TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Kennedy & Cooksey v. Head 32 Ga. 629, Supreme Court of Georgia (May 01, 1861) 1861 1. H. married a minor, who, at the time, owned three negroes; before he had reduced the negroes to possession, he consented to a settlement of the same upon his wife during her natural life, with remainder to her children in fee, and in default of issue, then to her relations in equal degree, and executed a writing to that effect:... Most Relevant Cases  
Kimbrel v. Glover 13 Rich. 191, Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1861) 1861 In an action against an agent to recover the price of an article sold by the agent for the plaintiff, interest may be recovered. Interest may be recovered on a count for money had and received. B and C agreed with A to sell a negro belonging to A, and to apply the proceeds to a debt due by A, for which B and C were sureties, and the balance to any... Most Relevant Cases  
King v. Avery 37 Ala. 169, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [BILL IN EQUITY FOR DIVISION AND ACCOUNT OF SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Greene. Heard before the Hon. JAMES B. CLARK. Most Relevant Cases  
King v. Kenan 38 Ala. 63, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES, AGAINST SHERIFF.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Dallas. Tried before the Hon. NAT. COOK. Most Relevant Cases  
Layne v. Norris' Adm'r 16 Gratt. 236, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 10, 1861) 1861 This is a supersedeas to a judgment in favor of the plaintiff on a special verdict, in an action of detinue brought by Robert T. Norris's adm'r against George Layne for a slave named Vina. The most favorable view which can be taken of the case for the plaintiff, is to suppose that his intestate Robert T. Norris was entitled to the slave in... Most Relevant Cases  
Lewis v. Elrod 38 Ala. 17, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [BILL IN EQUITY TO PROTECT REMAINDER IN SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Wilcox. Heard before the Hon. WADE KEYES. Most Relevant Cases  
Lewis v. McAfee 32 Ga. 465, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1861) 1861 1. If a negro be hired to a Railroad for a particular service, and he is used by the Road for a different purpose or service from that intended, and an accident happens to him in the performance of such service that causes his death, the Road is liable to the owner for his value. Most especially is this so, when such accident results from the gross... Most Relevant Cases  
Lowe v. Bryant 32 Ga. 235, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1861) 1861 Was the contract entered into by Mrs. Lowe, with the executor of her husband, binding? We hold not-for the obvious reason that there is no consideration to support it. Had the contract been executed it might have been otherwise. But it was executory. The agreement that the negroes and land, left to her by her deceased husband, to be worked to the... Most Relevant Cases  
Maddox v. Price 17 Md. 413, Court of Appeals of Maryland (October 29, 1861) 1861 A testatrix, by her will, executed in 1837, bequeathed her negroes to her executor, in trust, to hire them out from year to year, until her debts and legacies were paid, and then she directed that her executor may, if he wish to do so, take such of her negroes as are willing to go to the State of Kentucky or elsewhere, where... Most Relevant Cases  
Manly v. Turnipseed 37 Ala. 522, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Calhoun. Tried before the Hon. S. D. HALE. Most Relevant Cases  
Mann v. Macon & W.R. Co. 32 Ga. 345, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1861) 1861 1. In an action against a railroad company for the recovery of damages for the death of a negro, occasioned by the cars of the company running over him on the track, it must affirmatively appear from the testimony, in order to charge the company with the loss, that the act was the result of neglect, mismanagement, or carelessness of the company or... Most Relevant Cases  
Mapp v. Phillips 32 Ga. 72, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1861) 1861 1. The testimony of Rutherford, the admission of which is the error assigned in the first exception, related to the authority given to another agent of the plaintiff in error to sell this slave. This agency, whatever it may have been, had expired before the agency was cast upon Bishop, who sold to the defendant. Bishop was not a sub-agent,... Most Relevant Cases  
McGehee v. Mahone 37 Ala. 258, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Butler. Tried before the Hon. NAT. COOK. Most Relevant Cases  
McGehee v. Rump 37 Ala. 651, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [ACTION FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OF SOUNDNESS OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Macon. Tried before the Hon. NAT. COOK. Most Relevant Cases  
McKee v. McKee's Adm'rs 17 Md. 352, Court of Appeals of Maryland (October 29, 1861) 1861 Under the Act of 1842, ch. 293, sec. 4, slaves which were the separate property of the wife, and their increase, born during the life of the wife, descend, on the death of the surviving husband, to her children, without the necessity of administration on her estate, but the increase born during the survivorship of the husband, are his, in absolute... Most Relevant Cases  
McLemore v. Nuckolls 37 Ala. 662, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES, AGAINST SHERIFF.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Montgomery. Tried before the Hon. S. D. HALE. Most Relevant Cases  
Miller v. Hampton 37 Ala. 342, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Walker. Tried before the Hon. A. A. COLEMAN. Most Relevant Cases  
Morton v. Scull 23 Ark. 289, Supreme Court of Arkansas (January 01, 1861) 1861 Morton sued Scull in an action for deceit, in falsely representing the qualities of a negro, which Scull, by his agent, Cousotte, made in selling the negro to Morton. Upon the trial the case of Morton was fully sustained by the evidence. The verdict was against Morton, and for this, if for no other reason, should have been set aside by the circuit... Most Relevant Cases  
Moseley's Adm'r v. Mastin 37 Ala. 216, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Montgomery. Tried before the Hon. S. D. HALE. Most Relevant Cases  
Nall v. Proctor 3 Met. 447, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 30, 1861) 1861 The facts as agreed in this case are, in substance, that in July, 1860, Nall, being a resident of the county of Ohio (which is not a border county), was the owner of a slave that ran away and was arrested by Proctor in the county of Daviess, which county borders on a State where slavery is not allowed; that Proctor lodged the slave, as a runaway,... Most Relevant Cases  
Nunnally v. White's Ex'rs 3 Met. 584, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 27, 1861) 1861 A will gave to the devisee a defeasible fee in land and in a slave, subject to divestiture if she should die without issue, upon which event the fee was to vest in her co-devisees or their children then living. This was an executory devise; and neither the conveyance of the property by the holder of the defeasible fee, nor the possession of it by... Most Relevant Cases  
Omey v. State 23 Ark. 281, Supreme Court of Arkansas (January 01, 1861) 1861 In an indictment for selling ardent spirits to a slave, without permission, it is necessary to state the name of the master, and allege the sale to have been without the permission of the mistress, overseer or person having charge of him, as well as of the master. Appeal from Franklin Circuit Court. Hon. J. J. Green, Circuit Judge. Omey was... Most Relevant Cases  
OPINION OF JUDGES APPLETON AND KENT. 46 Me. 579, Supreme Judicial Court of Maine (February 25, 1861) 1861 HON. JAMES G. BLAINE, Speaker of the House of Representatives:-- THE questions proposed, by the House of Representatives, involve the inquiry whether certain sections of the Revised Statutes of this State are in conflict with the Acts of Congress of 12th February, 1793, and of 18th September, 1850, commonly called the fugitive slave laws. Inasmuch... Most Relevant Cases  
Parish v. Parish 37 Ala. 591, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [BILL IN EQUITY FOR RECOVERY OF SLAVES, WITH ACCOUNT OF HIRE.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Dale and Henry. Heard before the Hon. WADE KEYES. Most Relevant Cases  
Patterson v. Flanagan 37 Ala. 513, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [TROVER FOR CONVERSION OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Wilcox. Tried before the Hon. NAT. COOK. Most Relevant Cases  
Phillips v. Grayson 23 Ark. 769, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1861) 1861 Gift of a slave, by a mother, to a trustee, for the use and benefit of her daughter, a married woman, and the heirs of her bodyto be held by the trustee for her use and benefitto remain hers during her life, and at her death to go to the heir of her bodyto remain in her possession, but not to be subject to the debts or... Most Relevant Cases  
Poole v. North Carolina R. Co. 8 Jones (NC) 340, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1861) 1861 We approve the instruction given to the jury by his Honor, that the plaintiff was not entitled to recover. The engineer, who had the management of the defendant's cars, did not know that the plaintiff's slave was a deaf mute. In the absence of such knowledge, he had the right to presume that the slave had the ordinary faculties of hearing and... Most Relevant Cases  
Ragsdale v. Norwood 38 Ala. 21, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [TROVER FOR CONVERSION OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Greene. Tried before the Hon. WM. S. MUDD. Most Relevant Cases  
Ramsey v. Blalock 32 Ga. 376, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1861) 1861 1. It is error in the presiding Judge to charge the jury, that a vendor is bound by false representations made by his agent, in the sale of a negro, unless there be proof that the vendor had an agent in such sale. 2. An administrator can not bind the estate of his intestate, by a warranty of the soundness of an article sold by him. 3. A verdict... Most Relevant Cases  
Reynolds v. Roebuck 37 Ala. 408, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Greene. Tried before the Hon. WM. S. MUDD. Most Relevant Cases  
Rich v. Mobley 33 Ga. 85, Supreme Court of Georgia (August 01, 1861) 1861 The presumption that the law raises in favor of a gift, when a parent allows a son-in-law to take home with him, after his marriage, and retain in his possession a negro girl, is completely overcome and destroyed in the absence of other proof, by the declarations of such son-in-law, that he held the negro as a loan, and not as a giftthat the... Most Relevant Cases  
Roberts v. Ogbourne 37 Ala. 174, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [BILL IN EQUITY FOR RECOVERY OF SLAVES, ACCOUNT, &C.] APPEAL from the Chancery Court at Montgomery. Heard before the Hon. WADE KEYES. Most Relevant Cases  
Russell's Ex'r v. Moore's Heirs 3 Met. 436, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 25, 1861) 1861 The possession of a tenant is notice to a purchaser of the actual interest he may have, either as tenant or by an agreement to purchase the premises. A dowress, while in possession of lands and slaves assigned her for dower, purchased of one of the heirs his reversionary interest therein, the purchase of the interest in the land being by executory... Most Relevant Cases  
Scott v. State 26 Tex. 116, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1861) 1861 An appeal will not be dismissed at the instance of the state, for the reason that the court below omitted to cause the judgment to be entered at the proper term, but caused it to be entered nunc pro tunc at a subsequent term. It seems that to harbor and to conceal a runaway slave are distinct offenses, and should not be... Most Relevant Cases  
Scott v. State 37 Ala. 117, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [INDICTMENT AGAINST SLAVE FOR HOMICIDE OF WHITE PERSON.] FROM the Circuit Court of Dallas, on change of venue from Wilcox. Tried before the Hon. PORTER KING. Most Relevant Cases  
Sessions v. Hartsook 23 Ark. 519, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1861) 1861 A bill of sale of negroes containing a warranty of soundness, and providing a particular mode of compensation in case of unsoundnessas that the unsound negroes shall be returned and others substitutedthe purchaser cannot, in a suit for the purchase money, recoup the damages suffered on account of the unsoundness of any of the negroes,... Most Relevant Cases  
Smith v. Martin 6 Jones Eq. 179, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1861) 1861 Where slaves were conveyed to a feme covert, by a deed of gift, and the first clause of the conveyance passed the legal estate to her and the heirs of her body, it was held that a subsequent clause of the conveyance, restraining her husband from all control over said slaves, was inconsistent with the first clause and inoperative, and that the... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Graham 8 Jones (NC) 397, Supreme Court of North Carolina (August 01, 1861) 1861 It appears from the special verdict in this case, that the portion of the land from which the fence was removed, was not only in possession of the prosecutor, but belonged to him by virtue of possession under color of title. No question, therefore, can be raised upon the case as to the power of the defendant, in an indictment of this character, to... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Peter 8 Jones (NC) 346, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1861) 1861 The master of a slave committed to jail on the warrant of a justice of the peace for an offence cognizable in the Superior Court is liable for jail-fees although the grand jury, upon an enquiry, may have refused to make a presentment against such slave. MOTION for the taxation of costs, heard before HEATH, J., at a Special Term of the Superior... Most Relevant Cases  
Stone v. Watson 37 Ala. 279, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [ACTION FOR DAMAGES ON ACCOUNT OF UNSOUNDNESS OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Talladega. Tried before the Hon. ROBERT DOUGHERTY. Most Relevant Cases  
Strayhorn v. Giles 22 Ark. 517, Supreme Court of Arkansas (January 01, 1861) 1861 Where there is no motion for a new trial, the finding of the court sitting as a jury, upon the facts, is not the subject of review in this court. Fraud avoids a contract ab initio, both at law and in equity, whether committed by the party himself or his authorized agent. The sale of a free negro with warranty that he is a slave, made by an agent... Most Relevant Cases  
Tharp v. Tharp's Adm'r 3 Met. 372, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (February 23, 1861) 1861 The husband can only dispose of the slaves of the wife in the same mode that the lands of the wife may be conveyed; and until so disposed of, the title of the wife is complete, subject to the marital rights of the husband. (12 B. Mon. 329.) In this respect, the act of 1845-6 and the Revised Statutes are similar. Where a slave is advanced to a... Most Relevant Cases  
Thomas v. Lanier 23 Ark. 639, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1861) 1861 At the suit of the plaintiff on a writing obligatory for $200.00, dated 26th November, 1856, and payable on the 25th December, 1857, the slave of the defendant was attached. The defendant appeared, and pleaded, in substance, as follows: That he executed the writing obligatory for the residue of the purchase money, agreed to be paid for a tract of... Most Relevant Cases  
Thompson v. Bertrand 23 Ark. 730, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1861) 1861 In an action for breach of the warranty of a slave the declaration alleged that the slave was unsound, and diseased in his knees. Held, That the declaration cannot be construed as containing a specification of unsoundness only in the knees. A person who is not shown to be skilled in the science and practice of medicine, is not a competent witness... Most Relevant Cases  
Tillman v. Chadwick 37 Ala. 317, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [TRESPASS BY OWNER AGAINST HIRER OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Russell. Tried before the Hon. ROBERT DOUGHERTY. Most Relevant Cases  
Tillman v. Tillman 6 Jones Eq. 206, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1861) 1861 Upon any admissible construction of the will of David Tillman, the proceeds of the slave Calvin must be exempt from the claim of the defendants, Smith and wife.--That slave was, by the 5th clause of the will, given expressly to the testator's son, James, and, by a direction equally express, the testator declared in the second clause of his codicil,... Most Relevant Cases  
Townes v. Durbin 3 Met. 352, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (February 16, 1861) 1861 Movable property of a decedent passes and is distributed according to the law of the country in which he was domiciled at the time of his death. The law of the matrimonial domicil is the rule which determines the rights of both husband and wife in regard to movables, slaves included, owned by either at the time of marriage. See the opinion for... Most Relevant Cases  
Walker v. Towns 23 Ark. 147, Supreme Court of Arkansas (January 01, 1861) 1861 Francis Boyd sold to Walker his farm, in Hempstead county, with the farming utensils, stock, and twenty-one slaves, for which Walker was to pay fifteen thousand dollars, in five annual installments, the last of which became due the 7th of April, 1848, and was witnessed by a bond for the payment of three thousand dollars, with six per cent interest... Most Relevant Cases  
Wallace v. Spullock 32 Ga. 488, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1861) 1861 [LUMPKIN, J., did not preside in this case.] 1. It is not competent to prove the sayings of a third person, who is himself a competent witness. Whatever he may know touching the case should be conveyed to the jury under the sanction of an oath, not as hearsay. 2. In a suit to recover damages from the State, for the escape and loss of a slave, the... Most Relevant Cases  
Ward v. State 37 Ala. 158, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [INDICTMENT FOR GAMING WITH SLAVE.] FROM the Circuit Court of Dale. Tried before the Hon. JOHN GILL SHORTER. Most Relevant Cases  
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