AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Shearer V. Smith 35 Tex. 427, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1871) 1. A verdict was rendered as follows: We, the jury, find for the plaintiff $750, United States currency, for hire of the negro from January 2, 1862, to June 19, 1865, as per instruction of charge 4th. This is in full of all claims. Held, that the court below erred in rendering judgment for the sum thus specified, with interest added from January... 1871 Cases Yes  
  State ex Rel. Garnes V. Mccann 21 Ohio St. 198, Supreme Court of Ohio (December 01, 1871) Where, under the 31st section of the act of 1853, to provide for the organization, supervision, and maintenance of common schools, as amended in 1864, the proper boards of education constructed a joint district for the education of colored childred out of two continguous districts for the education of white children, and provided a school for... 1871 Cases Yes  
  State V. Gibson 36 Ind. 389, Supreme Court of Indiana (November 01, 1871) It appears of record in this cause, that appellee was charged by indictment in the court below with having unlawfully and knowingly married, in the county and State aforesaid, one Jennie Williams, a white woman of this State, he then and there having one-eighth part or more of negro blood. The indictment was, upon the motion of the appellee,... 1871 Cases Yes  
  Wall V. Pulliam 52 Tenn. 365, Supreme Court of Tennessee (June 10, 1871) In August, 1860, complainants filed their bill in Chancery Court, at Somerville, attaching certain slaves asserting title to them as against the then trustee, one Goodall, and beneficiaries under a certain deed. They gave bond for the attachment, conditioned as follows: Now, if the said complainants (naming them) shall pay to defendants all... 1871 Cases Yes  
  Young V. Cavitt 54 Tenn. 18, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 09, 1871) Jacob Young died in Robertson county, in October, 1858, having made his will, which was duly admitted to record. He was an old bachelor, possessed of considerable fortune, consisting of lands, slaves, etc. He provided in his will that his lands and all of his slaves except three, should be sold, and the proceeds divided among his collateral... 1871 Cases Yes  
  Buford V. Tucker 44 Ala. 89, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1870) [ACTION ON PROMISSORY NOTE GIVEN FOR HIRE OF A SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Lowndes. Tried before Hon. GEORGE GOLDTHWAITE. 1870 Cases Yes  
  Burts V. Evans 48 Tenn. 420, Supreme Court of Tennessee (September 01, 1870) The plaintiff, John C. Burts, brought an action of assumpsit against the defendant, in the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, upon the following instrument: I have this day bought a negro man, named Henderson, from John C. Burts, for which I have agreed to pay twelve hundred dollars, as the bill of sale will more fully show; and I hereby... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Calhoun V. Calhoun 2 S.C. 283, Supreme Court of South Carolina (April 01, 1870) In May, 1854, A and B sold and conveyed to C, with warranty of title, a plantation, fifty slaves and some chattels, and C, at the same time, gave to them his bond for the purchase money, amounting to $49,000, payable in installments, with interest; and to secure the payment of the bond, gave to them two mortgagesone of the plantation, and... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Cochreham V. Kirkpatrick 48 Tenn. 327, Supreme Court of Tennessee (September 01, 1870) From the allegations in the bill it appears that William Smith made his last will and testament on the 18th day of July, 1859, to which he executed a codicil on the 3d of September, 1859, and that he departed this life on the -- day of _, 1859. The complainant, Eliza, was the slave of the testator at the date of the will and codicil and at the time... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Ensley V. U.s. 6 Ct.Cl. 282, United States Court of Claims (December 01, 1870) In March, 1864, a resident of Memphis, claiming to own slaves at Mobile, gives to one D., a subject of Denmark, his power of attorney to sell the slaves and invest the proceeds in cotton. D. passes through the military lines under a provost marshal's pass, sells the negroes, invests the proceeds in cotton; the cotton is captured. Commercial... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Fitzpatrick V. Hearne 44 Ala. 171, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1870) [ACTION ON PROMISSORY NOTE GIVEN FOR PURCHASE-MONEY OF SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Lowndes. Tried before the Hon. JAMES Q. SMITH. 1870 Cases Yes  
  Hoover V. Brem 43 Miss. 603, Supreme Court of Mississippi (October 01, 1870) 1. LEGACY TO SLAVE-EFFECT OF EMANCIPATION-TRUST.-Though a legacy to a slave may have been invalid at the time of the death of the testator, because of the disability of the legatee, it may be valid as a trust in the hands of the executor for the benefit of the slave, and if it continue till the disability of slavery be removed, it shall then vest... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Johnson V. Johnson 45 Mo. 595, Supreme Court of Missouri (March 01, 1870) The respondent instituted a suit for divorce against the appellant, in the St. Louis Circuit Court, on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment, and, upon a hearing, a divorce and alimony were decreed. The parties are both negroes, and the appellant was formerly a slave; and the question presented by the record is new in this court, and may be of... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Mcdaniel V. White 32 Tex. 488, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1870) 1. The ruling in Hall v. Keese, 31 Tex. 504, approved, that the abolition of slavery took effect in Texas on the 19th of June, 1865. 2. A warranty given in 1860 that negroes then sold were slaves for life was only a guaranty of their legal status at that time, and never was a warranty against their future emancipation. 3. The pecuniary loss... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Mcelvain V. Mudd 44 Ala. 48, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1870) [ACTION ON PROMISSORY NOTE FOR THE PURCHASE-MONEY OF SLAVES SOLD IN THIS STATE IN FEBRUARY, 1864.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Shelby. Tried before Hon. JOHN HENDERSON. 1870 Cases Yes  
  Palmer V. Malone 48 Tenn. 549, Supreme Court of Tennessee (September 01, 1870) The demurrer should have been sustained and the bill dismissed. On the 4th day of April, 1859, complainants, with others, executed a note to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Union county, for the sum of six hundred and seventy-six dollars, for the price of a negro slave, sold under a decree of that court, in a proceeding for the sale of slaves for... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Pillow V. Brown 26 Ark. 240, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1870) In September, 1865, Pointer filed his bill against Pillow and Coolidge, in which he alleged that, on the 28th day of December, 1860, he sold to Pillow eighty-five negroes, which Pillow took into possession, for the sum of one hundred and nine thousand two hundred and six dollars and twenty-five cents, to secure the payment of which sum Pillow... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Redding V. Alsop Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 21, 1870) Jesse Alsop, a citizen of Washington County, Kentucky, owning a large estate, real and personal, in the State of Mississippi, on the 2nd of January, 1856, published his last will whereby, among other things, leaving no legitimate descendants, but a colored woman and children recognized by him as his. He made the following provisions for their... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Sanders V. Rogers 1 S.C. 452, Supreme Court of South Carolina (April 20, 1870) A trustee, who held bonds for money, given in 1858, and well secured by a mortgage of real estate, in trust to invest the proceeds, as soon as practicable, in lands or negroes, held to have become liable to his cestui que trust, as for a breach of trust, for receiving payment of the bonds, in March, 1863, in Confederate Treasury notes, then much... 1870 Cases Yes  
  State, to Use of Thomas V. Mosely 47 Tenn. 576, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1870) This is an action of covenant, against the former Sheriff of Shelby county, and his securities on his official bond, for the default of his deputy, for failing duly to execute and return an attachment, issued from the Chancery Court at Memphis, against certain slaves therein named, in the possession of one John B. Turner. The suit, as originally... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Todd V. Trott 64 N.C. 280, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1870) Testator died in 1869, leaving a will, made in 1858, by which he directed all my negroes, July, &c., (naming them--seven) to be removed and settled in some free State; and to meet the expenses of removal, bequeathed to his executors $800, and in same clause provided: Should there be any balance of the trust fund... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Webster V. Heard 32 Tex. 685, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1870) 1. By the will of a testator a negro could not have been left part slave and partly a free person. She could not be sufficiently emancipated to capacitate her to take property by devise, and still be left so much a slave as to be disabled from dealing with it like other free persons exempt from disabilities not imputed to her. 2. A negress having... 1870 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  West V. Hall 64 N.C. 43, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1870) A bond given for the price of a slave sold in 1859, is valid, notwithstanding the public events which have happened since; nor is it affected by the fact that the slave was warranted such for life. (Harrell v. Watson, 63 N. C. R. 454, cited and approved.) DEBT, tried before Cloud, J., at Fall Term 1869, of ROWAN Court. The plaintiff declared upon a... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Whayne V. Howard Court of Appeals of Kentucky (March 05, 1870) January 7, 1860, N. C. Howard and Brother, received of M. J. Whayne, appellant's husband, two negro slaves at the price of $2,500 and executed the following receipt: Received of M. J. Whayne two thousand five hundred dollars in part pay for my livery stable. March 3, 1860, M. J. Whayne brought an equity suit to enforce a parol... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Whitfield V. Whitfield 44 Miss. 254, Supreme Court of Mississippi (October 01, 1870) 1. DETINUE-DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY.-In detinue for personal property, where slaves were described in the declaration, some by their name and age, some by name and complexion, and some by name, age, and complexion, and mules by their color, or by their sex, color, and age; and other property, as two yoke of oxen, one wagon, six head of cattle,... 1870 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Wilkinson V. Cook 44 Miss. 367, Supreme Court of Mississippi (October 01, 1870) 1. CONSIDERATIONSLAVESDEFENSE.In an action brought to recover the amount of a promissory note given prior to the war for certain slaves sold, which the vendor warranted to be slaves for life, it is no valid defense to the action, that, by the results of the war said slaves had become free, and were, therefore, not slaves for... 1870 Cases Yes  
  Algier V. Black 32 Tex. 168, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1869) 1. The case of Hall v. Keese, 31 Tex. 504, approved, as respects the time at which emancipation of the slaves took effect in Texas--to wit: the 19th of June, 1865, that being the date of General Granger's proclamation on his arrival in this state. 2. Persons who speculated on the success of the rebellion, and made contracts founded on the chances... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Berry V. Hart 1 S.C. 125, Supreme Court of South Carolina (May 08, 1869) Executors who purchased, at their own sale, slaves of their testator's estate, cannot, in accounting to a legatee, set up as a defence, under Art. 4, Sec. 34, of the Constitution, that their liability arises from the purchase of slaves. The obligation of an executor to account to a legatee springs out of the relation of the parties, and a purchase... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Blewett V. Evans 42 Miss. 804, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1869) 1. CONTRACT OF SALE: EXECUTED WHEN SELLER DIVESTS HIMSELF OF TITLE. A contract for the sale of slaves is executed when the seller makes title to a third person for his indemnity, and to be and remain in him until the debt for which such third person is surety for the purchaser is paid; the use and possession of the slaves being with the... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Brown V. Cureton 1 S.C. 233, Supreme Court of South Carolina (October 09, 1869) Testator, after a specific bequest of negroes, and a direction that the rest of his negroes be divided, by appraisers, into four lots, as nearly equal as may be, one, including certain named negroes, to be set apart to his son D., and the other three to be taken and drawn for by his other children and some grandchildren, provided a fund to be... 1869 Cases Yes  
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