Michael L. Marshall CAUSATION IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION ANALYSIS: A PROPOSED MARRIAGE OF THE CROSON AND WARDS COVE RATIONALES 20 University of Baltimore Law Review 307 (Spring, 1991) I. INTRODUCTION. 308 II. TRADITIONAL ANALYSIS. 311 A. Adverse Treatment. 311 B. Adverse Impact. 315 1. General Standards of Review. 317 2. Establishing Adverse Impact. 321 3. Defenses and Shifting Burdens. 327 III. REMEDIES FOR EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION. 332 A. Court-Ordered Relief in Contested Cases. 333 B. Consent Decrees. 336 C. Voluntary... 1991
Glenn D. Levy CIVIL PROCEDURE - APPEAL AND ERROR - INCURABLE, REVERSIBLE ERROR OCCURS WHENEVER THE JURY FEELS ANIMUS TOWARD OR SOLIDARITY WITH WITNESSES OR LITIGANTS BECAUSE OF ETHNICITY OR RACE DUE TO AN ATTORNEY'S SUGGESTIONS MADE DURING CLOSING ARGUMENT, NO MATTER H 22 Saint Mary's Law Journal 1163 (1991) On appeal from an action brought for workman's compensation benefits on behalf of Roman Guerrero (Guerrero), the Texas Employer's Insurance Association (TEIA) complained that Guerrero's attorney made an appeal for ethnic unity during his closing argument. Supporting TEIA's allegations is the fact that eleven of the twelve jurors had Spanish... 1991
David L. Ceballes CLAIMING EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION IN NEW MEXICO UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW 21 New Mexico Law Review 415 (Spring, 1991) Employees in New Mexico are protected from various forms of employment discrimination under both federal and state law. Under various provisions of federal and state statutes, it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee on the basis of race, age, sex, physical or mental disability, religion, national origin, color, or... 1991
Christine Neylon O'Brien , Margo E.K. Reder , Gerald A. Madek , Gerald R. Ferrera EMPLOYER FETAL PROTECTION POLICIES AT WORK: BALANCING REPRODUCTIVE HAZARDS WITH TITLE VII RIGHTS 74 Marquette Law Review 147 (Winter, 1991) I. Introduction. 148 II. Facts in International Union, United Auto Workers v. Johnson Controls, Inc.. 149 A. United States District Court. 153 B. United States Court of Appeals. 159 C. The United States Supreme Court. 170 1. The Court's Opinion. 172 2. Concurrences. 179 3. Case Analysis. 182 III. Employer Liability: The Analytical Framework of... 1991
Bruce Beezer, Ed.D. EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST HANDICAPPED SCHOOL EMPLOYEES: SECTION 504 65 West's Education Law Reporter 693 (April, 1991) Like those persons who face discrimination on the basis of their race, color, sex, or national origin, individuals with physical or mental handicaps often are denied an equal opportunity for employment. In discussing the problems of a blind job applicant, one court made observations that could apply equally well to other handicapped persons. The... 1991
Christine Godsil Cooper EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW AND THE NEED FOR REFORM 16 Vermont Law Review 183 (Summer, 1991) Recent Supreme Court decisions, particularly those from the 1988-89 term, reconstructed the law of employment discrimination. The result of this reconstruction is clear: victims of discrimination now have a very difficult task. Burdens of proof were changed to the disadvantage of those already disadvantaged by discrimination. Definitions were... 1991
Judith Reed LIMITING THE RIGHT TO A BIAS-FREE WORKPLACE: A SURVEY OF THE EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION DECISIONS OF THE 1988-89 TERM 18 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 93 (1990/1991) In its 1988-89 Term, the Supreme Court decided an extraordinary number of cases involving employment discrimination. That Term marked a shift in the Court's attention from affirmative action questions to other issues related to employment discrimination suits, such as procedural guidelines, attorney's fees and the availability of actions under the... 1991
Mary E. Becker NEEDED IN THE NINETIES: IMPROVED INDIVIDUAL AND STRUCTURAL REMEDIES FOR RACIAL AND SEXUAL DISADVANTAGES IN EMPLOYMENT 79 Georgetown Law Journal 1659 (August, 1991) As a result of many advantages, white men earn significantly more than women and minorities, especially minority women. Women with college educations earn less than men with high school educations. Comparisons of wages for full time white male workers and minority women are especially dramatic. For example, African-American women workers earned... 1991
Marc Rosenblum RACE-CONSCIOUS EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS IN THE POST-BRENNAN ERA: AN END TO FALSELY REMEDIAL PREFERENCES? 28 Houston Law Review 993 (October, 1991) I. Introduction. 995 II. Preferential PracticesThe Factual Predicate and Competence. 1001 A. The Factual Predicate. 1002 1. Two formulations of the factual predicate requirement. 1003 2. The factual predicate in Weber. 1004 3. The factual predicate in Johnson. 1006 4. Resolving the factual predicate issue: Croson. 1007 5. The confusion created by... 1991
John E. Sanchez RELIGIOUS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN EMPLOYMENT: FEARFUL SYMMETRY 1991 Detroit College of Law Review 1019 (Fall, 1991) Population projections presage that with the next census, Protestants will comprise scarcely a numerical majority of the American population. Displacing traditional faiths are immigrants with new religions. Indeed, many religious authorities cite Islam as the fastest growing faith in the United States. Thanks in part to this diaspora, the ranks... 1991
Kermit Alfonso Welch, III THE CHANGING DISPARATE IMPACT THEORY OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION 34 Howard Law Journal 331 (1991) Minorities and disadvantaged groups have always struggled to obtain civil rights in their countries; and the trend in the United States has been no exception. Recently, the clock has been turned back on civil rights in America. Minorities, who initially used the courts as a way of securing their rights, are now finding it increasingly more... 1991
John J. Donohue III , Peter Siegelman THE CHANGING NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION 43 Stanford Law Review 983 (May, 1991) The future of America's policy towards civil rights in employment will be determined by the current battle between two opposing forces. One group sees the expansion of federal power to eliminate employment discrimination as the product of this country's growing commitment to racial and gender justice. Its champion is the United States Congress, and... 1991
Catherine J. Lanctot THE DEFENDANT LIES AND THE PLAINTIFF LOSES: THE FALLACY OF THE "PRETEXT-PLUS" RULE IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES 43 Hastings Law Journal 57 (November, 1991) I. Competing Rules Governing Proof of Intentional Discrimination at the Pretext Stage. 71 A. The Pretext-Only Rule. 71 B. The Pretext-Plus' Rule. 81 C. How Much Plus' Evidence Do the Pretext-Plus' Courts Require?. 91 II. The Fallacy of the Pretext-Plus' Rule. 100 A. Can the Defendant Rebut the Presumption of Discrimination with a Legitimate... 1991
Kurt Richard Mattson THE DEMISE OF DISPARATE IMPACT EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION IN THE REHNQUIST COURT 67 North Dakota Law Review 39 (1991) The disparate impact theory has been in existence since 1971, when Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was applied by the Supreme Court to cases of discrimination where intent was missing or hard to prove, but yet was apparent. Confusion over its application has accompanied the analysis since that date. After much debate and discrepancy among the... 1991
Leroy D. Clark THE LAW AND ECONOMICS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT BY DAVID A. STRAUSS 79 Georgetown Law Journal 1695 (August, 1991) Professor David Strauss's article is a thoughtful, carefully developed economic analysis of current prospects for efficient enforcement of the laws prohibiting racial discrimination in employment. After canvassing various theories of discrimination, Strauss concludes that severe limitations exist in applying to modern conditions legal concepts... 1991
David A. Strauss THE LAW AND ECONOMICS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT: THE CASE FOR NUMERICAL STANDARDS 79 Georgetown Law Journal 1619 (August, 1991) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 marked, and surely contributed to, a dramatic change in the accepted view of racial discrimination. Within a decade after the Act was passed, the consensus in favor of some form of civil rights laws, and against racial discrimination, became virtually beyond challenge in mainstream political debate. In the mid-1950s... 1991
Robert L. Norton THE NEW DISPARATE IMPACT ANALYSIS IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION: EMANUEL v. MARSH IN LIGHT OF WATSON, ATONIO, AND THE FAILED CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1990 56 Missouri Law Review 333 (Spring, 1991) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Under Title VII, a determination of unlawful employment discrimination may be based on either disparate treatment analysis or disparate impact analysis. Disparate treatment theory requires a showing that the... 1991
Lewis M. Steel, Miriam F. Clark THE SECOND CIRCUIT'S EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES: AN UNCERTAIN WELCOME 65 Saint John's Law Review 839 (Summer, 1991) This Article will focus upon how the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has, over the past decade, addressed certain key issues in the area of employment discrimination. Critical cases will be reviewed through the prism of the authors' belief that, consistent with congressional intent and public policy, the federal courts of... 1991
Colonel Robert E. Sutemeier, USAF THEORIES OF DISCRIMINATION IN FEDERAL SECTOR EMPLOYEE LITIGATION 35 Air Force Law Review 19 (1991) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. When Congress enacted Title VII in 1964, it excluded the Federal Government from the definition of an employer in section 701(b). Although Federal employment discrimination clearly violated the... 1991
Lino A. Graglia TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964: FROM PROHIBITING TO REQUIRING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT 14 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 68 (Winter, 1991) The modern law of racial discrimination began with the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, which prohibited compulsory racial segregation in public schools. It soon became clear that Brown stood for the principle that all racial discrimination by government is unconstitutional. The principle that government should not... 1991
Sharon L. Tasman, Margaret A. Jacobsen V. EMPLOYMENT 50 Maryland Law Review 1153 (1991) In Morris v. Prince George's County, the Court of Appeals interpreted Maryland Code article 73B, section 32(a) and found that the legislative policy favoring pension benefit portability necessitates allowing transferees to carry actual years of service from their former retirement system to their new retirement system for the purpose of determining... 1991
Michael H. Gottesman WITHER GOEST LABOR LAW: LAW AND ECONOMICS IN THE WORKPLACE 100 Yale Law Journal 2767 (June, 1991) The long and steady decline in the percentage of private-sector employees represented by unions-a decline now in its fourth decade -preoccupies all thinking about American labor law today. One would not have learned of this decline from the writings of scholars and courts during the 1960's and 1970's; indeed, these sources espoused little but... 1991
Joel L. Selig AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN EMPLOYMENT AFTER CROSON AND MARTIN: THE LEGACY REMAINS INTACT 63 Temple Law Review 1 (Spring, 1990) Two years ago I undertook a detailed review and evaluation of the United States Supreme Court's jurisprudence on affirmative action in employment. I concluded that the Court's 1986 and 1987 decisions on the subject had resolved most of the important questions in the area, and that what I called the Brennan-Powell majority had created a legacy on... 1990
Suzanne M. Boris AGE DISCRIMINATION 58 George Washington Law Review 877 (June, 1990) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (the ADEA) was enacted to promote employment of older persons based on their ability rather than age; to prohibit arbitrary age discrimination in employment; to help employers and workers find ways of meeting problems arising from the impact of age on employment. Because the ADEA was modeled after... 1990
Pamela L. Perry BALANCING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WITH EMPLOYERS' LEGITIMATE DISCRETION: THE BUSINESS NECESSITY RESPONSE TO DISPARATE IMPACT DISCRIMINATION UNDER TITLE VII 12 Industrial Relations Law Journal 1 (1990) In this article, Professor Perry identifies the split among the Justices of the Supreme Court on the appropriate standard to be used for establishing the business necessity justification to disparate impact discrimination under Title VII. She proposes that the business necessity standard be modeled on the framework of the bona fide occupational... 1990
Charles A. Shanor , Samuel A. Marcosson BATTLEGROUND FOR A DIVIDED COURT: EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION IN THE SUPREME COURT, 1988-89 6 Labor Lawyer 145 (Winter, 1990) The Supreme Court's 1988-89 Term may be best remembered for the abortion and flag-desecration decisions. But no field of the law was as widely considered by the Court as civil rights, particularly employment discrimination. The substance of these cases was remarkably varied, ranging from sexual stereotyping to racial harassment, disparate treatment... 1990
Clark Freshman BEYOND ATOMIZED DISCRIMINATION: USE OF ACTS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST "OTHER" MINORITIES TO PROVE DISCRIMINATORY MOTIVATION UNDER FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT LAW 43 Stanford Law Review 241 (November, 1990) Mike Ueda, a graduating MBA with a concentration in marketing, and whose grandparents happened to come from Japan, sends his resume to a well-known advertising firm and subsequently interviews on campus with one of the firm's account executives. The members of the firm recruiting committee, which includes no Asians or women, review Mike's resume... 1990
Robert Belton CAUSATION AND BURDEN-SHIFTING DOCTRINES IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW REVISITED: SOME THOUGHTS ON HOPKINS AND WARDS COVE 64 Tulane Law Review 1359 (June, 1990) I. Introduction II. Hopkins and Wards Cove A. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins 1. Causation 2. Causation as a Liability-Determining Rule 3. Burden-Shifting Rules and the Same Decision Test 4. Unresolved Issues B. Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio 1. Causation in Disparate-Impact Claims 2. Burden-Shifting Rules in Disparate-Impact Cases 3. The Quantum... 1990
Mack A. Player CITIZENSHIP, ALIENAGE, AND ETHNIC ORIGIN DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT UNDER THE LAW OF THE UNITED STATES 20 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 29 (Spring, 1990) The Lord spoke to Moses and said, . . . When an alien settles with you in your land, you shall not oppress him. He shall be treated as a native born among you, and you shall love him as a man like yourself . . . . Leviticus 19:33 (New English Bible) This paper will survey the federal law of discrimination in employment based on ethnic origin,... 1990
Michael A. Ross CIVIL RIGHTS * - -DISPARATE TREATMENT * - -UNDER TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, A PLAINTIFF WHO SHOWS THAT ILLEGITIMATE CONSIDERATIONS PLAYED A SUBSTANTIAL ROLE IN AN ADVERSE EMPLOYMENT DECISION MAY SHIFT THE BURDEN OF PERSUASION TO THE DEFEND 67 University of Detroit Law Review 487 (Spring, 1990) Hopkins was a candidate for partnership in Price Waterhouse's accounting firm. As part of the selection process, partners in the firm submitted written comments to the firm's Admissions Committee. These comments praised the plaintiff's performance in securing major contracts but criticized her interpersonal skills. Some of these comments indicated... 1990
Linda L. Holdeman CIVIL RIGHTS IN EMPLOYMENT: THE NEW GENERATION 67 Denver University Law Review 1 (1990) In July 1989, Title VII was twenty-five years old. It is generally assumed that the first twenty-five years have seen significant changes in the economic opportunities available to America's minorities and women. But with the rise to power of the Reagan appointees, the Supreme Court is clearly fashioning a new approach to issues of civil rights in... 1990
Michael T. Larkin CIVIL RIGHTS--CONSENT DECREES--NONPARTIES TO EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CONSENT DECREES MAY ATTACK, IN A COLLATERAL LAWSUIT, DECISIONS MADE PURSUANT TO THE DECREES 21 Saint Mary's Law Journal 1063 (1990) Martin v. Wilks, __ U.S. __, 109 S.Ct. 2180, 104 L. Ed. 2d 835 (1989). In 1984, Robert Wilks and six white employees of the Birmingham Fire Department sued the city of Birmingham, Alabama and the Jefferson County Personnel Board in a reverse discrimination lawsuit. Wilks alleged he was denied a promotion while less qualified blacks were promoted... 1990
Erik R. Sunde CIVIL RIGHTS--TITLE VII DISPARATE IMPACT THEORY--EMPLOYER'S BURDEN OF REBUTTING PRIMA FACIE CASE UNDER DISPARATE IMPACT THEORY IS ONE OF PRODUCTION WHILE ULTIMATE BURDEN OF PERSUASION REMAINS WITH COMPLAINANT 21 Saint Mary's Law Journal 1081 (1990) Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio, __ U.S. __, 109 S.Ct. 2115, 104 L. Ed. 2d 733 (1989). Wards Cove Packing Co. (Wards Cove) operates a salmon packing cannery in a remote region of Alaska. Cannery jobs at Wards Cove, requiring little skill, are staffed predominantly by non-whites, while whites occupy skilled noncannery jobs. In 1974, a class of... 1990
Ronald Turner EMPLOYER LIABILITY UNDER TITLE VII FOR HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT SEXUAL HARASSMENT BY SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL: THE IMPACT AND AFTERMATH OF MERITOR SAVINGS BANK 33 Howard Law Journal 1 (1990) I. Title VII Theories of Sexual Harassment A. Recognized Variants of Sexual Harassment B. Required Proof in Sexual Harassment Actions 1. Order of Proof in Quid Pro Quo Cases 2. Order of Proof in Hostile Environment Cases II. Employer Liability for Supervisory and Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment: The State of the Law Before Meritor Savings... 1990
George M. Strickler, Jr. EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION 21 Texas Tech Law Review 231 (1990) A. The Application of Title VII to the Employment Opportunities of Nonemployees B. Issue Preclusion and Claim Preclusion C. Proof of Causation and the Mixed Motive Case D. Extraterritorial Application A. Proof of Intentional Discrimination B. The Willfulness Standard C. The Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Defense With one exception, the... 1990
Lee Modjeska EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AND THE RECONSIDERATION OF RUNYON 78 Kentucky Law Journal 377 (1989/1990) The Supreme Court sent shock waves through the civil rights community last term when it ordered reargument in Patterson v. McLean Credit Union (Patterson I) of the following question: Whether or not the interpretation of 42 U.S.C. ยง 1981 adopted by this Court in Runyon v. McCrary, 427 U.S. 160 (1976), should be reconsidered? The Court indicated... 1990
Josef Rohlik EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1989: REVISIONS OR A PAUSE 20 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 57 (Spring, 1990) This is the second time I have participated in the Roundtable on Employment Law organized by Professor Vogel-Polsky at the Institute. Needless to say, I am very honored by your kind invitation, and very pleased to be here. Since everybody here is well acquainted with the law of employment discrimination in the United States, I will limit my... 1990
Melissa M. McGrath EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION: ARE TITLE VII PROTECTIONS UNDER A DISPARATE IMPACT ANALYSIS DRASTICALLY DIMINISHED? 15 Southern Illinois University Law Journal 187 (Fall, 1990) Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio, 109 S. Ct. 2115 (1989) Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio was initiated in 1974 by a class of nonwhite cannery workers seeking protection from alleged discriminatory employment practices. Their employers were several Alaska salmon processing companies which operated canneries that employed cannery and noncannery... 1990
Jean Calhoun Brooks EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION-THE SUPREME COURT LIBERATES TITLE VII MIXED-MOTIVE CASES FROM THE PROCRUSTEAN BED OF THE MCDONNELL DOUGLAS/BURDINE PRETEXT MODEL-PRICE WATERHOUSE v. HOPKINS 25 Wake Forest Law Review 345 (1990) Decision making is a complex and multifaceted process. Seldom does a single factor or consideration motivate a decisionmaker. Acknowledging the fundamental complexity of decision making during the epic legislative struggle surrounding the passage of title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Senator Case commented: If anyone ever had an action... 1990
Gary Minda EMPLOYMENT LAW 41 Syracuse Law Review 265 (1990) It is customary for authors of this Survey to comment exclusively on the labor relations decisions of the New York courts. However, in the last decade or so, the confines of labor law have been broadened to include general employment law subjects such as employment discrimination, drug testing, employee privacy, employment at-will, and others... 1990
Mark T. Conlon EMPLOYMENT LAW--ARBITRATION NOT A PREREQUISITE TO A FEDERAL COURT PROCEEDING ON A TITLE VII CLAIM--UTLEY v. GOLDMAN SACHS & CO., 883 F.2D 184 (1ST CIR. 1989), CERT. DENIED, 110 S. CT. 842 (1990) 24 Suffolk University Law Review 271 (Spring, 1990) The Federal Arbitration Act (Arbitration Act) established a liberal policy in favor of private agreements to arbitrate contractual disputes. In Utley v. Goldman Sachs & Co., the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit considered whether an employee is required to arbitrate a claim for a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act... 1990
Gilda Vinzulis Boyer EMPLOYMENT LAW--REDEFINING THE EVIDENTIARY BURDENS IN TITLE VII DISPARATE IMPACT EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CASES: WARDS COVE PACKING COMPANY v. ATONIO 15 Journal of Corporation Law 573 (Spring, 1990) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employer practices which deprive individuals of potential employment opportunities due to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The right of employees to challenge employer practices that are fair in form but discriminatory in operation was first recognized by the Supreme Court in... 1990
Linda W. Filardi EMPLOYMENT LAW--TITLE VII--ONCE PLAINTIFF DEMONSTRATES ILLEGITIMATE FACTOR MOTIVATED EMPLOYMENT DECISION, DEFENDANT MUST SHOW THAT SAME DECISION WOULD HAVE BEEN MADE ABSENT THE UNLAWFUL FACTOR TO AVOID LIABILITY--PRICE WATERHOUSE v. HOPKINS, 109 S.CT. 177 20 Seton Hall Law Review 860 (1990) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) prohibits an employer from discriminating against individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. The statute is sweeping in its language. Title VII includes neither a definition of discrimination, nor a standard for determining liability. In effect, the language of... 1990
Emilie M. Meyer EMPLOYMENT LAW--TITLE VII--UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT CLARIFIES STANDARDS FOR STATISTICAL EVIDENCE AND BURDENS OF PROOF IN PRIVATE LITIGATION UNDER THE DISPARATE IMPACT THEORY--WARDS COVE PACKING CO. v. ANTONIO, 109 S.CT. 2115 (1989) 20 Seton Hall Law Review 831 (1990) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act) prohibits an employer from discriminating against individuals on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, or national origin. The United States Supreme Court has interpreted Title VII to forbid both intentional discrimination and the use of facially neutral employment practices that adversely... 1990
Frank B. Harty , Thomas W. Foley EMPLOYMENT TORTS: EMERGING AREAS OF EMPLOYER LIABILITY 39 Drake Law Review 3 (1989-1990) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 4 A. The Changing Employment Environment. 4 B. The New Employment Torts. 5 II. Employment Torts. 6 A. Negligent Hiring. 6 1. The Scope of the Problem. 6 2. The Elements of the Tort of Negligent Hiring. 7 3. The Advantages of the Negligent Hiring Cause of Action. 12 4. The Law of Negligent Hiring in Iowa. 14 B.... 1990
Katherine Brokaw GENETIC SCREENING IN THE WORKPLACE AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 23 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 317 (1990) Imagine yourself, a few years in the future, applying for a job as a skilled worker in an industrial plant. You have been very healthy during your whole life. You don't smoke, drink, or use drugs. You are experienced and qualified for the job. You are about to be hired. Then, as a mere formality, you are asked by your soon-to-be employer to undergo... 1990
Joseph Beckham, J.D., Ph.D. HARMONIZING ALTERNATIVE THEORIES OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYERS 58 West's Education Law Reporter 883 (1990) Congress enacted Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the goal of eliminating employment discrimination. The statute forbids discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Two theories, disparate treatment and disparate impact, may be utilized by litigants to demonstrate employment... 1990
Harvey L. Cohen IN THE WAKE OF PATTERSON v. MCLEAN CREDIT UNION: THE TREACHEROUS AND SHIFTING SHOALS OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW 67 Denver University Law Review 557 (1990) Perhaps no circuit better exemplifies the current chaos that reigns among the lower federal courts in the interpretation of Patterson v. McLean Credit Union than Colorado's Tenth Circuit. In the wake of Patterson, judges within the same Colorado district have issued contradictory rulings on discriminatory firings, while another Colorado judge has... 1990
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