AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Discrimination by Labor Union Bargaining Representatives Against Racial Minorities 56 Yale Law Journal 731 (April, 1947) Discrimination by labor unions against racial minorities, particularly Negroes, is still frequent despite reforms by some unions in recent years. Some unions positively refuse membership to Negroes. Others relegate them to auxiliary chapters under the domination of white locals, where they pay dues to the union but have no effective voice in its... 1947 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Eakers V. Clopton 199 Okla. 99, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 32440 (7/1/1947) Appeal from District Court, Oklahoma County; Lucius Babcock, Judge. Action by Ellen Clopton against Fred Douglass Eakers and others to enforce restriction contract excluding negroes from a restricted area. From a judgment for plaintiff, the defendants appeal. Affirmed. 1947 Cases Yes  
  Elmore V. Rice 72 F.Supp. 516, District Court, E.D. South Carolina, Columbia Division, Docket Number CIV. 1702 (7/12/1947) Action by George Elmore, on behalf of himself and others similarly situated, against Clay Rice and others, to test legality of action of defendants in not permitting plaintiff and other qualified Negro electors to vote in a party primary. A declaratory judgment granted for plaintiff. 1947 Cases Yes  
  Fluellen V. Board of Ed. Of Dallas County 202 S.W.2d 510, Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, Amarillo, Docket Number 5783 (5/12/1947) Appeal from District Court, Dallas County; W. M. Cramer, Judge. Suit by Fred Fluellen and others against the County Board of Education of Dallas County, Tex., and others to restrain defendants temporarily from disposing or removing property of school for colored children, to declare void the action of the named defendant in abolishing the high... 1947 Cases Yes  
  Fuentes V. Tucker 31 Cal.2d 1, Supreme Court of California, Docket Number L.A. 20121, L.A. 20122 (12/2/1947) Consolidated wrongful death actions by Pablo Fuentes and Carmen Fuentes, husband and wife, against Clarence L. Tucker, and by Andres L. Negrette and Mariana Negrette, husband and wife, against same defendant, arising out of automobile accident. From judgments for plaintiffs, the defendant appeals. Affirmed. Prior opinion 175 P.2d 867. 1947 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Kemp V. Rubin 188 Misc. 310, Supreme Court, Queens County, New York, Special Term (2/11/1947) Action by Harold F. Kemp and others, on behalf of themselves and all others equally interested, against Sophie Rubin and Samuel Richardson to enjoin defendant Sophie Rubin from conveying her property to a negro, the defendant Samuel Richardson, and to enjoin the latter from purchasing or occupying such property. Judgment for plaintiffs. See also... 1947 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
Alex Elson, Leonard Schanfield Local Regulation of Discriminatory Employment Practices 56 Yale Law Journal 431 (February, 1947) The social and economic stresses of war and reconversion have produced an upsurge of activity to make more effective use of the processes of law to reduce discrimination in employment. The federal Fair Employment Practices Committee carried on intense efforts in this direction during the war; several states have enacted anti-discrimination... 1947 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Mckay V. Foster 202 Ga. 121, Supreme Court of Georgia, Docket Number 15750 (4/15/1947) Error from Superior Court, Fulton County; Edgar E. Pomeroy, Judge. Habeas corpus proceeding by George McKay against A. B. Foster, sheriff on ground that the grand jury which indicted the petitioner and the panels of the petit jury put upon him at the trial were not composed in any part of negroes. To review an adverse judgment the petitioner brings... 1947 Cases Yes  
  Mitchell V. Wright 69 F.Supp. 698, District Court, M.D. Alabama, Eastern Division, Docket Number 102 (1/8/1947) Action by William P. Mitchell against Mrs. George C. Wright and Virgil M. Guthrie for declaratory and injunctive relief and for nominal damages for failure on part of defendants in their individual capacity and as members of the Board of Registrars of Macon County. Alabama, to register plaintiff as a qualified elector solely on account of race and... 1947 Cases Yes  
  Motion and Brief for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, American Civil Liberties Union, and National Lawyers Guild as Amici Curiae., Bob-lo Excursion Co. V. the People of the State of Michigan Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 374 (12/16/1947) To the Honorable the Chief Justice of the United States and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States: The undersigned, as counsel for and on behalf of the National... 1947 Briefs Yes  
Walter Gellhorn, Columbia Law School Report on a Report of the House Committee on Un-american Activities 60 Harvard Law Review 1193 (October, 1947) THE Southern Conference for Human Welfare, according to its by-laws, is an organization to promote the general welfare and to improve the economic, social, political, cultural, and spiritual conditions of the people of the South, without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. On June 12, 1947, the House Committee on Un-American... 1947 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Rice V. Elmore 165 F.2d 387, Circuit Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 5664 (12/30/1947) Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of South Carolina, at Columbia; J. Waties Waring, Judge. Action by George Elmore on behalf of himself and others similarly situated against Clay Rice and others to enjoin defendants who conduct democratic primary elections in South Carolina from denying to Negro electors... 1947 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Segregation in Public Schools--a Violation of "Equal Protection of the Laws" 56 Yale Law Journal 1059 (June, 1947) The doctrine that separate but equal facilities is not a violation of the equal protection of the laws clause of the Fourteenth Amendment was clearly enunciated in 1896 in Plessy v. Ferguson. The Supreme Court, proceeding on the assumption that compulsory segregation did not necessarily imply the inferiority of either race to the other, held... 1947 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Shipman V. Medlock 199 Okla. 128, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 32283 (9/16/1947) Appeal from District Court, Oklahoma County; Lucius Babcock, Judge. Action in equity by Alice C. Medlock against J. D. Shipman, and others to declare void deeds conveying to negroes realty subject to restrictive contract. Judgment for plaintiff, and defendants appeal. Affirmed. 1947 Cases Yes  
  Sipes V. Mcghee 316 Mich. 614, Supreme Court of Michigan, Docket Number 90 (1/7/1947) Action by Benjamin J. Sipes and others against Orsel McGhee and his wife to enforce a covenant containing racial restrictions on occupancy of real property. From a decree for plaintiffs, defendants appeal. Affirmed. 1947 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Sipuel V. Board of Regents of University of Okl. 199 Okla. 36, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 32756 (4/29/1947) Appeal from District Court, Cleveland County; Ben T. Williams, Judge. Action in mandamus by Ada Lois Sipuel against Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma, and president, registrar and two named deans of the University, to compel negro petitioner's admittance and enrollment in law school of the University of Oklahoma. From a judgment for... 1947 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  The Constitution and Civil Rights 60 Harvard Law Review 498 (February, 1947) This book is an attempt to define the constitutional and statutory scope of the rights of individuals more particularly, Negroes to employment and public accommodations without discrimination or segregation. The book fails to present an acute examination of premises; it contains no deep analysis of conclusions. Rather, Dr. Konvitz has, by using... 1947 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  The New York State Commission Against Discrimination: a New Technique for an Old Problem 56 Yale Law Journal 837 (May, 1947) Despite long-standing Constitutional prohibitions and manifest incompatibility with the American philosophy, discrimination against minority groups displays itself in every phase of life and has become deeply rooted in employ ment practices. SCAD, New York's State Commission Against Discrimination, is weaponed for a new attack on this problem:... 1947 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  U.s. V. Ingalls 73 F.Supp. 76, District Court, S.D. California, Southern Division, Docket Number CR. 10568-SD (7/29/1947) Proceeding by United States of America against Elizabeth Ingalls and another under an indictment charging that defendants did entice, persuade, and induce one to go from Berkeley, Alameda county, Cal., to Coronado, San Diego county, Acl., with intent that such person be held as a slave in violation of Criminal Code, Sec. 268, 18 U.S.C.A. 443.... 1947 Cases Yes  
  Betts V. Easley 161 Kan. 459, Supreme Court of Kansas, Docket Number 36483 (6/8/1946) Appeal from the District Court, Wyandotte County; E. L. Fischer, Judge. Suit by Lucillous Betts and others against G. G. Easley and others to enjoin defendants as officers, national and local, of a labor organization which had been designated as the collective bargaining agent, from excluding eligible negro workmen from full participation in... 1946 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
Ulysses Lee Black Metropolis: a Study of Negro Life in a Northern City. By St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton, with an Introduction by Richard Wright and a Methodological Note by W. Lloyd Warner. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1945. Pp. Xxiv, 809. $5.00 55 Yale Law Journal 455 (February, 1946) During the war years public interest in the peoples who make up the American nation has grown both in breadth and in intensity. Much of this concern has revealed itself in regard to minority problems, especially those of the American Negro. Books, pamphlets and study guides on this phase of American life have ranged from the popular works of Louis... 1946 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Clarence C. Walker Civic League V. Board of Public Instruction for Broward County, Fla. 154 F.2d 726, Circuit Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 11473 (4/12/1946) Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Florida; John W. Holland, Judge. Action by Clarence C. Walker, Civic League and others against Board of Public Instruction for Broward County, Florida, and others, for a declaratory judgment and injunctive relief for alleged discrimination against negro students by... 1946 Cases Yes  
Charles C. Loveless, Jr. Constitutional Law-burden on Interstate Commerce-segregation of White and Colored Passengers 25 Texas Law Review 89 (November, 1946) A negro passenger on an interstate bus was arrested for refusing to change her seat in compliance with the driver's direction pursuant to a Virginia statute which required segregation of white and colored persons. Va. Code (Michie, 1942) § 4097 dd; Va. Acts (1930) 343. Held (one justice dissenting), reversing the state supreme court, that the... 1946 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Illegal Contracts - Discriminatory Covenant on Ontario Land Held Invalid Because of Policy as Enunciated by Canadian Statutes and International Agreements 59 Harvard Law Review 803 (May, 1946) Landowner applied to have declared invalid a covenant forbidding sale of his land to Jews or persons of objectionable nationality. Held, that the covenant was invalid, primarily, because of the public policy of Ontario and of the Dominion against intolerance, and secondarily, for uncertainty and as a restraint upon alienability. The court, in... 1946 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Kraemer V. Shelley 355 Mo. 814, Supreme Court of Missouri, en Banc, Docket Number 39997 (12/9/1946) Suit by Louis Kraemer and Fern E. Kraemer, his wife, against J. D. Shelley and Ethel Lee Shelley, his wife, and Josephine Fitzgerald to enforce restrictions against the occupancy of property by negroes. From a judgment holding the restrictions invalid, the plaintiffs appeal. Reversed, and remanded with directions. 1946 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Lawton V. Murray 61 N.Y.S.2d 721, Supreme Court, New York County, New York, Special Term (4/9/1946) Action by Reed Lawton, doing business under the style of American Civic Opera Company, against Philip Murray, as President of the Committee of Industrial Organization, William Z. Foster, Chairman of the Communist Party, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, based on alleged conspiracy of the defendants to malign and... 1946 Cases Yes  
  Morgan V. Com. Of Va. 328 U.S. 373, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 704 (6/3/1946) Irene Morgan was convicted of violating a state statute relating to the segregation of passengers of public motor carriers according to color and making it a misdemeanor for any passenger to refuse to change seats as required by a driver, and she brought error to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. From a judgment of the Supreme Court of... 1946 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  People V. Dessaure 193 Misc. 381, County Court, Nassau County, New York (12/14/1946) William J. Dessaure was indicted for assault in the second degree, and he moves to vacate the indictment on ground that the grand jury was not constitutionally formed because of the alleged exclusion of negroes from the grand jury. Motion to vacate indictment denied. 1946 Cases Yes  
  Swain V. Maxwell 355 Mo. 448, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 1, Docket Number 39748 (9/9/1946) Suit by Grace M. Swain and others against William F. Maxwell and others to cancel conveyance of described realty by named defendant to colored persons in violation of a restriction imposed on the realty by written agreement of various property owners in the area, to enjoin colored grantees from occupying the premises, and to enjoin named defendant... 1946 Cases Yes  
  Thompson V. Moore Drydock Co. 27 Cal.2d 595, Supreme Court of California, Docket Number S.F. 17109 (1/29/1946) Action by Raymond F. Thompson and others against the Moore Drydock Company and others, to enjoin certain alleged discriminatory practices. From a judgment of dismissal in favor of the named defendant and from an order denying a preliminary injunction against the other defendants, the plaintiffs appeal. Judgment and order reversed. 1946 Cases Yes  
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