TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Barrow v. Hill 54 U.S. 54, Supreme Court of the United States (December 01, 1851) 1851 THIS case was brought up, by writ of error, from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Hill was a citizen of South Carolina, and sold two slaves to Barrow, a citizen of Louisiana. Barrow gave his note for $2,000, dated 12th of February, 1848, payable twelve months after date. When due, it was protested. Hill... Most Relevant Cases  
Bayne v. Suit 1 Md. 80, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1851) 1851 The question presented in this case is, whether the covenant, which constitutes the basis of this action, is such a one as ought to be recognized and enforced by this court. It provides for the sale and delivery of certain negroes therein named, and for their re-delivery, upon certain contingencies. In pursuance of the agreement, the slaves were... Most Relevant Cases  
Beardslee v. Perry 14 Mo. 88, Supreme Court of Missouri (March 01, 1851) 1851 This suit was brought by the plaintiffs against the defendant and one Isaac VanHouten, in the Circuit for the county of St. Louis, for the April term, 1845, thereof, to recover the value of a slave hired by the plaintiff, Hannah, before her marriage with the plaintiff Charles Beardslee, to the defendants, to serve on their steamboat called the... Most Relevant Cases  
Bennett v. Butterworth 53 U.S. 367, Supreme Court of the United States (December 01, 1851) 1851 Where slaves are in the possession of a mortgagee, who renders an account of the profits of their labor and the expenses which he has incurred on their behalf, he must be held bound to exercise a reasonable diligence in keeping them engaged in useful employments. It is not a sufficient excuse for allowing them to remain idle, to say that he managed... Most Relevant Cases  
Berry v. State 10 Ga. 511, Supreme Court of Georgia (October 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] In an indictment for larceny from the house, it is not necessary to allege that the accused entered with an intent to steal; the crime may be consummated where the original entry was not felonious. [2.] If larceny from the house or any other offence not capital, committed by a slave, has been done by the procurement of a free white person, the... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Blackburn v. Collins 12 B.Mon. 16, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 09, 1851) 1851 Execution Sales. Redemption. Consideration. ERROR TO THE WOODFORD CIRCUIT. Case stated. EDWARD M. BLACKBURN, having recovered a judgment against Vardeman Collins in the Franklin Circuit Court, for the sum of $1,000, besides interest and costs, caused an execution to issue thereon, which was levied on two slaves, Ned and Stephen, and was stayed by... Most Relevant Cases  
Brooks v. Ashburn 9 Ga. 297, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] In an action of trespass for killing a slave, the defendant plead the general issue, and at the trial, gave in evidence, by way of justification, that he was acting as a patrolman, under the 44th section of the Act of 1770: Held, that the defendant was not sued for putting in execution any of the powers contained in the Act of 1770, and that... Most Relevant Cases  
Bunch v. Smith 4 Rich. 581, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (May 01, 1851) 1851 Plaintiff sold to defendant four negroes, giving him a bill of sale, and taking from him notes for the price; immediately upon their delivery, and in the presence of the parties, Bob, one of the negroes, committed suicide; under some mistake as to the facts, or the rights of the parties, the notes were returned to defendant, and the bill of sale to... Most Relevant Cases  
Busby v. Byrd 4 Rich.Eq. 9, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (November 01, 1851) 1851 A parol gift of a negro to take effect in possession at the donor's death, is necessarily void, because there can be no delivery, and to a parol gift delivery is essential. To constitute a delivery, it is essential that the deliverer should part with his control over the chattel; and where his intention is to vest a future interest, though he may... Most Relevant Cases  
Carroll's Heirs v. Carroll's Heirs 12 B.Mon. 637, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 27, 1851) 1851 Case stated. JOHN CARROLL, at the time of his death, was the owner of a small tract of land, several slaves, and some personal estate, the whole of which he devised to his wife. She enjoyed the property during her life, and at her death made a nuncupative will, in which, with some unimportant exceptions, she devised her whole estate to the legatees... Most Relevant Cases  
Carter v. Buchanan 9 Ga. 539, Supreme Court of Georgia (May 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] Hearsay evidence, admissible to prove birth and pedigree, but incompetent to create or destroy title to property. [2.] Where a family of slaves is held by a common title, adverse possession as to one is good as to all. [3.] Whether a father permit property to go home with his daughter, immediately upon her marriage or at any subsequent period,... Most Relevant Cases  
Cheek v. Wheatly 30 Tenn. 556, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1851) 1851 The action is trover in the court of common law and chancery, at Memphis, for the conversion of a negro slave. The judgment was for the plaintiff, and defendant has appealed in error to this court. The plaintiff sues as administrator of Hugh J. Lemons, deceased, upon his own possession, and for a conversion of the slave, since the death of said... Most Relevant Cases  
Chesson v. Chesson 8 Ired.Eq. 141, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1851) 1851 Samuel Chesson made his will in September, 1847, and died a few days afterwards. It begins with a gift to his wife Elizabeth, of a tract of land and two negroes, for her life, and two feather beds and furniture, to dispose of as she pleased; and it then adds, I also lend to my wife, during her widowhood, if she keeps my children clear of expense... Most Relevant Cases  
City Council of Charleston v. Condy 4 Rich. 254, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (January 01, 1851) 1851 The City Council of Charleston have not the power to impose a tax on sales at auction of lands and slaves. Most Relevant Cases  
Clagon v. Veasey 7 Ired.Eq. 173, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1851) 1851 Benjamin Clagon, by will, bequeathed to his daughter Matilda Brown, during her life, two negroes, Tom and Hasty, with remainder over in case of her dying without leaving heirs. The plaintiff is the executor of the will, and files the bill to protect the interest of those in remainder, as the trust is of such a nature, as to require him to take care... Most Relevant Cases  
Clifford v. Read 3 Rich.Eq. 218, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (January 01, 1851) 1851 Defendant purchased at sheriff's sale, the estate of tenant for life in certain slaves: tenant for life died in July, and defendant delivered the slaves to the remainder-man in December: Held, that defendant was liable to account to the remainder-man, for the hire of the slaves, from the death of tenant for life, until they were delivered to the... Most Relevant Cases  
Clifford v. State 10 Ga. 422, Supreme Court of Georgia (August 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] Where a defendant was indicted for simple larceny, in stealing a slave, and the evidence on the trial showed that the defendant, by his own confessions, made a promise to carry the slave with others, North, the slaves consenting to be sold once on the way: Held, that the Jury might, under the 45th section of the 14th division of the Penal... Most Relevant Cases  
Coleman v. State 14 Mo. 157, Supreme Court of Missouri (March 01, 1851) 1851 The only point deemed material to notice in this case is the exclusion of John Coleman as a witness for the defendant. The defendant was a free negro and indicted for leasing a house to be kept as a bawdy-house. The witness, Coleman, cohabited with her as man and wife, and the witness was a slave. The court refused to permit him to testify. Our... Most Relevant Cases  
Compton v. Martin 5 Rich. 14, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (November 01, 1851) 1851 Defendant hired to plaintiff a negro for two years and put plaintiff in possession; it was agreed that, if the negro should become dissatisfied, after two or three months trial, the contract should be at an end; defendant in a few days got possession of the negro and sold him: Held, that the contract of hiring having been performed by the... Most Relevant Cases  
Cook v. Cook 12 Ark. 381, Supreme Court of Arkansas (July 01, 1851) 1851 In this case a number of slaves came to the husband by marriage, and he afterwards conveyed them by deed of gift to his children by a former wife, reserving to himself the use of the slaves during his life. After his death the wife filed a bill to set aside the deed of gift to his children and for dower in the slaves, alleging that the deed was... Most Relevant Cases  
Cooper v. Blakey 10 Ga. 263, Supreme Court of Georgia (July 01, 1851) 1851 [1.] When a testator by his will directed one of his slaves to be removed to a State in which the laws would allow of her manumission, and there be manumitted, and also bequeathed the sum of two thousand dollars to said slave, to be invested by a trustee appointed for that purpose, for the benefit of such slave, when manumitted, as directed by his... Most Relevant Cases  
Cox v. Hodge 31 Tenn. 371, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1851) 1851 This is an action of trover for the alleged conversion of a female slave by the defendant, Hodge, claimed to be the property of the plaintiff. The decision of the case depends upon the priority of conflicting liens. The facts of the case are as follows: The defendant, as sheriff of Lincoln county, levied on and sold said slave as the property of... Most Relevant Cases  
Craig v. Miller 12 Ired. 375, Supreme Court of North Carolina (August 01, 1851) 1851 Without having recourse to the presumption of a good title from a sale by the next of kin and upwards of twenty years' possession by the plaintiff and those under whom he claims, since the death of the original owner, Rhodes, the Court is of opinion, that under the circumstances the plaintiff's possession entitled him to hold the slave as against... Most Relevant Cases  
Crawley v. Tucker 4 Rich. 560, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (May 01, 1851) 1851 In a contest between defendant, a purchaser of slaves, and a third person, plaintiff, claiming by title paramount to that of the vendor, the declarations of the vendor, while in possession and before the sale, may be given in evidence against the defendant: and this rule applies, though the defendant purchased at sheriff's sale. Most Relevant Cases  
Creed v. White 30 Tenn. 549, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1851) 1851 This is an action of trover, to recover damages from the conversion of a slave named Amos, claimed to have been the property of the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs failed to recover in the court below, and have prosecuted an appeal in error to this court. Both parties claim title derived from Lemuel Creed (the father of the plaintiffs), who died several... Most Relevant Cases  
Dorsey v. Packwood 53 U.S. 126, Supreme Court of the United States (December 01, 1851) 1851 An argument, whereby the purchaser of a plantation bound himself to transfer to his son-in-law one half of the plantation, slaves, cattle and stock, as soon as the son-in-law should pay for one half of the cost of said property, either with his own private means, or with one half of the profits of the plantation, was deficient in mutuality. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Dowrey v. Logan 12 B.Mon. 236, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (September 25, 1851) 1851 Emancipation. Lost Records. Hires. ERROR TO THE FAYETTE CIRCUIT COURT. The case stated. HARVEY and Robert Dowrey, negroes, bring each separate suits in chancery in the Fayette Circuit Court, against Robert Logan, claiming that they had been entitled to their freedom since they had severally arrived at the age of thirty years, and alleging, in... Most Relevant Cases  
Dreskill v. Parish 5 McLean 213, Circuit Court, D Ohio (April 01, 1851) 1851 Cited in Woodruff v. Barney, Case No. 17,986; Spaulding v. Tucker, Id. 13,221. This was an action by Peter Dreskill against Francis P. Parish to recover damages for hindering and obstructing in the arrest of slaves. See Driskell v. Parish, Cases Nos. 4,0874,089. Most Relevant Cases  
Dreskill v. Parish 5 McLean 241, Circuit Court, D Ohio (April 01, 1851) 1851 This was an action by Peter Dreskill against Francis D. Parish to recover damages for hindering and obstructing the arrest of a slave. See Cases Nos. 4,0874,089. Most Relevant Cases  
Duckett v. Crider 11 B.Mon. 188, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 14, 1851) 1851 Husband and Wife. Limitation. Adverse Possession. ERROR TO THE CALDWELL CIRCUIT. The case stated. THIS action of detinue was brought by Duckett and wife for the recovery of a female slave, Mary, and her children, in possession of Crider, who had purchased and received the mother about nine years before from one Wyatt who had purchased her from J.... Most Relevant Cases  
Duncan v. Johnson 1 Cushm. 130, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (January 01, 1851) 1851 It is clear, that, up to the period of distribution in 1841, the legal title to the property in controversy remained in the administrator; and although J, after his marriage with the appellee, (Sarah M. Johnson,) in 1837, resided on the plantation where the slaves were employed, it does not appear that he assumed their control or management; but if... Most Relevant Cases  
Eaves v. Gillespie 31 Tenn. 128, Supreme Court of Tennessee (September 01, 1851) 1851 Mary Eaves filed her bill in chancery, at Cleveland, against Robert N. Gillespie, to recover the possession of several negro slaves, sold by her late husband, Thomas Eaves, to the defendant, and of which she claims to be the owner. It appears that on the 15th November, 1807, in Union District, South Carolina, Mary Johns, the plaintiff, intermarried... Most Relevant Cases  
Ellick v. State 31 Tenn. 325, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1851) 1851 Ellick, a slave, was indicted in the circuit court of Giles for an assault with an intent to commit a rape upon the person of Sarah E. Tidwell, a free white woman, and at December term, 1849, of said court he was tried and convicted of said offence, a capital felony by the act 1835, ch. 19, sec. 10. He appealed to the supreme court, where, for... Most Relevant Cases  
Ellis v. Welsh 4 Rich. 468, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (January 01, 1851) 1851 The degree of care and vigilance, in ascertaining that a negro, representing himself to be free, is not a slave, which the law exacts of carriers dealing with negroes as passengers, is increased in proportion to the facilities of escape which the carrying or transportation affords; for instance, the law does not exact the same high degree of care... Most Relevant Cases  
Finch v. Rogers 30 Tenn. 559, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1851) 1851 This bill is brought for the recovery of two slaves, Edy and Moab. The material facts of the case are as follows: The complainants are the children and grand-children of John W. Finch and his wife Judith, who intermarried in the state of North Carolina, in 1819. Shortly after their marriage, William Hockaday, the father of said Judith Finch, placed... Most Relevant Cases  
Fleming v. Toler 7 Gratt. 310, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 21, 1851) 1851 (Absent Cabell, P.) 1. In an action on a bond given for the price of a slave, a special plea under the act of 1831 is good, which avers in general terms, that the slave was unsound at the time of the sale, and that the plaintiff knew the fact and fraudulently concealed it from the defendant; and that upon discovering the fact the defendant offered... Most Relevant Cases  
Forbes v. Smith 8 Ired.Eq. 30, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1851) 1851 The Master reported, on the enquiry directed at the hearing, that the fund in the hands of Mrs. Smith as trustee, in lieu of the real estate sold, and to which the defendant Shackleford is entitled as tenant by the curtesy, consists of certain slaves, and of the sum of $500 in money, the proceeds of the sale of another slave. Upon the report, the... Most Relevant Cases  
Fowler v. Stonum 6 Tex. 60, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1851) 1851 The act to prevent frauds and fraudulent conveyances (Hart. Dig. p., 835) contemplates the recording of bills of sale of slaves for certain purposes. Therefore a bill of sale of slaves comes within the provision of the statute (Hart. Dig., art. 745) respecting the proof of recorded instruments. (Note 10.) A general allegation of title to which no... Most Relevant Cases  
Gaskill v. King 12 Ired. 211, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1851) 1851 Upon the question, whether there was legal evidence of the delivery of the deed, the cases of Vines v. Brownrigg, 4 Dev. 265, and Andrew v. Shaw, 4 Dev. 70, are in point. They lay it down, that the act of 1806 does not create any new rule, as to the proof of the execution and delivery of a deed of gift of slaves; and that, if the subscribing... Most Relevant Cases  
Gillespie v. Edmonston 30 Tenn. 553, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1851) 1851 This is an action on the case. The declaration alleges that the defendant, in consideration of the sum of $500, to be thereafter paid to him by said plaintiff, undertook, promised, and agreed to, and with the said plaintiff, that he, said defendant, was the owner of a negro girl named Mary, aged about sixteen or seventeen years, which he had... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
Glover v. Harris 4 Rich.Eq. 25, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (November 01, 1851) 1851 Testator, intending as for his worldly estate to dispose thereof, devised and bequeathed as follows:-I lend to my wife, J. G., during her natural life, the use of one half of my land (describing it) and five negroes (naming them): after other bequests, the will contained the following residuary clause, to wit: It is my will, that at my... Most Relevant Cases  
Green v. Lane 8 Ired.Eq. 70, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1851) 1851 A person may send his slaves out of this State to be emancipated, provided the act is done with the bona fide intention that they shall remain out of the State; but, if they be sent, with a view that they shall be emancipated, and then return and reside in this State, this is in fraud of our laws, and the emancipation is void and of no effect. A... Most Relevant Cases  
Hales v. Harrison 7 Ired.Eq. 298, Supreme Court of North Carolina (August 01, 1851) 1851 The plaintiffs were entitled to the reversionary interest in a negro boy, after the death of their mother. She married one Griffice, and took the boy into possession, and in 1838, sold him to the defendant, for the price of $580, who soon thereafter carried him out of the State to parts unknown, and sold him at an advance of $85. Mrs. Griffice died... Most Relevant Cases  
Hamilton v. Feemster 4 Rich. 573, Court of Appeals of Law of South Carolina (May 01, 1851) 1851 Case is a proper remedy for maliciously arresting, and causing to be committed to jail, the plaintiff's slave, as a runaway, when the defendant knew that he was not a runaway. Plaintiff offered written evidence, which was necessary and competent to sustain a material allegation in his declaration, and, at the instance of defendant, it was ruled out... Most Relevant Cases  
Hardy v. Leary 8 Ired.Eq. 94, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1851) 1851 William Bullock made his will on the 23d of April, 1839, and therein ordered all his real estate to be sold, and then proceeded thus: It is my will that all my negroes and other property, after paying my just debts, may be held in joint stock by my wife and children, and that the negroes be hired out annually, and the hires appropriated to the... Most Relevant Cases  
Harney v. Dutcher 15 Mo. 89, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1851) 1851 This was an action brought by plaintiff as administrator de bonis non of Duty's estate, on a written instrument of defendants, executed to John F. Darby, who was the preceding administrator of said estate, for the hire and conditional return of a slave, belonging to said estate. Plaintiff became administrator on the 22nd day of June, 1850, Darby... Most Relevant Cases  
Henderson v. Jason 9 Gill 483, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1851) 1851 On a petition for freedom it was proved that Rachael, the mother of the petitioners, was permitted by her mistress in the spring of 1831, to go and live with Aaron her reputed husband, under an agreement between the mistress and Aaron, that he should have Rachael free forever thereafter, upon condition that he would raise and support for her... Most Relevant Cases  
Henry v. Nunn's Heirs 11 B.Mon. 239, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 22, 1851) 1851 Slaves. Emancipation. Parties. ERROR TO THE CRITTENDEN CIRCUIT. The case state SAMUEL NUNN, who resided in Crittenden county was the owner of a large number of slaves, and of other property of very considerable value. He never married, and had no children or descendants. He had resolved to emancipate his slaves, having, as he expressed himself,... Most Relevant Cases  
Houston v. Starnes 12 Ired. 313, Supreme Court of North Carolina (August 01, 1851) 1851 In an action for a breach of covenant in a warranty of the soundness of a slave, the plaintiff may shew what the slave afterwards sold for, to a??d the jury in estimating the damages. Appeal from the Superior Court of Law of Union County, Spring Term 1851, his Honor Judge BATTLE presiding. The action is in covenant for the breach of a warranty of... Most Relevant Cases  
In re Burr 5 Harr. 351, Superior Court of Delaware (October 01, 1851) 1851 In the matter of the application of William Burr, negro. Habeas corpus to the jailer of Sussex county. The prisoner was committed by Justice Morris, for non-payment of a fine of $50, imposed on him, on the information of George Harris, charging him, the said William Burr, free negro, with being a non-resident and being in the State of Delaware,... Most Relevant Cases  
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