TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Baldwin v. Love 2 J.J.Marsh. 489, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 26, 1829) 1829 On the 19th of November, 1824, Love and Berryman filed their bill in chancery, against Joshua Baldwin and Jane M'Nair, charging that Baldwin, resident in New Orleans, was indebted to them $1,447, on account of whisky consigned to him; and that said M'Nair, was indebted to Baldwin about $300, or that she had in her possession a negro of Baldwin's of... Most Relevant Cases  
Bates v. Bates Walker 356, Supreme Court of Mississippi (December 01, 1829) 1829 A party cannot resort to a court of equity, to recover the possession of slaves upon a deed of gift vesting a legal title. A party must recover according to the allegation in his bill; and when he sets forth an instrument as a deed of gift, and prays to be relieved upon it, as such, he cannot, in law, claim a decree, by contending on the trial that... Most Relevant Cases  
Beall v. Beck 3 Cranch C.C. 666, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (December 01, 1829) 1829 At law. Replevin [by Walter B. Beall] for the plaintiff's slave William, hired to Mr. Easton, who was a boarder at Mrs. Rich's boarding-house, for whose rent, due to Mr. Archer, the slave was, by his order, distrained. The defendant made cognizance as bailiff of William Archer, for $90 rent arrear due by Mrs. Rich. The plaintiff pleaded: 1st. That... Most Relevant Cases  
Beard v. Griggs 1 J.J.Marsh. 22, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 24, 1829) 1829 Intestate. Trustee. Acceptance. Marriage Contract. Exeecution. Sale. Slaves. Judgment. Bill for New Trial. Chose in Action. Warranty. Estoppel. WRIT OF ERROR TO THE BOURBON CIRCUIT; GEORGE SHANNON, JUDGE. Statement of the title of the defendant in error. The record in this case presents these facts: William Porter, Sen. had four children, Edward,... Most Relevant Cases  
Boyce v. Anderson 27 U.S. 150, Supreme Court of the United States (January 01, 1829) 1829 WRIT of error to the circuit court of Kentucky. The case was submitted to the Court, on the part of the counsel for the plaintiff in error, Mr Rowan, upon the following brief. This was an action in the court below against defendants in error, owners of the steam boat Washington, to recover from them the value of four slaves, the property of the... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Brady v. Briscoe 2 J.J.Marsh. 212, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 08, 1829) 1829 Nicholas Chist, obtained a judgment against P. Briscoe, which he transferred to Brady, the plaintiff in error, who filed a bill against Robert P. Briscoe, son of P. Briscoe and others, alleging that two slaves, Dimbo and Peter, owned by P. Briscoe, had been fraudulently run off and secreted, to evade the payment of his debts, and that they were... Most Relevant Cases  
Bucklin v. Thompson 1 J.J.Marsh. 223, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 16, 1829) 1829 On the 31st day of October, 1820, James and Richard M. Johnson, mortgaged to Cave Johnson and Thomas D. Carneal, a valuable real estate, consisting of land and slaves to secure sundry debts, to be due and payable in 1821, 1822 and 1823, amounting in the aggregate to $15,000. Mortgages to Carneal and C. Johnson, by James and R. Johnson. On the 1st... Most Relevant Cases  
Butler v. Duvall 3 Cranch C.C. 611, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (May 01, 1829) 1829 The petition for freedom, in this case, stated that the petitioners, Thomas Butler, his wife Matilda, their three children, Airey, Reason, and Sally, and their two grandchildren, Lydia and Eliza, were entitled to their freedom, but were held in a state of slavery by the defendant, Gabriel Duvall, contrary to law, and that they were about to be sold... Most Relevant Cases  
Callant v. Downey 2 J.J.Marsh. 346, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 16, 1829) 1829 Award. Fraud. ERROR TO THE CLARK CIRCUIT; GEORGE SHANNON, JUDGE. Leroy Cole and Mrs. Downey, being entitled to some money, and several negroes in Virginia, employed Callant to collect the money, and receive the slaves, and bring them to Kentucky. He went to Virginia accordingly, and collected $341, and brought nine negroes, and delivered them to... Most Relevant Cases  
Camplin v. Burton 2 J.J.Marsh. 216, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 09, 1829) 1829 Burton enjoined a judgment which Camplin had obtained against him, for the consideration of slaves sold by Camplin to him. The ground of the injunction, was an alleged fraud by Camplin, in the sale. Burton retained the possession of the slaves, and the circuit court dissolved the injunction, and dismissed the bill. This court reversed the decree,... Most Relevant Cases  
Carrol v. Connet 2 J.J.Marsh. 195, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 08, 1829) 1829 Distributee. Oistribution. Administrator and Securities. Slaves. Guardian. Trustees. Interest. Refunding Bond. ERROR TO THE CLARKE CIRCUIT; GEORGE SHANNON, JUDGE. In July, 1796, William Connet was married to Sally Carrol, a daughter of Demsy Carrol. In October, 1796, William Connet died intestate, in Mason county, in this state, where he had... Most Relevant Cases  
Cartmel v. Rench 2 J.J.Marsh. 118, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 29, 1829) 1829 In 1810, John M'Gee died, having published his will, of which Michael Rench was the executor, and in which, among other things, he devised a negro man, George, to an infant son, remainder to all his children, if the devisee should die before he should reach twenty-one years of age; directed that his minor children should be reared and educated out... Most Relevant Cases  
Clarkson's Adm'r v. Garland 1 Leigh 147, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 01, 1829) 1829 1. That the contracts between Clarkson and Jacobs of the 23d March and 22d May 1815; the tobacco contract of the 6th February 1816; the charge by Garland against Clarkson, of 482 dollars 74 cents, for trouble &c. and interest &c. and the re-sale by Garland to Clarkson of the ten slaves at an advance of 600 dollars on the price they cost him; were... Most Relevant Cases  
Cobean v. Thompson 1 Pen. & W. 93, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1829) 1829 Yeoman is a sufficient designation of the occupation of the owner of a slave, under the act of 1780. ERROR to Adams county. The only question in this case is, whether Yeoman is such a designation of the occupation of a master, as is required by the act of Assembly for the gradual abolition of slavery, to be returned to... Most Relevant Cases  
Collier v. Chapman 2 Stew. 163, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1829) 1829 IN March 1822, James B. Collier filed his bill in equity in Madison Circuit Court, against Samuel Chapman, John M'Kinley, and James Birney, to subject certain negroes to the payment of a debt due by Chapman, to him. The complainant charged in his bill, that Chapman owed him the amount of four notes, each for $500, payable in 1820 and 1821, and all... Most Relevant Cases  
Conclude v. Williamson 1 J.J.Marsh. 16, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 24, 1829) 1829 Emancipation. Legislative Power. Administrator. Slaves. Chattels. Assets. Creditors. Lien. Residuum. Escheat. Statutes. ERROR TO THE JEFFERSON CIRCUIT; J. P. OLDHAM, JUDGE. Complainant's bill. In 1825, the legislature of Kentucky passed an act, (see Session acts of 1824, p. 195), declaring that the plaintiff in error, Zachariah Conclude, should be... Most Relevant Cases  
Cooper v. Hatter 1 J.J.Marsh. 357, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 30, 1829) 1829 Sale Bond. Quashal. Obligors. Obligees. Statute. Common Law. ERROR TO THE CASEY CIRCUIT; JOHN L. BRIDGES, JUDGE. The sheriff of Casey county sold at auction, a negro, to satisfy an execution in favor of Cooper, and another in favor of Reed and Murrell, against George Galloway; Hatter became the purchaser, and executed, with two securities, a joint... Most Relevant Cases  
Crews v. Pendleton 1 Leigh 297, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 01, 1829) 1829 Mortgage of land, slaves and stock: chancellor, in May 1822, decrees foreclosure, and directs his marshal, unless the debt be paid within six months, to sell the subject to satisfy the debt: mortgagor is allowed to retain possession, and sows crop in spring of 1823: marshal sells the subject in June 1823, and mortgagee purchases it, and completes... Most Relevant Cases  
Davenport v. Com. 1 Leigh 588, General Court of Virginia (November 01, 1829) 1829 D. is indicted for stealing a free mulatto boy, knowing at the time that he was free: Held, 1. that the offence is complete by the kidnapping, without the actual sale of the negro by the kidnapper, under the statute 1 Rev. Code, ch. 111. § 28. 2. that the stealing a free negro, with felonious intent to appropriate him, is criminal, whether the... Most Relevant Cases  
Ditto v. Helm 2 J.J.Marsh. 129, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 30, 1829) 1829 Warranty of Soundness. ERROR TO THE HARDIN CIRCUIT; PAUL J. BOOKER, JUDGE. Ditto sued B. Helm, J. B. Helm and Shackleford for a breach of the following warranty in their covenant to him, on the sale of a negro girl, named Emily; the said Helms and Shackleford, do forever warrant and defend the title of said negro from all persons whatever,... Most Relevant Cases  
Dougherty's Adm'rs v. Goggin 1 J.J.Marsh. 373, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 02, 1829) 1829 Statement of facts, as proved in the cause. Nancy Dougherty owned an estate in land, slaves and money. She had no children. Her two sisters were her nearest relatives, and the only persons who would be entitled to her estate, by inheritance. One of these was the wife of the defendant, with whom Nancy Dougherty lived. In the year 1825, the defendant... Most Relevant Cases  
Echols v. Derrick 2 Stew. 144, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1829) 1829 WILLIAM DERRICK brought an action of trover in Madison Circuit Court, against William Echols, to recover the value of a slave named Lewis. At the spring term, 1827, of the Court, on the plea of not guilty, a verdict and judgment were rendered for the plaintiff, for $543 42, damages. By abill of exceptions taken by the defendant at the trial below,... Most Relevant Cases  
Edelen v. State, to Use of Jackson 4 G. & J. 277, Court of Appeals of Maryland (January 01, 1829) 1829 The act of 1818, ch. 217, declares, that moneys received for the hire or use of negroes, by an executor or administrator, during the time he is entitled to the possession, shall be assets belonging to the estate, and shall be accounted for by him. And such was the law before the passage of that act. The act of 1798, having made negroes assets, the... Most Relevant Cases  
Ellis v. Gosney's Heirs 1 J.J.Marsh. 346, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 29, 1829) 1829 Statement of facts. Elizabeth Gosney, administered on the estate of her deceased husband. A slave named Tom, was among other things assigned to her for her dower, Tom, having afterwards fled from the state, and taken refuge among the Indians, she employed William Ellis, to pursue and reclaim him if possible, and agreed, that if he should succeed,... Most Relevant Cases  
Emily v. Smith 1 J.J.Marsh. 593, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 18, 1829) 1829 Manumission. Guardianship. ERROR TO THE MONTGOMERY CIRCUIT; SILAS W. ROBBINS, JUDGE. The deed under which the plaintiff in error claims her freedom, completely emancipated her, from the time of its execution, with the reservation to retain the guardianship of Emily, then an infant, until she should arrive at age. This reservation was personal to... Most Relevant Cases  
Fanny v. Dejarnet's Adm'r 2 J.J.Marsh. 230, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 10, 1829) 1829 Slave. Emancipation. Statute. Written Instrument. ERROR TO THE OLDHAM COUNTY COURT. On the 10th day of May, 1822, Thomas Dejarnet signed and acknowledged, in the presence of three attesting witnesses, a deed for emancipating Fanny, his slave. At the October term, 1824, of the Oldham county court, Fanny moved the court to hear proof of the deed, and... Most Relevant Cases  
Field v. Eaton 1 Dev.Eq. 283, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1829) 1829 A testator bequeathed a large estate, in land and slaves, to his son, and by a subsequent clause of the same will, gave one of the same slaves to his daughter. Held that the legatees took the slave by moieties. The son claimed the slave by a gift prior to the will; but as he had taken other property under the will, held that he had made his... Most Relevant Cases  
Fields v. State 9 Tenn. 156, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (January 01, 1829) 1829 The plaintiff in error, was indicted in the circuit court of the county of Maury, for the murder of a negro man slave named Peter, the property of a certain David Jefferies: upon the indictment he pleaded not guilty. The jury found him not guilty of the murder as charged in the bill of indictment, but guilty of the manslaughter, in feloniously... Most Relevant Cases  
Fightmaster v. Beasley 1 J.J.Marsh. 606, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 20, 1829) 1829 Practice. Evidence. Joinder in Action. ERROR TO THE HENRY CIRCUIT; HENRY DAVIDGE, JUDGE. This was an action of trover and conversion for a slave. The plaintiffs in error, who were plaintiffs below, gave evidence of their title, which having been concluded, the court instructed the jury to ??nd as in case of a nonsuit, and the jury found... Most Relevant Cases  
Foster v. Hall 2 J.J.Marsh. 546, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 31, 1829) 1829 Alimony. Parties. ERROR TO THE NICHOLAS CIRCUIT; H. O. BROWN, JUDGE. This was a suit in chancery for alimony. The bill charged that the husband had abandoned the wife, and left some slaves in the possession of Foster, who was, therefore, made a defendant. He and another, Rankin, (both of whom were defendants), asserted title to the negroes, by an... Most Relevant Cases  
Grayson v. Moncure 1 Leigh 449, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 01, 1829) 1829 (Absent Brooke, P.) Qure as to the extent of a widow's rights to enjoy the mansion house, messuage and plantation, free of rent till dower assigned, under the Virginia statute of dower, 1 R. C. ch. 107. § 2. p. 403. But, where a widow obtained a decree against an infant heir, directing commissioners to assign dower, which she might have... Most Relevant Cases  
Hall v. Profater 2 J.J.Marsh. 130, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 30, 1829) 1829 Profater had a lien on a negro girl of Hugh Talbot, for indemnity, as Talbot's security, in a replevin bond. Hall bought the girl, and sold her to Profater, who agreed to pay him for her, whatever the amount which he should be compelled to pay on the replevin bond, should fall short of $300. A person being bound as security in a replevin bond and... Most Relevant Cases  
Hancock v. Ship 1 J.J.Marsh. 437, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 09, 1829) 1829 Statement of the case. Hancock sold a negro girl to Ship, for $300, and by a bill of sale, warranted the title. Ship retained the undisturbed possession of the slave, until her death. He then brought an action on the case, for a fraudulent warranty, and obtained judgment for $276 in damages. During the progress of the trial, and after the verdict,... Most Relevant Cases  
Haydon v. Christopher 1 J.J.Marsh. 382, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 04, 1829) 1829 Nature of the case. Mrs. Haydon warranted Christopher for $20 and obtained a judgment. Christopher appealed to the circuit court, and there succeeded, by the instructions of the court. The only evidence on the trial, was that adduced by Mrs. Haydon; she proved that Cock was indebted to her for the hire of a negro woman, $25; that she had procured a... Most Relevant Cases  
Hobbs v. Bibb 2 Stew. 54, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1829) 1829 THOMAS BIBB obtained a judgment in the county Court of Madison county, against John Estell and John Bradley, in February 1827, for $2213 04; on which a fi fa issued the 26th of February 1827, which was levied on the next day on four negroes, besides other effects, as the property of John Estell. On the 28th of March the said slaves were claimed by... Most Relevant Cases  
Hughes v. Pledge 1 Leigh 443, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 01, 1829) 1829 Deed of marriage settlement of slaves then in Hanover, where deed was made and duly recorded: husband, entitled to and holding possession under settlement, removes with the slaves to Richmond, and there mortgages them for debt of his own, contrary to terms of the settlement, within 12 months after his removal of them: the trustee of the subject... Most Relevant Cases  
Hunter v. Fulcher 1 Leigh 172, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 01, 1829) 1829 (Absent Brooke, P. and Coalter, J.) By statute of Maryland of 1796, all slaves brought into that state to reside, are declared free: a Virginia born slave is carried by his master to Maryland: the master settles there, and keeps the slave there, in bondage, for 12 years, the statute in force all the time: then, he brings him as a slave to Virginia,... Most Relevant Cases  
Joe v. Hart's Ex'rs 2 J.J.Marsh. 349, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 16, 1829) 1829 In 1809, Thomas Hart made his last will, whereby, among other things, he emancipated his slave Joe, and devised to him $200, to assist him in buying his wife. Legacy given for particular purpose, does not justify withholding legacy, till that purpose can be accomplished. Ex'r. can not set off debt, due to himself against legacy. Statute of... Most Relevant Cases  
King v. Cooper Walker 359, Supreme Court of Mississippi (December 01, 1829) 1829 A plaintiff has a right, during the progress of the trial, to withdraw an account filed by him; and if the debits are withdrawn, the credits must necessarily follow. When A. dies, bequeathing a slave to B., which slave is in his possession at the testator's death, and so remains, the executor of A. may recover hire for the slave, up to the period... Most Relevant Cases  
Manigault v. Holmes Bail.Eq. 298, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (March 01, 1829) 1829 The testator directed his slaves to be kept, and employed, for the use of his three daughters, until the eldest attained the age of sixteen years, and then bequeathed the use of one third of his said slaves, to his eldest daughter, during her natural life, and her heirs lawfully begotten, forever; the remaining two thirds of his... Most Relevant Cases  
Maria v. White 3 Cranch C.C. 663, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (December 01, 1829) 1829 The petitioner, negro Maria, claimed her freedom by reason of importation, contrary to the act of Maryland, 1796, c. 67; by the first section of which it is enacted, that it shall not be lawful to import or bring into this state, by land or water, any negro, mulatto, or other slave, for sale, or to reside within this state. And any person... Most Relevant Cases  
Martin v. Peck 10 Tenn. 298, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (July 01, 1829) 1829 Jas. W. Glasgow sold Peck a negro boy, bequeathed by Jas. Glasgow, sen'r, to his daughter, Clarinda: James W. was the executor. After Jas. Glasgow's death, in the last of 1819, or early in 1820, the executor represented the boy as his sister's property, and that the hire belonged to her; but at this time he had not qualified as executor of his... Most Relevant Cases  
Martin v. White 2 Stew. 162, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1829) 1829 THIS was a writ of error sued by Willis Martin, who was also plaintiff below, to reverse a judgment rendered against him in the Circuit Court of Greene county, in an action of trover, brought by him against Asa White, administrator of George Evans, to recover five negroes, which he claimed under a bill of sale, made by Evans to him. Many points... Most Relevant Cases  
McKinney's Ex'rs v. McKinney's Adm'rs 2 Stew. 17, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1829) 1829 THIS was an action of detinue, brought in the Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa county, in 1822, by John M'Kinney, his lifetime, against Sarah M'Kinney as the administratrix of Alfred M'Kinney, deceased, to recover two slaves. During the pendency of the suit, the plaintiff died, and the cause was revived by his executors; and also the defendant having... Most Relevant Cases  
Miller v. Negro Charles 1 G. & J. 390, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1829) 1829 By a devise in the following words, viz. likewise my negro man Charles to be free on the 1st day of January, 1827, on condition that he pay the sum of ten dollars annually, to my before named sister M, so long as he lives; it was the intention of the testator, who died in 1825, that the slave mentioned in the devise should be free on the 1st... Most Relevant Cases  
Milly v. Smith 2 Mo. 171, Supreme Court of Missouri (September 01, 1829) 1829 This was an action on the part of Milly for freedom, under the ordinance of Congress of 1787, for the government of the Northwestern Territory. There was a verdict and judgment against the plaintiff in the court below. The facts of the case appear to be, as found by a special verdict, that one David Shipman, then residing in the State of Kentucky,... Most Relevant Cases  
Mims v. Mims 3 J.J.Marsh. 103, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 29, 1829) 1829 Certificate of Publication. Dismissal. Situation. Possession. Bailee. Pawn or Pledge. Equity of Redemption. Slaves. APPEAL FROM THE CHRISTIAN CIRCUIT; BEJAMIN SHACKLEFORD, JUDGE. In June, 1815, Patterson Hopper, made and published his last will and testament, which, in October, 1816, was duly proved, and admitted to record in the clerk's office, of... Most Relevant Cases  
Montgomery v. Scanland 10 Tenn. 337, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (August 01, 1829) 1829 This was an action of trover brought by the plaintiff in error, Montgomery, against the defendant in error, in October, 1826, in the circuit court of Jackson county, for the conversion of a negro girl named Matilda. A verdict and judgment was rendered for the defendant, Scanland, and an appeal in error taken to this court. A bill of exceptions... Most Relevant Cases  
Moore v. Dudley 2 Stew. 170, Supreme Court of Alabama (July 01, 1829) 1829 PULASKI DUDLEY, for himself and Susan, his wife, in right of his wife, filed a petition in the County Court of Madison county, in March, 1825, against William Moore, who was the executor of Uriah Bass, deceased, claiming a further allowance to the value of $1,515, for a deficiency in a distribution of the negroes of said estate, made to him under... Most Relevant Cases  
Nall's Heirs v. Combs 1 J.J.Marsh. 323, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 25, 1829) 1829 Statement of facts. In 1801, Combs and Walker, both of Scott county, entered into an article of agreement, hereby, in consideration of a negro man, and one hundred and a half acres of land, sold by Combs to Walker, the latter agreed to convey to the former, a tract of eighty-five acres, and another of ninety acres; all three of which tracts, are in... Most Relevant Cases  
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