Title | Citation | Year | Summary | Most Relevant | Type | Status |
State v. George |
1 Del.Cas. 161, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Delaware (November 21, 1797) |
1797 |
Indictment. Rape on Elizabeth Clifton by defendant, a negro man, slave of John Tennent. Non culpa. |
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State v. Hudson |
2 Del.Cas. 28, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Delaware (January 01, 1797) |
1797 |
Indictment, assault and battery etc. on Philip Marvel. The defendants entered Marvel's house to execute a writ of homine replegiando to obtain possession of a Negro about to be exported. It appeared that the sheriff's deputy had deputized a person to serve the writ, and the counsel for the prosecution objected that a deputy could not create a... |
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State v. Jarvis |
2 Del.Cas. 232, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Delaware (January 01, 1797) |
1797 |
Indictment. Assault, battery and false imprisonment on Negro, Merritt Steel. |
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State v. Van Waggoner |
6 N.J.L. 374, Supreme Court of Judicature of New Jersey (January 01, 1797) |
1797 |
Indians may be slaves under the laws of New Jersey; what shall be considered as sufficient proof of slavery. This was a habeas corpus, which had issued to bring up the body of Rose, an Indian woman, claimed by the defendant as a slave. Brown, whose affidavit was read, swore that he knew the mother of Rose, who was an Indian woman, and lived with... |
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State v. Wooddell |
1 Del.Cas. 482, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Delaware (December 01, 1797) |
1797 |
Indictment for assault and battery and false imprisonment of Negro Isaac. Ridgely, Attorney General, produced Margaret, a free Negro and grandmother of Isaac, as a witness. |
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Talbird v. Verdier |
1 Des. 592, Court of Chancery of South Carolina (November 01, 1797) |
1797 |
The bill states that the complainant, Elizabeth's father, Thomas Bell, deceased, duly executed his last will, dated 16th August, 1795, and died on the 7th September, 1795. That by the said will he bequeathed to his wife Sarah Bell, a number of negro slaves named therein, and some other personal estate for her widowhood, and afterwards to be divided... |
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Towler v. Buchanan |
1 Call 187, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 01, 1797) |
1797 |
If I give a mortgage on lands to B & co. and then the agent of B & co. and I agree to convey to H on his securing the mort gage money; after which H. gives a deed of trust on sundry slaves for that & other debts to a succeeding agent of B. & co. the 1st mortgage is discharged, though B. & co. never conveyed to H. THIS was an appeal from a decree of... |
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Town of Bolton v. Town of Haddam |
2 Root 517, Superior Court of Connecticut (February 01, 1797) |
1797 |
A manumitted slave for life, is settled in the town to which his master belongs. Action of debt by book, for expenditures in supporting a negro man, claimed by the plaintiffs to belong to the town of Haddam. Issue to the jury. Verdict for the plaintiffs. In this case it was determined that a slave for life was settled with his master; and if... |
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Blount v. Mitchell |
Tay. 131, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (September 01, 1798) |
1798 |
Trespass for entry upon his close, and taking or carrying away a negro man called Robin, the property of the plaintiff. Plea, general issue. The facts were, that Stanly obtained judgment against Blount for £>>>>>>444. A fieri facias issued thereupon, and the sheriff returned levied upon negroes, naming them, one of whom was the negro in... |
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Blount v. Mitchell |
3 N.C. 65, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (September 01, 1798) |
1798 |
TRESPASS for entering upon his close and taking and carrving away a negro named Robin, the property of the plaintiff. The facts were, that Stanley obtained judgment against Blount for £>>>>>>. 444; a fi. fa. issued thereupon, and the sheriff returned, levied upon negroes, naming them, one of whom was the negro in question: Blount then obtained an... |
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Booth v. L'Esperanza |
Bee 92, District Court, D South Carolina (March 01, 1798) |
1798 |
The actors, in this case, owners and mariners of the American schooner Ranger, libel for salvage, L'Esperanza, her crew, and a negro slave on board. The facts on which they ground their claim, and which arise out of the evidence and pleadings, are, that on the 28th of February last, in latitude 27, 36, between the little bank of Bahama, and the... |
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Branch v. Bradley |
3 N.C. 53, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (April 01, 1798) |
1798 |
TRESPASS. The defendants plead a justification under a warrant to arrest the plaintiff's negro; they do not produce the warrant, but prove it by parol. The constable must produce it or he cannot justify under it; the warrant is put in writing, to the end he may produce it when questioned for what he does pursuant to it; and without producing the... |
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Cager v. White |
1 Del.Cas. 181, Court of Common Pleas of Delaware (April 01, 1798) |
1798 |
Petition for freedom. Argument. |
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Chapman v. Turner |
1 Call 280, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 01, 1798) |
1798 |
What shall be called a conditional sale and irredeemable instead of a mortgage. If C gives an instrument of writing to T stating that he had received £ 30 and had put a slave into th' hands of T. as a security; & that if the money was not paid on or before a certain day, T was to have the slave for the £ 30, this is a conditional sale &... |
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Cholett v. Hart |
2 Bay 156, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (December 30, 1798) |
1798 |
TRESPASS, for taking and carrying away sundry negroes, out of plaintiff's possession, for the debt of a third person. Defendant justified under an execution (a fi. fa.) delivered to him, in the suit of the Executors of Benjamin Smith v. Richard Ellis. On the trial of this cause, it appeared from the report of the presiding judge, that a judgment... |
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Clagett v. Speake |
4 H. & McH. 162, General Court of Maryland (May 01, 1798) |
1798 |
THIS was a special action on the case for the non-performance of a parol agreement to take care of, and to return, negro slaves who had been hired by the plaintiff to the defendant. The plaintiff, at the trial, offered in evidence to the jury, that he the plaintiff, with four of his negro slaves, had been at work on a ship in Alexandria, of which... |
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Commonwealth v. Hays |
1 Va.Cas. 122, General Court of Virginia (November 17, 1798) |
1798 |
THE prisoner was indicted at the Dumfries District Court, in October, 1798, for larceny of a slave. There were two counts; the first charged him with having feloniously stolen, taken and carried away, a negro slave named Tom, of the value of 100l. of the property, and of the goods and chattels of John Hunter; from the possession of the said... |
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Cutlar v. Spiller |
3 N.C. 61, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (May 01, 1798) |
1798 |
DEFENDANT had given a bill of sale for negroes, without an attesting witness. Baker, in a very lengthy argument, insisted that the instrument was void for want of attestation. 1792, ch. 6, sec. 3, directs that in all trials at law where a written transfer or conveyance of a slave or slaves, shall be introduced to support the title of either... |
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Dunn v. Bray |
1 Call 338, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 01, 1798) |
1798 |
Delivered the resolution of the Court as follows. The record is lengthy, made so by form, but the question is a short one, being what interest Winter Bray took in the slaves under the will of his father Charles Bray? Before we enter upon the merits we will dispatch two small objections made by the appellees counsel. First, The bill claims partition... |
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Fowler v. Saunders |
Wythe 322, High Court of Chancery of Virginia (March 01, 1798) |
1798 |
The Statute of 1758 for preventing fraudulent gifts of slaves, (that a gift not declared by testament in writing, or deed proved and recorded, should not pass the right to slaves,)upon which Statute, if a gift had been, the plaintiffs relied, did not comprehend and avoid a delivery of slaves in consideration of marriage. This case... |
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Harrison v. Harrison |
1 Call 419, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 01, 1798) |
1798 |
The executors of the mortgagee of slaves and not the heir should bring the bill to foreclose. And if no executors or administrators it should be suggested and the children of the mortgagee should be made parties. The act of limitations runs in equity in favour of an adverse possession. HENRY Harrison eldest son and heir at law of Henry Harrison... |
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Harry v. Lyles |
4 H. & McH. 215, General Court of Maryland (October 01, 1798) |
1798 |
APPEAL from Prince George's county court, dismissing the appellant's petition for freedom. At the trial in the county court the following bills of exceptions were taken: 1. The petitioner offered evidence to the jury to prove, that in 1790 he was brought into the state of Maryland by the defendant, from the commonwealth of Virginia. To rebut this... |
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Ingles v. Donalson |
3 N.C. 57, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (January 01, 1798) |
1798 |
TROVER for a Negro named Cæsar; not guilty, and upon the evidence the case appeared to be thus: That the Negro formerly belonged to Murray, who in the county court of Edgcombe, at November term, in the year 1792, confessed judgment to Garner for the sum of forty pounds or thereabouts, upon which judgment and execution issued, tested 27th... |
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Latham v. Outen |
3 N.C. 66, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (September 01, 1798) |
1798 |
TROVER for a negro. Dawson was the owner; he gave and delivered the negro to his daughter now married to Outen, in 1791, and afterwards swapped him to Lotham for another, and delivered him to Lotham also; then Outen got the possession, and on demand refused to deliver to Lotham. The act of 1784, ch. 10, sec. 7, requires sales of slaves to be in... |
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Lowe v. Gist |
5 H. & J. 106, General Court of Maryland (May 01, 1798) |
1798 |
(a). Lowe vs. Gist, General Court, May term 1798. This case came up on a writ of error to Prince-George's county court, and was an action of replevin, brought by the plaintiff in error, for a negro slave named Charles The defendant pleaded non cepit and property, and issues were joined. At the trial the plaintiff offered in evidence a deed of... |
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Mahoney v. Ashton |
4 H. & McH. 210, General Court of Maryland (October 01, 1798) |
1798 |
THIS was a petition for freedom; the petitioner claiming to be descended from Ann Joice, a free woman. At October term, 1797, the following special verdict was found, to wit: We the jury, impannelled and sworn to try the issue in this case, do upon our oath find, that the petitioner, Charles Mahoney, is the son of Nelly, who was the daughter... |
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2 Del.Cas. 240, Supreme Court of Delaware (May 15, 1798) |
1798 |
Indictment for the murder of Jacob Loadnum, the slave of Joseph David. |
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2 Del.Cas. 238, Supreme Court of Delaware (May 01, 1798) |
1798 |
Indictment. Rescue from a constable. Committed by Chief Justice Bassett for assault on first [count]: Negro Mingo, slave of John Millis, was by said Millis rescued from the custody of John Clark, constable. Second count, for making an affray, commanded John Clark to arrest said Mingo and deliver him to the jailer. Was rescued, etc. This was on... |
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State v. Weaver |
3 N.C. 54, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (January 01, 1798) |
1798 |
INDICTMENT for the murder of a negro man named Lewis, the property of Smith, not guilty pleaded; and the trial now came on. In his charge to the jury.--The nature of the evidence is such as makes it necessary you should have clear ideas respecting the requisites to constitute several denominations of homicide; that is to say, justifiable homicide,... |
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Withrington v. Williams |
3 N.C. 64, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (September 01, 1798) |
1798 |
TROVER for a negro, and not guilty pleaded; whereupon the jury found a special verdict; the counsel on both sides agreeing thereto, and to be bound by the opinion Judge Haywood should deliver thereon, which verdict was to the effect following. That the defendant had the negro and converted him; that she formerly was the widow of one Ferguson, who... |
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Anonymous |
3 N.C. 86, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (March 01, 1799) |
1799 |
DETINUE for a negro slave, proven to have been given and delivered to the plaintiff in the presence of witnesses, and to have been kept and continued in possession of the plaintiff's guardian for several years. Harris objected that there should have been a deed of gift recorded. |
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Boisneuf v. Lewis |
4 H. & McH. 414, General Court of Maryland (October 01, 1799) |
1799 |
APPEAL from Frederick county court, from a judgment rendered in that court in favour of the appellee, on a petition for freedom. The bill of exceptions, taken at the trial, states, that the petitioner, (Pierre Lewis.) claimed his freedom from having been brought into this state from the island of Saint Domingo in the year 1793. The defendant, in... |
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Chapman v. Chapman |
4 Call 430, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 01, 1799) |
1799 |
In 1760, Nathaniel Chapman, a wealthy man, died in Maryland, intestate, whether from accident or design, does not appear, nor is it material, since it does not appear, that he was prevented from making a will by fraud or accident. It is fortunate for his younger children, that on a general view of his slaves and personal estate, none of them were... |
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Collins v. Westbury |
2 Bay 211, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (April 01, 1799) |
1799 |
So cautiously does the law watch over all contracts, that it will not permit any to be binding but such as are made by persons perfectly free, and at full liberty to make or refuse such contracts, and that not only with respect to their persons, but in regard to their goods and chattels also. Contracts to be binding must not be made under any... |
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Corbin v. Waller |
3 N.C. 108, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (October 01, 1799) |
1799 |
The executor, who is one of the defendants, procured an order from the county court of Warren, to sell the slaves of the testator for the purpose of making a division amongst the legatees, there being five negroes and six legatees: the jury have found that this sale was conducted fairly. The executor himself purchassd four of the negroes for less... |
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David v. Porter |
4 H. & McH. 418, General Court of Maryland (October 01, 1799) |
1799 |
CERTIORARI to Frederick county court, whereby the proceedings in that court, on a petition for freedom, were removed to this court. It appears that the petitioner stated his claim to freedom to arise under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania for the abolition of slavery. The testimony taken proves the petitioner to have been the property of one... |
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Dick v. Gibbins |
1 Del.Cas. 222, Court of Common Pleas of Delaware (April 30, 1799) |
1799 |
Petition for freedom. |
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Draper v. Freeny |
1 Del.Cas. 248, Court of Common Pleas of Delaware (November 17, 1799) |
1799 |
Summons, freedom. |
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Eckhols v. Graham |
1 Call 492, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 01, 1799) |
1799 |
Names of slaves taken under execution should be endorled. If plaintiff sues a second execution be fore the property taken under the first is disposed of, he waives the first and destroys the lien on the property taken under the first. GRAHAM and Trigg brought trover against Eckhols in the District Court of New London, for three slaves to wit, a... |
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Hargis v. Vaughan |
1 Del.Cas. 241, Supreme Court of Delaware (October 11, 1799) |
1799 |
This was an action of debt, £100 for exporting a slave without permit. |
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Hazzard v. Walton |
1 Del.Cas. 221, Court of Common Pleas of Delaware (April 30, 1799) |
1799 |
Replevin for a Negro. Property pleaded. |
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Hinde v. Pendleton |
Wythe 354, High Court of Chancery of Virginia (March 01, 1799) |
1799 |
The pltff., known to have a feeling of attachment to certain slaves that were sold at auction, was induced to bid and buy them at an exorbitant price by a by-bidder. One of the defts. suspecting that some would decline bidding in order to favor the pltff., instructed the auctioneer not to let the slaves be sold under a reasonable value. The... |
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Hobdy v. Egerton |
3 N.C. 79, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (March 01, 1799) |
1799 |
THIS action was for the recovery of a male slave; he had been left by the will of their father to the defendants, who were infants; their elder brother brought the negro from South-Carolina and sold him to Hobdy, and then returned to South-Carolina, and lived near the defendants six or seven years after their arrival to full age, and they never... |
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Hynes v. Lewis' Ex'rs |
Tay. 44, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (January 01, 1799) |
1799 |
It is found by the special verdict that in the year 1782, upon the death of Mary Lewis, widow of Charles Lewis, a division was made of the negroes bequeathed by Charles, and that those mentioned in the declaration were allotted to Frances Lewis, then a widow, who immediately took them into possession. That in May, 1790, being so possessed, she... |
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John v. Dawson |
2 Yeates 449, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1799) |
1799 |
One who is not an inhabitant of Westmoreland county before 23d September 1780, brings a slave from Maryland into that county in October 1782, and registers him in December following, the negro is entitled to his freedom. HOMINE replegiando. Plea property. It was admitted on trial, by both parties, that the plaintiff was born a slave in Maryland,... |
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Mahoney v. Ashton |
4 H. & McH. 295, General Court of Maryland (May 01, 1799) |
1799 |
PETITION for freedom, the petitioner claiming to be descended from a free woman named Ann Joice. 1. The petitioner, at the trial of the issue, by his counsel, produced and offered to read in evidence to the jury the deposition of Ann Hurdle, taken by consent on the the 28th of May 1797. But the defendant, by his counsel, objected to the following... |
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Montgomery v. Black |
4 H. & McH. 391, General Court of Maryland (September 01, 1799) |
1799 |
REPLEVIN for a negro slave. The sheriff returned, replevied and delivered, and the defendant summoned. The state of the case was, that James Black, of New Castle county, in the state of Delaware, died in possession of the negro in question. That by his will he appointed four executors, the plaintiffs and George Black, and Wallace, who renounced.... |
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Plato v. Bainbridge |
4 H. & McH. 416, General Court of Maryland (October 01, 1799) |
1799 |
APPEAL from the county court of Frederick, from a judgment in that court, dismissing the petition filed therein for freedom, by the present appellant. A case, embracing the following facts, was submitted to the county court for their opinion, viz. That a certain Peter Bainbridge, a citizen of the United States, was a resident of the state of South... |
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Smith v. Weaver |
3 N.C. 108, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (October 01, 1799) |
1799 |
If an action of trespass be brought for killing a negro slave, pending an indictment for the same fact, and the indictment be first tried and the defendant acquitted of the felony, that proves the trespass never was merged; and the plaintiff may proceed to try his action, notwithstanding the objection that trespass cannot be commenced till after a... |
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State v. Hall |
Tay. 126, Superior Courts of Law and Equity of North Carolina (May 01, 1799) |
1799 |
There is no rule of the common law, which expressly decides that the stealing of a slave is larceny; but there is a rule which declares that the stealing of the personal chattels of another, with a felonious intent, is larceny; and a slave is the personal chattel of his owner. This rule consequntley extends its protection to every species of... |
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