TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Lauber v. Mast 15 La.Ann. 593, Supreme Court of Louisiana (August 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of St. Martin, Simon, J.   Cases  
Lea v. Terry 15 La.Ann. 159, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of Livingston, Wilson, J.   Cases  
Leggett v. Coffield 5 Jones Eq. 382, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1860) 1860 The fact that plaintiff united in the execution of the bill of sale with her husband and the trustee, was inoperative and of no effect, by reason of her coverture; consequently, at the death of her husband, she had a clear equity to convert Coburn into a trustee for her, on the ground that he purchased with notice. But her equity, as against Coburn...   Cases  
Leverich v. Adams 15 La.Ann. 310, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of E. Baton Rouge, Beale, J.   Cases  
Levy v. Wise 15 La.Ann. 38, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the Third District Court of New Orleans, Duvigneaud, J.   Cases  
Lewis v. State 35 Ala. 380, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1860) 1860 [INDICTMENT FOR ATTEMPT TO COMMIT RAPE.] ERROR to the Circuit Court of Talladega. Tried before the Hon. NAT. COOK.   Cases  
Lipscomb v. Postell 9 George 476, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1860) 1860 1. JUDGMENTS: ON WHOM BINDING.-Judgments are conclusive evidence only against parties and privies. 2. SAME: WHO ARE PARTIES.-All persons are bound as parties to a judgment who have the right to control the proceedings in the cause, to make defence, to adduce and cross-examine witnesses, and to appeal from the decision when an appeal lies. 3. SAME:...   Cases  
Lloyd v. Rambo 35 Ala. 709, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1860) 1860 [BILL QUIA TIMET BY REMAINDER-MEN AGAINST PURCHASER FROM LIFE-TENANT.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Lowndes. Heard before the Hon. WADE KEYES.   Cases  
Lovingood v. Smith 7 Jones (NC) 601, Supreme Court of North Carolina (August 01, 1860) 1860 The Act in relation to contracts with Cherokee Indians, Rev. Code, ch. 50, sec. 16, applies as well to contracts made by one Indian with another, as to those made by an Indian with a white man. THIS was an ACTION of DEBT, on a sealed obligation, tried before BAILEY, J., at the Fall Term, 1859, of Cherokee Superior Court. The instrument declared on,...   Cases  
Lowe v. Barnett 9 George 329, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1860) 1860 WILLS: VESTED LEGACY: PROVISION TO KEEP PROPERTY TOGETHER MATERIAL: CASE IN JUDGMENT.-The testator directed all his property to be kept in the hands of his executors, until his youngest child should arrive at full age or marry, but allowing each of his children to have his or her portion upon his or her becoming of age; that his executors should...   Cases  
Lowe v. Bryant 30 Ga. 528, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1860) 1860 1. One W. H. L. being in treaty of marriage agreement with M., his intended wife, agreed with her in parol that the property he should receive by her on the marriage, he would give to her and the children of their marriage by Will; after the marriage prepared a Will according to that agreement, and kept it by him for that purpose; subsequently...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Lucas v. Lucas 30 Ga. 191, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1860) 1860 Littleberry Lucas died, leaving two Wills-one executed in 1845, and the other in 1855. Cincinnatus Lucas, the defendant in error, being the nominated executor of the older Will, propounded it for probate, and the plaintiffs in error propounded the other, each party entering a caveat against the probate proposed by the other party. When the two...   Cases  
Maddox v. Simmons 31 Ga. 512, Supreme Court of Georgia (November 01, 1860) 1860 1. When the verdict of the Jury is strongly and decidedly against the weight of the evidence, and the Court is satisfied that justice has not been done, a new trial will be granted. 2. Mere weakness of mind, if the person be legally compos mentis, is no ground for setting aside a contract. 3. The Bar in fixing the standard of legal competency to...   Cases  
Maffitt v. Read 11 Rich.Eq. 285, Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1860) 1860 Bill by a cestuy que trust against trustee, for account, dismissed, certain dealings between the parties being held sufficient evidence of a final settlement between them.   Cases  
Magwood v. Milne 12 Rich. 474, Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1860) 1860 In trespass quare clausum fregit, on very slight evidence, the jury found for the plaintiff:Held, that, after the verdict, the Court would not grant a nonsuit, though a new trial, if asked for, might have been granted.   Cases  
Maille v. Blas 15 La.Ann. 100, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the Fifth District Court of New Orleans, Eggleston, J.   Cases  
Maillon's Estate v. Lynch 15 La.Ann. 547, Supreme Court of Louisiana (August 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of Rapides, Cullom, J.   Cases  
Malone v. State 14 Ind. 219, Supreme Court of Indiana (May 01, 1860) 1860 Information for usury. The information reads as follows: Posey Common Pleas Court, June term, A. D. 1859. State of Indiana v. Thomas. J. Malone. Usury. The state of Indiana by William P. Edson, district prosecuting attorney of the Court of Common Pleas, for the district composed of the counties of Posey and Gibson, here gives the Court to...   Cases  
Mangum v. Finucane 9 George 354, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1860) 1860 1. HUSBAND AND WIFE: SEPARATE ESTATE: FRAUDULENT ASSIGNMENT: RIGHT OF HUSBAND TO PAY WIFE IN PREFERENCE TO OTHERS: CASE IN JUDGMENT.Where a creditor of an insolvent husband is indebted to the wife on account of her separate estate; and upon a settlement of the accounts, the husband becomes, by agreement of all the parties, substituted as...   Cases  
Mann v. Waters 30 Ga. 220, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1860) 1860 1. Notwithstanding the Court refuses to postpone a case to procure testimony which would be unobjectionable, still if the evidence, if in, could not affect the result of the case, the judgment will not be disturbed. 2. Can a party under the Possessory Warrant Act of 1821, institute proceedings to regain the possession of property which he has...   Cases  
Marcus v. U.S. 2 Hay. & Haz. 347, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 17, 1860) 1860 Error to the criminal court. The indictment contained two counts: 1st. That Wm. H. Marcus, on the 10th of Nov., 1859, and on divers other days and times, between that day and the day of the taking of this inquisition with force and arms, at the county aforesaid, a certain faro bank there situate, for their lucre and gain, unlawfully and injuriously...   Cases  
Martin v. Campbell 11 Rich.Eq. 205, Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1860) 1860 Defendant contended that an agreement had been repudiated, and to prove it offered his own answer in another cause between the same parties:Held, that if defendant could make proof in this collateral way, still the answer did not prove the fact, as the matter was not distinctly alleged. A solicitor who has an interest in attending to a...   Cases  
Martin v. Donovan 15 La.Ann. 41, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the Sixth District of New Orleans, Howell, J.   Cases  
Martin v. Martin 15 La.Ann. 585, Supreme Court of Louisiana (August 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of St. Martin, Simon, J.   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Mason v. Deese 30 Ga. 308, Supreme Court of Georgia (May 01, 1860) 1860 1. A marriage settlement which provides that the wife's property and its proceeds shall never be subject to the control nor the contracts of the husband, seems to intend his exclusion after the death of the wife, as well as during her life; but it may be submitted to a Jury to be construed in the light of the circumstances which...   Cases  
Mason v. Sadler 6 Jones Eq. 148, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1860) 1860 The question presented by the pleadings is, whether the language used by the testator, Foy Mason, in the first clause of his will, creates a trust, in his wife, of Charles, Clarisa and Betsy, for the sons, Andrew and Osborne. It seems that Clarisa was sold by the administrator to pay debts--bought by the widow and paid for, partly, by funds arising...   Cases  
Matthews v. Sontheimer 10 George 174, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1860) 1860 1. WRIT OF ERROR: LIES FROM FINAL DECREE IN THE PROBATE COURT.-A writ of error lies from a final decree in the Probate Court. 2. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: WHEN INTERPOSED BY DEMURRER.-The bar of the Statute of Limitations can be interposed by demurrer only when it appears, from the dates set out in the bill, that the time prescribed by the statute...   Cases  
Maxwell v. Maxwell 3 Met. 101, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 28, 1860) 1860 The steamer Niagara was wrecked upon the Mississippi river, near Island 34, in the month of January, 1857. Upon that occasion James G. Maxwell, a citizen of Kentucky, and a resident of the county of Nelson, was a passenger. In consequence of the misfortunes of the boat, her passengers and crew were subjected to intense suffering, and their lives...   Cases  
Mayor & City Council of Baltimore ex rel. Bd. of Police of City of Baltimore 15 Md. 376, Court of Appeals of Maryland (April 17, 1860) 1860 The Act of 1860, ch. 7, repealing certain laws relating to the Police of the city of Baltimore, and amending certain provisions of the city charter relating to the police and general powers of the Mayor and City Council, and providing a permanent police for the city, under the control of a Board of Police, consisting of commissioners appointed by...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
McCutcheon v. McCutcheon 15 La.Ann. 511, Supreme Court of Louisiana (July 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of Caddo, Jones, J.   Cases  
McDaniel v. McDaniel 5 Jones Eq. 351, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1860) 1860 The land, which is the subject of controversy, is devised to Louis H. McDaniel and his heirs, and if there was no other restriction than that contained in the provision should he desire to sell, my five or surviving sons shall have the offer of the purchase at a price agreed on, or to be fixed by a reference to three persons, chosen by the...   Cases  
McDowell v. Bowles 8 Jones (NC) 184, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1860) 1860 We are not aware of any class of defamatory words, which are held to be actionable, that would embrace the language complained of in this case. The three classes most usually found in elementary books, are: 1. Words that impute a crime or a misdemeanor, punishable by an infamous penalty. 2. Words that impute an contagious disease, by which the...   Cases  
McDuffie v. Stewart & Fountain 30 Ga. 661, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1860) 1860 Where the issue was one of fact only, and there is ample testimony to justify the verdict, a new trial should not be granted. Scire Facias to Revive Judgment, in Marion Superior Court. This was a scire facias to revive judgment by Stewart & Fountain, for the use of Chares D. Stewart, against George McDuffie, administrator de bonis non of Benjamin...   Cases  
McLaurine v. Monroe's Adm'rs 30 Mo. 462, Supreme Court of Missouri (July 01, 1860) 1860 1. A decree rendered in a sister state without due notice to the defendant is not binding upon him in this state, nor can it be evidence against him for any purpose as a decree. A general objection to the admission of such a decree as evidence is sufficient. 2. Quere, whether the doctrine of lis pendens is applicable to movable personal property....   Cases  
McMillan v. Hurt 35 Ala. 665, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1860) 1860 [SUMMARY PROCEEDING AGAINST STATUTORY SEPARATE ESTATE OF FEME COVERT.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Wilcox. Tried before the Hon. NAT. COOK.   Cases  
McMullen v. Hinkle 10 George 142, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1860) 1860 1. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY: MERE INDULGENCE TO PRINCIPAL NO RELEASE OF SURETY.- It is well settled that mere indulgence granted by the creditor to the principal, without there being any valid contract for delay, based on a valuable consideration, and capable of being enforced, is no release of the surety. 2. SAME: CREDITOR CANNOT IMPAIR A SECURITY OF...   Cases  
McNeill v. Bradley 6 Jones Eq. 41, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1860) 1860 Any doubt as to the merits of this case, as it was presented by the bill and answer alone, has been entirely dissipated by the proofs subsequently taken. The case is a strong one, for the interposition of a court of equity to protect the minor, who is entitled in remainder. It seems that complainant is a son by a former husband of Mary Bradley,...   Cases  
McNeill's Adm'r v. McNeill's Creditors 36 Ala. 109, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1860) 1860 [BILL IN EQUITY BY ADMINISTRATOR FOR SETTLEMENT OF INSOLVENT ESTATE.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Dallas. Heard before the Hon. JAMES B. CLARK.   Cases  
McVey v. Holden 15 La.Ann. 317, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of Jefferson, Victor Burthe, J.   Cases  
Mell v. Moony 30 Ga. 413, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1860) 1860 1. Where a plaintiff sues upon one part of a contract consisting of mutual stipulations made at the same time, and relating to the same subject-matter, the defendant may recoup his damages arising from a breach of another part in his favor by the plaintiff; and thus whether the different parts are contained in one instrument or several, and though...   Cases  
Melvin v. Easley 7 Jones (NC) 356, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1860) 1860 The defendant sold a horse to the plaintiff with a warranty of soundness which was false. The sale was made on Sunday, in the country, no one being present, except the parties and a witness. The defendant was a horse-trader, which was known to the plaintiff. The question is, can the defendant defend the action because the sale was on Sunday? The...   Cases  
Mendenhall v. Parish 8 Jones (NC) 105, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1860) 1860 This is an action of assumpsit, in which the plaintiff alleges a liability of the defendant upon an undertaking, that he would, in consideration of a deed, for a certain patent right, to be used in the State of Arkansas, pay therefor $600, at three months credit, and make a good note for it. The declaration is in two counts. 1. For not making the...   Cases  
Miller v. Bates 35 Ala. 580, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1860) 1860 [BILL IN EQUITY FOR INJUNCTION AND ACCOUNT ON GROUND OF USURY.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Barbour. Heard before the Hon. WADE KEYES.   Cases  
Miller v. Blackburn 14 Ind. 77, Supreme Court of Indiana (May 15, 1860) 1860 Each of the other members of the Court having delivered opinions in this cause when it was decided, it may not be improper for me now to state briefly why, in my opinion, the judgment below should be reversed, and consequently why the petition for a rehearing should be overruled. The general facts of the case need not be here re-stated, but a...   Cases  
Miller v. Lynch 9 George 344, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1860) 1860 CONTRACT: SUNDAY LAWS: NOTE MADE ON SUNDAY VOID.-A promissory note executed on Sunday to secure the payment of a balance found due by the maker upon a statement made on that day, of transactions which previously took place between the parties, is void under the statute of this State. See Hutch. Dig. 946, ยง 4.   Cases  
Minturn v. Burr 16 Cal. 107, Supreme Court of California (July 01, 1860) 1860 This was an action of forcible and unlawful entry and detainer. Plaintiff recovered judgment before a Justice of the Peace, from which judgment the defendants appealed to the County Court. The case was tried in that Court de novo, and a judgment of nonsuit entered. From this judgment the plaintiff appeals. The lot upon which forcible entry is...   Cases  
Mizell v. Sims 10 George 331, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1860) 1860 1. WARRANTY: WHETHER COLLATERAL REPRESENTATIONS AMOUNT TO A WARRANTY WHEN THERE IS AN EXPRESS VERBAL WARRANTYQuaere?The authorities are conflicting as to whether a vendor is liable for collateral representations as to certain particulars when he has made an express verbal warranty as to other particulars, in regard to the article...   Cases  
Mobile Marine Dock & Mutual Ins. Co. v. Huder 35 Ala. 713, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1860) 1860 [BILL IN EQUITY FOR FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court at Mobile. Heard before the Hon. WADE KEYES.   Cases  
Moody v. Harper 9 George 599, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1860) 1860 1. EXECUTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR: SALE OF LAND TO PAY DEBT BARRED BY STATUTE.An administrator has no right to sell the land of his intestate, to pay a debt barred by the Statute of Limitations. 2. PROBATE COURT: SALE OF LAND TO PAY DEBTS: PARTIES: EQUITY, POWER OF, TO ENJOIN SALE ORDERED BY PROBATE COURT: CASE IN JUDGMENT.A party in...   Cases  
Morgan v. Knox 15 La.Ann. 176, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1860) 1860 Appeal from the District Court of the Parish of East Feliciana, Haralson, J.   Cases  
342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359