TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
In re Runaways and Petitioners for Freedom 4 Cranch C.C. 489, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1834) 1834 The following questions were submitted to CRANCH, Chief Judge, by the attorney of the United States and the marshal: Whether the United States are liable to the marshal for the maintenance of free colored persons committed by justices of the peace as runaways, and discharged on habeas corpus; and also for the maintenance of petitioners for freedom,... Most Relevant Cases  
Jack v. Martin 12 Wend. 311, Supreme Court of Judicature of New York (January 01, 1834) 1834 Where a slave escapes from one state into another, and is pursued by his owner and taken before a magistrate, and the magistrate, in pursuance of the law of congress, examines into the matter, and grants a certificate that the slave owes service or labor to the person claiming him, and allows the claimant to remove him to the state from which he... Most Relevant Cases  
Janes v. Buzzard Hempst. 240, Superior Court, Territory of Arkansas (July 01, 1834) 1834 This is an action of indebitatus assumpsit, brought by [Jacob] Buzzard against [Massack H.] Janes, in the Lafayette circuit court, for the work and labor of six negroes, slaves, the servants of the plaintiff. The cause was tried on the general issue, and a judgment and verdict rendered for the plaintiff below for the sum of one hundred and eight... Most Relevant Cases  
Johnson v. Brockelbank 2 Hill (SC) 353, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (April 01, 1834) 1834 This is action to recover the value of a slave, sold by defendant to plaintiff, for $310, on the ground that the slave was diseased at the time of the sale, and afterwards died of the disease, and that Thomas N. Gadsden, the defendant's agent, in negotiating the sale, represented to the plaintiff that the slave was a good bricklayer, when in truth... Most Relevant Cases  
Kavanaugh v. Thacker's Adm'r 2 Dana 137, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 28, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ANDERSON COUNTY. Kavanaugh bought of one of the distributees of Thacker, his interest in the slaves belonging to the estate, and filed his bill to compel distribution. The circuit court dismissed it, without prejudice. The purchaser from a distributee, of his interest in a decedent's estate, may maintain a bill, in his... Most Relevant Cases  
Keas v. Yewell 2 Dana 248, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 08, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR OLDHAM COUNTY. Simeon Yewell filed his bill in chancery against Keas to foreclose a mortgage on two slaves; and upon an alleged apprehension, that they would be carried out of the state, obtained an order requiring the surrender of their possession, unless Keas should give surety for their forthcoming to answer the decree... Most Relevant Cases  
Kroesen v. Seevers 5 Leigh 434, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 01, 1834) 1834 (Absent Brooke and Brockenbrough, J.) Absolute bill of sale, made in March, of a slave then hired to a third person for the year; at the end of the year, vendee applies to bailee to deliver him the slave, and bailee tells him he may have possession, yet vendee does not take actual possession, but leaves property in the hands of the bailee: HELD,... Most Relevant Cases  
Lane v. Mason 5 Leigh 520, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 01, 1834) 1834 The statute provides, that every deed of trust of personalty, which ought to be recorded, shall be recorded in the court of that county in which such property shall remain. It is clear, that at the time the deed was recorded in Southampton, and between that period and that in which the slaves were carried to Southampton, the deed was... Most Relevant Cases  
Leslie's Ex'r v. Briggs 5 Leigh 6, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 01, 1834) 1834 Two persons being entitled to a remainder in slave property expectant on a life estate therein, a fi. fa. is sued out against one of the remaindermen, and levied on some of the slaves, then in his possession by consent of the tenant for life, and the slaves so taken in execution are sold by the sheriff; then this remainderman conveys all his estate... Most Relevant Cases  
Logan v. Simmons 1 Dev. & Bat. 13, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1834) 1834 A conveyance by a woman before marriage, is not, at law, under any circumstances, a fraud upon marital rights of her husband. Slaves loaned to a woman before marriage, will be held by her husband as bailee, and the statutes of limitation, will not operate upon his possession until the contract of bailment is at an end. DETINUE for several slaves.... Most Relevant Cases  
Lyon v. Vick 14 Tenn. 42, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1834) 1834 The negro slave, Anne, was devised to the defendant Vick in the will of Guthridge Lyon, and Willie Lyon, the complainant and acting executor of the will, assenting to the legacy, delivered her into the possession of Vick. After this a judgment was obtained against the executors of Guthridge Lyon, and the slave, Anne, levied on and sold by the... Most Relevant Cases  
Marguerite v. Chouteau 3 Mo. 540, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1834) 1834 Marguerite brought her action against Chouteau in the Circuit Court of St. Louis county to recover her freedom. In that court judgment being given against her she appealed to this court. On the trial of the cause she gave in evidence that her maternal grandmother was an Indian woman: and some of the witnesses stated that they had heard aged persons... Most Relevant Cases  
Marshall v. Colvert 5 Leigh 146, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 01, 1834) 1834 (Absent Tucker, P. and Cabell, J.) C. mortgages slaves to M. to indemnify him against loss by reason of suretyship incurred by him for C., then creditors of C. levy writs of fi. fa. on the mortgaged slaves; it being yet uncertain whether M. will sustain loss by reason of his suretyship, and if so to what amount, M. files a bill in equity, praying... Most Relevant Cases  
McKay v. Allen 14 Tenn. 44, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1834) 1834 Almyra McKay being about to marry Jones W. Allen, and inheriting lands from her father, and having also a negro girl and other property, herself and intended husband, previous to the marriage, settled all her estate (describing it) in the hands of Matthew Allen, as trustee, by deed duly proved and recorded. The objects expressed were to secure to... Most Relevant Cases  
McLure v. Vernon 2 Hill (SC) 433, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 The three cases of John M'Lure & Co. E. Timmons and Jacob Walker, against the defendant, Alexander Vernon, will be considered together. M'Lure's case was a writ in trover, accompanied by the affidavit required by the act of 1827, and an order requiring the defendant to produce the chattels (the slaves Tilla and Dave) sued for in satisfaction of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Merrill v. Tevis 2 Dana 162, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 05, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BRACKEN COUNTY. The facts of the case. This is an action of detinue for a female slave, born in 1822 or 1823, in this state, of a slave named Rose, and sold, in 1826, to the defendant, by Samuel Merrill; but claimed by Levin P. Merrill, the son of said Samuel, under the will of Levin Payne, of Maryland, who died in 1821,... Most Relevant Cases  
Monk v. Jenkins 2 Hill Eq. 9, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (March 01, 1834) 1834 The appeal is only from so much of the decision of the Chancellor as over-rules the pleas of the defendant. In this respect we agree with the Chancellor. He reports that the woman, Judy, had the uninterrupted enjoyment of freedom from the date of the deed to her death, and was recognised as a free person by the will of her former owner, John Cato... Most Relevant Cases  
Morrison v. Morrison's Widow 2 Dana 13, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 08, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WOODFORD COUNTY. Mrs. Morrison having renounced the provision made for her by the will of her deceased husband, united in a bill with some of his children, for a settlement and distribution of the personal estate, and also claiming dower in seven slaves, which her husband sold and conveyed, during his last illness, to his... Most Relevant Cases  
Morton v. Edwards 4 Dev. 507, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 Where a testator by one clause of his will gave his daughter two slaves absolutely, and by a subsequent clause gave her another, and proceeded as follows, which negro together with those I formerly lent her, at her death, to be divided between her children. Held, that parol evidence that the slaves mentioned in the first clause had, before the... Most Relevant Cases  
Nancy v. Trammel 3 Mo. 306, Supreme Court of Missouri (April 01, 1834) 1834 The plaintiff, Nancy, brought an action for her freedom, against Trammel. After the action was brought, she filed a bill for a discovery, alleging that she became entitled to her freedom by reason, that some 24 years before the bringing the action, her grandmother was a slave in Kentucky, and that her owner removed from Kentucky and took her with... Most Relevant Cases  
Nash v. Savage 2 Hill Eq. 50, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (May 01, 1834) 1834 The important enquiry in the case, is whether the testator's mills, and the land on which they are erected, passed to Mrs. Nash for life, under the following clause:I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife, Mrs. Nash, my dwelling house and furniture, one negro man, named David, one negro woman, named Phillis, with the benefit of my... Most Relevant Cases  
Nat v. Ruddle 3 Mo. 400, Supreme Court of Missouri (June 01, 1834) 1834 Nat sued Ruddle for his freedom, verdict and judgment for the defendant, and to reverse the judgment of the Circuit Court this appeal is taken. It appears on the record that the plaintiff produced on the trial, testimony to prove that some time in the year 1831, he was employed on the farm of the defendant in the State of Illinois, to which place... Most Relevant Cases  
North Middleton Tp. Overseers v. Baker 2 Watts 280, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (May 01, 1834) 1834 A township cannot be made chargeable with the expense of maintaining a pauper otherwise than by the previous order of two justices of the peace. ERROR to Cumberland county. Hope had been a slave of Philip Baker. In 1818 an order of two justices, adjudicating him to be chargeable to the county of Cumberland as a pauper, was made; and... Most Relevant Cases  
Parks' Adm'r v. Rucker 5 Leigh 149, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 01, 1834) 1834 This case has been strangely managed, and curiously compounded, in the court below. Taking it upon the original bill, it is simply the case of the heirs at law claiming the dower slaves, after the death of the dowress; and this is a clear legal claim; for after the assignment of dower the administrator had nothing to do with the dower slaves. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Pate v. Barrett 2 Dana 426, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 10, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY. James Mason of Virginia, by his will, made the following devise. To my sister, Janet Crawford, I leave my mulatto girl Nelly, during her life, and at her death, to leave Nelly to any of her children she may think proper, or free her by emancipation, as she pleaseth. A slave is devised to... Most Relevant Cases  
Pennsylvania, D. & M. Steam Nav. Co. v. Hungerford 6 G. & J. 291, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1834) 1834 A principal is responsible for the negligence or misconduct of his agents or servants, while acting in his employment; and any person who sustains an injury by such negligence or misconduct, may resort to the principal for indemnity and redress. Where the slave of the plaintiff was carried on board a steam boat of the defendant, an incorporated... Most Relevant Cases  
Pettijohn v. Beasley 4 Dev. 512, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 Slaves of an infant feme, held in common with others, pass to her husband jure marito, although they were hired out by her guardian before the marriage, and the husband died during the term. The cases of Whitaker v. Whitaker, and Granbery v. Mhoon, (ante 1 vol. pages 310 and 456,) approved. This was a PETITION for the division of sundry slaves... Most Relevant Cases  
Plater v. Scott 6 G. & J. 116, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1834) 1834 P, who was guardian until 1817 to the plaintiff, received in 1828 from the board of commissioners appointed to distribute the fund paid to the United States, by virtue of the convention of 1826, the sum of $3000, as compensation paid by the British government for certain captured and deported negroes formerly the property of the plaintiff, and paid... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Powell v. Cook 4 Dev. 499, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 As the will did not begin to operate until the death of the testator, no right to the slave Ferebe was vested in Amelia Cook, until that time. The slave Ferebe only, and not her children born between the date of the will and the death of the testator, passed to Amelia Cook for her life, (Jones v Jones, Con.Rep. 310.) The subsequent words made use... Most Relevant Cases  
Pruit v. Lowry 1 Port. 101, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1834) 1834 Error from Madison Circuit Court--Before the Hon. JOHN WHITE. This was trespass in the Court below, against Pruit and Martin by Lowry, for forcibly taking a negro slave. On the plea of not guilty and issue, there was verdict and judgment for the plaintiff. In the trial of this cause the plaintiff produced in evidence a bill of sale from one... Most Relevant Cases  
Purnell v. Hogan 5 Stew. & P. 192, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1834) 1834 Error to Greene Circuit Court. James Hogan, having recovered a judgment in the County Court of Tuskaloosa, against William Purnell, execution thereon was issued to the County of Greene, and levied upon four negro girls, slaves, and some other personal property, as of the estate of the defendant. This property was claimed by the oath of one Chapman,... Most Relevant Cases  
Robins v. Ruff 2 Hill (SC) 406, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1834) 1834 We are of opinion that the decision of the presiding judge must be reversed. Certainly the plaintiff's execution had no legal lien on the slaves included in the mortgage. They were, at all events after condition forfeited, the legal property of the mortgagee, Harrington, and if the sheriff had sold them under execution subject to his mortgage, he... Most Relevant Cases  
Shropshire v. Shropshire 15 Tenn. 165, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (August 01, 1834) 1834 Upon these pleadings two questions arise: 1st. What title did James H. Shropshire acquire to the negro Ned? There is no question but that Mrs. Shropshire, as executrix, had power to make a valid sale of the negro, and, had she sold him absolutely and without condition, it must necessarily have been taken that she dealt in her character of... Most Relevant Cases  
Sibly v. Hood 3 Mo. 290, Supreme Court of Missouri (April 01, 1834) 1834 This was an action of detinue brought by Sibly against Hood for three slaves. The plaintiff had judgment. The bill of exceptions shows that about the year 1821 Sibly entered into partnership with Boggs and one Bales, with a view to trade with the Osage Indians and others. The terms of the partnership were that Sibly was to furnish the capital and... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision is no longer good law for at least one of the points it contains.
Sims v. Sims 2 Hill Eq. 61, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (May 01, 1834) 1834 With respect to the first question, the statement is, that the testator by his will gave to the plaintiff a negro boy, John; which boy the plaintiff afterwards purchased of the testator in his life-time, at the price of five hundred dollars; paid one hundred dollars in cash, and gave his promissory notes for four hundred dollars. After testator's... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Cattell 2 Hill (SC) 291, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (March 01, 1834) 1834 The Act of 1819 (p. 31) repeals the provision of the Act of 1740, P. L. 168, which requires the ticket or license in writing of the owner or overseer of a slave using or carrying fire arms, to specify that the slave has permission to hunt and kill game, cattle, or mischievous birds or beasts of prey, &c. The using or carrying of fire arms by a... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Graham 2 Hill (SC) 457, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (December 01, 1834) 1834 The execution is plainly defective in not setting forth the defendant to be a free negro, mulatto or mustizoe (as we suppose him to have been.) The tax act which directs such persons to be sold for default of the payment of taxes, gives an extraordinary mode of proceeding, and doubtless the execution itself should shew that the defendant comes... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Maner 2 Hill (SC) 453, Court of Appeals of Law and Equity of South Carolina (December 01, 1834) 1834 By the Act of 1821, (Acts, p. 12,) it is provided that if any person, from and after the passing of this Act, shall, wilfully, maliciously, and deliberately murder any slave within this State, such person, on conviction, shall suffer death without the benefit of clergy. This made the murder of a slave felony. Hawkins, speaking of an... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Negro Will 1 Dev. & Bat. 121, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 01, 1834) 1834 The Court is called upon to determine whether the facts set forth by the special verdict in this case be murder or manslaughter. It will be necessary to consider the relation of master and slave, in this state; the rights and dominion of the one, and the duty and submission of the other. What right and dominion then, by the laws of North Carolina,... Most Relevant Cases  
Thomas v. Magruder 4 Cranch C.C. 446, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (March 01, 1834) 1834 Petition for freedom [by Robert Thomas, a negro, against Elizabeth Magruder]. Most Relevant Cases  
Tudor v. Terrel 2 Dana 47, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 10, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MADISON COUNTY Statement of the case. This appeal is prosecuted for reversing a judgment for a slave named Philip, obtained by the appellees (Beverly Terrel, Napoleon Terrel and Jerome Terrel), claiming as residuary devisees of William Terrel, against the appellant, holding under the testator's widow, who claimed the same... Most Relevant Cases  
U S v. Nathan 4 Cranch C.C. 470, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (October 01, 1834) 1834 Indictment [against Negro Nathan, a slave] for stealing a pair of shoes, of the value of one dollar. The prisoner pleaded guilty, and he was sentenced by the court to be burnt in the hand in open court, and to be whipped with ten stripes. See U. S. v. Clark (November term, 1825) [Case No. 14,802]. Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Gibert 2 Sumn. 19, Circuit Court, D Massachusetts (October 01, 1834) 1834 Indictment against Pedro Gibert, Bernardo de Soto, Francisco Ruiz, Nicola Costa, Antonio Ferrer, Manuel Boyga, Domingo de Guzman, Juan Antonio Portana, Manuel Castillo, Angel Garcia, Jose Velasquez, Juan Montenegro, otherwise called Jose Basilio de Castro, part of the officers and crew of the Spanish schooner Panda, for robbery on the... Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Lloyd 4 Cranch C.C. 470, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (October 01, 1834) 1834 Indictment [against Richard B. Lloyd] for beating his own slave Henry, cruelly, and exposing him, so beaten, to public view. Verdict guilty, and amerced by the jury $100. Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Lloyd 4 Cranch C.C. 468, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (October 18, 1834) 1834 This was an indictment against Henry Lloyd. Assault and battery. The first count was for a simple assault and battery upon a slave. The second count was for assault (not assault and battery) with intent to kill and murder, a negro slave, Harry. Most Relevant Cases  
Wade v. Boxley 5 Leigh 442, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 01, 1834) 1834 Testator bequeaths slaves to his wife for life, remainder to be equally divided between his seven children and their heirs, to them and their heirs forever; one of testator's children, at time of his death, is a married woman; she dies before the widow legatee for life, leaving a husband and children her surviving: HELD, this daughter took a vested... Most Relevant Cases  
Walker v. Fox 2 Dana 404, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 07, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MADISON COUNTY. The pleadings. Isham R. Fox sued Walker and Tuder, in trespass, for breaking his close, and entering his dwelling, breaking open his outer door, &c. They justified, under a fi, fa. in favor of Walker, against Talton Fox, in Truder's hands as constable, that the slaves, goods and chattels of Talton Fox were... Most Relevant Cases  
White v. Martin 1 Port. 215, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1834) 1834 Error from Greene Circuit Court--Before the Hon. A. CRENSHAW. This action was trover for the recovery of two negroes. In the year 1824, Martin instituted an action of trover against White, for the permanent conversion of sundry negro slaves, among whom was a negro woman slave named Charity. In that action Martin recovered a judgment against White,... Most Relevant Cases  
Young v. Slaughter 2 Dana 384, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 03, 1834) 1834 FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MERCER COUNTY. Facts of the case. The late Colonel Gabriel Slaughter, by his will, emancipated his slave John Young, and declared it to be his further desire and will, that his son John H. Slaughter should furnish John Young with food and raiment during life. He furthermore appointed John H. Slaughter his executor, and... Most Relevant Cases  
Allein v. Negro Sharp 7 G. & J. 96, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1835) 1835 By the act of 1796, ch. 67, sec. 29, a right is given to manumit slaves, of the description therein mentioned, by deed, so that such manumission be not in prejudice of creditors. This act has furnished the standard by which the validity of deeds of manumission is to be tested. The rule is, that they are not available, if made to the prejudice of... Most Relevant Cases  
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