TitleCitationYearSummaryMost RelevantTypeStatus
Negro Hannah v. Sparkes 4 H. & J. 310, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 01, 1818) 1818 J J, being the owner of a female slave named H, and his daughter and her husband then living in his family, and having an infant daughter named Anna, then in the cradle, which H, then a girt of seven years of age, was rocking, calling H to him, and putting his hand on her, said that he requested the persons then present to take notice that he then... Most Relevant Cases  
Ogle v. Ship 1 A.K.Marsh. 287, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 07, 1818) 1818 ON AN APPEAL FROM A DECREE OF THE BOURBON CIRCUIT COURT. On the 22d of January, 1812, Ship, the appellee, executed a bill of sale to John Smeltzer for a negro woman, in consideration of $150 to him then paid, and of the further sum of $150 to be paid within six months, defeasible however, upon the condition of Ship's refunding the sum advanced... Most Relevant Cases  
Overseers of Poor of Town of Claverack v. Overseers of Poor of City of Hudson 15 Johns. 283, Supreme Court of New York (January 01, 1818) 1818 A., the owner of an infirm slave, executed a bill of sale of the slave to B., a person who was unable to maintain her, at the same time paying him 40 dollars to take her off his hands. B. then sold the slave, and, after several sales, she finally came into the hands of C., who lived out of the state. The sales were all fair and bona fide. A.... Most Relevant Cases  
Peggy v. Legg 6 Munf. 229, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (November 25, 1818) 1818 1. A testator, in the year 1790 bequeathed his slaves severally to his children, with a proviso, that none of them be sold out of the families to whom devised; that, if offered for sale by any of them, out of the family of his wife, his daughter and sons, they be immediately liberated. A son of the testator to whom a female slave was... Most Relevant Cases  
Prather v. Norflet 1 A.K.Marsh. 178, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 10, 1818) 1818 ON A WRIT OF ERROR TO REVERSE A DECREE OF THE PULASKI CIRCUIT COURT. Prather obtained from Norflet a bill of sale for a negro, and at the same time executed a writing to Norflet, that if the negro were living, he would re-deliver him, upon Norflet's repaying him a given sum by a certain day, and agreeing if the negro should die, to sustain the... Most Relevant Cases  
Prince v. Bearden 1 A.K.Marsh. 169, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 09, 1818) 1818 ON A WRIT OF ERROR TO REVERSE A DECISION OF THE CALDWELL CIRCUIT COURT. On the 25th of March, 1812, Bearden, in consideration of $300, executed his bill of sale to Prince for a negro woman, upon condition that if Bearden repaid that sum on or before the 1st of September then ensuing, the sale should be void; it being therein declared as the... Most Relevant Cases The case or administrative decision has some negative history, but has not been reversed or overruled.
Ratcliff v. Vance 2 Mill Const. 239, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1818) 1818 The motion for a nonsuit in this case, I think, ought not to be granted. The first ground is, that the defendant had a lien on the negroes, and was, therefore, justified in retaining them, until his demand was satisfied. The right to retain, as a general rule, in such a case, is very clear; but, if his full demand be tendered to the holder, and he... Most Relevant Cases  
Ronald v. Barkley 1 Brock 356, Circuit Court, D Virginia (November 01, 1818) 1818 In November, 1799, Anne Barkley obtained a judgment in this court, against Elizabeth and Anne Ronald, infant heirs of _____ Ronald, for the sum of $3,011.50, with interest, at the rate of five per cent., from the 20th of June, 1791, till paid. On this judgment, a writ of elegit was issued, which was levied on land and negroes, in the counties of... Most Relevant Cases  
Russel v. Lanier 5 Tenn. 289, Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee (March 01, 1818) 1818 The bill was for an injunction, which was granted. The defendant demurred, and the demurrer now came on to be argued. The bill stated that Claxton was possessed of certain negroes, and, being indebted to divers persons, conveyed them to Isaac Lanier, reserving to himself an estate for life. The negroes remained in possession of Claxton for many... Most Relevant Cases  
Sarah v. Taylor 2 Cranch C.C. 155, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1818) 1818 This was a suit for freedom [by negress Sarah against Elijah Taylor], and a verdict for the plaintiff was taken subject to the opinion of the court upon the following facts: On the 8th January, 1789, a negro slave called Tamah was sold by Alexander Smith, her then master, to one Thomas Taylor, in the manner and upon terms and conditions mentioned... Most Relevant Cases  
Shadburn v. Jinnings 1 A.K.Marsh. 179, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 10, 1818) 1818 This was an action of detinue, brought by the appellee in the court below, to recover from the appellant a negro woman and her child. The appellee asserted her right under a gift from her father, James Jinnings; but the appellant claiming under a certain William Gibson, introduced, on the trial in the court below, the record of a judgment in favor... Most Relevant Cases  
Slacum v. Smith 2 Cranch C.C. 149, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (December 09, 1818) 1818 Indebitatus assumpsit [by Jane H. Slacum against Amos Smith] for the hire of a slave. At the trial, it was contended on the part of the defendant, that the slave had forfeited his wages by his misconduct at Lisbon, and by absenting himself. The jury found a special verdict, which was submitted to the court without argument. The special verdict... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Aaron 4 N.J.L. 231, Supreme Court of Judicature of New Jersey (September 01, 1818) 1818 1. Indictment for murder. 2. Tales awarded. 3. Postponement of trial, after part of jury sworn. 4. Confessions of boy under twelve years old. 5. Competency of master of black born under law for gradual abolition of slavery, as witness. The defendant was indicted in the court of oyer and terminer of Monmouth, in October, 1817, for the murder of... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Jones 1 Del.Cas. 546, Court of Common Pleas of Delaware (April 01, 1818) 1818 Indictment for kidnapping a free Negro. The Negro was offered as a witness, and Mr. Wells, for the Attorney General, to prove the Negro's freedom, exhibited a record of the Court of Common Pleas, by which it appeared that he had on filing his petition against his pretended master been adjudged a free Negro; but it appearing from the same record... Most Relevant Cases  
State v. Riggin 1 Del.Cas. 547, Court of Common Pleas of Delaware (April 01, 1818) 1818 Indictment for an assault and battery with an intent to kidnap a free Negro. To establish the freedom of the Negro, the Attorney General offered in evidence a book from the Recorder's office, containing a copy of a manumission by one Vinson of the Negro's mother. The counsel for the prisoner objected that it ought not to be read to the jury until... Most Relevant Cases  
Teague v. Maxwell 1 Nott & McC. 200, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1818) 1818 In an action of trover for a negro woman, the value of a child born pendente lite, cannot be recovered, but must be the subject of another action. Most Relevant Cases  
Thomas v. Bowdry 1 A.K.Marsh. 241, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 10, 1818) 1818 The appellees exhibited their bill to recover from the appellant one-half of certain negroes, and some personal property, on the following case, which the court below sustained and decreed accordingly: The appellant, and the wife of Bowdry, were two of the legatees of William Thomas, to whom, among others, an equal interest in certain property was... Most Relevant Cases  
Timberlake v. Graves 6 Munf. 174, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 11, 1818) 1818 1 A testatrix bequeathed certain slaves and their increase to her nephew J. A. to him and his heirs forever; but, in case he should die without heir, then and in that case, to be equally divided between her two nieces. M. A. and P. A. This was adjudged a good limitation over, upon J. A's. dying with out issue at the time of his death to M.... Most Relevant Cases  
Vauters v. Elders 2 Mill Const. 184, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1818) 1818 It is proper to remark that the first ground was taken on the trial below, and was there contended to be immaterial whether the plaintiff came to the possession of the negroes by the delivery of the defendant, or by purchase at sheriff's sale: That the latter mode of coming at the possession of the negroes, would operate in law as a virtual... Most Relevant Cases  
Waples v. Aydelot 2 Del.Cas. 385, Court of Chancery of Delaware (March 11, 1818) 1818 This case was kept under consideration till July, 1818, when the Chancellor delivered the following opinion. The testator, Wilson Rider, bequeathed the Negroes to his wife, Charity, for life, and after her death (Negro Jacob excepted) to George Rider's children, and to his daughter, Sarah Stone, and his daughter, Mary Moore. Charles Rider, the... Most Relevant Cases  
Washington v. Wilson 2 Cranch C.C. 153, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1818) 1818 This was an action upon the case for the value of a slave of the plaintiff [Thomas L. Washington], carried away as a seaman by the defendant [William Wilson], and lost. Most Relevant Cases  
Watson v. Hall 2 Cranch C.C. 154, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1818) 1818 Case, for enticing away slaves Harry and Pris. The plaintiff was trustee of Thomas G. Slye's effects under the insolvent act of the District of Columbia. Most Relevant Cases  
Whitmore v. Rumple 2 Mill Const. 120, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1818) 1818 1st. It is true that the fee bill, as it is usually termed, or, in other words, the act of February, 1791, (1 Brev. Dig. 344. 1 Faust, 12,) allows only 8d for dieting negroes or other slaves; but the act of 1808, provides, that for each negro confined and dieted in any gaol of this State, 25 cents per diem shall be allowed to the sheriff who shall... Most Relevant Cases  
William & Mary College v. Hodgson 6 Munf. 163, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 02, 1818) 1818 1. A testator devised to the President and Professors of a College, and their successors in office forever, 500 bushels of Corn to be paid them annually on the 25th of December, for the establishment and support of a free school; directing that 1000 acres, part of a certain tract of land, to be laid off by metes and bounds within twelve... Most Relevant Cases  
Wilson v. George 2 Del.Cas. 413, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Delaware (June 15, 1818) 1818 This is an appeal from the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas for New Castle County. This was a petition presented to the Court at May Term, 1816, explaining that Edward Wilson held and detained the petitioner as a slave under a pretense that he, the petitioner, was the property of and belonged to the estate of a certain Thomas Rothwell,... Most Relevant Cases  
Wilson v. George 1 Del.Cas. 632, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Delaware (June 01, 1818) 1818 Defendant had filed his petition in the Common Pleas suggesting that, although a freeman, he was held in servitude by Wilson and praying relief under 1 Del.Laws 381, c. 170. The Court of Common Pleas, after hearing the proofs and allegations of the parties, adjudged Negro George free and at liberty and entitled to all the benefits and advantages... Most Relevant Cases  
Witsell v. Earnest 1 Nott & McC. 182, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1818) 1818 A person not clothed with the authority of the law, to apprehend a negro slave as a felon, cannot lawfully kill such slave while flying from him. And the owner may recover compensation for such injury. Most Relevant Cases  
Worthington v. Kennedy 1 A.K.Marsh. 163, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 08, 1818) 1818 ON APPEAL FROM A JUDGMENT OF THE MERCER CIRCUIT COURT. This action was brought by the appellants in the court below to recover from the appellee a number of slaves. The trial was had upon the general issue, and after the evidence was gone through, the court on the motion of the appellee's counsel, instructed the jury to find as in case of a... Most Relevant Cases  
Wright v. Lowe's Ex'rs 2 Mur. 354, Supreme Court of North Carolina (July 01, 1818) 1818 A devise of slaves to executors in trust to liberate is void, and the next of kin are entitled. The purchasers of distributive shares for a valuable consideration, may proceed against the executors, under the act of 1762, by a petition in their own names for an account. The deeds to the purchasers containing an acknowledgment of having received a... Most Relevant Cases  
Zanico v. Habine 5 Mart.(o.s.) 372, Supreme Court of Louisiana (March 01, 1818) 1818 Appeal from the court of the first district. The plaintiff, as executrix to her late husband, caused the property of his estate to be sold at public auction, under the authority and directions of the court of probates, when the defendant, through an agent, bid for a negro man, who was adjudged her, and immediately delivered to her said agent, who... Most Relevant Cases  
Alston's Ex'rs ads. Bowers 1 Nott & McC. 458, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1819) 1819 Giving a copy of a writ to one of the defendant's negro servants in the piazza of his dwelling house, is a leaving of it at some obvious part of the house, and a good service within the Act of 1736-7. Most Relevant Cases  
Andry v. Foy 6 Mart.(o.s.) 689, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 01, 1819) 1819 Appeal from the court of the parish and city of New-Orleans. [For subsequent opinion, see 7 Mart. (O. S.) 33.] The plaintiffs bought from the defendant nine slaves, for $10,500, payable in their note at one year. Six of them having successively ran away, they brought the present suit for the rescission of the sale, alleging that the slaves were... Most Relevant Cases  
Barrow v. Pender 3 Mur. 483, Supreme Court of North Carolina (May 01, 1819) 1819 Upon the marriage of his daughter in 1805, her father put into her possession a slave. In 1807, he purchased a tract of land for his son in law and family to reside on, (the son in law having become nearly insolvent,) and sold the slave to pay for the land. The son in law died, and in 1809 the father sold the land. His daughter complained: he... Most Relevant Cases  
Bell v. Beeman 3 Mur. 273, Supreme Court of North Carolina (May 01, 1819) 1819 The Defendant Beeman claims the protection of the Court of Equity, because he says that he is the purchaser of the slave in question, bona fide, for a valuable consideration, and without notice of the Complainant's title; and that he has had the continued possession thereof for upwards of nine years; and these facts are found by the Jury. A... Most Relevant Cases  
Breckenridge v. Duncan 2 A.K.Marsh. 50, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 19, 1819) 1819 In the will of Duncan, the testator, among other clauses are the three following, viz: 1st. To my daughter, Polly Breckenridge, I give the negroes, and all the other property that I have put into her possession. 2d. To my daughter, Eleanor Breckenridge, I give the negroes, and all the property I have put into her possession. 3d. To my daughter... Most Relevant Cases  
Burdit's Ex'rs v. Burdit 2 A.K.Marsh. 143, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 11, 1819) 1819 This was an action of covenant, upon a deed of bargain and sale of slaves, containing a covenant warranting their soundess, and purporting to be executed in consideration of a sum of money therein mentioned, to be paid to the defendants by the plaintiffs' testator. The breach of the covenant is alleged in the unsoundness of one of the slaves. The... Most Relevant Cases  
Carstarphen v. Graves 1 A.K.Marsh. 435, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 09, 1819) 1819 ON AN APPEAL FROM A JUDGMENT OF THE FRANKLIN CIRCUIT COURT. This action was brought in the court below by Graves, to recover damages for the sale, to him, by Carstarphen, of an unsound negro. Graves having obtained a verdict and judgment in that court, Carstarphen has brought the cause here by an appeal. Various errors are assigned; but we have... Most Relevant Cases  
Com. v. Greason Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 01, 1819) 1819 Negro Bell was registered by William Greason, on his oath as being born of his negro slave named Hannah, on the 9th March 1796. The oath was taken before William Lyon, deputyclerk of the peace of the county of Cumberland, and the only question is, whether the deputy-clerk had power to administer the oath. In all other respects the registry is... Most Relevant Cases  
Davis v. Brooks 3 Mur. 133, Supreme Court of North Carolina (May 01, 1819) 1819 The act of 1806 was made to put an end to litigation, perjury, and the difficulty of investigating ancient transactions, of which parol gifts of slaves had been so peculiarly prolific. With this view, the sixth clause requires that such gifts shall be in writing, signed by the donor, attested by at least one credible witness, and proved or... Most Relevant Cases  
DUTIES OF COLLECTORS CONCERNING THE SLAVE-TRADE. 1 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 312 (October 08, 1819) 1819   Most Relevant Administrative Decisions & Guidance  
Eastin v. Bell 1 A.K.Marsh. 617, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 11, 1819) 1819 Vide, pa. 341. This was an action of detinue, brought by the Bells in the circuit court to recover from Eastin the possession of a family of slaves. On the trial in that court a verdict was found for the Bells; and after the motion of Eastin, for a new trial, was overruled, judgment was rendered against him in conformity to the verdict. From that... Most Relevant Cases  
Edens v. Williams' Ex'r 3 Mur. 27, Supreme Court of North Carolina (May 01, 1819) 1819 A. being seised of a tract of land, and possessed of five slaves, made his will, and therein lent to his wife, during her life, his land and three of his slaves, with his household furniture and stock. He then directed that if his wife should be ensient with child, such child should be raised and educated by his wife, out of the income of the... Most Relevant Cases  
Ellis v. Baird 6 Munf. 456, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 17, 1819) 1819 The Decree in this case is affirmed; but, (in the opinion of a majority of the Court,) without prejudice to any suit at law or in equity, which the appellant may be advised to bring for his freedom, pursuing the preliminary measures, to prevent vexatious suits, prescribed by the Act, to amend an Act, entitled, an Act to reduce into... Most Relevant Cases  
Ellison v. Woody 6 Munf. 368, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 09, 1819) 1819 1. If a testator bequeath a female slave to his wife for life, and, then, absolutely, to one of his sons; saying nothing expressly or by evident implication of her increase; such increase, born after the death of the testator, and during the life of the widow, do not pass by a general residuary clause to all the children, but belong to the... Most Relevant Cases  
Elsworth v. Buckmyer 1 Nott & McC. 431, Constitutional Court of Appeals of South Carolina (January 01, 1819) 1819 Where words in a will are susceptible of reference to two objects, viz a freehold in the lands, or rents which had previously accrued, parol evidence may be admitted to show to which they apply. Most Relevant Cases  
Flowers v. Sproule 2 A.K.Marsh. 54, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 19, 1819) 1819 ON AN APPEAL FROM A DECREE OF THE CUMBERLAND CIRCUIT COURT. An execution for about the sum of l86 10s. with interest and costs, in the name of M'Coun and Tilford, against Alexander Sproule, was levied upon a negro woman Jane, and Maria her child, the property of the said Alexander. The negroes were sold by the sheriff in June, 1806, by virtue and... Most Relevant Cases  
Gibbons v. Dunn 3 Mur. 548, Supreme Court of North Carolina (May 01, 1819) 1819 In the first clause of the will, relative to the negro Nell, the testator gives her to Mary his widow, during her widowhood or natural life; in the next clause wherein he speaks of her, he does not say expressly, how long she shall remain where he lived, but no doubt he meant until Thomas should attain the age of sixteen years. If, however, the... Most Relevant Cases  
Grant v. Bontz 2 Cranch C.C. 184, Circuit Court, District of Columbia (November 01, 1819) 1819 The declaration in this case was drawn from the precedent in the case of Stuart v. Wilkins, 1 Doug. 120, the form of which was fully approved by all the judges of the court of king's bench. It stated that, whereas the defendant [John Bontz], on the 1st of August, 1816, offered to sell to the plaintiff [James A. Grant] a certain slave called Celia,... Most Relevant Cases  
Hannah v. Peake 2 A.K.Marsh. 133, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 01, 1819) 1819 TO REVERSE A JUDGMENT OF THE SCOTT COUNTY COURT. An instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Spencer Peake, deceased, was presented for probate in the county court of Scott county by Edgecomb P. Suggett, in behalf of Hannah and other slaves therein named, who by the provisions thereof were, and would be entitled to... Most Relevant Cases  
Heath v. Allin 1 A.K.Marsh. 442, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 12, 1819) 1819 This writ of error is brought to reverse a judgment rendered in favor of Allin, in an action brought by him for a fraud alleged to have been committed by Heath and Forman in the sale of an unsound negro woman and her child. The question made in this court, involve the propriety of the refusal of the court below to grant a new trial. The motion was... Most Relevant Cases  
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