TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Waters v. Cleland 32 Ga. 633, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1861) 1861 Mc. having to raise money to complete his education, made a bill of sale to his uncle, W., of a negro boy, who advanced him $500 00 on account of the same, and agreed, upon its re-payment, to re-convey the negro to him, Mc.; and that in the mean time the services of the negro should stand in place of the interest: Held, this was a conditional sale,... Most Relevant Cases  
Watson v. Savell 9 Fla. 506, Supreme Court of Florida (January 01, 1861) 1861 This was an action on the case brought in the Circuit Court of Santa Rosa county by the appellee against the appellant, to recover damages for the failure of a warranty on the sale of a negro slave. The record shows that the cause was submitted to a jury upon the pleadings and evidence, and that a verdict was rendered for the plaintiff below for... Most Relevant Cases  
Webb v. Kelly 37 Ala. 333, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1861) 1861 [DETINUE FOR SLAVE.] APPEAL from the City Court of Mobile. Tried before the Hon. ALEX. MCKINSTRY. Most Relevant Cases  
Williams' Adm'r v. McClanahan 3 Met. 420, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 14, 1861) 1861 A widow receiving a slave as a dower from the estate of her husband, can not be permitted to hold him or his price in satisfaction of any claim she might set up for money against the estate. A trust results favorable to those from whom the consideration and estate moves, and is certainly much less liable to exception when the consideration given is... Most Relevant Cases  
Willis v. Harris 26 Tex. 136, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1861) 1861 The obligation of the hirer, in a general hiring of a slave, is to use reasonable diligence and care. If the contract of hiring was general, the employment of the slave in cleaning out an ordinary well raised a question of diligence and care for the determination of the jury upon the evidence; and if the evidence was inconclusive as to whether the... Most Relevant Cases  
Wimberly v. Wimberly 38 Ala. 40, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1861) 1861 [PETITION FOR SALE OF SLAVES FOR PARTITION.] APPEAL from the Probate Court of Macon. Most Relevant Cases  
Woodruff v. Woodruff 32 Ga. 358, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1861) 1861 The questions for the consideration of the Court in this case are, whether, under the will of James Roseberry, the defendant took any interest in certain property now in the possession of their mother, the plaintiff in error, and if so, what interest? The bequest was of certain slaves to John N. Williamson, in trust for my daughter, Frances... Most Relevant Cases  
Wooten v. Calahan 32 Ga. 382, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1861) 1861 1. A party who sells a negro, representing her to be sound, will not be charged with damages, unless it appear that the representations were false, within the knowledge of the party making them; or that the representations were made recklessly, with an intention to deceive the purchaser. 2. Representations that a negro is sound, if honestly made,... Most Relevant Cases  
Yarborough v. Yarborough 6 Jones Eq. 209, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1861) 1861 Where the friends of an infant made an exchange of his slaves for others, and those received in his behalf were carried off by his friends and sold, and he afterwards, without taking any benefit from the arrangement, repudiaates it, and recovered in trover for those belonging to him, a court of equity will not interfere to restrain his execution,... Most Relevant Cases  
Adderton v. Collier 32 Mo. 507, Supreme Court of Missouri (July 01, 1862) 1862 Adderton sued George and Susan Collier for the possession of a negro girl, under the provisions of the seventh article of the practice act, R. C. 1855, p. 1242. The summons was returnable to the May term, 1858, and was duly served. Mary and Sarah Collier, two daughters of the defendant Susan, claimed the slave, and at the time of the service of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Arthur v. Gayle 38 Ala. 259, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1862) 1862 [ACTION FOR CONVERSION AND ILLEGAL SALE OF SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Dallas. Tried before the Hon. NAT. COOK. Most Relevant Cases  
Cecil v. Spurger 32 Mo. 462, Supreme Court of Missouri (July 01, 1862) 1862 This is a suit brought to foreclose a mortgage, given to secure the payment of a note for three hundred and five dollars, made by Spurger to Cecil, administrator of Eckols. The note was given, it would seem, for the price of a negro belonging to the estate of the plaintiff's intestate, sold by Cecil, as administrator, to the defendant. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Cheek v. State 38 Ala. 227, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1862) 1862 [INDICTMENT AGAINST OWNER FOR NEGLIGENT TREATMENT OF SLAVES.] From the Circuit Court of Lowndes. Tried before the Hon. JOHN K. HENRY. Most Relevant Cases  
Clark v. Bell 6 Jones Eq. 272, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1862) 1862 Where a negro woman slave was willed to one for life, and then to be free, and such slave formally elected to remain a slave, it was held that the status of such woman, after such election, was fixed as from the testator's death, and that her offspring, born after that event, remained slaves, and that she and her offspring passed by a residuary... Most Relevant Cases  
Cornett v. Fain 33 Ga. 219, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1862) 1862 1. In an action by A. to recover of B. the price of a negro sold by B. to C., the demand is liquidated, because certain and bears interest. 2. When there is a conflict of testimony, and the preponderance rather with than against the finding of the jury, the Court will not disturb the verdict. 3. When upon the intermarriage of a son-in-law with a... Most Relevant Cases  
Davis v. Patton 19 Md. 120, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 03, 1862) 1862 William H. Cheizum, late of Talbot county, died in the year 1843, intestate, leaving, besides other personal property, certain negro slaves, to be distributed amongst his mother, brothers and sisters, who were his legal representatives. Sarah B. Davis, one of the appellants, and one of the sisters of the deceased, had, prior to her brother's death,... Most Relevant Cases  
Delony v. Delony 24 Ark. 7, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1862) 1862 On the trial of this cause in the court below, the plaintiff, Alchymy Delony, introduced in evidence, without objection, the following deeds, under which he claimed the two slaves in controversy, Joe and Jack: 1st Deed-Be it known that I, Ann Delony, of Madison county, Alabama, influenced by parental affection for my son and grandchildren herein... Most Relevant Cases  
Dixon v. Warters 8 Jones (NC) 449, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1862) 1862 It will be seen by reference to the case transmitted to this Court, and to the papers therein referred to, that a controversy in relation to the division of the estate of Benajah Dixon arose among the legatees, which was settled by a bill in equity. To this bill, both the plaintiff and defendant were parties as legatees. The slave, in question, had... Most Relevant Cases  
Elam v. Moorefield 33 Ga. 167, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1862) 1862 On the 3d March, 1831, Jacob Garrard, then in life, conveyed certain slaves to William S. Hardin, in trust for the use of his children, by his wife, Martha, then and now living, that should be in life at his death, of whom there were then seven living, the wife of complainant being one, and three others were subsequently born. The said Jacob died... Most Relevant Cases  
Foust v. Trice 8 Jones (NC) 490, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1862) 1862 Kirkpatrick, at the beginning of the year 1854, entered on the land as the tenant of Foust, under an agreement that he was to hold, for an indefinite time, the whole tract, paying as rent a part of the crop of each year, made on the cleared land, and was to have any land that he should clear, rent free, for two years. This certainly made... Most Relevant Cases  
Fowlkes v. Memphis & C.R. Co. 38 Ala. 310, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1862) 1862 [ACTION TO RECOVER DAMAGES FOR DEATH OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Madison. Tried before the Hon. S. D. HALE. Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Garner v. Bridges 38 Ala. 276, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1862) 1862 [TRESPASS FOR LEVY OF ATTACHMENT ON SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Mobile. Tried before the Hon. C. W. RAPIER. Most Relevant Cases  
Gaulden v. Lawrence 33 Ga. 159, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1862) 1862 1. The forgetfulness by a party of a material fact on the trial is not a sufficient ground for a new trial. 2. Where notes are of the same date with the bill of sale, and cut from the same piece of paper, the presumption is that they were given for the property conveyed by the writing. 3. Natural infirmities in a slave may be presumed to be... Most Relevant Cases  
Gillis v. Harris 6 Jones Eq. 267, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1862) 1862 We are deeply impressed with the conviction, that if the testator could now be asked, Was it your intention, in addition to the four negroes which you gave to Mrs. Gillis, and the four others which you gave to her children, also, to give her three small negroes by your will? the answer would be, that was not my intention; for my object was to... Most Relevant Cases  
Haden v. Tucker 38 Ala. 399, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1862) 1862 [TROVER FOR CONVERSION OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Marengo. Tried before the Hon. PORTER KING. Most Relevant Cases  
Hambleton v. Lynch 32 Mo. 259, Supreme Court of Missouri (March 01, 1862) 1862 Hambleton sued Lynch for possession of a slave. The slave had been seized in execution against a third person by constable Watson, who deposited him with Lynch, who was keeper of a negro yard, merely for safe keeping. After the seizure of the slave by the constable, he was claimed by the plaintiff Hambleton, and thereupon the plaintiff in the... Most Relevant Cases  
Hanly v. Downing 4 Met. 95, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 13, 1862) 1862 1. In 1857 a married woman, being the owner of land not her separate estate, joined her husband in selling it, and made provision in the conveyance that the proceeds should be invested in other property for her separate use. A part of the proceeds were invested in slaves, which were conveyed to a trustee for her separate use. Held: that the slaves... Most Relevant Cases  
Hatwood v. State 18 Ind. 492, Supreme Court of Indiana (May 01, 1862) 1862 In a prosecution against a negro or mulatto for coming into and settling in the State, it should be averred in the information and proven that the unlawful coming into, &c., took place within a period not barred by the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations may be taken advantage of under the plea of not guilty, in criminal cases. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Herndon v. Pratt 6 Jones Eq. 327, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1862) 1862 1st. The perishable property and the negro which was sold by the administratrix, with the will annexed, durante minoritate: The bill seeks to charge Pratt and Clements, who were the sureties of the administratrix, on the ground, that the bond which they executed, was, by mistake of the clerk, drawn in a way so as to be inoperative, but in equity,... Most Relevant Cases  
Isham v. State 38 Ala. 213, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1862) 1862 [INDICTMENT AGAINST SLAVE FOR HOMICIDE OF WHITE PERSON.] FROM the Circuit Court of Jefferson. Tried before the Hon. WM. S. MUDD. Most Relevant Cases  
Lin Sing v. Washburn 20 Cal. 534, Supreme Court of California (July 01, 1862) 1862 THE Act of April 26, 1862, entitled an act to protect free white labor against competition with Chinese coolie labor, and discourage the immigration of the Chinese into the State of California, is in violation of the provision of the Constitution of the United States which gives Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign... Most Relevant Cases  
Machen's Ex'r v. Machen 38 Ala. 364, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1862) 1862 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES, BY HUSBAND'S EXECUTOR AGAINST WIFE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of St. Clair, on change of venue from Cherokee. Tried before the Hon. WM. S. MUDD. Most Relevant Cases  
Merrick v. Bradley 19 Md. 50, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 03, 1862) 1862 A sold to B a negro woman, a slave for life, and in payment therefor, received the draft or bill of exchange of B, upon C, for the amount of the purchase money, which was accepted by C; whereupon A executed and delivered to B his receipt, in which it was stated that the draft was received in payment for said slave. The receipt also contained a... Most Relevant Cases  
Phillips v. State 33 Ga. 281, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1862) 1862 1. There was no error in the Court permitting the witness, Wray, to testify as to the conduct and action of the negro boy, when the search was made and the pocket-book discovered. It was a part of the defense of the prisoner, that as the negro was about the store when the theft was committed, it was possible that he might have been the thief, and... Most Relevant Cases  
Riley v. Watson 18 Ind. 291, Supreme Court of Indiana (May 01, 1862) 1862 This was an action by Watson, who was the plaintiff, against Riley and Davidson; commenced before a justice of the peace. The complaint is in this form: Alonzo Riley and George Davidson to William C. Watson, Dr May, 1859, to money had and received, for his use, of Archibald Dixon and Alexander Barret, for returning negroes to them, 75 dollars.... Most Relevant Cases  
Sallee v. Arnold 32 Mo. 532, Supreme Court of Missouri (July 01, 1862) 1862 Plaintiff brought suit against the defendants in the Callaway Circuit Court to recover possession of seven slaves--Prudence, Greene, Creed, Amanda, Laura, Margaret, and an infant, name unknown--of the value of thirty-two hundred dollars. The cause was submitted upon an agreed statement of facts, as follows: Prudence, Greene, and Creed,... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Curzy 19 Ind. 430, Supreme Court of Indiana (November 01, 1862) 1862 An information which charges that the defendant, within two years of the commencement of the prosecution, did, knowingly, encourage a negro, named A. B., who had come into the State about the 1st of December, 1860, to remain in the State, by giving him employment and furnishing him a home, is good, and not subject to be quashed. APPEAL from the... Most Relevant Cases  
Stroud v. Garrison 24 Ark. 53, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1862) 1862 Smith, a wagoner, told Lephew that some runaway negroes passed his camp the evening before. Lephew told the defendant, a negro catcher; and he, with another person, started in pursuit of the negroes. Lephew and the plaintiff also started about the same time, on the same business, and the two parties, of two persons each, met near the place where... Most Relevant Cases  
Thompson v. Berry 26 Tex. 263, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1862) 1862 This suit was instituted in the district court for McLennan county, by the appellee, John W. Berry, on the 2d day of June, A. D. 1856, to recover certain negro slaves from the possession of one Burwell J. Thompson. Burwell J. Thompson filed his answer to the petition, claiming the slaves as his own property. He alleged in his answer that the slaves... Most Relevant Cases  
Thornberry v. Baxter 24 Ark. 76, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1862) 1862 On the 21st of April, 1856, Martin W. Thornberry conveyed unto Walter T. Thornberry a large amount of lands, a number of negroes, a stock of merchandize, accounts and evidences of debt, and other personal property, in trust for the payment of all debts which he owed. The debts were divided into two classes, and those of the first class were to be... Most Relevant Cases  
Tucker v. Tucker 32 Mo. 464, Supreme Court of Missouri (July 01, 1862) 1862 Sarah Tucker, widow of Alexander Tucker, brought this suit against the children of Alexander Tucker, to have certain deeds of conveyance of slaves, made by Alexander Tucker to his children, declared void as to her, being in fraud of her rights of dower. The deeds were made by Alexander Tucker shortly before his death and whilst in feeble health,... Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Horn 5 Blatchf. 102, Circuit Court, SD New York (November 10, 1862) 1862 This was an indictment [against Albert Horn] for fitting out and sending away a vessel, with intent that she should be employed in the slave trade. At the trial, the defendant was found guilty, and he now moved for a new trial. Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Santos 5 Blatchf. 104, Circuit Court, SD New York (November 26, 1862) 1862 This was an indictment for fitting out a vessel with intent to employ her in the slave trade. One James Murphy, as surety, entered into a recognizance for the appearance of the defendant, to abide the order of the court. The defendant [Joseph E. Santos] appeared and answered to the indictment, but, during the trial and before it was concluded, he... Most Relevant Cases  
Whitaker v. Smith 33 Ga. 237, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 01, 1862) 1862 By the statutes of the State an administrator, to obtain leave of the Court of Ordinary to sell real estate or negroes, must publish a notice of his intended application in a public gazette of the State for four months, in terms of the law. After this publication and application made and granted by the Ordinary, the order of the Ordinary, granting... Most Relevant Cases  
Young v. Woolfolk 33 Mo. 110, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1862) 1862 R. H. Woolfolk died in 1849. John A. Woolfolk was appointed administrator of his estate, but without completing the administration he died in October, 1854, and Snethen was appointed administrator on February 10th, 1855, who resigned his letters of administration in July, 1857, and on the 14th July, 1857, the present plaintiff--the public... Most Relevant Cases  
Aaron v. State 39 Ala. 75, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1863) 1863 [INDICTMENT AGAINST SLAVE FOR MURDER OF WHITE PERSON.] FROM the Circuit Court of Mobile, on change of venue from Baldwin. Tried before the Hon. C. W. RAPIER. Most Relevant Cases  
Andrews v. Winkler 27 Tex. 170, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1863) 1863 In the course of a litigation involving the title to slaves, one of the parties made a proposition for a compromise, which the other party accepted in qualified terms, putting upon the proposition an unwarrantable construction, in consequence of which, upon an attempt to carry the compromise into effect, the parties differed to such an extent that... Most Relevant Cases  
Bailey v. Moore 60 N.C. 86, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1863) 1863 Where a parol agreement was made between A and B for the exchange of slaves, and A's slave immediately went into the possession of B, but the latter's slave being runaway, it was agreed that A should take him into possession whenever he could do so, (at his risk) it was held that on A's afterwards taking possession of the runaway slave, the title... Most Relevant Cases  
Bell v. Chambers 38 Ala. 660, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1863) 1863 [STATUTORY ACTION AGAINST OWNERS OF STEAMBOAT, FOR LOSS OF SLAVE TRANSPORTED WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORITY.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Mobile. Tried before the Hon. C. W. RAPIER. Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Bell's Adm'r v. Nichols 38 Ala. 678, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1863) 1863 [DETINUE FOR SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Sumter. Tried before the Hon. A. A. COLEMAN. Most Relevant Cases  
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