TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Spivey v. McGehee 21 Ala. 417, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Pickens. Tried before the Hon. E. PICKENS.   Cases  
Stackhouse v. Kendall 7 La.Ann. 670, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the Second District Court of New Orleans, Lea, J.   Cases  
State ex rel. Sebring v. City Council of Charleston 5 Rich. 561, Court of Errors of South Carolina (January 01, 1852) 1852 The City Council of Charleston have not the power to impose a tax on dividends received by stockholders, inhabitants of the City of Charleston, on stock of The State Bank and The Bank of South Carolina,-said Banks, together with all other Banks of this State, being, by their charters, exempt from the payment of all taxes.   Cases  
State v. Benjamin 7 La.Ann. 47, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of Pointe CoupĂ©e, Farrar, J.   Cases  
State v. Borroum 3 Cushm. 203, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1852) 1852 The securities in a bond given by a party charged with a criminal offence, cannot at any time avoid the recognizance for any defects in the organization and qualification of the grand jury. The defendant in an indictment can only question the sufficiency of the grand jury by a plea in abatement, and that plea can only be interposed by him on his...   Cases  
State v. Caroline 20 Ala. 19, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Talladega. Tried before the Hon. E. Pickens.   Cases  
State v. Eskridge 31 Tenn. 413, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1852) 1852 In this case the indictment charges that the defendant sold spirituous liquors on Sunday; and it is insisted that it is no offence to sell spirituous liquors on Sunday, unless it be done by retail, in quantities less than a quart; and that as the indictment does not charge that the sale was by retail, it is bad; and for this reason...   Cases  
State v. Fasket 5 Rich. 255, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (January 01, 1852) 1852 If a prisoner, committed for felony, claims the benefit of the habeas corpus Act, in the manner prescribed by the 7th section, he must be discharged if not indicted and tried within two terms after his commitment.   Cases  
State v. Stone 15 Mo. 513, Supreme Court of Missouri (January 01, 1852) 1852 Benjamin Stone, the plaintiff in error was indicted by the grand jury of Greene county, at the December term of the Circuit Court in the year 1850, for Sabbath-breaking. He appeared to the indictment at the June term, 1851, and moved the court to quash the indictment. The court overruled his motion. He thereupon plead guilty and was fined two...   Cases  
State v. Sullivan 9 Tex. 156, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1852) 1852 There is no doubt that the first assignment rests on substantial grounds. The admission of a written statement or agreement as to the facts is certainly erroneous. The jurisdiction to hear and determine these land claims against the government is special, and the prescribed mode of its exercise must be strictly pursued. The statute declares, for...   Cases  
State v. Vaigneur 5 Rich. 391, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (January 01, 1852) 1852 Indictment for murder: When the prisoner was first arrested, one of the two special constables, who had him in charge, said to him, Come, Jack, you might as well out with it: the magistrate interposed and warned him not to confess: some hours afterwards the prisoner made confessions to B., who was in no position of authority over him,...   Cases  
Steele v. Adams 21 Ala. 534, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Lowndes. Tried before the Hon. E. PICKENS.   Cases  
Steele v. Mansell 6 Rich. 437, Court of Errors of South Carolina (December 01, 1852) 1852 By our registry law a subsequent judgment is not preferred to an unrecorded absolute conveyance of land. An absolute conveyance of land, not recorded for four years after its delivery, but still recorded before any subsequent conveyance was made, has priority over a subsequent conveyance, that was recorded within six months from its date. Our...   Cases  
Stephenson v. Wilson 7 La.Ann. 553, Supreme Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of Caddo. Bullard, J.   Cases  
Steppacher v. Reneau 3 Cushm. 114, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1852) 1852 A judgment for a less sum than the amount found by the jury in this case, would have been more in accordance with the principles of justice, but this was a question entirely for the jury to decide. The jury having violated no rule of law in assessing the damages, the verdict will be sustained.   Cases  
Sterling v. Sterling 12 Ga. 201, Supreme Court of Georgia (August 01, 1852) 1852 [1.] This bill is filed by William Sterling, son of Wiley J. Sterling, late of Troup County, against Bethena Sterling, the widow and administratrix, and Whitmel L. Sterling, administrator of the said Wiley J. It recites, among other things, that the said Bethena having separated from her husband, institituted proceedings against him for divorce and...   Cases  
Stewart v. Redditt 3 Md. 67, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1852) 1852 Declarations of a grantor in a deed made after its execution, to the effect, that she had not executed it, that she knew nothing of it, and if she had, that she wanted witness to get the property conveyed back again, are no part of the res gesta, and are inadmissible to invalidate the deed. It is well established, that the declarations of a party...   Cases  
Succession of Boone 7 La.Ann. 127, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of West Feliciana, Stirling, J.   Cases  
Succession of Franklin 7 La.Ann. 395, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of West Feliciana. Stirling, J.   Cases  
Succession of Martin 7 La.Ann. 45, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of Ascension, Duffel, J. Mrs. Martin intermarried with her deceased husband, in the year 1823.   Cases  
Succession of Pipkin 7 La.Ann. 617, Supreme Court of Louisiana (November 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the Second District Court of New Orleans, Lea, J.   Cases  
Succession of Steele 7 La.Ann. 111, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of Madison, J. N. T. Richardson, J.   Cases  
Succession of Tete 7 La.Ann. 95, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of Assumption, Randall, J.   Cases  
Sugg v. Tillman 32 Tenn. 208, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1852) 1852 This bill is filed by the complainant, as a judgment creditor, for about $3,300, of John Tillman, to impeach and set aside for fraud a deed of trust made to his son Lewis, and M. B. W. Brown, as trustees for the benefit of a part of his creditors, on the 12th February, 1850. Much amplitude is given to the case in the record and briefs, and great...   Cases  
Swanson v. Swanson 32 Tenn. 446, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1852) 1852 This was a bill filed in the chancery court at Franklin, for the settlement and distribution of the estate of James Swanson, Sr., who died intestate on the 25th of March, 1850. The intestate, at the time of his death, was owner of a large estate, both real and personal, situate in part in this state, and in part in Mississippi. He left surviving...   Cases  
Tannis v. St. Cyre 21 Ala. 449, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Mobile. Tried before the Hon. L. GIBBONS.   Cases  
Tate v. McCrary 21 Ala. 499, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Pickens. Tried before the Hon. WM. R. SMITH.   Cases  
Tayloe v. Bond Busb.Eq. 5, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1852) 1852 The bill is filed by the executors of Lewis Bond, against the legatees. It sets out the will, and prays for a construction in reference to several matters specified, and submits to dispose of the fund under the direction of the Court. It also prays for the advice and opinion of the Court, in reference to several other matters. The questions of...   Cases  
Taylor v. Branch Bank 21 Ala. 581, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Benton. Tried before the Hon. GEORGE GOLDTHWAITE.   Cases  
Temple v. Smith 7 La.Ann. 562, Supreme Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court for the Parish of Morehouse. Sharp, J.   Cases  
Terrebonne v. Walsh 7 La.Ann. 61, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of Lafourche, Randall, J.   Cases  
Terrell v. Allen 7 La.Ann. 46, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of Lafourche, Randall, J.   Cases  
Thompson v. Chumney 8 Tex. 389, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1852) 1852 We have held that the indorsement of the words given or refused, or the annexing of them to the charge, will sufficiently show the disposition of it, and subject it to revision for error. It would, perhaps, be the better practice if these were signed by the judge, as this seems to be contemplated by the statute, and in fact is required, where...   Cases  
Thompson v. State 20 Ala. 54, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Talladega. Tried before the Hon. E. Pickens.   Cases  
Thompson v. Thornton 21 Ala. 808, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Sumter. Tried before the Hon. TURNER REAVIS.   Cases  
Thornton v. McNeill 1 Cushm. 369, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (January 01, 1852) 1852 Where two partners refer matters in dispute to a mutual friend, to make what was supposed to be a final settlement between them of matters growing out of their copartnership; held, that such settlement cannot be considered sufficient to protect a party in rights acquired through fraud or mistake; the only effect it can have, will be to require the...   Cases  
THURBER and ATKIN, overseers of the poor of Delhi, v. SHARP. 13 Barb. 627, Supreme Court, New York (September 14, 1852) 1852 The first section of the statute reads as follows: No person shall exhibit or perform for gain or profit, any puppet-show, any wire or rope dance, or any other idle shows, acts, or feats, which common showmen, mountebanks, or jugglers usually practice or perform; and imposes a penalty of $25 for a violation of the act. The defendant...   Cases  
THURBER and ATKIN, overseers of the poor of Delhi, v. SHARP. 13 Barb. 627 (September 14, 1852) 1852 Covenant will not lie in this state, on a contract to be performed in Pennsylvania, with a scrawl and the word seal in the locus sigilli, tho', by the law of that state, this constitutes a...   Trial Court Orders  
Tiller v. Shearer 20 Ala. 596, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Sumter. Tried before the Hon. Turner Reavis.   Cases  
Toledano v. Relf 7 La.Ann. 60, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the Fourth District Court of New Orleans, Strawbridge, J. In this suit the controversy was between the plaintiff and William Ryan, third opponent.   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Tompkins v. Philips 12 Ga. 52, Supreme Court of Georgia (August 01, 1852) 1852 [1.] The error assigned to the judgment of the Court below in this case is, the ordering of the money raised by the sale of Louisa and her three children, to be paid over to Philips' fi. fas. The plaintiff in error claims the money under the agreement made between himself and Philips. The Court held that there was no legal consideration for that...   Cases  
Town Council of Aiken v. Harbers 6 Rich. 96, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (November 01, 1852) 1852 A bond from a retailer, taken by the Town Council of Aiken payable to themselves, in the penalty of $1000, conditioned to observe all the laws in relation to retailing spirituous liquors, held, to have been taken under the Act of 1835, (6 Stat. 528,) and not to be enforceable against the retailer, who, though he had been convicted for selling...   Cases  
Townes v. Ferguson 20 Ala. 147, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1852) 1852 ERROR to the Circuit Court of Franklin. Tried before the Hon. L. P. Walker.   Cases  
Townsend v. Palms 7 La.Ann. 217, Supreme Court of Louisiana (April 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the Third District Court of New Orleans, Kennedy, J.   Cases  
Turner v. Ellis 2 Cushm. 173, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1852) 1852 A party who acquires the rights of the heirs at law, is entitled to make the same defence in a suit which the law would allow them to make. It is only under certain contingencies that land can be sold by an administrator for the purpose of paying debts. The rule or mode of proceeding, when the personal estate is insufficient to pay the debts of the...   Cases  
Tyson v. Postlethwaite 13 Ill. 727, Supreme Court of Illinois (June 01, 1852) 1852 On the 17th of September, 1846, Isaac Tyson, of Boone county, departed this life intestate, leaving Mary Tyson, his widow, and William Tyson, an only brother, who resided in England. He left neither children nor the descendants of children. No administration was taken out upon the estate, but the widow paid the debts out of the personal estate. He...   Cases  
Union Bank v. Dosson 7 La.Ann. 548, Supreme Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1852) 1852 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of Franklin, Wilson, J.   Cases  
Van Buren v. State 2 Cushm. 512, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1852) 1852 The act of February 22d, 1840, (Hutch. Code, 890,) authorizing bills of exception in certain cases to be signed and sealed by two attorneys of the court, is constitutional, and no infringement of the judicial prerogative. After the fact is known, that either the influence of hope or fear existed, superinducing a confession of guilt, explicit...   Cases  
Van Houten's Ex'rs v. Pennington 8 N.J. Eq. 745, Court of Errors and Appeals of New Jersey (March 01, 1852) 1852 The only question in this cause arises upon the construction of the will of Abraham Van Houten. The testator first gives to his wife the use of his farm and dwelling-house, with his farming utensils, stock, household servants and household and kitchen furniture, until his son Abraham should arrive at the age of twenty-one years. After a variety of...   Cases  
Vanleer v. Crawford 32 Tenn. 117, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1852) 1852 The plaintiff in error was sued in covenant, upon a guaranty. Verdict and judgment were rendered against him, and an appeal in error has been prosecuted to this court. The instrument of guaranty was executed on the 26th of January, 1849. It is under seal, and is in the following words: I do hereby guaranty the payment of any contract that Sam...   Cases  
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