AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Petitioners' Brief, Murray V. Curlett Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 119 (12/10/1962) The opinion of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, the court of first impression, is reported in the Daily Record (Baltimore), issue of June 12, 1961, and appears at R. 8. The opinion of... 1962 Briefs    
  Petitioners' Brief, William J. Murray Iii, Infant, by Madalyn E. Murray, His Mother and next Friend, and Madalyn E. Murray, Individually, Petitioners, V. John N. Curlett, President, Samuel Epstein, Mrs. M. Richmond Farring, Eli Frank, Jr., Dr. Roger Howel Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 119 (10/10/1962) JOHN N. CURLETT, president, SAMUEL EPSTEIN, Mrs. M. RICHMOND FARRING, ELI FRANK, Jr., Dr. ROGER HOWELL, HENRY P. IRR, Dr. WILLIAM D. McELROY, Mrs. ELIZABETH MURPHY PHILLIPS, JOHN R.... 1962 Briefs    
  Petitioners' Reply to Respondent's Brief in Opposition, Abernathy V. Sullivan Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 40 (12/29/1962) Petitioners submit this reply brief (a) to correct major misstatements and distortions of the Record, and of the applicable law, which permeate respondent's opposing brief; and (b) to point... 1962 Briefs    
  Petitioners' Reply to Respondent's Brief in Opposition, Ralph D. Abernathy, Fred L. Shuttlesworth, S. S. Seay, Sr., and J. E. Lowery, Petitioners, the New York Times Company, a Corporation, V. L. B. Sullivan, Respondent. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 40 (12/29/1962) Petitioners submit this reply brief (a) to correct major misstatements and distortions of the Record, and of the applicable law, which permeate respondent's opposing brief; and (b) to point... 1962 Briefs    
  Petitioners' Reply to Respondent's Brief in Opposition, Ralph D. Abernathy, Fred L. Shuttlesworth, S. S. Seay, Sr., and J. E. Lowery, Petitioners, the New York Times Company, a Corporation, V. L. B. Sullivan, Respondent. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 40 (12/29/1962) Petitioners submit this reply brief (a) to correct major misstatements and distortions of the Record, and of the applicable law, which permeate respondent's opposing brief; and (b) to point... 1962 Briefs    
  Philanz Oldsmobile, Inc. 137 NLRB No. 103, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 3-CA-1613 (6/26/1962)   1962 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Prince Hall Grand Lodge V. National Grand Lodge 37 Pa. D. & C.2d 65, Court of Common Pleas of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County (1/1/1962) These two actions in equity were consolidated for trial before the writer of this adjudication. Although the two complaints are not identical, the relief sought in each is of the same character. In each complaint plaintiffs pray that defendants be enjoined from identifying and representing themselves as belonging to the Masonic Order, or as being... 1962 Cases    
  Prince Hall Grand Lodge V. National Grand Lodge 37 Pa. D. & C.2d 65, Court of Common Pleas of Pennsylvania, (1/1/1962) These two actions in equity were consolidated for trial before the writer of this adjudication. Although the two complaints are not identical, the relief sought in each is of the same... 1962 Trial Court Orders    
Ralph F. Fuchs Principles, Politics, and Fundamental Law. By Herbertwechsler. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1961. Pp. Xvi, 171. $4.25 75 Harvard Law Review 1037 (March, 1962) This collection of essays on American constitutional law brings together several leading contributions to the field by a distinguished contemporary practitioner and student of the subject. Despite the diversity of their topics, their content is interrelated. The method of constitutional adjudication which the author advocates in the first paper,... 1962 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Public Affairs Associates, Inc. V. Rickover 369 U.S. 111, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 55, 36 (3/5/1962) Action by publisher for declaratory judgment as to its right to publish, to undefined extent, uncopyrighted speeches given by defendant, a vice admiral in the Navy. The United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 177 F.Supp. 601, dismissed the complaint on the merits and the plaintiff appealed. The United States Court of Appeals for... 1962 Cases    
  Rev. B. C. Siewert S.C.A.G (3/19/1962)   1962 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Rollins V. Postlewait 358 S.W.2d 828, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 1, Docket Number 49049 (7/16/1962) Action for wrongful death of a child run over by defendant's truck. From a judgment of the Circuit Court, Jackson County, John R. James, J., in favor of the defendant, the plaintiffs appealed. The Supreme Court, Coil, C., held that the verdict for the defendant was not contrary to physical facts, that there was no error in the instructions, and no... 1962 Cases    
  Sanders V. Gray 203 F.Supp. 158, United States District Court N.D. Georgia, Docket Number CIV. 7872 (4/28/1962) Action by elector of state, qualified to vote in primary and general elections in most populous county, for declaratory and injunctive relief, brought on allegations that conduct of primary under county unit system resulted in deprivation of his federal constitutional rights. A three-judge District Court, Griffin B. Bell, Circuit Judge, held that... 1962 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Scholle V. Hare 367 Mich. 176, Supreme Court of Michigan, Docket Number 63 (7/18/1962) An original mandamus action was brought in the Supreme Court to challenge the validity of 1952 constitutional amendments establishing state senatorial districts with geographically described boundaries which were not subject to change because of fluctuation in population. The Michigan Supreme Court, 360 Mich. 1, 104 N.W.2d 63, dismissed the... 1962 Cases    
  Schwartz V. State 172 Tex.Crim. 326, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 34194 (3/14/1962) Defendant was convicted of embezzlement. From the judgment of the 38th Judicial District Court, Uvalde County, Roger Thurmond, J., the defendant appealed. The Court of Criminal Appeals, Dice, C., held that a motion to quash the indictment because no women were on the grand jury panel was properly overruled in view of the fact that the defendant was... 1962 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Sewell Mfg. Co. 138 NLRB No. 12, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 10-RC-5016 (8/9/1962)   1962 Administrative Decisions & Guidance   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
Robert Allen Sedler Standing to Assert Constitutional Jus Tertii in the Supreme Court 71 Yale Law Journal 599 (March, 1962) A complex body of precedent has evolved in response to the problem of when the power of judicial review should be exercised. These decisions to permit or deny review derive from two sources of authority. Those constitutional limitations on judicial review embodied in the case and controversy provision of Article III of the Constitution compose the... 1962 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  State ex Rel. Cousin V. Louisiana State Bd. Of Health, Through Rein 138 So.2d 829, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 458 (3/12/1962) Mandamus against the State Board of Health to compel respondent to issue to the petitioner a delayed birth certificate showing him to be white. From a judgment of the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, No. 389592, Division E, Howard J. Taylor, J. issuing an alternative writ of mandamus a devolutive appeal was taken... 1962 Cases    
  State of Ala. V. U.s. 304 F.2d 583, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 19051 (6/1/1962) Suit by United States against State of Alabama and others brought under the Civil Rights Act of 1957 as amended. From an order of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama, Frank M. Johnson, Jr., J., 192 F.Supp. 677, affirmatively ordering registration of specified voters, the state and others appealed. The Court of... 1962 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Brookshire 353 S.W.2d 681, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 2, Docket Number 48488 (1/8/1962) The defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court of Cole County, Sam C. Blair, J., of manslaughter, and he appealed. The Supreme Court held that defendant was not entitled to instruction on defense of his home where decedent had entered without resistance before being shot and that the evidence sustained the conviction. Affirmed. 1962 Cases    
  State V. Collins 242 La. 704, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 45796 (2/19/1962) The defendant was convicted of aggravated rape. From a judgment of the 31st Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson Davis, Minos D. Miller, Jr., J., the defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Fournet, J., held that the indictment was sufficient, that the defendant failed to show that there was any systematic exclusion or inclusion of members... 1962 Cases    
  State V. Fuchs 78 Nev. 63, Supreme Court of Nevada, Docket Number 4426 (2/22/1962) Accused was held to answer in District Court on charge of murder after preliminary hearing and she filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus. From an order of the 8th Judicial District Court, Clark County, George E. Marshall, J., granting the writ, the state appealed. The Supreme Court, Thompson, J., held that the evidence at the preliminary... 1962 Cases    
  State V. Gager 45 Haw. 478, Supreme Court of Hawai'i, Docket Number 4204 (3/30/1962) A prosecution for rape. The Circuit Court, First Circuit, Honolulu County, Allen R. Hawkins, J., entered judgment after the jury had found two of the defendants guilty of attempted rape and had acquitted the other two defendants, and the defendants who were found guilty appealed. The Supreme Court, Wirtz, J., held that evidence sustained... 1962 Cases    
  State V. Petty 1 Conn.Cir.Ct. 574, Circuit Court of Connecticut, Appellate Division, Docket Number CR 6-7090, 6-7091, 6-7092, 6-7093 (12/24/1962) Defendants were tried to the Circuit Court in the Sixth Circuit, Monchun, J., and convicted of disorderly conduct, and they appealed. The Appellate Division of the Circuit Court, Jacobs, J., held that defendants who staged sit-in demonstration by entering common waiting room of real estate firm sharing office space with lawyers and by entering... 1962 Cases    
  State V. Worthy 239 S.C. 449, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 17865 (1/30/1962) The defendant was convicted in the General Sessions Court of Spartanburg County, James Hugh McFaddin, J., of rape, and he appealed. The Supreme Court held that the refusal of the defendant's requested instruction that if the jury found the defendant guilty, the jury could bring back a recommendation of merecy, without any reason at all, was... 1962 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Statement as to Jurisdiction, Lee V. Peek Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 426 (9/10/1962) Appellant, Davis Lee, submits herewith his statement particularly disclosing the basis upon which this court has jurisdiction on appeal to review the final judgment of The Supreme Court of... 1962 Briefs    
  Statement as to the Jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court on Appeal to Review the Judgment or Decree in Question., Spahos V. the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Savannah Beach Beach, Tybee Island, Georgia Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 474 (10/1/1962) The complainants-appellants, having on August 10, 1962, filed their Notice of Appeal, now present this their statement of the basis upon which it is contended that The Supreme Court of the... 1962 Briefs    
  Stock Exchange Regulation of Nonmember Brokers 71 Yale Law Journal 748 (March, 1962) Although the regulation of securities transactions is primarily the responsibility of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the supervision of particular transactions in securities listed on a major stock exchange is the responsibility of the particular exchange. When members of the exchange fail to adhere to just and equitable principles of... 1962 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Succession of Van Baast 140 So.2d 506, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, First Circuit, Docket Number 5297 (3/14/1962) Proceeding on petition in opposition to executor's provisional account which did not include any amount as legacy for opponent. The Twenty-Third Judicial District Court, Parish of Ascension, Clyde V. St. Amant, J., approved the account but reduced last illness expenses to one-half that listed on ground that testator's estate in Holland should bear... 1962 Cases    
  Supreme Court Review of State Findings of Fact in Fourteenth Amendment Cases 14 Stanford Law Review 328 (March, 1962) The United States Supreme Court traditionally has declined to review state court findings of fact. Since this practice no longer is required by statute, its persistence indicates the Court's belief that such self-restraint represents proper appellate behavior and due respect for the autonomy of state courts in a federal system. Yet this judicial... 1962 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
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