TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Tyson v. Ewing 3 J.J.Marsh. 185, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 04, 1830) 1830 Trespass. Slaves. Smart Money. ERROR TO THE JEFFERSON CIRCUIT; HENRY PIRTLE, JUDGE. Ewing being the owner of a slave, occasionally hired him to work on board steam boats. Tyson, as captain of a steamboat, made a contract with the slave, or permitted some one engaged on board the boat, to make the contract, by which the slave was received on board... Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Preston 28 U.S. 57, Supreme Court of the United States (January 01, 1830) 1830 APPEAL from the district court for the eastern district of Louisiana. The brig Josefa Segunda, a Spanish vessel, proceeding with a cargo of negroes from the coast of Africa to the island of Cuba, was captured on the 11th day of February 1818, off St Domingo, by a regularly commissioned Venezuelan privateer, and on the 24th of the following April... Most Relevant Cases  
Vincent v. Duncan 2 Mo. 214, Supreme Court of Missouri (September 01, 1830) 1830 This is an action for freedom under the statute of this State, brought by Vincent against Duncan. The defendant pleaded the general issue, and that the plaintiff was a slave. On both which pleas issue was joined and found for the defendant, and judgment was given accordingly. To reverse this judgment Vincent has brought up this case by writ of... Most Relevant Cases  
Walthall's Ex'r v. Robertson 2 Leigh 189, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 01, 1830) 1830 (Absent Coalter and Cabell, J.) Testator, by will in 1819, bequeaths and provides--If it be agreeable to the laws of this state Virginia, that after death of my wife, it is my will, that the following slaves owned by me, viz. Joan &c. shall, as soon as they attain the age of 31 years, be freed; and I appoint my friends J. M. and E. H. H.... Most Relevant Cases  
Ward v. Lewis 3 J.J.Marsh. 505, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 14, 1830) 1830 The only question in this case, is, whether a sale by an administrator, of a slave of the intestate, in his possession as administrator, for a debt due by himself to the purchaser, when the sale was not necessary for payment of the debts of the intestate, be void or not? The legal title to the slaves of the intestate vested in the administrator,... Most Relevant Cases  
Wells v. Harris' Heirs 5 J.J.Marsh. 4, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 23, 1830) 1830 Nuncupative will can not be questioned collaterally. When brought in collaterally, as it is in this case, the nuncupative will not be questioned. It could not pass land or slaves; but, if valid, it vested the personalty in the devisee. In directing the commissioners, who were appointed to setttle with the sheriff, as administrator, to distribute... Most Relevant Cases  
Whittington v. Deering 3 J.J.Marsh. 684, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 27, 1830) 1830 Walker Deering brought an action of replevin against Isaac Whittington for a slave. Whittington pleaded, that as deputy sheriff, he levied a fieri facias on a slave, in favor of John T. Johnson, against Simeon Deering, and that the slave was subject to the execution. A demurrer to this plea was sustained, and the avowant failing to plead over, a... Most Relevant Cases  
Wickliffe v. Mosely 4 J.J.Marsh. 172, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 24, 1830) 1830 This is a suit in chancery. John Mosely alleges, in his bill, that on a settlement of various accounts and demands, between Robert Mosely and Nathaniel Wickliffe and Martin A. Wickliffe, the former executed to the two latter, his note for $833 32 cents, in consideration of which the obligor sold to the obligees some slaves, which it was understood,... Most Relevant Cases  
Banton v. Campbell's Heirs 2 Dana 421, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 10, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MADISON COUNTY. On a bill in chancery, filed by John Banton and his wife, who is one of the heirs and distributees of Samuel Campbell, deceased, against her co-heirs and co-distributees, for a partition of the land, and distribution of the slaves and personalty to which, as heirs and distributees, they were entitled,--the... Most Relevant Cases  
Barnes v. Peck 1 Port. 187, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1834) 1834 Error from Greene Circuit Court--Before the Hon. H. W. COLLIER. This was a debt on a penal bend. Michael Kinnard, Frederick Peck, and George Seaton, made their bond to Pitkin Barnes, which, after reciting in the condition thereof, that the said Kinnard had entered into certain mortgages of sundry slaves to the said Barnes-- stipulated, that if... Most Relevant Cases  
Barrington v. Logan's Adm'rs 2 Dana 432, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 12, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FAYETTE COUNTY. This is an agreed case, in which the only question presented is the liberty or slavery of the appellants--Winney Barrington, Julian Barrington, and Henry Barrington; who are the children of Dinah Barrington, a woman of colour, who was born in the State of Pennsylvania, in March, 1800, but was afterwards... Most Relevant Cases  
Barry v. Johnson 3 Mo. 372, Supreme Court of Missouri (June 01, 1834) 1834 The appellees brought their action against Barry, to recover the possession of some slaves charged to be in his possession. The defendant failing to plead within the time required by the statute, the plaintiffs took judgment by default; afterwards the defendant moved the Circuit Court to set aside the judgment by default, for reasons assigned in an... Most Relevant Cases  
Blakey v. Blakey 2 Dana 460, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 14, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHRISTIAN COUNTY. Statement of the facts and pleadings. Pleasant and Robert Blakey, having instituted a suit in chancery against Thomas Blakey, obtained a restraining order, enjoining the removal without the jurisdiction of the court, of certain slaves in the bill mentioned, and requiring the execution of bond, with... Most Relevant Cases  
Blanton v. Knox 3 Mo. 342, Supreme Court of Missouri (April 01, 1834) 1834 An action of debt was brought before a justice of the peace for $42. The plaintiff had judgment. The defendant appealed to the Circuit Court, where the plaintiff again recovered judgment. The record shows the case to be, that on the 10th day of Sept. 1832, Blanton hired to Knox a negro woman for one year, the services to commence on the 14th of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Bowman v. Barron 4 Cranch C.C. 450, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (March 01, 1834) 1834 Petition for freedom [by Frederick Bowman, a negro]. Most Relevant Cases  
Brooks v. Nutt 4 Cranch C.C. 470, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (October 01, 1834) 1834 Action, of assault and battery, for freedom. The plaintiff's mother, Clara, was the slave of James M. Stewart, and sold by him to Finley, the defendant's intestate, on the 24th of July, 1805, by bill of sale, recorded May 10, 1833, for the term of seven years. Finley bound himself to Stewart to emancipate Clara at the end of the seven years; and... Most Relevant Cases  
Bryan v. Earthman 14 Tenn. 24, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1834) 1834 The bill alleges that the negroes in question are the property of complainant, having been purchased by him when they were sold to satisfy several executions in his favor against John L. Young. The bill further states that the negroes were left in the possession of Young, having been hired to him for $10 per year; that they remained in his... Most Relevant Cases  
Burke v. Negro Joe 6 G. & J. 136, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1834) 1834 A negro in this State is presumed to be a slave; and on a petition for freedom, must prove his descent from a free ancestor, or that he has been manumitted by deed or will. Deeds and patents though directed by law to be recorded within a limited time, and to have no legal effect unless such requisitions are complied with, yet to quiet possession,... Most Relevant Cases  
Byrd v. State 1 Howard 163, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (July 01, 1834) 1834 A juror must be either a freeholder or householder. The qualifications of jurors to serve on a special venire are the same as those for the regular venire. No length of citizenship is required as a qualification for a juror. The judgment of every court of competent jurisdiction must be holden to be correct, unless the error is made manifest by the... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Caldwell v. Edwards 5 Stew. & P. 312, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1834) 1834 Error to the Circuit Court of St. Clair. Samuel Caldwell, on the fifth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, sued out a writ in trespass, de bonis asportatis, against John S. Edwards, for taking and selling certain slaves, the property of the plaintiff. The record did not exhibit the nature of the pleas relied on, but showed a verdict... Most Relevant Cases  
Caldwell v. Fenwick 2 Dana 332, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 27, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MERCER COUNTY. Fenwick sued Caldwell, in detinue, for two slaves?? one of them, as proved on the trial of the general issu?? being dead before the institution of the suit. The on?? question that need be noticed, is, whether the acti?? could be maintained, for or on account of the slave th?? was dead. Detinue can not be... Most Relevant Cases  
Callis v. Tolson's Ex'rs 6 G. & J. 80, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1834) 1834 The suit is in replevin by the executors of Francis Tolson, for certain negroes named and described in the writ, as the mother and her three children, to which there are three pleas; property in the defendant; non cepit within three years, &c.; and actio non accrevit within three years, &c. At the trial the plaintiffs offered to prove by the widow... Most Relevant Cases  
Campbell v. Threlkeld 2 Dana 425, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 10, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR OWEN COUNTY. Statement of the case. Campbell sued Threlkeld in detinue for a slave; and also filed her bill against him, alleging her apprehension that he would remove the slave out of the state; upon which she obtained an order requiring the sheriff to take the slave into custody, to abide the event of the action of... Most Relevant Cases  
Chapman v. Fenwick 4 Cranch C.C. 431, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (March 01, 1834) 1834 This was a petition for freedom [by two negroes, Eliza and Kitty Chapman] under the will of Mrs. Frances Edelin, and the act of Maryland of 1796 (chapter 67, § 13). Most Relevant Cases  
Chesnut v. Fire & Marine Ins. Co. 2 Hill Eq. 72, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 It appears that the price of the negroes bought by the plaintiffs, and belonging to the trust estate, was, on the decree confirming their title, paid into Court, subject to the future order of the Court. In the meantime, it was referred to the Commissioner to report upon the different claims to this fund; and a part of the order of... Most Relevant Cases  
Colvert v. Millstead's Adm'x 5 Leigh 88, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (February 01, 1834) 1834 (Absent Brooke and Brockenbrough, J.) A partial division of slaves, under the will of a Maryland testator, is made in that state in 1768, before the time appointed by the will for a division, and during infancy of one of the legatees, but division acquiesced in, at least no new division ever demanded: after great lapse of time, such division,... Most Relevant Cases  
Com. v. Connor 5 Leigh 718, General Court of Virginia (December 01, 1834) 1834 This court is of opinion, and doth decide, that in a prosecution under the statute referred to, where the commonwealth establishes by proof an assemblage of more than five slaves, not belonging to the defendant, on his lot or tenement at any one time, it should be presumed, that such assemblage is unlawful; and that, in such case, it is incumbent... Most Relevant Cases  
Commonwealth v. Herndon 2 Dana 429, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 11, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SCOTT COUNTY. This action was instituted upon the official bond of Herndon, to render him liable for a slave sold under execution, purchased by Sanders, and afterwards recovered from him by the true owner, in an action of detinue. When a sheriff summons a jury to try the right of property, and they can not agree, the... Most Relevant Cases  
Commonwealth v. Peas 2 Gratt. 629, General Court of Virginia (June 01, 1834) 1834 Indictment on the statute, 1 Rev. Code, ch. 111, § 30, for feloniously and fraudulently taking and removing a slave from one county to another, with intent to defraud the owner and deprive him of his property. HELD, fatally defective, after verdict, for want of an averment, that the slave was so taken and removed without the consent of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Commonwealth v. Peas 4 Leigh 692, General Court of Virginia (July 01, 1834) 1834 Indictment on the statute 1 Rev. Code, ch. 111. § 30. for feloniously and fraudulently taking and removing a slave from one county to another, with intent to defraud the owner and deprive him of the property: HELD, fatally defective, after verdict, for want of an averment, that the slave was so taken and removed without the consent of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Crawford v. Slye 4 Cranch C.C. 457, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (March 01, 1834) 1834 Petition for freedom. The importation of the slave (the petitioner [Jos. Crawford]) was alleged to be justified under the 11th section of the Act of Maryland, 1796, c. 67, which requires a list of the slaves so imported, distinguishing their sex. The list merely calls the slave Jo. Most Relevant Cases  
Crocker v. Mann 3 Mo. 472, Supreme Court of Missouri (August 01, 1834) 1834 Crocker brought an action of replevin against Mann for taking a negro?? The declaration states, that on a certain day the plaintiff was possessed of the slave in the county of Marion, and that afterwards, on that day, in the county of Marion (on the public highway leading from Palmyra to Hannibal, about five miles from Palmyra), the defendant Mann,... Most Relevant Cases  
Douglass v. Morford 15 Tenn. 79, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (August 01, 1834) 1834 Douglass sued Morford and Terrel in trover for a negro slave, and there was judgment for the defendants. Douglass appealed in error to the supreme court, and, since the last term, has died; and it is now moved to revive the appeal and suit in the name of the administrator of Douglass, which is resisted. By the 4 Edw. III., ch. 7, the administrator... Most Relevant Cases  
Downey v. Smith 2 Dev.Eq. 535, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 After stating the case proceeded: The exception of the defendant Samuel H. Smith, executor of Samuel Smith the younger, which raises the question whether the gift of the negro woman Amey is valid or not, must be wholly overruled. The writing is not under seal, and the possession did not accompany it. The slave was then and for many years afterwards... Most Relevant Cases  
Dunston v. Hardy 4 Dev. 572, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 A person, not the guardian of infants, who takes upon himself to hire out their slaves, making the bonds payable to himself, is a wrong-doer, and may be rendered liable for a conversion. And the proper measure of damages, is the amount of the hiring, with interest from the expiration of the credit. The doctrinc of conversion stated by RUFFIN, J.... Most Relevant Cases  
Edgerton v. Muse 2 Hill Eq. 51, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (May 01, 1834) 1834 In this case, it seems to me that the only question which we are called upon to decide, is whether the decree of confirmation of the return of the Commissioners in partition precluded the defendants from rectifying the mistake in fact, as to the slave Frank. I think that there is a material difference between decrees by consent and of course, and... Most Relevant Cases  
Estill v. Fort 2 Dana 237, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 07, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MADISON COUNTY. Statement of the case. Fort sued Estill and wife, in trover, for a slave named Dick; and the circuit court having granted a new trial, on the ground that, in the opinion of that court, the evidence was insufficient to sustain the first verdict against the wife, another verdict was rendered, at a subsequent... Most Relevant Cases  
Fisher's Negroes v. Dabbs 14 Tenn. 119, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1834) 1834 Peter Fisher made his will in 1827. He had several slaves who he devised should be free; that they should have a right to reside upon his plantation for fifteen years; have laid off to them horses, cattle, and farming utensils to make a support with, and a year's support from the then crop, and $10 in money. The balance of his property was devised... Most Relevant Cases  
Floyd v. Recorder of City of New York 11 Wend. 180, Supreme Court of Judicature of New York (January 01, 1834) 1834 Where a fugitive slave, on being brought before an officer on a habeas corpus, sues out a writ of homine replegiando, and judgment upon that writ is given for the claimant, it is the duty of the officer allowing the habeas corpus to grant a certificate authorizing the removal of the fugitive. MANDAMUS. A fugitive slave was brought before the... Most Relevant Cases  
Ford v. Howard County Circuit Court 3 Mo. 309, Supreme Court of Missouri (April 01, 1834) 1834 Ford applied to the Circuit Court to have allowed him two accounts, the one for expenses in the execution of Jacob Stewart, convicted of murder at the March term of that court for the year 1830; the other for expenses incurred in the execution of Hampton, a slave, convicted of murder at the February term, 1832. These accounts the Circuit Court... Most Relevant Cases  
Gordon v. Duncan 3 Mo. 385, Supreme Court of Missouri (June 01, 1834) 1834 The plaintiff Gordon brought an action of assault and battery against the defendant, in which judgment was rendered for the defendant. In this case there was a special verdict, which verdict finds, that in May, 1830, the plaintiff brought his action under the statute for freedom against Coleman Duncan, that the court made an order and under that... Most Relevant Cases  
Governor v. Freeman 4 Dev. 472, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 The plaintiff was permitted to recover in this case on the ground that the defendant might, by an action of trover against John, William, and Daniel Doughtry, have recovered the value of the slave General from all or some one of them, and that he negligently omitted to bring such action, whereby the price of the said slave has been lost to the... Most Relevant Cases  
Gray v. Faris 15 Tenn. 155, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (August 01, 1834) 1834 The first ground of defence relied on is that the complainant is barred by the verdict and judgment at law, having there made a full and fair defence. The bill alleges that Joseph Faris purchased the negroes of James Fulcher, at the price of $500; and, at or about the time of the purchase, took possession of them, and continued it up to the time of... Most Relevant Cases  
Hackney v. Williams 14 Tenn. 340, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1834) 1834 In 1802 Elizabeth Stokes was about to intermarry with Amos Johnston, in the county of Onslow, North Carolina. She was the owner of sixteen slaves, and, to secure them to herself, she, in conjunction with her intended husband, conveyed them and their increase to Uz Williams, to hold in trust for the support and maintenance of said Elizabeth... Most Relevant Cases  
Harris v. Clarissa 14 Tenn. 227, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1834) 1834 Thomas Bond, a citizen of Maryland, in the year 1800, made his last will, by which he liberated several of his slaves, and amongst other devises and bequests were the following: 1st. I give to my son Phil Bond a negro man, Bishop, to serve him five years after my death, and at the expiration of said five years the said Bishop to be a free... Most Relevant Cases  
Harvey v. Fox 5 Leigh 444, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 01, 1834) 1834 F. sues out a fi. fa. against R. for a debt, which is levied on slave in R.'s possession at the time; H. claiming title to the property, forbids the sale thereof; whereupon, F. gives the sheriff an indemnifying bond, and the property is sold under the execution; H. brings suit at law against F. on the indemnifying bond; and pending that suit F.... Most Relevant Cases  
Hatter v. Greenlee 1 Port. 222, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1834) 1834 Error from Greene Circuit Court--Before the Hon. A. CRENSHAW. This was an action of trover, for the conversion of a slave, brought against the testator of the plaintiff??s in error. Greenlee claimed a recovery in this case, on the ground, that being under duress of imprisonment, threats, menaces, perturbation of mind, and false accusations, he had... Most Relevant Cases  
Hay v. Dunky 3 Mo. 588, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1834) 1834 This was an action brought by Dunky, the appellee, against Hay, the appellant, in the St. Louis Circuit Court, to recover her freedom. On the trial in the Circuit Court, Dunky obtained a verdict and judgment, from which Hay appealed to this court. The declaration is in common form under the statute authorizing suits to be instituted for the trial... Most Relevant Cases  
Hickman v. Quinn 14 Tenn. 96, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1834) 1834 The bill charges that the bill of sale, made in 1821, to Quinn and Elliston by Lanier and wife was made with the intent to cover the slaves and defraud Lanier's creditors; that the consideration paid, if any was paid--which complainant does not admit--was wholly inadequate, and is colorable to hinder and delay creditors. The defendants are... Most Relevant Cases  
Hobbs v. Magruder 4 Cranch C.C. 429, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (March 01, 1834) 1834 This was a petition for freedom by Rebecca Hobbs, a negress, agaisnt Thomas Magruder and Washington Robey. Most Relevant Cases  
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