AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Amos V. State 34 Ga. 531, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1866) [1.] A negro is prima facie a slave. [2.] If a party indicted for selling spirituous liquors to a slave, wish to justify under authority from the owner, he must make out his justification by proof. [3.] Can the owner delegate the authority to furnish spirituous liquors to his slave? Quere? Indictment for Furnishing a Slave with Spirituous Liquors.... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Barker V. Justice 41 Miss. 240, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1866) 1. SLAVE: SALE OF WITHOUT CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER.The purchaser of a slave cannot be held liable for the price, if such slave be brought to this State from another State or Territory for sale, and no certificate of character obtained and recorded as required by the statute. Deans v. McLendon, 30 Miss. 343. 2. SAME: PLEADING: OFFER TO RETURN... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Bass V. Ware 34 Ga. 386, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1866) [1.] Section 1988 of the Code, which abolishes the vendor's lien, applies only to those liens created after the Code went into effect. [2.] Emancipation is no defence to a note given for the purchase of negroes, sold in 1857, and warranted to be slaves for life. In Equity. In Bibb Superior Court. Motion to dissolve Injunction and... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Blankenship V. Berry 28 Tex. 448, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1866) See this case for facts held to be insufficient to show a conversion or wrongful detention by the defendant of the slaves in controversy, although his possession of them was not denied. The evidence failed to show how the plaintiff's slaves came into the defendant's possession, but it was proved that they had been on defendant's premises on former... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Bounty of Colored Soldiers. 12 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 91, U.S.A.G (November 13, 1866)   1866 Administrative Decisions & Guidance Yes  
  Boyd V. Satterwhite 12 Rich.Eq. 487, Court of Appeals of South Carolina (May 01, 1866) Bequest of female slaves and their increase, held not to include descendants of the slaves born before the execution of the will. Bequest of all my bank stock of money,held to carry a sum of money deposited by the testator, at different times, in a neighboring bank, and for which he held certificates entitling him to... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Burt V. State 39 Ala. 617, Supreme Court of Alabama (January 01, 1866) [INDICTMENT AGAINST SLAVE FOR MURDER OF WHITE PERSON.] FROM the Circuit Court of Marengo. Tried before the Hon. JAMES COBBS. 1866 Cases Yes  
  Butler's Adm'r V. Hughes 35 Ga. 200, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1866) [1] Presumption of gift when slave went home with a daughter, on her marriage. [2] Parol gift of slaves, perfected by delivery, was not rendered invalid by Act of 1856. That Act, neither in letter nor in spirit, extended to such a case. Complaint for Negroes. In Twiggs Superior Court. Tried before Judge COLE. September Term, 1866. This action was... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Cobb V. Battle 34 Ga. 458, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1866) [1.] The declarations of a testator before or after the execution of his will, are competent evidence to prove an attempt on his part to defeat the policy of the statutes forbidding the manumission of slaves. And a trust having that object may be established by such declarations without connecting the alleged trustee with the arrangement by other... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Comas V. Reddish 35 Ga. 236, Supreme Court of Georgia (December 01, 1866) [1.] The Ordinary has no power to apprentice a colored child who resides with and is maintained by its father, the father being a resident of the county and able to support the child. [2.] The Act of 1866, touching apprentices, construed. [3.] If a child not subject to be so dealt with, be bound out by the Ordinary, the indentures of apprenticeship... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Dorris V. Grace 24 Ark. 326, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1866) The rights of the owners of slaves, not within the lines of the military occupation of the United States during the late war, were in no wise affected or impaired by the proclamation of the president, of the 1st of September, 1862, commanding that all slaves in the state should be free from and after the first day of January, 1863. The act of... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Evans V. Fisher 40 Miss. 643, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1866) 1. ESTATES OF DECEDENTS: REAL ESTATE: CHARGEABLE WITH DEBTS AT COMMON LAW AND BY STATUTE.-At common law, real estate of freehold, of which a person died seized, descended to the heirs, and was chargeable only with debts due by specialty, in which the ancestor bound himself and heirs. The rule has been changed by statute, and in England and the... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Hand V. Armstrong 34 Ga. 232, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1866) Emancipation is no defence to notes given for the purchase money of slaves sold in 1860, with warranty that they are slaves for life. The warrantor did not covenant against a future act of the government. He simply warranted that the slaves in question belonged to that class whose condition was, by the then law, one of bondage for... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Harris V. Hannibal & St. J.r. Co. 37 Mo. 307, Supreme Court of Missouri (January 01, 1866) Harris filed his petition in the Macon county Circuit Court against the appellant, claiming damages in the sum of two thousand dollars, for the loss of a negro slave named Isaac. The petition contained two counts, the first stated that the appellant, without leave and wrongfully, took the slave and did not return the same; the second count alleged... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Hiss V. State 24 Md. 556, Court of Appeals of Maryland (May 11, 1866) An indictment was found against the plaintiff in error, charging that on the 1st of June, 1863, at the City of Baltimore, Silas Wright, a negro, was arrested and brought before the plaintiff in error, who was then and there a Justice of the Peace of said city, accused of stealing certain bank notes and promissory notes, and upon a hearing by the... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Jones V. Com. 1 Bush 34, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 11, 1866) 1. Taking slaves from their owner in Harrison county in July, 1864, and removing them to Covington, whereby they were lost to their owner, by the provost marshal of said county, under the orders and authority of the district provost marshal, whose headquarters were at Covington, held to be in violation of, and indictable under, section 7, article... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Judge V. Forsyth 11 Fla. 257, Supreme Court of Florida (January 01, 1866) On the 2d day of May, 1859, William Judge made his promissory note, bearing date on that day, by which he promised to pay to Ezekiel E. Simpson and Benjamin D. Wright, executors of Joseph Forsyth, the sum of two thousand dollars; and on the same day made his deed of mortgage on five negro slaves to secure the payment of said note. On the 12th day... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Kidd V. Morrison Phil.Eq. 31, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1866) The bill is filed for the rescission of a deed of release and quit-claim for a negro slave named Tom, on an allegation of fraud in obtaining its execution. At the filing of the bill the slave was in the possession of the complainant, and continued in her possession up to the time of his emancipation by act of law. So that the bill presents no... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Lyne V. Cleveland's Adm'r 1 Bush 80, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 18, 1866) John Cleveland made the following testamentary disposition of his estate by his will, published in November, 1852, and proved and recorded in May, 1853, in the county court of Woodford, in which he lived and died: Giving to his surviving wife a female slave and her increase, and declaring that, with that exception, his property should go as it... 1866 Cases Yes  
  People V. Dean 14 Mich. 406, Supreme Court of Michigan (July 11, 1866) Defendant was prosecuted for illegal voting; he, as alleged, not being within the constitutional provisions regulating the qualifications of voters. Two propositions were discussed on the trial, and charges were asked or made upon both of them; first, whether a person of less than one-half of African blood was white, within the meaning of the... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Richardson V. Inglesby 13 Rich.Eq. 59, Court of Appeals of South Carolina (November 01, 1866) Under fi. fa. against an administratrix, slaves were levied on and sold by the Sheriff for a sum sufficient to satisfy the debt. The creditor, without the knowledge or consent of the administratrix, made a private arrangement with the bidder, who was one of the distributees, by which the latter was allowed to take off the slaves without paying his... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Smith V. Moody 26 Ind. 299, Supreme Court of Indiana (May 01, 1866) Smith sued Moody and another in the court below upon a promissory note. The defendants answered: That the plaintiff is a negro, or person of African descent, and that prior to November 1, 1851, he was a non-resident of the State of Indiana, and came into and settled in and became an inhabitant of said State since that time; that defendants are... 1866 Cases Yes  
  State V. Berry 34 Ga. 546, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1866) A recognizance given by the master for the appearance of his slave to answer a criminal charge, is no longer operative since the abolition of slavery. Scire Facias. In Gordon Superior Court. Decided by Judge MILNER. April Term, 1866. The scire facias set out the following bond, and recited its forfeiture by an order Nisi granted at April term,... 1866 Cases Yes  
  State V. Brodnax Phil.Law 41, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1866) In a case where the facts were, that the prisoner, a slave, was dancing, singing and making a considerable noise, with other slaves, between the negro houses and the overseers's house, which were about thirty feet apart; that, upon the overseer, who is the deceased, and was an elderly man, ordering them to stop the noise, all did, except the... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Steele V. Richardson 24 Ark. 365, Supreme Court of Arkansas (December 01, 1866) After the adoption of the constitution of 1864, by which slavery was abolished in Arkansas, S. sold and conveyed to R. a tract of land for the expressed consideration of ten thousand dollars, but, in reality, for a number of negroes, valued at that sum, which R. warranted to be slaves for life: Held, on a bill in equity to cancel the deed for the... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Thomas V. Newcom 1 Bush 83, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 19, 1866) Where no ground of necessity existed for binding out the negro boy, the county court had no authority to do so under the provisions of the act of February 16th, 1866. APPEAL FROM MARION CIRCUIT COURT. Act of Feb. 16, 1866, Myers' Sup., 729. Art. 1, chap. 64, Rev. Stat., sections 1 to 5. 2 Marshall, 497; Roberts vs. Desferges. 2 Marshall, 585; Payne... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Wade V. Watt 41 Miss. 248, High Court of Errors and Appeals of Mississippi (October 01, 1866) 1. VENDITIONI EXPONAS: EXECUTION: EMANCIPATION OF SLAVES.When an execution was levied in 1861 on slaves, their emancipation before a sale under the execution is an amotion of the levy, and dispenses with the necessity of a venditioni exponas. 2. EXECUTION: LEVY ON PERSONAL PROPERTY: PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF SATISFACTION.The levy of an... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Whitten V. Jenkins 34 Ga. 297, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 01, 1866) [1.] Mrs. J. sued W. in equity, to recover a negro, which W. had purchased from her husband, without notice, as he alleged, of her eqitable title: Held, that parol evidence of facts which appeared on a previous trial between the husband and one L., who had become the agent of W., was admissible to prove notice of her equitable title. [2.] A... 1866 Cases Yes  
  Banks V. Banks 42 Tenn. 546, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1865) The complainants filed their bill in the chancery court at Gallatin, on the 14th day of March, 1865, against J. R. A. Tompkins, executor of the last wills and testaments of Miss Anna J. Banks, and Miss Mary H. Banks, late of Sumner county, Tennessee. A portion of complainants were alleged, in their bill, to have been the former slaves of Miss Anna... 1865 Cases Yes  
  Bearden V. Taylor 42 Tenn. 134, Supreme Court of Tennessee (September 01, 1865) This is a bill, filed by the complainants against the defendant, to recover certain slaves. The facts, substantially, are as follows: In 1828, John Minor, of Greenville, North Carolina, having a daughter, who had intermarried with Benjamin Bearden, then a citizen of Tennessee, executed the following paper: I, John Minor, Sr., of Greenville... 1865 Cases Yes  
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