TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Graham v. Graham Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1815) 1815 On a habeas corpus depending before the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia county, the court ordered an issue to try whether a certain Edward Simmons had a right to hold Shepherd Graham by virtue of an indenture of apprenticeship, whereby the said Shepherd was bound to the said Simmons, until he attained the age of fifteen years, to be...   Cases  
Hord's Adm'rs v. Rust 4 Bibb 231, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 06, 1815) 1815 HORD having instituted his action for slanderous words against Rust, pending the suit Rust conveyed his estate in trust to trustees for the benefit of his wife and children. To set aside this deed, and be let in for the amount of the judgment recovered and cost, Hord exhibited his bill, setting forth these facts and the sum recovered, and charging...   Cases  
Inhabitants of Somerset v. Inhabitants of Dighton 12 Mass. 383, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (July 01, 1815) 1815 The laws of the province, previous to April, 1767, which required the warning of persons out of a town, to prevent their acquiring a settlement, did not extend to minors although illegitimate; nor did the provisions of the statute of 1809, c. 14, relative to the same point, establish a new rule on the subject. ASSUMPSIT for moneys expended in the...   Cases  
Inhabitants of Stockbridge v. Inhabitants of West Stockbridge 12 Mass. 400, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (September 01, 1815) 1815 Where the act incorporating a town could not be found, parol evidence tending to show its existence and loss was admitted; and, after more than thirty years' use of the powers and privileges of a town, such evidence was holden to be competent evidence of the incorporation. Where a citizen of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, for a valuable and...   Cases  
James v. Mayrant 4 Des. 591, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1815) 1815 The estate of the wife being directed by a decretal order of 1795, to be settled to the use of herself and husband, and the formal deeds being not as yet executed; the court, on application of the parties, and new acquisitions of property, in 1808, decreed the whole to be conveyed in trust for the separate use of the wife; the formal deeds are...   Cases  
Johnson v. Medtart 4 H. & J. 24, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1815) 1815 A writ de homine reblegiando cannot legally issue from any of the courts of law of this state. APPEAL from Frederick County Court. In this case a writ de homine replegiando issued, (bond with security for that purpose having been first given,) to replevy the plaintiff, (now appellant,) out of the possession of the defendant, (the appellee.) The...   Cases  
Kemper v. Smith 3 Mart.(o.s.) 622, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1815) 1815 [For subsequent opinion, see 4 Mart. (O. S.) 409, 6 Am. Dec. 708.]   Cases  
Kerley v. Clay 4 Bibb 241, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 09, 1815) 1815 DAVID CALAHAM having departed this life, and administration having also been granted on his estate to William Kerley, he together with Martha Calaham, an infant and daughter of said David, by the said Kerley, her guardian, brought this suit in chancery against Thos. Clay, who had previously intermarried with the widow of said David, for the purpose...   Cases  
Lord v. Dall 12 Mass. 115, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (March 01, 1815) 1815 An insurance on a life is a legal and valid contract by our laws. A single woman, dependent on her brother for her support and education, has a sufficient interest in his life to entitle her to insure it. And such an insurance will avail for her benefit, in case of her brother's death within the period insured, although he was engaged in an...   Cases  
McClenahan v. Hannah 4 Munf. 499, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 23, 1815) 1815 1. A person, having an equitable title to a tract of land, executed a power of attorney, to obtain a conveyance, but without authorizing a sale of his right. The attorney, being induced to believe the title bond defective, and finding it inconvenient to pay the balance due of the purchase money, was persuaded, notwithstanding the land had greatly...   Cases  
McGuire v. Blair 4 N.C. 328, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1815) 1815 The words stated in the declaration to have been spoken by the defendant, are not in themselves actionable, as they impute no crime which, if true, would subject the plaintiff to infamous punishment. And it is not charged in the declaration that the plaintiff was a justice, or that they were spoken of him in relation to his office. There must...   Cases  
Methodist Episcopal Church v. Jaques 1 Johns.Ch. 450, Chancery Court of New York (January 01, 1815) 1815 Where a deed of marriage settlement was executed in the presence of witnesses, and laid on the table, and the marriage took place immediately thereafter, in the presence of all the parties; and the deed, without any other or more formal delivery, was taken by the wife, the cestuy que trust, and kept in her possession until her death; this was held,...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Misotiere's Syndics v. Coignard 3 Mart.(o.s.) 561, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1815) 1815 The appellees brought their action in the Parish and City Court of New Orleans, to recover a certain lot of ground, with its buildings and appurtenances, mentioned in their petition, in the possession of the appellant, by virtue of a sale and delivery from Misotiere, who failed, and took the benefit of the insolvent laws three days after the...   Cases  
Mutual Assur. Soc. v. Stanard 4 Munf. 539, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 04, 1815) 1815 1. The lien of a judgment upon the lands of the party relates back to the commencement of the term at which it is obtained. 1. If a judgment creditor (without suing out execution,) file a bill in chancery, to get satisfaction out of the real and personal property of the debtor; the whole being conveyed by a deed of trust, executed during the term...   Cases  
Nelson v. Carrington 4 Munf. 332, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 20, 1815) 1815 In case of a sale of land by the acre, relief is to be granted for all deficiencies, not reasonably imputable to the variation of instruments, and small errors in surveys; whether the purchaser has expressly retained an election to have the tract surveyed or not. See Quesnell vs. Woodlief, 2 H. & M. 174; and Nelson vs. Matthews, Ibid. 164, 181. And...   Cases  
Oyster v. Oyster Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (May 01, 1815) 1815 George Oyster, deceased, made an advancement to his son, Peter, by a gift of land, and afterwards died intestate, seised and possessed of real and personal estate. The land rose in value between the time of the gift and the death of the intestate. Peter claims a share of his father's estate. The question is, whether the advancement is to be...   Cases  
Parker v. Rule's Lessee 9 Cranch 64, Supreme Court of the United States (February 11, 1815) 1815 Absent. JOHNSON, J. and TODD, J. ERROR to the Circuit Court of the district of West Tennessee, in an action of ejectment. The facts of the case were thus stated by the chief justice in delivering the opinion of the Court: This was an ejectment brought by the Defendant in error in the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of West...   Cases  
Payne v. Hubbard 4 N.C. 195, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1815) 1815 It is unnecessary to decide all the quessions raised in this case, because we are satisfied that the law was correctly laid down in the case of Allison v Kirkland & alias, in this court. It then follows, that Mitchell acquired no legal title to the land under the purchase made by him at the sheriff's sale, because Hubbard himself had none. The...   Cases  
Richardson v. Perkins 4 Munf. 512, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 25, 1815) 1815 1. Under the act of January 31st, 1809, concerning executions, and for other purposes, the debtor was not entitled to a stay of execution, or to a sale of the property on credit, on any forthcoming bond executed after the passage thereof. 2. The provisions of the 13th section of that act, requiring the debtor to pay all costs, &c. did...   Cases  
Ross v. Woodville 4 Munf. 324, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 07, 1815) 1815 1. A purchaser of land having given bond and security for the price, without getting a good title, it is competent to him to bind his surety, as well as himself, by waiving such a title, as he might otherwise have insisted upon, as a condition precedent to the payment of the money. If, therefore, he do not appeal from an order dissolving an...   Cases  
Scott v. Price Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (October 01, 1815) 1815 This is an action brought by Josiah Price, the husband and administrator of Sarah Price, deceased, for the recovery of a legacy bequeathed to the said Sarah, by the will of her father, William Scott. The question is, whether the legacy were vested absolutely in Sarah Price, or went over, on her death, to her surviving brothers and sisters (here was...   Cases  
Shields' Lessee v. Miller 4 H. & J. 1, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1815) 1815 THIS COURT reversed the judgment of the County Court, and awarded a procedendo. THE COURT dissented from the opinion of the County Court in the first bill of exceptions, and concurred in the opinion in the second. JUDGMENT REVERSED, AND PROCEDENDO AWARDED.   Cases  
The Alerta 9 Cranch 359, Supreme Court of the United States (March 10, 1815) 1815 Absent. TODD, J. THIS was an appeal from the sentence of the district Court, for the district of New Orleans, (which has the jurisdiction also of a Circuit Court.) The facts of the case were stated by WASHINGTON, J. in delivering the opinion of the Court, as follows: This is the case of a libel filed in the district Court of New Orleans, by Blas...   Cases  
Thompson v. Porter 4 Bibb 70, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 27, 1815) 1815 The clerk has no authority to administer an oath to a party who applies in vacation for a dedimus to take the deposition of a witness who is about to leave the State--the oath must be administered by a justice of the peace. If on the trial an important deposition was excluded because of this objection to the dedimus, it might be good cause of new...   Cases  
Threewits v. Threewits 4 Des. 560, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1815) 1815 A wife being abused and ill treated by her husband fled to her relations, but was induced by his promises of amendment to return. She soon after again left him and returned to her relations. Although her return to him is a waiver of objection as to his prior ill treatment, yet the court will receive evidence of his prior ill conduct, to aid the...   Cases  
U.S. v. Carrico 2 Cranch C.C. 110, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (June 01, 1815) 1815 The witness stated that he delivered to the defendant [James Carrico] the papers which he had received with the woman who was sold, which papers showed that she was bound to serve only three years and nine months.   Cases  
Wetmore v. Henshaw 12 Johns. 324, Supreme Court of New York (August 01, 1815) 1815 Where a ship, captured during her voyage, and her crew taken out and detained prisoners of war, was, afterwards, recaptured, and (the master having hired a new crew) proceeded on her voyage, and arrived at her last port of delivery, and earned freight: it was held, that the seamen who were taken out, though never restored to the ship, were entitled...   Cases  
Wetmore v. Henshaw 12 Johns. 324 (August 01, 1815) 1815 Covenant will not lie in this state, on a contract to be performed in Pennsylvania, with a scrawl and the word seal in the locus sigilli, tho', by the law of that state, this constitutes a...   Trial Court Orders  
Wilcox v. Hubard 4 Munf. 346, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 23, 1815) 1815 1. The real and personal property of an intestate being undivided, between his widow, (who was also administratrix,) and his only child, a daughter; and the marriage of the latter being about to be solemnized; a deed of settlement by the daughter and her intended husband was executed, conveying to the trustees (of whom the mother was one,) certain...   Cases  
Williamson v. Parisien 1 Johns.Ch. 389, Chancery Court of New York (January 01, 1815) 1815 To entitle a party to sustain a bill for a divorce, under the statute, (sess. 36. ch. 102. 2 N. R. L. 197.) he must be an actual and bona fide inhabitant of the state at the time of the adultery committed, and at the time of exhibiting the bill. Where the plaintiff, a native of Scotland, married his wife in New-York, in 1780, and left her in 1784,...   Cases  
AMERICAN PRISONERS AT ALGIERS. 1 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 196 (December 30, 1816) 1816     Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
Baron v. Phelan 4 Mart.(o.s.) 88, Supreme Court of Louisiana (February 01, 1816) 1816 APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF THE PARISH AND CITY OF NEW ORLEANS.   Cases  
Beard v. Poydras 4 Mart.(o.s.) 348, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1816) 1816 APPEAL FROM THE FOURTH DISTRICT. This action was instituted for the recovery of a tract of land, in the possession of the defendant, devised to the plaintiff by Christopher Beard, her reputed father. The defendant, in his answer, claimed title to the premises, under a deed from the heirs of B. Farrar, who, on his motion, were made parties to the...   Cases  
Benjamin v. Armstrong Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1816) 1816 It appears by the record, that the Court of Common Pleas arrested the judgment, because the writ of ejectment was not signed by the prothonotary, although it issued under the seal of the court. It has several times been decided by this court, that a writ of error will lie on a judgment arrested; because the order to arrest the judgment is in nature...   Cases  
Bradberry v. Hooks Taylor 1, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1816) 1816 We are all of opinion, that the plaintiff is concluded by the terms of the grant from claiming beyond the first intersection with Hooks's line; inasmuch as the course, N. 73° E. called for in the grant, will run as also called for, with or near Hooks's line. Whereas if the first line is to proceed to the second line, or to be extended to the letter...   Cases  
Britton v. Browne 4 N.C. 332, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1816) 1816 An administrator, by accepting the apointment conferred by the law, becomes a trustee for creditors and the next of kin of the intestate. Among the latter, he is bound to distribute the personal estate, after satisfying the claims of the former, out of it. Entrusted by law with the management of the intestate's effects, and credited by it as agent...   Cases  
Broussard v. Trahan 4 Mart.(o.s.) 489, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1816) 1816 [For other reports of this case, see 3 Mart. (O. S.) 725;4 Mart. (O. S.) 516.]   Cases  
Buster v. Ruffner 5 Munf. 27, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (February 02, 1816) 1816 1. In an action of assumpsit in the Superior Court of a county, the declaration's laying the venue in a different county, and omitting to state that the cause of action arose within the jurisdiction of the court, is not error sufficient in arrest of judgment. See Turberville v. Long, 3 H. & M. 309. 2. A general verdict in assumpsit, assessing...   Cases  
Carter's Ex'r v. Carter 5 Munf. 108, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 20, 1816) 1816 1. A partition, which has long been acquiesced in, and acted upon by the parties generally, ought not to be disturbed at all on the ground of irregularity only; though if unjust or illegal it may be impeached by a party who never acquiesced. 2. Under the circumstances of this case, one of the persons entitled to partition having been in possession...   Cases  
Carter's Ex'rs v. Cutting 5 Munf. 223, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 19, 1816) 1816 1. When a Commissioner is stating Accounts between Executors and the estate of their Testator, if one of them, who had for collection the evidences of debts due the estate, which might have been collected by him, be dead, his representative cannot object to his estates being charged with those debts, unless the means be furnished of charging the...   Cases  
Cheatwood v. Mayo 5 Munf. 16, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 01, 1816) 1816 Whether, in an action for words, circumstances of suspicion not amounting to full justification, may be proven in mitigation of damages? MAYO brought case for slander against Cheatwood in the Superior Court of Amherst. The declaration charges, that the defendant said, the plaintiff has killed, salted, and eaten a hog; and no one can be hurt...   Cases  
Clark v. Clark 4 Tenn. 23, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (November 01, 1816) 1816 Distributees can not recover their distributive portions without administration on the estate of the intestate. (Acc. 10 Y., 383; 6 H., 157; 2 Hum., 565.) Bonds and notes executed for objects which have been attained, should be left with the obligors in whose possession they are found. [Cited in: 3 Tenn. Chy., 451; 12 Pickle, 572.] It appeared from...   Cases  
Com. v. Dulen 4 Bibb 316, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 11, 1816) 1816 A defendant surrendered by his special bail in open Court and prayed in custody of the jailer by plaintiff's attorney, is considered to be taken in execution under the judgment, although no execution issued against him. A jailer allowing a prisoner so charged in execution the privilege of the prison bounds without security, and permitting him to...   Cases  
Crocker v. Watkins 4 Mart.(o.s.) 540, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1816) 1816 APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF THE SECOND DISTRICT.   Cases  
Davis v. Wood 14 U.S. 6, Supreme Court of the United States (March 12, 1816) 1816 THIS case was similar to the preceding, in which the petitioners excepted to the opinion of the court below: 1st. That they had offered to prove, by competent witnesses, that they (the witnesses) had heard old persons, now dead, declare, that a certain Mary Davis, now dead, was a white woman, born in England, and such was the general report in the...   Cases  
Dodd v. Hamilton Taylor 31, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1816) 1816 A motion for a new trial is moved for on two grounds: 1st, Because the presiding Judge misdirected the jury in matter of Law. 2d, Because the jury gave excessive damages. As to the first, we hold it to be a clear and indisputable rule of the criminal law, that it is essential to the commission of larceny, that the thing alleged to be taken, should...   Cases  
Dunwoodie v. Carrington 4 N.C. 355, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1816) 1816 We take it to be very clear, that, under the circumstances of this case, it is not competent in the defendant to dispute the title of the plaintiff. As between those parties, at all events, the plaintiff is entitled to recover, because his right has been admitted by the defendant and possession taken under it. That possession he is bound to restore...   Cases  
Dussuau's Syndics v. Bredeaux 4 Mart.(o.s.) 450, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1816) 1816 APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF THE FIRST DISTRICT.   Cases  
Dyer v. Rich 4 N.C. 413, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1816) 1816 We are all of opinion, that the certiorari should be sustained in this case. It is stated by the applicant, that he never had an opportunity of making any defence; and from the facts he has stated, if they be true, great injustice has been done him. The defendant, in the certiorari, does not deny that the trial was ex parte, but insists, that...   Cases  
Floyd's Devisees v. Massie 4 Bibb 427, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 19, 1816) 1816 JOHN FLOYD, on the 8th of August 1781, made with the surveyor the following entry: John Floyd, assignee enters 400 acres upon a pre-emption warrant, No. 669, on the waters of Beargrass; beginning on William Christian's N. W. line, 160 poles from John Floyd's and Colonel Christian's corner; thence N. 37 W. to Taylor's old surveys; and thence S. 53...   Cases  
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