TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Reeder v. Anderson's Adm'rs 4 Dana 193, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 11, 1836) 1836 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MASON COUNTY. The only question to be considered in this case, is whether the law will imply a promise by the owner of a runaway slave, to pay a reasonable compensation to a stranger, for a voluntary apprehension and restitution of the fugitive. And, though such friendly offices are frequently those only of good... Most Relevant Cases  
Robertson v. Beavers 3 Port. 385, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1836) 1836 This was a motion, under the statute, for judgment against a sheriff, for negligence, in not making the money on an execution. The evidence offered by the sheriff, in excuse, was, that he was informed, by the debtor and his wife, that the property in his, (the debtor's,) possession, to wit, a negro woman and child, belonged to his, (the... Most Relevant Cases  
Scott v. Carruth 17 Tenn. 418, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1836) 1836 We are of opinion that the charge of the circuit court is erroneous. It was the duty, by law, of this guardian, not only to have collected annually the hire of the negro for the whole nine years, but also each year to have lent out the proceeds, and annually to have collected the interest upon such loan, and to have reloaned it if not necessary for... Most Relevant Cases  
Shaw v. Smith 17 Tenn. 97, Supreme Court of Tennessee (March 01, 1836) 1836 In this charge of the court there are three distinct propositions laid down: 1. That, if the negroes were in the power of the purchaser with the consent of the sheriff, that the property in them was changed so soon as they were knocked off by the sheriff. In this statement there is no error. The only delivery which can be made of property of this... Most Relevant Cases  
Skinner v. White 1 Dev. & Bat. 471, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1836) 1836 An act of assembly passed in the year 1821, (Taylor's Rev. ch. 1120,) declares, that if any person shall harbour or maintain any runaway slave, such person shall be subject to indictment for such offence, and being convicted, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not exceeding six months. The declaration states, that... Most Relevant Cases  
Speed v. Herrin 4 Mo. 356, Supreme Court of Missouri (June 01, 1836) 1836 The defendant maintains the negative of both--and first, slaves are chattels and as such belong to the executor or administrator until distribution, and until then he alone is entitled to the possession. 1 Williams on Ex'rs, 446; 2 do. 609; Rev. Code, 1825, 119; Little's Adm'r v. Chauvin, 1 Mo. R. 627. The suit was brought by husband and wife, in... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Berhman Ril. 92, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (April 01, 1836) 1836 The essential fact is, that Peters, the clerk, received the rice of the negro, in the absence of Berhman, who was a shopkeeper; and the question submitted is, does such a receiving by the clerk, implicate the owner of the shop, and render him guilty, as well as his clerk, by virtue of the act of 1834. After a general prohibition of purchasing rice,... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
State v. Berhman & Peters 3 Hill (SC) 90, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (April 01, 1836) 1836 On an indictment under the Act of 1834, for dealing with a slave, a receiving by the clerk is prima facie evidence of a buying by the owner of the shop, and makes them both guilty. Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Evans 3 Hill (SC) 190, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (December 01, 1836) 1836 The Act of 1834, against dealing with slaves, repeals the Act of 1817 on the same subject, so far as regards distillers, venders and retailers of spirituous liquors; this class of persons are exclusively liable under the Act of 1834, for the offences therein specified, and must be charged in the words of that Act: And therefore, where defendant was... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Lefronty Ril. 155, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (April 01, 1836) 1836 The defendant was indicted for selling spirituous liquors to a slave, contrary to the act of 1834. There was but one witness examined, Richard Wish. He said that he was one of the marshals of the city. He suspected that spirituous liquors were sold to slaves in the shop of Daniel Becker & Co.; and that with a view to detect the offenders, he gave... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Nates 3 Hill (SC) 200, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (December 01, 1836) 1836 Betting is not necessary to constitute the offence of gaming with a negro, under the Act of 1834. Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Ritchie 2 Dev. & Bat. 29, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1836) 1836 In an indictment under the act of 1830, c. 10, against a white man, for playing cards with slaves, it is sufficient to charge, that the defendant unlawfully did play at a game of cards, without specifying the name of the particular game played at with the cards. THE defendant was convicted, together with one Alexander Hill, at Surry,... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Samuel 2 Dev. & Bat. 177, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1836) 1836 The marriage of slaves in this state, consisting of cohabitation merely, by the permission of their owners, does not constitute the relation of husband and wife, so as to attach to them the privileges and disabilities, incident to that relation by the common law. Hence, it was held, that a slave who was the wife of another slave, might give... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Schroder 3 Hill (SC) 63, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (April 01, 1836) 1836 Indictments each on four counts, respectively, for delivering, selling, exchanging, and giving spirituous liquors to a slave of a person and name unknown. Verdict on each indictment, Guilty on the first count. In arrest of judgment.1. Because neither the name of the slave, nor of his owner, is given in either... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Schroder 3 Hill (SC) 61, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (April 01, 1836) 1836 In an indictment under the Act of 1834 for selling spirituous liquors to a slave, it is not necessary to describe the defendant as a free white person. If the defendant be a vendor of spirits, he is liable under the Act, whether he retails or not. On an indictment against defendant for selling spirituous liquors to a slave, the count... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Schroder Ril. 65, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (April 01, 1836) 1836 Selling of Spirituous Liquors to a Slave, without a Ticket from the Master or Owner. Judge's Report of Testimony.Mr. J. A. Miller, City Marshal, sworn. On the 3d April last, as he was walking down Market-street, with Mr. Wish, he saw a number of negroes at and about the shop of Mr. Schroder; and particularly, they remarked five negroes go... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
Steele v. Curle 4 Dana 381, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 08, 1836) 1836 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MADISON COUNTY. To an action of covenant, brought by Curle against Steele, on a written warranty of the soundness of a slave, the latter pleaded: first--that the writing was executed in Virginia, and that, having no seal, it was, by the lex loci contractus, not a covenant, but a simple contract merely. Second--that the... Most Relevant Cases  
Stille v. Jenkins 15 N.J.L. 302, Supreme Court of Judicature of New Jersey (May 01, 1836) 1836 Where the plaintiff brought an action in the year 1833, and declared on his possession of a colored boy, who was bound to serve him until the year 1837, and that the defendant knowing the premises, received and harbored the said servant in his steamboat at New Brunswick, and conveyed him from thence to New York, whereby the plaintiff wholly lost... Most Relevant Cases  
Stoutenborough v. Haviland 15 N.J.L. 266, Supreme Court of Judicature of New Jersey (January 01, 1836) 1836 A person in possession of a colored boy under fifteen years of age, and selling him as his own, is held to implied warranty of title, and is subject to the same rule as the seller of any other chattel. The presumption that every colored person is a slave till the contrary appears, ought no longer to be admitted, both from the fact that the... Most Relevant Cases  
Thompson v. Schmidt Ril. 161, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (April 01, 1836) 1836 The competency of Connolly, and of Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, is questioned by the first ground of appeal. Connolly, on the 23d of September, 1826, for the consideration of 100 dollars, conveyed Neptune, the subject of this suit, together with another slave, named Jim, to John M. Murray, for the special use and benefit of Jane Murray,... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
Thompson v. Schmidt Ril. 38, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (January 01, 1836) 1836 By the 10th clause of the act of 1712, P. L. 102, a feme covert has five years within which to bring her action of trover, as well as other actions enumerated in the same clause. If it be true, that this action is brought to try Mrs. Thompson's title to the negro Neptune, and to recover damages for his wrongful conversion, she would be clearly... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
Thompson v. Schmidt 3 Hill (SC) 35, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (January 01, 1836) 1836 The father of a feme covert conveyed a negro to her husband, in trust for the wife. The husband died, leaving a will appointing his wife sole legatee and executrix, after which she married. The last husband had possession of the negro a short time, and attempted to sell him, when he was seized and sold under an execution against the donor, for a... Most Relevant Cases  
Thompson v. Todd 2 Dev. & Bat. 63, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1836) 1836 The second proviso to the third section of the act of 1806, (Rev. ch. 701,) was prospective as well as retrospective in its operation; and slaves placed by parents in the possession of their children, since that act, and remaining in the possession of such children, until the death of their parents, intestate, are to be taken as advancements to the... Most Relevant Cases  
Towles v. Turner 3 Hill (SC) 178, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (July 01, 1836) 1836 Where the purchaser of a negro at Sheriff's sale was permitted to take possession and carry the negro home with him, without the price, held that the contract of sale was complete, and that it was not rescinded by the Sheriff afterwards receiving the negro back for the purpose of a re-sale, at the risk of the first purchaser. An action may be... Most Relevant Cases  
U S v. Vinsent 5 Cranch C.C. 38, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1836) 1836 Indictment for giving a pass to one of Mr. Custiss's slaves, being a paper writing, purporting to be a certificate from the president of the board of aldermen, and acting mayor of the city of New York, under seal of the mayoralty of said city of New York, that the bearer thereof, Alexander Vinsent, was a free person. Most Relevant Cases  
U S v. West 5 Cranch C.C. 35, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1836) 1836 A colored woman was offered as a witness for the United States. Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Crandell 4 Cranch C.C. 683, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (March 01, 1836) 1836 This was an indictment [against Reuben Crandell], for publishing libels tending to excite sedition among the slaves and free colored persons in this district. It contained five counts. 1st. The first charged the defendant with publishing a libel containing, in one part thereof, these words: Then we are not to meddle with the subject of... Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Henning 4 Cranch C.C. 645, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (January 16, 1836) 1836 This was an indictment under the 17th section of the penitentiary act for the District of Columbia, of the 2d of March, 1831 (4 Stat. 450), by which it is enacted: That if any free person shall, in the said district, unlawfully, by force and violence, take and carry away, or cause to be taken and carried away; or shall, by fraud, unlawfully... Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Herbert 5 Cranch C.C. 87, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1836) 1836 There were two indictments against the defendant [James Herbert, a negro]. The first (No. 176) was for a simple assault and battery at common law upon one John Sybert. The other for the same assault and battery, in the same words, with this addition: with intent him, the said John, then and there to kill,and against the form of... Most Relevant Cases  
Ventress v. Smith 35 U.S. 161, Supreme Court of the United States (January 01, 1836) 1836 IN error to the district court of the United States for the district of Mississippi. John Clark, of the state of Alabama, died in 1818, owning and possessed of certain slaves; and after his decease, administration of his estate was granted to his widow. She afterwards intermarried with John Farrington, and an inventory of the estate was filed, the... Most Relevant Cases  
Wall v. Humphreys 4 Dana 209, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 14, 1836) 1836 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HARRISON COUNTY. This action of debt was brought by Wall against Humphreys, for the breach of the condition of a bond executed by the defendant, preparatory to proceeding in an action of replevin against Wall for taking and detaining several negroes. Upon suing out a writ of replevin for certain slaves, the plaintiff gave... Most Relevant Cases  
Wallingsford v. Allen 35 U.S. 583, Supreme Court of the United States (January 01, 1836) 1836 IN error to the circuit court of the United States for the county of Washington in the District of Columbia. On the 4th day of August 1834, the defendant in error presented to the circuit court a petition stating, that she and her two infant children were entitled to their freedom; and that she and they were unjustly held as his slaves, by Joseph... Most Relevant Cases  
Wharton v. Thompson 17 Tenn. 45, Supreme Court of Tennessee (March 01, 1836) 1836 The plaintiffs in error hired a negro boy from the defendant in error, for one year, commencing the 16th day of January, 1834, and executed their note under seal for fifty dollars, payable the 1st of January, 1835. Suit was commenced upon said note before a justice of the peace, and by appeal the cause was carried to the circuit court, where, on... Most Relevant Cases  
Williams v. Taylor 4 Port. 234, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1836) 1836 This is an action of trespass on the case. It was brought by Taylor, in the Circuit Court of Mobile county, against the plaintiffs in error, as the owners of a steam-boat. The object of the action was to recover the value of a negro man that belonged to Taylor, who, as it is stated in the declaration, had been employed as a steward on the boat, and... Most Relevant Cases  
Williams v. Williams 18 Tenn. 20, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1836) 1836 We are called upon to give a construction to the will of James Williams, which is annexed to the bill of complainant. The will itself manifests that the testator was possessed of a considerable real and personal estate, consisting of lands, negroes, stock, etc. The question arises upon the tenth item in the instrument. The items from the first to... Most Relevant Cases  
Wilson v. Barnet 8 G. & J. 159, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1836) 1836 Proof that a negro woman had been living and acting as a free person from the 27th of July, 1830, to the 11th of October, 1836, does not furnish any evidence whatever in support of her claim to freedom, unless it can be shown, that the party entitled to her custody and service, knew of her place of residence during the period of her so living and... Most Relevant Cases  
Zino v. Verdelle 9 La. 51, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1836) 1836 APPEAL FROM THE PARISH COURT FOR THE PARISH AND CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. Most Relevant Cases  
Baird v. Brady 2 Dev. & Bat. 341, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1837) 1837 The case does not involve the question, what operation is to be given here to a parol gift of slaves made in Virginia. If it did, there would be no hesitation in saying, that if it were effectual there, it would also be so here. But the instruction to the jury and the exception, both suppose the slaves to have been expressly loaned originally; and... Most Relevant Cases  
Bank of United States v. Brown 2 Hill Eq. 558, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (February 01, 1837) 1837 The grounds of the defendants' appeal grow out of a deed executed by the defendant, Brown, on the 19th of January, 1825, by which he conveyed to trustees, for the use of his wife, a plantation on Sandy Island, and forty slaves. The consideration expressed is natural love and affection, but the proof is very abundant that Brown was, at the time,... Most Relevant Cases  
Barksdale v. Payne Ril.Eq. 174, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (February 01, 1837) 1837 When this case was before me, on the circuit, my attention was too much drawn to Mr. Payne's infancy; which was the weakest among the objections made to the deed. The deed recites, that Mrs. Bonneau was entitled, in fee, to a house and lot in Tradd street, and absolutely to thirty slaves; which property she conveys to Mr. Barksdale, in trust; the... Most Relevant Cases  
Birney v. State 8 Ohio 230, Supreme Court of Ohio, In Bank (December 01, 1837) 1837 An indictment for harboring and secreting a mulatto slave is bad, unless it aver that the accused knew the person harbored was a slave. Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Bland v. Negro Dowling 9 G. & J. 19, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1837) 1837 Slaves in this state cannot enter into valid contracts with their masters, nor can they appear as suitors in our courts of justice, legal or equitable. The letters of an agent, written to his principal, touching the conduct of a negro, whom the principal, the owner, had agreed to set free, on the payment of a certain sum of money, rejected as... Most Relevant Cases  
Bogan v. White Dud. 87, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (December 01, 1837) 1837 In trover for a negro, the defendant relied on a gift. The fury found for the plaintiff. Pending an appeal, a different jury in the same district sustained the gift, in an action for other property embraced in it. A new trial was granted in the former case, although the Court might not otherwise have disturbed the verdict. Until a defendant can... Most Relevant Cases  
Boyce v. Warren 2 Dev. & Bat. 498, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1837) 1837 Skinner, under his alleged purchase from himself, acquired no title to the slave; and the charge of the Court that the sale was void was undoubtedly correct. But it appears that afterwards, the plaintiff became of sound mind, and in the year 1822, came to a settlement with Skinner, received his property, and gave a receipt in full to Skinner, as... Most Relevant Cases  
Bryant v. Sheely 5 Dana 530, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 16, 1837) 1837 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR JESSAMINE COUNTY. This case originated in a warrant brought by Sheely against Bryant, to recover the price or value of a horse purchased by Bryant from the slave of Sheely after Bryant had obtained the written permission of Sheely to trade with said slave. The justice of the peace gave judgment for the defendant in the... Most Relevant Cases  
Case v. Woolley 6 Dana 17, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 31, 1837) 1837 A. R. Woolley--whose slave, named William Gordon, had, without his consent, been taken (in violation of the statutes of this State, of 1824--1 Stat. Law, 259--60,) on board the steam boat Lancaster, from Louisville in Kentucky, the place of his residence, to New Orleans, whence he had fled to some place unknown, so as to have escaped vigilant... Most Relevant Cases  
Clark's Ex'rs v. Edisto Island Ferry Co. Ril. 300, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (February 01, 1837) 1837 The question, whether the negro, Sam, was drowned in crossing at the defendant's ferry, was a question of fact, which the jury have decided. This court is satisfied with the verdict, and the motion is dismissed. JOSIAH J. EVANS. Filed 14th February, 1837. Most Relevant Cases  
Cole v. Terry 2 Dev. & Bat. 252, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1837) 1837 Joint owners of a chattel have equal right to the possession of it; and therefore the exclusive possession of the chattel by one, will not entitle the other to maintain trover against him for it. THIS was an action of TROVER, brought to recover damages, for the conversion of a negro slave named Charlotte, tried at Richmond, on the last Fall... Most Relevant Cases  
Corley v. Cleckley Dud. 35, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (December 01, 1837) 1837 A contract of hiring is a purchase for a term, of the services of a slaveand if the slave be sound at the time of contracting, any loss from subsequent disease, must fall upon the hirer, unless the slave should die. Most Relevant Cases  
Corporation of Washington v. Lasky 5 Cranch C.C. 381, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1837) 1837 Appeal from the judgment of Mr. Coote, a justice of the peace, who nonsuited the corporation in an action of debt for a penalty of twenty dollars; for that the said Lucy Lasky, the keeper of a tavern or ordinary, in the third ward, at the city of Washington, did sell, or permit to be sold, spirituous liquors to slaves or other persons of... Most Relevant Cases  
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