEGALIZED MARIJUANA ON ESTABLISHING PROBABLE CAUSE FOR A WARRANTLESS SEARCH 66 Saint Louis University Law Journal 267 (Winter, 2022) The amount of money and legal energy being given to prosecute hundreds of thousands of Americans who are caught with a few ounces of marijuana in their jeans simply makes no sense - the kindest way to put it. A sterner way to put it is that it is an outrage, an imposition on basic civil liberties and on the reasonable expenditure of social... 2022
Taleed El-Sabawi, Jennifer Oliva THE INFLUENCE OF WHITE EXCEPTIONALISM ON DRUG WAR DISCOURSE 94 Temple Law Review 649 (Summer, 2022) For much of its history, the United States has adopted a punitive approach to escalating overdose rates and addiction through the prohibition or stringent regulation of drugs deemed dangerous or habit forming. The policy tools used to support this approach rely on criminal punishment for the possession and sale of such substances and are based on... 2022
André Douglas Pond Cummings, Steven A. Ramirez THE RACIST ROOTS OF THE WAR ON DRUGS & THE MYTH OF EQUAL PROTECTION FOR PEOPLE OF COLOR 44 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review 453 (Spring, 2022) By 2021, the costs and pain arising from the propagation of the American racial hierarchy reached such heights that calls for anti-racism and criminal justice reform dramatically expanded. The brutal murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police vividly proved that the social construction of race in America directly conflicted with supposed... 2022
Alessandro Clark-Ansani THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL RACIAL ANIMUS BEHIND FEDERAL MARIJUANA CRIMINALIZATION 7/29/2022 University of Chicago Law Review Online 1 (29-Jul-22) In August 2021, the Honorable Miranda M. Du, Chief Judge for the district court of the District of Nevada, struck down 8 U.S.C § 1326, the federal criminal statute that addresses illegal reentry into the United States. That groundbreaking decision, United States v. Carrillo-Lopez (D. Nev. 2021), relied on the test established in Village of... 2022
Thomas Salazar TRIP OR TREAT: PSYCHEDELIC DRUG REFORM IN CALIFORNIA 53 University of the Pacific Law Review 321 (January, 2022) Heath and Safety Code §§ 11350.1, 11377.1 (new), §§ 11054, 11150.2, 11350, 11364, 11364.7, 11365, 11377, 11379, 11382, 11550 (amended), § 131065 (new), § 11999 (repealed), Article 7 (commencing with § 11390) of Chapter 6 of Division 10 (repealed). SB 519 (Wiener); In Committee Process. C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 321 II. Legal... 2022
Alexis S. Hughes UNEQUAL JUSTICE: WHY FEDERAL COURTS SHOULD ADOPT THE INDIVIDUALIZED APPROACH TO SENTENCING DEFENDANTS CONVICTED OF DRUG CONSPIRACY 72 American University Law Review Forum 19 (October, 2022) For several decades, the Federal Circuit Courts have been split about how to sentence defendants convicted of drug conspiracy under 21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841. While some circuits hold defendants strictly liable for all the drugs dealt by all members of the conspiracy, other circuits take a fundamentally different approach: they hold individuals... 2022
Mark Osler WHAT WE GOT WRONG IN THE WAR ON DRUGS 17 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 968 (Spring, 2022) On Friday morning of each week for two years, my phone would ring and each time I would hesitate to answer. The caller was a man named Ronald Blount, an inmate at the federal prison in Beaumont, Texas. I was his lawyer, working on his petition for clemency. I hesitated to answer, because week after week I had no good news to share. Mr. Blount was... 2022
Ryan C. Griffith, Esq. A BREATH OF FRESH AIR: A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT LEGALIZING MARIJUANA THROUGH AN ARTICLE V CONVENTION OF THE STATES 16 University of Massachusetts Law Review 275 (Spring, 2021) Criminal enforcement of anti-marijuana laws by the United States federal government has been non-sensical for more than twenty years. Culminating, ultimately, in an anomaly within American jurisprudence when California legalized marijuana in 1996 in direct violation of federal law, yet the federal government did little to stop it. Since then, a... 2021
Sarah Brady Siff, Visiting Assistant Professor, Drug Enforcement & Policy Center, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University A HISTORY OF EARLY DRUG SENTENCES IN CALIFORNIA: RACISM, RIGHTISM, REPEAT Federal Sentencing Reporter (October 1, 2021) For the past hundred years, harsh drug sentences have had extraordinary support from the public. Historically, enthusiasm for drug prohibition often coincides with affinities for summary justice and authoritarian social control. Escalations of drug sentences in California from 1881 to 1961 followed a pattern of collective myth making and value... 2021
Madison Standon APPLYING THE "WAR ON TERROR" TO THE "WAR ON DRUGS:" THE LEGAL IMPLICATIONS AND BENEFITS OF RECATEGORIZING LATIN AMERICAN DRUG CARTELS AS FOREIGN TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS 22 San Diego International Law Journal 365 (Spring, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 366 A. A Brief History About the War on Drugs. 368 B. The Current International War on Drugs is Ineffective. 370 C. A Brief History About the War on Terror. 372 II. Applicable Law. 375 A. Domestic Laws. 375 1. Terrorism Laws. 375 a. Statutory Law. 375 b. Case Law. 377 2. Drug Laws. 379 B. International Laws.... 2021
Maximilian Plail BANK ACCESS FOR MARIJUANA COMPANIES (BANNED AT FEDERAL LEVEL EVEN THOUGH MARIJUANA IS INCREASINGLY LEGAL AT U.S. STATE LEVEL) 4 Wayne State University Journal of Business Law 132 (2021) Currently, no field of law is giving rise to as many issues as marijuana legislation, with its conflict between the increasing legalization of marijuana by U.S. states, on the one hand, and the strict prohibition of marijuana-related activities under federal law, on the other. Despite the need for change, there is no comparable study that explores... 2021
Julie Andersen Hill CANNABIS BANKING: WHAT MARIJUANA CAN LEARN FROM HEMP 101 Boston University Law Review 1043 (May, 2021) Marijuana-related businesses have banking problems. Many banks explain that, because marijuana is illegal under federal law, they will not serve the industry. Even when marijuana-related businesses can open bank accounts, they still have trouble accepting credit cards and getting loans. Some hope to fix marijuana's banking problems with changes to... 2021
Katie Jaggers CORRECTING INJUSTICES: EXPUNGING PRIOR MARIJUANA CONVICTIONS IS KENTUCKY'S NEXT BEST STEP TOWARDS RESTORATIVE JUSTICE 48 Northern Kentucky Law Review 385 (2021) Imagine a society that allows one person to openly and legally possess a substance while another person serves a prison sentence after being convicted of the crime of having that same substance. This society exists today in Kentucky, and the unfairness this causes could become even starker going forward. As public opinion towards marijuana use... 2021
Miki Saito DECRIMINALIZE DRUGS NOW: A DIRE SITUATION BECOMES MUCH MORE URGENT 20 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 357 (Fall, 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has unquestionably impacted many communities. It has revealed inadequacies in social protection systems that purport to support vulnerable individuals, such as those experiencing homelessness and poverty, those living with disabilities, and those experiencing drug addiction. Although drug overdose deaths decreased from 2017 to... 2021
Leslie E. Scott DRUG DECRIMINALIZATION, ADDICTION, AND MASS INCARCERATION: A THEORIES OF PUNISHMENT FRAMEWORK FOR ENDING THE "WAR ON DRUGS" 48 Northern Kentucky Law Review 267 (2021) The United States is home to less than five percent of the world's population, but nearly a quarter of its incarcerated population, with more than 2.1 million people incarcerated in state and federal prisons and local jails in 2019, a number that dropped to 1.8 million by mid-2020 due largely to the Covid-19 pandemic and pressure from advocates to... 2021
Alexander Clementi HIGH TIME FOR A CHANGE: HOW THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SIGNATORY COUNTRIES AND THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTIONS GOVERNING NARCOTIC DRUGS MUST ADAPT TO FOSTER A GLOBAL SHIFT IN CANNABIS LAW 46 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 603 (2021) Twenty-six-year-old DeMarcus Sanders of Waterloo, Iowa was pulled over by a police officer for playing his radio too loudly. What should have been a routine traffic stop turned into a life-altering arrest when the police officer searched Sanders' car and found marijuana. After pleading guilty, Sanders was sentenced to thirty days in jail, during... 2021
Alexandra J. Messmore INCARCERATION RATES AND THE EVOLUTION OF ANTI-DRUG POLICY IN THE UNITED STATES: IS INCARCERATION THE ANSWER? 44 American Journal of Trial Advocacy 457 (Spring, 2021) The United States leads the world in many things, including incarceration rates. Combining the number of persons incarcerated in state and federal prisons, 419 out of every 100,000 United States residents were incarcerated at the end of 2019. How did the United States, a country that prides itself on freedom, become the world's incarceration... 2021
Alessandra Dumenigo LET'S MAKE SOME "SCENTS" OF OUR FOURTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS: THE DISCRIMINATORY TRUTHS BEHIND USING THE MERE SMELL OF BURNT MARIJUANA AS PROBABLE CAUSE TO SEARCH A VEHICLE 33 Saint Thomas Law Review 283 (Spring, 2021) On March 13, 2018, Jason Serrano, who was recovering from abdominal surgery at the time, was riding in the passenger seat of his friend's car when they were pulled over by New York Police Department Officer Kyle Erickson for a broken taillight. Officer Erickson approached the car and claimed that he smelled marijuana emanating from the vehicle.... 2021
Benjamin M. Leff MARIJUANA TAXATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE 101 Boston University Law Review 915 (May, 2021) Marijuana legalization creates a host of complex legal problems, not the least of which is how to best tax the emerging legal market. This Essay attempts to bridge the gap between tax theory and marijuana policy to make some modest claims. First, it roots the discussion of state-level marijuana taxation in the theoretical distinction between... 2021
Elizabeth Cecilia DeVivo NOT SO DOPE: MARIJUANA LAWS SHOULD INCLUDE "CONDUCT SPECIFIC" LANGUAGE TO PREVENT UNJUSTIFIED CHILD NEGLECT PETITIONS AGAINST POT-SMOKING PARENTS 59 Family Court Review 371 (April, 2021) The substance of marijuana is becoming legal in an increasing number of states. With the rise in legallity of marijuana comes a question of how will child protective agencies treat marijuana use by a parent or guardian. Family courts have continued to use the actual harm standard to determine child abuse and neglect. In addition to that standard,... 2021
Anni Bangiev OPIUM'S LONG SHADOW: FROM ASIAN REVOLT TO GLOBAL DRUG CONTROL. BY STEFFEN RIMMER. CAMBRIDGE, MA: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2018. PP X, 373. $39.95 (HARDCOVER) 53 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 708 (Winter, 2021) Steffen Rimmer's Opium's Long Shadow: From Asian Revolt to Global Drug Control recounts nearly a century's worth of political, legal, and moral battles waged over opium trafficking that culminated in the global drug control mechanism of the League of Nations in 1920. Opium's Long Shadow shows how public opinion can cross borders and oceans to... 2021
Benjamin L. Chanenson, Intern, Drug Enforcement Policy Center, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law OVERVIEW OF STATE SENTENCING COMMISSIONS' DRUG DATA REPORTING PRACTICES Federal Sentencing Reporter (April 1, 2021) Data are essential for good sentencing policy. It is impossible to act intelligently without knowing what is happening on the ground. This is especially true with drug offenses, which drive a significant portion of prosecutions and sentences every year. Accessible, high-quality drug-conviction and sentencing data enable sentencing commissions and... 2021
Colleen M. Berryessa, Assistant Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR USING "SECOND CHANCE" MECHANISMS TO RECONSIDER LONG-TERM PRISON SENTENCES FOR DRUG CRIMES Federal Sentencing Reporter (October 1, 2021) For over fifty years, the growth in the U.S. prison population has been fueled by increasing sentence lengths for drug crimes, leading to an era of hyperincarceration of offenders sentenced under get-tough drug-control strategies. Yet, in recent years, policy and public sentiment have changed toward drug-related crimes, and growing critiques of... 2021
Emily V. Shaw , Mona Lynch , Sofia Laguna , Steven J. Frenda RACE, WITNESS CREDIBILITY, AND JURY DELIBERATION IN A SIMULATED DRUG TRAFFICKING TRIAL 45 Law and Human Behavior 215 (June, 2021) Objective: The present study integrates several distinct lines of jury decision-making research by examining how the racial identities of the defendant and an informant witness interact in a federal drug conspiracy trial scenario and by assessing whether jurors' individual racial identity and jury group racial composition influence their judgments.... 2021
Jelani Jefferson Exum RECONSTRUCTION SENTENCING: REIMAGINING DRUG SENTENCING IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE WAR ON DRUGS 58 American Criminal Law Review 1685 (Fall, 2021) L1-2Introduction . L31685 I. The Need for Reconstruction: Then and Now. 1687 II. Understanding the War on Drugs: The Weapons, The Tactics, and the Casualties. 1691 III. Why Interpretation Matters: A Lesson from the Thirteenth Amendment. 1698 A. The Thirteenth Amendment: Original Interpretation. 1698 B. Reinterpreting the Thirteenth Amendment: An... 2021
Olivia Mirich STRIKING MARIJUANA RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS IS SWEETER WITH TENNESSEE WINE 49 Capital University Law Review 619 (Fall, 2021) Once President Richard Nixon took office as the 37th President of the United States of America, he declared a War on Drugs in the country. This War is just one of the many campaigns used by the federal government in the past century that has encompassed the prohibition of nonmedical use of certain mind-altering substances for the past century.... 2021
Samuel D. Hodge, Jr. , Lauren Williams THE DOPE ON MARIJUANA CONSUMPTION AND IMPAIRED DRIVING 70 Cleveland State Law Review 47 (2021) Marijuana is the most frequently used psychotropic drug in the United States, following alcohol consumption. Its use is becoming socially acceptable as more and more states legalize recreational consumption. Nevertheless, marijuana is still a drug, and individuals must understand that it has adverse health effects and potential therapeutic... 2021
Michael Vitiello THE END OF THE WAR ON DRUGS, THE PEACE DIVIDEND AND THE RENEWED FOURTH AMENDMENT? 73 Oklahoma Law Review 285 (Winter, 2021) The War on Drugs profoundly eroded the Fourth Amendment. D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Harry T. Edwards summed it up in the midst of the War when he expressed his growing concern about the degree to which individual rights and liberties appear to be falling victim to the Government's War on Drugs. Scholars have identified many areas where... 2021
Michelle A. Kain THE IMPACT OF MARIJUANA DECRIMINALIZATION ON LEGAL PERMANENT RESIDENTS: WHY LEGALIZING MARIJUANA AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL SHOULD BE A HIGH PRIORITY 62 Boston College Law Review 2057 (June, 2021) Although the federal government has remained firmly committed to prohibiting marijuana, many states have legalized the drug for either medical or recreational use. Others have merely decriminalized it, lowering the penalties associated with its use such that defendants charged with marijuana-related offenses are less likely to face... 2021
Michael Vitiello THE WAR ON DRUGS: MORAL PANIC AND EXCESSIVE SENTENCES 69 Cleveland State Law Review 441 (2021) The United States' War on Drugs has not been pretty. Moral panic has repeatedly driven policy when states and the federal government have regulated drugs. Responding to that panic, legislators have authorized severe sentences for drug offenses. By design, Article III gives federal judges independence, in part, to protect fundamental rights against... 2021
Dawn Fritz TIMBS v. INDIANA: CIVIL FORFEITURE, RACISM, AND THE WAR ON DRUGS 98 Denver Law Review Forum 1 (May 14, 2021) Law enforcement seized more than $2.5 billion in cash through a federal civil forfeiture program between September 2001 and September 2014. In some states, the government can seize your car over a single marijuana joint. In 2009, a man killed himself trying to avoid the civil forfeiture of his 40 acre farm. He grew and used marijuana for chronic... 2021
Micah L. Berman TOBACCO LITIGATION, E-CIGARETTES, AND THE CIGARETTE ENDGAME 13 Northeastern University Law Review 219 (Winter, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction 221 I. Tobacco Litigation, E-Cigarettes, and the Tobacco Industry's Rhetorical Shift 226 A. Tobacco Litigation 226 B. E-Cigarettes 229 C. The Tobacco Industry's New Rhetoric 234 II. Tobacco Industry E-Cigarette Research 239 A. BAT's Project Ariel 240 B. Philip Morris's Capillary Aerosol Generator 241 C. R.J.... 2021
Dr. Daniel G. Aaron TOBACCO REBORN: THE RISE OF E-CIGARETTES AND REGULATORY APPROACHES 25 Lewis & Clark Law Review 827 (2021) This Article examines e-cigarettes, FDA-regulated products which heat nicotine-containing fluid into an aerosol to be breathed into the lungs. Recent data show that e-cigarettes are used by about one-fifth of U.S. high school students. Given that we have, in the Surgeon General's words, reached an epidemic of youth e-cigarette use, it is worth... 2021
Teneille R. Brown TREATING ADDICTION IN THE CLINIC, NOT THE COURTROOM: USING NEUROSCIENCE AND GENETICS TO ABANDON THE FAILED WAR ON DRUGS 54 Indiana Law Review 29 (2021) The opioid addiction epidemic has been one of the most overwhelming public health crises our country has faced. It has also created a legal crisis, as its aftermath spills over into the criminal, civil, and family courts. One estimate puts its cost to the U.S. economy at over $500 billion in 2015. More than a hundred people die every day from an... 2021
Adeel Bashir , Donna Lee Elm , Federal Public Defender Office, Tampa, Florida, 813-228-2715, Email, Cottonwood, Arizona, 602-299-7022, Email TWO STEPS BACKWARD, FIRST STEP FORWARD: EVOLUTION OF FEDERAL DRUG SENTENCING TO COMPASSIONATE RELEASE 45-FEB Champion 30 (January/February, 2021) To paraphrase a famous saying, the arc of the criminal code is long, but it bends toward justice. For some, the road to justice is straight, taking advantage of Congress's major reforms to undo harsh and outdated laws. For others, justice requires traveling on a twisting road and wading through incremental changes to the criminal code as society... 2021
Kevin J. Fandl UP IN SMOKE: INTERNATIONAL TREATY OBLIGATIONS AND MARIJUANA REFORM IN THE UNITED STATES 58 American Business Law Journal 163 (Spring, 2021) As the number of U.S. states that seek to loosen restrictions on marijuana rapidly increases, a heated debate over state and federal regulation has ignited. But an important component of that debate has been largely absent--are these state efforts placing the United States in violation of its international treaty obligations? This article attempts... 2021
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