TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
State v. Houghton 6 La.Ann. 783, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Fourth District Court of New Orleans, Strawbridge, J.   Cases  
State v. Jackson 6 La.Ann. 593, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Justice Court of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, P. A. Walker and T. R. Dufrocq, Justices.   Cases  
State v. Jonas 6 La.Ann. 695, Supreme Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Court of Justices of the Peace in the Parish of Caddo. J. C. Beall and John Woods, Justices.   Cases  
State v. Judge 6 La.Ann. 548, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1851) 1851 This was an application for a mandamus, to be directed to J. N. T. Richardson, Judge of the Tenth Judicial District, upon the relation of Cynthia Thompson.   Cases  
State v. Mix 15 Mo. 153, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1851) 1851 The court is also requested to remark, that the instruction which is said to have been given in lieu of the instruction asked by the defendant, does not appear in the record at all; but after the bill of exceptions was made out, the court directed the clerk to make the marg??al note, that such an instruction, in...   Cases  
State v. Powell 6 La.Ann. 449, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of Lafourche, Randall, J.   Cases  
State v. Read 6 La.Ann. 227, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of West Feliciana, Penn, J.   Cases  
State v. Smart 4 Rich. 356, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (January 01, 1851) 1851 An indictment, under the Act, 3 Stat. 470, for stealing bank bills, need not state that they were the bills of some incorporated bank, or give such a minute description of them that they may be identified and distinguished from other bills of the same bank: such an indictment is sufficient if it describes the bills as the bills of a certain bank,...   Cases  
Steele v. Brown 18 Ala. 700, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1851) 1851 ERROR to the Chancery Court of Montgomery. Tried before the Hon. J. W. Lesesne.   Cases  
Stephens v. Sherrod 6 Tex. 294, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1851) 1851 The questions presented for our consideration which seem to require notice are-- 1st. Is the contract disclosed by the record a mortgage? and if so, 2d. Can the plaintiff waive his remedy upon the mortgage, and recover in this action the money loaned? 1. The bill of sale and the defeasance were executed at the same time and in respect to the same...   Cases  
Stephenson v. Lee 6 La.Ann. 758, Supreme Court of Louisiana (November 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Fifth District Court of New Orleans, Buchanan, J.   Cases  
Stong v. Wilkson 14 Mo. 116, Supreme Court of Missouri (March 01, 1851) 1851 David Stong died in 1835, leaving Anthony Wilkson the executor of his will and the guardian of his children. In October of that year, he was qualified as executor, but never as guardian. He continued in the executorship until the fall of 1844, when he was superseded by Skeil, who was also appointed guardian of the children then living. Wilkson made...   Cases  
Streshley v. Powell 12 B.Mon. 178, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 25, 1851) 1851 Contracts. Considerations. Chancery. ERROR TO THE LOUISVILLE CHANCERY COURT. The case stated. TO ENJOIN a judgment recovered by the appellant against the appellee, in the Jefferson Circuit Court, for the sum of $700, besides interest and costs, the appellee filed his bill in the Louisville Chancery Court. An injunction was granted, and, upon trial,...   Cases  
Strong v. Gregory 19 Ala. 146, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1851) 1851 ERROR to the Chancery Court of Butler. Tried before the Hon. J. W. Lesesne.   Cases  
Succession of Connolly 6 La.Ann. 795, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Second District Court, Lea, J.   Cases  
Succession of McGill 6 La.Ann. 327, Supreme Court of Louisiana (April 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of Concordia, Farrar, J.   Cases  
Succession of Vanrensellaer 6 La.Ann. 803, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Fourth District Court of New Orleans, Strawbridge, J.   Cases  
Swearingen v. Taylor 14 Mo. 391, Supreme Court of Missouri (March 01, 1851) 1851 On the 9th January, 1839, William Christy, of St. Louis, made his will by which he devised to his wife Martha J. Christy for and during her life the two blocks of ground on which he resided with all the buildings for a place of residence for her and any of the testator's children she might choose to live with her. He next beqneathed to his wife for...   Cases  
Sweeney v. Jarvis 6 Tex. 36, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1851) 1851 Where a bond to try the right of property is defective, it may be amended, or a new bond may be given (Note 6.) Great injustice may be done by lending too easy an ear to applications for new trials. A party whose cause is just may be thus delayed in its prosecution until his witnesses are dead, his evidence lost or destroyed, and his...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Symmes v. Arnold 10 Ga. 506, Supreme Court of Georgia (October 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] Where an instrument, in the form of a deed, purported to convey certain property therein named, in which it was declared by the party executing it, that she reserved to herself the use of all the property during her natural life, then to go to the above named persons, and from thenceforth to be their property absolutely, without any manner of...   Cases  
Tatum v. Morris 19 Ala. 302, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1851) 1851 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Coosa. Tried before the Hon. Geo. D. Shortridge.   Cases  
Taylor v. American Bible Soc. 7 Ired.Eq. 201, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1851) 1851 A testatrix, by her will, devised as follows: I desire that, at my decease, after my just debts are paid, my property may be divided as follows, To the Bible Society, Education, Colonization and Home Missionary Societies, each five hundred dollars. It was admitted by the claimants of the respective legacies, that the Bible and...   Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
The Josephine 2 Blatchf. 322, Circuit Court, SD New York (October 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the district court of the United States for the Southern district of New York. Joseph Smith, on behalf of himself and others, the crew of the United States sloop-of-war Plymouth, filed a libel for salvage in the district court against the American brig Josephine. The libel charged that the Plymouth, on her passage from Rio Janeiro to...   Cases  
Theriot v. Henderson 6 La.Ann. 222, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of East Baton Rouge, Burk, J.   Cases  
Thibodeaux v. Herpin 6 La.Ann. 673, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of Lafayette. Overton, J.   Cases  
Thomas v. Brooks 6 Tex. 369, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1851) 1851 The defendant's counsel admits that if the statute of limitations of the 5th February, 1841, applies to this case, it interposes a bar to a recovery. They contend, however, that it does not come within the statute, because the execution under which the property was sold by the sheriff, on the 4th day of July, 1843, was a nullity, and gave not even...   Cases  
Thomas v. Doub 1 Md. 252, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1851) 1851 This case was before the late Court of Appeals, at December term 1849. It was then remanded to the court of chancery, since when, the proceedings there had, have not, in any material degree, changed the questions which we are now called upon to decide. To the original bill of complaint the appellant had filed his answer. The character of the...   Cases  
Thomasson v. Kennedy 3 Rich.Eq. 440, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (May 01, 1851) 1851 Where a sheriff sells land under fi. fas. and executes titles to the bidder, the eldest fi. fas. to which the money, if received by the sheriff, would be applicable, are satisfied to the extent of the bid, although the money be not, in fact, paid to the sheriff, and the plaintiffs in such executions must look to the sheriff; and the facts, that...   Cases  
Thompson v. Bailey 5 Rich. 68, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (November 01, 1851) 1851 Under the 9th sec. of the Ordinary's Act of 1839, when an administrator has died without having accounted, leaving no executor or administrator, the representative of a deceased surety may be cited, and the account taken on such citation. The course of proceeding provided by the 9th sec. of the Ordinary's Act of 1839, for taking an account...   Cases  
Thompson v. Mylne 6 La.Ann. 80, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Fifth District Court of New Orleans, Buchanan, J.   Cases  
Thredgill v. Pintard 53 U.S. 24, Supreme Court of the United States (December 01, 1851) 1851 Where a settler upon the public lands had a pre-emption right to them and sold them to a person who again sold them to a third party, the original vendor has a lien upon the land for the balance of the purchase-money still due, and can enforce it by a bill in chancery, notwithstanding the vendee has taken out a patent in his own name under a...   Cases  
Townshend v. Townshend 9 Gill 506, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1851) 1851 Issues framed upon a caveat to a will, and sent by the orphans court to the county court for trial, may be removed to any adjoining county for trial. An attesting witness to a will declared, on the same day that the will was executed, that he did not believe the testator to be, at the time he executed the will, a sane person, and that he signed the...   Cases  
Tucker v. Musselman 6 La.Ann. 226, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of East Baton Rouge, Burk, J.   Cases  
Turner v. Fenner 19 Ala. 355, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1851) 1851 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Lawrence. Tried before the Hon. Thomas A. Walker.   Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
Tyler v. Gray 9 Ga. 408, Supreme Court of Georgia (February 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] The motion for a new trial in this case ought to have been granted, upon the ground that the Jury found contrary to the charge of the Court, which charge, in our judgment, was in accordance with the law governing the rights of the parties- consequently the verdict is contrary to law. Gray sued Tyler on an open account for $450 14. On the...   Cases  
U S v. Hanway 9 West.L.J. 103, Circuit Court, ED Pennsylvania (October 01, 1851) 1851 Hanway was indicted for treason against the United States, the punishment for which is death. A number of other persons also stood indicted at this term for the same offence in which he was said to be engaged. The bill charged Hanway with intending to resist, in a treasonable way, the execution of an act of congress passed September 16, 1850 [9...   Cases  
U S v. Morris 1 Curt.C.C. 23, Circuit Court, D Massachusetts (October 01, 1851) 1851 An indictment for a misdemeanor was found against the defendant, and returned into the district court [case unreported], which, having been removed to this court, the defendant filed the following plea: Special Plea.And now the defendant, after the reading of the indictment, says, that the same indictment was returned by the grand jury of the...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
U. S. v. Clements 3 Hughes 509, Circuit Court, ED Virginia (May 19, 1851) 1851 On the 4th of February, 1850, the schooner J. B. Lindsey, Captain S. S. Riggs, came into the port of St. Thomas, West Indies, with signals of distress, and on landing, the captain and two men, who composed the whole crew, reported that while at sea near Trinidad, the mate, John Heeney, and a passenger named John Walker, had been murdered by two of...   Cases  
U.S. v. O'Sullivan 9 N.Y.Leg.Obs. 257, District Court, SD New York (July 01, 1851) 1851 This was an indictment against John L. O'Sullivan and others for preparing and setting on foot, etc., a military expedition against the Island of Cuba. Heard on motion to quash.   Cases  
Union Bank of Louisiana v. Stafford 53 U.S. 327, Supreme Court of the United States (December 01, 1851) 1851 The 25th section of the law of Louisiana incorporating the Union Bank of Louisiana declares that in all hypothecary contracts add obligations entered into by any married individual with the bank, it shall be lawful for the wife to unite with him; and in such case the property of the wife, whether dotal or of any other description, shall be affected...   Cases  
Vernon v. Vernon's Heirs 6 La.Ann. 242, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of Washington, Penn, J.   Cases  
Vial v. Bird 6 La.Ann. 223, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of East Baton Rouge, Burk, J.   Cases  
Vinot v. Bertrand 6 La.Ann. 474, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the First District Court of New Orleans, McHenry, J.   Cases  
Waddell v. Glassell 18 Ala. 561, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1851) 1851 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Sumter. Tried before the Hon. Preston G. Nash.   Cases  
Walcott v. Hendrick 6 Tex. 406, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1851) 1851 Quere as to the construction of the term discount in the act of 1840. (Hart. Dig., p. 222.) The system of Spanish jurisprudence was about being abrogated, and the common law, except pleading, was on the point of being introduced. A plea known to the former system, having defined objects and limits, (the plea of reconvention,) was...   Cases  
Walker v. Ferriere 6 La.Ann. 278, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of Jefferson, Clarke, J.   Cases  
Wallis v. Thomas 6 La.Ann. 76, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the District Court of Terrebonne, Randall, J.   Cases  
Walters v. Jordan 12 Ired. 170, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1851) 1851 The Stat. 13 Ed. I, bars a wife of dower in her husband's lands, if she willingly leave her husband and go away, and continue with her adulterer, unless the husband should become reconciled to her and suffer her to dwell with him, Rev. Stat. ch. 121, sec. 11. The counsel for the defendant admits this case not to be covered in terms by that Statute,...   Cases  
Warner v. Burton 12 Ark. 144, Supreme Court of Arkansas (July 01, 1851) 1851 This is an application for a supersedeas to the Lafayette circuit court. From the facts as presented by the record, we think it clear that the court had the power to do the act complained of, and whether the power has been rightfully exercised or not is not inquirable into in this form of proceeding. It was said by the supreme court of Ohio, in the...   Cases  
Watson v. Ledoux 6 La.Ann. 796, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1851) 1851 Appeal from the Second District Court of New Orleans, Lea, J.   Cases  
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