TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Alexander v. Deneale 2 Munf. 341, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (September 28, 1811) 1811 The court, being of opinion that the instruction of the judge of the district court conforms, in substance, to the settled rule that an absolute deed of slaves, or other personal property, the possession of which remains with the vendor, is fraudulent, per se, as to creditors, approves of that instruction, and affirms the judgment. Most Relevant Cases  
Beauregard v. Piernas 1 Mart.(o.s.) 281, Superior Court of the Territory of Orleans (April 01, 1811) 1811 This was an action brought to recover, out of the property of the wife, (the husband having become insolvent) the price of a slave, sold by the testator to the husband, by a notarial act of sale, to which the wife became a party, as a surety, and as such, in conjunction with her husband, hypothecated her property, present and to come. Upon the... Most Relevant Cases  
Brown v. Davis 2 Brev. 468, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 05, 1811) 1811 The submission was concerning some property in dispute, formerly the property of W. B., deceased. The award was, that the defendant give up to the plaintiff the two young negroes, Bill and Hannah, of the estate of W. B., deceased. On demurrer to plaintiff's replication setting forth the award, it was adjudged good. The submission being general,... Most Relevant Cases  
Cogdell's Ex'rs v. Cogdell's Heirs 3 Des. 346, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (August 01, 1811) 1811 THE bill states that the Testator made and duly executed his last will and testament on 16th May, 1805, by which he devised his house and lot, No. 91, and in which he resided, to his wife, for life; she keeping it in repair. He also bequeathed to his wife his pew in church, his carriage, horses, cows and seven negroes by name; also his household... Most Relevant Cases  
Com. v. Blaine 4 Binn. 186, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1811) 1811 The registry of a negro child under the fourth section of the act of 29th March 1788, may be explained by parol evidence, if it contains a mistake apparent upon the face of it. Entry on the 26th June 1807, of the name, &c. of a negro child born on the 2d January 1808. Registry not void, but parol evidence admitted to shew that the child was born on... Most Relevant Cases  
Commonwealth v. Chapple 1 Va.Cas. 184, General Court of Virginia (June 13, 1811) 1811 THE prisoner was indicted at the Circuit Court of Henrico, in April, 1811, for the malicious stabbing of a slave. She was found guilty by the jury, and she moved to arrest the judgment on the ground that the person charged in the indictment as stabbed is a slave, as appears by the said indictment. The matter of law arising on this... Most Relevant Cases  
Cornwell v. Truss 2 Munf. 195, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 01, 1811) 1811 The Court reversed the judgment, and remanded the cause to the superior court of Nansemond county, for a writ of inquiry to be awarded, to ascertain the separate prices of the slaves; and thereupon for judgment to be entered in favour of Truss, the original plaintiff, for the said slaves, or their respective prices, and the costs. Most Relevant Cases  
Croft v. Arthur 3 Des. 223, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (February 01, 1811) 1811 ON the trial of this case a question was made as to the admissibility of Mr. Benjamin Harvey as a witness in this cause; and his testimony was taken subject to the opinion of the Court upon his competency. The objection is, that as Mr. Harvey had accepted a bill of sale of some of the negroes in question, which is expressed to be for valuable... Most Relevant Cases  
Cudworth v. Thompson 3 Des. 256, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (February 01, 1811) 1811 THE late Mrs. E. Player, made her last will and testament on the 9th of February, 1801, wherein amongst other things she bequeathed as follows: With respect to the remainder of my negro slaves, I hereby give and bequeath them to my nephews, William and Thomas Hall, their heirs and assigns forever; but in case both my nephews shall die... Most Relevant Cases  
Dunnington's Ex'r v. Dunnington's Adm'r 3 H. & J. 279, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1811) 1811 In replevin by W's executor against E's administrator, for a negro boy, the defendant, for the purpose of proving a gift of the negro boy, by W to J, whose administratrix E was in her life-time, offered in evidence K, the wife of B, which K was the daughter and one of the representatives of J and of E, and to restore her competeney, gave in... Most Relevant Cases  
Ex parte Lawton 3 Des. 199, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (January 01, 1811) 1811 THE late Mr. Winborn Lawton died intestate, leaving a widow, Mary Lawton, and three children, Mrs. Beulah Hughes, Winborn Lawton and William Lawton. At the time of the intestate's death he was seized and possessed of several tracts of land, a house and lot in town, and of 45 negroes, and some other personal property. Before his death the intestate... Most Relevant Cases  
Frazier v. Spear 2 Bibb 385, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 01, 1811) 1811 THIS was an action of trover in the Fayette Circuit Court, by Spear against Frazier, for a negro man named Daniel. The facts were agreed; by which it appears that Daniel, the negro man mentioned in the declaration, was descended of a negro woman slave named Phbe, devised by John Spear (father to the defendant) to his wife _ Spear, for her life,... Most Relevant Cases  
Hart v. Calloway 2 Bibb 460, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 01, 1811) 1811 THIS was an action of detinue for a negro. The defendant pleaded non detinet. On the trial after the evidence on both sides was gone through, the defendant tendered a demurrer to the evidence, stating as well that which had been given upon his part, as that which had been produced by the plaintiff. The plaintiff objected to joining in the demurrer,... Most Relevant Cases  
Hart v. Cleis 8 Johns. 41, Supreme Court of New York (January 01, 1811) 1811 In an action qui tam, on the 6th section of the act concerning slaves, (24th sess. c. 188,) it was held, that the exception in the clause was matter of excuse to the defendant, and need not be negatived by the plaintiff in his declaration. . That part of the sixth section of this act, which declares that the slave exported or attempted to be... Most Relevant Cases  
Holladay v. Littlepage 2 Munf. 539, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 05, 1811) 1811 1. In detinue, if a negro woman, by name, and her issue (without naming them) be demanded in the declaration, and the jury find the names of the issue, the defect (if any) is cured, and judgment should be entered according to the verdict. See Royall v. Eppes, 16 Va. 479. pl. 7. 2. The failing to lay a separate value, as to each slave... Most Relevant Cases  
Hook v. Pagee 2 Munf. 379, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 22, 1811) 1811 In a suit for freedom, if it appear to the jury, from inspection, that the plaintiff is a white person, they ought to find a verdict in his favour; unless it be proved, on the other side, that he descended in the maternal line from a slave. IN a suit for freedom, the jury returned a verdict in the following words: We of the jury find that... Most Relevant Cases  
Ketletas v. Fleet 7 Johns. 324, Supreme Court of New York (January 01, 1811) 1811 The owner of a slave gave a written promise to manumit such slave, in eight years, on condition of his faithful service during that period; this was held to be a conditional manumission, obligatory on the master, and of which the slave might avail himself, on the performance of the condition. After giving such a written covenant, which was... Most Relevant Cases  
Long v. Long's Ex'r 2 Mur. 19, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1811) 1811 The clause of the will under which the petitioners claim the increase of the negroes in question is a little doubtful as to its meaning. The testator speaks of all his negroes, together with their future increase, which came by his dear departed Rebecca, their mother. It appears to the Court, that it was the intention of the testator, by this... Most Relevant Cases  
McCalla v. Bullock 2 Bibb 288, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 01, 1811) 1811 THIS was an action of detinue for a negro boy: a verdict being found for the defendant on the general issue, the plaintiffs applied to the Court for a new trial, but their application being refused, they took an exception, in which they spread the whole evidence upon the record, and have now brought the question before this Court by a writ of... Most Relevant Cases  
McCargo v. Callicott 2 Munf. 501, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (February 03, 1811) 1811 When a widow marries again, the slaves which she held for the term of herlife, as part of the estate of her first husband, belong to her second husband, and his representatives, until her death. THE question debated in this case was, whether a widow, holding slaves in right of dower, and marrying again, thereby vests them in her second husband, so... Most Relevant Cases  
McIlvoy v. Kennedy 2 Bibb 380, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 01, 1811) 1811 SAMUEL KENNEDY, the appellee, commenced his action of detinue against the appellant for a negro girl, claiming her under a purchase from Charles Ford. The appellant, who was the defendant in the Court below, relied on his purchase subsequently made under an execution in his favor against the estate of the said Ford, and upon establishing the sale... Most Relevant Cases  
Meunier v. Couet 2 Mart.(o.s.) 56, Superior Court of the Territory of Orleans (October 01, 1811) 1811 This suit was brought to recover a negro slave, in the possession of the defendant. The answer stated the possession of the defendant during six years, with the plaintiff's knowledge. It began by the usual manner of reserving of all and every manner of advantage, &c. and did not deny the plaintiff's title. Most Relevant Cases  
Murray v. McCarty 2 Munf. 393, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 17, 1811) 1811 1. The proviso in the 4th section of the act of 1792, concerning importation of slaves from other states of the union, did not authorize such importation by citizens of this commonwealth, returning thereto, after a temporary residence elsewhere, without having made a permanent settlement in, or become citizens of, the state from which the slaves... Most Relevant Cases  
Ned v. Beal 2 Bibb 298, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 01, 1811) 1811 ISAAC COX died possessed of sundry slaves, having previously made his will, by which, among other things, he devised his slaves to his wife, to serve in the following manner, and to be free at the following periods, to-wit: Easter, on the 1st day of May, in the year of our Lord, 1793; Jude, to be free in the year 1804; and Dinah, to be free in the... Most Relevant Cases  
Quarles' Ex'r v. Quarles 2 Munf. 321, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (October 03, 1811) 1811 That there is no error in the decree of the court of chancery, as far as it affirms the decree of the county court giving to the appellees the profits of the slaves devised to them, from the death of the testator; but that there is error in both decrees in this, that interest is not allowed the appellees on the amount of profits admitted to... Most Relevant Cases  
Quimby v. Wroth 3 H. & J. 249, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 01, 1811) 1811 In replevin for a negro, where the act of limitations was relied on, the plaintiff, in order to prevent the operation of that act, proved by a witness that the defendant, after the institution of the suit, said that if the negro did not belong to him, he did not want him, and no property he had was his, and that no law suit was necessary. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Read v. Bailey 2 Mart.(o.s.) 60, Superior Court of the Territory of Orleans (October 01, 1811) 1811 This was an action brought to recover the price of a negro, sold by the defendant for the plaintiff. By one of the interrogatories, the defendant was required to recognize the copy of a letter, by which he had informed the plaintiff that he had sold the negro on a credit, and promised to remit the price, as soon as it came to his hands. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Shober v. Robinson 2 Mur. 33, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1811) 1811 A covenant to warrant and defend the negro Peter to be a slave, is a covenant only against a superior title. It does not bind the warrantor, on receiving notice from the warrantee that a suit is brought to ascertain whether Peter be free, to come forward and make defence and put a stop to the eviction. He is bound to make defence... Most Relevant Cases  
Speaks v. Adam 2 Bibb 305, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 01, 1811) 1811 The act of Virginia against importation of slaves did not require the oath prescribed, of persons claiming slaves in another State by marriage or descent. THIS is a suit by persons of color for their freedom. By an act of the Virginia legislature, passed in 1778, for preventing the further importation of slaves, into that Commonwealth, it is... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Hope 2 Brev. 463, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 19, 1811) 1811 A man who was swindled out of the possession of a slave which he had, as an agent, to sell for another, was deemed by three judges to two, to be an incompetent witness, on an indictment against the swindler for stealing the slave, in order to prove that a bill of sale purporting to be signed by the owner of the slave, and transferring the property... Most Relevant Cases  
Stratton v. Minnis 2 Munf. 329, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 24, 1811) 1811 In detinue for slaves, parol evidence to prove that a deed was executed for the purpose of defrauding creditors, and therefore void, is admissible upon the plea of non detinet and issue. IN an action of detinue, (plea non detinet and issue,) the plaintiff, on the trial, claimed the slave Tom, the subject of controversy, under a bill of sale from... Most Relevant Cases  
Susan v. Wells 3 Brev. 11, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (December 01, 1811) 1811 Where the plaintiff's own witness proves the disqualification of the party to sue, although the evidence may not be pertinent to the issue, the court is bound to notice it. [See Ennas v. Franklin, 2 vol. 398, and Love v. Hadden, 5 S.C.L. 1.] A slave cannot maintain an action, unless to obtain his freedom, and then he must sue by guardian. Most Relevant Cases  
Thompson v. Carbery 2 Cranch C.C. 39, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (December 01, 1811) 1811 This was a motion for a new trial in an action of replevin, for a female slave, in which there was a verdict for the defendant for 425 dollars damages. Most Relevant Cases  
U.S. v. Thomas 2 Cranch C.C. 36, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (December 01, 1811) 1811 Indictment for selling negro Flora as a slave for life, who was entitled to freedom at a certain age. To support the prosecution the United States produced in evidence a mortgage from the defendant, Thomas, to a trustee for the security of Edgar Patterson, including, among other property, three negroes; one of whom, Flora, was entitled to freedom... Most Relevant Cases  
Williams v. Jones 2 Mur. 54, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1811) 1811 A. gave his bond for the hire of a slave for one year. By the terms of the hiring he was not to employ the slave on water. He, however, did employ the slave on water, and the slave was drowned. He was sued for this breach of the terms of hiring, and the value of the slave recovered against him. In an action on his bond for the hire, judgment given... Most Relevant Cases  
Williamson v. Ledbetter 2 Munf. 521, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 01, 1811) 1811 A testator lent to his granddaughter, A. S. P., a negro woman, and one bed and furniture, for her, her heirs, executors and administrators forever, but if she should die without lawful heir of her body, then to return to his son, and his heirs forever. This limitation over was adjudged to be upon an indefinite failure of issue, and... Most Relevant Cases  
Yoder v. Allen 2 Bibb 338, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 01, 1811) 1811 In covenant, to deliver on a day certain two negroes to be likely and between certain ages, the value of such negroes when they should have been delivered, and not the consideration paid by the obligee, is the measure of damages. YODER, as the security of others, jointly with them covenanted to furnish Allen, by a given day, with two healthy,... Most Relevant Cases  
Appleton v. Harwell 3 Tenn. 242, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (August 01, 1812) 1812 In this case it appears from the pleadings and finding of a jury on the issues of fact, that Mrs. Ballard was possessed of a negro man named Robin; that she employed the defendant Harwell to hire him out; that he did hire him to the complainant for one year at the price of forty-seven dollars, for which sum a bill single was executed; that on... Most Relevant Cases  
Barry v. Alsbury Litt.Sel.Cas. 149, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (July 06, 1812) 1812 FROM THE CHRISTIAN CIRCUIT COURT. On the 6th of January 1809, Barry, by his obligation to Alsbury, promised to pay, against the first day of January next thereafter, twenty-eight dollars, for the hire of a negro woman and to return said negro on the said first day of January. To recover the twenty-eight dollars, Alsbury brought an action of debt,... Most Relevant Cases  
Bateman v. Bateman 2 Mur. 97, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1812) 1812 Construction of the acts of 1784, ch. 10, and 1792, ch. 6, relative to the sale of slaves. The object of these acts was to protect creditors and purchasers. The first required all sales of slaves to be in writing: the second declared valid all sales of slaves where possession accompanied the sale. Neither of these acts apply to a case where the... Most Relevant Cases  
Beauchamp v. Mudd 2 Bibb 537, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 01, 1812) 1812 THIS was an action of detinue for a negro, brought by the plaintiff as administrator. The defendant pleaded the statute of limitations, and the plaintiff replied that previous to the defendant's removing the negro in the declaration mentioned, from the State of Maryland to the State of Kentucky, John Mudd, the plaintiff's intestate, had departed... Most Relevant Cases  
Bell v. Blaney 2 Mur. 171, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1812) 1812 A. not being indebted, conveyed all his property to his children, who were infants and lived with him?? The conveyance was attested by three persons, not related to the parties, and proved and recorded within ninety days after its execution. A. remained in possession of the property from 1796, to his death, free from debt, and his children... Most Relevant Cases  
Bynum v. Bostick 4 Des. 266, Court of Appeals of Equity of South Carolina (June 01, 1812) 1812 Slaves cannot take property by descent or purchase. A bequest of a slave to a trustee, with directions to liberate, is an attempt to evade the provisions of the statute, which prescribes a precise form and process of emancipation, and is void. A legacy to a slave, failing from incapacity to take, sinks into the residuum of the estate, and is... Most Relevant Cases  
Cotton v. Haskins Litt.Sel.Cas. 151, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (July 07, 1812) 1812 This is an action for the trover and conversion of a slave brought by Haskins against Cotton, in the Woodford circuit court. On the trial of the cause, Haskins produced Edward Ball as a witness, to prove that William Meadows, who had procured a bill of sale for said slave from him, Haskins, and sold the same to Cotton, had made declarations... Most Relevant Cases  
Dale v. Arnold 2 Bibb 605, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 01, 1812) 1812 THIS was an action of detinue for a slave. On the trial it appeared that on the 9th of July, 1810, Henry Harrison executed to the plaintiff, an absolute bill of sale for the slave in question, which on the 2d of February, 1811, was acknowledged and recorded. The slave remained in the possession of the vendor, until the 6th of October, 1810, when he... Most Relevant Cases  
Delahaye v. Pellerin 2 Mart.(o.s.) 142, Superior Court of the Territory of Orleans (April 01, 1812) 1812 The plaintiff had heretofore brought a suit, in the Parish Court, against the defendant, for the recovery of a negro slave, and damages for the detention, and obtained a judgment for the restoration of the slave; nothing being said as to the damages. The object of the present suit, was to recover damages, the slave being restored. The court held... Most Relevant Cases  
Ducournau v. Morphy 2 Mart.(o.s.) 297, Superior Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1812) 1812 This action is brought to rescind the sale made of a slave, on account of certain redhibitory defects. The petition charges generally, that the slave, at the time of the sale, possessed physical and moral vices; but designates two or three only. It is moved to amend the petition, by further alleging that the slave was, at and before the sale, an... Most Relevant Cases  
Flotte v. Aubert 2 Mart.(o.s.) 329, Superior Court of Louisiana (October 01, 1812) 1812 This suit was brought, in order to recover a slave in the possession of the defendant, Aubert, who had been purchased by Aubert of Martineau, which latter had been cited to defend the title to the property. Most Relevant Cases  
Gay v. Moseley 2 Munf. 543, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 16, 1812) 1812 1. A slave lent either before or after the act to prevent frauds and perjuries, having remained since the commencement of that act, more than five years in the loanee's possession, without any demand made on the part of the lender, must be considered the absolute property of the person so remaining in possession, as to creditors of, and purchasers... Most Relevant Cases  
Glen v. Hodges 9 Johns. 67, Supreme Court of New York (January 01, 1812) 1812 A. the owner of a slave, in this state, went into the state of Vermont, to reclaim his slave, who had run away from the service of his master, and resided there as a freeman. A. having taken the slave, while he was in his possession, B. took out an attachment against the slave, for a debt, on which the slave was arrested by an officer, and forcibly... Most Relevant Cases  
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