TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Voorhees' Adm'rs v. Stoothoff 11 N.J.L. 145, Supreme Court of Judicature of New Jersey (November 01, 1829) 1829 Jacques Voorhees of the county of Somerset died in the year 1822, leaving a will, in which his wife Dinah Voorhees and John Stryker and Elbert Stoothoff were appointed executors; they all proved the will, but the personal estate chiefly passed into the hands of Stryker and Stoothoff. John Stryker died in the year 1820. In 1822, Elbert Stoothoff...   Cases  
Ware v. Elam 8 Mart.(n.s.) 329, Supreme Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1829) 1829 Appeal from the court of the sixth district, the judge of the district presiding.   Cases  
Warfield v. Gambrill 1 G. & J. 503, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1829) 1829 The complainant seeks a partition of the tracts of land described in the bill, alleging a seisin in seven-eights of said tracts, and that the respondent is in possession of, and exercising acts of ownership over the whole of the lands. The answer of the respondent states that Augustine Gambrill, the father of the respondent, devised his dwelling...   Cases  
Watts v. Greenlee 2 Dev. 115, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1829) 1829 Words not in themselves actionable, may be rendered so by a colloquium, or by something extrinsic, with the aid of an innuendo. In such cases, it is necessary that the colloquium, and extrinsic facts, commonly called introductory matter, should be put upon the record, that the Court may see that the jury have drawn a rational and probable...   Cases  
Weimprender v. Fleming 8 Mart.(n.s.) 95, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1829) 1829 Appeal from the court of the first district.   Cases  
Wells v. Wells 8 Mart.(n.s.) 307, Supreme Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1829) 1829 Appeal from the court of the sixth district, the judge of the seventh presiding.   Cases  
Williams v. Kimball 8 Mart.(n.s.) 351, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1829) 1829 Appeal from the court of the first district.   Cases  
Williams v. Williams 1 J.J.Marsh. 105, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (February 07, 1829) 1829 Dower. County Court. Jurisdiction. ERROR TO THE LIVINGSTON COUNTY COURT. Statement of the case. The Livingston county court, on the application of the defendant in error, appointed commissioners to assign her dower in the estate of James W. Williams, deceased, whose lawful wife, said defendant assumed to be. The court made the appointment, the...   Cases  
Wilson v. Laffoor 1 J.J.Marsh. 6, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 21, 1829) 1829 Rescission of Contracts. Evidence. APPEAL FROM THE HOPKINS CIRCIT; ALNEY M'LEAN, JUDGE. The appellant filed his bill in equity, to be relieved against a contract made with the appellee, upon the ground of fraud, practiced, as is alleged, by the concealment of the appellee, of an adverse superior title to the lands sold to the appellant, and of...   Cases  
Xenes v. Taquino 7 Mart.(n.s.) 678, Supreme Court of Louisiana (April 01, 1829) 1829 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Adams v. Duprey 8 Mart.(n.s.) 470, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1830) 1830 Appeal from the court of the fourth district, the judge of the eighth presiding.   Cases  
Allegre's Adm'rs v. Maryland Ins. Co. 2 G. & J. 136, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1830) 1830 Orders for, and contracts of insurance are to be liberally construed, and with reference not only to the situation and circumstances of the subject matter of insurance, but also of the parties by whom the insurance is effected. So an application for insurance from Rio de la Plata to Havana, which stated said vessel will sail from La Plata in the...   Cases  
Allen v. Huff 9 Tenn. 404, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (July 01, 1830) 1830 An issue was made up to try the fact, whether an instrument purporting to be the last will of Joseph Huff, of Cocke county, was or was not the last will of said Joseph. It was dated in 1817, and Huff died in 1827. One of the subscribing witnesses had retained the will in his possession from the time of its date until after Huff's death. That the...   Cases  
Alley v. Ledbetter 1 Dev.Eq. 449, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1830) 1830 I think the bill ought to be dismissed, on two grounds. The one is, that the answer directly and positively denies the loan to the Sheriff, and the contrary is proved by only one witness, Gray Crowe. If there were nothing particular to be said of his deposition, it is the constant course of the Court to refuse a decree upon the testimony of a...   Cases  
Anderson v. Bradford 5 J.J.Marsh. 69, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 01, 1830) 1830 Fraudulent Deeds. Judgment-Creditor. Replevy Bonds. Assignment. Recourse. Assignor and Assignee. APPEAL FROM THE BRACKEN CIRCUIT; WM. P. ROPER, JUDGE. On the 15th of August, 1818, James Anderson sold to George Boucher, a tract of land, for the sum of $2940, and executed a bond for the conveyance of it. Boucher executed two notes for the purchase...   Cases  
Arnold's Adm'x v. Voorhies 4 J.J.Marsh. 507, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 12, 1830) 1830 Lost Bonds. Assignment. Proof. Infants. Decree. APPEAL FROM THE FRANKLIN CIRCUIT; DANIEL MAYES, JUDGE. This is a suit in chancery, brought by William Voorhies, against the administratrix and heirs of Samuel Arnold, deceased, to obtain a decree for the amount of a note alleged to have been executed by Arnold, to P. G. Voorhies, for $100, on the...   Cases  
Back v. Meeks 1 La. 309, Supreme Court of Louisiana (May 01, 1830) 1830 Appeal from the parish court for the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Baker v. Baker Bail.Eq. 165, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (December 01, 1830) 1830 The 16th section of the act of 1712, authorizing a feme covert to prosecute a suit in her own name, by appointing an attorney, applies only to suits in Courts of law. In equity, she must sue by prochein amy. vide P. L. 103, 104.   Cases  
Bank of Commonwealth v. Patton's Ex'r 4 J.J.Marsh. 190, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 25, 1830) 1830 Commonwealth's Paper. Attorneys at Law. Judgment. Retrospective Laws. Constitutional Law. ERROR TO THE CHRISTIAN CIRCUIT; BENJ. SHACKLEFORD, JUDGE. On the 15th of August, 1824, B. W. Patton, the defendant's testator, as attorney at law, collected for the bank $733 50 cents, in its own notes, then worth only $366 75 cents, in specie. Patton did not...   Cases  
Bank of U.S. v. Tyler 29 U.S. 366, Supreme Court of the United States (January 01, 1830) 1830 ERROR to the circuit court of Kentucky. This was an action, by the bank of the United States, against Levi Tyler, upon two promissory notes; one for three thousand nine hundred dollars, dated the 2d of May 1821, and payable sixty days after date, drawn by Anderson Miller, in favour of John T. Gray. It was negotiable, and payable, without...   Cases  
Barber v. Anderson 1 Bail. 358, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (January 01, 1830) 1830 In trover for goods which had been bailed to the defendant, proof of his refusal to deliver them on demand, after the expiration of the period for which they were bailed is sufficient evidence of a conversion, without shewing that they were in his possession at the time of the demand. One who hires goods of the owner, is bound to return them, when...   Cases  
Barton v. Morphes 2 Dev. 520, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1830) 1830 Proof of particular facts is inadmissible in impeaching a witness, because such proof tends to a number of collateral issues, and because neither the witness, nor the party offering him, can be prepared to meet them. Where a witness who supported another, was asked if he had not heard the first accused of a particular larceny, it was held to be...   Cases  
Bauduc v. Domingon 8 Mart.(n.s.) 434, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1830) 1830 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Beard v. Pijeaux 8 Mart.(n.s.) 459, Supreme Court of Louisiana (January 01, 1830) 1830 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Bell v. Hammond 2 Leigh 416, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 01, 1830) 1830 (Absent Coalter, J.) A. mortgages lands to B. to secure a debt due to him; and then, by a general deed of trust, conveys the equity of redemption of the same lands, together with sundry personal property, to a trustee, to raise a fund to pay all his debts, including debts due B. other than that specifically secured by the mortgage: Held, B. is...   Cases  
Benoit v. Hebert 1 La. 212, Supreme Court of Louisiana (April 01, 1830) 1830 Appeal from the court of probates of West Baton Rouge.   Cases  
Berry v. Headington 3 J.J.Marsh. 315, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 19, 1830) 1830 Devise. Annuity. ERROR TO THE JEFFERSON CIRCUIT; HENRY PIRTLE, JUDGE. This is a suit in chancery, instituted in June, 1827, by Elliot Headington, against his mother-in-iaw, Maria Berry (formerly Headington) as devisee and executrix, of Joshua Headington. The testator died in December, 1819, and in his will was proved in the county court of...   Cases  
Betts v. Jackson ex rel. Brown 6 Wend. 173, Court for the Correction of Errors of New York (January 01, 1830) 1830 Where a will was duly executed, and in the custody of the testator for five years afterwards, and within ten months previous to his decease, but could not be found after his decease; it was held that the legal presumption was, that the testator had destroyed it animo revocandi, although it appeared that within a fortnight before his death he...   Cases  
Blair v. Pathkiller's Lessee 10 Tenn. 407, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (July 01, 1830) 1830 A principal question which has been argued in this cause, on behalf of the plaintiffs in error is, that the government of the United States has no power, by virtue of a treaty, to cede to individuals the property of a Sovereign State of the Union, although private property may be taken for public use, by making compensation therefor; and that the...   Cases  
Blake v. Jones Bail.Eq. 141, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (May 01, 1830) 1830 A voluntary conveyance is fraudulent and void as to existing creditors, who are unable to obtain satisfaction of their demands; but if the debts were contracted subsequently to the conveyance, or the conveyance was founded on a valuable consideration, there must be proof, or circumstances, to establish an actual fraudulent intent. On a bill against...   Cases  
Blow v. Maynard 2 Leigh 29, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 01, 1830) 1830 (Absent Brooke, P. and Coalter, J.) The doctrine of post-nuptial settlements discussed. The recital in a post-nuptial settlement, of an agreement as the consideration of the deed, is evidence against persons claiming under the settler, but not against a creditor of the settler contesting the fairness and validity of the deed. B. is bound as surety...   Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Botts v. Williams 5 J.J.Marsh. 62, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 30, 1830) 1830 Clerk's Signature to Writs. Writs. Attestation of Writs. Trespass. Possession. ERROR TO THE BATH CIRCUIT; SILAS W. ROBBINS, JUDGE. Thomas Williams sued Archibald Botts in trespass de bonis asportatis. Botts pleaded not guilty, with leave to prove any thing which would be admissible under any allowable plea. Under this issue he offered...   Cases  
Bozman v. Draughan 3 Stew. 243, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1830) 1830 ON the 27th September, 1824, James H. Draughan, executor of Robert Draughan, deceased, filed his bill in Chancery against Daniel Bozman, Philemon Bozman and Jacob Hollingsworth, in Monroe Circuit Court. The complainant in his bill charges, that at the April term next preceeding, he recovered as executor, a judgment against Daniel Bozman for upwards...   Cases  
Breedlove v. Stump 11 Tenn. 257, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (January 01, 1830) 1830 The original bill in the first cause states that, on the 22d of October, 1818, the defendant, Christopher, drew a bill of exchange on Stump, Eastland and Cox, at New Orleans, in favor of defendant Thomas H., for $8,200, payable one hundred and eighty days after date, which bill was accepted by the drawees, but not paid, and endorsed by the said...   Cases  
Brooks v. Pool 8 Mart.(n.s.) 665, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1830) 1830 Appeal from the court of the third judicial district, the judge of the eighth district presiding.   Cases  
Brown v. Com. 2 Leigh 769, General Court of Virginia (November 01, 1830) 1830 Objections to indictments under the statute concerning forgery and counterfeiting, have several times been made before this court. In Rasnick's case, 2 Virg. Ca. 356. the indictment charged, that the defendants did falsely make, forge and counterfeit, and did cause and procure to be falsely made, forged and counterfeited, and did willingly...   Cases  
Brown v. Massey 3 Stew. 226, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1830) 1830 AN original attachment was issued by a Magistrate in Perry county on the 5th of February, 1827, against the goods and chattels of Isaac Brown on the complaint, made on affidavit, of Oliver Massey, that the aforesaid Isaac Brown is removing himself and property out of the county of Perry privately, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be...   Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
Brown v. Miller 3 J.J.Marsh. 435, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 10, 1830) 1830 Sale Bonds. Statutory Bonds. Scire Facias. Demurrer. Execution. Irregularity. Purchaser. ERROR TO THE MADISON CIRCUIT; RICHARD FRENCH, JUDGE. At the June term, 1823, of the Garrard circuit court, William Brown obtained two judgments, for $1,500 each, against Joseph Lees, Robert A. Sturgus, and Samuel Logan. On the 17th of December, 1823, two...   Cases  
Brown's Ex'rs v. Durbin's Adm'r 5 J.J.Marsh. 170, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 21, 1830) 1830 Debt. Bank Paper. Executor de Son Tort. Ne Unques Executor. Value. Jury. Distributee. Witness. ERROR TO THE NELSON CIRCUIT; PAUL I. BOOKER, JUDGE. Christopher K. Durbin, administrator of Christopher Durbin, deceased, instituted an action of covenant against E. and H. Brown, executors of Joshua Brown, deceased, on seven different covenants; each...   Cases  
Burnham v. Huffman Walker 381, Supreme Court of Mississippi (December 01, 1830) 1830 When the court are about to sign a final decree in chancery, it is too late to move to amend the answer.   Cases  
Bush v. Bush 3 J.J.Marsh. 501, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 12, 1830) 1830 Fielding Bush filed his bill in chancery, making Jordan Bush. Quisenberry, Matthews and Turner, defendants, to be relieved against a judgment at law, recovered against him, by said Turner, as assignee of Quisenberry, for $147.46. The grounds of equity relied on for relief, as exhibited in the bill, are, in substance, as follows: Francis Bush died,...   Cases  
Carlin v. Stewart 2 La. 73, Supreme Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1830) 1830 APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, THE JUDGE OF THE SEVENTH PRESIDING.   Cases  
Casanova's Heirs v. Acosta 1 La. 179, Supreme Court of Louisiana (April 01, 1830) 1830 Appeal from the court of probates for the parish and city of New-Orleans.   Cases  
Chachere v. Dumartrait 2 La. 38, Supreme Court of Louisiana (September 01, 1830) 1830 APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, THE JUDGE OF THE SIXTH PRESIDING.   Cases  
Chapline's Adm'rs v. McAfee 3 J.J.Marsh. 513, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 14, 1830) 1830 This was a suit in chancery, instituted by Robert McAfee and wife, and William B. Moore, an infant, by Lawson Moore, his guardian, against Hannah Chapline, widow of Abraham Chapline, deceased, Isaac Chapline and Jacob Chapline, administrators of the estate of said Abraham, and against the wife of said Jacob. George Moore died in the State of...   Cases  
Chapman v. Bennett 2 Leigh 329, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 01, 1830) 1830 (Absent Brooke, P. and Coalter, J.) In ejectment for land in Wood county, lessor of plaintiff claims under grant of land described in the patent as lying in Monongalia; defendant shews by the statute of 1784, dividing Monongalia and establishing Harrison county, and other evidence, that the land described in the patent, at the date of the patent,...   Cases  
Chappell v. Brown 1 Bail. 528, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (May 01, 1830) 1830 Under the act of 1789, a debt for rent ranks, in a course of administration, next to judgments, and executions, and before bonds and other obligations: and this precedence is not confined to rent, which accrued within a year, or any other period, preceding the death of the tenant; nor is it material, whether the rent was reserved by parol, or by...   Cases  
CHEROKEE RESERVATIONS. 2 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 360 (August 12, 1830) 1830     Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
Chew v. Keane 2 La. 120, Supreme Court of Louisiana (December 01, 1830) 1830 APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF THE FIRST DISTRICT.   Cases  
Choat v. Wright 2 Dev. 289, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1830) 1830 We should lend a ready ear to any plausible argument, tending to prove that this case is within the statute of frauds. (Act of 1819, Rev. c. 1016). For we feel, that all the mischiefs are as apt to arise out of executed, as executory contracts. But the words are too strong and plain to be got over. We think it extremely probable, that the...   Cases  
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