AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Brown V. Wright 39 Ga. 96, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1869) 1. A guardian, who acted with the caution of a prudent man, and loaned the money or his wards, prior to the adoption of the Code, 1st January, 1863, and took a note well secured by a mortgage upon negro property, which was lost by reason of the emancipation of the slaves, is not liable to his wards for the amount so lost. 2. A guardian, who acted... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Dever V. Akin 40 Ga. 423, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1869) D. was indebted to F. for slaves bought of him, and F. was indebted to P. for land, and by mutual agreement of the three, D. gave his note to T., the amount of the several debts being the same. This is a novation. The debt from D. to F. and from F. to T. are at an end by the new contract between D. and F., and the consideration of this contract is,... 1869 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Farmers' Bank V. Johnson 4 Bush 411, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 13, 1869) Old and infirm slaves having been sold to the lowest bidder-- that is, to the one who would agree to provide for them, and bury them plainly and decently, for the least sum--to be paid out of the estate of their owner: being deprived of any control over them by the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery, the purchaser was... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Garlington V. Priest 13 Fla. 559, Supreme Court of Florida (January 01, 1869) Where a bond was given in 1861 for the forthcoming of slaves levied upon by execution, the condition of which was that the slaves should be delivered twelve months after peace should be made and proclaimed between the Confederate States and the United States of America; Held, That the happening of the contingency mentioned was a condition governing... 1869 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  George V. Stevens 31 Tex. 670, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1869) The 2d and 3d sections of the act of 13th March, 1848, the better to define marital rights, were thus quoted: The statute (Pas. Dig. art. 4641) provides that All property, both real and personal, of the wife, owned or claimed by her before marriage, and that acquired afterwards by gift, devise, or descent, as also the increase... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Green V. Anderson 38 Ga. 655, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1869) 1. When a testator, who died in 1853, by will, directed that his executors cause to be removed to a free State, and there emancipated, his negro boy John, and that the executors pay the expense of his removal, and for his reasonable support and schooling, until he is put to a trade, and when, if he do, he reaches the age of twenty-one years, they... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Gresham V. Morrow 40 Ga. 487, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1869) A held a note on two as joint promisors, which note was given for slaves, and in full discharge and satisfaction of said note. A took a note for the same amount on one of said principals, and a third party, as his security. This was a novation, the original debt ceased to exist, and the consideration of the new note was not slaves, but the... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Handy V. Clark 4 Houst. 16, Superior Court of Delaware (April 01, 1869) The disability and incompetency of free negroes to testify as witnesses in any civil action in which a white person is a party, is removed and abolished by the thirteenth amendment of the... 1869 Trial Court Orders Yes  
  Handy V. Clark 4 Houst. 16, Superior Court of Delaware (April 01, 1869) The disability and incompetency of free negroes to testify as witnesses in any civil action in which a white person is a party, is removed and abolished by the thirteenth amendment of the constitution of the United States, and the act of Congress entitled The civil rights bill. And a negro slave continuing voluntarily in the service... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Hardin's Ex'r V. Litsey's Ex'r Court of Appeals of Kentucky (February 20, 1869) Mrs. Hardin intending to remove from Kentucky to Illinois to reside with her son, appellee sued out an attachment against her of several asserted claims which was levied on three negro slaves, but for which she gave the ordinary forthcoming bond written some few hours afterwards. She denied that she owed the claims and put up other defenses,... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Harrell V. Watson 63 N.C. 454, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1869) Bonds require no consideration. The sale of a slave in September 1864, in North Carolina, constituted a valuable consideration for any promise made to pay for the same. The Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln, and the Act of Congress of July 1862, by their terms operated only upon particular slaves, and did not affect the institution of... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Hood V. Yowel Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 21, 1869) This was a suit by Hood against Yowel on the warranty to a slave sold by the latter to the former in the year 1859, warranting him to be a slave for life, but who was freed by the amendment to the constitution of the United States abolishing slavery, proclaimed December 18, 1865, and to which the court sustained a demurrer and dismissed the... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Hubbard V. Witerbower Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 15, 1869) This suit was filed by the appellant in May, 1850, to rescind an absolute bill of sale made by decedent in August, 1846, to Winterbower, for a slave girl, nine years of age, at the price of $275, alleging that it was but a mortgage and that there were included in the consideration usury and false fees as a constable by appellees. The suit lingered... 1869 Cases Yes  
  In re Griffin Chase 364, Circuit Court, D. Virginia (May 01, 1869) Appeal from the district court of the United States for the district of Virginia. Caesar Griffin, a negro, was indicted in the county court of Rockbridge county, for an assault with intent to kill. He removed his case as under the law he had the right to do into the circuit court for that county, and was there tried by a jury which found him guilty... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Jones V. Morgan 39 Ga. 310, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1869) (McCay, J., having been of counsel in this cause, did not preside.) When it appeared from the record that an action of trover and conversion was pending in the Superior Court of Sumter county, for the tortious conversion of certain negro slaves in the year 1850, and that the plaintiff and defendant had fraudulently settled said suit with notice of... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Kyle V. Clark Court of Appeals of Kentucky (February 08, 1869) December 31, 1864, Kyle sold to Clark a negro slave girl for $75 and gave a bill of sale evidencing that he had sold to Clark a black girl of yellow complexion named Fannie aged about seventeen years she is in good health and a slave for life. The girl having died within a few months Clark sued and recovered the consideration paid and... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Mcaffee V. Mulkey 40 Ga. 115, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1869) A suit was instituted to recover damages for a breach of warranty of the soundness of a slave, sold by the defendant to the plaintiff, on the 27th of December, 1862, the consideration of which sale was a house and lot, in the town of Fort Valley: Held, that the Court had jurisdiction to hear and determine such cause of action, upon the state of... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Megowan V. Lansdale Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 06, 1869) Appellee having obtained a judgment by suit on the official bond of appellant Megowan as sheriff of Jefferson county and his securities for a return of money which was in one of his deputies hands as a surplus on the sale of some negro slaves after paying off the executions by virtue of which he had seized and sold them, a reversal is sought by the... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Moody V. Haselden 1 S.C. 129, Supreme Court of South Carolina (May 08, 1869) On 2??st September, 1859, H. gave to E. two mortgages, one of land, and the other of slaves, to secure the payment of a debt due by notes. On 20th December, 1861, a considerable part of the debt being due and unpaid, E., by his agent, seized the slaves under his mortgage, but allowed them to go into H.'s possession, on a bond for their forthcoming... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Napier V. Dickson 40 Ga. 282, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1869) In 1858, N. sold to D. certain negro slaves, for the sum of $7,000 00, $2,000 00 of which was paid at the time of sale, the purchaser giving his promisory notes for the balance, due at one, two, three, and four years after date; to secure the payment of which, D. executed to N. a mortgage on real estate. In November, 1865, that mortgage was... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Patrick V. Swinney 5 Bush 421, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 24, 1869) 1. A covenant which warranted a slave to be sound in body and mind, and a slave for life, did not constitute or import a warranty of title in the covenantors. 2. In an action on a note executed for the price of the slave, without averring any warranty of title, either expressed or implied, or a breach of such warranty, the allegations... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Redd V. Hargroves 40 Ga. 18, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1869) On the 25th of February, 1852, Owen Thomas, the testator, made and executed his will, by one clause of which he desired that certain negro slaves therein named should be conveyed to Liberia, or any other free State foreign to Georgia, unto which they might severally elect to go, and in which they might lawfully reside, and there be forever... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Richardson V. Futrell 42 Miss. 525, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1869) 1. ACCORD AND SATISFACTION. - Where a creditor takes from his debtor a receipt for the amount due him, and in the receipt the debtor agrees to invest the amount in negroes, it is a satisfaction of the original indebtedness, and the debtor is afterwards liable alone on the receipt. 2. BAILMENT: MANDATE EVIDENCE OF NEGLECT. - A mandate is a contract... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Robinson V. Mciver 63 N.C. 645, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1869) 1. General pecuniary legacies are not chargeable upon or to be preferred to, specific devises of land, although the latter be found in a residuary clause which also includes personalty. 2. A legacy in contemplation of emancipation and removal, to one who was a slave when the will was written, is valid; and a bequest made in trust for the removal of... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Roundtree V. Baker 52 Ill. 241, Supreme Court of Illinois (September 01, 1869) This was an action of debt, brought by plaintiff in error, in the Knox circuit court, against defendant in error, on a writing obligatory, entered into in the State of Kentucky, by Turner R. Roundtree to Dudley Roundtree, given for the price of a negro girl sold by the latter to the former. It appears, the instrument sued on bears date the tenth of... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Scott V. State 39 Ga. 321, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1869) 1. The Code of Georgia, adopted by the new Constitution, forever prohibits the marriage relation between white persons and persons of African descent, and declares such marriages null and void. 2. This section of the Code is not repealed by, nor is it inconsistent with, that part of the Constitution which declares that the social status of... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Venable V. Born 40 Ga. 74, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1869) The only question made by the record in this case is, whether a copy of a lost note given for a slave can be established in the Superior Court, under the provisions of the Code for the establishment of lost papers. The Court below ruled and decided, that a copy of such lost note could not be established. In thus ruling, we think the Court erred.... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Vicksburg & M.r. Co. V. Green 42 Miss. 436, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1869) 1. SLAVERY: EFFECT OF PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION: DID NOT ABOLISH SLAVERY IN THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI BEYOND THE TERRITORY OCCUPIED BY FEDERAL ARMIES. The proclamation of President Lincoln of September 22, 1862, abolishing slavery in the States then in rebellion on the 1st of January, 1863, was alone operative and effective in that portion of... 1869 Cases Yes  
  White V. Clements 39 Ga. 232, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1869) 1. The statements of a register of voters that he had marked a registered person's name with a C to demonstrate that he was a colored person, and had posted his list, for some time, in a public place, and that no application had been made to have said letter erased, is not evidence that the person is a colored person, it not being... 1869 Cases Yes  
  Williams V. Johnson 30 Md. 500, Court of Appeals of Maryland (May 14, 1869) This was an action of trover, to recover the value of a negro slave. At the time of the institution of the suit, negro slavery existed in this State, and the sole question raised by the demurrer is, whether its abolition by the Constitution of 1864, operates as a bar to the plaintiff's recovery. The radical error, which underlies the argument of... 1869 Cases Yes  
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