AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  The Negro Citizen in the Supreme Court 52 Harvard Law Review 823 (March, 1939) The Civil War Amendments, by making the Negro a citizen and surrounding this citizenship with constitutional safeguards, made his legal rights an important federal question. Faced with the task of curbing the acts of a vindictive postwar Congress and a resentful, race-conscious South, the Supreme Court found itself in the difficult position of... 1939 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Wadia V. U.s. 101 F.2d 7, Circuit Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, Docket Number 162 (1/9/1939) Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Petition by Rustom Dadabhoy Wadia to be admitted to citizenship of the United States. From an order denying the petition on the ground that petitioner was neither a white person nor of African descent or nativity within the meaning of R.S. Sec. 2169, Sec.... 1939 Cases Yes  
  Brief for Respondent, New Negro Alliance V. Sanitary Grocery Co., Inc. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 511 (2/10/1938) No labor dispute is involved herein. The question in the instant case has been raised in only three reported cases and all have been determined to be racial disputes and injunctions granted... 1938 Briefs Yes  
C. C. S., Jr. Equity-servitudes as Supplemental to Zoning Ordinances 16 Texas Law Review 265 (February, 1938) Suit to enjoin violation of restrictive agreement prohibiting leasing or selling premises to persons of colored race. Held, that plaintiff was entitled to a mandatory injunction ordering defendant to vacate the premises. Lee v. Hansberry, 291 Ill.App. 517, 10 N.E.(2d) 406 (1937). Until about thirty years ago equitable servitudes or covenants... 1938 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Lane V. Wilson 98 F.2d 980, Circuit Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, Docket Number 1635 (9/19/1938) Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Oklahoma; Alfred P. Murrah, Judge. Action by I. W. Lane against Jess Wilson, John Moss and Marion Parks to recover $5,000 from the defendants on ground that they prevented plaintiff's registration as an elector at the general election because of his race and color. From... 1938 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  New Negro Alliance V. Sanitary Grocery Co. 303 U.S. 552, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 511 (3/28/1938) On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Suit by the Sanitary Grocery Company, Inc., against the New Negro Alliance and others, to restrain the defendants and their agents from picketing plaintiff's stores and engaging in other activities injurious to its business. To review a decree of the United... 1938 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Peerless Carbon Black Co. V. Sheppard 113 S.W.2d 996, Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, Austin, Docket Number 8695 (2/2/1938) Appeal from District Court, Travis County; Ralph W. Yarbrough, Judge. Action by the Peerless Carbon Black Company against George H. Sheppard and others to recover taxes which were paid by plaintiff under protest. From an adverse judgment, plaintiff appeals. Affirmed. 1938 Cases Yes  
  Petitioner's Brief on Argument., Hale V. Com. Of Kentucky Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 680 (3/25/1938) MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT: This brief addresses itself to two points: WHEN IT IS ESTABLISHED THAT ALL QUALIFIED NEGROES WERE EXCLUDED FROM THE GRAND JURY WHICH INDICTED A NEGRO FOR WILFUL... 1938 Briefs Yes  
  State V. Harris 213 N.C. 758, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Docket Number 731 (6/15/1938) Appeal from Superior Court, Durham County; Clawson L. Williams, Judge. Ellen Harris was convicted of violating a statute relating to the seating of white and negro passengers on vehicles operated for hire, and she appeals. Reversed. 1938 Cases Yes  
Edwin Borchard The Supreme Court and Private Rights 47 Yale Law Journal 1051 (May, 1938) Some of the social-political theories which influenced the framers of the Constitution were derived from Locke, Hume, Harrington, Coke and Blackstone. These men were less concerned with forms of government than with the relation between society as a whole and its individual members. They were sure that the individual possessed certain indefeasible,... 1938 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Veal V. Hopps 183 Okla. 116, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, 28164, Docket Number 28163 (5/17/1938) Appeals from District Court, Oklahoma County; Lucius Babcock, Judge. Actions by Laura Veal against Freda C. Hopps and others, and by William H. Pasell against Vera G. Olive and others, seeking permanent injunction to enforce agreement to restrict the lots in certain block from sale, lease, or gift to persons of African descent. From an adverse... 1938 Cases Yes  
  Black V. Black 233 Ala. 425, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 3 DIV 172 (1/21/1937) Appeal from Circuit Court, Butler County; A.E. Gamble, Judge. Bill to sell lands for division by J.W. Black, W.S. Black, L.L.C. Black, and Victoria B. Gandy against Sallie B. Huggins, Frankie B. Morrow, and Evie B. Huggins, with intervention by R.L. Black and others. From a decree allowing the intervention and ordering sale for division among the... 1937 Cases Yes  
  Brief for the Petitioners., New Negro Alliance V. Sanitary Grocery Co. Inc. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 511 (10/1/1937) The judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia was entered on July 26, 1937 (R. 23) and is reported at 64 W. L. R. The Supreme Court of the United States... 1937 Briefs Yes  
  James V. Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. 181 Okla. 54, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 26740 (10/12/1937) Appeal from District Court, Oklahoma County; G. H. Giddings, Jr., Judge. Action by D. W. James and G. W. James, copartners doing business as Hotel Black, against the Oklahoma Natural Gas Company to recover treble damages and attorney's fees for unlawful discrimination. From an order sustaining a demurrer, plaintiffs appeal. Affirmed. 1937 Cases Yes  
  Exclusion of Negroes from State Supported Professional Schools 45 Yale Law Journal 1296 (May, 1936) A Negro citizen of Maryland, admittedly qualified, was refused admission to the Law School of the University of Maryland, the only publicly supported law school in the state, on the sole ground of his color. While there was no legislation expressly excluding Negroes from the University, the state's policy of continuing educational segregation of... 1936 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Humble Oil & Refining Co. V. Merrill 100 S.W.2d 387, Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, Texarkana, Docket Number 4996 (11/26/1936) Appeal from District Court, Upshur County; Walter G. Russell, Judge. Suit by Haden Merrill and others, as trustees of the Union Grove Colored Cemetery Association, and another, against the Humble Oil & Refining Company, wherein the defendant filed a cross-action, and wherein certain persons intervened but withdrew during trial. From an adverse... 1936 Cases Yes  
  Constitutional Law - Personal Rights: Political - Power of Political Party to Exclude Negroes 48 Harvard Law Review 1436 (June, 1935) The Texas Democratic convention passed a resolution that all white citizens . qualified to vote . shall be eligible to membership in the Democratic party. . Acting pursuant to the party resolution, the defendant, the county clerk in charge of primary ballots, denied a ballot to the plaintiff, a negro. In the plaintiff's suit in a justice's court... 1935 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Keith V. Commonwealth 165 Va. 705, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (9/19/1935) Error to Circuit Court, Russell County. Bascomb Keith was convicted of having traceable colored blood and marrying Reda Keith, a white woman, and Reda Keith was convicted of marrying one having traceable colored blood. To review the judgments of conviction, they bring error. Reversed and remanded. 1935 Cases Yes  
  National Colored Aid Soc. V. State ex Rel. Wilson 208 Ind. 380, Supreme Court of Indiana, Docket Number 26225 (6/11/1935) Action by the State, on the relation of Herbert E. Wilson, Prosecuting Attorney for the Nineteenth Judicial District of the State of Indiana, against the National Colored Aid Society. From a judgment, defendant appeals. Affirmed. 1935 Cases Yes  
  Race Discrimination and Interstate Rendition-the Crawford Case 43 Yale Law Journal 444 (January, 1934) In April of last year the late Federal District Judge James A. Lowell of Massachusetts granted discharge on habeas corpus to George Crawford, a Negro held on warrant of the Governor of the state for rendition to Virginia, where he was accused of murder. To dismiss the writ and allow extradition, the Judge said, would be to start the case on a trip... 1934 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  In re Frederick's Application 19 Pa. D. & C. 569, Orphans' Court of Pennsylvania, Cambria County (1/1/1933) William C. Frederick and Carrie Elizabeth Brown, having entered into a marriage contract, made application for a marriage license to the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Cambria County, on March 27, 1933. It appears on the face of the application that William C. Frederick is of the white race, or that his color is white, and that Carrie Elizabeth... 1933 Cases Yes  
Harriet Spiller Daggett, Louisiana State University The Legal Aspect of Amalgamation in Louisiana 11 Texas Law Review 162 (February, 1933) Since it is so widely believed that, after the eminently wise decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States leaving such matters to the states, the South enacted and enforced most stringent laws in regard to the intermixture of the races, it might be of interest to review thoroughly the statutes and cases of a typical Southern state with a... 1933 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Descent and Distribution - Persons Entitled - Rights of Children of a Prohibited Miscegenetic Marriage 45 Harvard Law Review 933 (March, 1932) X married a negro woman in violation of a statute prohibiting marriage between persons of the African race and others. Okla. Comp. Stat. Ann. (Bunn, 1921) § 7499. Upon the death of X, his half brother petitioned for administration of his estate. This petition was opposed by the guardian of X's three children on the ground that as such he had a... 1932 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Nixon V. Condon-disfranchisement of the Negro in Texas 41 Yale Law Journal 1212 (June, 1932) On May 26, 1927, the Governor of Texas officially informed the Legislature that the United States Supreme Court in Nixon v. Herndon had declared unconstitutional a Texas statute prohibiting negroes from voting in Democratic primaries. With the same message, he submitted for legislative consideration a repeal of this article and the enactment of a... 1932 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Patillo V. State 120 Tex.Crim. 568, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 14584 (3/23/1932) Appeal from County Court at Law, Jefferson County; W. S. Nichols, Judge. Sadie Patillo was convicted of unlawfully riding in bus in compartment not designated for the negro race, and she appeals. Reversed, with directions. 1932 Cases Yes  
Ulrich B. Phillips Race, Class and Party: a History of Negro Suffrage and White Politics in the South. By Paul Lewinson. New York: Oxford University Press. 1932. Pp. X, 302. $3.75 41 Yale Law Journal 1268 (June, 1932) A Monograph ought to be explicit in title as well as in text. The present book fits its subtitle admirably; the main title smacks of smartness and impertinence in the publisher's office, and would better have been suppressed. It may be suspected also that the publisher is responsible for placing the footnote enrichment in the back of the book,... 1932 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Brief on the Merits in Support of the Petitioner, L. A. Nixon, Nixon V. Condon Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 265 (10/1/1931) C. N. Love, Julius White, The Houston Informer and Texas Freeman, and their attorneys herein, individually and on behalf of all other Negroes in the City of Houston, in Harris County, and... 1931 Briefs Yes  
J. C. H. III Constitutional Law-primary Elections-privilege of Negro to Vote 9 Texas Law Review 439 (April, 1931) The petitioner, a negro resident of Galveston was denied by respondent the privilege of voting in the Democratic primary to be held there. By Vernon's Ann Civ. Stat., Art 3107, the state committee was given the power, subject to certain reservations, to decide who should be a member of the Democratic party and vote in its primaries. In pursuance of... 1931 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Masterpos V. State Court of Appeals of Ohio, Second District, Clark County, Docket Number 292 (4/22/1931) We think the testimony of Donnelly is sufficient to justify the finding of guilty. We think, however, the substance of the testimony tends to prove that the colored man put up the money as a bet upon these two particular races; that the colored man had surrendered the money to the white man who was standing near and to Masterpos; that the witness... 1931 Cases Yes  
  Common Carriers-power of Franchising Commission to Order Equal Bus Accommodations for Negroes 39 Yale Law Journal 1207 (June, 1930) The defendant Commission was authorized by statute to grant franchises to bus operators, and to make rules governing the transportation of passengers for hire. [N. C. Pub. Laws (1927) c. 136 § 7]. Some of the respondent bus operators had refused to carry negroes, and none had supplied separate accommodations for them. The plaintiffs petitioned the... 1930 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
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