Craig Hunter King EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION: THE BURDEN OF PROOF 13 Southern University Law Review 91 (Fall, 1986) The burden of proof in employment discrimination cases is essentially onerous in that it is unreasonably burdensome for the complainant. The effect is that less employment discrimination claims are filed in court. Employment discrimination law has dramatically limited the extent of segregation in this country, but segregation is still a fact of... 1986
Paul Burstein, Kathleen Monaghan EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND THE MOBILIZATION OF LAW 20 Law and Society Review 355 (1986) During the 1960s and 1970s the American social movement for equal employment opportunity (EEO) succeeded in getting Congress and the courts to prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, national origin, and sex. We believe that the effectiveness of EEO laws depends not just upon their passage, however, but also upon their... 1986
Stacey B. Babson EVALUATION OF SUBJECTIVE SELECTION SYSTEMS IN TITLE VII EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES: A MISUSE OF DISPARATE IMPACT ANALYSIS 7 Cardozo Law Review 549 (Winter, 1986) The urgent need for federal legislation to remove discriminatory barriers that prevent the United States from operating as a united and classless society led to the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act). Equal employment opportunity falls within the purview of title VII of the Act. Title VII is prohibitive: it does not command that... 1986
Risa L. Lieberwitz FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYMENT: THE DECONSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR WORKPLACE 19 U.C. Davis Law Review 597 (Spring, 1986) In recent years, the United States Supreme Court has decided several cases on the speech rights of public employees. The Court's emerging public employee speech doctrine reflects considerations beyond those applied in previous first amendment decisions. This Article identifies the values generally relied upon by the Court in first amendment cases... 1986
George Rutherglen PROCEDURES AND PREFERENCES: REMEDIES FOR EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION 5 Review of Litigation 73 (Winter, 1986) After Regents of the University of California v. Bakke and United Steelworkers v. Weber, preferences on the basis of race became a common remedy for employment discrimination. Bakke held that some preferences established by government were constitutional and Weber held that some preferences voluntarily established by private employers were... 1986
William L. Corbett PROVIDING AND DEFENDING EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS 47 Montana Law Review 217 (Summer, 1986) I. Introduction. 218 II. Disparate Treatment. 219 A. Establishing Plaintiff's Prima Facie Case. 220 1. Refusal to Hire and Discriminatory Denial of Employment Opportunities. 221 2. Discharge and Discipline. 227 B. The Defendant's Burden of Articulating Some Legitimate Non-Discriminatory Reason for the Plaintiff's Rejection. 229 C. The Plaintiff's... 1986
Howard Eglit THE AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT'S FORGOTTEN AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE: THE REASONABLE FACTORS OTHER THAN AGE EXCEPTION 66 Boston University Law Review 155 (March, 1986) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended (ADEA), has demonstrated remarkable fecundity in recent years as a source both of requests for administrative redress and of litigation. The federal agency charged with enforcement and administration of the Actthe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reports that age... 1986
Janie Kennevick THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE VINSON DECISION ON CORPORATE EMPLOYEES 12 Journal of Contemporary Law 163 (1986) The Vinson v. Taylor decision handed down earlier this year by the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, reflects a significant development in the judicial system's prior uneven treatment of sexual harassment. Specifically, the Vinson decision addressed the question left unanswered in earlier cases by holding an employer strictly liable under Title... 1986
Julia Lamber ALTERNATIVES TO CHALLENGED EMPLOYEE SELECTION CRITERIA: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NONSTATISTICAL EVIDENCE IN DISPARATE IMPACT CASES UNDER TITLE VII 1985 Wisconsin Law Review 1 (1985) In contrast to most recent commentary and a superficial reading of Supreme Court cases, Professor Lamber rehabilitates the concept of a distinct disparate impact theory under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. She examines one important evidentiary questionthe significance of alternative employee section criteriato expose underlying policy... 1985
Mack A. Player APPLICANTS, APPLICANTS IN THE HALL, WHO'S THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL? COMPARING QUALIFICATIONS UNDER EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW 46 Ohio State Law Journal 277 (1985) As a general proposition, employment discrimination statutes do not restrict an employer's ability to establish qualifications for employment and job performance. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) prohibits distinctions among applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Age Discrimination in... 1985
Paul J. Spiegelman COURT-ORDERED HIRING QUOTAS AFTER STOTTS: A NARRATIVE ON THE ROLE OF THE MORALITIES OF THE WEB AND THE LADDER IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION DOCTRINE 20 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 339 (Summer, 1985) Employment quotas have been at the center of legal, social scientific, and political controversy for more than two decades. Despite the plethora of views on quotas, and undoubtedly in part because of it, judicial opinions have been especially inarticulate about the reasons courts should order quotas. This Article will focus on one aspect of human... 1985
Claudia Laks Cerutti DIFFERING STANDARDS OF EMPLOYER LIABILITY FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WORKING WOMEN 27 Arizona Law Review 155 (1985) The twentieth century has brought substantial changes in the legal and socioeconomic status of women. Women have entered the labor market and gained the legal means, under Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, to fight sex-based employment discrimination. Presumably, women are to receive recognition as persons in their own right, based... 1985
Christine O. Merriman, Cora G. Yang EMPLOYER LIABILITY FOR COWORKER SEXUAL HARASSMENT UNDER TITLE VII 13 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 83 (1984/1985) Working women have been victims of sexual harassment at least since they entered the workforce in large numbers. Public awareness of sexual harassment, however, has emerged only in the last decade, during which it has received a barrage of media attention. Since then, sexual harassment in employment has been documented as pervasive, inflicting... 1985
Colleen Cacy EMPLOYERS DUTY OF REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION UNDER TITLE VII-PINSKER v. JOINT DISTRICT NO. 28J 33 University of Kansas Law Review 583 (Spring, 1985) One of the basic liberties granted by the United States Constitution is the right to freely excercise one's religion. This freedom has a limit, however, since it cannot infringe on the rights or duties of others. When an individual's religious practices interfere with his employer's policies, courts must strike a balance between the employee's... 1985
Gail Paulus Sorenson EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION IN EDUCATION: DO RECENT SUPREME COURT CASES SIGNAL RETRENCHMENT IN FEDERAL POLICY? 25 West's Education Law Reporter 1 (1985) Recent responses to two 1984 Supreme Court decisions would suggest that national policy aimed at eliminating employment discriminationand its effectsand its effectsis undergoing substantial retrenchment at the federal level. Although the Constitution does not say, and the Supreme Court has never held, that racial classifications are always... 1985
Cherrie L. Schnaithmann EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION-THE BURDEN OF PROOF IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES UNDER THE HUMAN RELATIONS ACT: THE 'BEST ABLE AND MOST COMPETENT' CLAUSE REVISITED-WINN v. TRANS WORLD AIRLINES, -- Pa. --, 484 A.2d 392 (1984). 58 Temple Law Quarterly 307 (Summer, 1985) In Winn v. Trans World Airlines, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court considered the effect of the best able and most competent clause of section 5(a) of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (Act) on the allocation of burdens of proof in employment discrimination cases. The court had previously addressed the issue in General Electric Corp. v.... 1985
Deborah A. Calloway EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND THIRD PARTY PRIVACY INTERESTS: AN ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR RECONCILING COMPETING RIGHTS 54 Fordham Law Review 327 (December, 1985) TITLE VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sex discrimination in employment. The statutory prohibition is deceptively simple. It prohibits employers from discriminating against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual's . . . sex. Reconciling these words... 1985
Benjamin P. Hyink , Lawrence M. Liebman MIDGETT v. SACKETT-CHICAGO, INC.: THE SHORT-SIGHTED USE OF STATE REMEDIES TO PROTECT UNION EMPLOYEES FROM RETALIATORY DISCHARGE 18 John Marshall Law Review 565 (Spring, 1985) For over fifty years, collective bargaining agreements, arbitration rulings, and decisions of federal agencies, such as the National Labor Relations Board, have governed the resolution of labor/management disputes regarding unjustified employment dismissals. In the past, the doctrine of federal preemption of union employee dismissal law has been... 1985
Stephen J. Shapiro SECTION 1983 CLAIMS TO REDRESS DISCRIMINATION IN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: ARE THEY PREEMPTED BY TITLE VII? 35 American University Law Review 93 (Fall, 1985) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 94 I. The Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts and Title VII. 95 A. The Overlap of Title VII and Section 1983. 95 B. Differences Between Title VII and Section 1983. 99 1. Procedures. 99 2. Remedies. 101 II. The Supreme Court Cases: Does Title VII Preempt Remedies Under the Reconstruction Civil Rights Acts?. 103 A.... 1985
James E. Jones, Jr. THE GENESIS AND PRESENT STATUS OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN EMPLOYMENT: ECONOMIC, LEGAL, AND POLITICAL REALITIES 70 Iowa Law Review 901 (May, 1985) Nineteen eighty-four was an interesting year for retrospectives. We have seen celebrations, or laments, of thirty years since Brown v. Board of Education. Even recent Supreme Court terms yielded cases that still endeavor to make Brown live, or to make even more deliberate the glacial pace of school integration. It was also predictable that there... 1985
Paul E. Mirengoff THE VALIDITY OF COURT-ORDERED EMPLOYMENT QUOTAS: A STATUTORY AND CONSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS 19 University of Richmond Law Review 797 (Summer, 1985) Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has produced more than its share of difficult legal and moral issues, none has sparked more controversy than the question of the validity of hiring and promotion quotas. This issue has fueled continuous debate in the popular press and in scholarly journals. It has long divided former allies in the... 1985
Edward J. O'Connell UNION AFFILIATIONS AND THE RIGHTS OF NONUNION EMPLOYEES 53 Fordham Law Review 1443 (May, 1985) It is a common practice for unions to affiliate. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) has defined an affiliation as the alignment or association of a union with a new organization when such alignment or association does not result in the dissolution of an already existing union. Affiliations occur in two contexts: Two or more local... 1985
Steven D. Reinbolt CIVIL RIGHTS-EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION-BURDEN OF PROOF-THE PLAINTIFF IN AN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION SUIT BASED ON TITLE VII AND SECTIONS 1981 AND 1983 MUST PROVE BY A PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE THAT THE CHALLENGED EMPLOYMENT DECISION WOULD NOT HAVE OC 53 University of Cincinnati Law Review 863 (1984) In October of 1976, Ida Mary Lewis, a black woman, failed to receive an expected promotion from sales clerk to assistant buyer at the University of Pittsburgh's Book Center. Lewis's educational background was superior to that of Jean Aiello, the white woman who received the promotion to assistant buyer. Additionally, Lewis had much more work... 1984
John A. Tisdale DETERRED NONAPPLICANTS IN TITLE VII CLASS ACTIONS: EXAMINING THE LIMITS OF EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 64 Boston University Law Review 151 (January, 1984) Congress enacted Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to create a broad-based remedy for employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. The basic purpose of Title VII was to open channels of employment to all minorities. The statute, however, gave no indication as to what types of individuals would be... 1984
Marla Ziegler DISPARATE IMPACT ANALYSIS AND THE AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT 68 Minnesota Law Review 1038 (May, 1984) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) was enacted to promote employment of older persons based on their ability . . . and to prohibit arbitrary age discrimination in employment. Modeled after title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the ADEA prohibits employers from using age as a factor in employment decisions or from... 1984
R. Paul Faxon EMPLOYER SANCTIONS FOR HIRING ILLEGAL ALIENS: A SIMPLISTIC SOLUTION TO A COMPLEX PROBLEM 6 Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 203 (Spring, 1984) United States immigration policy over the course of the last 200 years has evolved from one of open arms to one of racial and qualitative restrictions to one of qualitative and quantitative restrictions. These shifts, fueled by racism, domestic economic conditions including an end to war-time labor shortages, and domestic resource limitations, have... 1984
Beth Marshall EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION: EVIDENTIARY STANDARDS IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION SUITS 6 Campbell Law Review 163 (Spring, 1984) The declared legislative policy of North Carolina in the area of employment is . . . to protect and safeguard the right and opportunity of all persons to seek, obtain and hold employment without discrimination or abridgement on account of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap . . .. The policy extends to state employees as... 1984
David J. Burge EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION-DEFINING AN EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY UNDER TITLE VII FOR ON-THE-JOB SEXUAL HARASSMENT: ADOPTION OF A BIFURCATED STANDARD 62 North Carolina Law Review 795 (April, 1984) Sexual harassment has been characterized as the most widespread problem women face in the workforce. Such harassment constitutes a real economic barrier to career advancement by women, especially in nontraditional jobs. Moreover, it can inflict significant emotional and psychological injury upon the victim. In response to this growing problem,... 1984
Diane Sanders Peake EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION-WRIGHT v. OLIN CORP.: TITLE VII AND THE EXCLUSION OF WOMEN FROM THE FETALLY TOXIC WORKPLACE 62 North Carolina Law Review 1068 (June, 1984) During the past decade, women have altered dramatically this country's workforce by entering the job market at an estimated rate of two million per year. This increase in the number of women workers has been accompanied by an increase in the awareness of reproductive hazards associated with exposure to certain chemicals in the workplace. Although... 1984
Martin K. Denis HOW TO IDENTIFY EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION RETALIATION CLAIMS 66-NOV Chicago Bar Record 168 (November, 1984) Most employers are familiar with the various statutes that prohibit discrimination in hiring, promoting and discharging employees. Of less public awareness, but of equal significance, is the protection these same statutes accord to applicants or employees who protest alleged discriminatory employment practices, either through internal complaints or... 1984
Betsey Nathan THE SECOND CIRCUIT STRIKES A BALANCE BETWEEN ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS: GRAY v. BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION 50 Brooklyn Law Review 627 (Spring, 1984) In 1972, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act brought educational institutions within the scope of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII). This extension of coverage reflected a developing awareness, nationally, that the academic community was not immune from discriminatory employment practices. The claims of discrimination in academic promotion... 1984
Nancy E. Dowd THE TEST OF EMPLOYEE STATUS: ECONOMIC REALITIES AND TITLE VII 26 William and Mary Law Review 75 (Fall, 1984) Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination in the broadest possible terms. As the Supreme Court stated in Griggs v. Duke Power Co., t he objective of Congress in the enactment of Title VII is plain. . . . It was to achieve equality of employment opportunities. . . by the removal of artificial, arbitrary, and... 1984
James E. Youngdahl UNION STANDING IN PROSECUTION OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION: QUESTIONS OF CLASS 38 Arkansas Law Review 24 (1984) Two decades ago Congress passed the first comprehensive ban on employment discrimination in the history of the nation. Since July, 1965, it has been a remediable unfair employment practice for employers, labor organizations, or employment agencies to discriminate because of race, sex, religion, or national origin. The deluge of litigation which... 1984
Marjorie Gelb , JoAnne Frankfurt CALIFORNIA'S FAIR EMPLOYMENT AND HOUSING ACT: A VIABLE STATE REMEDY FOR EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION 34 Hastings Law Journal 1055 (May/July, 1983) Fair employment laws, which originated in this country in 1941 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive proclamation prohibiting race discrimination in government defense contracts, have increased in scope substantially over the years. The California Fair Employment Practices Act was passed in 1959, and was followed five years later... 1983
Laurie A. Lewis DILUTING RELIEF UNDER TITLE VII: FORD MOTOR CO. v. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION-EMPLOYMENT OFFER ABSENT RETROACTIVE SENIORITY EFFECTIVE IN TOLLING BACKPAY 32 Catholic University Law Review 665 (Spring, 1983) Victims of unlawful employment discrimination practices may seek appropriate judicial relief under section 706(g) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Courts granting remedies under this section are guided by the two main objectives of title VII. First, the statute was designed to prohibit employment practices creating inequality on the basis of race,... 1983
Mark A. Rothstein EMPLOYEE SELECTION BASED ON SUSCEPTIBILITY TO OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESS 81 Michigan Law Review 1379 (May, 1983) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. 1381 I. THE BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF INCREASED RISK. 1382 A. Genetic-Based Increased Risk. 1384 1. Biochemical Genetic Factors. 1384 a. Sickle cell. 1385 b. G-6-PD deficiency. 1386 c. SAT deficiency. 1387 2. HLA System. 1388 B. Nonoccupational Environmental Factors. 1388 1. Increased Risk Based on Innate... 1983
Pamela Reasor Hanebutt EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION-AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. v. PATTERSON: SECTION 703(H) OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 EXTENDS A "MEASURE OF IMMUNITY" TO SENIORITY SYSTEMS ADOPTED AFTER THE ENACTMENT OF TITLE VII 58 Tulane Law Review 386 (October, 1983) John Patterson, a black male, brought suit against his employer, the American Tobacco Company, and the Tobacco Workers' International Union, alleging racial discrimination in hiring and promotional practices in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The district court found that although the petitioners' current hiring practices... 1983
Kenneth L. Homick EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION-EMPLOYER'S CONTENTION THAT PROMOTION PROCEDURES RESULTED IN A "BOTTOM LINE"' IMPACT FAVORABLE TO MINORITIES DOES NOT NEGATE A PRIMA FACIE CASE OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION UNDER TITLE VII- CONNECTICUT v. TEAl, 457 U.S. 440 (1982) 56 Temple Law Quarterly 1045 (Fall 1983) In Connecticut v. Teal, the United States Supreme Court considered allegations that a two-part promotion procedure was racially discriminatory. The Court held that plaintiffs could establish a prima facie case of employment discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by showing that the first part of a promotion procedure... 1983
Joel Wm. Friedman FAIR EMPLOYMENT LEGISLATION IN LOUISIANA: A CRITIQUE OF THE 1983 ACT AND A PROPOSED SUBSTITUTE STATUTE 58 Tulane Law Review 444 (November, 1983) In 1964, Congress enacted an omnibus civil rights statute outlawing discrimination in several sectors of American society. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination by private and public employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. While this federal law has served as the major vehicle... 1983
Robert Belton HARNESSING DISCRETIONARY JUSTICE IN THE EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES: THE MOODY AND FRANKS STANDARDS 44 Ohio State Law Journal 571 (1983) The proliferation of federal discrimination statutes has posed for the federal courts new and difficult questions that have generated a new round of debate concerning the role of the judiciary in a modern statutory setting. Part of the debate concerns the authority of the federal courts pursuant to the doctrine of equitable discretion to deny or... 1983
by Peter G. Kilgore IDENTIFYING EMPLOYEES FOR PURPOSES OF EEO COMPLIANCE: OPENING PANDORA'S BOX 30 Federal Bar News and Journal 445 (November, 1983) Identification of race and ethnic status is an essential factor in determining an employer's compliance with various equal employment opportunity laws. Statistical evidence of the minority composition of an employer's workforce is used in determining whether discrimination has occurred under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and in... 1983
Barry Bennett Kaufman PREFERENTIAL HIRING POLICIES FOR OLDER WORKERS UNDER THE AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT 56 Southern California Law Review 825 (March, 1983) Since the advent of the Social Security system some fifty years ago, there has existed an implicit social contract that the working generation will support, either privately or publicly, the retired and disabled generations. In recent years, however, economists and social planners have expressed grave concern over the continued feasibility of this... 1983
Earl M. Maltz TITLE VII AND UPPER LEVEL EMPLOYMENT-A RESPONSE TO PROFESSOR BARTHOLET 77 Northwestern University Law Review 776 (February, 1983) A recurrent problem in the law of employment discrimination is the difficulty of determining the appropriate standards to apply in suits under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (title VII) that charge discrimination in upper level jobs. The problem is particularly acute in cases in which plaintiffs base their claims not on employers'... 1983
Harry F. Tepker, Jr. TITLE VII, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, AND ACADEMIC AUTONOMY: TOWARD A PRINCIPLED DEFERENCE 16 U.C. Davis Law Review 1047 (Summer, 1983) In 1972, Congress extended title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to higher educational institutions. The federal courts have since struggled with the problems of defining and discerning employment discrimination in academic environments. Initially, courts enforced title VII against educational institutions with reservation and reluctance.... 1983
Kevin E. Teel EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AND THE SENIORITY SYSTEM EXCEPTION: AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. v. PATTERSON 36 Southwestern Law Journal 1039 (November, 1982) THE American Tobacco Company operated two plants that manufactured tobacco products in Richmond, Virginia. The Tobacco Workers' International Union and its affiliate Locals 182 and 216 were the collective bargaining agents for hourly paid production workers at the company's plants. Each plant was divided into two departments, and prior to 1963 the... 1982
  FREE SPEECH, THE PRIVATE EMPLOYEE, AND STATE CONSTITUTIONS 91 Yale Law Journal 522 (January, 1982) All too frequently, individual employees who express personal political views obnoxious to their employers are discharged from their jobs or subjected to other forms of retaliation. Federal constitutional guarantees protect public employees, but do not extend to workers in the private sector. Moreover, the National Labor Relations Act and analogous... 1982
  RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT 96 Harvard Law Review 278 (November, 1982) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Section 703(h) of the Civil Rights Act, however, allows an employer to provide different compensation or other privileges to employees pursuant to a bona fide seniority system and to... 1982
George R. Kramer TITLE VII ON CAMPUS: JUDICIAL REVIEW OF UNIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT DECISIONS 82 Columbia Law Review 1206 (October, 1982) University employment practices have long been purely internal matters, beyond the concern of the federal government. This tradition of noninterference ended when title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was extended to racial or gender discrimination in university employment. Many courts applying title VII have, however, given universities so... 1982
Thomas O. McGarity , Elinor P. Schroeder RISK-ORIENTED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 59 Texas Law Review 999 (August, 1981) I. Introduction. 1000 II. Description of Risk-Oriented Screens. 1004 A. Gender. 1004 B. Age. 1006 C. Physical Stature. 1007 D. Disabilities and Handicaps. 1008 1. Disabilities Increasing Workplace Risks. 1008 2. Disabilities Increasing Employee Vulnerability. 1012 III. Employment Screening and Market Decisions. 1013 A. The Pure Economic Model. 1013... 1981
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