AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Beck V. Blue 42 Ala. 32, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1868) [TROVER FOR CONVERSION OF SLAVE.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Wilcox. Tried before Hon. JOHN K. HENRY. 1868 Cases Yes  
  Blakely V. Tisdale 14 Rich.Eq. 90, Court of Appeals of South Carolina (April 01, 1868) Testator, who died in 1822, by his will dated the same year, bequeathed five slaves to his brother W. for life, and then after his death to be free to all intents and purposes forever; and also devised a tract of land and $1,000 to W. for life, with remainder to the same slaves. W. died in 1862, and in 1865 the slaves were... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Brown's Ex'x V. Hawkins' Ex'x 3 Bush 558, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 18, 1868) For and in consideration of one thousand dollars, I have this day sold to Mason Brown my negro man slave, Pete, aged thirty-three years. I warrant that I have good title to him; that he is a slave for life, and sound and healthy. As the said boy has heretofore run away, I covenant that, in case that he runs away and escapes from the said... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Calvert V. Pearce Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 26, 1868) Calvert is seeking to reverse a judgment dismissing his petition to set aside a sale of purchase by him of two slaves made under a decretal order of the Caldwell circuit court on the petition of James M. Pearce in his own right and as guardian for his minor sister, Cecelia J. and Codelia R. Pearce, Nicholas B. Pearce and N. H. Baily, the husband of... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Caruthers V. Corbin 38 Ga. 75, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1868) 1. By the laws of South Carolina, as they existed in 1835, a will practically emancipating slaves was invalid, so far as such object was concerned; but other bequests, in the same will, were not affected thereby. 2. Our laws will not enforce the provisions of a will, made in another State, which are directly contrary to the declared policy of this... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Hardin's Ex'r V. Willis Court of Appeals of Kentucky (January 01, 1868) George Smith died intestate leaving four brothers and sisters and their descendants as his heirs and distributees, Mrs. Hardin, wife of M. Hardin, deceased, being a sister. The slaves of the estate were sold and Willis as receiver settled with M. Hardin for his share as witnessed by his receipt of October 25, 1848, for $453, in full, so that the... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Johnson V. Walker 25 Ark. 196, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1868) This suit is by a bill brought by the complainant against the defendants, on the chancery side of the Crittenden circuit court, to rescind a contract, by complainant made with defendant, Walker, for the purchase of certain lands, negro slaves, farming implements, crop, stock, &c., amounting in the aggregate to $83,000, and for a return of part... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Kimbrough V. Worrill 38 Ga. 119, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1868) Where A bargained to B certain slaves, which at the time were runaway, and B paid to A the price agreed upon, and it was agreed, at the time, between the parties, that if B did not, by a certain fixed time, get possession of the slaves, A should repay the money. Held: That this was only a conditional sale, and if B failed to get the negroes, there... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Lewis V. State 2 Morr.St.Cas. 1531, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (April 01, 1868) 1. CRIMINAL LAW: BAIL: MASTER AND SERVANT: EMANCIPATION OF SLAVE DISCHARGES HIS FORMER OWNER AS SURETY ON HIS BAIL BOND.Where the master enters into a recognizance for the appearance of his slave to answer an indictment for a felony, the subsequent emancipation of the slave discharges the master from the obligation of the recognizance. 2.... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Lewis V. Watson 4 Bush 228, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 01, 1868) This appeal presents for our revision a judgment, by the chancellor of the city of Louisville, on conflicting claims by antagonist members of the Methodist Church on Centre street, in that city, to the exclusive use of the church property. All the members of that church are colored persons, most of whom were, until lately, slaves. A minority of the... 1868 Cases Yes  
  March V. Phelps Phil.Law 560, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1868) A bill of sale in the following words: Received of M. & H. $2000 for a negro boy named Allen, 26 years old, said negro is warranted sound in mind and in body and the title good, held to contain no warranty as to age. CASE, tried at Spring Term 1867 of the Superior Court of DAVIDSON, before Warren, J. The plaintiffs declared for deceit, and false... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Mundy V. Robinson 4 Bush 342, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 11, 1868) 1. The hirer of a slave for a term which had not expired on the 18th day of December, 1865, when the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery was declared adopted, is entitled to an abatement, pro tanto, of the promised price. 2. Hiring implies a warranty of title; consequently, should the title fail from any legal cause, by either an eviction... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Nickerson V. Nickerson 28 Md. 327, Court of Appeals of Maryland (February 28, 1868) This was an action of trover, instituted by the appellant against the appellee, for the conversion of a negro servant, alleged to be the property of the appellant, acquired by a parol gift from the appellee. The case was tried on the general issue plea of not guilty; and at the trial the appellant took three exceptions to the rulings of the Court.... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Payne V. Richardson 4 Bush 207, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 19, 1868) 1. The owners of slaves, who voluntarily put them in the Federal army as substitutes in 1864, thereby waived their right to compensation for their value, and emancipated them by their own acts. 2. Slaves, voluntarily put in the Federal army in 1864, as substitutes, by their owners, thereby became free and able to contract. APPEAL FROM MEADE CIRCUIT... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Spray V. Clayton's Adm'r Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 21, 1868) This action was brought by appellee, administratrix of George Clayton, against appellants on a note for $1,100. Three grounds of defense were relied upon in the answer. First, that the note was executed for the price of a slave purchased by appellant Spray of appellee's estate, who warranted the title to the slave, and that he had no title to him... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Vaughn V. Edwards Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 19, 1868) John Edwards, a citizen of Green county, departed this life intestate in 1842 possessed of a valuable estate in land and slaves, leaving Mrs. Ann W. Edwards, his widow, surviving him, and seven children, his heirs. His daughter Elizabeth who had married Dr. A. M. Jones perhaps in 1841 died in 1845 leaving her husband and two daughters, Velotte and... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Weaver V. Lapsley 42 Ala. 601, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 01, 1868) [ACTION ON A CONTRACT FOR SALE OF SLAVES.] APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Dallas. Tried before the Hon. JOHN MOORE. 1868 Cases Yes  
  Young & Co. V. Booard's Heirs Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 19, 1868) It does not sufficiently appear from the evidence either that Gabriel Booard was insolvent at the time or that he made the conveyance of the house and lands to Alex McCause in contemplation of insolvency. The inference from the evidence is that his good and notes, accounts, &c., stock, negro slaves, &c., that he, then and afterwards, owed, were... 1868 Cases Yes  
  Adams V. Adams 36 Ga. 236, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1867) 1. Under the provisions of the act of 1866, the County Judge has no jurisdiction to bind out colored minor children as apprentices, unless such minor children are residents of the county and their parents reside out of the county, or are dead, the profits of whose estate are insufficient for their support and maintenance, or their parents, if... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Atkins V. Busby 25 Ark. 176, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1867) B. executed a bond of conveyance of real estate and slaves, reciting that he had bargained and sold the same to A., conditioned to deliver possession at a future day on payment of a part of the purchase money, and to make, execute and deliver a good and sufficient deed of conveyance on payment of the residue; the part payment was made and... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Bass V. Freeman 36 Ga. 435, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1867) NOTE.WARNER, C. J., did not preside in this case. 1. The doctrine in the cases of Hand vs. Armstrong, 34 Ga., 232; Freeman vs. Bass, Ib., 355, and Bass vs. Ware, Ib., 386, re-affirmed. Assumpsit. Warranty. Emancipation of slavery, &c. Tried before Judge Cole. Bibb Superior Court. November (adjourned) Term, 1866. On the fifth day of November,... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Bedford V. Williams 45 Tenn. 202, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1867) On th 26th of March, 1847, the defendant's intestate, Benjamin P. Persons, made and executed a deed in trust, to the complainant, W. H. Bedford, whereby he conveyed to the trustee four slaves, viz: Nelson, Amy, John, and Cynthia, for the sole use, benefit and comfortable support of two colored women, called Letitia and Emily. It is... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Bowlin V. Com. 2 Bush 5, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 05, 1867) William J. Bowlin, a free white man, indicted for grand larceny in the Fayette circuit court, being sentenced to the Kentucky penitentiary for five years, on the testimony of George Gardner, a free negro, appeals to this court for a reversal of the judgment of conviction, on the ground that the circuit court erred in admitting, against his protest,... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Bradford V. Jenkins 41 Miss. 328, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (June 01, 1867) 1. SLAVES: CONSTRUCTION OF WARRANTY SLAVES FOR LIFE.A covenant in a bill of sale of slaves, that the slaves are slaves for life, relates to the status of the slaves at the time of the sale, and is fulfilled, if the slaves were, by the existing laws, in a condition which rendered them liable to servitude for the period of their... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Brown V. Beckett 1 Mackey 253, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, Docket Number 583 (November 19, 1867) 1. The earnings of the wife, and whatever has been purchased with it belong to the husband, and are liable for his debts. 2. The relation of husband and wife cannot exist between slaves, although they live together as such, and children are born of their union; nor can their continued cohabitation after emancipation raise, as in other cases, a... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Browne V. Johnson 29 Tex. 40, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1867) Where a demurrer was overruled, but the ruling is not assigned for error, it cannot be noticed further than to see whether there be error which goes to the foundation of the action. Where a slave was placed in the hands of a party as bailee, to keep safely for pay, and the allegation was that owing to the negligence of the party the negro escaped,... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Burts V. Duncan 36 Ga. 575, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1867) Gordon died in Mississippi, in 1839, leaving a will by which he bequeathed certain negroes to his wife during widowhood, and appointed Turner his executor, who qualified in Mississippi, in January, 1840. On the 18th of May, 1845, the widow married Martin, and Martin took possession of the negroes and held them until the 9th of May, 1851, when he... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Clarkson V. Booth 17 Gratt. 490, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 17, 1867) 1. Bequest of slaves to a daughter B and her husband A. If B die having no bodily heir, she and A to enjoy them during their life, but not to remove them out of the state, and at their death to be equally divided among the rest of testator's children. B survives her husband, sells the slaves, and dies never having had a child. HELD: 1. The... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Finnell V. Meaux 3 Bush 449, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 28, 1867) This was a suit by appellant on a note for nine hundred dollars, payable to his order, dated November 23d, 1861, due one day thereafter, and signed by Sally Meaux and appellee, both free persons of color. Although the bill of sale, by appellant to Sally Meaux, for a slave, William Henry, is not made part of the evidence, nor copied in the record,... 1867 Cases Yes  
  Francis V. Commonwealth 3 Bush 4, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 04, 1867) 1. Proceedings in cases of bastardy are not criminal but civil proceedings, the chief object of which is the benefit of the mother and child. (Chandler vs. Commonwealth, 4 Metcalfe, 67, and cases cited.) 2. Since the universal abolishment of slavery throughout the United States by constitutional amendment, and the passage of the act of February 14,... 1867 Cases Yes  
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