TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Richmond v. Yongue 36 S.C.L. 46, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (May 01, 1850) 1850 After the marriage of defendant's daughter to plaintiff, defendant executed a deed, whereby he gave certain negroes to her sole and separate use for life, with remainder to her issue, and if she should die without issue, to himself; the deed was delivered to the daughter, but the husband was not present, nor was there any proof that he knew of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Ruffin v. Mebane 6 Ired.Eq. 507, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1850) 1850 On the 1st of December 1838, Alexander Mebane, the testator of the defendant, and one Williams, entered into an agreement under seal to the following effect: Mebane was to furnish $4000 and Williams was to buy negroes for, and in the name of, Mebane, to take the bills of sale in his name and to resell the negroes to the best advantage; and for his... Most Relevant Cases  
Settle v. Settle 29 Tenn. 474, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1850) 1850 On the 17th October, 1811, Benjamin Wroe, of Frederick, Virginia, made his will, which, after his death, was duly admitted to probate, and in which, is the following clause, to wit, I also lend unto my daughter, Jane Settle, during her natural life, one negro woman, known by the name of Susannah, and her increase, and at her death, the said negro... Most Relevant Cases  
Sill v. South Carolina R. Co. 4 Rich. 154, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (November 01, 1850) 1850 In dealing with slaves as passengers, a high degree of caution, diligent and circumspect demeanor, are demanded of rail road companies; but to make such a company liable, to the owner, for the escape and loss of a slave, carried as a passenger on their cars, without the knowledge or consent of the owner, something more than a blameless and... Most Relevant Cases  
Simpson v. King 11 Ired. 377, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 The declaration by the testatrix, that she does not leave the girl Maria, as a bond slave to any person; the legacy to her of $25, which she could only take as a person, as distinguished from mere property, and the appointment of Simpson to act as trustee for her, treating her as a person, instead of appointing him a trustee of her, treating her as... Most Relevant Cases  
Skinner v. Hughes 13 Mo. 440, Supreme Court of Missouri (July 01, 1850) 1850 This was an action on the case by Mrs. Hughes against Skinner, Shepherd and Baker for an injury to her slave that occasioned his death, and was tried at the March term, 1850, of the Platte Circuit Court. Upon the trial it appeared that the plaintiff was the owner of a slave, Willis, worth nine hundred dollars, and the defendants, Shepherd and... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Sledd's Ex'r v. Carey 11 B.Mon. 181, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 09, 1850) 1850 The case stated. SLEATON SLEDD, made a nuncupative will containing the following bequest: I wish all my perishable property to be sold, except the household and kitchen furniture, and after paying my just debts I wish a part of the money to be applied in buying a negro girl to be given to Miranda Shoemaker. The testator's personal estate which he... Most Relevant Cases  
Smith v. Newby 13 Mo. 159, Supreme Court of Missouri (January 01, 1850) 1850 This was an action of detinue brought by the appellant against the appellee, to remove two negro boys, upon the following state of the case, as shown by the evidence on the trial. The deceased, William M. Taylor, in his lifetime, in York county, Virginia, owned a negro woman named Louisa. About the spring of 1841, this negro woman... Most Relevant Cases  
Smith v. Wiseman 6 Ired.Eq. 540, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1850) 1850 The bill is filed to obtain a construction of two clauses in the will of James Smith. The first is in these words: In the seventh place, I leave with my daughter-in law, Jane Smith, my negro Ambrose, to work for her and Ebenezer's four children's support, until the youngest one arrives at the age of seventeen, then to be sold, and the money to be... Most Relevant Cases  
State ex rel. Directors of Eastern and Western School Districts of Cincinnati v. City of Cincinnati 19 Ohio 178, Supreme Court of Ohio, In Bank (December 01, 1850) 1850 The act of February 20th, 1849, to authorize the establishment of separate schools for the education of colored children, and for other purposes, is constitutional. Separate districts, established for colored children, under the provisions of that act, are entitled to all the rights and privileges of regular school districts. The laws regulating... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Boozer 36 S.C.L. 21, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (May 01, 1850) 1850 An orderly assemblage of slaves, although on a Saturday night, at a quilting, on the premises of a slaveholder, with tickets from their masters, and by permission of the owner of the premises, who was also occasionally present, is not such an assemblage under the Act of 1740, as the patrol are authorized to disperse, or as will authorize them to... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Haithcock 11 Ired. 32, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1850) 1850 A free person of color is chargeable with the support of a bastard child begotten by him on a white woman. Appeal from the Superior Court of Law of Orange County at the Spring Term 1850, His Honor, Judge BATTLE, presiding. The defendant, who is admitted to be a free negro, was charged by a white woman with being the father of her bastard child. His... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Jowers 11 Ired. 555, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 Insolence from a free person of color to a white man will excuse a battery, in the same manner and to the same extent, as in the case of a slave. Appeal from the Superior Court of Law of Anson County, at the Fall Term 1850, his Honor Judge BATTLE presiding. The defendant, a white man, was indicted for an affray with Bob Douglass, a free black man.... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Laney 4 Rich. 193, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (November 01, 1850) 1850 In an indictment, under the Act of 1834, for gaming with a slave, it is not necessary to allege, nor is it necessary to prove, on the trial, what the particular game played at was, or that there was any betting: such an indictment is sufficient if it alleges that the defendant wilfully and unlawfully did game with a certain negro slave... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Wills 30 Tenn. 222, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1850) 1850 At the October term, 1848, of the circuit court of DeKalb, a presentment was made against the defendant in error, for selling spirituous liquors to a slave, contrary to the statute. To this presentment he plead, in abatement, that Gilbert Williams, who signed said presentment, at the October term, as aforesaid, was not one of the lawfully... Most Relevant Cases  
Stevens v. Gordy 9 Gill 405, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1850) 1850 The father of the appellee, who was the complainant in the court below, bequeathed to her $200, and after the death of her mother, a negro woman. The complainant also has an interest in the residue of the personal estate. The bill of complaint alleges, that the negro has been sold, and the object of the bill is to compel the executors of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Stockton v. Ford 52 U.S. 232, Supreme Court of the United States (December 01, 1850) 1850 THIS was an appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Louisiana, sitting as a court of equity. The suit was originally brought by Stockton in the District Court (State court) of Louisiana, by petition, to enforce a judicial mortgage against a plantation and slaves in the parish of Carroll, which once belonged to... Most Relevant Cases  
Stone v. Hale 17 Ala. 557, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1850) 1850 Error to the Chancery Court of Wetumpka. Tried before the Hon. Wilie W. Mason. THE bill in this case, which was filed by the plaintiff against the defendants in error, alleges that Warren Stone, desiring to secure certain slaves and their increase for the support and maintenance of his daughter, Martha G. Hamilton, then the wife of John M.... Most Relevant Cases  
Strader v. Graham 51 U.S. 82, Supreme Court of the United States (December 01, 1850) 1850 Under the 25th section of the Judiciary Act, this court has no jurisdiction over the following questions, viz., Whether slaves who had been permitted by their master to pass occasionally from Kentucky into Ohio acquired thereby a right to freedom after their return to Kentucky? The laws of Kentucky alone could decide upon the domestic... Most Relevant Cases  
Strong v. Willis 3 Fla. 124, Supreme Court of Florida (January 01, 1850) 1850 A trustee cannot renounce, after having accepted the trust, but must execute the provisions of the trust deed. A deed of trust conveying property to trustees, for the sole and separate use of the grantor's wife and children, free from the debts of the grantor, secures the property so conveyed against the debts and claims of the trustees executing... Most Relevant Cases  
Stubbs v. Stubbs 30 Tenn. 43, Supreme Court of Tennessee (September 01, 1850) 1850 This was a petition for dower in the circuit court of Roane. The only question in the cause arises upon the following clause in the last will and testament of Jesse Stubbs, deceased: Fourthly, at my wife's decease, I give to my loving son, George Stubbs, all the parcel or tract of land I now live on, together with my negro man, Abraham; and, at... Most Relevant Cases  
Summerall v. Thoms 3 Fla. 298, Supreme Court of Florida (January 01, 1850) 1850 This was an action of detinue, brought by Thoms and wife, to recover possession of a female slave named Sue. There are two counts in detinue. The first charges a delivery of the slave to the defendant, to be re-delivered to the plaintiff, Eliza Thoms, when required. The second charges that, before the intermarriage of the said Eliza and the other... Most Relevant Cases  
Swink v. Snodgrass 17 Ala. 653, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1850) 1850 Error to the Circuit Court of Madison. Tried before the Hon. Thos. A. Walker. THE plaintiff, as administrator de bonis non of George Swink, deceased, brought an action of detinue against the defendant in error, to recover certain slaves. On the trial it appeared that the slaves belonged to the intestate at the time of his death. It was also shown... Most Relevant Cases  
Tarkinton v. Latham 11 Ired. 596, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 The plaintiff could have entertained this action against her father upon her coming of age. He could not have set up the grand-father's title against her, because he did not receive the negro to hold for the owner, whoever that might be, but, he received her expressly as his daughter's, and engaged to hold her as the agent of the plaintiff and for... Most Relevant Cases  
Tate v. Dalton 6 Ired.Eq. 562, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1850) 1850 Thomas Joyce died intestate, in Rockingham County, in 1822, leaving a widow and eight children surviving him, who were all of full age, and also the infant children of a son Joseph, who had removed and died in one of the Western States. The estate was small, and consisted of a negro man, named Dick, and other chattels to the value of about $100.... Most Relevant Cases  
Templeton v. Walker 3 Rich.Eq. 543, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 A father by the same deed made separate gifts of negroes to his three daughters: the gift to P. was to her and her future heirs of her body; and the deed further provided, that, if either of the above named girls should die without any lawful heirs of their body, her property shall go to the surviving children: P. died leaving issue, two... Most Relevant Cases  
Thomas v. Degraffenreid 17 Ala. 602, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1850) 1850 Error to the Circuit Court of Benton. Tried before the Hon. John J. Woodward. THIS was a trial of the right of property in a slave named Jenny, and her two children, which had been levied on under an execution in favor of the defendant in error against Athanasius Thomas and William Thomas and claimed by Mary Thomas, the plaintiff in error. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Threadgill v. White 11 Ired. 591, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 It is understood from the case, that the mode, in which the title to the slaves was supposed to have passed from the plaintiff to Colson, as proposed to be established by proof of the declarations of the plaintiff, was by the deed of conveyance, which the defendant had previously alleged. That presents the enquiry, whether it be competent to prove... Most Relevant Cases  
Turnage v. Turnage 7 Ired.Eq. 127, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 Travis Turnage, by his will, gives to his wife, Christiana, a negro woman, Amy, and all her increase, and, after giving her several other negroes, notes and other property, he adds, and one negro woman, Phillis, and her increase. Before the death of the testator and before the making of the will, Amy had a child named Holland, and Phillis a child... Most Relevant Cases  
Walker v. Brown 30 Tenn. 179, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1850) 1850 This is an action of trespass brought by Brown against Walker for whipping the slave of the plaintiff. The defendant pleaded first, not guilty; and second, he also pleaded specially, that he was a patrol, and in discharge of his duty as such, he went to the house of the plaintiff's slave, in search of other negroes he suspected to be... Most Relevant Cases  
Walton v. Walton 7 Ired.Eq. 138, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 The defendants have separately filed two exceptions, but they are in substance the same, and may be disposed of together. The first raises this question; a father puts several negroes into the possession of a child, and dies intestate, without having taken back the negroes. One of the negroes died in the life time of the father. The Master has... Most Relevant Cases  
Wash v. State 1 Morr.St.Cas. 517, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (November 01, 1850) 1850 Whether it is essential to warrant the conviction of a slave, charged with the commission of a capital offence, to prove his ownership as laid in the indictment. Quaere? However that may be, it is sufficient if the indictment charge him as being the property of A., and he is proved to be the property of A. and B., to uphold a verdict of guilty, and... Most Relevant Cases  
Weathersby v. Weathersby 13 Smedes & M. 685, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (January 01, 1850) 1850 The following clause in the will of Lewis Weathersby, to wit: I give and bequeath to my son Ludovick, my servants Tom and Lucy, and their children, Matilda, Sylvester, Andrew, and Dicey, in trust and under the following conditions, viz: I do hereby enjoin it upon my said son to make the said slaves as comfortable in life as possible; that he... Most Relevant Cases  
West's Adm'r v. Thornton 7 Gratt. 177, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 07, 1850) 1850 The Court is of opinion, that under any aspect of the appellees' claim, they are not entitled to the relief prayed for. The alleged mortgage by Meaux Thornton to Robert West, was executed on the 17th January 1807. When Robert West acquired possession of the slaves, does not distinctly appear. Meaux Thornton having died, Robert West administered on... Most Relevant Cases  
White v. Gibson 11 Ired. 283, Supreme Court of North Carolina (August 01, 1850) 1850 This action is in assumpsit, to recover from the defendant the price of a mule, purchased by one Lee, who is since dead, from the plaintiff, for the use of a firm consisting of said Lee and the defendant. The copartnership was admitted, and was entered into for the purchase and sale of negroes, horses, cotton and tobacco??--To prove that the mule... Most Relevant Cases  
Wilder v. Creecy 11 Ired. 421, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1850) 1850 Where a person hired a negro to another, and one of the stipulations at the hiring was, that the negro should not go by water, and the person, who hired the slave, permitted others to use him and by them he was employed on the water, in consequence of which he lost his life, Held, that these latter persons were not answerable in... Most Relevant Cases  
Williams v. Britton 11 Ired. 110, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1850) 1850 The only question presented in this case is, can the next of kin maintain an action on the administration bond, after the death of the administrator, because he failed to take into his possession, and distribute, certain negroes to which his intestate was entitled? His Honor was of opinion that the action could not be maintained, and we fully... Most Relevant Cases  
Williams v. Conrad 30 Tenn. 412, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1850) 1850 These two causes were treated in argument as one, and not improperly, as they are identical in their facts, both bills asserting a right to the same slaves; in the one case, on behalf of the person claiming the life-estate interest; and in the other, on behalf of those claiming the remainder. To the bill of William T. Williams and others, who claim... Most Relevant Cases  
Woodward v. Clarke 23 S.C.Eq. 167, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (May 01, 1850) 1850 Where the minority of one of the complainants alone prevented the bar of the statute to the recovery of the freehold, the Court ordered that, as to the interests of the minor, the account of rents and profits should be extended to the period when her right accrued, but that her disability affording no advantage to her co-plaintiffs, in the claim... Most Relevant Cases  
Worley v. State 30 Tenn. 172, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1850) 1850 The prisoner, Gabriel Worley, was convicted in the circuit court of Giles, on a charge of mayhem, committed upon the person of his own slave, Josiah. The indictment avers, in substance, that said defendant unlawfully, maliciously, and feloniously did strike, with a razor, and cut off and disable the organs of generation of the said slave. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Yongue v. Aikin 4 Rich. 15, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (November 01, 1850) 1850 Where negroes were bid off at a sheriff's sale, and the sheriff, having neglected to follow the directions of the 58th sec. of the Act of 1839, in relation to re-sales, some months after tendered the negroes to the purchaser, and, upon his refusing to take them, advertised, and re-sold them, at his risk. Held, that the sheriff could not maintain an... Most Relevant Cases  
Young v. State 30 Tenn. 200, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1850) 1850 The prisoner in this case is a free man of color. He was indicted in the circuit court of Wilson county for the murder of Stephen, a slave of M. A. Price, and was convicted of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the penitentiary; from which judgment he appealed to this court. In the part of his honor's charge to... Most Relevant Cases  
Young v. Young 5 La.Ann. 611, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1850) 1850 Appeal from the District Court of Vermillion, Voorhies, J. Most Relevant Cases  
Abington v. Travis 15 Mo. 240, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1851) 1851 This was an action of detinue, to recover the possession of several slaves, instituted by the plaintiff in error against the defendant, in the court below. The Circuit Court, sitting as a jury, found a verdict for the defendant, and a motion for a new trial having been made by the plaintiff, and overruled by the court, the case is brought here by... Most Relevant Cases  
Alexander v. Burnet 5 Rich. 189, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (November 01, 1851) 1851 B. J. executed and delivered to his sister, A. B. an instrument under seal, and in the form of a deed, whereby, in consideration of love and affection, and of one dollar to him paid, he gave, granted, bargained and sold unto her and her heirs, forever, a negro boy, which said negro I bind myself, my executors, administrators, &c. forever, to... Most Relevant Cases  
Allen v. State 9 Ga. 492, Supreme Court of Georgia (February 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] On the trial of slaves, or free persons of color, under the Act of 1850: Held, that it was illegal to admit in evidence the opinion of the committing Magistrates, that the person charged was guilty of a capital offence. [2.] Where a capital offence is committed by a slave, during the session of the Superior Court, and the papers are returned,... Most Relevant Cases  
Anthony v. State 9 Ga. 264, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] In prosecutions of slaves under the Act of 1850: Held, not to be necessary to aver the preliminary proceedings before the Magistrates, in the bill of indictment, nor to prove them on the trial. [2.] The constitutionality of the Act of 1850, authorizing the trial of slaves before the Superior Court, sustained. [3.] In prosecutions under this... Most Relevant Cases  
Bacon v. Gray 1 Cushm. 140, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (January 01, 1851) 1851 D., in 1823, conveyed land and slaves to C., in trust for his married daughter, Mrs. G., and her child, then living, and such other children as she might have. She died in 1836, leaving but one child. One of the slaves embraced in the conveyance to C. was sold by the husband of Mrs. G., in 1826. The husband and the trustee afterwards died. In 1846,... Most Relevant Cases  
Ball v. Johnson's Ex'r 8 Gratt. 281, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 06, 1851) 1851 (Absent Cabell, P.) 1. The statute of limitations does not commence to run against the owners of the remainder in slaves in favour of the purchaser of the life estate, until the death of the life tenant. 2. In a bill by persons claiming to be legatees or assignees of legatees, against defendants as other legatees and assignees of legatees, under... Most Relevant Cases  
Bank of Kentucky v. Milton 12 B.Mon. 340, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 10, 1851) 1851 Mortgage, Equity of Redemption. Practice in Chancery. ERROR TO THE FAYETTE CIRCUIT. Case stated. THE BANK OF KENTUCKY in this case is seeking, by way of substitution, to reach certain slaves and other property which had been conveyed by deed of mortgage by W. E. Milton to Eben and John Milton, to secure and indemnify them and Young and Milton, as... Most Relevant Cases  
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