AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
W. N. A., Jr. Constitutional Law-race Segregation Ordinances-breach of Contract a Crime 8 Texas Law Review 298 (February, 1930) Defendant city, in pursuance of legislative authorization, enacted an ordinance providing for the separation of the white and colored races in the use of separate blocks in order to preserve peace, prevent conflict and ill feeling between the races; another ordinance provided a criminal penalty for breach of agreement entered into by... 1930 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Right of Negroes to Vote in State Primaries 43 Harvard Law Review 467 (January, 1930) The problem of negro disfranchisement reappears periodically to disturb those who cannot reconcile their social or political convictions with the guarantees of the Constitution. Apparently almost dormant, it yet retains sufficient vitality to take on each time a new and disconcerting aspect. In its most recent apparition, it involves the right of... 1930 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Tyler V. Park Ridge Country Club 108 Cal.App. 741, District Court of Appeal, Fourth District, California, Docket Number CIV 208 (10/3/1930) Appeal from Superior Court, Riverside County; William H. Ellis, Judge. Action by V.A. Tyler and another against the Park Ridge Country Club, Dan Gilkey, and others, for the appointment of a receiver and to enjoin defendants' transferring stock of the corporation to persons other than those of the Caucasian race. From an order denying a motion for a... 1930 Cases Yes  
  Nixon V. Condon 34 F.2d 464, District Court, W.D. Texas, El Paso Division, Docket Number 1379 (7/31/1929) At Law. Action by L. A. Nixon against James Condon and another for damages for refusal by defendants, as judges at a Democratic primary election, to permit plaintiff, a negro, to vote at such Democratic primary election. Case dismissed. 1929 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Wilson V. State 178 Ark. 1200, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 134 (1/28/1929) Appeal from Circuit Court, Sebastian County; J. Sam Wood, Judge. Martha Wilson was convicted of concubinage with a negro, and she appeals. Reversed and remanded. 1929 Cases Yes  
  Constitutional Law-the Fourteenth Amendment-equal Protection of the Law-separation of the Races for Purposes of Education 37 Yale Law Journal 518 (February, 1928) Martha Lum, an American born child of Chinese descent and of educable age, was refused permission to attend a school for white children by the Mississippi school authorities on the ground that she was a colored child under § 207 of the Mississippi Constitution which provides that, separate schools shall be maintained for the children of the... 1928 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Miller V. Hartford Live Stock Ins. Co. 165 La. 777, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 27964 (2/13/1928) Where race horses lost in transit by railroad were transported in a box car, in which they were secured in stalls constructed therein, and one of doors of car was left open about two feet for necessary ventilation, and owner traveled in car during entire trip, method being one customarily used by race horse owners and previously employed by owner... 1928 Cases Yes  
  Cannon V. Hickman 4 Tenn.App. 588, Court of Appeals of Tennessee (2/19/1927) The record in this cause presents a conflict over the custody of church property between opposing claimants to the office of deacon, or trustee, in the congregation known as the Primitive Baptist Church, colored, of Fayetteville, Tennessee. The property in question was conveyed in 1873 to Michael Stone and Alfred Johnson, as deacons of the... 1927 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Intermarriage with Negroes-a Survey of State Statutes 36 Yale Law Journal 858 (April, 1927) A bill prohibiting intermarriage between white persons and Negroes was recently introduced in the Connecticut legislature and referred to the Judiciary Committee, which reported it un favorably. This report was accepted and the bill was rejected. Similar bills are part of the law of twenty-nine of our states. In these states the Negroes comprise... 1927 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
Roy W. McDonald Negro Voters in Democratic Primaries 5 Texas Law Review 393 (June, 1927) For sixty years the white men of the Southern States have sought to control the electoral franchise. From Mississippi and South Carolina, the only states in the nation where the negro population is greater than the white, to Texas and Oklahoma, the western boundary states of the old South, statutes and constitutional provisions have looked toward... 1927 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Wallace V. Berry 6 Tenn.App. 248, Court of Appeals of Tennessee (11/22/1927) The question presented is whether or not Lucy Berry, Lizzie Miller and Anderson Lewis Miller, as nieces and nephew of Sam Miller, a negro, are entitled to contest his will. Sam Miller died on December 27, 1926, testate, naming Margaret Wallace as the executrix and beneficiary under his will. Upon the probate of the will Lucy Berry, Lizzie Miller... 1927 Cases Yes  
  Constitutional Law-due Process-enforcement of Covenant Not to Convey to Negroes 35 Yale Law Journal 755 (April, 1926) Lots in a certain tract were sold subject to a covenant that they should never be conveyed to negroes. The grantee of one of these lots subsequently sought to sell to a negro, and the neighboring grantees filed a bill against both parties to the sale for an injunction to restrain conveyance. The injunction was granted pendente lite and the... 1926 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Constitutional Law-ordinance Segregating Whites and Blacks into Separate "Communities" Within City Upheld 36 Yale Law Journal 274 (December, 1926) A New Orleans ordinance prohibited whites from establishing residences in negro communities within the city and negroes from establishing residence in white communities without the written consent of the people of opposite race in that neighborhood. The plaintiff sought to restrain the defendant from renting his house to a negro. The plea of... 1926 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Poncet V. South New Orleans Light & Traction Co. 3 La.App. 64, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Parish of Orleans, Docket Number 9949 (11/2/1925) Plaintiff alleges that while a passenger on a street car owned and operated by the defendant street railway company, she was struck on the right arm and wrist by the falling of the heavy partition or screen used in the car for the purpose of separating the white and colored races and was seriously injured. She sues for $5000.00.... 1925 Cases Yes  
  State V. Board of Ed. Court of Appeals of Ohio, Second District, Montgomery County, Docket Number 670 (7/3/1925) Earl Reese, the realtor, is a colored man and he brought this action in mandamus to compel the Board of Education to admit his son to the public schools upon equal terms with other pupils and alleged that this right was denied. Reese stated in his petition that the colored pupils of Garfield School sub-district, were being segregated, solely... 1925 Cases Yes  
  Brown V. State 98 Tex.Crim. 416, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 8498 (11/19/1924) Appeal from Harris County Court; Roy F. Campbell, Judge. R. Brown was convicted under ordinance forbidding persons of white and negro races to cohabit with each other, and he appeals. Reversed and remanded. 1924 Cases Yes  
  City Council of City and County of Denver V. United Negroes Protective Ass'n 76 Colo. 86, Supreme Court of Colorado, Docket Number 11049 (10/6/1924) En Banc. Error to District Court, City and County of Denver; Charles C. Butler, Judge. Mandamus by the United Negroes Protective Association against the City Council of the City and County of Denver and others, to compel issuance of a building permit. From a judgment making the writ permanent, defendants bring error. Supersedeas denied; judgment... 1924 Cases Yes  
  Thurman-watts V. Board of Education of City of Coffeyville 115 Kan. 328, Supreme Court of Kansas, Docket Number 25305 (1/25/1924) Original proceedings in mandamus by Celia ThurmanWatts against the Board of Education of the City of Coffeyville and another, as Superintendent of the Public Schools, to compel the admission of a colored student to a high school. Writ issued. 1924 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Black V. Lenderman 156 Ark. 476, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 94 (1/15/1923) Appeal from Montgomery Chancery Court; J. P. Henderson, Chancellor. Action by Hattie Black and others against James Lenderman and others. From a decree dismissing the complaint, plaintiffs appeal. On motion for temporary injunction. Temporary injunction denied, and decree affirmed. Hart, J., dissenting. 1923 Cases Yes  
  In re Black's Estate 30 Wyo. 55, Supreme Court of Wyoming, Docket Number 1025 (7/17/1923) Error to District Court, Big Horn County; Percy W. Metz, Judge. In the matter of the estate of James Black, deceased. Petition for declaration of heirship and order of distribution by David Hall and others against the State of Wyoming and another. Judgment was entered on finding that petitioners failed to introduce sufficient proof to establish... 1923 Cases Yes  
  State V. Knights of Pythias 157 Ark. 266, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 176 (2/19/1923) Appeal from Circuit Court, Pulaski County; W. B. Brooks, Judge. Quo warranto proceedings by the State, on the relation of J. S. Utley, Attorney General, against the Knights of Pythias of North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the State of Arkansas. From a judgment for defendant, the State appeals. Affirmed. 1923 Cases Yes  
  Succession of Blackburn 154 La. 618, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 25485 (10/29/1923) Appeal from Twenty-Second Judicial District Court, Parish of East Baton Rouge; H. F. Brunot, Judge. Proceeding by Chaney Cooper and another to be sent into possession of the estate of Nancy Smith Blackburn, deceased, wherein H. H. Blackburn filed a petition in opposition. From a judgment rejecting his demands, petitioner in opposition appeals.... 1923 Cases Yes  
  Chicago, R.i. & P. Ry. Co. V. Sharp 87 Okla. 98, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 10838 (9/26/1922) Where S., a negro passenger on one of the trains of the C., R. I. & P. Ry. Co., entered the compartment of the forward coach of said train used and designated as the negro smoker, but in which several white men were riding, and where the conductor in charge of said train, because of the presence of said white men therein, ordered S. to leave said... 1922 Cases Yes  
  State V. Board of Directors of School Dist. No. 16, Montgomery County 154 Ark. 176, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 42 (6/5/1922) Appeal from Circuit Court, Montgomery County; Scott Wood, Judge. Mandamus by the State, on the relation of Jefferson Black, against the Board of Directors of School District No. 16, Montgomery County. From judgment for defendant, relator appeals. Affirmed. 1922 Cases Yes  
  Nashville Ry. & Light Co. V. State 144 Tenn. 446, Supreme Court of Tennessee (6/18/1921) Error to Criminal Court, Davidson County; J. D. B. De Bow, Judge. The Nashville Railway & Light Company was convicted of failing to keep white and colored passengers separated, and brings error. Reversed and remanded. 1921 Cases Yes  
Allen Johnson, Yale University The Constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave Acts 31 Yale Law Journal 161 (December, 1921) Time has done much to assuage the passions aroused by the controversy over slavery in the United States. Patient investigation North and South is taking the place of heated denunciation and defence; many misapprehensions have been cleared away; yet some unfortunate errors persist even in the writings of candid historians. Of the measures passed by... 1921 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Jumper V. Lyles 77 Okla. 57, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 10921 (12/2/1919) Error from District Court, Wagoner County; Chas. G. Watts, Judge. Action for peremptory writ of mandamus by George Jumper, for himself and for use and benefit of all other negro citizens of School District No. 58 of Wagoner County, Okl., against Victoria Lyles, as County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Wagoner County. Peremptory writ denied... 1919 Cases Yes  
  Nuisances-negro Residential Colony 28 Yale Law Journal 517 (March, 1919) The defendant was a corporation chartered for the purpose of furnishing instruction in the higher branches of learning to members of the negro race. It acquired seventy acres of land adjoining the plaintiff's premises; and not needing the whole tract for the college proper, proposed to establish a residence colony of negroes upon part of it. The... 1919 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Young V. Pratt 11 Ohio App. 346, Court of Appeals of Ohio, Eighth District, Cuyahoga County (3/3/1919) The plaintiff in error, Francis Young, who was plaintiff below, brought this action in the municipal court to recover a penalty under Section 12941, General Code, also called the Civil Rights Act, for alleged wrongful discrimination, in that the defendant, F. J. Pratt, who was the proprietor of a restaurant, refused to serve plaintiff, a colored... 1919 Cases Yes  
  Board of Trustees of Graded Free Colored Common School of Mayfield V. Board of Trustees of Graded White Common School of Mayfield 181 Ky. 303, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (6/21/1918) Appeal from Circuit Court, Graves County. On rehearing. For original opinion, see 180 Ky. 574, 203 S. W. 520. 1918 Cases Yes  
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