Tammy R. Pettinato DEFYING "COMMON SENSE?": THE LEGITIMACY OF APPLYING TITLE VII TO EMPLOYER CRIMINAL RECORDS POLICIES 14 Nevada Law Journal 770 (Summer 2014) Many ex-offenders face steep odds when searching for employment. Policies banning or restricting employment opportunities for those with criminal records are widespread in both the public and private sectors. Furthermore, the number of employers checking criminal backgrounds is growing. Given the disproportionate number of African American and... 2014
Andrea J. Sinclair DELIMITING TITLE VII: REVERSE RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION AND PROXY CLAIMS IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION 67 Vanderbilt Law Review 239 (January, 2014) I. Introduction. 240 II. Anti-Discrimination Law and Constitutional Values. 243 A. A Crossroads of Constitutional Principles. 244 1. Religious Expression. 244 2. Privacy. 245 3. Equality. 245 B. Pursuing Equality: Title VII. 246 1. Traditional Title VII Claims. 247 2. Reverse Discrimination Claims. 248 3. Reverse Religious Discrimination Claims.... 2014
Stacey L. Pine EMPLOYMENT ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS AND THE FUTURE OF CLASS-ACTION WAIVERS 4 American University Labor & Employment Law Forum 1 (2014) Nearly a century ago, Congress enacted the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) to reverse the longstanding judicial hostility that existed towards arbitration agreements, and to encourage the use of arbitration as a means of reducing the excessive costs and delays commonly associated with litigation. As a result of the enactment of the FAA and numerous... 2014
Tammy R. Pettinato EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST EX-OFFENDERS: THE PROMISE AND LIMITS OF TITLE VII DISPARATE IMPACT THEORY 98 Marquette Law Review 831 (Winter, 2014) I. Introduction. 832 II. The Collateral Consequences of Convictions. 834 A. Collateral Consequences Generally. 834 B. Particular Employment Consequences. 836 III. Disparate Impact Challenges To Criminal Records Exclusion Policies. 839 A. The New EEOC Enforcement Guidelines. 840 IV. Critiques of Disparate Impact Theory--Treatment in the Courts. 842... 2014
John Dayton, J.D., Ed. D. and Ann Elizabeth Blankenship, J.D., Ph. D. EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW: AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT'S DECISION IN VANCE V. BALL STATE UNIVERSITY 300 West's Education Law Reporter 713 (March 13, 2014) No one should have to endure employment discrimination or workplace harassment as a condition of making a living. These types of workplace misconduct may indulge the pathologies of office bigots and harassers, but they serve no legitimate workrelated purpose. Instead, employment discrimination and workplace harassment are the antithesis of... 2014
David Sherwyn, Michael Heise, Zev J. Eigen EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE THAT RETALIATION CLAIMS ARE UNLIKE OTHER EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS 44 Seton Hall Law Review 455 (2014) I. Introduction. 456 II. The Burden of Proof in Discrimination Cases under Title VII and the ADEA. 460 A. A Brief History. 461 B. The Current and Proposed State of Employment Discrimination Law. 473 III. Employer Retaliation. 475 A. The Law of Employer Retaliation. 479 B. The Supreme Court's Characterization of Employer Retaliation. 482 C.... 2014
Sara Chico, Esq. FEDERAL LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW 2012-2013 TERM ANALYSIS 5 University of Puerto Rico Business Law Journal 190 (2014) I. Introduction. 191 II. Administrative Law. 191 III. Alternative Dispute Resolution. 192 IV. Bankruptcy Automatic Stay. 193 V. Benefits. 194 VI. ERISA. 194 A. Attorney's Fees. 197 VII. Collective Bargaining. 199 VIII. Compensation. 200 A. Fair Labor Standards Act. 201 B. Distribution Tips. 202 IX. Workers' Compensation. 203 X. Discrimination. 204... 2014
Sansan Lin FREE TO RETALIATE: A PLAINTIFF MUST SHOW RETALIATION IS THE ONLY MOTIVATION FOR AN EMPLOYER'S RETALIATORY ACTION 47 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 481 (2014) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, an employment discrimination case, was overshadowed in the media by other high-profile cases decided in the same three-day period. But the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in Nassar will significantly weaken workers' rights and protections against discrimination in the workplace. An employee... 2014
Jessica L. Roberts HEALTHISM AND THE LAW OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION 99 Iowa Law Review 571 (January, 2014) Recently, several employers around the country announced they would no longer hire applicants who use nicotine, even off the clock. Just last year, one entity adopted a policy that it would not employ individuals classified as severely obese. Read together, nicotine and obesity bans can be understood as employer practices that... 2014
Jessica K. Fink IN DEFENSE OF SNOOPING EMPLOYERS 16 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 551 (Winter 2014) In recent months, a plethora of states have turned their legislative attention to protecting employee privacy in the workplace, focusing specifically on passing state laws that protect the social media privacy of individuals in their states. Indeed, discussions of workplace privacy are everywhere nowadays: Media stories condemn employers' efforts... 2014
Sarah K. Starnes INTERVIEWING STRIPES INSTEAD OF SUITS: ADDRESSING THE INADEQUACY OF INDIANA'S CURRENT LEGISLATION AND HOW TO ASSIST EMPLOYERS IN EFFECTIVELY HIRING CONVICTED FELONS 49 Valparaiso University Law Review 311 (Fall, 2014) David is the owner of a small retail business. He spends time and effort finding applicants who appear to be efficient and motivated workers who also fit in well with his current team of employees. Because his company is so small, David feels that he must be very careful and considerate when choosing whom he brings into his place of business. He... 2014
Robert Rachal, Page Griffin, Madeline Chimento Rea LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT AND ERISA CLASS ACTIONS AFTER WAL-MART AND COMCAST: A DEFENSE PERSPECTIVE 29 ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 319 (Winter, 2014) In Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, the Supreme Court reminded everyone that class actions are exception[s] to the usual rule that litigation is conducted by and on behalf of the individual named parties only, including in employment discrimination cases. To justify this exception to the usual rule, Wal-Mart requires courts to conduct a rigorous... 2014
Amy J. Zdravecky , Douglas A. Hass ON THE BORDER: THE NLRB'S ENTRY INTO IMMIGRATION ISSUES--THE EMPLOYER'S PERSPECTIVE 29 ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 505 (Spring, 2014) Researchers estimate that, as of March 2010, there were approximately eight million undocumented workers employed in the United States. Existing immigration law makes it unlawful to knowingly, or with constructive knowledge, hire such workers. At the same time, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA or Act) recognizes that undocumented workers have... 2014
Tanya Katerí Hernández ONE PATH FOR "POST-RACIAL" EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES--THE IMPLICIT ASSOCIATION TEST RESEARCH AS SOCIAL FRAMEWORK EVIDENCE 32 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 309 (Summer, 2014) To create new norms, you have to understand people's existing norms and barriers to change. You have to understand what's getting in their way. The 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 finds the status of civil rights in the United States at a critical juncture. The formal edifice of a civil rights structure precariously stands amidst... 2014
Lucas Loafman , Andrew Little RACE, EMPLOYMENT, AND CRIME: THE SHIFTING LANDSCAPE OF DISPARATE IMPACT DISCRIMINATION BASED ON CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS 51 American Business Law Journal 251 (Summer, 2014) The disparate impact theory of discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is not new, yet it is taking on a different, more antagonistic dimension. Since the early 1970s it has been a recognized theory under which plaintiffs may seek redress for discriminatory practices. In addition, by the mid-1970s the courts recognized that... 2014
Michael Z. Green RETALIATORY EMPLOYMENT ARBITRATION 35 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 201 (2014) Introduction 202 I. Overwhelming Supreme Court Enforcement of Agreements to Arbitrate Statutory Employment Discrimination Claims. 206 A. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 and Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp.. 206 B. The EEOC Response to Gilmer: 1997 Policy Statement on Mandatory Arbitration. 209 C. Circuit City Stores, Inc. v. Adams. 212 D. 14... 2014
Gregory S. Fisher , Erin “Faith” Rose SELLING ICE IN ALASKA: EMPLOYMENT PREFERENCES AND STATUTORY EXEMPTIONS FOR ALASKA NATIVE CORPORATIONS 40 YEARS AFTER ANCSA 31 Alaska Law Review 1 (June, 2014) In 1971, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) in order to settle land disputes between Alaska Natives and the federal government. ANCSA established Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs), which were tasked with managing settlement funds to provide for the health, education, and economic welfare of Alaska Natives. To enable... 2014
Jessica Ireton SOCIAL MEDIA: WHAT CONTROL DO EMPLOYERS HAVE OVER EMPLOYEE SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITY IN THE WORKPLACE? 14 Houston Business and Tax Law Journal 144 (2014) I. Introduction. 145 II. Background: Historical Application of the NLRA. 46 A. The Right to Concerted Activity. 146 B. What is Lawfully Prohibited Behavior Under the NLRA?. 148 C. Testing the Limits of Protected Conduct: Atlantic Steel, the Jefferson Standard and Wright Line. 151 III. Analysis: Application of the NLRA to Social Media Cases. 153... 2014
Joseph Fishkin THE ANTI-BOTTLENECK PRINCIPLE IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW 91 Washington University Law Review 1429 (2014) State legislatures and the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) have moved in parallel in recent years to provide new protections for the employment prospects of some surprising groups: people who are unemployed, people who have poor credit, and people with past criminal convictions. These new protections confound our usual theories of... 2014
Margo Schlanger , Pauline Kim THE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION AND STRUCTURAL REFORM OF THE AMERICAN WORKPLACE 91 Washington University Law Review 1519 (2014) In one of its most-watched recent cases, the United States Supreme Court struck down a class action alleging that Wal-Mart stores discriminated against female employees in pay and promotion decisions. The plaintiffs alleged that Wal-Mart's corporate culture and highly discretionary decision-making practices led to sex discrimination on a... 2014
Michael Selmi THE EVOLUTION OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW: CHANGED DOCTRINE FOR CHANGED SOCIAL CONDITIONS 2014 Wisconsin Law Review 937 (2014) Introduction. 937 I. The 1970s and the Development of Supreme Court Doctrine. 942 A. The Origins of Employment Discrimination Law. 942 B. The Political Backlash of the 1980s. 950 II. The Court's Recent Updating of the Doctrine. 953 A. Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire: Rejecting the Continuing Violations Doctrine. 954 B. AT&T v. Hulteen and Lost Pension... 2014
Theresa M. Beiner THE MANY LANES OUT OF COURT: AGAINST PRIVATIZATION OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION DISPUTES 73 Maryland Law Review 837 (2014) After Congress enacted the first laws prohibiting employment discrimination in 1964, workplaces changed significantly. No longer could employers segregate workplaces based on race or sex. In many workplaces, workers who had been separated now worked side by side. One only need board an airline flight to realize how law can transform jobs and... 2014
Ernest F. Lidge III THE NECESSITY OF EXPANDING PROTECTION FROM RETALIATION FOR EMPLOYEES WHO COMPLAIN ABOUT HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT HARASSMENT 53 University of Louisville Law Review 39 (2014) Our nation's employment discrimination laws contain an inherent contradiction. The law imposes a greater duty on employees to complain when they have suffered from a discriminatory hostile environment than when they have been subjected to a discriminatory tangible employment action. However, the anti-retaliation laws, as a practical matter, provide... 2014
Abigail L. Perdue , Gregory S. Parks THE NTH DECREE: EXAMINING INTRARACIAL USE OF THE N-WORD IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES 64 DePaul Law Review 65 (Fall 2014) In 2012, rap moguls Jay-Z and Kanye West won a Grammy for their hit song Ni** as in Paris. In April 2013, Grammy award-winning music artist Rihanna posted a photo on Instagram of herself posing with a black toddler; she captioned it My lil nigga. A few months later, former NBA star Charles Barkley commented, I use the N- word. I'm going to... 2014
Andrea Giampetro-Meyer THE PROPER PLACE FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW 25 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 1 (Fall, 2014) Intellectual property law . . . [has] far too long . . .been cloaked by a presumption of race and gender neutrality. Every day, in companies across the United States, marketing professionals are making decisions about how to meet the needs of consumers in specific markets. How can a financial services company offer advice to African Americans who... 2014
W. Jonathan Cardi THE ROLE OF NEGLIGENCE DUTY ANALYSIS IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES 75 Ohio State Law Journal 1129 (2014) I. Introduction. 1129 II. Duty Reasoning in Employment Discrimination Cases. 1131 A. The Nature of Duty in Tort Law. 1131 B. The Role of Duty Reasoning in Employment Discrimination Cases. 1135 1. Mixed-Motives Cases. 1135 2. Employment at Will. 1140 a. The Development of and Justifications for the Employment-at-Will Principle. 1142 b. Employment at... 2014
William B. Gould IV THE SUPREME COURT, JOB DISCRIMINATION, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, GLOBALIZATION, AND CLASS ACTIONS: JUSTICE GINSBURG'S TERM 36 University of Hawaii Law Review 371 (Spring, 2014) Thirty-three years ago, I called the October 1980 term of the Supreme Court Justice Brennan's Term, as he registered a number of important labor law dissents as well as authored some majority opinions. That term was just beginning to absorb the results of the 1968 elections, as a result of which President Richard M. Nixon was almost immediately... 2014
Theresa M. Beiner THE TROUBLE WITH TORGERSON: THE LATEST EFFORT TO SUMMARILY ADJUDICATE EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES 14 Nevada Law Journal 673 (Summer 2014) Legal scholars have lamented the use of summary judgment by both courts and defendants in employment discrimination cases. In spite of court statements that employment discrimination cases are not well suited for summary judgment, summary judgment is often granted. Breaking its own precedent on this point, the Eighth Circuit recently has taken what... 2014
Joni Hersch , Blair Druhan Bullock THE USE AND MISUSE OF ECONOMETRIC EVIDENCE IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES 71 Washington and Lee Law Review 2365 (Fall, 2014) Statistical analyses play an important role in employment discrimination cases, as the Supreme Court has long recognized. Regression analysis can help a plaintiff establish a claim of discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by showing that, even when controlling for relevant characteristics, individuals of a certain class... 2014
Trina Jones TITLE VII AT 50: CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES FOR U.S. EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW 6 Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review 45 (2014) In June 2003, Jennifer Lu and eight other young adults of color filed a lawsuit against Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) alleging that the clothing retailer had engaged in race, color, and national origin discrimination by refusing, among other things, to hire qualified African Americans, Latinos/as, and Asians to work on its sales floors as Brand... 2014
Matthew E. Blakely TITLE VII: DISCRIMINATORY USE OF TEST SCORES WATCHDOG EVOLUTION OF THE REGULATION OVER EMPLOYMENT TEST SCORE USAGE FROM 703(H) TO 703(L) 44 Southwestern Law Review 27 (2014) More than 200 years ago, Declaration of Independence drafter Thomas Jefferson opined that an individual's positioning and classification in the fledgling nation should be based on a natural aristocracy of his or her virtues and talents. Proponents of general aptitude examinations, such as those used by universities, surmised that one's virtues... 2014
Lauren Timmons WHOSE ROLE IS IT ANYWAY? APPLYING TITLE VII TO EMPLOYERS' CRIMINAL CONVICTION RECORD POLICIES 49 Wake Forest Law Review 609 (Summer 2014) In the United States, 87% of employers screen job applicants on the basis of their criminal conviction records, a practice that results in the performance of millions of criminal record checks each year. In addition, [o]ver 60 percent of employers indicate that they would probably not or definitely not be willing to hire an applicant with a... 2014
Hon. Bernice B. Donald, J. Eric Pardue BRINGING BACK REASONABLE INFERENCES: A SHORT, SIMPLE SUGGESTION FOR ADDRESSING SOME PROBLEMS AT THE INTERSECTION OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AND SUMMARY JUDGMENT 57 New York Law School Law Review 749 (2012/2013) Almost fifty years ago, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. An integral part of that monumental piece of legislation was Title VII, which prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, and sex. In 1991, Congress significantly amended Title VII, providing damage awards and the right to a jury... 2013
Amy Traub CREDIT REPORTS AND EMPLOYMENT: FINDINGS FROM THE 2012 NATIONAL SURVEY ON CREDIT CARD DEBT OF LOW- AND MIDDLE-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS 46 Suffolk University Law Review 983 (2013) Today, it is common for employers to look at job applicants' credit history before making hiring decisions. Even a cursory look at a popular job-listing website reveals that employers require credit checks for jobs as diverse as doing maintenance work, offering telephone technical support, assisting in an office, working as a delivery driver,... 2013
Benjamin L. Ristau DYSFUNCTIONAL DISLOYALTY STANDARDS IN EMPLOYEE CRITICISM CASES 63 Case Western Reserve Law Review 917 (Spring, 2013) Introduction. 917 I. The Roots of Employment Law and the Duty of Loyalty. 921 II. The Public Policy Exception and the Difference Between Pretext and Disloyalty Cases. 923 III. Disloyalty Standards Under the NLRA. 929 IV. The Problem of Reliance on Disloyalty. 936 V. An Objective, Burden-Shifting Solution. 939 Conclusion. 942 Paramedic Dawnmarie... 2013
Lamont E. Stallworth, Ph.D., Daniel J. Kaspar, Esq. EMPLOYING THE PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER AND THE LAW TO PROVIDE INTEGRATED CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND ADR PROCESSES: THE PROPOSED NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT DISPUTE RESOLUTION ACT (NEDRA) 28 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 171 (2013) I. Introduction II. Overt vs. Unconscious and Subtle Discrimination A. Research on Covert and Modern Discrimination B. Unconscious Discrimination C. Subtle Discrimination III. Factual Realities of Enforcement of Statutory Discrimination Laws IV. The Legal and Public Policy Context of ADR: ADR in the Workplace at a Crossroads A. Self-Regulation of... 2013
Dean J. Schaner, A. John Harper III EMPLOYMENT LAW 45 Texas Tech Law Review 727 (Spring, 2013) I. Introduction. 728 II. Employment Discrimination Case Law Discussion and Analysis. 728 A. Discrimination and Retaliation-Title VII. 728 1. Black v. Pan American Laboratories, L.L.C.. 729 2. Yancy v. U.S. Airways, Inc.. 733 3. Turner v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co.. 734 4. Vaughn v. Woodforest Bank. 736 5. Wesley v. General Drivers,... 2013
Loftus C. Carson, II EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND CONDITIONS FOR THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN LEGAL PROFESSORIATE: PERSPECTIVES FROM THE INSIDE 19 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 1 (Fall 2013) I. Introduction. 3 A. The Study. 6 B. The Importance of Racial Diversity in the Professoriate of American Law Schools. 8 II. Background. 11 A. Some Historical Perspective on Faculty Ethnicity in American Institutions of Higher Education. 11 B. An Overview of the Experiences of Higher Education Faculty of Color. 12 C. An Overview of the American Law... 2013
Kristin Sommers Czubkowski EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' RIGHT TO SUE ON TITLE VII AND TORT CLAIMS 80 University of Chicago Law Review 1841 (Fall, 2013) For three years, Donald Rochon experienced a systematic campaign of racial discrimination and harassment from his coworkers that extended far beyond their mutual workplace. In addition to being subjected to racially discriminatory stories regarding African Americans told by his coworkers, Rochon had his competence impugned behind his back, received... 2013
Hon. Mark W. Bennett ESSAY: FROM THE "NO SPITTIN', NO CUSSIN' AND NO SUMMARY JUDGMENT" DAYS OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION TO THE ""DEFENDANT'S SUMMARY JUDGMENT AFFIRMED WITHOUT COMMENT" DAYS: ONE JUDGE'S FOUR-DECADE PERSPECTIVE 57 New York Law School Law Review 685 (2012/2013) Nearly seventy-five years after its birth, the time has come to bury summary judgment. The funeral should be swift, dignified, and joyous. The autopsy would reveal that the cause of death was abuse and overuse by my federal judge colleagues. Summary judgment abuse and overuse occurs in all types of cases, but is especially magnified in employment... 2013
Michael A. Gregg IS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OUT OF DATE? 55-FEB Orange County Lawyer 12 (February, 2013) The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule in the case of Fisher v. Univ. of Tex. at Austin, 631 F.3d 213 (5th Cir. 2011), before the end of the J Court's term in late June 2013. The case involves a challenge to the consideration of race as a factor in admissions decisions at a public university, but a broad ruling prohibiting the consideration of... 2013
Kendall D. Isaac IS IT "A" OR IS IT "THE"? DECIPHERING THE MOTIVATING-FACTOR STANDARD IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AND RETALIATION CASES 1 Texas A&M Law Review 55 (Fall 2013) The recent Supreme Court decision in University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar has brought exposure to a prevalent problem in employment discrimination and retaliation cases: there is great discrepancy in how plaintiffs have to prove and courts have to assess these claims. Depending on whether the case is based on discrimination or... 2013
Matthew A. Shapiro LABOR GOALS AND ANTIDISCRIMINATION NORMS: EMPLOYER DISCRETION, REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION, AND THE COSTS OF INDIVIDUALIZED TREATMENT 32 Yale Law and Policy Review 1 (Fall 2013) Introduction. 2 I. Labor Goals and Title VII. 9 A. At-Will Employment, Employer Discretion, and Labor Goals. 10 B. Title VII's Consistency with Labor Goals. 16 1. Disparate Treatment. 17 2. Disparate Impact. 21 II. Labor Goals and the ADA. 25 A. The Tension Between the ADA's Accommodation Requirement and Labor Goals. 26 B. Addressing the Tension:... 2013
Garrett A. R. Yursza Warfield , David J. Rini NEW EEOC GUIDANCE: IMPLICATIONS FOR EX-OFFENDER REENTRY AND EMPLOYMENT, OR "IT IS HARD TO ARTICULATE THE MINIMUM QUALIFICATION FOR POSING A LOW RISK OF ATTACKING SOMEONE." 95 Massachusetts Law Review 195 (October, 2013) Jackson served over ten years in Massachusetts state prisons for drug-related crimes he committed in his early 20s. While incarcerated, he participated in prison education programs and earned two college degrees. Upon his release and with the help of a close friend, Jackson was employed part-time as an advocate for other ex-prisoners reentering... 2013
Elizabeth Dunn NO LONGER A PAPER TIGER: THE EEOC AND ITS STATUTORY DUTY TO CONCILIATE 63 Emory Law Journal 455 (2013) Congress created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to effectuate the ends of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. To effectuate those ends, Congress vested the EEOC with authority to not only receive, investigate, and... 2013
Robert Sprague , Abigail E. Fournier ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE END OF THE EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL DOCTRINE 52 Washburn Law Journal 557 (Summer, 2013) The increasing use of online social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn has resulted in two important workplace trends: first, employees are communicating amongst themselves online and, being coworkers, those communications often involve work ; and second, employers are increasingly promulgating social media policies to restrict... 2013
Jill Hale PRIVATE EMPLOYERS & MINORITY PREFERENCES: WILL SOMETHING OTHER THAN A REMEDIAL JUSTIFICATION BE SUFFICIENT? 55 South Texas Law Review 143 (Fall 2013) I. Introduction. 143 II. The Supreme Court's Approach to Affirmative Action. 145 A. Employers Under Title VII. 146 B. Education Under the Equal Protection Clause. 149 III. Non-remedial Justifications in the Workplace. 153 A. Moving Away from Non-remedial Justifications: The Effect of the Lower Standard Under Title VII and Management Prerogatives.... 2013
Hon. Denny Chin SUMMARY JUDGMENT IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES: A JUDGE'S PERSPECTIVE 57 New York Law School Law Review 671 (2012/2013) Is summary judgment being unfairly granted in employment discrimination cases? Scholars and practitioners have put forth this proposition, as they have written about the apparent high failure rates of plaintiffs in opposing dispositive pretrial motions in employment discrimination cases. They have contended that: summary judgment is being granted... 2013
Emma Pelkey THE "NOT ME TOO" EVIDENCE DOCTRINE IN EMPLOYMENT LAW: COURTS' DISPARATE TREATMENT OF "ME TOO" VERSUS "NOT ME TOO" EVIDENCE IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES 92 Oregon Law Review 545 (2013) Introduction. 546 I. Overview of Me Too Evidence. 547 II. Me Too Evidence in the Pre- Sprint Era. 548 III. The Supreme Court Weighs in on Me Too Evidence. 552 IV. Me Too and Not Me Too Evidence Post- Sprint. 553 A. Me Too Evidence. 553 B. Not Me Too Evidence. 557 C. Me Too vs. Not Me Too Evidence. 561 V. Why Are Courts Treating... 2013
Terence G. Connor, Kevin J. White THE CONSIDERATION OF ARREST AND CONVICTION RECORDS IN EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS: A CRITIQUE OF THE EEOC GUIDANCE 43 Seton Hall Law Review 971 (2013) I. Introduction. 971 II. Employer Liability for Negligent Hiring. 974 III. An Overview of Title VII. 977 A. The Birth of Disparate Impact Theory. 979 B. The Narrowing of Disparate Impact Theory. 980 C. Congressional Reaction. 982 D. The Consideration of Criminal Records. 984 IV. The New EEOC Guidance. 990 A. Validity Studies. 991 B. The Green... 2013
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