Title | Citation | Year | Summary | Most Relevant | Type | Status |
Phippard v. Korbes |
4 H. & McH. 481, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (April 01, 1721) |
1721 |
REPLEVIN for negro slaves. The special verdict found that the negroes in dispute belonged to Cheseldine, the testator. That the plaintiff was appointed executrix by the will of the testator. That before proof of the will in the prerogative court, a caveat was entered against the probate of the will, and a citation issued to the plaintiff to prove... |
Most Relevant |
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Abbot v. Abbot |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R21, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1729) |
1729 |
Trover for several Negroes Fr Deft. Many prects. of plt. in trover &c. being barred of new action by jug'ts. ag'st him of his being barr'd by Jug't in a diff't action for the same thing if former suit dismissed no bar. The Deft. pleads in bar an Action of Trover brought by the Plt. formerly for the same Negroes and upon not guilty Pleaded a... |
Most Relevant |
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Edmonds v. Hughes |
Jeff. 2, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1730) |
1730 |
The special verdict in this case is very imperfect and uncertain, so that no title in the plaintiff can be collected from it. But the case is thus. Richard Alderson was possessed of several negroes in the declaration mentioned, and made his last will and testament (dated the 15th of September, 1695) in these words, My will is, that Margaret... |
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Edmonds v. Hughs |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R36, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1730) |
1730 |
Det. Fr Deft. Remainder of a chattel after Estate for life good in a Will. The Special Verdict in this Case is very imperfect and Incertain so that no Title in the Plt. can be Collected from it, But the Case is thus, Richard Alderson was possessed of several Negroes in the Decl. mentioned and made his last Will and Testam't in these words (dated... |
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Marston v. Parish |
Jeff. 1, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1730) |
1730 |
The court were of opinion that the plaintiff had no right to recover the five negroes that were Williams's, and that the plaintiff should recover the negro that was Marston's, as his heir at law. Reported by Sir John Randolph. |
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Marston v. Parrish |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R35, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1730) |
1730 |
Detinue Fr Deft. John Williams was possessed of two Negro Boys Arther and Bill and two Negro Women Dinah and Nanny and made his last Will 22d. April 1713. Willed his Negroes and all other Goods and Chattels to be valued and Appraised and equally divided between his Wife and 3 Children, and that his Wife shou'd keep his Childrens Estates till they... |
Most Relevant |
Cases |
Tucker v. Sweney |
Jeff. 5, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1731) |
1731 |
The case. Mr. Richard Dandridge recovered judgment against the executors of Nicholas Curle for £507. Curle died possessed of several slaves, and of those slaves after his death, there was a considerable increase. Mr. Dandridge took out a fieri facias, which was served upon several of the slaves which Curle died possessed of, and likewise upon... |
Most Relevant |
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Waughop v. Tate |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R76, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1731) |
1731 |
Appeal Fr Plt. in app't. Appeal from Northumberland. The Case. John Contancean an Infant by Deed dated the 17th Dec'r 1718. Conveyed several Negroes to Richard Ball for the proper use and Behoof of Peter Contancean and his Heirs who was his Brother of the half Blood J. C. made his Will the same Day but nothing of these Negroes is mentioned in it... |
Most Relevant |
Cases |
Armistead v. Swiney |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R97, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1732) |
1732 |
In Chanc. The Case. Nicholas Curle being possessed of a considerable Estate in Slaves, Goods, Chattels, ready money and outstanding Debts, made his last Will and Testament whereby he gave several Legacies to his Wife & Children And appointed her Executrix during her Widowhood, but if she married, then Geo. Walker, John Curle, and Harry Jenkins... |
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Goddin v. Morris |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R80, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1732) |
1732 |
In Chan'ry. Fr Plt. The Case Goddin the Plts. Father having a small Estate in the Year 1710. died Intestate His Wife obtains L'res of Adm'on, and in October 1710, Exhibits an Inventory of the Estate which consisted of Cattle and Household Goods Appraised to 38. 10. 9. & 3 Negroes, a Man Appraised at 25£>>>>>. a Woman Appraised at 25£. and... |
Most Relevant |
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Iones v. Langhorn |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R109, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1732) |
1732 |
Detinue for Negroes Fr Deft. The Case. Mary Godwin being possessed of several Negroes by her Will disposed of them in this manner, My Will is that after my Debts and Legacies paid my Daughter Mary Rice shall have the use of my whole Estate Real and Personal after she comes to the age of *Years, during her natural Life, And if my Dau'ter... |
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Cases |
Lightfoot v. Lightfoot |
1 Va. Colonial Dec. R84, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1732) |
1732 |
In Chan'ry Fr Deft. The Case. Francis Lightfoot the Plts. Father was possessed of a great Estate, in Lands, Neg'rs, Goods & Chattels, and had agreed with Perry for the purchase of a Tract of Land upon Nottoway River, and made his Will Whereby among the other Legacies he gives the Deft. a Negro, he giving another in lieu of him to his Heirs, and to... |
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King v. Moore |
Jeff. 8, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1733) |
1733 |
[Note by W. G.] (Hop. 17 in Myers's Copy.) Jeff. Rep. 8. S. C. An Information was brought against the Deft. upon the Act of 5 & 6 Geo. 2. laying a duty upon Slaves for not transmitting to the Collector of the duty's a List of the Slaves by him sold imported in the ship A. The Deft. Offered as Witnesses the Master and Steward of the Ship to whom Mr.... |
Most Relevant |
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Isbell v. Butler |
Jeff. 10, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1735) |
1735 |
SlavesValue ofAt What Time ConsideredCase at Bar. In this case a question was made, whether a slave given by an intestate in his lifetime to a younger child, should be taken at the value he was when given, or the value at the testator's death. Et per tot cur. at the value when given, et recte opinor. Thomas Randolph and Hopkins... |
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Waddill v. Chamberlayne |
Jeff. 10, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1735) |
1735 |
The Plt. declares that the Deft. fraudulently and deceitfully Sold to him a Slave for a great Price 25£. knowing the said Slave at the Time and for a long Time before laboured under an incurable Disease not discovered by the Plt. and was of no value There is a Verdict for the Plt. and I have moved in arrestof Judgment that this action will not... |
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Spicer v. Pope |
Jeff. 43, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1736) |
1736 |
Executors Accounting. John Stone, by his will, April 27, 1695, devised his plantation and the profits of his slaves and personal estate, to his wife during life, and declares his will to be, that his son Richard Metualf and Ann his wife live upon the said plantation after her death, during their lives, and also keep and employ the... |
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Tayloe v. Graves |
Jeff. 40, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1736) |
1736 |
In Detinue a Case was agreed vizt. R. P. poss'ed of the Slaves in Question by his Will dated in 1712. devises to his daughter Mary the Use Labour and Service of them during her Life and after her Decease the said Slaves and their Increase to fall to her Heirs of her Body lawfully begotten forever. Mary had issue a Daughter living at the Time of the... |
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Winston v. Henry |
2 Va. Colonial Dec. B213, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1736) |
1736 |
Canc. John Geddes having a Wife & one Daughter married to Bobby by whom she had two Daughters the Plt. Rebecca her eldest & Eliz. & was also ensient of a Son by his Will May 18. 1719. devises to his Wife 3 Slaves during her Life & the absolute Property of six more And gave her during Life a Plantation called Totero fort & the Use of all his Stock... |
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Slaughter v. Whitelock |
2 Va. Colonial Dec. B251, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1737) |
1737 |
Martin Slaughter by his Will Aug. 23. 1732. devises four negroes to his Son George (the Plt.) and the lawful Issue of his body for ever and four negroes to his daughter Judith and the lawful Issue of her body for ever but if either my son or daughter shall die without such Issue the survivor to have an enjoy the said Slaves and their Increase... |
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Giles v. Mallecote |
Jeff. 52, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1738) |
1738 |
SlavesDetinueCase at Bar. In detinue upon a special verdict. The plaintiff's father, Thomas Mallecote, by his will, devises to his son John, Quashey, a negro man; to his son Thomas, the child his negro woman Betty then went with, and Tomboy, a negro man; and gives slaves to his other children, and declares his will, that his wife... |
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Haywood v. Chrisman |
Jeff. 52, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1738) |
1738 |
Henry Haywood possessed of divers Slaves and other Estate by his Will inter al' devised the Guard'nsp of his Children to his Wife and left five Slaves to work and maintain his Wife and Children besides the profits of the Estate he had left them and died without making any other Disposition of these five Slaves leaving Henry his eldest son who dying... |
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Palmer v. Word |
2 Va. Colonial Dec. B289, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1738) |
1738 |
In Detinue for Slaves upon a Special Verd't the Case is The Plts. Mother when she marr'd his Father Martin Palmer deced was possed of sev'l Slaves particularly one called Bridget Palmer died before his Wife in 1717. & by his Will devised Bridget to the Plt. & other of s'd Slaves to his other Children & made his Wife & two others Extors. The Wife... |
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Cases |
Young v. Williamson |
1 H. & McH. 145, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (May 01, 1738) |
1738 |
THIS was an action of replevin for a negro man. The writ issued on the 15th of February, 1732. The defendant pleaded non cepit infra tres annos. At the trial of the cause at the Assises, the Jury by their special verdict found, that Elizabeth Bourne, by her deed-poll dated the 28th March, 1707, gave to the plaintiff the negro in question. The... |
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Cases |
Nance v. Roy |
2 Va. Colonial Dec. B279, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1739) |
1739 |
In Detinue for a Slave upon a special Verdict the Case is John Nance possessed of the Slave in Question & others by his Will dat. Feb. 2.1731. gives to his Wife Mary All his Estate both real & personal All his Household Goods & Moveables whatsoever during her natural life And makes her sole Extrix Afterwards he devises away a Negro... |
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Oldum v. Allerton and Pope |
2 Va. Colonial Dec. B331, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1739) |
1739 |
In Trespass for taking away a Slave upon not guilty pleaded the Jury find a special Verdict That Deft. Allerton being a Justice of Westm'd made a warrant to be Constable to bring before him (not saying or any other Justice as is usual) the Plt. & one Tebbs Inspectors at Yeocomico to answer the Complaint of Ios. Gardner for taking divers... |
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Coleman v. Dickenson |
Jeff. 67, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1740) |
1740 |
James Alderson, and Ann his wife, by deed dated the 10th of July, 1712, reciting that Ann, at her marriage, was possessed of three slaves, and that by law they were real estate, bargained and sold the slaves to one Hunter for sixty years, if the said James and the negroes should so long live, in trust and to the use of the said James and Ann for... |
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Coleman v. Dickenson |
2 Va. Colonial Dec. B119, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1740) |
1740 |
In Canc. Ja's Alderson & Ann his wife by Deed dated 10 July 1712 reciting that Ann at her Marr. was pos'sed of 3 Slaves And that by the Law they were real Estate barg & sold the Slaves to one Hunter for 60 years if the said Ja's & the Negro's sho'd so long live In trust And to the use of the said Ja's & Ann for their lives & to the use of the... |
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Soaper v. Negro Tom |
1 H. & McH. 227, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (September 01, 1765) |
1765 |
THIS was an appeal of murder, the proceedings whereof are as follows, to wit: Command was given to the sheriff of Frederick County, that if Sarah Soaper, widow, who was the wife of Thomas Soaper, should make him secure of prosecuting her clamour, then he should attach Negro Tom, (the slave of John Gantt,) late of Frederick County, labourer, by his... |
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Rench v. Hile |
4 H. & McH. 495, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (October 01, 1766) |
1766 |
THIS was an action on the case for a deceit in the sale of a negro woman, slave, warranting her to be sound. Plea, that he did not warrant the negro woman called, &c. to be sound and healthy, and without any infirmity, as the said John above against him hath complained, &c. Issue joined. It was contended by Chase, for the defendant, that warranty... |
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Blackwell v. Wilkinson |
Jeff. 73, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1768) |
1768 |
Blair, W. Nelson, T. Nelson, Corbin, Lee, Tayloe, Fairfax and Page, were of opinion for the defendant, that slaves could never be entailed unless annexed to lands. Byrd, Carter and Burwell were of a diffent opinion. |
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Brent v. Porter |
Jeff. 72, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1768) |
1768 |
A right to slaves descended to two sisters, coparceners, and femes sole; but they were in the possession of another who claimed a right to them. One coparcener marries and dies, the slaves having never been reduced into possession. The surviving coparcener brings this action for her moiety. Two causes were assigned by the defendants, why she should... |
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Allen v. Allen |
Jeff. 86, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1769) |
1769 |
In this case, one question among others was, whether, where a father entitled to a reversion in slaves dies, and afterwards the particular estate (which here was for life) falls in, the heir at law shall be obliged to account to his brothers and sisters for a proportion of their value? And the court determined should. It was also insisted that some... |
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Gwinn v. Bugg |
Jeff. 87, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1769) |
1769 |
MulattosBinding Out by Church Wardens. The case was this. A Christian white woman between the years 1723 and 1765, had a daughter, Betty Bugg, by a negro man. This daughter was by deed indented, bound by the churchwardens to serve till thirty-one. Before the expiration of her servitude, she was delivered of the defendant Bugg, who never was... |
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Butler v. Boarman |
1 H. & McH. 371, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (September 01, 1770) |
1770 |
THIS was a petition for freedom. The petitioners claimed their freedom as being descended from a free white woman, named Eleanor, commonly called Irish Nell, who had been brought into Maryland, by Lord Baltimore, as a domestic servant, previous to the year 1681. The petitioners were claimed as slaves, by reason of the marriage of their ancestor,... |
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The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains. |
Howell v. Netherland |
Jeff. 90, General Court of Virginia (April 01, 1770) |
1770 |
MulattoesBinding Out by Church Wardens. This case was referred to the determination of the court, on facts stated by the counsel for both parties, which were, That the plaintiff's grandmother was a mulatto, begotten on a white woman by a negro man, after the year 1705, and bound by the churchwardens, under the law of that date, to serve to... |
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Coursey v. Wright |
1 H. & McH. 394, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (April 01, 1771) |
1771 |
THIS was an action of replevin brought to recover negroes. Pleas, non cepit property, and the act of limitation. To the last plea, replication that the plaintiff was beyond sea; and issue joined. It appears by the bill of exceptions filed in the cause, that the defendant, to prove the issue joined on the plea of limitations, and that the plaintiff... |
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Stewart v. Chiswell |
4 H. & McH. 527, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (April 01, 1771) |
1771 |
TROVER for a negro slave named Rachel, brought in Frederick county court on the 5th of October 1767. The defendant pleaded not guilty, and the act of limitations. The defendant, at the trial, proved that Daniel Stewart, to whom the plaintiffs are executors, said and declared in the year 1765, or 1766, that he had given the negro woman named Rachel,... |
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Carter v. Webb |
Jeff. 123, General Court of Virginia (May 01, 1772) |
1772 |
The court determined that the slaves should be continued on the plantation till the 25th of December, but that this was solely for the purpose of finishing the crop, and therefore, that Mr. Carter should not pay hire for the services of the slaves at leisure times. And they decreed Mr. Carter entitled to the increased value of the stock. |
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Herndon v. Carr |
Jeff. 132, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1772) |
1772 |
William Carr the testator, having a wife and several children, viz. William, the defendant, his eldest son and heir at law, and others, plaintiffs, and being seised and possessed of an estate in lands, slaves and personal chattels, by will, dated August 2, 1760, after giving several specific legacies, bequeathed the residuum of his estate in these... |
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Smith v. Griffin |
Jeff. 132, General Court of Virginia (October 01, 1772) |
1772 |
But the court dismissed the bill; two of the judges, the Secretary T. Nelson and Page, declaring their opinions in favor of the defendant, were founded on the partition made between the heir and widow, and that, had the question been simply, whether slaves would pass by a devise of personal estate, they should have determined it in the negative: in... |
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Leach v. Slater |
1 H. & McH. 513, Provincial Court, Proprietary Province of Maryland (April 01, 1773) |
1773 |
THIS was an action of trover, for a negro. The defendant pleaded the act of limitations. The facts were these: Thomas Hardesty gave his daughter the negro in question. She married William Leach, who died, leaving by his wife two sons. The mother continued a widow three years, and married Thomas Buckmaster, who kept possession of the negro, two or... |
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Wrenford v. Gordon |
1 N.C. 2, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (November 01, 1778) |
1778 |
The taking out of this writ for this purpose, is irregular, wrongful and oppressive. Let it be quashed. Nash afterwards moved for and obtained a writ de returno habendo. Upon which the slave was restored to the defendant, ut audivi. NOTE.--Replevin cannot be supported unless a taking is proved. Cummings v. McGill, 4 N. C., 535, 98. S. C. 6 N. C.,... |
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Negro Jack v. Hopewell |
6 H. & J. 20, General Court of Maryland (May 01, 1781) |
1781 |
(a). We subjoin the following case of NEGRO JACK vs. HOPEWELL, in the general court at May term 1781, on an appeal from Saint Mary's county court, as applicable to the preceding case. The appellant preferred his petition to the county court, claiming his freedom under the will of William Cole, dated the 7th of February, 1732, wherein, amongst... |
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Toogood v. Scott |
2 H. & McH. 26, General Court of Maryland (October 01, 1782) |
1782 |
THIS was a petition for freedom; the petitioner claiming her freedom by reason of her being a descendant from a free white woman. At the trial of the cause the following bill of exceptions was taken. The defendant offered evidence, that the petitioner was the daughter of a certain Ann Fisher; and also produced in evidence, the following judgment,... |
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County Treasurer v. Bissel |
1 Root 85, Superior Court of Connecticut (December 01, 1783) |
1783 |
In a bond for prosecution, the imprisonment of the principal will not exonerate the bail. Scire Facias on a bond for prosecution, given by said Bissel upon praying out a writ, in which one Robbin a negro man was plaintiff; setting forth in the scire facias, the judgment and execution recovered against said Robbin for cost; and also a commitment of... |
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Arabas v. Ivers |
1 Root 92, Superior Court of Connecticut (January 01, 1784) |
1784 |
A person illegally imprisoned may be discharged upon a habeas corpus. The case wasJack was a slave to Ivers, and enlisted into the continental army with his master's consentserved during the war, and was discharged. Ivers claimed him as his servant; Jack fled from him to the eastward, Ivers pursued him, and took him and brought him to... |
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Whitaker's Adm'r v. English |
1 Bay 15, Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace of South (April 01, 1784) |
1784 |
TRESPASS for entering the deceased Whitaker's plantation, and taking away sundry negroes, horses, cattle, hogs, corn, &c. The defendant, it seems, was one of those deluded citizens of America, who joined the British army in the late war, and accepted a commission in their militia service. In the year 1780, he went, or was sent with a party of men... |
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Cases |
The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains. |
Anonymous |
1 Des. 124, Court of Chancery of South Carolina (January 01, 1785) |
1785 |
The bill, answer, exhibits and interrogatories were read, whereupon ordered, that an issue at law be directed to try whether the instrument of writing marked B, an exhibit in this cause, purporting to be a gift to one of the defendants, of slaves and other property therein mentioned is fraudulent, or signed bona fide by the complainant's testator.... |
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De Brahm v. Fenwick's Ex'rs |
1 Des. 115, Court of Chancery of South Carolina (June 01, 1785) |
1785 |
The master's report was read, whereupon several orders were made. Amongst others it was ordered, that Edward Fenwick be restrained from disposing of any part of the estate left him by the testator, until he has fully accounted for the negro slaves taken away by him, from the estate, (without the assent of the executors,) and paid the incumbrances... |
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Ex parte Gibbes |
1 Des. 126, Court of Chancery of South Carolina (January 01, 1785) |
1785 |
A petition was presented by Mr. Hugh Rutledge, and arguments being heard on both sides, decreed, that Mr. Edward Fenwick account before the master, for the value of sixty-four negroes, which belonged to the testator's (his father's) estate, and which he took away: And that he deliver to Mr. Gibbes, executor of Mr. Fenwick, deceased, negroes equal... |
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