TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Dufour v. Camfranc 11 Mart.(o.s.) 607, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the first district. [For subsequent opinion, see 11 Mart. (O. S.) 675.]   Cases  
Dufour v. Delacroix 11 Mart.(o.s.) 719, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the first district.   Cases  
Dufour v. Delacroix 11 Mart.(o.s.) 718, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the first district.   Cases  
Elliott ads. Minott 2 McCord 125, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1822) 1822 It is a general rule that any note, acknowledgment or memorandum in writing, fixing with precision the amount due and the time of payment, will be such a liquidation as will carry interest. So an order upon a principal, by his agent, for a sum agreed for in favor of a carrier for freight due, will carry interest from its date. The court will not...   Cases  
Ex parte Doyley 2 McCord 185, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1822) 1822 Where a party sued in the City Court of Charleston, applied for a certiorari to remove the case to the Circuit Court, on the ground that he had a discount to set up, the amount of which exceeded the City Court jurisdiction, the court refused it on the ground that the defendant might have his cross action; and besides, he was sued in his own right,...   Cases  
Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank v. Turner 2 Litt. 13, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 08, 1822) 1822 The court however adhered to their opinion.   Cases  
Ferrer v. Bofil 11 Mart.(o.s.) 234, Supreme Court of Louisiana (April 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of probates of the parish of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Fleckner v. Nelder 12 Mart.(o.s.) 503, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the first district.   Cases  
Fusilier v. Bonin 12 Mart.(o.s.) 235, Supreme Court of Louisiana (August 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the fifth district.   Cases  
Gaillard v. Anceline 10 Mart.(o.s.) 479, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Gardiner v. Sherrod's Ex'r 2 Hawks 173, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1822) 1822 The single act of assisting a debtor to remove, without stating more, is not sufficient to render a person liable for a debt due by the person removed, although that assistance may have been given with a fraudulent intent; because it is a case in which a Plaintiff cannot qualify his injury, i. e. its nature and extent cannot be stated, for it is...   Cases  
Grundy's Heirs v. Jackson's Heirs 1 Litt. 11, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 02, 1822) 1822 Statement of the case. John Grundy bought of John Jackson four hundred acres of land, and received his bond for the conveyance, on the 6th of August, 1795, and took possession of, and held the land; the conveyance to be made in a reasonable time. Some time afterwards, he commenced a suit against Jackson for a failure to convey; and having paid...   Cases  
Hall v. Forqueran 2 Litt. 329, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 14, 1822) 1822 1. Where a man alleges that an instrument in writing, given by him, contained a condition in his favor, which has been torn off, proving that a part of the writing has been torn off, will not be sufficient; he must prove that the substance of the condition of which he claims the benefit, was in the instrument. 2. When a judgment is obtained upon an...   Cases  
Hanks v. McKee 2 Litt. 227, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 06, 1822) 1822 1. Where defects in property sold are even visible, and easy to be discovereed, if the seller disguises or misrepresents them, or by false statements deludes the purchaser into a contract, he is answerable for the fraud. 2. The Phthisic (Asthma), in a human being, is not a disease of that palpable character that a person is bound to notice it;...   Cases  
Hanna v. His Creditors 12 Mart.(o.s.) 32, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Harper v. Destrehan 12 Mart.(o.s.) 31, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the first district. [For subsequent opinion, see 2 Mart. (N. S.) 389.]   Cases  
Harvey v. Alexander 1 Rand. 219, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 06, 1822) 1822 Where a deed is made in consideration of natural love and affection, and the further consideration of one dollar, parol proof may be admitted of other valuable considerations. A mere naked trustee is a competent witness in a controversy in which a creditor seeks to set aside the deed, on the ground of fraud. A wife...   Cases  
Haskell v. Raoul 2 Tread. 852, Court of Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1822) 1822 At the outset of this case it is proper to observe, that the liberty granted to amend the bill, is of the nature of an interlocutory order, and not the subject of an appeal; but the parties, both the complainants and defendants being desirous of bringing their controversy to an issue, we have considered the points decided by the circuit court, and...   Cases  
Hill v. Low 12 F.Cas. 172, Circuit Court, ED Pennsylvania (October 01, 1822) 1822 This cause came before the court upon exceptions taken to the charge of the judge of the district court upon the first count in the declaration, judgment having been entered for the defendant upon the other counts. This count states, that a person held to labour in the state of Maryland, by the name of Ezekiel, had escaped into the state of...   Cases  
Hill v. Martin 12 Mart.(o.s.) 177, Supreme Court of Louisiana (August 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the fifth district.   Cases  
Hughes ads. Banks 1 McCord 537, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1822) 1822 An express warranty of title under seal does not exclude an implied warranty of soundness. In an action of special assumpsit, to recover back the price paid for any property, which proves unsound, there is no necessity to prove a return of the property or any recission of the contract; if general indebitatus assumpsit be the action, it is then...   Cases  
Hunter's Syndics v. Hunter 12 Mart.(o.s.) 5, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1822) 1822 Having doubted the correctness of our opinion, and the judgment heretofore rendered in this case, we granted a rehearing, at the request of the plaintiff, who is here appellant. The sole question in the cause is, whether the bond on which the action is founded, has been forfeited, so as to make the obligors liable for its penalty? The condition on...   Cases  
Hunter's Syndics v. Hunter 12 Mart.(o.s.) 1, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the first district.   Cases  
Ingrams v. Terry 2 Hawks 122, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1822) 1822 I cannot but view this as a bill brought upon a mere legal title. When the executors assented to the legacy of the mother, they thereby assented to the bequest of the issue, and they lost all control over the property as executors. The claim lost its legatory character, and even viewing this as a residuary interest, which I think it very much...   Cases  
INTEREST ON THE GEORGIA CLAIMS. 1 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 554 (July 20, 1822) 1822     Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
INTEREST ON THE GEORGIA CLAIMS. 1 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 550 (June 11, 1822) 1822     Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
Jackson v. Williams 12 Mart.(o.s.) 334, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the sixth district.   Cases  
Jenkins v. Hogg 2 Tread. 821, Court of Equity of South Carolina (January 01, 1822) 1822 The bill was filed to compel the specific performance of a contract for the purchase of a plantation called Bethel. The plantation had been sold under a decree of the Court of Equity, for an easy partition among the representatives of the late Major Pelot. The bill charged that the defendant purchased at the Commissioner's sale by his agent James...   Cases  
Jett v. Walker 1 Rand. 211, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 01, 1822) 1822 Where a motion is made to quash an execution and forthcoming bond, on the ground that a previous execution had issued, and a forthcoming bond taken for the same debt, which execution and bond, it was alledged, had been improperly quashed, the court will not enquire into the validity of the first execution and bond, upon the motion to quash the...   Cases  
Johnson v. Moore's Heirs 1 Litt. 371, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 21, 1822) 1822 Statement of the case. This is an appeal from an order of the county court of Scott, refusing to record the last will and testament of George Moore, dated the 11th of April, 1822. The two subscribing witnesses, who are intelligent and are admitted to be respectable, depose, that the testator at the execution of the will, appeared to be sick and...   Cases  
Jones' Ex'rs v. Person's Adm'r 2 Hawks 269, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1822) 1822 This is a motion to dismiss the bill, on the ground that the Complainant has not prosecuted his claim within seven years, in analogy to the statute of limitations, which bars an entry after that period. Whether that rule is applicable to this case, must be ascertained by a careful examination of the charges contained in the bill, which, for the...   Cases  
Jones v. Loftin 2 Hawks 199, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1822) 1822 A Sheriff having levied executions on the property of a debtor, may by the consent of the debtor and the Plaintiffs in the executions, act as the agent of the debtor, and dispose of the property at private sale on credit; and a promise of payment made by the purchaser to the Sheriff, as agent for the Defendant, will enure to the benefit of the...   Cases  
Kemper v. Armstrong 12 Mart.(o.s.) 296, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the sixth district.   Cases  
Kenney v. Dow 10 Mart.(o.s.) 577, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Knibb's Ex'r v. Dixon's Ex'r 1 Rand. 249, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 12, 1822) 1822 The court excluding the evidence in relation to the supposed fraud of the appellant, it not being put in issue by any thing in the pleadings, is of opinion, that the conflicting evidence touching the question, whether the bill of sale from Knibb to Dixon, was intended by the parties as a security to Dixon, for payments to be made by him in behalf...   Cases  
L. & J. PALMER v. LORD. 6 Johns.Ch. 95, Chancery Court of New York (January 01, 1822) 1822 The act for preventing usury (Sess. 10. ch. 13. 1 N. R. L. 64.) contains no limitation to a suit, at the instance of the party aggrieved, to compel the defendant to discover and refund the usurious excess of interest which has been paid; provided no qui tam, or popular action, has been commenced, at the suit of a third person, under the act,...   Cases  
Lafarge v. Morgan 11 Mart.(o.s.) 462, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the first district.   Cases  
Lafariere v. Sanglair 12 Mart.(o.s.) 399, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the sixth district.   Cases  
Larue v. Larue 2 Litt. 258, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 09, 1822) 1822 1. Where the record shows that application has been made within the time allowed by law, to have a decree against absent defendants set aside, and does not show that it has been disposed of by the inferior court, the court of appeals will consider it still pending there; and consequently, no writ of error will lie. 2. 2. A decree directing land to...   Cases  
Law v. Scott 5 H. & J. 438, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1822) 1822 In an action of slander for words spoken, by which the nommation of the plaintiff to an office of profit was rejected by the senate of the United States, the defendant's pleas of guilty as to part, and a special justification as to the residue, and that the words were spoken out of the limits and jurisdicion of the state--Held to be bad on...   Cases  
Le Blanc v. Sanglair 12 Mart.(o.s.) 402, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the sixth district.   Cases  
Lynch v. Johnson 2 Litt. 98, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 14, 1822) 1822 1. Contracts, separate and distinct in parties, time and terms, may be combined in the same bill, if all the contracts were made with the same individual, respecting the same land, and whatever of the land may be excluded from one of the contracts, will be included in the other. 3. 2. Where a person undertakes to investigate land claims, and the...   Cases  
Macarty v. Foucher 12 Mart.(o.s.) 114, Supreme Court of Louisiana (July 01, 1822) 1822 [For prior opinion, see 12 Mart. (O. S.) 11.]   Cases  
Marbury v. Brooks 20 U.S. 556, Supreme Court of the United States (March 21, 1822) 1822 A debtor has a right to prefer one creditor to another in payment, and his private motives for giving the preference, cannot affect the exercise of the right, if the preferred creditor has done nothing improper to procure it. But any unlawful consideration, moving from the preferred creditor, to induce the preference, will avoid the deed which...   Cases  
Marie Louise v. Cauchoix 11 Mart.(o.s.) 243, Supreme Court of Louisiana (April 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Mayes v. Calvit 12 Mart.(o.s.) 373, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the sixth district.   Cases  
McKenzie v. Havard 12 Mart.(o.s.) 101, Supreme Court of Louisiana (July 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the eighth district.   Cases  
McKeown v. Johnson 1 McCord 578, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1822) 1822 A wife cannot commit a trespass (so as to be made liable to an action) in the presence of, and in connexion with her husband. In such case, she is supposed to act under his authority, and he alone must be sued. Where the trespass is committed by the wife alone, the husband must be joined in the action; but the declaration must state that it was so...   Cases  
McLeod v. Pearce 2 Hawks 110, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1822) 1822 Chattels, consisting of various specific articles, taken in execution, cannot be sold en masse; the Sheriff should conform, as nearly as possible, to such rules as a prudent man would probably observe in selling his own property for the sake of procuring a fair price. The bill set forth, that one Jesse Pearce, by his will, bequeathed to his wife...   Cases  
Mitchel v. Jewel 10 Mart.(o.s.) 645, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1822) 1822 Appeal from the court of the fourth district. [For prior opinion, see Mitchel v. Jewel, 9 Mart. (O. S.) 185. For subsequent opinion, see Same v. Jewell, 1 Mart. (N. S.) 87.] This case was determined in February term, 1821, but a rehearing was afterwards obtained. The first opinion was delivered by Judge PORTER, as follows: This suit was...   Cases  
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