AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Constitutional Law - Equal Protection of the Laws - Discrimination Against Negroes as Jurors 17 Harvard Law Review 356 (March, 1904) An Alabama statute provides that commissioners shall select from the male residents of each county such persons as in their opinion are fit and competent to discharge the duties of jurors. A negro, indicted by a grand jury thus drawn, moved to quash the indictment, on the ground that the commissioners had excluded all negroes from the list from... 1904 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Constitutional Law - Thirteenth Amendment - Federal Statutes Securing Right to Own Realty 17 Harvard Law Review 357 (March, 1904) The Federal Civil Rights Act (U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1262) secures to negroes the same privileges to acquire and to own real property as are enjoyed by white citizens. The defendants were indicted under U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 3712, for conspiring to intimidate negroes in the exercise of the right thus secured. Held, that the Civil Rights Act is... 1904 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Constitutional Law-negroes as Grand Jurors-inquiry of Federal Court into Rules of Local Practice.-rogers V. Alabama, 24 Sup. Ct. 257 13 Yale Law Journal 396 (May, 1904) Plaintiff in error made a motion, two printed pages in length, to quash an indictment, because of the exclusion of negroes from the grand jury list, alleging that this was due to the inequality of his race under the State constitution. The State court struck the motion from the files, under color of local practice, on the ground of prolixity. Held,... 1904 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Discrimination Against Negroes as Jurors 17 Harvard Law Review 351 (March, 1904) Few questions arising under the Fourteenth Amendment have proved more fruitful of controversy than that as to discrimination against negroes in drawing jurors. It is, indeed, no longer disputed that a statute providing that only white men shall be eligible as jurors is in conflict with the amendment. A negro tried by a jury empanelled under such a... 1904 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Giles V. Teasley 193 U.S. 146, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 337, 338 (2/23/1904) IN ERROR to the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama to review a judgment which affirmed a judgment of the City Court of Montgomery in that State, sustaining a demurrer to the petition in an action to recover damages for the refusal of the board of registrars of Montgomery County to register a negro as an elector. Also IN ERROR to the Supreme... 1904 Cases Yes  
  Mccray V. U.s. 195 U.S. 27, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 301 (5/31/1904) IN ERROR to the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Ohio to review a judgment in favor of the United States in an action to recover the statutory penalty for purchasing for resale oleomargarine alleged to have been artificially colored in its manufacture, upon which there had only been paid the excise imposed when... 1904 Cases Yes  
  Negro Peonage and the Thirteenth Amendment 13 Yale Law Journal 452 (June, 1904) No little interest has been aroused by Judge Speer's recent decision in the District Court at Savannah (United States v. McClellan, 127 Fed. 971), maintaining the application of the Thirteenth Amendment to uphold the constitutionality of the statutes of 1867 against peonage, and their prohibition of recent attempts to obtain forced labor from... 1904 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  People ex Rel. Bibb V. City of Alton 209 Ill. 461, Supreme Court of Illinois (4/20/1904) Original petition filed in the Supreme Court, on the relation of Scott Bibb, for a writ of mandamus against the mayor and common council of the city of Alton, to compel them to admit relator's children to a public school, without discrimination on account of color. The issues of fact were sent to the circuit court of Madison county for trial, and a... 1904 Cases Yes  
  Giles V. Harris 189 U.S. 475, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 493 (4/27/1903) APPEAL from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Middle District of Alabama to review a decree which dismissed, for want of jurisdiction, a bill in equity to compel the board of registrars of Montgomery county to enroll a negro upon the voting lists. Affirmed. The facts are stated in the opinion. 1903 Cases Yes  
  Illinois Cent. R. Co. V. Com. 25 Ky.L.Rptr. 295, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (6/12/1903) Appeal from Circuit Court, Lyon County. Not to be officially reported. The Illinois Central Railroad Company was convicted for failure to furnish separate coaches for the transportation of white and colored passengers, and appeals. Reversed. 1903 Cases Yes  
  Memphis St. Ry. Co. V. State 2 Cates 598, Supreme Court of Tennessee (6/19/1903) Appeal from Criminal Court, Shelby County; Jno. T. Moss, Judge. The Memphis Street Railway Company was convicted of violating Acts 1903, c. 43. requiring separate accommodations for white and colored passengers, and it appeals. Reversed. 1903 Cases Yes  
  State V. Pearson 110 La. 387, Supreme Court of Louisiana, 14, Docket Number665 (3/16/1903) Appeal from Second City Criminal Court, City of New Orleans; Auguste M. Aucoin, Judge. H. H. Pearson, Jr., and others were charged with violating the laws relating to the separation of the white and colored races in street cars. A demurrer was sustained, and the state appeals. Reversed. Breaux and Monroe, JJ., dissenting. 1903 Cases Yes  
John R. Dos Passos The Negro Question 12 Yale Law Journal 467 (June, 1903) On January 5, 1867, Andrew Johnson closed a message to the United States Senate vetoing the District of Columbia Suffrage Bill in these words: After full deliberation upon this measure I cannot bring myself to approve it, even upon local considerations, nor yet as the beginning of an experiment on a larger scale. I yield to no one in attachment to... 1903 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Agricultural & Mechanical College for the Colored Race V. Lacy 130 N.C. 364, Supreme Court of North Carolina (6/17/1902) Appeal from superior court, Guilford county; Shaw, Judge. Controversy without action between the Agricultural & Mechanical College for the Colored Race and B. R. Lacy, state treasurer. From a judgment for the former, the latter appeals. Affirmed. Montgomery and Clark, JJ., dissenting. 1902 Cases Yes  
  Black V. State 113 Wis. 205, Supreme Court of Wisconsin (2/18/1902) Appeal from circuit court, Milwaukee county; Eugene S. Elliott, Judge. Proceedings by the state of Wisconsin and the county treasurer of Milwaukee county against Elizabeth Black and another, as executrix and executor of the last will and testament of John Black, deceased, for the collection of an inheritance tax. From a decree in favor of... 1902 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Hubbard V. State 43 Tex.Crim. 564, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas (3/19/1902) Appeal from district court, Van Zandt county; J. G. Russell, Judge. Tom Hubbard, a negro, was convicted of murder, and appeals. Affirmed. 1902 Cases Yes  
  Jervis V. Lewellyn 130 N.C. 616, Supreme Court of North Carolina (6/10/1902) Appeal from superior court, Surry county; Starbuck, Judge. Action by G. W. Jervis, as administrator of Lucy Jervis, a slave, against J. R. Lewellyn, as executor of John Jervis. From a judgment for plaintiff, defendant appeals. Reversed. 1902 Cases Yes  
  State V. Peoples 131 N.C. 784, Supreme Court of North Carolina (11/25/1902) Appeal from superior court, Mecklenburg county; Coble, Judge. Will Peoples, a negro, was convicted of gaming, and appeals. Reversed. 1902 Cases Yes  
  Lackey V. U.s. 107 F. 114, Circuit Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Docket Number 840 (2/12/1901) There was evidence tending to show that the plaintiff in error prevented a number of voters of African descent from voting at a purely state election, at which they were qualified to vote under the law of Kentucky, by promising them that if they would go away from the polls without voting, and stay away until after the... 1901 Cases Yes  
  Chesapeake & O. Ry. Co. V. Commonwealth of Kentucky 179 U.S. 388, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 103 (12/3/1900) IN ERROR to the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to review a decision affirming a conviction for violation of a statute requiring separate coaches for white and colored passengers. Affirmed. See same case below, 21 Ky. L. Rep. 228,51 S. W. 160. 1900 Cases Yes  
  Goodloe V. Black 21 Ky.L.Rptr. 1286, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (1/20/1900) Appeal from circuit court, Madison county. Not to be officially reported. Action by Henry Black against Ottawa Goodloe and wife to quiet title to land, and to procure a deed thereto. Judgment for plaintiff, and defendants appeal. Affirmed. 1900 Cases Yes  
  Homicide-right to Colored Man on Jury-bullock V. State, 47 Atl. 63 (N. J.) 10 Yale Law Journal 64 (December, 1900) The accused, a colored man, was convicted of murder. At the return of the panel, the defendant's counsel challenged the array, on the ground that no colored man was returned on the panel. Challenge overruled and exception taken. Held, that unless return was made designedly it did not deprive him of the rights granted by the Fourteenth amendment.... 1900 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
Lebbeus R. Wilfley How Great Britain Governs Her Colonies 9 Yale Law Journal 207 (March, 1900) They went out on the footing of equality with, not of slavery to, those who were left behind. Thucydides. The peculiar interest which attaches to the study of the Colonial Empire of Great Britain at the present time arises out of three considerations. First, because it is the most extensive and successful system of colonization the world has... 1900 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Schools Discrimination Against Colored Children-rights under the Fourteenth Amendment 9 Yale Law Journal 227 (March, 1900) In the case of J. N. Cummings et al. v. County Board of Education, of Richmond County, State of Georgia, reported in 20 Sup. Ct. Rep. 197, the United States Supreme Court sustains the decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia in refusing to grant an injunction restraining the Board of Education from maintaining a high school for white... 1900 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Schools-discrimination Against Colored Children-rights under the Fourteenth Amendment-j. W. Cummings et Al. V. County Board of Education of Richmond County, State of Georgia 9 Yale Law Journal 235 (March, 1900) A temporary suspension of a high school for colored children, in order that the funds used in its support might be diverted towards the education of children of the same race in the primary schools, is no ground for the granting of an injunction restraining the Board of Education from using certain funds for the maintenance of a high school for... 1900 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Schools-discrimination Between Colored Children-rights under the Constitution-elizabeth Cisco V. School Board of the Borough of Queens, New York City-decided New York Court of Appeals, February 6, 1900 9 Yale Law Journal 235 (March, 1900) Where separate schools of equal accommodations are provided for white and colored children, a refusal to grant admission to colored children to the schools maintained for white pupils does not violate any of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. See Comment. 1900 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Chesapeake & O.r. Co. V. Commonwealth 21 Ky.L.Rptr. 228, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 19, 1899) Appeal from circuit court, Shelby county. Not to be officially reported. The Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company was convicted of the offense of failing to furnish separate coaches for white and colored passengers, and failing to have each car bear appropriate words indicating the race for which such car was intended, and it appeals.... 1899 Cases Yes  
  Civil Rights-saloons-rhone V. Loomis, 77 N. W. Rep. 81 (Minn.) 8 Yale Law Journal 212 (January, 1899) A statute provides that no person because of his race, color, or previous condition of servitude, shall be deprived of the full and equal enjoyment of privileges, accommodations, etc., furnished by hotels, theaters, restaurants, barber shops, or other places of public resort, refreshment, accommodation, etc. Under this statute the plaintiff, a... 1899 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Cumming V. Board of Ed. Of Richmond County 175 U.S. 528, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 164 (December 18, 1899) IN ERROR to the Superior Court of Richmond County, State of Georgia, to review a decision refusing an injunction against a board of education to prevent maintenance of a high school for white children without also maintaining one for colored children. Affirmed. See same case below, 103 Ga. 641, 29 S. E. 488. 1899 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Jackson V. U.s. 34 Ct.Cl. 441, United States Court of Claims, Docket Number 9336 (May 22, 1899) A Chickasaw freedman, of African parentage, brings suit under the Indian Depredation Act. 1899 Cases Yes  
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