TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Burton v. Brashear 3 A.K.Marsh. 276, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 09, 1821) 1821 ON AN APPEAL FROM A JUDGMENT OF THE HARDIN CIRCUIT COURT. This is an action of detinue for a slave, and has been twice heretofore brought to this court by the present appellee. On the first occasion it was reversed, because during the progress of the trial, improper evidence was admitted on the part of the present appellant: See 3 Bibb, 9. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Cabiness v. Herndon Litt.Sel.Cas. 469, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 07, 1821) 1821 FROM THE GREEN CIRCUIT COURT. Under sundry executions, some in favor of Samuel Brents, one of the plaintiffs in error, and others under his control belonging to other individuals, a constable seized and sold a negro woman, as the property of Valentine Meriwether. At the sale, Charles P. Cabiness. another plaintiff in error, appeared and set up... Most Relevant Cases  
Caldwell v. Carter 2 Del.Cas. 668, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Delaware (October 23, 1821) 1821 Petition for freedom in the Court of Common Pleas for Kent County. Most Relevant Cases  
Case of Jones 2 Del.Cas. 622, Court of Common Pleas of Delaware (July 14, 1821) 1821 On the 14th instant, three writs of homine replegiando were issued out of the Court of Common Pleas against James Jones, Jesse Cannon, Joseph Johnson and William Goslin, one to replevy Thomas Carlisle, Negro, another to replevy Nochre Griffeth, Negro, and the third to replevy Isaac Griffeth, Negro. The Sheriff had also in his hands two writs to... Most Relevant Cases  
City Council of Charleston v. Palmer 1 McCord 342, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1821) 1821 Under an ordinance of the city of Charleston, it is provided, that the owner or tenant of any house, whose chimney shall take fire, and blaze out at the top shall be subject to a fine of not less than fifty, nor more than one hundred dollars. It appeared that the chimney in this case, blazed out in consequence of a negro servant carelessly... Most Relevant Cases  
Clifton v. Phillips 1 McCord 469, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (November 01, 1821) 1821 In an action on the case in the nature of an action for ravishment of ward to try the freedom of a negro, where the jury found a verdict establishing the right of the plaintiff's ward to freedom, but found no damages, the Court Held that the plaintiff was entitled to costs. Most Relevant Cases  
Cocke v. Hardin Litt.Sel.Cas. 374, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 10, 1821) 1821 Hardin purchased of Cocke a negro man, at the price of $500, and gave his obligation to pay the amount thereof at a named day. The day having elapsed without payment being made, Cocke brought suit on the bond, and recovered judgment at law. Equity will not sustain jurisdiction in case of fraud in the sale of diseased slaves, for the purpose of... Most Relevant Cases  
Commonwealth v. Tyree 2 Va.Cas. 262, General Court of Virginia (November 01, 1821) 1821 If a black man be sent on for trial by the Examining Court to the Superior Court, (charged with a crime, which in a slave is punishable with death, and in a free man by Penitentiary confinement,) as a free man, unless the accused shall himself plead in abatement to the jurisdiction of the Court, that he is a slave, the Superior Court will proceed... Most Relevant Cases  
CONCERNING THE IMPORTATION OF SLAVES. 1 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 503 (November 05, 1821) 1821   Most Relevant Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
CONCERNING THE SLAVE TRADE. 5 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 728 (January 27, 1821) 1821   Most Relevant Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
CONCERNING THE SLAVE-TRADE. 5 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 736 (August 22, 1821) 1821   Most Relevant Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
Cook v. Wilson's Adm'rs Litt.Sel.Cas. 437, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 01, 1821) 1821 This was an action of detinue, brought in the Fayette circuit court by Joseph Cook against Samuel Wilson, for the detention of a slave named Juda, and several others, the children of Juda. Where a right to slaves was attempted to be defended as derived from a revolutionary law of forfeiture, passed by the state of South Carolina, it was held that... Most Relevant Cases  
Costin v. Corporation of Washington 2 Cranch C.C. 254, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (October 01, 1821) 1821 This was an appeal from the judgment of a justice of the peace of the county of Washington for the penalty of five dollars under the 7th section of the by-law of the corporation of Washington, passed on the 14th of April, 1821, c. 133, entitled An act to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which free negroes and mulattoes may reside in the... Most Relevant Cases  
Craddock v. Shirly 3 A.K.Marsh. 288, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 01, 1821) 1821 Craddock purchased from Rennick, two slaves, at the price of $1,000, paid part of the price in hand, executed his obligation to Rennick for the residue, and received from him a bill of sale warranting the title of the slaves against all persons whatever. Rennick assigned one of the obligations to Shirly, but payment being refused by Craddock when... Most Relevant Cases  
Culver v. Shriner 5 H. & J. 218, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1821) 1821 Artieles of agreement between K and S, in which K agrees to convey certain lands to S, in consideration that S would pay to K, or order, 1600, and provide for the supnort of K and wife, during their lives, K to live on the lands and keep there two slaves, and that the future issue of such slaves should belong to S and his heirs, is a eovenant and... Most Relevant Cases  
Davis & Fant v. Duncan 1 McCord 213, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1821) 1821 It is not necessary in order to maintain an action of trover, that a demand and refusal should be proved where the taking has been tortious. Lending a negro to a son-in-law, and permitting it to go home with a daughter when she goes to house-keeping, will not be construed into a gift when it has not been accepted and kept by him. Most Relevant Cases  
Deatly's Heirs v. Murphy 3 A.K.Marsh. 472, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 05, 1821) 1821 ON AN APPEAL FROM A DECREE OF THE NICHOLAS CIRCUIT COURT. The heirs of John Deatly filed their bill in chancery against Zephaniah Murphy and Richard Stites and others, representing that their ancestor was possessed of a considerable personal estate, sundry slaves, and a tract of land; and was, in the year 1812, accused of felony and imprisoned in... Most Relevant Cases  
Dempsey v. Lawrence Gilmer 333, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 20, 1821) 1821 The chancery as well as the common law courts have jurisdiction in suits of paupers for freedom; and will on a case proper for a court of equity, appoint counsel to prosecute for the pauper &c. DEMPSEY was born the slave of one David Wallace, and descended to his son William. He hired himself of his master William Wallace, and having accumulated... Most Relevant Cases  
Dunbar v. Ball 2 Cranch C.C. 261, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (October 01, 1821) 1821 Petition for freedom. The facts were agreed to be as follows:The petitioner [Leonard Dunbar] is a native-born slave of Virginia, and was there purchased by one John B. Brunet, a citizen and inhabitant of that state, some time in the month of March, 1820; and continued there in the possession and service of said Brunet, until some time... Most Relevant Cases  
Enlaws' Ex'rs v. Enlaws 3 A.K.Marsh. 228, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 05, 1821) 1821 ON AN APPEAL FROM A JUDGMENT OF THE HARDIN CIRCUIT COURT. This was an action of detinue for sundry slaves, brought by the executors of Isom Enlaws against Mary Enlaws, his widow. The cause was tried on the general issue, and the jury found a special verdict, from which it appears that the appellant, in virtue of the will of her former husband, had... Most Relevant Cases  
Evans ads. Parr 1 McCord 283, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1821) 1821 Where a decree in a Summary Process had been given against a defendant on the first day of court, upon his making the following affidavit, on the second day, the court ordered the decree to be opened, that defendant might make his defence, viz: that on Monday morning, (which was the day on which the court sat,) a negro child, the property of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Evans v. McKinsey Litt.Sel.Cas. 262, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 04, 1821) 1821 FROM THE WAYNE CIRCUIT COURT, THE HON. THOMAS MONTGOMERY, SOLE JUDGE. This was an action of detinue, brought in the circuit court by M'Kinsey, to recover from Evans two slaves. Whatever would be an availing defence for the vender of slaves, against an adversary claim, will equally avail his vendee. Evans pleaded two pleas: 1st, Non-detinet; 2d,... Most Relevant Cases  
Ex parte Stephens' Ex'rs 1 McCord 87, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1821) 1821 The testator bequeathed all of his negroes to be divided equally among his grand children, share and share alike, among such as should be living at the time of such division, and not otherwise; and that the division should take place so soon as the debts be paid. A sale was made by the executor to enable each legatee to purchase in the amount of... Most Relevant Cases  
Garretson v. Lingan 2 Cranch C.C. 236, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (April 01, 1821) 1821 Petition for freedom. The petitioner [Jack Garretson, a negro] was carried, by his owner, from Maryland to Virginia, in the year 1784, and kept there several years, and then brought back to Maryland. By the law of Virginia of 17th of December, 1792 (page 186), the slave was entitled to his freedom, unless the owner took a certain oath within sixty... Most Relevant Cases  
Hall v. Mullin 5 H. & J. 190, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1821) 1821 Negroes held and claimed as slaves are presumed to be slaves A slave over 45 years of age cannot be manumitted The condition of slaves does not depend exclusively either on the civil or the feudal law No contract, of any validity whatever, can be made with a slave, without consent of the owner A devise of property, real or personal, to a slave, by... Most Relevant Cases  
Hughes v. Negro Milly 5 H. & J. 310, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1821) 1821 M, by her will in 1776, bequeathed to P a negro girl, named A, (the ancestor of the petitioners, then 15 years of age.) until she should arrive to the age of 21, and that he should manumit her immedately after the death of M, so that her freedom maght be secured to her at the age of 21. M devised the residue of her estate to S. and died in 1786 S... Most Relevant Cases  
Hume v. Scott 3 A.K.Marsh. 260, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 07, 1821) 1821 ON A WRIT OF ERROR TO REVERSE A JUDGMENT OF THE BOURBON CIRCUIT COURT. This is an action on the case, brought by the appellees against the appellant, to subject him to damages on account of the death of a negro hired or pledged to the appellant, through harsh treatment and neglect. The errors assigned question the decision of that court in refusing... Most Relevant Cases  
Hunt v. Miller 3 A.K.Marsh. 336, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 16, 1821) 1821 This was an action of detinue, brought by Hurt to recover from Miller, a negro man named Wiatt. Miller held the possession of the negro under a purchase from the sheriff, at a sale made in virtue of a writ of fieri facias, which issued on a judgment obtained by Miller in the circuit court, against a certain John Hancock; and Hurt claims title to... Most Relevant Cases  
IMPORTATION OF SLAVES. 1 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 446 (January 20, 1821) 1821   Most Relevant Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
In re Clark 1 Blackf. 122, Supreme Court of Indiana (November 01, 1821) 1821 In obedience to a writ of habeas corpus, issued by the Knox Circuit Court, G. W. Johnson brought before that Court the body of Mary Clark, (a woman of color,) said to be illegally detained by him; and assigned as the cause of her detention, that she was his servant by indenture, executed at Vincennes, in this State, on the 24th of October, 1816:... Most Relevant Cases  
Irwin v. Wells 1 Mo. 9, Supreme Court of Missouri (April 01, 1821) 1821 Action of detinue for a slave--judgment for plaintiff in the court below. This case is presented to the court by a bill of exceptions--the declaration has only one general count. The bill of exceptions shows, that in 1806, in December, in the State of Kentucky, one James H. Audrain married the daughter of Wells, and that, in that same year, Audrain... Most Relevant Cases  
Leau v. O'Hara 1 McCord 19, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1821) 1821 A. sold B. a negro slave, and gave a bill of sale in these words, viz:I have bargained, sold, and delivered, and by these presents do bargain, sell and deliver, a certain negro fellow, now in Georgetown gaol, to have and to hold, & c. Held, that in assumpsit, the vendor might prove that the bill of sale was dated the 8th, yet... Most Relevant Cases  
Lewis v. Fullerton 1 Rand. 15, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 01, 1821) 1821 A Slave removing from Virginia to Ohio, with the consent of his master, for a mere transitory purpose, and with the animus revertendi, does not thereby acquire a right to freedom in Virginia. A judgment on a habeas corpus in Ohio, in favor of the slave, does not establish his right to freedom. A deed of emancipation executed in Ohio, but having... Most Relevant Cases  
Lynch's Ex'r v. Ashe 1 Hawks 338, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1821) 1821 I am of opinion that the law was correctly laid down by the presiding Judge, in his charge to the Jury: for, however much we may now regret that the act of 1784 was not construed as a statute of frauds, avoiding all parol gifts of slaves, as well between the parties, as where creditors and purchasers were concerned, it is now too firmly settled by... Most Relevant Cases  
Magowen v. Hay 3 A.K.Marsh. 452, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 04, 1821) 1821 ON A WRIT OF ERROR TO REVERSE A JUDGMENT OF THE LOGAN CIRCUIT COURT. This was an action of detinue, brought by Magowen, to recover from Hay a negro girl. The trial was had on the general issue, and for the purpose of proving his right to the negro, Magowen introduced as evidence the copy of an execution which was issued by Joseph Hensly, a justice... Most Relevant Cases  
Martin v. Maverick 1 McCord 24, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1821) 1821 On a question of the identity of a negro slave, the plaintiff gave evidence that his slave spoke French, and that the one in question spoke French, and described her as being of the Angola nation; the defendant may prove that she spoke Coromantee also. The jury can not be polled, but at the discretion of the Court. Most Relevant Cases  
McNeil v. Philip 1 McCord 392, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1821) 1821 In an action of trover, where the defendant received a negro slave of the plaintiff, upon a promise to return him, on a certain event, which had occurred, the court Held, that it was not necessary to inquire into the strict legal title of the plaintiff. Most Relevant Cases  
Milner v. Davis Litt.Sel.Cas. 436, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 30, 1821) 1821 This was an action brought by Richard Davis and Lewis Davis, by their next friend, and John Davis, Robert Brooks and Polly his wife, and Thomas Santer and Polly his wife, against Benjamin Milner, for the trover and conversion of a slave. The defendant pleaded, 1st, not guilty, upon which issued was joined; and 2dly, not guilty within five years... Most Relevant Cases  
Moseby's Adm'r v. Corbin's Adm'r 3 A.K.Marsh. 289, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 10, 1821) 1821 In November, 1789, William Corbin made and published his will, containing the following provision: Item, my will and desire is, that my daughter Ann Grant, shall have a young negro wench, to be purchased and raised out of that part of my estate not already bequeathed, during her natural life, and that her husband William Grant shall possess said... Most Relevant Cases  
Palmer v. Popelston 1 Hawks 307, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1821) 1821 Under the act of 1792, a sheriff's bill of sale for a slave is like the bill of sale of any other person; and when the purchaser takes the actual possession of the slave, the conveyance must be recorded in the county where such purchaser resides. Detinue for two negro slaves. The Plaintiff in support of his title, proved by the subscribing witness,... Most Relevant Cases  
Petry v. Christy 19 Johns. 53, Supreme Court of New York (January 01, 1821) 1821 G., the owner of a slave, told him, that if he would procure good notes for 200 dollars, and give his own note for 75 dollars, he would immediately manumit and set free, him, his wife, and child; and the slave, accordingly, procured notes for 200 dollars, &c., which G. approved: and made out a deed of manumission, and procured the usual certificate... Most Relevant Cases  
Pinkard v. Smith Litt.Sel.Cas. 331, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 08, 1821) 1821 FROM THE FAYETTE CIRCUIT COURT, THE HON. W. WARREN, SOLE JUDGE. On the 18th of January, 1776, John Bailey made and published his last will and testament, containing, among others, the following bequests: I lend unto my wife, Elizabeth, the plantation whereon I now live, containing 140 acres. I likewise lend her one negro girl, named Easter,... Most Relevant Cases  
Queen v. State 5 H. & J. 232, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1821) 1821 An indictment charging that the traverser did assist a negro woman N, the slave of J. A, in eloping and running away from the said J. A, by accompanying her a considerable distance, and showing her the road by which she might escape, thereby depriving her master J. A, of the services of said slave, is sufficiently laid under the act... Most Relevant Cases  
R. GODDARD v. P. WAGNER. 12 S.C.L. 100, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1821) 1821 Trespass vi et armis is the proper action for beating plaintiff's slave. Most Relevant Cases  
RIGHTS OF FREE VIRGINIA NEGROES. 1 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 506 (November 07, 1821) 1821   Most Relevant Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
Rowzee v. Gregg Litt.Sel.Cas. 487, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 08, 1821) 1821 Rowzee sold to Gregg three slaves, and gave him a bill of sale warranting the title, for which Gregg executed his note for $1,050. On this note Rowzee brought suit and obtained judgment at law, to enjoin which, Gregg filed this bill, in which he alleges that Rowzee was indebted to him, by account, to more than the amount of the judgment; that one... Most Relevant Cases  
Samuel v. Minter 3 A.K.Marsh. 480, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 06, 1821) 1821 Gabriel Minter bought of James Samuel a negro woman and child, and received a bill of sale warranting the title only, and saying nothing about the soundness of the slaves. For them Minter was to pay eight hundred dollars. Two of this sum was paid at the sale--two more shortly after and for the balance a note was given, on which Samuel brought suit... Most Relevant Cases  
Scotts v. Hume Litt.Sel.Cas. 378, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 11, 1821) 1821 Chancery jurisdiction. This is a bill with injunction, filed by the plaintiffs in error to obtain relief against a judgment at law. One ground of equity attempted is, that the judgment at law, which was enjoined by the bill, was on a note executed to secure money loaned; and that, to secure the loan, a negro was pledged by the plaintiffs in error,... Most Relevant Cases  
Shockley v. Traverse 2 Del.Cas. 673, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Delaware (October 24, 1821) 1821 This was a petition for freedom in the Court of Common Pleas. The court below discharged the petitioner. Most Relevant Cases  
Smith v. McCall 1 McCord 220, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1821) 1821 An implied warranty does not extend to the moral qualities of a slave. Most Relevant Cases  
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