TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Carlton v. Bloodworth 1 Mur. 424, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1810) 1810 Each of the objections made to the admission of the copy in evidence, is good. It appears by the affidavit of the Plaintiff, that the original was lost after he delivered it to the register; and if it be competent for the Plaintiff to prove that he delivered it to the register, it surely is not also competent for him to prove that the register lost...   Cases  
Chichester's Ex'x v. Vass' Adm'r 1 Munf. 98, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 20, 1810) 1810 1. In cases where it is proper and necessary to go into equity for a discovery, the Court (having possession of the subject) will proceed to decide the cause, without turning the parties round to a Court of Law, not withstanding (if such discovery had not been necessary) relief might originally have been had at law. 2. If A. promise B. that, if he...   Cases  
Cooper v. Cooper 2 Brev. 355, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1810) 1810 Though a personal chattel may be given to one for life, and the remainder over to another, by an executory devise, or deed of trust, yet it cannot be done by any other means.   Cases  
Craig v. United Ins. Co. 6 Johns. 226, Supreme Court of New York (August 01, 1810) 1810 A vessel was insured from New-York to Barcelona. She was boarded during the voyege, off St. Michaels, by a British cruiser, the commander of which, on the 20th of December, 1807, endorsed her register, warning her not to enter any of the ports of France, Holland, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, or any other port from which the British flag was...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Craig v. United Ins. Co. 6 Johns. 226 (August 01, 1810) 1810 Covenant will not lie in this state, on a contract to be performed in Pennsylvania, with a scrawl and the word seal in the locus sigilli, tho', by the law of that state, this constitutes a...   Trial Court Orders The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Critcher v. Walker 1 Mur. 488, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1810) 1810 The allegations of the Complainant's bill exhibit, in almost all respects, the features of a mortgage; the answer of the Defendant, those of a conditional sale. But as neither are evidence, except against the party from whom they come, we must have recourse to the facts as found by the Jury. It is of importance to keep in view, that one of these...   Cases  
Dilliard v. Tomlinson 1 Munf. 183, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (May 01, 1810) 1810 1. It is now settled, that the mother of an infant who died intestate, between the 1st of October, 1793, (when the suspended acts of 1792 took effect,) and the 22d of January, 1802, (when the act concerning the distribution of unbequeathed personal estate, was passed,) or any of her issue, by a person other than the father, was not...   Cases  
Fitzgerald v. Jones 1 Munf. 150, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 25, 1810) 1810 1. An executor having delivered up the estate generally and the management thereof to one of the residuary legatees, for his benefit and that of his eo-legatee;-- nine years and ten months having afterwards elapsed before he was summoned to render an account; the greater part of his executorship having moreoverbeen during the revolutionary war; and...   Cases  
Greenwood v. Curtis 6 Mass. 358, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (January 01, 1810) 1810 The letters of a deceased agent were received as evidence of a demand made upon a debtor of his principal on the coast of Africa. A contract made in a foreign place, valid there, and to be there executed, may be enforced in this state, although not valid by our laws, or prohibited to our citizens, except the commonwealth or its citizens may be...   Cases  
Harten v. Gibson 4 Des. 139, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1810) 1810 A deed by a stranger, providing for his natural child by a married woman is valid, and will be enforced against the trustee, administrator and representatives of the donor; though imperfect in its form, and though no immediate possession of the property be given by the grantor. It would be more immoral for the father of such a child, to deceive the...   Cases  
Henning v. Conner 2 Bibb 188, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 01, 1810) 1810 THE appellants, by their guardian, exhibited their bill in chancery against the administrators of their father's estate, praying a discovery of the amount that had come to their hands, and a decree for so much as they are entitled to. The administrators in their answer exhibited an inventory of the estate with its appraisement, amounting to £139,...   Cases  
Hooe v. Tebbs 1 Munf. 501, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 01, 1810) 1810 1. If, in a suit upon a prison-bounds bond, a Court possessing competent jurisdiction adjudge the bond void; the plaintiff may sue the Sheriff without appealing from the judgment though erroneous. 2. In such case the Sheriff, though not a party to the suit on the bond, is bound by the judgment; unless he can prove it was obtained by collusion. 3....   Cases  
Hooper v. Royster 1 Munf. 119, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (May 18, 1810) 1810 1. In a suit in Chancery, the bill having referred to the proceedingsin another suit, as now remaining of record in the same Court; and the answer having admitted that such a suit was brought, and such a decree as stated in the bill, existed; the Court of Appeals will award a writ of certiorari for a transcript of the record referred...   Cases  
Hunter v. Fairfax's Devisee 1 Munf. 218, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 23, 1810) 1810 1. By the act of compromise, passed the 10th of December, 1796, (see Appendix, No. V. to 2 Rev. Code, p. (71.) c. 5.) the title of Denny Fairfax, and of those who claim under him, to such of the lands in the Northern Neck of Virginia as were waste and unappropriated at the time of the death of Lord Fairfax, was clearly extinguished. 2. Quære....   Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
In re Dormenon 1 Mart.(o.s.) 129, Superior Court of the Territory of Orleans (April 01, 1810) 1810 In the month of June, 1809, on the motion of Derbigny, founded upon the affidavit of Mr. Guiet, the following rule was obtained against Pierre Dormenon. It is ordered that Pierre Dormenon show cause on the first Monday in August next, before the Superior Court, to be holden at the City Hall, at the city of New Orleans, why his name as...   Cases  
In re Tom 5 Johns. 365 (January 01, 1810) 1810 Covenant will not lie in this state, on a contract to be performed in Pennsylvania, with a scrawl and the word seal in the locus sigilli, tho', by the law of that state, this constitutes a...   Trial Court Orders  
Inhabitants of Town of Milford v. Inhabitants of Town of Worcester 7 Mass. 48, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (January 01, 1810) 1810 It is a substantial compliance with the statute for regulating marriages for the parties themselves, to make the mutual agreements in the presence of a justice of the peace, or a minister, with his assent, he undertaking to act on the occasion in his official capacity. But if the justice, or minister, does not consent to act in his official...   Cases  
Jack v. Eales 3 Binn. 101, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1810) 1810 The plaintiff in error claimed the defendant as his servant until the age of twenty-eight years, under the act of assembly of 29th March 1788. In support of his claim, he produced an authenticated copy of an entry on the records of Washington county, as follows: Joseph Bently of Washington county in Nottingham township, millwright, enters a...   Cases  
Jackson ex dem. Gilbert v. Wood 7 Johns. 290, Supreme Court of New York (November 01, 1810) 1810 Where a patent for a lot of land was granted in 1791, to an Oneida Indian, as a bounty for his services, as a soldier, during the revolutionary war, to hold unto him and his heirs and assigns for ever, and the patentee died, leaving two sons, his heirs, who sold and conveyed the land to A. It was held, that the sale and conveyance were void....   Cases  
Jackson ex dem. Gilbert v. Wood 7 Johns. 290 (November 01, 1810) 1810 Covenant will not lie in this state, on a contract to be performed in Pennsylvania, with a scrawl and the word seal in the locus sigilli, tho', by the law of that state, this constitutes a...   Trial Court Orders  
Lewis v. Madison 1 Munf. 303, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (May 29, 1810) 1810 1. It seems, that a contract, under seal, between two brothers, by which one of them, for a fair and valuable consideration, agrees, that, when he shall obtain possession of a tract of land expected to be devised to him by theirfather, he will convey it to the other, is not contra bonos mores, and may support an action of covenant at law, or be...   Cases  
Mortimer v. Moffatt 4 Hen. & M. 503, Superior Court of Chancery of Virginia (February 01, 1810) 1810 Though it is a matter of course for one in remainder of chattels, to file a bill for an account, and an inventory of the property, that it may be certainly known; yet the court will not rule the tenant for life to give security, unless there appears to be some danger of wasting or putting the property out of the way. In this case that danger does...   Cases  
Payne v. Coles 1 Munf. 373, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 05, 1810) 1810 1. A record of one suit cannot be read as evidence in another, unless both the parties, or those under whom they claim, were parties to both suits; it being a rule that a document cannot be used against a party who could not avail himself of it, in case it made in his favour. 2. An answer in Chancery (though, in form, responsive to a question put...   Cases  
People v. Melvin 2 Wheeler C.C. 262, Court for the Correction of Errors of New York (January 01, 1810) 1810 The first count states, that the defendants, being workmen and journeymen in the art, mystery and manual occupation of cordwainers, on the 18th October, 1809, &c., unlawfully, perniciously and deceitfully designing and intending to form and unite themselves into an unlawful club and combination, and to make and ordain unlawful by-laws, rules and...   Cases  
Porter v. Hughey 2 Bibb 232, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 01, 1810) 1810 THIS is a writ of error to a judgment for the plaintiff in an action of slander. The only point is whether the words as laid are actionable. There are two counts in the declaration, but the words in both are the same in substance, and when stript of the inuendoes are as follows: That Hughey's boys did frequently come to our house and hire our...   Cases  
Quackenboss v. Lansing 6 Johns. 49 (January 01, 1810) 1810 Covenant will not lie in this state, on a contract to be performed in Pennsylvania, with a scrawl and the word seal in the locus sigilli, tho', by the law of that state, this constitutes a...   Trial Court Orders  
Roach v. Rutherford 4 Des. 126, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1810) 1810 The court will not set aside a contract for the purchase of a house and lot on the allegation of an imperfect or encumbered title, not clearly shewn to be so, after a long possession of the property by the purchaser, and after a confession of judgment for the purchase money. Such conduct amounts to a waiver of objectionsthough the court...   Cases  
Smith v. State 6 Cranch 286, Supreme Court of the United States (February 01, 1810) 1810 ERROR to the court of appeals of the state of Maryland, being the highest court of law and equity in that state; and which affirmed the decree of the chancellor of Maryland. The facts of the case appear to be correctly stated in the decree of the chancellor, which was as follows: The material facts appearing in this case are, that on the 4th of...   Cases  
Smith v. Williams 1 Mur. 426, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1810) 1810 The contract between the parties is stated at length in the special case, and appears to be both formally and substantially a bill of sale in all respects, except as to the want of a seal. This omission, however, is so important in the legal estimation of the paper, that it cannot be classed amongst specia??ties, but must remain a simple contract,...   Cases  
Templeman v. Steptoe 1 Munf. 339, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 24, 1810) 1810 Warden. I do not recollect that case. But, at any rate, the rights of infants are saved. It appears that many of the plaintiffs were infants when this bill was filed; and, I believe, a considerable part are infants now. How could those of age (where the parties were so numerous, and some of them infants) have brought their bill of review without...   Cases  
The Cotton Planter 1 Paine 23, Circuit Court, D New York (September 01, 1810) 1810 Appeal from the district court of the United States for the district of New York. Libel in admiralty by the United States against the ship Cotton Planter (Benjamin Morris and Benjamin Chase, owners).   Cases  
Turner v. Bouchell's Ex'rs 3 H. & J. 99, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1810) 1810 On a bill in chancery by R, the representative of J. deceased, to obtain from B, the executor of J, an account of his administration of the personal estate, and payment of the balance due from him; also to obtain from B a conveyance of certain tracts of land, which had been mortgaged or conveyed in trust, &c in 1766 by J, to certain of his...   Cases  
Whaley v. Jenkins 3 Des. 80, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (March 01, 1810) 1810 THE only point made in this case was on the construction of the will of the defendant's testator. The case was as follows: Mr. Whaley made and duly executed his last will and testament, by which he made the following devises and bequests. With respect to my wordly estate, I leave in manner following: Item--I give and bequeath to my beloved...   Cases  
Whitehurst v. Pritchard's Ex'rs 1 Mur. 383, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1810) 1810 There are no expressions in the will from which an inference can be drawn, that the testator intended the division should be per stirpes: on the contrary, he uses the word equally, which plainly excludes such a construction. But independently of this, there are some cases which bear directly in point on the general principle, and which cannot be...   Cases  
Whitmore's Ex'rs v. Casey's Adm'rs 2 Brev. 422, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 05, 1810) 1810 A verdict was given for the defendant in an action of trover. Afterwards another action of trover was brought by other plaintiffs for the same conversion, to which the defendant pleaded the verdict in the former action in bar; and upon issue thereon, the defendant had a verdict. After this, the plaintiffs in the second action sued another person,...   Cases  
Yates v. People 6 Johns. 337, Court for the Correction of Errors of New York (January 01, 1810) 1810 In the case of Crosby, mayor of London, Lord Chief Justice De Grey said, that, in all cases, except treason and felony, a writ of error is grantable of right. So, in the case of The Queen v. Paty and others, ten of the judges held, that the queen could not deny a writ of error; but it was grantable ex debito justitiæ, except only...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Addison v. Core's Adm'r 2 Munf. 279, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (May 09, 1811) 1811 The decree was therefore affirmed.   Cases  
Alwyn v. Perkins & Kelly 3 Des. 297, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (July 01, 1811) 1811 THE complainant, who is a British subject, filed a bill in this Court for an account and settlement of the proceeds of a vessel and cargo entrusted to the care of the defendant Perkins, who is an American citizen. The bill charged that the complainant had directed the defendant, Perkins, to purchase a vessel on his account, but to take the bill of...   Cases  
Atkinson v. Foreman 2 Mur. 55, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1811) 1811 The 32d section of the act of 1777, ch. 2, declares, That when any person or persons, either Plaintiff or Defendant, shall be dissatisfied with the sentence, judgment or decree of any County Court, he may pray an appeal from such sentence, judgment or decree, to the Superior Court of Law of the District wherein such County Court shall be. This is...   Cases  
Baird v. Bland 3 Munf. 570, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (February 11, 1811) 1811 Curia advisari vult. The cause was reargued, before a full Court, January 20th, 1812; (in the absence of the reporter;) and, afterwards, on Monday, the 11th of February, 1813, the president pronounced the following opinion of the Court: This Court is of opinion, that the appellees, upon the deaths of their father and mother, took a legal...   Cases  
Bank of North America v. McCall 3 Binn. 338, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1811) 1811 If a creditor of A lays an attachment upon goods which appear as the property of A, but wherein B has nevertheless an interest which he communicates to the creditor before the attachment is laid, the creditor is bound to refund B his proportion of the money recovered under the attachment, notwithstanding the judgment of a competent court decreed...   Cases  
Barber v. Barnes 2 Brev. 491, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (April 01, 1811) 1811 To maintain the action of trespass vi et armis, evidence of unlawful force is necessary; and it must appear that the injury complained of, was the direct and immediate consequence of such unlawful violence.   Cases  
Bayley v. Bates 8 Johns. 185, Supreme Court of New York (August 01, 1811) 1811 An inquisition made by a sheriff's jury to ascertain whether the property in goods, taken on a fieri facias, is in the defendant or not, if found not to be in him, is a justification to the sheriff, for returning nulla bona, and a conclusive defence in an action against him for a false return; unless it be shown that he did not act with good faith....   Cases  
Bayley v. Bates 8 Johns. 185 (August 01, 1811) 1811 Covenant will not lie in this state, on a contract to be performed in Pennsylvania, with a scrawl and the word seal in the locus sigilli, tho', by the law of that state, this constitutes a...   Trial Court Orders  
Bell v. Hogan 2 Cranch C.C. 21, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (June 01, 1811) 1811 At law. Trespass [by Hogan against Bell for] assault, battery and false imprisonment. The case was, that the defendant took up the plaintiff as a runaway, and carried him before a justice of the peace. [The court instructed the jury that the defendant was not liable.]   Cases  
Blake's Ex'rs v. Lowe 3 Des. 263, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (March 01, 1811) 1811 THE bill in this case is filed by the executors of Peter Blake against John Lowe to obtain an account and a settlement. The principal facts in the case are as follows. Peter X. Lafar had instituted a suit against John Lowe for malicious prosecution, and had obtained a verdict for 700 dollars. He entered up judgment and issued execution, under which...   Cases  
Bronaugh v. Freeman's Ex'r 2 Munf. 266, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 09, 1811) 1811 1. A forthcoming bond, mentioning the persons against whom the execution issued, and that they were desirous of keeping in their possession, until the day of sale, the property taken by the sheriff, sufficiently describes it as their property. 2. Where a judgment upon a forthcoming bond is obtained against a defendant, having legal...   Cases  
Bunch v. Hurst 3 Des. 273, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1811) 1811 The COURT after deliberation made the following order: The decree in this case is affirmed for the reasons therein assigned. Signed by WADDY THOMPSON, HENRY W. DESAUSSURE, THEODORE GAILLARD, THOMAS WATIES. The first ground of appeal is founded in error. The general order of reterrence in the decree submits all the accounts to the master, who...   Cases  
Caldwell v. Sacra Litt.Sel.Cas. 118, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 09, 1811) 1811 FROM THE FRANKLIN CIRCUIT COURT. In an action of trespass against Caldwell, upon the allegation that he had, or caused to be, tied to the tail of a certain horse of the plaintiff, large sticks of wood, and had so beat and caused the said horse to run as thereby to occasion his death. Upon the plea of not guilty, the plaintiff proved the death of...   Cases  
Campbell v. Campbell 2 Mur. 65, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1811) 1811 This action cannot be maintained in the present case. Let a nonsuit be entered.   Cases  
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