AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
Amasa M. Eaton, Providence, R. I. The Suffrage Clause in the New Constitution of Louisiana 13 Harvard Law Review 279 (December, 1899) THE long continued domination of one political party in Louisiana led there, as it has elsewhere, to abuse of power and fraud. The faction in power resorted to whatever means became necessary to keep the negroes from exercising the political power that was theirs, had they been well organized. Fraud upon the negroes naturally led to fraud upon... 1899 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  U.s. V. Eberhart 127 F. 252, Circuit Court, N.D. Georgia (February 24, 1899) The indictment charges the defendants with certain acts in restraint of the personal liberty of named persons of African descent, and characterizes these acts as peonage, and charges the defendant with holding the persons names as peons and with returning them to a condition of peonage, in violation of the act of Congress of March 2, 1867, c. 187,... 1899 Cases Yes  
  Black V. Jackson 6 Okla. 751, Supreme Court of the Territory of Oklahoma (February 18, 1898) Error from district court, Kay county. Action by Walter P. Jackson against E. F. Black for an injunction. A demurrer to the answer was sustained, and defendant brings error. Affirmed. 1898 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Smith V. State 100 Tenn. 494, Supreme Court of Tennessee (March 12, 1898) Appeal from criminal court, Davidson county; J. M. Anderson, Judge. Joe Smith was convicted for unlawfully failing and refusing to assign certain negroes to the separate car for colored passengers, and he brings error. Affirmed. 1898 Cases Yes  
  U.s. V. Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 132 (March 28, 1898) The facts of this case, as agreed by the parties, are as follows: Wong Kim Ark was born in 1873, in the city of San Francisco, in the state of California and United States of America, and was and is a laborer. His father and mother were persons of Chinese descent, and subjects of the emperor of China. They were at the time of his birth domiciled... 1898 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  A Case under the Thirteenth Amendment 10 Harvard Law Review 515 (March 25, 1897) It is interesting to find the Supreme Court dealing with the application of the Thirteenth Amendment to circumstances entirely unconnected with the race question. That a principle of general application was added to our constitutional law by the amendment is not to be doubted (Story on the Constitution, 5th ed., § 1924), but the question is as to... 1897 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  In re Lawrence 80 F. 99, District Court, N.D. California (March 19, 1897) It appears from the petition in this case that Andrew M. Lawrence and L. L. Levings, the first the managing editor and the other a reporter of the San Francisco Examiner, are in the custody of the sheriff of Sacramento county, and L. F. Blackburn, sergeant at arms, by virtue of certain resolutions adopted by the senate of the state of California... 1897 Cases Yes  
  Wright V. Broome 67 Mo.App. 32, St. Louis Court of Appeals, Missouri (May 19, 1896) On the sixth day of April, 1883, the defendant Broome instituted a replevin suit against the plaintiff to recover the possession of two race horses, viz.: a black filly named Black Gal, and a sorrel filly known as the Bass filly. The defense was that Wright owned an undivided half interest in the horses. The case was tried at the October term... 1896 Cases Yes  
  Black V. Herring 79 Md. 146, Court of Appeals of Maryland (March 14, 1894) Appeal from circuit court of Baltimore city. Bill by Calvin H. Black against Annie Herring and others to construe parts of the will of Elizabeth W. Black, deceased. From the decree of the circuit court, complainant appeals. Reversed. 1894 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Brief for Plaintiff in Error, Homer Adolph Plessy, Plaintiff in Error, V. J. H. Ferguson, Judge, &C. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. ?? (April 06, 1893) The Plaintiff in Error was arrested on the affidavit of two witnesses charging him with violation of Act No. 111, of the Laws of Louisiana, session of 1890, averring that he was a colored... 1893 Briefs Yes  
  Huls V. Black 14 Ky.L.Rptr. 805, Superior Court of Kentucky (March 22, 1893) Appeal from Knox Court of Common Pleas. Answering the petition in this action brought by the appellee to recover judgment on two notes given in consideration of the purchase price of a town lot in Barbourville, Ky., the appellant pleaded in bar of the recovery sought that he was induced to sign the notes by the false and fraudulent representations... 1893 Cases Yes  
  Nash V. Baker 37 Neb. 713, Supreme Court of Nebraska (October 04, 1893) Commissioners' decision. Appeal from district court, Buffalo county; Hamer, Judge. Action by William A. Nash, for himself and others, against Nelson A. Baker, mayor, and others, officers of the city of Kearney, and the Kearney & Black Hills Railway Company, for an injunction. Defendants had decree, and plaintiff appeals. Reversed. 1893 Cases Yes  
  State V. Duncan 116 Mo. 288, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 2 (May 16, 1893) Appeal from St. Louis circuit court; W. W. Edwards, Judge. Harry Duncan was convicted of murder, and he appeals. Affirmed. The other facts fully appear in the following statement by SHERWOOD, J.: On change of venue to the circuit court of St. Louis county, the defendant, a negro, was convicted of having murdered James Brady, a policeman, in the... 1893 Cases Yes  
  State V. Smith 114 Mo. 406, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 2 (February 28, 1893) Appeal from criminal court, Jackson county; Henry P. White, Judge. Thomas Smith, having been convicted of murder, appeals. Affirmed. The other facts fully appear in the following statement by SHERWOOD, J.: The defendant, a negro, indicted for the murder of one of his own race, George Cameron, by shooting him with a pistol, being put upon his trial,... 1893 Cases Yes  
  Thompson V. Bunton 117 Mo. 83, Supreme Court of Missouri (June 19, 1893) In banc. Proceedings in habeas corpus by Joseph Thompson against J. T. Bunton. Petitioner discharged. The other facts fully appear in the following statement by SHERWOOD, J.: The petitioner, a negro, charged with being a vagrant, was arrested and brought before J. J. Winscott, a justice of the peace of Salt River township, Audrain county, Mo. The... 1893 Cases Yes  
  Brown V. Cheatham 91 Tenn. 97, Supreme Court of Tennessee (January 09, 1892) Appeal from chancery court, Maury county; A. J. Abernathy, Chancellor. Bill of ejectment by Willie Brown, (colored,) by his next friend, against A. Cheatham (colored) et al. Plaintiff had judgment, and defendants appeal. Reversed. 1892 Cases Yes  
  Mcpherson V. Blacker 146 U.S. 1, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 1170 (October 17, 1892) In error to the supreme court of the state of Michigan. Affirmed. 1892 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Hickam V. Hickam 46 Mo.App. 496, Kansas City Court of Appeals, Missouri (November 09, 1891) At the December term, 1889, the plaintiff presented to the probate court of Cooper county, for allowance against the estate of Joseph Hickam, deceased, the following account: The Estate of Joseph Hickam, deceased, To Eda Hickam (colored), Dr.: To services rendered by said Eda Hickam for the said Joseph Hickam as house and general servant from the... 1891 Cases Yes  
  Jones V. Hoggard 108 N.C. 178, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 24, 1891) Action to recover land, tried at May term, 1890, of Bertie superior court, before ARMFIELD, J. Facts agreed upon were as follows: (1) Some years prior to the war, Stephen Ruffin and Sylvia Ruffin, a slave man and woman, cohabited together as man and wife, and the plaintiffs, Martha and Kate Jones, Edmund and Stephen Pugh, and Lucy Watson, and the... 1891 Cases Yes  
  Knox V. Board of Education of City of Independence 45 Kan. 152, Supreme Court of Kansas (January 10, 1891) Original proceeding in mandamus. This is an action of mandamus, commenced in this court on October 8, 1890, by Bertha Knox and Lilly Knox, both colored, by their next friend, Jordan Knox, to compel the board of education of the city of Independence and S. M. Nees, superintendent of the public schools of that city, to permit the plaintiffs to attend... 1891 Cases Yes  
  Martin V. State 90 Ala. 602, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 30, 1891) Appeal from circuit court, Marshall county; John B. Tally, Judge. The defendant in this case, James Martin, was indicted for the murder of Lewis Bullard, by striking him on the head with a rock; was convicted of manslaughter in the first degree; and sentenced to the penitentiary for the term of five years. The defendant was a negro... 1891 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Ferrell V. Thompson 107 N.C. 420, Supreme Court of North Carolina (November 10, 1890) This was a civil action before MACRAE, Judge, to recover a share in the proceeds of sale of slaves belonging to the distributees of John Mathews, deceased, the father of the feme plaintiff, made by the defendant, as commissioner appointed by the court to sell the same for partition. It is alleged in the complaint, and admitted in the answer, that,... 1890 Cases Yes  
  Linton V. State 88 Ala. 216, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 27, 1890) Appeal from circuit court, Pike county; John P. Hubbard, Judge. Indictment against Martha Linton. The indictment charged that John Blue, a negro man, and Martha Linton, a white woman, did intermarry, or live in adultery or fornication with each other, against the peace, etc. The court refused to give the following charges requested by... 1890 Cases Yes  
  Royston V. Illinois Cent. R. Co. 67 Miss. 376, Supreme Court of Mississippi (February 17, 1890) Appeal from circuit court, Benton county; W. M. ROGERS, Judge. Action by Aaron Royston, a colored man, against the Illinois Central Railroad Company, for injuries received by plaintiff while a passenger on defendant's railroad train. Plaintiff, after taking a drink at a bar-room, bought his ticket, got on the train, and took his seat in what was... 1890 Cases Yes  
  Webb V. Trustees of First Colored Baptist Church 11 Ky.L.Rptr. 926, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 08, 1890) Appeal from circuit court, Fayette county. To be officially reported. 1890 Cases Yes  
  Baylies V. Curry 30 Ill.App. 105, Appellate Court of Illinois, First District (January 17, 1889) This is an action on the case under the act of June 10, 1885, Civil Rights, by the appellee, a colored woman, for being refused, for the reason that she is a colored woman, the full and equal enjoyment of the accommodations, etc., of a theatre conducted by appellant. A motion in arrest of judgment on the ground that the action ought... 1889 Cases Yes  
  Browning V. Ficklin's Adm'r 26 Ky.L.Rptr. 470, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 19, 1889) Appeal from circuit court, Fayette county. Not to be officially reported. This was an action brought by Polly Ficklin's administrator and the beneficiaries of a trust created by said Polly Ficklin by a will, in 1849, wherein she provided that the lands given in trust for her emancipated slaves should never be sold, unless it should be unlawful... 1889 Cases Yes  
  Louisville, N. O. & T. Ry. Co. V. State 66 Miss. 662, Supreme Court of Mississippi (June 10, 1889) Appeal from circuit court, Tunica county; J. H. WYNN, Judge. The defendant company was indicted for omitting and neglecting to provide separate accommodations on its trains for white and colored persons, as required by act March 2, 1888. From a judgment of conviction defendant appeals. 1889 Cases Yes  
  Black V. Pratt Coal & Coke Co. 85 Ala. 504, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 06, 1888) Appeal from circuit court, Jefferson county; Leroy F. Box, Judge. Ejectment by Robert L. Black against the Pratt Coal & Coke Company. Judgment for defendant, and plaintiff appeals. 1888 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Constitutional Law - Police Power - Civil Rights 2 Harvard Law Review 236 (December 15, 1888) The defendant excluded certain colored persons from his skating-rink. He was indicted under a clause in the Penal Code of New York, which declares that no citizen of the State can, by reason of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, be excluded from places of amusement. It was contended that this clause violates the provision of the... 1888 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
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