Allanah Colley A RENEWED CALL FOR "SÍ, SE PUEDE!" FINDING HEALING AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF LATINA FARMWORKER WOMEN 27 Harvard Latin American Law Review 103 (Spring, 2024) Research indicates that roughly 25 to 50 percent of all women in the United States' workforce have experienced at least one incident of sexual violence. For the more than 560,000 farmworker women who pick and pack fresh produce in the United States agriculture industry, estimates are that over 80 percent have experienced sexual harassment. Yet,... 2004
Erin Chow APP-BASED DRIVERS, EMPLOYEES OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS?: BIG TECH'S FIGHT TO CLASSIFY DRIVERS AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS PRIORITIZES FLEXIBILITY AND INNOVATION OVER LABOR AND CLASS IMPLICATIONS 29 Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy 89 (2023-2024) We insist that labor is entitled to as much respect as property. But our workers with hand and brain deserve more than respect for their labor. They deserve practical protection in the opportunity to use their labor at a return adequate to support them at a decent and constantly rising standard of living, and to accumulate a margin of security... 2004
Phillis Rambsy , Rebecca Salawdeh CHASING FREEDOM: THE HISTORY OF GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION OF THE MOST VULNERABLE AND HOW EXPANDED LEAVE LAWS CAN PROMOTE LIBERTY FOR WORKERS IN THE WAKE OF DOBBS 27 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 135 (########) In Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the Supreme Court held that the Constitution does not protect a women's right to an abortion, rejecting both equal protection and substantive due process arguments under the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court held that the Constitution must be interpreted as it would have been by the ratifiers, thereby... 2004
Ewa Rejman CHILD MIGRANT WORKERS: THE INVISIBLE CHILDREN? 52 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 255 (Spring, 2024) From February to December 2023, The New York Times published a series of investigative articles on child migrant workers who take jobs that are off-limits to American children and simply disappear from the system while companies and government officials continued to shift blame to avoid responsibility. This case study serves as a starting point... 2004
Terry Tolliver CLERKSHIP EMPLOYERS NEEDED FOR DIVERSITY PROGRAM 48-NOV Res Gestae 38 (November, 2004) On behalf of the Indiana State Bar Association's Committee for Racial Diversity in the Legal Profession and the Indiana Supreme Court's Conference for Legal Education Opportunity program (Indiana CLEO), I would like to once again invite you to participate in our joint program, Gateway to Diversity: A Summer Employment Program in the Indiana Legal... 2004
Carolyn L. Wheeler COMMENTS ON PRETEXT IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION: MANDATORY INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMISSIBLE INFERENCES? 61 Washington and Lee Law Review 459 (Winter, 2004) It is perhaps surprising that nearly forty years after Congress enacted Title VII, courts still struggle with the most fundamental questions of how to analyze evidence proffered to prove discrimination, and how to instruct juries charged with determining whether employers have violated the law. Although jury trials have been available in Title VII... 2004
Elaine W. Shoben DISPARATE IMPACT THEORY IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION: WHAT'S GRIGGS STILL GOOD FOR? WHAT NOT? 42 Brandeis Law Journal 597 (Spring, 2004) Is disparate impact a dead theory of employment discrimination? Definitely not. The theory itself has a more stable legal status than it did when the Supreme Court embraced it in its 1971 opinion Griggs v. Duke Power Co. But is it thriving in litigation? It appears to be neither thriving nor dead. It has become a relatively less vital tool,... 2004
Mariana Larson DIVERSITY ON TRIAL: NAVIGATING EMPLOYER DIVERSITY PROGRAMS AMIDST SHIFTING LEGAL LANDSCAPES 8 Business, Entrepreneurship & Tax Law Review 239 (Spring, 2024) In the Summer of 2023, in a pivotal move, the Supreme Court nullified the application of affirmative action policies in both private and public universities nationwide. The Supreme Court's holding stripped the use of any race-conscious guidelines for admission aimed at enhancing diversity on college campuses. Although the Supreme Court's holding is... 2004
Trey Wilkins-Luton DO RE MI: WORKERS' INCLUSION IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 54 Environmental Law 461 (Spring, 2024) As environmental justice gains momentum in the United States, scholars and advocates alike have considered how environmental justice interacts with different groups and interests across different social dimensions. The recent broadening of the environmental justice movement has, however, generally overlooked labor considerations. Workers deserve... 2004
Brian D. Barger EMPLOYEE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 101--OVERVIEW, HISTORY, AND LIKELY CHALLENGES POST-STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS 59-SPG Procurement Lawyer 1 (Spring, 2024) When entities enter into a federal prime contract or subcontract, they often encounter contract or subcontract clauses that include the following employee affirmative action commitments: FAR 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity (E.O. 11246), FAR 52.222-36 Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities, and FAR 52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Veterans. At... 2004
Suzy Fox , Lamont E. Stallworth EMPLOYEE PERCEPTIONS OF INTERNAL CONFLICT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS AND ADR PROCESSES FOR PREVENTING AND RESOLVING INCIDENTS OF WORKPLACE BULLYING: ETHICAL CHALLENGES FOR DECISION-MAKERS IN ORGANIZATIONS 8 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 375 (2004) I. Introduction. 376 A. Workplace Bullying. 376 B. Racial/Ethnic Bullying. 378 C. Conflict Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Processes. 380 D. Bullying vs. Statutory-Based Workplace Disputes: A Gap in the Law. 385 E. When the Bully is the Supervisor. 386 F. Ethical Challenges to Organization Decision-Makers. 388 G. The Current... 2004
Megan E. Mowrey, Virginia Ward Vaughn EMPLOYER LIABILITY FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT CULMINATING IN CONSTRUCTIVE DISCHARGE: RESOLVING THE TANGIBLE EMPLOYMENT ACTION QUESTION 14 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 25 (Fall, 2004) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on an individual's sex. The United States Supreme Court recognized that one form of sex discrimination is sexual harassment in the workplace and that an employer can be held liable for a supervisor's sexually harassing conduct towards an employee if such conduct led... 2004
Amanda Agan, Sonja Starr EMPLOYERS' NEIGHBORHOODS AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION 53 Journal of Legal Studies 115 (January, 2024) Using a field experiment, we show that the racial composition of employers' neighborhoods predicts discrimination patterns in a direction suggesting in-group bias. Second, building on prior work on ban-the-box laws, we show that employers in less-Black neighborhoods appear much likelier to stereotype Black applicants as potentially criminal when... 2004
Valarie K. Blake , Elizabeth Y. McCuskey EMPLOYER-SPONSORED REPRODUCTION 124 Columbia Law Review 273 (March, 2024) This Article interrogates the current and future role of employer-sponsored health insurance in reproductive autonomy, revealing the impact that employers' coverage choices have on access to reproductive care and the legal infrastructure that prioritizes employer choice over individual autonomy. Over half of the population depends on employers for... 2004
Patricia Nemeth , Daniel Villaire EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR LAW 50 Wayne Law Review 517 (Summer, 2004) I. Introduction. 518 II. Pleading and Proving Employment Claims. 518 A. Whistleblowers' Protection Act--Retaliation and Pretext. 519 B. Cause of Action for Damages under the Employee Right to Know Act. 521 C. City Charter as Basis for Private Cause of Action. 525 III. Sexual Harassment. 531 A. No Individual Liability under the ELCRA for... 2004
Virginia A. Berlando EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CLAIMANTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO EXHIBIT DIRECT EVIDENCE OF DISCRIMINATION: DESERT PALACE, INC. V. COSTA 6 Duquesne Business Law Journal 267 (Spring 2004) EMPLOYMENT LAW - The United States Supreme Court held that direct evidence is not required to prove employment discrimination in a mixed-motive case under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C.S. § 2000e et seq. (2004); Section 2000e-2(m) unambiguously states that an employee only needs to demonstrate that an employer used an illegal... 2004
Eyana J. Smith EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION IN THE FIRM: DOES THE LEGAL SYSTEM PROVIDE REMEDIES FOR WOMEN AND MINORITY MEMBERS OF THE BAR? 6 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law 789 (Spring 2004) It has been fifty years since the ratification of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and still a question remains as to whether legal professionals, primarily attorneys, have a rightful claim under Title VII against their employers for acts of employment discrimination. The case law in this area is sparse; this is partly because of the... 2004
Patricia Moore EMPLOYMENT LAW − RACIAL DISCRIMINATION − CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION MAY BE INTRODUCED TO RAISE A GENUINE ISSUE OF MATERIAL FACT. HOPSON V. DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORP., 306 F.3D 427 (6TH CIR. 2002). 81 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 397 (Spring 2004) In Hopson v. DaimlerChrysler, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit decided whether summary judgment was appropriate for the defendant on racial discrimination claims based on violations of Title VII, 42 United States Code § 2000e-2000e-17 (2000) and the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated 37.2101... 2004
  EMPLOYMENT LAW -- VICARIOUS LIABILITY -- FIRST CIRCUIT HOLDS THAT CLASSIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE DISCHARGE AS A TANGIBLE EMPLOYMENT ACTION SHOULD BE LEFT TO CASE-BY-CASE DETERMINATION. -- REED V. MBNA MARKETING SYSTEMS, INC., 333 F.3D 27 (1ST CIR. 2003) 117 Harvard Law Review 1004 (January, 2004) In Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth and its companion case, Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, the Supreme Court determined that an employer is subject to vicarious liability under Title VII when a supervisor who has authority over an employee creates an actionable hostile environment. In setting this standard, the Court held that an employer is... 2004
Elizabeth Zaiden Mazzarella EMPLOYMENT LAW: DAWAVENDEWA v. SALT RIVER PROJECT AGRICULTURAL IMPROVEMENT AND POWER DISTRICT: THE NEED FOR CONGRESSIONAL CHANGE IN NATIVE AMERICAN HIRING PREFERENCES 28 American Indian Law Review 413 (2003-2004) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 413 II. National Origin Defined in Title VII. 414 A. Overview of Title VII. 414 B. Case History: Courts' Explanations of National Origin. 416 C. Title VII's Application toward Employment on Indian Reservations. 417 III. Indian Self-Determination Act. 420 IV. Dawavendewa v. Salt River Project Agricultural... 2004
Katie Groves EMPLOYMENT LAW--BLURRED LINES: LOOPHOLES TO AVOID JOINT EMPLOYER LIABILITY--FELDER v. U.S. TENNIS ASS'N, 27 F.4TH 834 (2D CIR. 2022) 29 Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy 151 (2023-2024) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1967 (Title VII) provides protections to employees against workplace discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and/or national origin. However, the terms employee and employer under Title 41, Chapter 21 of the United States Code are ill defined, and can otherwise vary among state and... 2004
Daniel Sparks ENCRYPTING DISCRIMINATION: LGBTQ+ WORKERS IN THE GIG ECONOMY 38 ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 69 (2024) While working as an Uber Eats delivery driver in Kansas in 2021, Laine, a transgender man, was required by company policy to display his legal name on his app profile, which he no longer used, effectively disclosing his transgender status. Customers were able to view his profile, which did not match his male gender identity, and he described... 2004
Susan Bisom-Rapp EXCEEDING OUR BOUNDARIES: TRANSNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT LAW PRACTICE AND THE EXPORT OF AMERICAN LAWYERING STYLES TO THE GLOBAL WORKSITE 25 Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 257 (Winter 2004) Although the word globalization may be controversial, few doubt that in the future there will be more cross-border flows of capital, goods, people, services and ideas. . . . Lawyers and others who deliver legal services must be prepared for such a world, whether or not they engage personally in legal work which we currently think of as... 2004
Michael Z. Green FINDING LAWYERS FOR EMPLOYEES IN DISCRIMINATION DISPUTES AS A CRITICAL PRESCRIPTION FOR UNIONS TO EMBRACE RACIAL JUSTICE 7 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law 55 (Fall 2004) I. Introduction. 57 II. Obtaining Counsel For Unrepresented Employees: An Employment Discrimination Dispute Resolution Dilemma for the Twenty-First Century. 64 A. Employment Discrimination Litigation and Its Frustrations Without Counsel. 66 B. Alternatives to Employment Discrimination Litigation and Its Frustrations Without Counsel. 69 III. A... 2004
Heidi Liu FROM INFORMATION RESTRICTIONS TO EMPLOYER ACCOUNTABILITY: REFRAMING EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION 57 U.C. Davis Law Review 1797 (February, 2024) Information restrictions have received significant traction as a policy and legislative tool to fight employment discrimination. These policies forbid employers from requesting potentially prejudicial information like criminal records, salary history, or credit scores until the final stage of hiring. The assumption is that this information would... 2004
Erin Scanga GLASS CEILING EMPLOYMENT AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN HIRING FOR HEAD COACHING POSITIONS IN THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE 14 Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 481 (2004) Racism, both conscious and unconscious, continues to interfere with merit-based hiring practices throughout the United States. Discriminatory hiring practices in the National Football League (NFL) can be seen as a microcosm of society. This Comment will focus on the existing hiring practices in the NFL to demonstrate that a system of... 2004
Vicki Schultz , Gabrielle S. Friedman , Abigail C. Saguy , Tanya K. Hernandez , David Yamada GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON WORKPLACE HARASSMENT LAW: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2004 ANNUAL MEETING, ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS SECTION ON LABOR RELATIONS AND EMPLOYMENT LAW 8 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 151 (2004) Professor Vicki Schultz: Good afternoon, and welcome! I'm Vicki Schultz, and I am this year's chair of the Labor and Employment Relations Section. I'm very pleased to see that so many of you have turned out for the terrific panel our section is sponsoring this year. Our panel is entitled, Global Perspectives on Workplace Harassment Law. As most... 2004
Terri Gerstein, LiJia Gong HOW LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAN PROTECT WORKERS' RIGHTS EVEN WHEN STATES DO NOT WANT THEM TO: OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOCAL CREATIVITY AND PERSISTENCE DESPITE DOUBLE PREEMPTION 51 Fordham Urban Law Journal 977 (April, 2024) Local governments have emerged as key players in advancing and protecting workers' rights in a growing number of jurisdictions in the United States. They have enacted cutting-edge laws; created local labor agencies; established worker boards or councils to provide input into policy; placed standards-- either high-road practices or at least... 2004
Ella Klahr Bunnell HOW THE FEDERAL ARBITRATION ACT'S "TRANSPORTATION WORKERS EXEMPTION" PROTECTS LAST-MILE DELIVERY DRIVERS 2024 University of Illinois Law Review Online 37 (Spring, 2024) Imagine you are a delivery driver for Amazon. You work long hours, delivering packages from warehouses to local customers. You collect checks that barely make ends meet. After several months, an attorney informs you that Amazon has withheld overtime pay in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. You join a class of over 5,000 similarly situated... 2004
Jacob Hamburger HYBRID-STATUS IMMIGRANT WORKERS 73 Duke Law Journal 737 (January, 2024) Precarious work arrangements have become a dominant feature of twenty-first-century political economy. One employer strategy that has contributed to eroding workers' rights and protections is misclassifying employees as independent contractors, avoiding the obligations that come with employee status. Recently, policymakers in some states and at the... 2004
Jared Collins IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK, SWIMS LIKE A DUCK, AND QUACKS LIKE A DUCK, THEN IT PROBABLY IS A DUCK: INTERNS LOOK AND ACT LIKE EMPLOYEES YET LACK BASIC PROTECTIONS 57 Suffolk University Law Review 365 (2024) Large and growing numbers of post-secondary students are working in internships for little or no pay, often while giving up most of the legal rights typically accorded to employees. This is no small assemblage: Internship experience has become a virtual requirement in the scramble to get a foot in the door of many sectors of the labor market ..... 2004
Angela D. Morrison IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT CREEP IN IMMIGRANT & EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 58 University of Richmond Law Review 731 (Spring, 2024) As the only agency charged with enforcing the Immigration Reform and Control Act's antidiscrimination provisions, the Immigrant and Employee Rights (IER) section of the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division plays an important role in protecting worker rights. Yet over the past decade, IER has moved from worker protection to immigration... 2004
Abby Ward IN DEFENSE OF PICKERING: WHEN A PUBLIC EMPLOYEE'S SOCIAL MEDIA SPEECH, PARTICULARLY POLITICAL SPEECH, CONFLICTS WITH THEIR EMPLOYER'S PUBLIC SERVICE 108 Minnesota Law Review 1643 (February, 2024) With the rise of social media and the United States' increasing political polarization, public employees take to social media to post about political issues such as race and policing. But when public employees make posts on political issues in an inflammatory or controversial way, public employers often discipline or fire the employee, fearing... 2004
Jean R. Sternlight IN SEARCH OF THE BEST PROCEDURE FOR ENFORCING EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAWS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 78 Tulane Law Review 1401 (May, 2004) As our world effectively shrinks, many countries are beginning to reach a striking substantive consensus regarding the prohibition of employment discrimination. Yet, and in sharp contrast, nothing approaching consensus has yet emerged regarding the best procedural method with which to resolve individual claims of employment discrimination. Instead,... 2004
Amanda J. Zaremba NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORP. V. MORGAN: THE FILING QUANDARY FOR LEGALLY ILL-EQUIPPED EMPLOYEES AND ETERNALLY LIABLE EMPLOYERS 72 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1129 (Spring, 2004) The discrimination occurred from the very start for Arthur Logan. In 1990, on his first day at Traintrak, Logan expected to assume the duties of an electrician. However, Traintrak told him that the title of his job was only Electrician Helper. He was disappointed with this title, especially when he discovered that Traintrak had hired less... 2004
Rhonda M. Reaves ONE OF THESE THINGS IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER: ANALOGIZING AGEISM TO RACISM IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES 38 University of Richmond Law Review 839 (May, 2004) I. Introduction. 841 II. The Role of Analogy in Anti-Discrimination Law. 845 A. Use of Analogies Lends Moral Force in Support of Extending the Law to New Groups. 846 B. Failure To Acknowledge Difference Can Undermine the Moral Force of Analogy. 847 C. The Experiences of Older Workers and Workers of Color Are Disanalogous in Certain Respects. 848 1.... 2004
César F. Rosado Marzán PERSONAL AND POLITICAL: HOW THE ILLINOIS DOMESTIC WORKERS' BILL OF RIGHTS CONNECTED LIVES 57 U.C. Davis Law Review 3033 (June, 2024) Many domestic workers lack basic labor and employment protections in the United States. One of the main reasons domestic work remains unregulated by government lies in cultural and social perceptions of the so-called private domestic sphere and the more public economic sphere where work prevails. These perceptions, termed by sociologists as... 2004
Melissa McElroy PESTICIDE POISONINGS AND DEADLY HAZARDS: USING THE FARM BILL TO PROTECT WORKERS 35 Colorado Environmental Law Journal 387 (Spring, 2024) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 388 I. Background of the Farm Bill and Past Conservation Titles. 391 A. History of the Farm Bill. 392 B. OSHA Enforcement. 394 C. Farm Bill Funding. 395 D. Conservation Titles. 396 E. Horticulture Titles. 398 II. Existing Pesticide Legislation. 399 A. The Current State of Pesticide Enforcement. 401 B. 2018 FIFRA... 2004
Margaret H. Zhang PREGNANT WORKERS AND THE CLIMATE CRISIS 91 Tennessee Law Review 431 (Winter, 2024) Introduction. 432 I. Preexisting Poor Outlook for U.S. Pregnant People and Pregnant Workers. 438 A. Deteriorating U.S. Maternal and Infant Health Trends. 438 1. Maternal Health Trends. 439 2. Infant Health Trends. 442 3. Abortion Restrictions to Exacerbate Trends. 446 B. Pregnant People Pulled into Unhealthy Workplaces. 449 1. Workforce... 2004
Holly Morrison PRESERVING EMPLOYEE RIGHTS IN THE ERA OF CANCEL CULTURE 38 ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law 107 (2024) Emmanuel Cafferty is a middle-aged Hispanic man and former utility worker. In June 2020, Cafferty was terminated after a stranger posted on Twitter a photo of him driving. In the image, Cafferty has his hand hanging out of a truck window and appears to be making what looks like an okay hand sign. According to Cafferty, he was cracking his... 2004
William J. Vollmer PRETEXT IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION: MANDATORY INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMISSIBLE INFERENCES? 61 Washington and Lee Law Review 407 (Winter, 2004) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 408 II. Development of the McDonnell Douglas Framework. 413 III. Background of the Circuit Split. 417 A. Post-Hicks and Pre-Reeves Circuit Decisions. 417 B. Post-Reeves Circuit Decisions. 423 C. Townsend v. Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co.. 426 IV. Reconciliation of the Circuit Split. 429 A. Argument for... 2004
Chase Mays PROTECTING PROTECTED CHARACTERISTICS: STATUTORY SOLUTIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION POST-BOSTOCK 77 Vanderbilt Law Review 1303 (May, 2024) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Significantly, these protected characteristics are undefined, and judicial interpretations of race, sex, and national origin have allowed employers to lawfully discriminate against proxies for these protected... 2004
Louis Cholden-Brown PROTECTING WORKERS AS CONSUMERS AND CONSUMERS FROM WORKERS IN NEW YORK CITY 51 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1095 (April, 2024) I. The Intertwined Birth of Consumer and Worker Protection. 1102 II. Employment As a Public Good. 1111 III. Permitting Workplace Practices. 1116 IV. Clash of Morality and Wage Earning. 1118 V. Embracing the Vision. 1121 2004
Mimi Goldberg QUIZÁS SE PUEDE: EVALUATING UNION SUCCESS IN INCORPORATING IMMIGRANT WORKERS 59 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 303 (Winter, 2024) While unionization has experienced growth over the past couple of years, immigrant incorporation has been widely regarded as the long-term future of the labor movement. Economic shutdown during COVID-19 has revealed that low-wage work is essential to our country. Yet, the immigrants who often occupy these industries are left widely unprotected in... 2004
Alexander Barnes REAL-WORLD CONSEQUENCES FOR ONLINE ACTIONS: THE CASE FOR EXPANDING EMPLOYEE HARASSMENT PROTECTION VIA EMPLOYERS' RIGHTS OF ACTION 48 Seattle University Law Review 165 (Fall, 2024) This Note argues for expanding employers' access to legal remedies that allow them to recoup the costs of protecting their employees from swatting, doxing, and other online harassment arising from their employees' professional activity. Part I provides a brief description and history of the online harassment problem and its potentially deadly... 2004
William R. Corbett REVERSE DISCRIMINATION: AN OPPORTUNITY TO MODERNIZE AND IMPROVE EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW 79 University of Miami Law Review 160 (Fall, 2024) The issue of how to prove discrimination in reverse discrimination cases has produced a division in the circuits and some strongly worded opinions about discriminatory discrimination law. The courts begin with the three-stage proof framework developed by the Supreme Court in 1973 in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792. Some courts adjust... 2004
Virginia Brown REVISITING THE PUBLIC POLICY EXCEPTION TO THE EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL DOCTRINE FOLLOWING THIBODEAU v. DESIGN GROUP ONE ARCHITECTS: APPLYING AN ETHIC OF CARE ANALYSIS 3 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 295 (Spring, 2004) In 2002, in Thibodeau v. Design Group One Architects, the Connecticut Supreme Court holds that Connecticut's Fair Employment Practices Act, General Statute § 46a-60, provides immunity to employers who have less than three employees. This case will likely stir up controversy among business and civil liberties groups. In Thibodeau, Nicole Ann... 2004
Yvette Butler SILENCING THE SEX WORKER 71 UCLA Law Review 726 (September, 2024) This Article argues that sex workers are silenced when they attempt to contribute to lawmaking processes. As a result, they are unable to contribute their knowledge in a meaningful way. The consequence is that laws reflect only one perspective of life in the sex trades: the prostitution abolitionist position that all sex work is inherently a form... 2004
Catherine Lovly, Matthew J. Mehnert SOMETHING EVERY LAWYER NEEDS TO KNOW: THE EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE DISTINCTION IN THE MODERN LAW FIRM 21 Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal 663 (Spring 2004) The federal anti-discrimination statutes, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) (herein known collectively as the Acts), were promulgated by Congress in an attempt to rid the workplace of varying forms of discrimination... 2004
Michelle Bilsky STOP WOKE ACTS: HOW THE LEGISLATIVE ATTACK ON CRT HARMS EQUALITY IN EMPLOYMENT 18 Florida A & M University Law Review 25 (Spring, 2024) In recent years, a growing media movement has publicized the concept of wokeness in America. Stopping wokeness is now a lightning rod for the political right and the political left, with the issue exploding from the traditional political arena to social circles, families, businesses, and even workplaces. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines... 2004
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